Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 7

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^^w.u^vWWi.VwlB*'. ..'--'.':" _.- t.'j.'w..<ff*v:: j^V;^^ wftwP^wWl . -,. 'frx .. F'"., jV^ ST.- VITUS DANCE. fAMAIj<VDVTI1,YT HAS LONG DAKFIjKDMKUlCA'liSKlljlj. A Speedy Ourofor f h> Trouble at tmf I>mcovr*d-Tli **rtifjulBr ' ui i'nr* tf U I.MOo Ulrl Who X^hm n Noy**r<< Nn't*n*r. From tbo.OUiivii.Inimiul, In a lnnd'miu bnoic n-iiJouhti ii thn 10th lino of OniiU'orn towcwljlp, Oarh'tMn Co., livi'H Ml'. TJiunnin Miaitl jy, ono fit Oonihorn'vt tru-t, ijuciitn.ijl ul fui irtur.'. (n Mr. Hritdlov"t family i>i u bright, llulo daiiLilitor, Hyi-anmi'ayv who lin'i bum Hevtii'o HiitY-Tcr I'mm U'. Vim-. Kiic, mid who bud Vmh-h ir.'Jtlu<l by 'pliywuKiiH wi'li- out nnv bntuiiui:il ruiulni. 1 fuviiu: Icurir-i that tlin lilUu nnii hud holm oily iThl^ri-.d to lioalih by tlHi'U*:o of Dr. Willmuii' Viuk ,- .. .*..n~j......i----------. .r. THIS COLUMN In PECIALLY FOR PCPAlliil^ ca THE YOUNG. rmtty liiitcTrlnl:. u.Kfiinw to IVrfortn It <JVun)pu'rt Ktui't.H-inittH to Y<nitf I'JwMotrjijtlmrH PRETTY RiriG TniCK. Thl* ArtUil^nud tin, 1'lrl m-'IV11 Von 1IW to riufotm li. Prnrnro it phn>0 of inndorntidv mIdui, Kiimoih Ktrliij.?, about a .vard hiiiu'. Vi.* tlm cnibi tomtit Imr by < nun! hunt. 'T.'ikr a i*iuK, jiml a^l; nonn> **.in to hc;p* ynu. I';i..s tlm fci I'lnj; tbi'nii"b itm n 'mi .ni.t limp fin b enil over your lliumbt-, w i;ijpj hands mu.-l in imhl in iii; [iii.siih.n of l"l(j. l; hii' vmii' ^irinif '" 'i'hn\/\ti* ,'L. Jain: i, CURED EY YAK a'tl^ JL^W h \ '- t.r', I "NOW kNTlllSLY VBKK K110M IHHWAH1!," !PillH, koot"rod|)nntlont of thn Journal call - at tht* family reni<leiico f(,r tlio piifpoHOof aBCortuining thi faotn, and fomitl tho little girl a tuotnraof briprbtno^Haiul uood hoaltb, Mrs, Faulknor, a wiattir tif Mio httlo ono( gav tho fnllowiu(f lnformntion: oif^litei'ii monthu tt^o Alvira whb attaoltod by that tomble malady, St.Vitua dano<-, .and booaioa fio bad that wo milled in two dootota, who bald out no hoioo to ua of hor * I tiro ate ouro, and sho ww uo badly u (loot ed with tho 'dance' aa to rcqwho almost oonutaut watohlug. About thm timo wo read m tho OUavva Journal of a ui in liar oano ourod by tho umo ot Dr. William*' l*iuk J?ill. whioh j*ava uh roiuiwcd hope W ptoourod a oouplo of boxen, and beforo thono woro all used tboro wuu a ocrceptihlo improyomuuf.. After uhiii^ aix hoxun moro alio wa enfifoly froo from tlio dinuano, and aa youoan 8 in enjoying tho bout of hoaltb, . Ht-yoral month? havo paHHoa Hinno tlio uho ot tho rink' P'IIh wan dioooutinnod, but therohaH boon no return of tho malady,n r any Hykuptoiia of it. Wo arc qnito cortnui Dr, Williainti' Puik Pillfl oarod lmr and atronuly rooomrnond thorn in aimilar canon, Br. IVilliaitiH1 Pink PiUnuro an unfailing pcoifio fot* nuch ditioauoH an locoiuutor atitxia, partial parulynin, St. Vitua' danoo, aointiaii, lvniraUia, riiaiimatimn, uorvouii ^hojidaoho, tho uftor effeoU of la grippe, palpttatiou of tlm liuart, palo and sallow oomploxion, all (uruu of woukitfetm oither iu inalu or female. Pink PilU uro aold by all douloi'D, or wilt bo neut postpaid on ro ooipt of pricu, 50 cents a bos, or aix boxai foi $2.50. hy uddruwHiiiti Dr. Williams' ivlod- ioino Co., Uroukvillo, Unt., orSohonootudy, N. Y, ('I v,-f.- ,,i:' 'tffl :'>r i.Mi.'hi v^-i-'.i with s**i" Ulii'iun, J'lii-lou Hi 'i. ;lii'-. I iik-,|;i m- ,i, .Ml' ' ' I:K u-c- I. It'll (i ill,' ;.':> u'll"f, I ." I li. i.'y .vyr'fi S'.irs.i- .' lei-..-- ( liinl linhlicii L..u vi .. .i.. f'jillH'"! ! Wtt'.i ;H f p iriil > and rlnpf will-not yot uppoar an th'n-r Hbown. Ynu thou announrn It Ih yimr lntfiulon to niiiinvii thn riny from itn fitrlnu wHliour. roinnvintr rirluM* of ilie luopH fruin your usHihUtnt 'n tlinnilw. (Ill paronthoHlu It may bo- mild that U.. II. and Ij. II. apply tn tlm ivh^ik'.-nil*:- rltfht and loft handn, and P. li. II. to porfonnor'H rljtbt hand, i.o., youiintr. Ii ban not heim nooopmiry to hhow tho pur* fornuu-'fi loft band). Olpcrvo that, thn knot wbiJi'o tho oiulft of tin? -triinr arc Mod rcstH ftRtiliiKti youi4, assistant's rljriit thumb, and that tho rln^ Ih hear It, too. 6nok tobrinff daoIca pot ot live oom*, HJifoly buHfcd in nwjiffa ;" Now I amJjblbjgr- "' "*iTtBn"yfiiff"oT""SoiriciI*in|T~Ttinrtr-liii^>pQnea .^ (to top .wlieii""! 'will tott^yolliW old. th oame vury noar IwivlnR you oh lid run without any urniu | a. My (nthor aont mei to n. nolglibor'n, live inlloa through tho woodu, to any tht thoro would 1 Borvlco at tho log boIhwu bouHd noxi Sun day, and ovnryhody niUKt conio and bring dlniior nnd nuppor abnur, ho thoy could inaku a day of it. Motlmr didn't muob llko to have hor boy k<> throiifcb tho woodti nloiiu, uHpoeh.lly a It wart oold wwil.lio'r'utuniui'irrrtiinrt wan oovorod with nii'iw, Ai'tm* a whlhi, wlum It hou-ati to Rr-oW dark, inolbor bn'tali to worry, juifc ii4 mot linn; always dl.l aiil ahvaytt will, Hht> nontdn't bnlp hi'in^ inat-nd. ovnti If Khu wiiMtho bruvoftt w nnan In thn world, juut, 11 Ut* your own moi hor. Ynn mm, hIio know that thoni whim houra in (I'iku wotidn anu uho m ; .Iain's j know th'itthoy worn .uinr.ry ju it at that tlnin, too. All tint nrii;liiponi had lont plyn ami had found htmr trankn In tb^ onnw noar ilndr pun. Wnll, finally, when It jj;"r prnity dark, moihor Ihj^uii to cry. Thmi our |<noil dopr Tuiv, oamn and loolt- ml into her faco and licked Imr bund, and (iskntl, us wnll an a dotj could, what was tlio nialUM-, and whotimr hu could ho of any list-. 'Oh, Tray,' my mother Haiti to hlih, 'j:d and find ChaileH.' '"I'raV ua.4 happy r*i/jjlit away, and be lcUmnl li 1*4 iiilHtreuK'u band, aw If ho wnnc- od to toll h'nr that ho would fix ovory- thinjr all vlKlit, and tlinn uno opened tho door, and tint faith Till follow took to hln IioiiIm. Pretty t-oon Ktiro onoiiKh, Charles, name rurihlnig In at that Hamo dour, alnioHt filp;li toned to death. 'Tlinre'H a hoar up chu road 1' ho mauau;- ml to say. And then my father took down tho nun, that was alwayu ready, and hurried out, Hiiro onoujdi, thorn wan it hoar. Charloii and thn bear and Tray had found each other at tho wuno tlnio. Tray hud cIijimhI tho hoar bank into tho woodM a llitlo way, and wan dodging around him, lcoopiua ulwuyH In front, and harking like mad. It Hoomod im if Tr-iy undtirstood that ho nuiHt keep tlio boar from followin^ OharloiJ, and oven. that It wan buHt to keep him till Homo- ------- bodv camn with a riiii. Well, my father # ^l:];^Ji;it^zr!i^ Vanabla Autum Wealher often hundeo at. tho lop; noli ol huu^o there wait fn-Hli hear meat, enoutrh for everybody to frasi on. Mother and our dog Tray wero; bettor frlondH than over after that, no you . needn't be afraid that aiiyhody cheatod ; tho iUiit out of bin fair uharo of tho boniiH. that Sunday, or any other." j Wlmi) tho oany flow of prandpn'n voice ; ytoniied, that greedy boy and girl usocl to1 fT. . J*y^^ i n s bnak out, both in tho nwno breath: V lOtlttlS 01 RhCUmafclSm find It li. I. 'V' *.'? j*'**, ";(( . IT, li '., ' t v ,i\ i':1.. i ) hi-U. ' v. I.-!.- i 1) o , r i **> / i '-; i-l Seals tha Fate oi Rlieu ma'.ic Sutferers. ^Grandpa, wont you ploaHO pjo ont" Hut grandpa, careful of hltt Ifmnrlv nnd plmiHod qullo uh inuch an tho children, would say: "Not Junt now; but If you artj poud children till to-morrow nljhfc I Tho ponltlonti of Ibe knot and ring are hIiowu at, It. Ik, Fig, L Place tho forefinger of tlm right bund on tho top plocu of string, about midway think, thnro will lw goinu moro thlnfip hetwoiiii your nt-Klstant's handn. Take ready to loll you. the hott(mi Hiring between the forefinger and thumb ut1 (he left band, midway be tween your forefinger, which rents on the top string and your uHHLstnnt'H right thumb." TbTleserlbo the niovomunt which oinrfios Is ilifllcu!!., and you niUHt ondoav- or't follow closely. Pull tho tqpHtring towardriyoo with your' right-liandH'drTP lllulH To YouiigrimtojvrnnlM'r*. Kor tlio amateur who han not that lux* ry jrunnlug water, tho the arrahgin^ of thn dark room may bo made to taili his own eonvenlonoe, and not. that of tho water tap. Iu tho room "tRivototlTo- photoyrn-p-hyi tho developing uhould bo placed op the side of tho room oppn^Uo tho window. This tablo or ubolf a euro inTaine's Oel- ory Oompound, M>uownt vn:i> foit rwo vicaun Willi L,lVf<:it COAIPI^lINT. HKcwtured to piirtvui IKonlcli by NoiUli Aunarlcau Nervluo ivun IHV, W. J. HUI, ol Urucebrltfgc, <>m. Whwn mcu and women cue bo (jot away fram simply tuiuporiKing with diawaRothore will bo 1l-hu diat-UHU m tuu worUi. Xno-uu- modiuto iuiitu-r, ,.Hifl natural, iu to relieve tlio pruhout tronhlo. But how often it in foruottou that, any euro that is only tikiu deep, if we may unn tho oxproiiaion, cunuqt bo hi-tiny. It will certainly turn up auain. Thin wan tho chuo with Mr. J, W. Hill, tho woll known bailiff of Bracobrid^o, Ont. Ht hud hufftrod tiotu uovero livor troublt: ttbd liorvnuH jroBtrution for nearly thr^e .yt-ttin. During this tiiuo ho doctored to no ehd, utid ocuiLHi'in-ill) neuurou a litilotein porary rulief But thd old trounlfi would comn buok it^uiii after tho charm of the ouro-ullH had been exhausted. Ho eutiirod upon tbo unu of Bouth Ameri can Nervine, with httlo hopj that it would bo any hetltr than any othor mi'dioiuos lie httd tukon. But ho boos* dmcovtrod th*- miHtake Wliera doatoro hud H>iid tliut he UiUMt dio, thin modioino yaio him life. Re perHuveri-d with it, and to day in in posae* sinn of'rubiiHt huulth. TheHociotm this: South Amoiiean Nervine troatB with tho nerve eoutrca, frmn which Uowh tho life 'blood, whioh ktibvu tho hyutotn in porfeoi health. When thQMo norvu oontron are kont houlthy, ueithor livor oomplaiut not other trouble!* will worry one, Mr. HilPn onr*#tvan huitniH for thin rouwon. Anyone "ro unoh Ntirvien will oxpenouoo aamo re- ultu. Sold by J. Thorno. Lookout for colda at thiu u-'aaon. Keep yourPolf well and Htrnni! by tularin Hood'n SarHiiparilla; tint tfreit tonic ail blood purifier. Money to Loan Ou ood prodactivo Fsrm property at 5). A Gpt'raoiit. straight. No Valuation Fees. Ill: - RsrOonvuyunouiK Done tip iu Neat Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, X8SkXt OUT linger; at tlie huiiuj tlmo pasn tho bottom string upward and over toward your nshistant.'H left thumb, upon which you ghoulil bo low enough, ,o that tho must loop it,, anil tho relative positions of j ring, fitrin(- and hands will bo as shown i at Pig. 1. ' On no account must you, romovo yonr-1 rlgbt'lmnil foreJlngor from tho loop It ro-- | tains. With tin loft hand pans tho rlmt i toward your asfilfitant'H loft thumb a* j far aft It will ro, Botwoon tho ring and j Iuh right thumb tho utring will be cross- j Od. Carefully obsorvo wli'loh ,lfl tho toj) ] Rtring. If you mlhUike it you will upoil ; tbo trick. Take It hotweon tho forefinger and thumb of your loft hand, and loop li. on your assistant's; loft thumb. Pig. 2 fully illustrr.tofi tho rolativo positions. It will ho ohsorved that tlio siring, by loop ing, has drawn your assistant'd hands closo together. Then toll tho assistant to elope hlri thuuibn and__foivihiuerR, "that there may bono deception," and nlRo to press ills haiidu gently apart. Ilo- leapo tho loop In Id by your right hand forefinger, nnd give tho ring; a tunnrt pull witli your left hand, and. the ring is re leased from tho string. oporator ,mny sit down while at work, A convenient slzo for all prucousou of .ordinary amateur photography, Is a tablo two uhd a half foot lung by ono and a half foot wide. At oauh end of tho tablo havo a wooden-box on wlilo.i to Hob tho pailn of water whoa developing platen. The pull at tlio rlg/t hand can ho unod to rluso the dovelopttr from tho plates, and the one at tho ld!t to place thoin iu afmr thoy are dnvelopnd, until all aru finished. Ono hhould havo a nngaiivo washing raok, for after tbo plates aru all develop- NOTHING LIKE IT FOR BANISHING THE AW FUL DISEASE. Old and Chronic Sufferers are Made Halo and Strong* Mr .William Mc WilliauiH, of Craodford, Our,., writfh tut au folloWrt about bin case. UtiHolioited, I forwiinl thin teutimouinl aH tothe yulueot I'aiiit-'s Celery Compound, I am widl up iii yarH and wuh noioly nffliut- ml with rluaimutihui. I pnrcbanod and ufeod GRANDPA'S STORIES. Tbo flro in tho grate had died down to a bod of glowing coals and tho hnutlH of the clock wero not yot. pointing to bed time. Grand p.* loungmY lit bis easy chair, positively crlowing, too, with peace and contentment. Tho littlo boy and tho lit tle girl nut with elbow on knees and ' cheeks on palms, watching tho lire and ltetoninp: to grand)4n. Tbo old man's voice wuh mellow and swoot, and tho children loved tho Bound of It bettor than any words. They were crafty litiIn 'partners, this boy and girl. Thoy mado bargains with each other in nly whispers which grandpa was too deaf to catch. "If you'll ask grandpa to toll a Htory to night I'll link him io-nioriow. night, ono uf them, would say over so softly. So protty Boon, just to got that pleas -ant voice undor way with its 8 tor ion, a ehrlll lUtlu chlldlnh treble would pipo outi some foolish quost.lon like this: "Say, grandpa, whoa you woro a littlo hoy did puoplo build fires with the amo kind of inntobos thoy havo now?" ; And tfrnmlpa would umilo and twirl his thuuihB around each otlior hotwoon bin chiopod flnKors. Ho would novnr mako any haflto to answer foolish questions, and ho never reproved tho Httlo folks even when they asked the uamo thing for iho hundredth tlmo. Ho understood por- foctly that tlio qnostlon wan really only a hint that it wan a good time to begin etory-tolling, and ho enjoyed It an much as tho childron did. " When 1 wan n littlo boy,'* ho would begin, nftor thinking his way vory care fully, "wlum I wan boy wo bad novor hoard of such a thing n matcluiH, nor had anybody qIho. Wo used to light our firaH with flint and tinder, and It was not always an oasy thing to do. Iti wan thought n caroloHft, HhiftloRA thing to lot tho flro go out In tho flrr>t place. In the your-1705. whon I lived In tho muimtnlhn of Now HampHhlro with my father and mothor and my littlo brothow and HldtorR, wo had moro wood than anything duo. A huge flropluoo wan built a crow* one end of our loff houBfl, and nobody counted tha coot of,wood'111 those dayii; Tlioro wa only tho trouble of;cutttv It, and tho trooH had to boMloiiiinyway to mako clearlngft to ralwo our crops of corn and wheat and pouitooH. Groat flroH biased In tho llceplftco almost nil tho year round,. LPut nt night or wheu t]m wontlior wiifl warm, Hvd coals woro covor- ud dopp undor tho iinho; whpro thoy would keep the tiro for a lonff tlmo. Of eourso, it tho flro wont put, wo could borrow from oUr nolghbora, and many titna X have gone wvunlmUNonbom- knwly ptohwok Vili" tho water changed witnout danger of breaking tho platen or scratching tlio soft CHECKERS OR DRAUGHTS. A gamo played in Hoom 1M1, Vongo St., Arcaiie;opposivo TomporancoSt., Toronto, wo prosent as ZUk 1 od ihov can bo Llftuil out of the p:iil and j Hix bottles of your nui-diuiiie, and am now porfoe.Uy well. I havo no rheumatism left." Tttc above iu jntit au nrdiuitry oumplo of die proof thai. ournd ] ouplo furnihli every wo'^k. lli't tin -tutor a few words of warninfi; to all who tVel tho pun^H of a diwuauo that raukeii lifo u misery and burden. Tlm riiowt dangerous iienuou of tbo yoar is now with uo. thorn iu uo uuocnxity to on 1 iirtie upon thin 'mcI. ChillinU winds, damp weather, heavy nnd impuru atmo sphere, nflgiavfttoeydry condition rlioumu- tism, end brieve many u sufforor to tho univo. Take courugo nil viotimi of rheumatism. If you have failed with doctors and the or dinary niedieiuen of the day, rerriembor. juu havo not yet ejvon Paino's Celory Com- pouinl a triiU. Thin minvollouu medioinu has made uew men utnl women of tlioua- nnds who wero proiioiiueed inuurablo by physioiaus. It cau and will do tlio same Hood work for vcu, if yiu fairly and h'on* I'utly uso it lor a tuu a. ' Mr. Mo Williams' CiflO wa'i ono that I>illlloil all other modi- oines but Paino's d'lery Cjmpound, whioh pruvud viotoriouH t every point, yivinR him a new and hotter lifo. Go thou atd follow bin oxumplo. 10Mti218t 7.1.3532,3 7 3UJ5, lUfl MoWoWio'M |oio|o|o vm mom n '//, W/. m sss ......m*m. ti<10, S.ll 3834, now thon 1090 1816, 11U flats, Cau blnok win the garnet 11 If bo, Howt "Vou nay that I'm not altogothor ob- joctlonublo to your parouta.*' ho aald, ruefully,' "No, alio replied, "fatlior tiud mother both siMMik vory hlehly of you.M 4lThon why.dooB tblit bV'doi /aABault w every tlmo I oome- nonr, and obeW m ploco out of irrty olothoBf^ . "Oh, you niuwu't mind Brutus. He's trained to do that Aunty has gotten al- moflt enough pamplos from him to mkk* NURSEUYMAN, Ruth van, Essex County. Peuah, Pear, Tlum, Apple and Quinoo Troon, HonoH,, Borry Buhoa, Raapborry, Blaokoorry anl Currant Baolion. All flrnt.clanfi f;oodn. Siivo ftgentn' Big Profits ! and writo for prtoeit. Wo will. cbour. fully ftUHWor you by return mail, . Splendid Apple Trees Aim every riaiipeot, $12 PER 100 - WE ARE STILL tho traaVtn all kinds of . Building. Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental),,'Barn,..Lumber, ShingJes^oLaU gradeH, Doorn, Saah, Choetnut Coal, WINDMILLS \\e nre Hole AjjentH in the County for THE .A.aZJOFtlVX'OTOT^. Of Chicago, wliioh took Hmhont Awardn_iifc tho Wortd'n Fair. Can lumiBh cither Pinnpingor Power Outfits at lowoat-prices, A written tfuariuituo with every Outfit, mmm J.GOU SONS, ESSEX, ONT w.- > J.!,.'!! t.'M. ,- .y I.. &j. :^;&i^fe^i^i^S! '"* THE TEIOMPH COIW SHELLER Thi Maohino consists of a horizonbal oastoylindor, with wrought iron bars, with sicol tooth bolted to the oyli jder bo as to bo rovorsiblo when tha toeih hocomo worn on tho front nido, vanning i" ^ porfornied concavo iron hholl, which tho ahollod corn pusses through into a sheofc iron o-tao, with a fan ax olonncr attached below, which takes ad tho dust from tho gruin. Tho choapoafc, bont, moat Bimplo and durablo Power Corn Shcllcr in uso; sholla corn perfectly oloan in any condition nholling and cleaning from ono to two thousand buehols of oars per day, according to puwor. Dimbnbionb. Pulloy, lo iu. diam- otor, in. faco; Mojion, 800 to 800 rovolntiona per ininuto; Woiiit, SCO lbaT EVEftY SHELLER WARRANTED- J. GOURLAY & SONS- f^ih^thono Skirt Bono I FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRESSES, For ii ale by londlofj Dry Gocdn Poalorn. MntfaMHMnaannBHi A li^iht, pliiiblo. eluatio houo mftdo from quiilu It m noft and yielding 03uformin[j readily to foldH, . yot iztviDf* proper ahapo to akirt or drcHQ. Tho only Skirt Bono that may bo wot without, injury. Tho Celebrated Ponthorbono Corsets tsro, corded with this rviatorlul. V&'ZK- ifc2s~*Kg)jw; ss* ; -ilX"c.SGvi, m MANHOOD LA MAKE r--~RW>JS. "6}&EASED MEN K L'< C TiFT t n T o k-n- r\:w" r.nd folly in youth, ovornxortion of mind nnd Iwly hidno ' Hr ih-hBiU r ib^'imr.r.nilfi::iniiin)OTH constantly wnwkinflfllio-IlVon nnd mtnw 1 , ir-,,:ri. \orii!'i'i.'n. tfnmo frulo and witlmr n*-, on oarly no. J(,.y mill Tho ulpit. 1-i.1"ti..(..!', vbU<:ttl'M-niiva fun'i'd l> dro out * .wiirv, tmUlo'U mi ,; uim',..!!.:,... , f' -.): .. ();u!M:wi'ao!Mruitrimon7Uiith^lnnNoli!.<:ft<)'. ..:jioft tiiuru. 1* !!*r i-H;.-.-;M-t.i:.\,Mi.'ic.nHenfL-:-Thofarm1tl.oiHc--1 tho v-icrtdhop, tho palpi r?zr-:rrc>-?f?.:,-y ro manhood by d&s, k. & k. MUS. C1IA3. FEHUY, .CHAB. FKBIIY. WAiJiU-i.'.. Vv-.M.KkH. .1 en sv Ai-ir:nTr.r:AT.MnNT Divorced but nnitod nrtuln ::r." on testimonials used without vvnirtEH consent.-^io ""%>:' STftiCTUSE ClIFiED V( v Wm. A, Wnlkor o lllth Btroot Borf-."X !" BqEfnwHl untolditu-<nli>iifur my "uiiy Jifo." I wiifllndlwirw'twlicujw yonnirwuMKtionint. Au ifOmof tlioHdyH^loontract^^ ByphiliH hud othor Prlvnto dlHoaiion. 1 had teKi hi tlie mouth and throat, bono ptdnf), hnir 1o*n iIwi>1ou ow facoJlniTo-niiilncnmoolr, oiiiMoiih, booamo thm and, doiiotidnnt. Hovuu dootorw troatod io with . Meroury, Pota-li, (.to. Thoy hnlpt'd'wio but could not ognrme.. _______________ irinaH.nfnrn.limluiMjdwtotryi)rii,KwmodyAKpr(ran.j N^iwlTniiitmontcurodmoIn.n fuw ywlcti. Their JWrab * ^"K ru-: -vli ^ainirjL- ovory day. 1 havo luivor hourti of tlioir fullina to euro In aoiwjlojj C.TOUVVEo GUARANTEED 6'ii MbNEV ReFUNDED- """; \X<T i)tintlV'."\r..V'!iv:?w?-- Hni. IC. A K. IHAtl-Ulo'-iriicditlmdhiibit. . Atai ilmd :dl tho M'nintoma |V f-Umi-id Won ih;i nn<) Hporniuti<r lioeii, wnijiHlonH (Qtw r- t.vuir. ur nd wiMikoniiiK my vitality I wumud at hw:M nndur "mlviuy .f my family doctor, but it was a EViwul xiipr: no.' . 1ii*.m:'...-mm moiitlni wo won* divorced, i |"linn oMiinuhod I -m; K. A: K mimUood ^ bvlUwrAwMrthodTiWMtut. Ifolttmuw lift*tlirtlltlirouli IMPOTENCY.. VARICOOELE EMISSIONS \**, jt>?at aw*cvr* Vcriccct'h, Juniuzottx, Nervous Ddbiliiy, Sstttinafc .SgfffltM, Syphilis, ' Unnaiural X>hcha*geS, Sri/Abus^f W irt *)h- iifjtWt, Ui ft, 17'Y'l'^'.'i ni pT/TBQlTf 20Q.OOQ CURHD. ' NO RI3K r r UG'-'-O V/ITHOUT 'WRITTEN..OQN-SSNTv-.PRI- ffiixi ' Queotlon I'st u.'tj oott of.^reat- $ A ? V.,-. V J-" ViMiiill^^i^^^Jm^M^lL 3&&i tSfit <r < V .V-1:'< \:}'m ,.i, , " ' ,"v'-i.'- <>M':k^SS^M

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