Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 13, 1895, p. 7

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">< $.. ^ ' V / viy THE SS IS. D. ANDERSON ft Co.. BANKEHS, loxt to Aberdeen Hotel Essex. Money to loan on Farmer*'Notoa; Notes bought ar Collected; Money tb loan on Mortgaaea at oweufc rata* and boat tonus. Crafti iasued payable at par at all principal poluti. r|ro Insurance Agents, etc. *$& TALK OF THE TOWN ^ FJUDAY. DECEMBEK U, 1895, Tho Fiibb Pultun from uow to the end of IBM/or J.00. I'loCtlic riumuior has re>npened buniueBU in Ktrnox, in the Btoiiu building, lit, 8ouioy ia making a rub on haudmado it wear, Qg6 hm advt. elaowhoro. iK. A now mlloli cotf, Eju- foetjph RoMuhou, Ewex. foty TroahtlrerM Halo of laudn r*jteiTwilloake i^rdo at SaUtlwiou, (jn TTcdnoBday, Doo^uibor 18th. W. Mark DaCaw ban purohafied tha Hun- Bel) property, corner of Laird Avo. and J miner St. aud will move thereto yhortly. We have a Hpell of genuine wiufcor weather during tbo puot few days, and weather prouuuU prod lot a uovoru win tor rlna hoh Hon. South Knfltix promotion oxamluutloim 'will bo bold on Monday, Tuunday and Wednesday, Dooomber 16th, 17fch aud 18fch Model Bobcol oxatniuatlona will ho on .Monday, JDecorobor Oth. Keep 3 our oya open lot the new'thin^n in holiday jjooda shortly at May'w Ba/iiar. The family of Albert Coubilliou, noar "Wiudior, were pomoued by eatiug bolonqa aauaage made with difieaHud ruoat. One ildis dead, and live othera wero With i&t difficulty Bavutt, Tha Ontorio toll roadu comnafUBion ia in joHflion t hi* woek at Windsor, hearing ovi- lenoo to allow why the toll roads should ho iboIiBhod. Eaflex town imthon'tio* should mane a uoovo in thm matter. Wm, Sheom&ber ia now prepared to do- liver froab bread to auy ytatb of tho tuwn, give hltn a call. The GhriBtiaaa outurtuinmout in con nection with tlw PruBbytorian Sunday School ban boon fixed for Monday voning, J3c^33rd- Ijaafc year'e entortaimoeut was a good one but it ib hoped that thia will be even bettor. The Ladioa' Aid of the Preabytenan church will bold tliuir ar.nuul nalo of fauov artialHa at tho homo of Mni. Dr. MoKoozio on Xueaday tvomug, Deo. 10,1835. Lunoh wjll be aorvod frotu G to 9 o' clock p. m. Admuaion 15 oonta. Mrs. A. J3. Coopor, aeo. For fresh onkoB and oonfuotionary, of all km da no to Bhoumaker, tuohuker, __ Tho charily Booial giyon by the W. 0. T. U. at tho iiomo of Mv, and Mro. 0. J3. Naylor, on WtdneBUay ni^ht, proved quite aucoeaaful, and wuu thoroughly enjoyed by those Who attended. Dr. J. W. Briou till ed tho chair and handled tho program, with uatisfaotion to all, and a fjeimiua boo in) i^oad tamo prevailed, Proouodu about 820 00. Wurodidyou got that now overcoat? Why from M. J. Wilo <t Co., to bu aura. Jjadioi, to kcop your hatidB warm, buy u pair mlk ruita ut Smith'u. >Mayor and MrB. Ddwar'gavd a St, An- drews'a party to a boat of thmr frioudu, of tho 8uotin*h olanH, on Ftiday oigiu Jaat, at thuir (ij)aciouii homo, "Wavorly X*Jaoo". A piOf>raujmoof Scottioh soluotiono lu muaio aud litmturo, togotlior with Highland danoua, pipora, eto., ontortaiuud thu iiututa, who partook of tho immortal ' iiaKgia" bo- foro tijoir departure. Pdulio LnnuiiY. A popular anturtain ipeiit, rnuaical, litorar}, and atblet o, will , bo hold iu tho leading room tbiu (Friday) Venmtf, Deo. O.ootnuionoiiifT fa 8:Q0. Tliu ^ohair will be ncoupiud by tho Mayor, Dr. 7&r7&toH MrB. W. Lalnfi will aot aa uo- sompunit-t.; Tfao people of JSbhox lnive on- joyed theso oiitcrtuiuumnLH in tbs paataud nil no doubt, on Uuu ocouuiou, uhow their fapprcoiatiou of tho cormuittuu'w oJTurta to kttop alivd a hwarty intoreat iu thu woUare of-1Jio library, We lead in low prioau fdr XtfAS IgrooorUni raiuiuu - and ourrantu Co par lb. and ofehdr lina usually clioap, G. E. Smith <ft (Jo. , | off drauu uooda uioana you got thorn luua tliuu actual coni, G-. 13. Hmith it Co Tliu liveuinti Kcooid pava thu i'lHtiui foo'bull Omiit iho folluwlntf woll duHurvod oomplimeut: If ovor u ream duoonrod itu winning,that toam ia J^iun-x thu. fall. Ft/r !ou)f you.t* tbtt httlo inland towu ban busu sending forth an a^rogitioa ot puru gni loatlH'tr hUBtlois tryint; to do itu uurno honor. Otwe in tho VV. J.', a. lijaadx wan J llio 8tu iiual but had to HU-untub to kruatotk, I*Jt Hoaaon lUm** and Windua \fte llod fur Hi-court place in elm P. A. [". and now oomoH iho arown at lint to Ithn Gouilay'a woU coaoliod polu. Wlmn [jiid*or caniiut wiu Kaaca la tho ujx: bcut I for tho oup. 'M, J. WiIo A Co- aro tho olothUra of Es^fci." Try them. fW wh** il- J. Wi|fi < C*. hay* u aay Elegant silk baadkerohlefa 10 osuta saoh at Smith's. The London oity oooncfl hai ratified an -aaraemeat firsntlug a bonna of 9100,000 tor the Grand Trunk in consideration of the railway building their ahopa tbere. Mr. John Bllu, who moved to Manitoba a few yarn ao, has returned to Ecaex to pead the roit of hii days In thia pros perous community. He ia welcomed by many frienda. M. J. Wiftle A Co. have as immense a took of the famoaa Granby Bubbera, all utyloa and bIzob, Geo. WatBon, lot 2(1, oon, 4, Towniihip of lioaheater, will sell a quantity of farm stoak and implements on Thurnday of tia^t r>roj*J(( 3)eo 12. Twelve mtiutha' orodit on all aunm ovorfllO. i'mfiflt hranda corn and loinatoua, H oaua for '26 tiunty, at HiJiilli'ii, Two fancy hnndkorohlofB for !>o. at Smith's, Itov A. h. Bevorloy ia enjoying a voca tion judt now with fiiondH at London, am! ]*owhro, Tho pulpit at St. Paul'a ohuroh will bo oooupied no it Sunday morning aud ovoniug by Kbv, Cnon JohnBontof Wind- uor. Uu will also oouduot Horvioou at Trin ity ahuruh North Itidgo m tho aftoriioon. Call on M. J. WirIo and bo proaentod to Lord aud Lady Abordoon. "Havu you obaurvod," naid a raorohasit to a ouatomor, "tho handaotne udvortmo- mentlhavooo tho fences?" "No," ro- plied tho cuatomor, "out if you will aoud tbo fouoea around to my houneIwill try and read the announci'ment, 1 road tho paporn and I haven't time to #o around roadinu hillhourdH," aud tho moiohaub ortohod bin head. A petition IB Ijoin/I oiroulutod about town, praying for tho loltaao of Coorgo Bourn from the Kiugutou poniteutiary. It will be rfcrnt'iuborod tbah, on a oliartjo of no mo aorioUH jrromilartiioa in ooancotiou with t1>o funds of thu Suitor Snwmc Maohino Co., for whom ho waa agnnt. Soars wan Kivon four yeara in Idu^aton ponitontiary. It Iiaa always bo an oonaidored that floarn waa pretty hardly dealt with, Groat bargains iu clothing, tibooB oto., at Smith'*. Itaiaum aud ourrauts & lbs. 35 ota. at Smltb'H. "Th i paper in uot busted; n owoa tho po oplo 90 000. Tbo pooplo owe it 850,000, oiueily in aubsoriptioiin. It ih tho peoplo who aro busted." Thm m tho subatanoo of a notice pouted on tho office door of a do- fnuot Arizona nowapapor. 'i'ho action ia oharuotonotio of tho atato, but tho Konti- moot oontm'nod thoroiu will bo appreciated in many localities boaatin^; a More oivilised community than la generally ooneodod to the Fur Went. Natural *B baa been found on the farm of McNernoy Bros., near Quiuu, Tilbury J3aBt, and without boring for it eithor. A peculiar hinHing aound waa hoard iaauiug from the jttound, and on making an iuvoaD lyatiou it waa found that a flow of gaa was eaoapinR frouj the hurfaoo. An angar lioJo waa bored on tbo spot and a abort plpo put down, and when a matob waa touohod to jt tho flao quiakly igmtod, and baH booh burninu brightly overy ninoo. AByndioato ivilIjitiliKOtbo tin.I. Tho fiuanoial ducoesa of tho flroraon'a ball laBC Friday ovouiug waa to bokio ex- tout iutorfurod with hy th* rainy woathtr, Thoro waa a good attendance, liowovor, of looal putrono, pod the firo luddieu report a thoroughly good tiruo, A dainty auppor wan norvod at tho Abordt>ou at 13 o'ojoak, after wliioli tho (iueota a^ain rup'orad to Peok'fl Hall and dun ,ed till Uio oarly hours. Whilu tho Brigado did not roll up a vory biK bank uauount, rho ruoiubem onjoyod tbo oveuing. aud aro grateful for tho onoour* a^emont ohown them. Ic waa charged on Saturday boforo P. M. Bartlot at Wmdnor, tlia-t a wook ago Joo Martin and two otbore ontorod a abauty noar Piko Cro^k, oooupiod by Ily. Pronil- lurd and Aroh Lanperauoo and domandod inoitoy on pain of duath, A watah waa no a red out of tho occupants, iuid*ou leaving tho doaporadooB fired two ahota juBt to nuow that tbey had tha shooting irooa, Oflioore C.tmpnu and JaokBon wont out (here and arruntod Maitin, but tho otbora weroout of ai^ht. Satnr lay Martin pleaded that tho whole thing wub a joke. At any rato the watob wan returned aorriedaya ago through anothor party. Maatin waa hailed at $210 aud will appoar agaiu Saturday, LadiovT coatu regular 98 to 913 linos for $?1 tlH, your lant obanoo to saouro a bargain G. IS. Smith A Co. ". Rt'iriHmber tho | off sale at Smith'*, road ad. We have been r^qneatod to again draw tbo attnntjnn of Mi o roaderuof thin paper 'o tho faot that the Salvation Army Hirouyhonfc tho Dominion in now in tho midst or in Hnlf Denial wock Evwry mom- hor (h aotivoly onnagod in hrimaing about a dociiivo victory aa far as financial ro Htilta aro conoornod. To thm end Bpoolal oollaaliono aro boing takon up 'm their opim air and indoor mnotingn; ooilootnra aro nulling from door to door, leaving -luiuiilv printed pamplilotj and appeals; friouda and Moldinraaro avmnd with anlUnt iiitf aardp; hiiiidrcdn of nuat lietTo"buoIcm Imvohnoii diatributcd tliroughopt tho Gaun try, eopoeiallv >it Onhuio. By all thuae methodtf tliu Army cxpoota in rauo fcbo flinown of war, Tho public ahould under- HViii*i that th'J lirmy his opened two more Food and Sbojter c!epot for poor men dntiog the last twelv month a, nnd other like institution* will be opened., Dona tion* oaur ba jirnrj to Iba loaal ofTtem or eolLeovnrli, or xini tb OommtndaBfr Botfth, staJvasiea Tew pie, Tore, HOLIDAYS UW The holiday season is fast crowding upon uh and we would ask What would be Nicer to give a man or boy aa a Christmas gift than otio of our Suits or Overcoats? A Reefer or Ulster With which tho boys are always ho do- lighted, or a largo Ulnter for a man in which he feels so comfortable, would be lasting reminders of the good wishes of parents or frienda. Buy them of tho manufacturers and save tho middleman's profits. OAK,- HALL THE 1-4 oil We 1-4 off all lines Dress Goods,25c up 1-4 off ladies' and gent'b fine shoes 1-4 off gents' long Boots 1-4 off men's and boys' Overcoats 1-4 off men's & boy's Suits Ciothes', 1-4 off soft and'hard Felt Hats 1-4 off Lac^' Curtains In addition to above we have some snaps sucn^^ladies' Coats, regular values $8 tow, choice for 3.33. Boys' and y*. *fS}Sr " coats, job lot, worth $. choice for 2.99. Job lot laT3 ^^0Ilne, Shoes, principally size 4, regular price 2.75 to 3.50, choice for 1.40 Complete stock of fresh Grocer ies for the Xmas trade, prices the lowest. Above cut prices cash only. Pro duce taken for goods at_^r_gular price. Manufacturing Clothiers. W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich st v. Windsor. Whitney block, Essex. Card oi Tlmnlca. Will the frienda of Enaox, aleo tho metn- bora of I 0,0 I*\ and C.O.C.F., acoopt tbo thunka of the nndortiignod for their many aotrt of kiudnoHM toward their aon, tbo late C. Burdiak, during hi lona oiogo of ill n(.'an, and for all the consideration ubown uj at tbo timo of bin doatb. Jaw. S. Burdick, Una. Jam. S. ftuumc*. DOO. 4, 1805. SiLLA Bubpick, Card of TlmukH. Mr. and Men. John Dopgood Jegiro to thank thoir many fneuda iu Kahox and vicinity for tho kind not* and sympathy Hhown in their rooent beroavomont, ou tho donth of thoir only romaining child, Mr*. (Dr.) \. B. Soott, aud to ox preen thoir hoartfolt approoiation of auoh kiudutias. i^QBpticf fully. Jua. H oraoon, Miifl. Jho. Hopoood. Doo. 4, 1895. Boyu'ovor coatn from 6 to 13 years 92,09 worth 95 to 8, G. B. Hmith <t Oo. M.oHaru. Hnntor and OroHoloy, tho ovau. lioIiatH, no frotu IVodorioton, N. B., to Onarlottctown, thonoo to Amhorat aud Haliftix, Hading from tho Nova Saotia capital forBormuda ou January 12lh. Rev. A. L. Bovorloy, while in London thia wook, In purohaaing a lot of now Bibles and3 hymn boouu iauuod by the British and Foreign Bib!* BooUty. Thftso booka will bo on aale at K. L. Bark's jdYJoUy atore, A wiao woman roo&utly ourod hor hua- baud of hm lovo for liquor in a novel way. Ska had reasoned with him, prayed with hitu, all in vain. Bbo told him what a boaotho wasandhowlikoabsaat holookod. Whon ho wad Robor ha didn't ballove it; when ho waa drunk he didn'b oaM, Thnn au Idnantrnok hor, Th next time ho was tonudlin who aallnd in a photographer and had him "take" tho intoxioatod man. Whan the latter wm Hober enough aho ahowod him the ploturo. Whoa ho aaw tho iwolloti faoo, thnj^loodahot oyaa, tho idiotic lour, ho groanod with diHuati and prommol ho'd nuwflr afluin make auoh a ropulaivo ohjoot of hirauolf, The HOLIDAY SHOW X& BSAS7 1 K^-OpciUHt BnfiktiHS. I dealre to anuouuoo to my many old friouda and patroun that I havo ro-opa:jod mv buainona of oilutoiu tallorins!. oto , in EaBoit, awl will b*t found at ntfw quartora in theSlono buiiidiujjH dirootly oppoaifco Oiobel A Bnokor'H atere. Thanking you for tho vorv Hboml patrouuRo aooordod me In the paafc, I be to aohoit a ooatlau anao of the aam, and will aiwaya aim to rive oomplvte iotiafacHoa. The latent ilytos in fattarna alwayo Bhowo. fta*f*ally. Every year we gather from far and near a host of pretty and useful things for gift buyers. Those you will like best are likely to be the least expensive and no one will object if you only come to look. 'Tis not a bad idea to buy early Shrewd shoppers usually get the best long before Christmas time. Dress Goods. Thoro Is uo moro soneiblo proaont than a nioo dress pattern, Cashmeres, Plaids, black moIioIb, figured black Roods, navy sorgoa. Good dreaa patterns from $1.60 up, all wool. Umbrellas. Fine Englicb Umbrellas in natural wood (porftimod) handles, Biioh as English thorn, oranRfl and cherry, plain and mlver mounted from $1.50 to $6. Handkerchiefs. This department is reploto with handkorchfofa in Bilk, linon, lawn, embroidered Lorn etitoh, initial and plain fanoy colored 4o, 5c, (Jo, 7a. 8o, lOo. Hem fltifcoh lawn 7o, 8o, 10o, Horn stitch linon, 12Jo, 14o, 17c, 20o, 25o Bilk and Imon initial 17e up. Bmbroidorod Oo to 50o Eoal Iloniton and Maltoflo Lace from $1 60 to $5. For tlie Household. fine Daghejitan Hearth lings. Chonilln Curtains, liao* Curtains, Linen Table Napkins. Linen Table Damask, liinon Table Sets (aomprisiug one cloth and one doaoa napkins,) Lndch Cloths, Tray Clothd, fine Bawaak Towels, oto, Carpet Sweepers^ 85 per ee*)t of all the carpet sweepers in the entire world are "mastiH." Thoy have the approval 6f oubt-. toracra and meichnnts everywhere, besides bisselswt earty thonew automaiio sweoporefcU, which gives *-- perfoot broom action aud is automatically adjusteol to Bwsop hard or soft carpet note this partieularlx ** * uow idea. to sw^op a bare or dnll door, an advania^ - which no other sweeper ha*. -------- ______t Kid Gloved frbsh Stock of laoiug Kid Glovoediredl from wakerg in choice ahndos of browns, tans, reddish browns, gwya and black. Gentlemen's Perrins' G-loves in JoinviUe,Elk Tan and Dog Skm.jgso lined winter Oloves in Kid, Cloth and-Cashmere. G-ents Hdkfa in pure linen, initial and cream brocaded silk. Silk Mufflers from ,' $1. Thresh stockjnew four-in-hands, bought specially for Xmas ( Trade. I , I __ :>U**mj A s M )

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