Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 13, 1895, p. 4

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".._. : . -' ^WV- j: h&v Scarff Scarff, .IH21S. Xmas. Fruits, Fruits! Xmas. Fruits. o New Select Raisins,' New oleunedi Currants, imported Lemon, Orange and Citron. PedT" The..finest Blue.'Fruit by the box or lb., cooking and table figs, Walnuts, Almonds and Tilbuts. These goods are all new, no old stock. Finest stock ofQandies in town. Try our 25o. Tea. . THE "'jsOSHcJJf I II II "" '".....*" w*a Emox' that they won. For Emm I ho re wore do Btr, evert man played bin position perfectly. Tho Windsor Bword aaya: "Kbhoi forwards oonld nob have paaadd tbeball nore aooaratdly had tlier carried it iutboir^andi" ana _ the Detroit Froi* frees aauft up the play of tbe d of on 86 as "an Grrorleni gme," Hie to be regretted that the Reason ie too far advance! to have a game with tbe wiunhrHof the eastern serioa a.nd many are ol the opinion that thi* time the weak would not los), FINAL V, A. IT. h, STANDIMG. Won Loat Dr. 1'tg. Kanojt.............. 4 0 2 10 Windaor............3 0 MA.A.............2 3 1 ft Wulkorvillo.........,0 0 0 0 '-w-^'*tl-'<ii-yo.w The new prieee which we arc presenting free of charge to our customers t> If not, we in vite you to call at our store and inspect them. We have arranged with a first class artist for a number of three quarter life size Crayon_EortjaitB^)Ltwo-of~Canada^s most distinguish ed people, Lord and Lady Aderdeen, 28x32 in. COUNTY tAJlLiDUSOd. Goods Delivered Promptly FF&GO Press. KRB. 180.1. 2^ mm* .The visible uupply of wheat on this continent haa iuoreaeod 1,683,000 buahali, whioh wan mora than expected,- but there wuh a largo oaali demand in Chicago lout Saturday and tho market cloned 3u higher for t)oeiul)or wheat at Ji8 ft oouta. _ Au ovidouoe of-tbo-Kenorul boaimaBW" proHpority ol the Town of Ekhox ib given in thu o mount of taxes paid buforo Due, lut, this your. Thu oolleotor's roll callb for About $12,000. Oa Nov. HO, more than B7,000 had been paid in. jH0t year a litfalu over 80,000 wan paid in at tho satuu time. _____________________ Tho Ontario JJ*partui6ut of Agriculture ..baa jnt inauod u bulletin entitled "Statin. tioH of Ontario.'1 It uontuinn 24 pa^ea of BtatifltioH com pi ltd from the vario'ui annual report* of tho Bureau of Iudu^tricm, and preaonta facta und tl^urou in regard to oropH, hvoetouk, dairying, loan oompmufca, ehnttul cnorti.'uneu, aiaoaaniant, population, taxfii' and other municipa|litomn, in a notu. paotand readily availublu form. In tho antual mport of tlifl Canadian Bo. pavtraont of lulund Ilnytnua junk mauud thooonaumptioa of flpintu, basr aud to- baoao, pur oapita of tho populutiou uhuwt* a oohaidurabJu reduction. Thu pur oapita "conkurnntiou-of spirits was -GG ^allotm. a^aiuat'74 In 1B94 ; boor, 3 47 gallon*., ajjaniDt Q'26. Tho revonuo por head do- rived from thcuoartioloi win : Ou ipirita, oh bcor, 10 eeota aKainut 20 contu ; on tohaooo, Gl ouutii, npuiuit G8 ooutn. Tko puople of Canada art? oviduntly growing wiucr iu tho proAoatgonoratiou. PENINSULAR ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. ESSFX WOK TIIB FlKAii GAAUSFKOM-TIIK MA. A. BY A SCOU1S OF THBKKTO ONM. Tbe XKfulUw Cup Will Utmt In the "Hub" Int-a VeuMokt. For Thursday. 3Hili. Undo 8am'Htbauk- givin^ tint U, A. A, manap'^medt had billed a tfanjo betwfion tho homo and J3hhoxf sltivcna. Our houio team wuh given olllciul BOtiooof thiit only Wodno'inay uighfc, but not wihlilnf,' to dnmppomt au upponont wiio had ulwayw yivou thoui fair fcroatmont, they fcraHHadund ThmadiLV'naon loft with fchoir b^Hfc availablo toaw to do bittlo with tho mij/hty MiobignnderH. Tho i^umo waa oallod for 3 p. m., and ahortly nftor that tlmo Kofctruo Maroclith of ^eafortb, nailed tho following Hue up, Mounted in elegant Oak and Gilt Frames, eize purchase amountH to $40f This is by far the'handHomeflt premium, we have over seen/We have alfro t;ecured a line of beautiful Photo AlbuniH, iiniBlied in Celluloid, which ve will gi free with purchases of $25 $30. * Your choice free when your We give M.A.A. L. MaDonald W. JunhU'iti W McDonald J. Northwood G. Collin Koukuihoo J. Hooderflon J.Walei O. Nowackij I"1 \'j. Coibi-al It. MoUonaldf Goal Baoku Ualvou Contra' Kiubb Loft J. Fuorth J. M. Short J. B, Goarlay rG. Allison u. Jf). Btottn R. H.Barrolt E. N. LainK Ounntuubara F. Kinc {A. Gonrlay ). Haudcook. Tho luRt iHftue of tho Lot-min^toD Pont contains an itom nlandonni; Uouuty Wr- don Burrott. in u munucr totally unoallnd fof, and wuu doubtlaeu imipireJ by noma potty poraonal flplaim. Tho Wardon iu acoauod of "inocmpotoiioy, oxtrava^anou", and of "wire palhn(j." AU thoao unaoem- ly rotoarka aro mado. without any attempt at jaBtifloation. It io bnotmli, in tho War den's dofonoe, to Buy tliat-Jio-JM -nupportetL: by a majority of tho oouboillora, in hU Aotiona, and is moroly acting under in- atruotioau from tho ouunoil, uuntained by tbo vote of tho majority. Ha was eleoted by tho oouuoil an thoir warden for 189fi and iu fill inn tho pooitiou zoaloualy, with tired it tu himsolf, and kaapiofg a atriot -watohoyor tho mtorouU of th whole flouuty; and itn dollaru to doughnuts that the voto of that part of tho county repre sented at Baudwioh will suntaiu him its bia Botioua duriof; bis tar to of offloo. HlirU School Noifes. JEteauIti of laat week's, examination: Itom I Gaograph^: V Arnold 65, N i3elod53( JDolworefil, M McRao 50. E White 50, E Itiohardaon 49, K Raineu, 49, L WikU 47, E Laing 43, K MilUr 42, M McHni^h 41. ^orrn IK, Latin: B Tutvlllo flV K EotUr fiT W Kniator fa. Tho coinmaticomont xorokia^forj tbiu year will ba hold iu tho Higl^Baii'ool eyna- naniuuj on Friday aftomoon\. Deo. SO, at 2:80 p.m. FoflTKU As Kbhox, Saturdriy, N.ov. SOth, 1805, by. Uov. M, P. Camp- " bell, Mr. -Phtlomon VoHtnr to Mina EhwIo Dennis, both of KflHox. Out,*- An an ettiorecinoy raadibine,. Ayar'a' Cherry Pectoral taken tli [ad of all other remodioi. For the relief and ouro of orcnp, whooptag-oougk, pre fchromt, aad the dautfaroiu pulmodary troahlen io WbUh the yonng are eliabla, it h ltrVftU vM, iMlag jr*pt U> U er#, C'M Etiuex won the toao for tbe flwttitiaethlu nu:tDon and dofondod the won Urn goal with u iriijilit ttdvimtuKo from tbo wind., floo dwrwoii iiiitiulcd a uow ball into good fdot- liull company aud tho Ensex forwards itn- ruediatoly Btaitod towardu tho orient, Northwood kicked' ball into touch. Burrott throw to Cunningham who ratmod to Lai'j who tdiotund voored fioal number ontt, tiuis 50 ueoondu. From the eontre biok a^ain Michigan loi.t to the Km ox hulvou but nothing oamo of tho rush that followed. Now theg.tmo. booarao more genHral, tbo hull i;oin(; pretty well all over the field with perhapH a preferouao for Miohi^uu's end of it. Not lonj* aftor thia in ohveking LuinR North wood's knee again gavo out and lie waa ruplaottd by an old M. A. A, man, J. Stowart. Ou resuming play Ehkox Bciirtd tho hull aud by a oombiuod. runh u^aiu put, tho M. A. A. tfotU iu dan^or. Lainfi Hbot but AXoDouald hnooked tho ball out a short witya, and Cunningham kijkod it through. Howover there wuu no goal umpire and whan the M. A. A. olairn- od au offuide thero was no lo^al authority to dooido, an the reforoe didn't rou it. Xshyup, uu M. A. A. man, however, at Lhfa jiriioture, it'aid bo waa tlio umpira'and ffayo- hiii opinion that it w.iw an off uidu." Tho reforoo, uot beln^ awaro of tho deoontion uphold this opinion. On resuming play, Ehhox woflt on harder than ever, and with the oicoption of ono ruuh, led by Walen, iho Ekhox j;oal waa never in danger, and in a few mind ten more Alox. Gourlay had added another goal tn a well earned hat. On ohauKintf at half timo, Stowart went in goal, but faired no bettor than McDon ald, for iu a few miuutea Ltun^ a^aln iidtclirtd a oounter. Essex now let up a little and played a uteady sure (iino, con. tent bo It*op the M, A. A. from aeorihTg whioii they did, the game ending with a score of throo to nil in favor of tho Oaua- diau team. Hp,w did it happen L Team play did it It iu tho old atory of pirftoverano* and coaoorted aotipo. It waa not the reaulb of a Bpsaiuodio efforti; )c_ w&b the. climax of two-ycam [latioot effort of an untiring oom- mitteo who have ah lnub put at the head of Auuoaiation Football in the weat the beut nil round aud evenly balanood team of playora who havo ever won the wontorn fioriH, honoe it wan no aurpriao that Khaox won this iieaHon. The aoore of thin atno whh largoi than oxpobtod however, bnfc oan bo aoomiuted for from tho faot.that Mioh- itfiin wa weakohod by tho abBanco of Mo- Donald and lim-po of tbe. dyfonao. The aooru of tbo Knaftx (jama wae fl.toY In favor of Bubox aud uioro oorrootly ilhis. tratod tho rulativn iltilt of tho two tm^im. Ah ro pdMonal monrion for tho M. A.'A Jfaolrm'in, MoDouald and Collie of the ,cii- fodBodid tuuali to w*rd otf defeat. Corbet I and McDonald vrorkvd like trojana to win but every efrorb of Mioh'i^ati'M forward a waa broken up hy a combination o( aix defense men who "eombine" their; power* m* If tbi-y wore ferwarda. Tt waa col mutk 1liohi^tt>fMi|iliaifthff taMM m II V I'ho County Coutocll will So Inn it tho VnrltHi* onvrw io Vom r At the Kpooial mcetltifj of tho County Oounoil laut wook, mado noconHary by tho jjruntmfj of a purmanont iujanotion tc cer tain Wiudaoriten, a^iinab proooydln^ with ihoooutoniplntud repaira to tho Bauriwluh' building, a uompromiao between tlie two partioa to the ciuutitirru Waa arrived at, ContrauiorNtiviu, who had uoenrod tbo job of making tbo vepaira and altnratioriu, u(j reed to gu on with tho building of the jjaoUr'a ..ntw _rtaid*-i.oij.ut a cout of 81,GOO. After thiu nottlenient waii made thu aouncil phm^ed into tho county building qiiohtlon. After unumber of the oounoil* lorti had aiiod thoir viuwn, a bydaw wuh put tbioujjh, t'octivod two roadinjfii autho- tiYMMi tbo council to rame by debehturtiu *1(J,000 to compMo thb ^imnrovomouta to thu M""' und court hoiiMi, in addition totho 84,500 tar the juilor'a ronidmioo. Tho tiual puHHiug of tho by-law in left to the in com lug counail, A hyduw authorizing; tho takinc of $4i- 500 from tho gon^rul fundu of tho oumity, wiia-r od three timet! and punutid. Tbo bylaw antheming tho taking of a voto of thu (dootoru at tho January oUotiomt as to whether tho court houHe and tbo county o ilk a a abould bo removed to Wind- eor or Walkerville wan paunod. The offer made ly Windnor and Walkor- villo waa embodied in tho by-law. Walkervillo'H offer waa made hy toU- phone aud Wan to give 1 aoraaof laud tor a titatreo, and jjivo 945,000 osihli, and free water and gan. XVindHor'w offer wua to-givo a fro aTo and to crtot a building to ooitt not leau than 850,000, the county to contribute tfoirmtn-ft than $20,000 aud nine to ttupply free water and litjbtand fuel while the Ontario Ge'a natural #ati holds ont. The bydaw will be advertised for thrtio raontha, Thu e.'eotoraof Winilnor, Walker* *lviilu and I*elfe will tie aliowod to v>te up on tho ohooaing of a Hit*. Mr. Ai^ld exprenao..| nomo objeotionu to lliLyo pluccn yotiuiz. Mr.'Gohte uuid they paid thoir proporiieu of tbo coet of oruoi n a I juBttOO and had an inturefit in the builftiu^H and unruly had a ritdit to voto. Tho toWKuhipti not-having au elootion for couuoillora aro umtructed to tuko a voto on tho by-law at th oxpouite of the county. All deputy rotnrujng oflinoig will be paid 8'J by tho oouuty for tboiroxtra trouble, Mr. Wortloy, Kinex, whoHe tender-was aooepted for tbe oounoy baildin^H, but who refused to go on with the contract had biu $500 depobit roturuod to aim. A upeoial committee waa appointed to ropreuout the county beforo the toll routhi oomrr,UHr;oo whiuh inoetu in Windsor thiu wook. Tbo mooting then adjourno;! aitio die. They are Simply Immense. Last, btit nol IcdbI, wo arc gottir-g out nn illuFlrn'tccI montlily joumul for Cnnndian women, wliid will bi\ upprccintcd hy our ludy r-t^ttmcrp, na it ia a publicntjcn equal in every repptet to^ny oUior lj oithor JSngluh or Arooricuu. "In.fact "fseliicnp," nn its i umo iwriiattc-H, ie tuitJiority on tho latest'si] garments At present vo oro cifering a lurgo rungo oi f-caBonnblc goods at priccH which cannot fail , Yours for Bargains, ES7RAY. LEFT MY FIlEMIAEH, lot 0, cou. 7. about .--thfljniddlo-oflQjtobor. a tinrk rod_BteQr cumlBRtwoy/'aiB old The animal hod qui! of ii(.ht tor cutoff und a nlit out lu left ear. lu- forrautioL loading to lilHieoovery will bo HUlt- ably rewarded. JOlllj WHITNEY, Nov. 18/05 CottamP.0. Harness. EverytbiH^ iu thia line at F. S. AdatnV HauneOR Kuuporiom; ul- eaa foltaupplv of newoat thi orb inBLANBlKTb. ROBES and other winter equipment. Price* the lowni't. Whi|>a, Bruabse, Truuka, Yaliaea, eta. Call audi Bad na. . S. Adams, Talbot Bfc 15-x. To Smokers To meet tho wiuhea of thoir oowtoraere, The. Geo. E. Tuokott A Bon Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont, have plaood upon the tnarkot . ' , A. Oombhiation Pluf of "I & B. ft SMOKING TOBACCO Thin nnpplioa a long felt want, giv-. \r\g the coiiBumer one S30 cont plug, or a 10 cent piece, bra 5 oout piece of tlio fauaoua "X & B" brand o/ pure Virginia Tobacco. ,7b ^W7M,-if-**?:"' DTTITSTAIT BHiOOK:. BSSE2L. NKW-ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAYED. IN TO tbo pwraipoa of the uutUrslpned, lot23 B, U lt.,CojohofcterKovth,ouoritboutNov. 21sti lunt, u bmall yeni-llnt. null, t\utkteil color. The owner ia ri<qti<juU?d toprovo pvopeity, nay obari'oo aud uko bimawuy. VUANOIB BWKKT, Geuto 1'. O, Vuo flrd, IHOfi. STRAYED. CA UK Into my pyemluau, lot 1, con. ft. GondiiUl Hviitli, ou or about Nov. lut luBt. arodyoar- heifur, w\th h..Uttljusdillo.. JJ'Uo. owner iu Hub b . rurtut&tfcd tu xirovo pro^firty tako htir away. pay charttiiH and Doe.-B, IhOli. Ja>IKBMABON, 'ElniJ " ttxii P.O. ADJQUBED TAX SALE. TAKE NOTICE.. That tbo Bale of propartioo in tho Town of EhHex h'tbio to bo sold for'taxes, bad bten udjoumod for uno wook, and will be sold on Wednesday, Dec. II, 1895- W. D. BE4.1UN, Treasurer Town of Eauox. MORTGAGE SALE. OS* VArUABLK BEAT) KflTATK IN THH 1'ownnbiit of Ooloboator Bouth, in tbe County of Ktir-ex, uudor powor of Bidu oontain- cfl in a cottuln iof(IU'ro(I mortoutj*' mado by Horbert JiiUbh to tho vendors, wdl bo Hold by public anotk'M. nt Qulok'a Hotol iu thu village of Harrow, on' Weduoauay, DECEMBER II A, D. 1895 at 1:80 o oluolt p. or, the following fraebold property, nuuioly: Tbo weat qwurtor of.4ot No U, lu tbo 4th.eon. of tbo mid 'Jowunlilp of Cot- cbi'atcr South. All oleurod and In a |<ood *tato nf eultivation aud well feuoad, with exoellent drnlmifjo. Tho noil 1b a olay loam, and tbo ImlltllnfjH tti-u a fiame boa bo 18x!il,ldtonon 13x10 16(( Kay hnrn end log ntftblo. About ono aero of orchard. Thit) jiropertv la au onocllont looality and illHtaut from Uatrow about 4 mHoa. TRM^ and oondltloun: Ono tenth of tb pnr- ebane wenoy to bo paid down, Turlbor par- tloularewill no made known at time of Bale or may bo ascertained on applloatlon to Great Clearing Sale For November and December. , Fall'"Goods Cheaper than the Cheapen DRESS-GOODS Black boliel wortli 90c for 66c; Chevron Suitings worth 41 for 25c; wool Serges *worth 40c all shades; storm serges wortl 40c for, 25c; enow Hake Tweeds 42c lor 30c; our 85c line ol plaids lor 25c; Henrietta-worth 50c for 87c; Tweedsiothid foreign and Canadian makes awny down below all, Havinp bought a lot oi panting at a very low price we are giving tin public the benefit, worth $7 for $5 and "$6.60, made to order. Call and see before purchasing. - READY-MADE CLOTHING -^ Overcoats worth $8 and $9 for $5.75 Men's suits worth 9 00 and 10 00 for 6 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 " 12 tO 15 00 10 00 Shirtings heavy makes for 10c yard ' HATS AND CAPS Hats worth 1 50 and *2> 00 ior 25c and 50c. This is genuine. Caps worth 75c and 1 00 for 60o and as low as 25c. GLOVES 50o, 60c, 76c, 1 00 all worth 15 per cent more- Underwear from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c, BOOTS and SHOJSS)-\e bundle nothing but the ber goods at the lowest prioea ^Ladies' kid worth 2 00 for 1 26; 2 50 for 1 40,-'--Lotfg Boots always the cheapeet. cail and see for youi selves and we will convince you that this is th^ cheapest place in the west Groceries fresh and the cheapest* 49-21 ALBERT O. JBFFKHY, Voudora' Solicitor; liondon* Vance's Old Stand, 11. F11ICI t This Wave Will ufc befeU half bo tnuok - - the bopae if youwill-uao tho - m. LYON'S FUEL SAVER and HEAT RADIATOR! * SAVES-40 PER CENT. OF ^PVEt. It ealoboa tl\o heat tnat otborwitie ilocB out doors tliron^h tbo. obira- 4 nay, io builtouBoionfcitioprinciples, aud only needajtobo aeon tobt. uu*. derntood. and appreoiatod, Priote ouly 84 to 95. Will auvo it3 opat inj h tW weeks. IWtile p alt at Oevlay'a ?om<ir^.> No Snaps but Real. Value for yo Money. __ ^k '.{ ^. *m Greater Bargains in useful and ornamental Furniture in Essex county's history. , We are the price makers for all dealers in the county* .y A^sdlid polished Oak Rocker, spring seat, $2.50. -,[ , ,^3 ,. - _ 50ft.Wcy Rockors-andn-Setting Chairs, of many designs,:;-^ and thousands of other useful articles at factory prices, y '^ Remember a car load of Furniture comparatively to oufy ,^ stock is like paying 20c on a dollaf for,your goods. , We'-have'train loads for which we pay 100 cents > on the,; \^ dollar, with large cash discounts, which enables us to sell ajiy^|' factory prices. --. :\^4.-ml Our .Holiday Goods are of tbe best in the'.mafkdt, ' /: \-$M ........J$^ Opposite I Orawfofd House, Who live nj>on tlteiT-M^^'^^i^6i^M^ |jS.ftttd^t.Satn4wi^ ; |?i,_ (Ty.^^^^w^wgi 1603

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