Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, p. 5

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tS. D. ANDERSJN 8 Go,, INext to Aberdeen (otof Essox. ' ' ! / '^Monoy t lonn on I'!armMM*(>ti/; NntuHboiijih!! * 'Collimtml; Mouoy to ItJ (Ji/.MortKft;;oii ui feat rittoB ami luuii toi'mtJ / Jlftuoil liaj'aljlo iLt|ii)'it alljprliHjJpa ' i - isuranco Jttents, etc. 7r OF 1 FJtl'DAY, 1 r -IE fOWNjr 1K05. A Munry Chriittman In tho wiah of thu dt'ljor lor nil rotulurn of tllll FilKK IJ|IKHM. 5 lbi. candy yr* conlj af Bmilh'H. China cupti ami imnm'u at linlf pneo Park'n. ut Thu iitoio \vii:d'i\v.'.iav(i a pri-tty linlnlny |rh uutui't-ui^iioiitti fur veiling an d on] or of ifu rln v. -orvieli with appropriato ^;b1)> triaii church on Sab- t ijiplint Clirintmiit* Troo lea.'20. pood eitf.cirtuiimm'iit. flil centf, Tli. jl'Of-MiM-IMl Mi'ri. Ghiut. Whilu [uin'iL ni,|i})(;i- i.f ihi.-ir fricri'ln ut 'h ri'mOo^o this t-vfiiin,^, :40th, -Tuc-nda/, i>--n. 10, a lar^c; J-jii.u;- litiff (loi;, pX>porly of (.'. H. Fuller, iTown, I/foi urn tiihi imitahly r<-- tol oxamimtioini have- bii-n in pro during thtpant tow liayri, and the aro looUii:[ forward tn thu marry tn tllG tmiio holidwt,, F)OP WANP-H at thu 1"ki:k I'ui^h DUiijlitt oE our hulj!-crii)i:i'H may ^naujlvf-/ pfi tli'j opport nnity of piiv. |*ubia:riJ)licm in'Mtjvij or'cordwooil'. f7Gib"nojij\vho ban 1)L'<mi employed its soillitant forjover three y< :irn with ,1. I). Idcruoii tt C<, private* h-.tnhurtt imtiopiMmd lintiuranoc: /iid lomi offko in thu Suott Lit, ita Cln'itt him inadi; Iuh lu.-mlquurU'r:-. IV s:ir thi.1' v<-nr, mid Inn ii .i;>il M t)f to.\ a 'and no !! iun for thu iiji! aro rivettin^ flu; attention tang nd old, [WE- ut- will m of \V. T). lliiiiiium on Sat; W \ilal and 2rtth ii.dt. jin.l pltia^c fthr't crista will hi) ii Jdi.-d for iiMt-pay Rafter tho 111 lit of thin iiv-nth, 2 i i(.-w tif.tiltid on uuthnriLy tlmt. tla,- a), h-.i.'u i\vr.[(U:d In imild a ln^li fin- j)t-tioii. ri\t.'i-, ciiht of \Vini\- aud arc inuoducin^ hills into "for that [Mirpo-'.'. .rdwtlt county clcutiou of a mt:tu- lirtjuent the riding in tin; Com- talto p'lUJt on 'J U!-fciin V ne.M. jtuulidtittii Willuu^l'iby ilJuii.-i.'r- ttutdjH (^lc(lurthyitf). :mtl Iltiiiry tire in the* Held. faillll ClirihllllitH tjlitt:rtillJtTH-nt ol [hbyteriun Sunday' Si.:liool will he Ithti l're.'djyteriun i-hurch on .M(<n- ^iliiiR,. Pec. VL'oo. An (. :ci!t-nt of tnij!i'c, ! iioH ^dtl>: Iiun licen [ii'L-pttiod. h mihtaltii in !.n>iij,: ^roccrji p, Ihnioo iii'QCt-.Yiw, ;;n:ir)i >v Co, ApnootH 15 ootitfl, at Bndih'H, Tho Motliodifit Handay Huhoo! will hold q-cantata on ChrlntmaH nighl. KiiiMHvilln poHtofftoo \viih bursal i/.ud Monday ni^lit, but no bnufcy ohtnimid. I'o all wo wlnh a ini)-i*y (Ihrintman and a prnhpnrouu NnwYnui', (i. K, KwilluV. Cn. ..'....J-)ut-you sfit thf; hi^ display cf lino tuhlo oiitlirry inhoy hpooririi'tiiu.. in l.'ui'lt'u win dow. Mavinlu'H po.itoJ'lii:u tor, at. Htaphiu, wan totally dimroyi d by ilro lnub Hninl-iy. LnimiLiH.ul Jti.OllO. John Ilwrton, lalo landlord at tho Itoyal, who wan rupiiirlcd no' daiiMf'Vniinly ill at Handwich; lian irnpt'oyod,. altliiiUjj;li. bin hoalth ni funm> what. [ nut*. Dr. Mnlvonzifi'H ocllar wan diiLcpmI mi Woilnt'itday nit;lit and a quantity of fruit, 'mid provision ii 'itlnhtn. IW-foru imun i tn; following day (UiiintiLhli! KiMtion had In- oatud tho artiolirH in thu lioiha: oi a family n ani(:fl Kliaw, on Mnida'.oiut Ave. Thuy w urt! not, prouusuted on in;i-Oiinl, of tin ir <x. treiuLi povoi'Ly While Mm. tiv.o. liarlh, ot lIda, wati roturninK from a iioh'hbor'a noiinw on Monday aftomoun, nhn "lipped n.iid full on tho icy iiidov/allc, i;n^t:iinin^ painful bnhi-sn utnl I'orenu^i. It wait at lir.-it IVariul In : lu;^ wan lunkeii, l-ut in arrivul of a pliy- niciiiii, it wait her injtincu, though Hevoru, wore not no miriouii. Stviirul fdui|4)i Imidtt of .Khhox puojilo drove out to thu homo f Mr. Alox. XViUon, on thu towiihno hetweun Mnidutono and Sandwich South on Monday evening, and report having had a v( ry pleanant i)ooia: tiiiu!. Oyntoni and other "cfroHlunentH wi'i'o pjti-l*ik-'ii of, ainl nri:nc. und j'aiiH'M eiif tU't.'.i iiu:d the oonipiiiiy until a latu hour. L-idittt' coats *i2.!MI worth ff 10 00, Sntillm. Wm. Slir.ciinila'r in now pr(;purcd to de liver i n. F>h l,n jui to itny partotlho town, '/Jvn him a call. J dIiii, Ilaltord und Kobt-rt Hiilford d.-- hver*:d at lUiiidatniu) on D\:c. 'Jnd, S7o0 worth of pork, dohn had '11 pij/n, wtd^li- iii/f (l.HPf), and Itobertliinl Jili, which woi^h- ed 7,'--(10, ninkinji a litth; over rdLrlit and , a hli.lf touii, Vrter 'J'l'M'inin hou^ht Lln-m | for A, .'I, Onen, mid tln-y aro alrio holdniL', i l") Miui'0 whin]] Clmy i'Xp-:et will wui^ii : ahtnit ix toua. j Special for thu (.lu'latuiaa trade. fcUlk l hanilkurehirfu at lOo, lnM, liOci and 'iiiu- , Printed hordor hanrlKrtdiir'fn 1c, vorv Mi-o j at oc. lleinhtitched white luindlonrchiof.i only ;ai. Tho liniht dolla in the doiuinion. ; noil thorn. Soo tho hcair :fnl ;,0')dii in' our j wnnlo.iV, i'"]t*<.-. (Iiiii.'lir fi, Nul-', J,1i:jnJ JlaiM- , ipM, i;io. i'hr line'U (jant'ri Tici, jlnvoii, J ,?tc, iipc/oial v,".iin:i. "A, !. Wi^h) tt On. J John .Laii:;^ had a uoiuewhiLt hyely ox J periuuein tho v/eo, urna lioura of Tuonday J r::oriiiii^. lie u'uii driving mio ofth" teiinin j that eoiivtj\ L-i the id( partieti to iU r. ' WiUou's, :n .Maidslono, and nftc-r ri'turn- : in^ to I'ltiHi-x, lia.i hefely lundud liin party I at ih'-ir Ji .nii'M, imi.1 htartcd ta return the | team to.). A, '-'or-f; n hv.'Ty. in turning,' : t!ie conier from 1 Irion Ave. to Talbot s^... ' tin: hornet started to rnn, Mr. lj:tni(.' hold I to the linen, however, and would probably eonti iiih-d tiaan, hut tlicj tracvn iio- Oiime iinliPoJiud, anJ tiie Iiornoh loft tln.- j a]i.diih mid dri^t-i' ujipoyou t.lm lloyal Uottd. ' They ran at.1 tar an. Dr.'H, run- . d'-'Ufe win ii! thuy collided wiih a maplo tree l:iljiii^ one of the niiinialn iiTitantly, ^'J^i^ e play the Santa Glaus 1 '! '. ' *;P./Jtf! "'/' i-'V K1 iiltead o jjjen tlcniiui. IIhm yr-jii* luit ('<din; a liitin .......iiR vencfaJdc old Our CJhristinns fjift to our c.UHtnmci'S comes in tho nhapc oi' a 15 per cent.. discount on wavy Man1.-) Over coat or Suit at $G or over. Every Boy'w Suit or Over- cojit at 3 or over. Every man's Pnnt at ijji2;50 or over. Our low prices go still low er fur the holidays, AhIc tor one of our beauti ful calenders for iSOG, Pi i XMA I Do you want a good Dre'sa at a" low price? VVc are giving Hpecial prices for balance of month. Junt examine our special lines: '. 2 limey 1-Jamlkeiehiefs for 5cj fancy Silk HundkercliiefH lDe^ fancy Nerskties for ladies; farjey Neckties for gents; kdioM*and tfcmtH' ScarllU; Inney Slippers. Other articles cheap for CliristuiaH. LiidioH, if you want a xty.liah Goat we give you the ^ of our entire stock [\>v $2.00, regular valuen from S tc*$*& \Vo are going out of the 'nmn.Ue buaineHH is tho ctiufio offchejj big reductions. A job lot boy OverooatB, jigcd from 6 to 15 years, <^ at $2.99, tho bi^/gest snap ev|4r offered. Other OlotlV equally low pyiceH. , . ) GROCERIES 7 lbH EaiKiiiH 25c; 5 lb Ourrantft. 25c; 1_____ 25c; 8 boxeH matches 25c; 8 <ftans Sardine 25c; 3. cans Torn toes 25c; 3 cans Oorn 26c; our 2oc Tea is a treat to drink. Give it a trial. Special reductions in all lines Groceries dur ing the month . V.... Large variety of Furniture and Pictures free with pur chases. X] Inith, of .Maiilrtniii.', }i.(d Arthur l^foro Mit^i-trato '"(inniau, on charged v/itli iirtHaiilt. Tin- imponed a line oi 51.00 aud rrotihlo a'"oho nvor aomo pro- ^U to Mrs. II. Hopgooil and ; (J[ the ft-.w illVi-HtlliflltH lUli.' , it/c' granted third (.'lassi * I oIoloj ut the Mcjdo! Bobnol *'xl i ,1 m- Bifd.'p^l ri(., Docisoij, rtliinrui'. Mnwbnty.i 1lT .. ,. . ;. J, rilctiorrnui). (.niul.- lotto, bJtie\ ,. . .. Vuihri'i^e; and iMo-H-a T II1 ex. IIuhiiimi nil ,Shnlt^.' A (iroiit ProdiK'tlon A innfvr!ion4]v ureat paper is tho I^tinnly I'lcrald :u;d W. kly Uir oT Alonlreal. Ii i.4 a n'.'Wj-i) '|'i.T, :i iniL^n:iiu*-, a :itookhreod. , idopaedia, a d.tir\inaii'ri.;;uid'-', a liouaehold enmpaniou, Too much eninut he mlJiI in praiso of tin* l-'j'.nnly Her.ilil and. We-!-:Iy .Star. It in a ",ront papor, a *;ri'Ut national euterprme, oredituhii; Oj iln; nov- njni(iur hnidiiCHH, ci't'dituhli* tu the Dominion and liii'Jdy Hat- i.ilaotury tu th.t; Mih:HCrihern, wMo lind itouo tliiLt return im. rneriHH dividi-mhi to' thu Hiibscribor, IImh School Aotos. jien bu .iverameut Iuhpect Icoiintv. wIiLTi! 1 .u,omo lime CotiiiiifiiCf-ineiit e:{(iroi*ioa %vi 11 ho hold in thu llifih School gymnasium tliis after- noon. 'I'he pro^raniino will open with un exiiibitiou of dumb hell work and dub flwiu^ini4at '2:',i(l tilnirp. The public aro cordially invited to attend. School will to-day, reopening at l':!J0 p. in. on Monday, J nuiiry (ith 16U6. lioi* cholera. Hi- , , .. jJ^'Ih mow under con , and tliat wpt"';- . . . t trough t|!0 vmArt-a fl'm th,,t '{UnrUr Rcnited. \oro v"ty mt,eh fiKttU A Poi'i/i.ui Wri:Kl Ainoii'r Canadian . newHpapurn ilm aoifl, ,. . /..,r,-^ i i i,; . oiamlMiu pOHition on- Oupiod by'ThuToroiii . _.. . .' f ii^ii-.,n ii , v toOlobyiH uuivonutllv r aOKNQDrJjr]rti(,(l i J,) ] vulU-d, a-s ii tiflwa df. \ . /ir.,.,,1 i i iMtriluitor it ban no equal, ah a hiulir ot V\ , - rt .Vibnc opinion it e:t- orcmo.) an iniluoico till } , , n.,,,1 * .u .x . V't ih fnlt from one oud of tbc Dom jiori \ . W .,, rt. . , . v.o tho other. The niJitttn . , . , . VtH varied depart !< ,i binmerouil. ijeriul Jntorioo, cuiil^uud eenuif , . , and special artioloe ml , n . . i I . lakuH a moat t-x coil 'int. homo Um.r, imdl.-. 1 . _ ', lui doflorveuly pop. nlonq all parts of th(i <iot * k Saturday pricofi at Swl,. , , , .corn, p. a*, boi iir, Mumpki| . . .. . 'd^t "iio bornuH or mon, 9 bottloH cho oo Pick I ,,_ GlJlt, WANTHX)(-~}for HHl ,, ' worb, in vmall toily. fi| "7nral/7H0 nxu.oflio.. y- I1^.^^kk Make uotu of VntWa *&\ . lV.3 i. inn. it will l>u ,o your :vJ" tW' tW0U1" Tlio Finn-: Par.hH from now to tho ond of dHOfi for 01.00. Forfrenh cnUeu und confectiouary, of ull liiiidH^ulo Shotniialter, thohulccr, It will p-iy you toRuo our oy^rooata for buy'H Sa.Di), men ftH.'IO, G-. E. Smith A' Co, Wo liiivo bai'^ buotii .and uboou, nothiug hut iho best cpjtilitiea kept, G. K. Smith & Go. Holiday Excursions, 1895, XhflAS & NEW YEARS. Single FIrst-Class Fare: Good yoinjr Deo. '21 and 25, rettiryiufj Ueo. 21), 1805, Goini! pec. 31 and Jan. 1, rntnruiriu Jan. 'J, 180(1. Faro and a Third: Gnod i;oiit(; Deo, 21 to Jan, 3, luolQQivp, Good roturnuit! until Jan. 7, 189(1. Special rates for Teachers and Students: Good eointf Deo. 13 to 21, roturniui'Jan. 13.180C. For further partlcularn upply to bA. O. BTrMBRS, font at Urtaex. W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich st. w. Windsor 'sWJW Whitney block, Ensex. X( -#~J *>mmB Minn Happy Smith, of Windsor, in vinit- iiiLl hei' purunta here. lUv. Mr. \\era, of South WnodHloe, wiih in town on Thursday. Mr. Will Church, of Detroit, f-pent Sun- d'iy nndor tho pLirt-iiuVlTanf:..... Dr. A. S. Seott, of Owohho, Iuih boon in town for a few daya thin wcelt. !'.. II. FiVtms of Detroit and formerly of EMjex, oallt-d on frieiuhi hero on Tuenday. Ittjv. A. D Kuiisell, of liOiidon, called en hi*d brother Cnpt. Hutwdl, lien? ttiin woek. Mr. W. A. Dent, of tht! JliHh School Htaff, Hptiiit Sunday with friewU in Toron to. Mr, Thatcher, of Harrow, afient Sunday with hin frioiuT Mr. Ileiuloraon, of tho Medical Ilall. Misfj Ai*dernon who lian boon fpendiiiK tho jiaut two weekH with frienda in Chicago returned on "WedneHday. Mrn< Ida Hieks and daughter, Wliaa Lriua, loft for SValkuvillo on Wednesday, win-re they will reaido in future. MibH K. Youiij,', of Maldon, ia spending a few davHwith her aiator, Misn Bflrhhii, who in attending Hij^li School hero. Mii-s Patrick, of Dotroit aftor Hpondintj a f ow rluyo the ^uont of MrH. J. D, Andor Hon, returned to her homo on Weduoaday. Miiia Buoltly, of WmdHor, was tho f*nont of Miflfl Itiobel Todd at tho ond of hint week, and oovoral of her mtimato friendo had tho ploauuro oT meeting with bor and Hpond- \nt Saturday ovenint; in a moat o joy able man nor. A nutabor ot tlio yotin friooda of Mjhh Edio Gormloy nurprined that younp: lady by yatlu'Wiu: at her homo tho othor oven- itiK, on thu occasion ot hor birthday an- nivdrnary. A very ploanant ovGuhipj'| wqh opout in gamca and other amuuotnouty. I5r. J. W. Brion oxpoota't-o loavo on Sat urday for Now Jorsoy, whom ho in voquirod an il witne'iii in the nutt of a Miii'i Hulao against tho Gontrnl Railway Co., New Joreoy. Dr. Briou profooHionally atfcondad tho yoiinc lady for injarinw rnooivod in tjio accident which briuuu about thlu Hulfc. H*i will bo abstnt for.a few dayn only. is SART' I Every year we gather from far and near a host o pretty and useful things, for gift buyers. Those you ' will like best are likely to be the least expensive and no one will object if you only come to look. 'Tis x.-y a bad idea to buy early Shrewd shoppers usual!' get the best long before Christmas time. Siugera, publla Hpoakorn.uotora, auction- oora, toaohora, preaohorn, and all who are liable to ovor-tox and irritato the yooal orKana, Und, iu Aycr'a' Ohorry Pootorftl,a '. aafo, certain, and tmoudy reliof. A timoly doeo of this proparatlen1 hua prevented tnany a throat trouble. .) Dress G-oods.. There la no more sotiBiblo present than a nico dress pattorn, CawlnnorGS, Plaids, blade Holiola, figured blade Kobda, navy sorgos. Good dross pafcturna from $1.50 up, all wool. Umbrellas. Fine English Umbrellas in natural wood (porfnmod) handles, such as English thorn, ora-n^o and clierry, plain and nilvor mounted from $1.50 to $5. Handkerchiefs. This department is roplete with handkerchiefs in nilk, linen, lawn, embroidored bom stitch,_initial and- plain fancy colored .(c;* rc, 0c, 7a, 8c, 10c. Horn afcituh lawn 7c, 8c, 10c. Horn stiLcli linen, lii-J-o, Mc, 17c, 20cr25o Bilk and linen initial 17c up. Embroidored 0u to. 50o Heal Honiton and Maltose Laco from $\MQ to $5. For the Household. fine Daghoutan Hearth Ruga, Clionille Curtains, Lace Curtains, Linen Tabic Napkins. Linen Table Damask, Linen Table Seta (comprising one cloth and one dozon . napkins,) Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, fine Daraaslc' Towels, etc. Carpet Sweepers- 85 per cent of all'the cai'l?ot-sweepers'Sn-Jihp entire world aro "wsskls. " Thoy havo'tho apprcvaf^f cub-' tomera and naerqhants evorywhoro. boBides bis^olf oany klio now automatic Bwooporotto, wbjsch m porfect broom action and is automatically adjust^ -awsop hard'or soft carpet note this particularly uew idea to RW^op a bare or dull door, an advanti which no other.sweeper has. Kid Gloves. froah stock of lacing Kid Glovosdiroct from makers in cboico shades of browns, tans, reddish browns, greys, and black.* G-entlemen's Perrins' G-loves in Joinville,Elk Tan and Dog_Skm,also lined winter Gloves in Kid, Clotn and Oashmw^ G-ents' Hdkfs. in pute linen, initial and cream brocaded silk. Silk Mufflers from $1. "Fresh four-in-hands, bought specially for Xmas Trade. t -%> MAC DONALD *l I. :'/J. . v ft. ' ,' '1 1' >'

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