Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, p. 6

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/ - sa Xxood Tiling-, i) Push it Along*" i Panta to onlor for $2.00, rotfulur prioo $ 1.00, m twolvo jmUorns, Ttvoad. Pintfl to ordor fot SltJS, regular pripu $1.50, in fcwolvo patterns, Black. ^ Huits'fco'orjbrfor $l.0O,' regular prloo $10.00, Twoeil. to ordor for $1J.OO, rogulur prluo $lt.OO, Twood. liu to ortlor for $Lti.r>0, rogular peace $18.00, Tweed. And ho on right through the entire stock of Tweeds. Varo bound to-soil the go6ds, they are worth every cent "Nhe regular prioo, but do\n to cost they come for W< iaiend thw to ie a SALE o don't; bo the last to place while the stock ia fresh. Our your order, but place it t-'t DETiflLHaTj GOOB8 Are a" in. THE T^lILOIxi. Dunstan Block. LEADING u A) tub trado in all kinda of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. ^ , WINDMILLS j'jWo iire'Solo AgautH in the Couuty^lorJ OfJOliicngo, whioh took lii^lmHt Awa,rdn^at- tlia World'n Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A. written guarantee- with ovnry Outiit,. J. GOUKLA & SONS, ESSEX, ONT v<Vt'l! ' P"'Tr ' ""I"" T n, 'I,/"" Ih' ifcu..*. ^'REE t*Rii.Sfe> "'f* k* WE WISH YOU A and aHAPrTNEW YEAR And afc tho yamo-tiiYio wish to draw your uttorifcion fco our holiday aoloutioh in RiiiufriM, OnrrniiU, Pnirion, -Evapoi'ufcod Ap|)'oHf D.itoa, HVjn, Qmn-^oH, LomotiB, (Joooanutff and Bon Hoih, of all kinrt-i. Our lino of oroolwry in qitifco oxtisnHiyo. Wo liavo an abunil.moo .of Dimior dotb, Van Sotfci, GIuhh Hotfcu, lruit SofctH and WatorSotta.. vV.) luvo alao ]ix4 rouoivad a Tow linos of fancy Oupt1) and SauoorH and a nioo asuot'tnivit of Vuugm. Wo also havo a nioo aHaortmont of Kuiyou, forlcnand HpoonN an.'la nico aolootion of IiiimpH. Wo havo a nico'Ufwnrfcmmifc of fiilvnrwML'o ami (.iuwaw.iro aluo, w ilosiro t,o call your attonfcioo tn tho (aot liiat w.) h-ivo oxton iod our nt^ro and w havo now qnito tin oxpanaivoplaoo of biiHino-jii. Oi:no in and aoo 113, it o-ntii yn nothing to call and hog our goods and ivot.oui' prioim. wo will ri'H j^ivo away our prioort, Corao an I ^ot thorn lor yourself. WILKINS O N, For Groceries and Crockery. X ?$ WKtf. WENTY-FOlW^AlJTHORS. ,'-;, THE TUIOMPH CORN SHKLLEB Thin Maohino cbnsiBta of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iroi, burs, with flcool footh'boitod to tho oyliador ao'as to bo rovprsiblo whon tht tooth hocomo worn on tho front nido, vimniug in a porfornted coneavo iroi riholl, which tho shelled corn pasaoe through into a shoot iron gusn, with n an or cloiinor attached bolow, whicli taltCM nil tho dust /row tho grain. rk\u ilioafioat ."l>0H|;,'inst siniplo anddurublo Powm; Oo\*n holler in usoj 'shelle lorn'^wirfdofci^ clean hi any oondititn rihelling and cleaning from one to.twc . uousaud bushels of earn per-day, according to po\vor, >, OniMBNsioiJH. Pulley, 10 iu. diam- 'iter, <t i.i.facd; Motion, BOO to 80o revolutions per.minute; Woi"hfc, C50 lbs EVERY SHELtER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY & SONS- --ino i'cmi or your hiut vuu tnm km .. you worn ninoty !" And Cnatlton Blappod[ liU fat littlo \*% merrily. "Don't you lenow wlmt tho man-at-arms ayn in Thuckoray'fl bnllud ?" Jneynth-co- plitMl '"Wait till you como to forty yoar.' Well, I have come to forty^ynur," proity" nonrly. I wa thirty-nin tliroo. wqoIch. dgo-r-aitd lo yon know, Cuitllutnn, thurc uro tim whon I'm tired of t'liu whole liuni- OOHH." "Ily .lovo! what would tho jiulgce naya if limy hiifird tiui famouK Clithoruo Juoynch tullcitiK lilcc thin 7" ".My thfiir foll'jw, I'm not famous, nml if I woro, whut'H iho ^nod of being famous til ,thi> price ot liocoinin^ n foHiiil J" * Do-yrm ltiiow," miid (Janllnton, with il prin, "I helieve you in nut ho muahod on Bouniljoily or othor, by Jovo, I do. If you tum-------' jiuforo CuHtloloii had lininlied hiu an- lencu liu hi'Oiiiue iiu'uro thin Jauynth wan not pnying liirn much ivtteniion. In fact, J.'ioynth'ti gazi) iioiaimd to"ha ilireotiMl vury iii'oiitly toward tin; ond of tho garden, and Jucyiith'fi iniini appnurod td ho j^ivin^ no 1iim;H whittovisr to, CaHth:t.ou'ji amublo yar- rulity, So Ca a tin ton, folio winy. Lho din:c- tion of lii fri'-nd'fi rIihum;, kiiw in tho din- LaiK'i* a woiiiiin'n foiin, a form tliat wan fitiiiiliiLi' to him, a form that ho had ahc.uly Kfi;ii that day. . "Ily Jove!" H'lid Casilotnn to himsnlf utiftly. lit; no thnu t.o s:iy mnri, uvn |r> liiinfHilf, tVir .l,i';ynth hail jumped Lu Iti^ font and w;l bidding him fiood-by, "(Had to have me', yrni, liopo to nee you tio.Jii (Lj;n"n." 'PhcHu worn tliu wortinjacynth whh siiyin^, wiih a uontiminn ourirjuuly at .viniaiiini with bin hiiliiuml composure.. Ha slioiik CiiHtlcton warmly by th>i hand, and miivcd away no rapidly that* l:imi'n "Wliy, in)' doar boy, of cuirHu you will; I lia'il stop bori: for uyor no long," wa=i de- livi-u'd lo tiinpty air. "fly iliivi-!" CiiKllctou Naid 'ipain, tlii.i Linn-' alomi, as lit) watched Jiu:yntli'n rapid ndvanoi: in tlm dintction of tbu girl. "Uy Jivo, ho'h MMUL'k, liktj all the lot. Poor devil! I'll slay lion- anil tjivu llim a bint piesdiitly. Oh. poor duvd, p(or th;vil!" And (J:t:uleti)ji'H jidiy fac t;xpro.s.und an much ur.ncbL cuniHiihiiratiitii an iu ruddy plniuu- iiuss |i,!nniti',d, In ilit! uHnniLioM-' .lauyntlij wulkin^ nipid- iy, liiid.m^t tin; yr!. tiiiuMiniled a wido'im** to him, and rjtoppu I nft li-i .ii tipjuul. JI':r faoi? jToinoil M'ouldfil, hu tliouyht, in sititt; ui its erutlmntiiit,' Hinilo. in for want of anything better to miy. "How gravt) you bml;," hIid r;-trutin with j tbiiih of the faiiiiiinr i-ni-iiii audai-ity, aa she looked up into Iuh grave d.trl; fa'-e. "I have aitllietlilitL' lo Hay to yon," sum Jiinyutii. The rem uric wu:i <;nininonphu;e cnnil^h, lMlt he ftjlt iiih vou.'i; fiLlI ,is be smid it, ami lie know by thu sudden dieut in hi.s tacti thai* the blood witu filling hid pule ciMM'lCH. Tliu sound of hiu vniuo evidently imnr.tiiei- eil the ^irl, for she lonltod up at.bim with h .sudden atiii*!., and bor * reply waH quecrly yirlinb-and puzVded. "WlniL in it':" Then, an if alio felt tuul- dtnly uetiHei'.na of a bliin>iui, Or of iiiiex- p-eted Unowledgo, sho tried po add oihel ~\V(<riia: ") intinn, of eourni) I do not undoratund 1 am looking for Honny." "Unniiy i^ qnito Hiifo," 'miid, gravely, "lie i till at erickoC with lliiridd. What 1 have to (lay doe'a concern him though, a little." "(Jimum n .Kiuiny!"" Xhoru wub a ganiiinc uriiooi' Jilnrin in tlio girl'u frnab voice, und bin; looked uii at daoynth with a wiulful i rouble in lur vynn, "Concern Runny! Wiiv, what have you to say about Honey y" ___....._________., - , "{Jan yon givo mo n few momontD?" lui fifiUcil..' "It i^ ijiiioc here." ..nrriii oi your-n, iiomo viuimi of minirnur ii* ,that-hutmiFnaI"gurdou. Hiu heart uocnind lo he boating very faut, iiin oyen were hot, um! Inn lipn dry, and Inn liandn trembled fevrinhly. "biAten !" he uuid, and an ho ypoke bin own voiuo Boundod far away and unfamiliar like the voico of some- shadow . eneimntored in a dru.'tin. "Tjiuton ! I love you with all my heart. Hmdil let mo nay what "He pointed r,o a pathwuy morn oeclndcd Mian i)ns rout, a patliw.iy with a Mimic gaf- den elnnr, a detiuited puibway. . f-" "Sliull we uit here for a minute?" bo an id, and iluiy walked to the runtiu t.eal, ami sat down.Hide by uiclo. ' Ttioi'o wan , n ourioim 1(m>U of alarm hi thu hnxiil-uoloi-od ovoh, put ilaoyiith did not notice it, fot* be wan look' iug downrtrucltig a word upon tho ground witdi bin uliok, and tlie word tlmt liu trnced wiih tho word ho hud mmd but now, tCitmiot. i . **What do you waufc lo say to met" H* ould hear a hard Hiig'in bur voiqo^and. nokinft up IiuDiiWii h'lrdnodH in liut| eyea, uiuIIhh lij)H tremhlttd. ' \ ' .t*\\a liuvii heun vorv good frionda," be boftiih, and falieted. hhocaught him li.p. 4t\Ve hiivu Imeu i,'n<id friiidsi" alio liaid. "IF you wihIi to bo gnoil frirmda any uiot-u yoii will not uuy what It in that you may think of saying >*omo words wliieli will cstrungo ..vor,"' .' , \' \ daoyntb looked ut hnr dcapuirfngly, V^iiuisi^'y lovely b4 ..looke^- ,* * '"TiuaiNd x waiii) vvpx Tin; ground with III4STWJK." I hare got, to say" for who had turned to aim, lmlf-aphoa!iiig, naif to inturruut. hni dnOkratiur. "I daresay you may think it very amlaoioiiH of uie t'i l(v von or, at least, for I could not help loving you,to tell you uu, I know that you beautiful nnougli and good enough t.o ho addretjged by Ijoijem' men Lliaii I. 1 nllould have bee content ^vitll my m-orei b>vo and held my jipaoo. Bin. I^couldn't I couldn't." lb' paused for a inoiuent. She laid her hand on his gently, ai.d ho trembled at her touch. "I am very sorry," ahu began, but lip went on again wildly : ."I'am uot (jnitu u fool. Mon who are not quite (oa]h either nay that I have n groat career before me. I have mado aoinothiug of o. ndnio an it. ii, bltlmugh I nmy ^tili almcal; apeak of myself an u young man. You ahull lie proud of me, indeed, I juoiiiino you that, if you will only let me werve you. Life in all a giuho of. cbancen, but if you will take thin chance, I do not think tlmt . .,,., , you will regret it. Your lover will nob bu itim.- I quite unworthy of your love." "I -am very, ,vory aorry," hIio aatd, (nit you havo naid tho wordH which imuib divide ii'h. I did like you, I do like you vory much, but wd cannnt bo frimda any more.11 "Vou cannot love me," ho naid slowly. "J cannot lovo you and 1 know wo can not bo frienda. You are not thai kind of man. I' would tear vm>r boart to piucev. Bettor one wrouch at onee and lie done with it. And I am not the kind of woman to accept friendship, that I know wna only a maafc for love." "You cannot lovo mo?" ho nuked again monotonoiiHly, lilco a man repeating aumc But formula. "I cannot love you. I havo played wiih my lilo-m my own way, and as I have play ed ho 1 will pay. Now, good-by, I know you too well and trnat you Vm well to iear that you will trouble mo at all. You will go away, I a'.ippoao ?" "Yea," Haiti Jucynth moodily, "I will go avvav." ."I'liank yoii, and good-by." She movetl away, and ho utood thore staring after her until uho diua[ipuarud in- aido the hotel. .Tacynth wiUkod moodly hack 'into tho garden and stared millcnly at the bright Hky. If the autumn day, no warm that ifc might havo been midsummer, had muldonly -cbwngodLo winter, it could .not .huv.oJiH>iujd,. morn dismal to bin i*yon, Ho nliniggi'd hiu nhoiildarH. . *'Ho thaif'a all ovor," ho auid to Immulf bitterly; "you havo playod your Htuko and you havo loin, and now you imuit romomhor that it ia your duty to play tho part of a man and not tho fool." 'I'lirust- ing 'hl bunds Into bin oocket ho began to Williealowly down'tho garden path, fool ing very dull mid duuy, liku a man who, Iiiih bad a heavy fall. Ho was'thinking, or trying to think, of thing** which iuioreqtod him bo deeply once, und whioh now oomud so atrangly unintureflting, whon bin medita tions wore intorrilpted. Ho found Jiimwolf ooufronted by Castloton,who waaoyoiiig him aympathotically. *'01d man," Caatloton, "you aavod ida any ihoro I my y^. ' w ah(] though It Wasn't much just posidh)^1 ,.;;>, Jjng| fmdrivihsh grateful to you ?!' >', 'V>W So* I'd like' to doym Moan," n't do msJjuiy good/' Jaoynth here's nothing the muttr with talk rot, thero> (good fol low/' "TKere'a ' great deal the matter with you, and I can do you good," Cantloton an- wered. *4I can toll you all about that wo manA - ..... ......... CTTAI'TEH HI. ;HY JT. K. TROrXOVE. ' HOW IT RTUIItlsa A COSTKMl'nilAKV* Hut this ftutn ia no i-Ula tuiJ. unlhfiijf Van obiouro It, l>iit Lo uivtoo tnuiiy wdnl. itltoia ii, Jiauuiy Tuyluc Ijord CVstloton, douhtleHK, did not liter* nlly beliiu'u tliat be uonld tell hia frii-nd '"all about" that woman, lint. |mj prolmhiy W4B poHHOMned .with the conviction that when bo xliould havo whut'lio had to nay, tbero would romaiii llttlo tnriro worth tell ing. Wo mnilo with a kind of.fatigued con- tempt at tho Vdiniiable etaanical jr>ko of thu fool, who, wiahing to Midi hl Iiouho carried idiout a brick from it for a peeimcn. We know better how to judjro your bmiim, Itui we are willing to piok off a very Huiidl fiagment of human lile. and to exclaim knowingly, "Louie here, I'll toll you what it, in made ot I" Lord CiiHt|eioii'n well-meant oiler wa not received with gratitude. "What, wiiiiiilii?" growled Jucynth,taking Htir hand nut of IiIh peukoi, to tilt bin hat a little more over hiu eyea.' "Why, Mra. by Jovo, I neare-dy know wha.fc tri call li-*r!" " I'ii.'t'a a gooil beginning," a.dd Jaoynth, imrdeiiioally, "No. no, my dear fellnv.*, I really do know all abinit her; only it'H it'n a little puzzling wbnro to begin," "Why begin?" Th" fat little gent I ernau reddened and frowned. Then bin /.'nod nature, and Ilk fji-iuie of obligation to i be other m-iu, and hiu pity for-iiim (whioh purhnpa, rnndored the H'-u.H'* '.f nhti^aijoti eaHJi*r t,u bear) con* (|Ui-i>'<i i lie momentary irritation. "The tactpiH, Jaoynth," ho iiaid,/'I con- nider it my duty to toll ynu tho atnry of Fenella Ffr-nch. No cue known it bettor thnn I do. Vou may boar it told by a score of man in town, who will be a dou.1 /.-, d you a good hauler on tint girl than I am. I havo no an imoHiry agaiitnt her. poor little fool _ Dune in ilio world. In fact, I rathfti' lilco. lu-r," ' "V'ury gratifying to tho lady; hut - uot of palpitating intercut to inc. (Jood-ny. I think I flhall go for a long Hplll." Siop u motnout, Jaoynth! Uid you uovor liear itf Lady Fiancin Onslow?" ilnuyiii-it turned round nharply and look* ed at mm. "Lidy . Kraneiu Onalow?" bo repeated, putting bis hand to hiu forehead und looking aa though he were trying to recall anmn Itnlf-eiT.iced recollcctiona. ^'I.ndy Kraucia OindoW. She wan a daughter oi Coionol Forteucite Ffrmiob, of fjiiim;in c(Mebrityt and aho marriorl Fran If Omilow when nhe wan only aovontncu, and throe yuaia aftuiward thoy wuro sopurul* tfil." "Ih that tho woman Y' "Tiijiria'l.he wo"ma'n." "Sim looka ifuch a child 1" "1 told j <ui alio wan-married when aho wan nulv seventeen." ' , "IJui h- he i alive V" "V'iMy much ao\ . At leant, lie looked itlivo enongn when 1 saw him about half an hour "Ib-f ia hero V" "Yea Look hero, Jacyuth ; . juat b:t uu tnkt: a iiiru Honmwhuro ; hero, tbia ia a ipliei i-atli, unci------" "Xo ; not theio!" said 'Jaoynth, drawing hack roughly, iu Lord Caatleton laid hih b.uni on biH arm. It .wan ibe pathway win:; e he had just been ^peiikmg witn Fenella. "I don't know why I idiouM iihU-n to you at all. What iIooh it matter ?, \nrhioo yrni can cay will do any u"""l." N- vertbeleSM, he did listen. Whit man won d not. have listened ? That hi; iJomld bi,in:Vij il whon it waa told was iiiiother matter, .f.tcyuth wiifl a clever man, a ni;ni oi bijlliant lalonta aijd rising reputation in hi.1- profeiHion, He had alao certain apecial gittK which wero not ao generally reeugui/.ed, He had a kcon and ahmiKt inMiifive insight into character, and -n steady power of incredulity uu to a vaat pi-onortiun of the atoriea cireulated in tliu "beat .society" on the "best authority." At lirat aight tbi.s mity Boom no veiy ,'^- raordiiiarv power. And pcrlmpH it i.^ not fxtnioniiniiiy, but it iu certainly not com mon. Tin* goH.-dp of tho amukiug mom, the lit lb; tattle of the cluba, penetrate, aa a rine drizzling rain penetratca. ouo'h L-lotiiing, into lho conaciou-HiicfiH of moiit meti. Men may declare that they give no hood in .hat sort of g^aaip ; hut, aa u rule, thciv miihIh are porou.s, ami do not rcdat. it. Wiih perKonn who pride theniBclvcd on knowing tho wot id, credulity ban almoin O'-iiiu ti^ uignify believing, good . of men's neighbors. I Jut .Jaoynth laid often been eynieally'annisnd by tlio childish credulity with wliieli a knot of men at hia club would Hwallow ovil HtnriLMi, intrintiieally. impro- liable, and mipporti d liy no U tie of evidence ihat he w<aild have dared to oiler to the least ciilightem-d < : jurien, merely bcuaUiU the}' wore evil.-For the^e g ntbunen "Uih-w t.l.e world." Somctliin^ he dimly n mom- h-reil hiiiriug of l]n.: .separation wbiei; ;)> t..iki:ti p a'o iiotweun L< rtl "lid Luiy Frai c.- Onslow ; but nothing ele.iny, .lie bad u-.t hved iji their world ; ho did not now live iu it. He had a poor opinion of Lord Cantletou'H int-llect, but in otujf.'Ved him i" e Jiiniik- Ful uu I'.o knew bo* to be, Jiuyntu w;> ipiito capable oi -M-dieViug a utnry agaiiifit a woman, even. i !: :n ilj hjio were youo", iieantifnl, iiui i .. uie. separated from ;.-:( , n .auid, 'and .owm. a - though ho had u'oi (i.-.p/u'iied to be in toy with her. Ho did imt intend to bnai; ; , lanee rm bor behalf. He wan not. given..o Hiich breaking of lancea, for ho. also " ihu world." lint neither was he goinfr to accept Lord Caatletoi/n atatemeiita with the imdoubting fattli that Lord Caatloiou aeeui- edto expect. NovurtholcfiB he luilem-d. "She wiih an only child, you know," f-aid Lord Caidlotoii, hooking.himtiulf on to hia' 'companion'a arm, uo aa to apeak coniideu- til.y in hi ear aw they walked up and down, "idolizod by her father. IIermotl..i died when alio waa amall child, bo hIuj w to lflii. to tiiko pretty nilicli her own way- uvt i ahowaHBix yoava old. t'fronoh got Vom/i-old woman or other to look after her an fiho grow older a kind of duenna, you know. But aa to controlling her it waa a mero farce. Funtdln did- ua hIio plouaod witli tbo colonel, and thu colonel did au ho ploauod with everybody clao, for ho U'lutifTurtor, auil uovor allowed auy .>iem- luir of litB houachold to om^tradlot him al ways with tho one exception, you know; and ao tho end of it wan that every muu, woman, and child about the place.hud to bu Mias'Feuolb/H very humbloaorvant, or bad to/go. She waa thu wildcat littlo beggar; used to go tearing about tbo country on. a Httlo Arab horse aho had./ Onou alio took lb into bor head to rida^to houudu, aud, by A^J IT WAH fWrl'OHlt TO KB A CASK OV LOVH AW iriHTfllOHT." fJeorce, nir.Nho mt flying ovor everything ihuteaui" ill herV'nV and was In at th* death! 'J'hii oulywoman thore; juat think of that ! A child ot liftoon riding to botindl: rpiite almie, for tfe old gloom who uod to\j trot ubmit attor lir could no. more knon up. with bor than if hVI Koimv.mounted on lortoic." i A viaion of tho Ugbt, titri young creature, wth a. wave tloatiug behind hr, tho \4 ryoa abinin^, and he dolij ing like rnijiiH, cmo Jiicynth'rt mind aaie Hi "i known that s;>ni Cnstloton. "Q^Ut Mauler at j.liat tirn, tut; ing tbo country for fcwontj himself ; und aaid he'd n thing liku it. Hovi-ver, ho on her father* and thou l-'frd nfip to the hunting. Ho x[ Btnnd that." 'WfdlV" H.'iid Jaoyith, nHt1 ".Woll, that'a jut a pi>oi way aho wan brough Up. Bui worxu tliinga than tie hunting,] Bight." "What-tliinga?" gnwlod Jacy] inR a dark Hide glance at hia c< round rubbuuid face. "I upon my aoul, [ think tliei all Hummed up in ono'word flirtd ill tho outragoouti, \udaoioua,,' ( littlrt flirts tlmt overwore boinj bothurnlion of nmnktid, I buj Ffn-nch ia about thocqnplotei ' sneerJ drawing down tho cormis of nl "My dear fellow," ah; hugan~^hJ waa iu abort frocka. ^'yij, no dot mttn where aho hotightttr hoops aiu wan in lovo with hnr. 'Mnd,wh.en j gun to grow up it waa a Jcnorad mas] "Not of tho iniioconta, hoVovj torod Jacynth. "Ffrench'a place waa in1 Hamj ijutta out of reach by a djrvnj mouth, although it waa it lon]j And before sho waa aixtej bowled over the whole Riirrifcl tho local cjiemist cxpeotcr) order for prmiaic'iioid tho day '. ment to I< rank Onalow wtm J aid hia fat little lordahip, cKi own wit. "Where did (die meet him J" "At a garriaon ball in PorUi wiih mippnHod to ho u cuao lirat aiglit ttofiular Hoinco anj ncaii, don't you know?" "Oh! aho loved himVWj tWoeU'dUH IH't teeth. . '. "(iotHwiowfi! she Raid si and many him believo it, jwaa dewpuriitely nuiabed." \ (i "Ami ao and ho they ma\ J live hapW ever after." Vej "No, b\('!iorgi! It didV>l For tho liiiV wiir rn- two it wj and cooingV^ They took a Surrey, and gave tliemadven mid doineMit-ftfeuou.___Old to a pent! half hia time tiior* And when TJVnollrA "tiny vral had a fitory that tho colonii wheeling a perambulator aboul and adminiatering a feedini did aeem mi though Pencil* put a good deal of water in Ltic Italiana any. Thoy'luidj tied tln'oc yoara when Cy died tuuldenly. I wait noj the time, -I wan in a wryl i.o ptceca! In fnci, Kir At J since oonfoanod that ho thot uy^tum howovor, that wj inLereyt you. I set ofl" voyago, whioh tlioy $hii chaticn, And, iri point <J ribout for more than a yea] w.m in Japan that I got- h< 'n. pile Sho hud Hometbih .........." with tbo announcing cfyu Olio ! thought. .1 llnv (| 1 Francis Onslow will con And, of couroo, Ffrencl/ 5,; lio b:ul in tho world." L,**-'^ i .'in r in lU> bull "1 hen Lord Froncib aW.hingofir,-.'" jfrom "A very good th/|ow; financial poiuti of vicvLoU tJ duku'n iton ; but I t uulce'H lifib r.on ~" "Can't expeot ti Chicago- or Now "dollars in piga or uol 1 Thut'a reaorv Jaoynth. Lord Cuatloton J " quite HkB thia li.1. - him^eli the Icaal hia runic, Hut dacyhtb'u worda temoaa,' but q Cautloton inwur foim." Ititt wrotqh I Terri lordahip com 'what, aa boin ud criticiam xn 'riator'u mind. of'wl w uomothl not onlyt'ol tpt-rwhioh-i-J'vffl waa , Bbre,'";.y ! .However/:'J 'i-'iiarrativ^VfJ IJiuLwhat;vd . "Woll, th< ia what happi and 'wlioh'Fi" up to town, ynu a glimpjj girl had bc( aomc degroi IpaH w;*y of il 'IT' colonors i dil U 0ttw4 ftud. hia vrifp.,* ought itjwoli adcap sort oJli to leatli,,bec^H9e| cod deal of her v _-'" .'." u. ::>' w ' ' .' ' > 'i- $o bf OOQ tmued.) ,': -v1 ^:'r'/ Wtipk ^^y'-'l-^r^^^m S$$$$ 62

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