Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, p. 3

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w m ,r -X t <F3H^ ESSBX nfr'fcTS PRESS fio Oilier llecSioine i*t> VHOROUcn A3 A V, Y \V^ W^fV Sarsa- A \y 1 -** "'i. Jl 1L-. iis\ O i'*'*-!a Lfc.t(itC3ni:W, uT .: "<.*'II Iva iv/u Dm (or "*' Nil nTll'w Mni'd 1 t.'u1 'Mil- ||| it I h.lA" cv i u-t d . > n -.1 th. in .ill i < m> llnti.)it"h i. I*-! i .'i.l cHi'i'l'iMiiiiiuiy > -muiii-iii \ *i h ii 'iparilU."-- U\: 11. F. .Mi / .U, .do. Ayer * AvrY*a I'lllxfov tlrcr ESSEX 6 Has Just Received i The Finest and besf Assortment of its and Shoes (at ValucTm ) Men's Shoes at/d Oxfords, Ladies" and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, [eapest in the Land, Eqamlno and bo Con- Hncod foryoursolvos. Douglas, l| ol ttm doldoii Hoot, ioy Block - F.ssoy ney to Loan jood prodnotive Furra Property at fi,ife 0 por cout, Htraijjht. altiation Fees. iSfConvoyiuiciug Dono up in Neat Stylo Fire ahd Life, nsuranco. A. E. LOVELACE, ESSEX., ONI ***fc**mnif-m WDERS [SADACHE and NfeuralRia ;, ubo Coated Tonpue. Di7?l- Kidn in tlio Sidu, Constipation, ^Ureatli. to buy oured\ilao very fiuae ro YJIU&> ay Diiua srotussf SBte *c XL Jonoa ? bUBSERyWAN, en, Essex County. touch. Pear, Plum, Apple unci Qulnao IVoqh, Bonus, EvorgrbQ-iH, Bowy BuahaB, Raapboyry, BlaoLoorry and Currant Bnalioa. \ All umt-clua. foorin. Bavo agentH* Big Profits ! and writti for priooa. Wo will cheer fully anawor you by rotum mail. iplendid Apple Trees Al in ovary roupcot, ;i2 PER 100 - $12, '! 1 I CUSTOMS RULINGS V.'hU li Iho Board of AjjibmIs' era Have Recommundod HQM. Mtf. WALLACE KA-TIHES-rflrM- I Jut *r ttif r(ir1rn AirVtMcd 1'it.iiii.rd lElllf ln-"<I 4'olony 111 tUv VjiCiuc-mI tii \ 1'iittirr UluilcR tmd 'i-i'- nl I In* VlMorlu Mt-uTlui'. I'ltMt OUiiuh Www Oldiwa, Dec. fi. Cnntralltir W'ulhifo li.ut nppoMcd th(- MndliiKM nj Uu'Uuiud oi i ii nin.a whicli \U'i'c lf.irhiil dm- ini' ilic ji "stluii lidil lti'it l.u>t luonlli Ihc iiilmrrt aiu an followu : Inni'l>iit.i .> nil tit ( ur.Ll ion, i 1-Lc a roll .Hi > -" I> < car i:irlui, MK pi'jdnj'onle nillU powder,-."ic, ln*t:i liapll thai, ^(i; 'diiKlit aiain silk, coluictl, '-'U; dental i'lii'iLtt'Osi, Ki'nci'atoiH mid K'i" nuirra, ^7 1-- p.c,, lliuiat'n bin in t , ^7 1-^ p.c; l)luwplp"H, ;{."; vuk .uii'/i i of copper, .'JO; vuU*anl7frH of lion, "7 1-1!; Jiicliil hnxr'.'i, plnted, \. Il1 li lined' ."> Ci uls (rich and .'ID p.e.; ditto, .hpL lin ed, .'SI) p.c.; jute cloth, woven in P'lrt solderhi'*, ijT. ; i_-t:i and (ddpn contiLlniiu^ cot- tun yam, dutiuhlc at ftame i'- i. i iiil'ty, hip nr couch ^crewn, 10; li.i. p* and ahiplea and j,rre\v lioo^n and e '."H, .;j J-J, Iciihor U'Kri'nK.H, i otuni Inn d. l!.'i; lottoii e.u.vati umi covera or ea.soa, :L' 1-:;; leuLher nun cusius, U,. p.e., lIuhi- d( lier on lamp lioolta of lion or Htee!, Ji" l-^; illtio, or Inaaa, :io; turn ei <-, ^Miund, 11 <."*; quilt framcK mil ei.i - P iiiei's' fliiinps, :(>; paper lio::e-.( plain, pi In -d on, ornamented or lnliei e. (not i ih h 'diiiK" lioxea rovei o<l by itoin .'-), hoapatoue pneKliur, :- L-L'; ilei'iilc lii'ln, ^"; potato planters, L'O, carhonatu of polash, lid. Mr. i.'inuH Ad.uri'f, chief liiMtrutJtoi < !' KIiTHtim Penitential v, win la tie it\ to d.iy, and lejinrted to Mr. Kiev, he |" ctor ol Penltenll.Liit '-. tin n.-ulL of Ida recent' vlMt of invisll^a ta.ii tn penal limtltutea hi the Pulled Siatt h. The piibona visited by Mi .\d inifi were. amon;,r others, those ol I he :s'e> iJ^Kl.iinl Staton, New Yorl. .'aid Pen Tsyi v'ania. The* informn tlnn thut olduined Mr. Adams will prob- nl-ly utiliao In dtsiirnltUT the Cllemrarry li'dormatory bulldin/?, upon jdana of l.ich liu In now ennrttfed. J'i litknih li.ive been received at the FKhtih'H J^epartincnt asking thut Pie I ri\ Ih'^e of__uiQAUlnc aptiailrur tor Hull Ho in j'in the icr- on Jturllni;tL!i Hay be < out Iniied during the prfM'nt winter. TIk conet-.sfdon wan granted laat year on rcfii'e^entatloaH that It would be <i Krfnt boon to poor peofdc, but a fai a-" the oibceiM of the dep:ii*tnient can a: certain (Ik- privilege waa not utilise1 to any rr^at extent by those for whom It \\ aa intended. Mr, Cost Irhii \\ II! ru.eli a cleeiHlon on the matter la a ft w (bia. I(ev. J-'nther Larombi Is heio to ae- euii' horn the (iu\iininem n snip <>f h-iid la the Northwest to be trail1- fcinu-d Into a settlement, lor ili< li.U1- bi < < (]<. The i y~w\ atli.n wiileh it i In , Intention to establish 'v. Ill he i bou I c miles east ot Pdn.ou,on, on tin ii'-i ill shore ol the .-.i"i:.uche\\a:' Ui\L-r. TliV land will be lt.i;ed fioni i In *!o\ ei'iinient at a yt\.rly it ' Ml. It -is I lie Father's Inteiitlnr . i tti arrange dnrlr,*: libs jaeseot \i-lt for tin* publication of eertui.i U."k's in the Indian tone no, and Ii will < ave Lo-ni^Iu for Tuiuuto In that eoi.- eel Ion. -None of tin- III lt!.sh C( lunilda fief v. Hi t ne.rre In the se .llnp,. b'.i'd'ie^ . aioaK the lliltlsh UoluPinla co,'*t n*\'. : sptin;r. but lastiad ufll be in pert all ' un.ter and proceed din rt tf7 ia-hno' , t-i*a v, lii*i tin H-ii'iiii opi lis on th I 1st of Aumisi. Pi \\ tofor. thi.^e \i. , ^ 1: li'm ; t out <.iil\ in tile v.'lnt r. uid pioet , oin;., as l,:i south a-, ih L'.dii imiiii co ist, fidlmwd tin ^ vi In ids northward. Tins \oyeM li ., ; i the pa? t year or tv o jiiineil al . luM ly tint em u in lativ, lu n- e it -, dl "ie - tnmanee. '"'hi had been cot'ir-, ' In |n t : s ili sp,itehes to menu I b it lie opu.ltlons ol ill. i IltU'e tb et ".I'M be i oiilun d to ! . in iiif; He l in \ t vi i e hn ii 1.-, meoriecl The lie" t la .1 v. ill lit oui i^ u--li.iI Jib. won -i tu j v. In iv mice In.ui half the ml h . st n'1; c i toh \\ ' 11 I > uudei Mood that the tl hi i ' I tv/i r-n leather Whelm and tli en ,d , irt^ of Th. Owl. tin or"" in of tin eua Pni\ ei MU , v. ill be \ . Mid t I" 1* ii' ,i committee in pi : ] i rtii, . i>- An-libi.dioj) Pulianii I. Y< , i 1 li follow I jii, p a, r \' a - en ii.,, I'. Put ?U i in ekui and bv, i ,i, i i i i i 1 i,i i . i .'i :i ' ' Hon, ui>'iii lie > i in. 11 >!)'- ) ' Pit r W'l.i Ian : 1,1 /t ai c la? tiiid R.ther W'li-l in to in vim \v ol (lip I by Ml- P. u d ll y jini tii.i i (. I t ' r,l ji ., ..i i -m"i Hn nts lia\ e he*i mimIo fm- th \ IniM' ,i t ion ol Itii i ha' . i't i i. j| i -i hl'i luti ol mil to pro i d v p h ' Pon ol v. inch ikiIh-i' \,u., , i\i'ii i "i b'l'd iy." \l i h'i i ii )[t i oilt sirel, uim', In hn' in i n cud' : i iiii i ,i. \ \ > ii * ent ini] 'i as-i*'ief UIM', .1. 1 lei p t in i re tu i tb K ic id to npf n an hive11 v Im.I,- i 11 i upon fil tawa. n:-\ Inp; ; h it In the lc;al suit In- withdia ^ n. .ViiM'H IV Cosmos, i \-I'i ii rer i Pi il iL h < '< bun! la, oim' n i >u' i a - MP, his bein .cljuii < il n" i!ii, -n has 1m n sr-nt to an a.->vhini. ""P. 1 j. C >siv<e\ in his eaily u:-: -, on th- !' ellle eo 1.4, \;,'i- know n as ; >.ii n \. I Ham Smith, but '(-(tiled en ;i(L -> ',]> IJe; e hiturc of California i liani.i it; ic nni.u In " He Co nm-'." Oin- lncdred tlious'ind y. l'-n,m irrn" f^VK1^ aie in proic-s ot beiir-r b* '.< ae at the CJo .'ermnent c-it ib i'mIiih m hei The I Vpai tme'il oi P ulu'a":, and Pa: Js \ as notiin d vi :,t( . I.'y ij ,tt P.i J e:ai!ru ; oi.s Can il has been *.lu en in. tlit* si a.ion, The Pocklatid hrareli of the i': Atlantic Pallvny v. I I la- open r l tie ne\t Moiifh'.v. Jud^e Parlir, \V. P. Thorr.e and .1 T. Parley a fh jmt.ition fioia St. Pdie, N.J1, saw the Pojii lanrter- Pen- r,i] t"- dey and un'.cd rb<- < loveinu.enL e> i).'" a ntibfddy of iC.'io \n r tiniunu foi ihr { or*, the <. untltuvi bildae at St. Jolm. Kir Adol.iln in- lornud i hem that as the Ci-naiilai' Vu chic raibvey was operatiu;-; the bild;'--, the jiayiiu nt could only toko the loi, on an annual mail subsidy. Ho cot-i ^ hold out no eiicoura^enrient that tin I: views would be met. Tire Co\ eminent ciuIscih, l'elrel and Dolphin have been laid up at OweT Hound this week for the winter. W. A Cheslcy of Wt. John, N,Ii Iip-^ been appointed teau.or;..y IiiHpcc-lor o: cattlo pens arid hxtuies on I ho aleam- t*i*H leaving HP John this winter. By the death of Senator Murphy in Monti fill to-dvy there are now tea vacant senta in the Senate. A meeting wun held to-nit?lit to take r.tepH to entertain the Hiuiheihuml n" T-ioeomotlvo Knidneu-s, which nieeu* liero np^t Juno. The Ottawa enj.'- uotii'u btdU've In ncPln/r a (jood clncli oh Father Tinic'o fuJiIr_k.___' <'huhIIiiii l<>ii<l B rtitu l*tmh, Buffalo, Doc. fi. Jotioph fUoaU"-, nged iM, well oonntictt'd and educated, ftn hotel olork by occupation,' rulnud by drink, died at tho punltontlnry to-dtiy. jr.- u-fla u nt-Pvi\f.' Oftrail.i. HIIMILK1N INPHXlHi BY; KUBKhKS Htorcn BnruIfirlKfd mi IKiprrdatlons I'ohiiiiIIIi tl .tlktgoKi i:v*'ry Nlfflit-- ~ ~' lloiitfli it Kuii-uiL'u-Jlhlici'A. Uamllton, Pec. a. JJurin^ the URilt Wt.uU ..uveraj atU ::ipta havi Imen nuide at burf<larl/.lne; st^i us, w Idle ulmoat iivi rv ul(;ht sonn- depiedatlon la com mitted, Past nlc'ht Peter per tram's luirdwnro Btoro wan buri.,'lai'l-/.erl1 ami about ?:if wan stolen, entrance having been elVectud by the ceMnr wlndce.v. Aid. Mnri'is' Hour and feed *itoro was also eiUi'ted, but b-\v valuables weV taken, as the buiKhirs W'i'i' scared away. The nmiamil nnrubor of bnr- Khtries la attrlhntid by sonio to tin* fact that thero are uinuy ntniiwe men In the city workliu; on the railway. Owlnir to thu fact that F. Itowlln Ih oniruKotl in tho biiVlneis of killing old hoisea and prcparlnp, the moat for the consumption of Kuropeami and the. Jocular statements of members of the Hoard of Health that Haumitfes nit: made of hnrnoMcfdi,there has been a no- tlceahte falling off In the consumption of Hiiut'iitfCH In the city during the paot fuw days, and sausaKC mamifac- turors are comrlainini; of the errose- nuii iivtpruHfjion that has pone abroad. Mr. IIowllK, while an advocate of horse me/t for fond, says no homo moat tlt/ds lis way into Canadian homes, n't leant no far as his factory la concerned. uirs. uiiits ii<niini* Now llie i i-iixvii Un\ I tin Ulilit tn Vntft'Vil ror a test faie rv 4'lirUtilui Hetfnct*, Toronto, Doc. 0. Judfve Falcon- brldKO yesterday morniiiK order ed the acquittal* of Mru. Ueora, the Christian Helen11st, chawed with manslaughter, In connection with the death of the child Percy Beak. Ills Lordf-hlp directed the discharijo of the prisoner without a.<;klnir the counsel to address the Jury. Ills Lordship held that the prisoner had not undertaken to do an unlawful act, and had done nothing to hasten the (bath of the child, In' fact, tihe had done nothln/j. and It waa difficult for him to ftcc how one could abet the crime of another when that crime consisted nieiely In dolnu notldni?. The Judge's decision In the I Jeers cafe Kives the Crown the rlpfht to pro ceed [IKS Inst the acquitted woman with a view fo jjcttlnn; a tout enao on the subject of Chrii-tlan Science. It is rpiltc possible that detective Wag- son, oillecr of the Ontario Society of Physicians and Surgeons, will proceed apslnst Airs. Peers under the old laws of the I0ne;]iF>h Code, which wore for mulated for the purpose of' putting down the alleged black art and witch craft practised by the gypsies. If such action lo taken, Mr. IJ. Ii. Osier. Q.C., will be retnlned to prosecute It la claimed that the old Kypfly laws are sufllciently FtrliiKoiit to en tirely end all the charlatanry of Chris tian Science, and If the Canadian courts should admit them Into tlio recognized laws of the country, the whole. "Christ In a" Science system of plunder could be put a stop to. ha.iim;\, ui.wcjn ntui [tii:, Toronto Itii-tncsM Tin-leu a i.oort Ocnl sliriM-a Dp - wr lit Toronto, Dec. fi The failure of Messrs. Sain'-on, .Kennedy <t Company, whohsah- dryi^uods mer chants of this city, was the sole topic of conversation anions the larfe deal ers ol Hit city >v.-ii-rday. AL llrst It was believed that the embarrassment was not .seriou.s, and that hut little time would bullae to place the tlnn on a footing when- its bu>lmsn could continue, hut a.s tin day wore on and the facts connected With the suspen- pension of payment by the tir*n iK-eame mom fienerally known, i. c uue to he regarded as a fact thai the winding up of the busin s- which has grown up with Toronto dining the past de cade would be deemed necessary. when the firm's er< dltors have had an opportunity tn hguio on the state ments, and thu cudiPou of tie- itinain- lng stock, now being prepan d by the eh iks at tin waruhousu, undc r t lie sujiL-rvIslon uf Mi J-'ied Keaiiudy, junior incmbir of the Dim. The extent of tlie l)..bllitiis of Sam son, Kennedy & (Jo j... n.u.urally, dif- ilcult to deteimiae. l)\r>\ tin; head-, of the ilrm are nut in a j o i ion to make any positive : tat. n nt on pie matter, and, as M\, ku d Ken nedy remai ked to a Wm id re- jiresentatlve last night, it would not be possible to di.-eu?s the situa tion with any decree of corree'ncis until alter a meet In ^ of the ci editors, which maj occur to dui ; in the mean time, the gcntlerp-iii added, that all statements to.n king in on tin- /Inn's financial sanding .Me .. bi Ication- and the tales of stn et newsmongers. 1'li;h,i**.^ <iis tctsia:! m* nld tu lie t rrepiuy; Bnlo the EZiinlOi of Ur (.riTinni'i'i. ^(ipiHirifrs un to till- M'illMll tb.31->.|.OI) "Wiunlpi' g, T)i c. .1.- in s,jiitc of all the protestations bv menii c s of tli (Jreen- way Po\einnieiit tliit Pnie will he no backdown or euj. piun-l.-u on tlie : cli'ool ijui ^ ttoa, then- is (u-\ei the e->s a strong and giou'liry it- inc. of disi.-tut among iriends and iLdiu\> eis of tin- (iovi i n- ment. It is felt, hoi-.ovcr, that If the Uoiaan Put'iollc , snuiity would be sat isfied with aiiytlKii,, uiort ot tile old order of things, it would be bettor to compromise and be done with the agi- 1 at ion. Put i\a vet there have been no efforts made by the Komnn Catho lic hierarchy slid the Pro\ Ineial I\Iln- istei.s to nrrlu at a solution, lor the reason, peihaps, Unit each legards the otla-r with susidcion, and both are e- luctant to intik" advances. leading politicians I" re express the opinion that the i, if not the only, way to effect a settlement U for the Fedeiul Parliament to pass a re medial measure sueh as reasonable men of all classes and creeds can ac cept 4'Hii\ its;ni:H^ "au'i3:i!>. The Ihig IhIi Oiliivr-, Vttdli (to- ^puiVlHir lroiih IU-l)it\etI liuoritiiHly. Havana, Dec. D.-Ori JJue. 2, the Sp.inisli columns under the command of (ions. Sii.tuss Wilder and Navairo. numbering J^GO men combined, had an engagement with the- united insurgent forces of Maximo (ionic-u and, Maceo, which have formed a Juncture In ttl- foima, between Paa Villas and Ca- mnguey. Tlie vebeh), who were -1000 strong, lost a large* number of killed and wounded. The Spanish troops captured tho ro- b i camp and pursued tho InRurirQntS to Trllladcros. Special mention la made of the valor ous conduct of the ICngllsh bfllcorH. Lieut. Winston Churchill, son of the km* Lord Randolph Churchill, and Lieut, Panics, who recently joined the Srsnish forcofi In Cuba. llimoiiili-^ Oi-ad. Jackson, Mich., Dec. Ji.' Hon. Ilonry- TIayden died at his rosidenco horo yem- terday. Mr. llaydon was one of tho most conspicuous roiildontu of this city and was a millionaire, 4li\H Kxplrtnloil Kllll Three Men. Dublin, Dec. 5. Thrco Jitt^n wuro klll- od In one of tho streets of- this olty to day by tho oxplonlon of Kas In tho un derground (jas pipes which they woro L_na>l>.| v*V / AVER'S V VIGOR ^\ is**-**8* * Kestores natural color to tho hoir, and also proventa it loUinff out. Mro. II. W. Fenwlck, ol Dltfby, N. 8., uaye : "A little moro than two yours ap;o ..^a rnyh:ur ope boPle liuir w.ii color ii.dl ^wSS out. Ai- i$&$ Lit -tho XI so of of Avcr's Hair Vltfor my rosp'ireil lo its original fcu^'cl fulling n"t. An oai-usioiutl a|>piic;il ion linn since la*pt tho Imir'in ^kkI rendition." Mrs. 11. V. Kps-wic.;, Hif;by, N. S. "I liavo in"] Avor's Ilnlr \ri[?or lor iliree \e;ns, jpid it litis rcstorccl liaiv. whicli M'ii*-. ins! bceoininir tri'tiv, bucl: (o lis coloi-." H. W. JIasktjkiit, Pater-mn, S. .1. DR. J. C. AVER & CO,, LOWELL, MASS., U.S. A.' AvcY'ttimtti cure Sick Ueadache* USEFUL IN ARITHMETIC. 820 rods in n mile* 8 furloncH in a mile, II miloH in it, lunatic fi380 foot in a mile. 17(10 yards in a mile. O'lO aoros in a nqunro milo. 100 squaro rods in an aero. 4 roods in im ncro. S3 yards in a chain. 10 Hcjnnro chains in an ncro. HO' squaro yards m a squaro rod, polo or porch. A gallon of water weighs 10 pounds. A cubic foot of water measures 25 quarts. A cord foot contains 1(1 cubic-foot or juat ^ of n cord. Agninoa~21 Hhillinps. A sovoroi^u=-"20 aUiUingfi. 24A conts iu a nhilliug. . W.firtj} in ono . Long ton 22'10 pounds. A crown ==fj shillings, A pound Avoirdupois- 7000 grains. A pound Troy, or Apoth. -^5700 grains. (Tho grain in theao throo tables is tho samo weight, in converting weights of ono labia to that of anothor. as 24 lbs. Avoir, to lbs. Troy, it is necessary to re duce to grainu, as a grain is tho only weight common to the two tables.) Von Can KEolleve The teatimonialR publttmod in Iwhnlf oi Uocd'ii Buruaparilla. Thoy aro writton by honest puoplo, who havo uctiially found in their own oxperience that Hood's Sarsap- arilhi purilicH iho blood, creates an uppo- tite, Hlrou^thoiiH tho pyetein and abnohito- ly an J portnunuiitly uurott al] diacasos eatiHod byirnpnroor dolioiont blood. Hood's PiIIh for tliti liver unrt howels, act premplh , ciiHy and cffi'i.tively. Holler * Mills* IAMKS NAYbOIt *iiI[ob tnih opportunity 01 annotaiuin m mo potiplo ci tlie Town aun Uouutv of Jaiiiox, that ho lam loriodohul tbeK.'i- fiox Itoilur Mdln lu'conlinj; to pltiuit t)ic*]iiLrod bj It. N. rice, Kt ThnniiiH, ildiI Iiiih uli.o Bocured tho t.m viuuH1 t HomaiT Sthai ham. an oicpori oneoil and tlioiou^hlv enrnnotunt imllor. . Tlmnkine. thn pooiitu of Hid town nnd county for the patioimi e httHtowcn upon hirn rrr tho pai>t, will an n im tut) uiitiHfuutioii Jn tlio futnrn Gristing and Chopping a fjoecialtv. THK l*r-:->THADKB OF KJjOUIt, ri-IKD AND COKNMMAJj KllVV IN STOCK AND HOLD AT ItlGIIT PltlOl'IH. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. sour:; WOODSLISK ;it must be:true For every uernonjaays that m G. SMITH MakoH tho heflt TbirnesB in tho County of Essex. It will pa) you to como to HnnthiWoodsloo to buy your ITarni'HS. BlocItJJHicoiit} to iionejm tliojjcounty, Fino fetook of Horns BhinUoty jnsfc opened out. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Esbox, - Ontairlo. MHR.O. WIIiKINSdN. PltOPHIRTKKBH, haw , boon thoroughly painted and rfiplonishod with iiuw furnllino by thu iirunout propriotor tjahoh haun xn oonnkotion. Firfit-Olaaa Accomodation Gna"ratoail. VV JVJ\ XJuU HiLlonmnu to hamllti ouy Hiu-ay Oaiiadhm Grown Nuviiery Stock. Wo Kimvantoo But In fu.o tlou to vupt-tiiiontiitlvoQ and ciintrminru. Cur nunatHca art) tho hwi/aab hi tho Pouihiion. ovoy 70Q uortiH, No Bubntttufclon lu onlom KxohiHlvo torrltory and llboniltomm to wbolo oi* part tlmo ncontd. Wtito uh 8TONK cV WlCbblNrOTONf, (Hoiul otlloo)Tor*outo, Out, (Tho only mrruuvy in Oaunda iiavla^ taBtiuu orchuriiu.) U-lXva OHUROH DIRECTORY Wbtb(*j>ibt. Dr. Pancoo,- X'aqtor. Btxvioe ovj-y Bau<Iuy at 11 a. m. and 7 ]> lb. Hftbliiit1 8ahool at U:!io ji. m. O. K. Kaylor, Huparltitoi t' JSUt of BOllOOl. KpWOltll l*t>UHUltl>XlLV f IIHtIl)(, Ttl4>H4ay tkv'vuliift utU o'uloak. (toiio.'ftl e'uyta hietitlnii on Tlai]rH(ln.y gvunluj,. Onuiuui titt KiicnfiASo l(o\i. Ihivoily, In nuwbfiut, Ht. 1'iuiln, KunitX. J>l.YU)UH<)'rvIoi) ttyaty Htiuduy at 7 n'uloek, j> in Hunduy Bahool ftt 10 u, m. a'rhiifcv Oliuroh, North HMw Hun day HcjjqoI at 1.4f.i, uu Tlio puhliar aro cor dially hivitod. PUBHSVL'KHUN.-W.M'.lf'loinluu, VtMlnr VJosaoii Hubbiith iLt li a. nn mid 7 .!HJ |>. in Hub Oath Bohool at*J:ltU p. in. rrayor mi otitic ium) Paator'M blblo oUi|i on Tuonilay ut7.^J |> m. Sooinl Union on Wudmrndaviii H.ltp. WApTiaT (Juonon. Jtov.M. P. Oauipholl, 1'ui. tor. Sorvltiou oaoh Hulibiitli nt 11 u. iu, ainl ' p. m. Pmyur moothiK on WuilnosUuy ovonhie atHo'clock. HoatHfruu. All aro corttlidly wol- co-mod, UoUAN Gayiiomo, Vr. O, II. McOo.t I'mitor. Hr?ioi -ivory otlior Humhiy at H.:i0p. m. Hunduy School nt Tip. m. Maisbtohi;, Hi|jh irauui and iierinon at 10.111) a. m., catoohlHm atl) p.m , buptimu ut il p. in., vooiiormuul ijunodioUoii ut 7 p. in. C, K, Ma Gfld. V. V. Salvation Ahmy.-T. II. MoLood, Oaptalu. HniVAtion inuoUnuu on Wnd-iwulay, Thurmlny and Humlay ovohIiikh; l-'roo and lOany, Haturduy ovuniujj and Up m. Huiuluy, IltdlmiHn moothii{ii for ohrlutiann I-'rldny ovuniiiit ahd il u. m. day; Knoo Drill 7 a., m, ovoty &umluy. wulcomo. Hun All uru LECAL. A. WI8M1SK, Harrintor, Pnbllo <fco. Money to Btini Jllook, up-ntah-fi, I'!f H T L. I'KTEHS Parri tf Public Monoy t Btruthern' Hank. Kmiu^ Viontru. imbor, Notiji im. oir*8rDui >, Bollcitor, NotJL' Loan. Ofllco ov< DAItTLKT, Uarrn CliAHKK, UAItTbK tw, oto. Otlloca/Modbury Block, WIikIbc I'rlyato faiidu to Inarf. A, H, OnAiiun.Ii. LAi. A. It. /uiuia:r. y- K, A. P>Aima:i II. A. H1CNKY C. WAVrKKB, b.Ii.H., Attoraoy and Couniiolo"/tafc law, fiollcltor in Cluuicorv, Proctor lu Ailnilralty, Patent Solicitor, witii AtldunonfeIIai(.'h6HCoii|jrouii Ht. !woiit, Dotrolt, (Canadian aluhnii ufiuimit pornonn in tho United BtatoH oolluLtod.) Koforunoom Jmporlal Punk, Kfmox.Ont, J. L.Potom, Ifinq., Parrliitdi-, etc., Kimox, Onfc fi.A. Wfamor, Eq Uarrlntor, ot*., Eiinox, Out MEDICAL. r\ps bhien'a; iltlEN.'" Jim Prion, M. D., Ii. It , il. V, fl., Rraduato of Quoon'n Uiilvomlty, KiriBiiton, mombor of Col- lo|it) of Phymoliuiii mid HurKUOtin.Onturlo, Gmd- nau of Now York. Pont Graduato Mdical Col- loco.------------ J. \V. Prion, U. D., C M., P. T. M. C. ironor Brnduato of Trhiltv Modioul (Jnllojai. Jfnnor araduato of Trinity Univorulty. Jfoaibor of tho Gollofjoof Pnyiifoiaiiafiiid HnriEoona, Out Grad- uato of tJow York. Pout Gradiuito Modical Collo([o. Otilcoovor Kniiox Xtoihoid llidl drnf,' ntoro. Coniailtation roonai, both on ([rmuitl lloor and flrnt flat abovo. Tolcpliono in both ollloo uiul ronldouco. All ciUIh iitlundod to from ofllco, dnii: ntoro, or roiadoiico. Konidonco, Talbot Btrcot, front of fair Krouuda. D" pnonsi-'-jii). Univornitv of Toronto, M. P., Trinity Unlvor HltyM. G. P. H. O., lato of Ht. Bartholouinw'ii lloiipitiil and Moorflold'H Uoyal Ophibahnio HuHpitiil,IJo..dun, hnfdund hpaciHl at^atlon clvou todiHuanoiiof tho ovo.uar, uoiio and throut. OlUao bourn 11 to 12 a in., 1 to JI ami 7 to S p m. Ofllco and roBidonco.uS Ouollottnayo., Windnor, Opiionito Ht. Mary'H Acailniiiy. Tol. 10B. D US. DliWAll A: MoKENZIE. -*-- )-. K. MARRIAQE! LIC J j. oannen, HlahoYdnob Bin., Kb*^v \f BAJinKTT. luor of Manitc *, .VI Cumiidiinlotioi'lR O . J., oto. GBt \v D. PIOAWAM, Iimuiir of MarrlaKo LIoai)B*h<. Inuurauco aout. Nlebt ofllnn at Dwolllilt;. TALBOT bTHKKT, KHHEi UMDERTAKINC- UWjUMMI! dt, Undertaker a'.id Punajt-M* Dftalnr. Goillnfl, liordo nnd faobory mrft froia $-'Uo *jii. MoGroijor, Oi* ARCHITECTS*________ lOIIN A. MAYGOGK, AIiaiHTUOY, &o.. Itooui lOuud lb tfltttiilntf iMrikUnit Wludunr.Onf Phono 1119. SOCIETIES f O. O. I'.-KNTKUPBIHK Lod|(o No U18 1 niootiittvory ThurBdiiy, ovoiiinji at 7.01n OddfolIowH Hall, lu third atoroy Duubtan BJooki Vlnitbi^mimborflof othor loilcoiiwlll rooolvo iratorniil woloomo. J. .fOHNHTON, N. G -^ OHNTItAIi P.NOAMPM10NT, No. 60, uifloUln 0<MfuUow'I2Hll,DuiiuUir Jllook, on th flnt and third Tuundayluoaoh mouth. ViaitorBoor dlttlly roouIviHl. Momborfl ot Bubordhmtp lodg* In thh piWHdlotloii, Invltod to Join. HANNAN, O.I'-.G.P.niljrj.O. ti. (HlfiX Klltlfl BHIGADM. Prlday evi'UliiK. David Wutfuer, ml^iw Parkur, LlonUnarit; SocroOU:y; l-'rudorlck Hyatt, Troauuror. MKWT9 IflV^ Vuhuor/DlUe, runm'v iinTfAi*t no. aw. i. o. v. Vh,itlns brotl\' rn,ibVirUW nrHhi M.J.WiuIo.O.dT*!*0'"' "'... MlGHICANfTENTRArf "The/Ila0aHt Mis Routt." OOINO KAHT TftklnR nffoct May.lOtli.lflOO, Mall Kxp. a.ia. a in. hDrttroitn^--------tlS------6 G0- Wlrulaor .... 7.40 W Pulton..... Mabbitouoc S.0.1 Eihiox..... Woodnloo. . H.'il Itimcomb .. (J.i^S Comhor. . fill? BldL'otown . !M5 Itotinuy.. . J0.17 Ht. Tbouui.H JJ.30 Kxp. a, m. U.-10 10.10 7.2(1 10.33 fi.17 nondon ..... t. Tbomaa... Itoduoy ..."... Uid^otQwn..... ('oinbor..... Kmioomb., .. Woodnloo.. .. Kmiex . . Maldatouo Poltou . ... Windnor... Dotroit.. .. Cr 10.00 OOlXOj WIiIHT. p.m. li! 10 lit) j.:i 107 '.-ti ii.n;j 0.11 u. R0 1.0Q a.m. 11.35 ki.;ii li i:t ti. is 7.10 12.10 12.45 Aecom p.lrt. 440 5M 8.10 B.S0 B10 0.04 711 7.30 hi* a.m. fi.15 0.3C 7.JJ3 BW 0.W) 0.3S" 0.1ft 9 64 10.04 10.1 -i 1C.U0 lfi.BS ' / Amiiei-BtlMirir I^ocnl Xraluu, ih:ht P.A.Dswaii. M.D.C M.,F.T.M.H. Honor Gradu ate Trinity Univorulty. Member <'ollu([o Pliyt ioiftUH and Huiiiooiii., Ont. ItOHidouee, Talbo Rt.IOiii.t. G. McKknzii:. M. D C. ^1., Coronor, Now York l'oitt (iraduata, PoIIow Trmlt* Modical CoMoru. Gnuluuto Trinity Unlvorhitv Ituintlonco: Tidtiot htroet, wont or M 0. It. OlUco hourw 8 to 'I n. m., J to :t and li to H p. iu Odloo in [ruporiitl Bai.l; block ground tloor next to Tborno'fidruK htoro -<fi Tolouhonolu connuctam with otllco and ruoi- dim co, OrdtTB loft at Tliornu'H driic ntoro will hi proniprly attondod to. DENTAL, HP. MAUTIN.D.D.fl.. L. 1). H. Graduate a ni Dontiiitry, Koval CoIIurc of Dontul Sui^'comi, Ontario, and Uuirorflity of Toronto CharRoii.iuodorato, Olllco, over Briou & Cot drue, Btorc. 19-ly VETERINARY^ Wn ItlCUAMDflON, VKVGUINAHY SUIt . OKON, Ilonorurv araduato of Ontario Veterinary folloao, Toionto; mombor of On tario Votorniary Modical Socioty; DiploiaiHt hi Bontiiitry; troatK all diNoaiion of domoutlcatud aniinaln; cattlo dehorned bv tbo latent improved Ijonvitt ohppor Cidhi by tub phono or tolo- (;rapii promptly attended to. Beiildorico, four doom (south of fjHfc mill; olfjeo iu poat ofiico buildini;; Intlrnmry, directly opponltc. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMER S. LAIKD, Provincial Laud Survoyoi and County Kniilntior, I'^hhox Contro, (Jut Olllco, BunHtan Block, upntairn. AUCTIONEERS. p m a. in. G.V) 11.80 H.15 Knit ox l\.'2Z PJ.C1 H.a Kdfinni 11 2h I'i hi \\.:\i I. K A. D K XInB il :i'i lii -M H 8.1 MoG-o(;or 0^0 liiJM H.M Amliorhtbnre i:abt a.m. am. ji.m 7.If. OfiO 0.1U) 7.00 0.40 010 II SI) !l !15 .1.52 0.1H ICiO 4 BO H..-J0 010 l.UO All tralnu aro run on contra! ntnndard time, which Ih Fiixtv mlnutcn idowor than Iltrnqx. tiino. Tor information and niton to colon- Ititii movlud wont apply to John G. bavon, Paa* tiOUKor Afiunt, ht. 1 honian. O. W. Itucfjloii, Gon- oral PauiiouRor and Ticket At'ont, ObiciiKO, 111 orA.O BtiiuerH. Aiioiit. Eimox, L- E. & D. R. Ry. TIMETABLE NO. 18, taldrjf; JunoL'O, IMS. ard Tiruo. Daily except Sunday otfoct Buttirday. Trnlnii run by Fan tarn Starifl- . H9 ci*^ o y. 2 o 'A r m li.20 0.27 yo li. KJ HJ-JNKY promptly attended HI'lDltlCK, Auctiouoor. Snloii #___ . " to. Addroiui South Woort'aioo, t)nt. Pornoim deHiriiif,' to uociuo in( may lento void at tho Fni.r. Phiibh ollloo. tf II UKDKIOK DKINCIjAIK, LIGENHHD-ATJCTIONKEK for tho County of Ki.hux. Bailiff of hlijihtb Bivifiion Court. All Iambi of Par in and otbor Hido'i eonductcd promntly. Baton rea?onablo and fniniiilUid on abdication. Eiuiuiroin may apply at Vy\ D, Boaman'u otllco, or at tho ofllco of IMvibion Comt Glcrk.Mr John Miino JOHN GOItMl-dSY, IjIGIlNSEG AUCTICLWKEB Tor tho County of Ehhox. All kmdii of farm utock Baloii. oto., conducted promptly auaToit nhort notleq, Baton loiiFOi'iiblo PoiBOnn dunirablo to tivim co (talon rriaj 3o no by oiiIUiir at the Vw.v. Pki.hh ofllco or by applying to ' 4 .I.GOBMbEY, P. 0, Box ir.S Kiifiox. Out. Best I'laoo in the world for youtiffincn nuil wouion to boonre a BubIikibb Eduoutlou, lUiortbaud ,oto., Is tbo Dotroib BuhIiicbb Uriivcrflity. De troit, Mlcb BlaHtratorlaAtitfPciia Pi no, Itoloroiaocb ; All Dotrolt. W..P. JE WKIjL. Pmu. P. U. SPBNOKR, Bec'y.; 1TKANK MoCLOBKRY, Maldntono, thlrly- lv uovoii yoarn' oxporitmco an an auotlouoorin thoCmnitv nf Kmiox. Salon oonduotod promptly, vnd on ro'anonablo tornia. Pardon doidrhi,i to fix tho daw for a milo can navo thomiiolvoB u dri70 by callinc at tiro I'msia Pniidfi ollico. Wo havo arraufjod with i.\r, HoOlmikoy and will fix thodatoij foroaloaby tolKraph,outiroly froo of all oliarGo to tho pornon holdiim tbo nalo. AU- dronB Frank MoOioelto v .Maldntono Cronn, Ont, 10b BAKER. 10 ta bll sue THE oldoiit bUHlnona io town. 187(1. Kltatrolanii broad and oakoH of al kfndft. WortdliiBoakoaaapoolaBty. Groaorii>B provinioiifl, flour, food, Halt and pork. Goufoo- tlonory, orookoryplaiiflwaro. Oanuod fruita and voflotableii of all kinds. Good" promptly de Uvorod to all parta of klio towu. J. M. HIOKK, 101-M cAND AND LOAN AGENTS GKOBGM J THOMAS, aanveyanoor, Coia- rolBgionor, lu High Court of JUBtloe: dealer u Real Eotate and MortffnflflH. Monoy to loar. at tbo loweut rata pt intercut. Farma bontfbt iDduld. IneuMOOfl takon iu tlie moat Mliable lompaaioa. Prawingofaeeda. mortiKagen.anfl eapiaa biop-hHt. Ohhtties 'moderate aod.Kll ouhiaesB promptly ^Bd*'to^OaU atjha >!** A \f A M 10 1^00 t> -i? hi no U 55 12 Hi o.wi m io 10.011' 12 C!l 0-17 io.iy l.m oai 1.28 (jf,0 1.40 7.(17 a CD 7.14 2.1'J 7.24 2S0'7.:il ii 0(1 7 12 Ji.lS; 7o2 1.10 B.u 4.HO c.uo fi.lfi ft r/. (1,(1.1 a.iri a 25 0,15 GDIi 7.10 '. M. KTATIONU. 10 1 10 2.1 10.:i2 10 12 10,52 10.B0 11.10 11.21 11.31 11.11 11.52 11 .10 12 01 12 12 BJ.1B 12.22 i?.?r 12.10 V M. H.17 a.ii2 H.<0 a 17 8.52 0 00 0 07 0,12 0 20 0.U1 1'. M A M Pop Walltorv'lo Ar 0 10 Walliorvlllo June. (1 01 . .. Polton . .,S 57 .....I Oldoardlo.....\ti fill . f Paquetto.....IK >I7 , .. McGiafjor ......|H 4^ ..I Now Canaan... iH 40 .. 1 Marnhilold ...\B 21) .a h 6 A Hal row ......t Arnor........ .....KinRBvlllo..... . ... Ituthvon ,...... .. Loanilnpton ... .. .. WliOfttlfy ...... ... rltonwiok ...... ,... Coatnworth ... .....t Glouwocd...... .......Merlin......... f Buxton...... ..... Sanduion ...... . .tCcdarBprinjjH... Blonln-lm Junot'n .....Blenheim .... . .......tWilUo......... Ar Iticjfldtawn Dop H 21 A 11 H CI 7 51 7 40 7 HI 7 ifi 7 10 7 HO fi 52 0 45 0 ID 0 1 II 21 0 20 (1 30 0 00 A.M. A M 11.00 B.-I0 flAS 6,17 5.IH 5 00 l,n:i 4 95 100 3,45 :uk 240 1,51 i,:ia l.ifi 12 Uf) iam iaii 1205 WW n.yo 11.15, 10.1 o io oo P.M. I Flag Stntioufl. Traiini atop only when thiflkr aro paoHcriKorQ otor for thoiio utatloun. Mixed trairm aro at al tlmoo biibjoot to bo cancelled WM WOdLLATT. General Hupovmtandont. Furi/ iture Furniturl Now Ih tho timo it you want a hurp;n^j A lino Stock and well uauortud, and prioj rifjht. Cull and iriBpoot, ib will c( nothing to ^o through and gat Boi;t valuo In tbo cou;;.,y; in ciohm tako uood Jumbor and atove wood. UNDERTAKING AND EMM] a Hpooittlty, Good curririfioB in ftttJ when requirocl and priooft 26 per oci than whod titnea wore qoo\ Will undorsold- by anyone in the budii will pav you for your trouble, aoi what. I state ' no! oorreot. ,,. J. .x2L JtXlC OB UQi ^f-^ > ,,'-.' ' . ' t-.iciii :u. tL'. ,

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