' .MON'S *pa toe Fresh Groceries, pT|pDB, Ts*, Coffeos lil ' And Spices.' hnee hi-Grpokcryv VOt)i XI, No 49 ESSEX, ONI.___EfitDA" J i TI*E ^ There ia no sentiment in 1 business. We waafe your tradft, but not unless we oan serve you as well or befcer than others you to be the judge. All we desire ia a fair comparison, and a trial pur chase. Your money baok if unsatisfactory* We are es pecially strong in the Shoe Business . at. present* We bought heav- iv.ily before the recent raise in |,v prices andean save you moii1 ey. " None kept but the best makers' goods, bought direct from the factories' We do notallow any misrepresenta tions to effect >a sale. Sheep- akin is nob called Dongola here nor doeg EiifF parade as SVelich caif. SPECIAL SHOE SALE. Ladies' solid glove grain but- tan and lace Shoes, sewed and 'standard, screw soles at $1 pr, Lidics* fine Dongola kid ijutton Shoes patent tips $1. Ladies' heavy grain laced Shoos $1.' Ludies* fine Imperial kid buttoned Shoes, tipped $J.75 " '. Men's-heavy laced Shoes f-rMetrafine dongola Gaiters ' '.. /new goods, all sizee, $1 sizes $1 25 pair. Men's extra heavy grain Bluchers,' bellows tongue, riv eted aides,-heavy soles, three "~ ^wH of pegs, special value at [.2*5 pair, fin's long Boots full 17-in made by best makers in [id a and warranted, $2.60 [eii\i fine Milwaukee grain her, long boots full' leg, ! Jit torn, warranted water If -3.50 liillren's strong' laced Is, pegged, 60c pair hi Wren's oil grain button ice shoes, 76c f _.;v&'fr.'3torej'biggest stock bi^.iK'fe .values in Dry Goods, Groc rio? jyiothing, Mantles and Millinery. Iifih; si price paid for farm ;100 dozen home made Socks Iwantcl.. NORTH JUDGE. . Tint following lut'or ih writtun by au os- tooniud Htibtiorib'ir of the Fitnc l'nuas and not by tlid rtular correspondent: EtllTOllFnKB 1*THS( I)bah Hisi MeUphorioally speakiuK, 1 iim after ih*) Editor with a club. Your IVitKB Prxhb hrut deli^htou* mo with tliu Improvements uud eicelloijoioa I liavo not time to enumerate, but the last ihhuo oontalued an urtiulo that aroused indig nation. I rofor to tho hint item of North Uidgu news. Tho.ludy slaruhited is on*> of pur bestaitissuuij, Mm, Gumtniford. You can not find a more kindly, pure-minded, Ohru-- tian woman in thin vioinity thun Hue, and (o havo the Prss ahuno hor iu that man- not IB OUtftlfJGOUH. I have known hor for more than thirty years and never hoard anything agalnat her Sue Is a nouiul person, and, it ih trim that,alio frequently csIIh on her unar neighbors but-she is a most welcome vis- itor, and wo aro always glad to sou hor. 1 behove your correspondent is tho only. enemy she hah, uud Hho gained bin ill wilj over a matter no trifling that no aeiiHiblo portion would have noticed it. If (iv4'ry oirknk auu mtvo bin putty, spito aired In print no one in safe. Snoh pooplo do nothing to build up nooiocy but are over ready to injure tlio roputation of any who may incur thoir displousuro. When wo think of an. inoffensive old lady of Hovonty.flvo years,.who ban boon a couHtBtunt Ohrlntian and wIiomo lifu uhu been npuiit horo whero nho la no woll kmwu, having lier feeling hurt iu chin mannor by a narrow-minded nobody, wo. oanuob ro- /ruin from Hpcukiu/j in hor dofonoo; 6ho Iiuh u. wide olrolu of ralativoB and frivndu who will no doubt reaonb the ac- ouuation. [Tin* Fjibk Piikbb roKrotn very much that it nliQuld liavo boon mado the medium through which any porwonhiiH vuntod any tittlo perHoual spito ?r nploan that bo way have uunocoHBirily poaaoasod bioiHolf of' TIjih puper Iiuh friquontly war nod itu oor- ronpuudtntHtbut tiuob matter a aro notnowfl and inturoiib nobody oxcapt the writer thereof. Xho itoaj oomplainod of wuh writtun in nuuli goooral torms that it paus ed the editor's hotico without Himpiciou. othurwiho it would have hoi pod oatm/y th* oapaciouB riniw of tbo office waHte banket- It ih hopod nuoh offoneo will not bo ropoat- od, and that our oorroapoudont will have Vnoro flonniduration for tlio objeoti oE liin Dulilioqulda. Ed, Fhkk Phkob ] GBUTO. Mibb Loan Ke&ue wh* ban ben learning tha drftBBmaking with Mn. J. O. Sloan at Ktsax town, Una oa tuple tod her approntio*. hip and is now a full fledged drew makir. BOUTU WOODSLMB. Mr. A. J Green, of Eaeex, has loot from tbia atatlou thiu fall, aboat nine oar- load of pork, What about tbo'ffriiit mill 7 Mr. Mur ray naya ho Will u ahead with it. Mr. AyertJ,' (jave a splendid sermon) on Sunday pvenin^. , . A fow months tto, in your paper I Htatod thut lioutb Woodulee was in great tiflort of a warohouHt), aMo a ^riab mitl, we low havp the warohoUKB, and ovary pros- pat of a tfrinfc mill. If tbo poople of the village will only not unitedly and refuse to pay attention to thotie who do not ivo one ownt to any iiuludtry, it will bo of muoh I^nod to the villupio. Furinutrs do you wunt mouoy at &4 Vet ornit.V If oo writ A. G. Boker, tiita.mh)g- ton Out. Tonmrn of paymowt of principal to miit borroworH. Beov*1TfBfrunt*//^ d %t M.Y*sriftic*riiaK^ . :J COTTAM. itlrw. A. Wariior aud family moved to Kin^Hyillo thU woek. Tho lat report from A. Wariior wan that ho waH making li*;h in tho Kookioti. Air Ihuhg Kili'y return*-d from Detroit lb lit woekhavic^ undergone u surgiual oper ation for neuralgia in the face, A part of tho norvo whh romovod. Mr. John Tilly had the misfortune lo break bin ltl hIow tlto knee. Ho was oarryitif! some corn through tho barn yard wuen his foot annk into a bole causing bin? to 1^11. no hiin had a lar^o uharo of nik- unss thin fali, fifbt ho bad the fovor, thon hid wifo took Mlotr aud hud to ^o t;o the bon- pitul, and while tboro tho two boys took the fever. .lemon Nobby who at ono timo worked foYJ'.TJniinpfTrud aiHO~for Wm Bn>oker. and went to Oulifornia acvcral years ago, ban roUirno:] nu a vioir. Tip reports the fa milieu of Goo. Stimpnon, Wm, Adama Grand prssantation and requisition to Geo. A. Wjntemute, Reeve of Maidstone, signed by Paul Rugaber and 2B8 others, asking bim to affain be a candidate for the Beevesblp of the township for the year 1B90. The presentation took place iu the Elm- stead hall pn the. evening 6/ Deo, 2nd. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity. Mr. WHIUra lJriae -was elected chairman aud after calling tho muethiij to order In. vited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. WinUmnto on tha platform, when Mr. 3, H. Auntin oauiu forward and road tho following addreHs, and Mr. Alex. LoHporauno, ar., ot^mo for ward aud presented- nim wltu a hoautiful jiold Watch, Mr, Geo. A. Wintomnte, Raavu at Maid. dtoue: Dear Sir, We the uudemigned rate pay ore of tbo township loaru with rgrot that yon have nijmifiod your inteutlou of retir ing from the flold of active municipal poli tics at the end of tho present year. While nuoh a step no doubt would ba very doair- able to yodrseK^considored from a merely personal atandpoint, to eant aside the oarow, 'auxiotioa and roiiponsibilities ueoofuarily attached to the oflioe of a faithful Reeve, tho duties of which ofiioa you liAye ho ably disnhnrgcrf with credit to yourself and hon or to otir townuhip, we feet to louo your valuable servioes aD the preuout time, after being educated In municipal affairn by so many years of experionoe, would be dis< aatroua to the best interests of our to-wn- sbip, ^JJVe have not only appreciated your services m our township affairs, but have looted with pride upon your career iu tho County Oouuoil at which you hayo always upheld the honor and dignity of our town ship and worked for the host interests of our oounty at large. We hereby urgently .'request you to rooonoidor this question and trust you will leave yourself in tho hands of your friends.tho WnderHlgned ratepayers, who solemuly plodgo ourselves to stand by you and again return you &u Roovo of our township. Wo also, beg of you to accept this old watch, not so much for its intnn- iro Fol<r IPENERi )y sight. DoHi'jyiHLJ1^ moiioy. . "Wo put nnaale Mori's Panfcn at 7Gol *1.7fi, $1.1)7; no suoff oraitv of Ejscx for the money. All our; $5 naon's Suits, lor $6.fl. " 8 " .'5.00. Air our $10 and Slffeuitineaforfl.Sa Our. rniVfl UlBt*rs at $4.05/, downs them all. $7.50 and Wtu. Malott an hthII. He doos not ro. j tlio vuluo, but as a am all tokou of our appro^ port times us very brisk at raising grapeu j oiatiou of your groat Horvioes to our town. Buys nn UlBtcr from ub that others get 810'for." Boys' (.(id Vcata for2fi cents. ' Moti'fl odd Vests for 75 conts. Boots and Shoes to.be sold at ono cent u pound. farmers do you want wouoy at fij per cent.? If so writo A. G. Baker Loaming- tou, Out. . Jornim of payment of pnuoipal to suit borrowers. % NORTH JUDGE;' Mrs. Samuel Hargent patmed tho oiqbtv- flfth milo stone in hor journoy of lifo thiu week. ' Mr. Wiutcr lately purchawed ft Hoventy aoro buuh lot from*tho Canada Go.. It in looatod about ono milo and a half Houth ol this place on tho Hear Road. Ho former ly lived in Baybam Township,-Elgin Co.. noat Aylmcr, Ho is at pronont livinur, m a house in Ooruorvillo, butiH preparing to build hiniHull a house as soon au poHsihlo. Samuel Anh had u aaru husking leu Thursday of last wook. Jamoa T. Nobus roturuod from California this week, aftor having livod tboro for nearly four yearn. Jim says everything' is "flatter than a panoako" out tboro at present; priaonboing low for everything grown, and starvation wages for workman. Ho has nut fallen in love with that Uu>l of oarthquakeB, Kaorpions, tarantulas, and demoralised Chinese. Ho advmos any* body who can make a living horo, not to that far away.country, as all is, not gold that glitters, Calvin Davidson is visiting acquaintances here a present. Ho was woijkiug in Detroit last summer and fall. . A fow of the many ftionds of Mrs. B, Bargeu',fir., surpriHod hor by calling lasts Tuesday evening, it boiug the oiguby*ltftb anniversary of. her birthday. All brought valuable proijontn, and partook of a lunch* oon, doolariug sh.o was tho oldoHt person thoy had.over eatoil with. She told" somo bear eborios, ut the supper table of ocour- rencos noarly ufty years ago, in Usborno township, Huron Co., Ont., where oho was one of the flrnt settlors and pioneers. All present wished hor many happy returns of the day, aud thon at a seasonable hour do par tod to their roupeotivd homos;, and happier far having tlono'a kind aot. IIIH.4 ItVi; HI'IMUH. KHr^ifrrn thr, Hfltloli -'uliltr Tlil <'tim,. ll in .KiiHilr.- U All Ulsht* London, Dec. 1. The Times prints a letter from Miss Hyo, or Nlaprara-on- tho-Lel-.e. Mlaa Rye states that who has Imd much experience with lUnplish emigrant Klrls, and ha usually found thorn KntlHfactory. She "apyuroa tho British public that tho caao of tho hoy Green may safely bo left to a Caqa- dlnn judicial investigation. Mlaa Rye doBires to boar testimony to the won derful forbearance which Cnnadlanh exorcise towards those backward, and Ignorant children. Miss Rye reminds tbo English people that nt a meeting In Toronto In.lflOf Jnnpoctor Htark, chief of dctectlvcH.hnd tho manliness Lo acknowledge that af-. tor examining the" history of the "y6ung criminals dealt with by his department he was bound-to-eonfcfff~tmrt he was uriablo to trace ono as having come from England. Dt;tru op hue. M.t.tuiia avih. The Hftui or ilie W*ill-Hiiawu <tu,ar Uaal lieiiti 1'iiBueM Away. Montreal, Dec. 1. Mr. Samuel Davis, hi-ad of the well-known cigar .manu facturing busInoHH, died here on Sat1 urday afternoon nhortly after 4 o'clock. Mr Davln was very popular through out Canada and his death will bo gen erally regretted. ship and county, aud may you be long Hpared to an jay our aonftdono?, and grace tho ofiioa to whieh you havo been roturned by your many friwnds and admirors for bo many oonsooutive years. Thon Mrs. Edward Price road the fob lowing address to Mrs. Qco. A. Wiutemute and Mrs. Paul Uufjgabor prosontod hsr with a silver huttor dish aud a beautiful pieklo oruofc, Mrs. Wintomutf: Dear Madam; - V.mr liidv friend? of this township cannot lut this occasion pass with out allowing yon somo small tokou of their appreciation of your many yirtuoa and womanly qualities. We bog of you to ac cept tbeno pieooa of silverware as a small recognition of our regard aud may you be long tipared as aholp mato to.your honor- od husband, an ornament to your homet and L blessing to tho neighborhood in which your Job is oast. Mrs. Edward Price, Mrs. Paul Rnygabct. / te&-.- *u*.*.- -^ If you are looking-for anything in men's Long Boots,. Felt boots, It"-hf ber boots, fin'o.bnls or Gaitors, boys' boots and Shots, ladies fine bnttof bii? boots, liubboi-B, Over*boos* in fact, if ;.(.in wnnt nnyfcliing in the slirc line, wo guarantee you a saving of 25 por cent on every pair wo sell you. Don't forgot tht we are selling a lot of mnnufacturor's samples of Capes and Mantles for $3-97* TJlo regular pricon for flame were $6, $7,.r>f> BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH BARRETT & GO. You Can Get Signed oft.bobajf 6t the ladies. ARKETJ roviva bis ESSEX, ONT. Rev. G. J. Kennedy in holding Horviceuin thiu Ohuroli. Mr, Andrew. Chapman is having wator tank e'naloBod. ' A large number of hogs were butoherod in this vioinity and shipped from Arner station by H, W. Allan, \ ' ' , A ohiokeu social and Christmas tree will be held is Bethel Church, on Friday evening Deo, 20tb. A finok pro^ramm* is being' prepared, All aro cordially iu- vited to attend; . 'v .'-' Wheabrod por baoiiel... .8 Wheat, whito .... Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Seed .... Clover Seed .... Alniko .... Hay por ton............ boot per owt............. Pork ............ Mutton............ lildofl............ tJhiokons por lb........... Butter .-...,.,,. Lard ......,..; IOg^u, por dojs ........,. Potatoes, por bushel .... Onions .... Applon ' .... Tuvuiffc .... Carrots .... Boots , ,.,. X'arsnips .... Turkeys per lb........i. Ducks ....*....... Celery nor doz ........'.. Cabbage .... ...f,.. 00 to no CO :io 2X to 2'2 i en 1 00 to 4 CO -J 00 7 00 to 8 00 i fiO to C 00 i 25 to i 25 fi 00 to tf60 3 00 <? Hi 8 35 to 50 to 7fito 30 to 10 8 18 m GO 76 SO 10 '. oQ 30 7 to - ,H 7 1 00 . 25 lllrairi WnlU^r4' Nos Wurket Report No. 1 ityu, per bushel.... . * fiO i, 1 old Coru ',< - 45 V'l.OatB-'. , - . '20' 1 Ifarley , cwfc ,B ' 3'; V..^. ' ;,owt ,' 7fi Th* above prices ura pa;d bVt H, Walker Bonsi WalketvillB, 0t. ' r.'f1" i W. When Mr. Wintoiuuto roeovered somo what trdm bis surprise he rophed iu a very feeling uud affable man nor, thanking the friouda, one aud all, on bohalf of his wife and uleo for himself, not alone for tbo valuablo prosents thoy hud moeivod from thoir bauds hub more especially for tbo sonttuieuts of kindnoso and #ood that this tokon of regard oonvoyod to himself and Mrs. Wibtemuto, alter whioh ho Rave a brief yketoh of the history of the progrcQA of bur township from its infancy to the prefloat tima, onpoomlly dnnuf; tbo loutt tflrm of bis stewardship. He iiually yield ed to the request of the lar^o number of ratepayers wIioho name apptmred on the requisition and oonsented to auaiu bo a candidate for the lloovouhip of Maidetous for the year 1800. A number of othor rutopayors addressed tho meeting'. Amongst pthor thiuga (lis cussod was the meaus of raiuiu^a honuH to offer Mr, Cads hi au Jnduoemeut tor hlra to rebuild hiu gristmill, tho burning of wUibli,was, not; only folt to bo a great loss to himself but tho whole neighborhood' Au executive committee was appointed to bavb snbbcrlptioii lists oiroulated for that purposo, ahor which all partook of tho mmptuotiH repast prepared by the ladies. Thon after a little mumo from the Quadrille Band and KiviijH throe oheere to the Queen all dispersed to their homes, being weH' satisfied with their evenings cujoyraeut. ' Stark*H Powdora, each package of which contains two preparations, one in aroaud wooden box, the cover of wliioh- forms.u measure for one doso, au irainodiato relief for oontivonee<j( Biolc UCoadaqho nnd Stom ach .also Neuralgia and all kinds of nery. ous pains, and another in oapBuIes, (from to 4 of ooo is ab'ordinary dose) whioh uota on the bowels, liver and atomaoh forming a never failing perfect treatment for all head arid stomach complaints. They do noC.as most pills and so many other medi cines do, lose their effect, or pripdace after, .cofiBtipstipn, they are nioe to tftRe. , 25o 9J boi at allmejioine aealeu. ' '?"'* For your Money at Sonley's tHan at /' - 'any other place in Essex. '- For one month wo will ei 11 for oash; -A.-, Fronoh Kip Boots, hand made, for.95 Oanadinii Veal Kip " 8-1.C0 Canadiau Kip, hand rrjrido, for SI Calf Balp aud Congress Shoos to ordnr for ftlf.flO ' ' In READY-MADE GOODS wo havo stiplo lincu of Mon's aud Boys' Calf Bals and CongroHB Bboos at tho following oxtromely low flgnres: Boys' from $1.75 upward. Moo'b from 82 upward1* Men's Bala aud Gaiters, wolt soled, at &B.G0 a pair, This is a new job lot socurod at a special low cash price, and beats anything for valuo ovor offored etsowboro. This is a {jouuino Cut Price 8aIo for Cash and will lust for only one month. The Goods are all of tbo boot ot-^ok and fully warrantod. Persons owin 14 aooounts aro requeftted to oall aud Huttlo boforo tho end of the month as wo muet have ull our accounts oolleetod by that time, CALL AND SEE US. , R. SONLEY, Next Bate's Carriage Works, Kssex. 6 OVKKJOYJBD WITH RESULT. TUB Ooiupolled to tilve 10> BuhIikmm Hc- cauue of Nevvou Debility 'l^umber- uiuu K. Mirott, ot M^rrlokvIlle.Oiit., Warn Uemiortd to Verfect IKeultli by fJouih AniDri<jBnN-rvinr-ktl Coiisoi Sny KCiiouKlt lii, JPmlwA **t Souih Amerltiuit NcrVln**," Are Mlw OWir- Words. Tho Joy of a grateful heart will break through all oonvontioualiiies. It cannot be suppressed. The man who has been rescued, it may be from a watery grave, must ever be thankful 10 bin brother mau who savei his. life. Thin is the feeling of Mr.E, Krretfj lumber merchant upd mill owner, of Merrickville. Out., towards the diacoverer of South American Nervine, . ' Mr. Errott did not think that anylliin stoocl.betw.etMtbina and the- grave. Pros- '"tfraiod by nervous debility, be was forced to withdraw. from active bttBiness: "I tried," said he, "several doctors aud every thing in the abape of proprietary mediomen, and gtt little.; if any^ relief from them. Having seen South American Nervine ad. yartised, I.deol0ed:tb^ve it'atnal, aad I oan trutbfnljY say Jhad uot; tskeU bMf a bottle befbr I found beneficial effects. I hkve taken in all about twelve bottles, and I feel justified in Btatitij; that this mediome did for nie till the manufacturer olaima for it.; Befbr* tiking. ii,, Xno% oply had to give op busIhesH, but I. really 'could not sign 'my owa natne. either with pea or pen- oil; mjinenri^^pt^iii-^^ oj kilter. I am s*jre there are ." great num ber of people in this country today suf fering as I did* to whom t will say; Get a bottle of thin wonderful medicine, and I feel satislie.1 they will sound its praises as loudly as I am prepared to do. The fact is I oanuot s-y enough iu praise 'of,South... American Nervine, Tarn so overjoyed at What it hits done for me, I will never be without it In my house. I give this teati- monv freely and cheerfully, and wish South American Nervine success, and have no doubt uh it beoomes more widely known it will be still better apprcoiated." , It Is not too muoh to say that South American Nervine in a-saver .of life. It saves many from <3oatht and its frooueut use at ourtain soasohs of the yoar.will hoad. off disease and proleuif life. Sold by J. Thome. . WOOD'WANTED at the Fbeb Pwksb oihee. A number of our nubeoribera uay avail theuiBslvea of the opportunity of pay. ^S^ ibg their Habsoriptiona in stoveoroordwobd- If you are auxioMB to find the mbiit re-.,,., ^.. liable blood-parifler, read in Ayer'a Alnaau:'^i'r'M ao the to?timnialB of, those wbpbiive.beea^S;3i cured of suoh terrible aieeanes Ar; oaturrh, "' ^ rbenmatiBm, and sorofala, by rcbe useoC .^ Aytr's' Satsapawlla. Thou goyeri* , your- ^lv| eelf acoordioRly.' ' "I ana carsd aince taking Rood's Saraap: ' ! arilla,"iB ..what'watay,: ^o^^'^kre'j'^yi"' lp(j;. Itgiyes renewed. 1^^^ wea^itiaity.'Kaa^ifOrr^i^f'gl fci 1 ^m 1 ijil^ <mmau. 74