Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 6

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"t^"*^?^ IS- *i rtje '-jtoS&JtfeX >':Vci Push it Wnfyfegg- fO. tr'piE QEED. > bjv; ohjcv Mi^isrvrjoxjHi pt-n ct y 'TO HE flONTWUKI' <L / Panta to order for $2.90, ro.cruhr price $1.0(1, in I. v>lva pnttoruH, Twoort. Pitita to ordor for tt:i.2.>, ro^ul-vi* prion #l.5d. in t.vnlvtyf Suits to ordor" for $nj.00. regular price tfilUK), Tivood/l Suits LoorJrir'foi' $11.01), royfular prioo $17.00, 'I\voJSuitsrto ordor for $lC.fiO, regular pnuo $18.0(1,. T^'i ' A.n<3 ao on right We aVe bound io b of tho rogulnjjg Writ" tho oatiro ffcook of Tweeds, the goods they are worbh every cent ice, but down to ooafc they come for 60 We intend this to be a Days. SALE o don'c be the last to place while the stock is fresh. Our your order, but place it &*JX-mTL goods Are a in, WAR, THE TAILOR. Dunstan Block. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TOWN OP ESSEX) Whkiuur by virtue of ti warrant issued bv tho Mayor of tho Town TO'WIT. I of ErniGX in the. County of E-wex unci uultiuuticatod by thucor- porato setd of tho aiud Town bearing date, the sixth day of Auuuat, 1895, and to we dircctod aotnumndimj rnu t.) levy upon tho following lot* or paro-jl-t ol hinds in arrears for taxoH diiti thoTuorf with conta. 1 born by [jive notion that unlonu tho said taxed and costs uro ooonor paid t nhatIton Wodnosday, iho fourth day of December, 18'J5, at tho hour of ton o'clock in tho fore, noon at Poclc'n EUI1 in tlio Town of Essex, prooood to hoII bv public auction tho said lands or ho much' tharuof an mayba imfliJiout to pay such uproars of taxou-iiud-all-liuv.- ful ooato incurred : Plan. 322 soo 191 307 307 170 223 179 181 303 2G7 17(1 808 300 285 170 Lotn, 10 and part 9................".... 31 32 33 and 58...... 15'20 21 33 31 35 36 !J7 -J 8 Tux OH. ...813 09 . .. 53 21 00 10 5 10 7 6. 1 41 Middlo purtflHi, 17andlH.......................... 73 11 11................................................'IB 51 2 and 3............................................103 32 North uulf of 21..................................... 28 26 1.........................;...................... 31 -iQ 3.............,................,..................41 83 01 45 -17 48 50 53 fifi 113 111 115 13:i 137 13!) aril 4 lti2 -10 Worth half of 0............;...............'........2!) 73 3 1 6 0 7 and 10.............................. 2140 IS................................................ 27 09 31................................................ ;j3 55 Block D.......................................... 4 82 Bloulc 54.................................;........11 03 Block 4li.......................................... Hi 13 Blocks 48 and 49...........'.......__............. 07 40 CoHttt. $2 03 3 OC 7 03 1 95 3 50 2 01 4 25 2 40 2 47 2 82 5 70 2 11 3 31 [2 50 l 2 54 . 1 95 2 00 2 47 3 58 Total- $15 12 58 21 217 33 7 3-j 75 01 U A8 10fi 57 30 (i* 33 93 47 () " 107 l'i 32 17 QiJ 71 31) 38 30 Oil fi 77 13 93 33 BO .71 04 W. D. BEA.MAN, Troanuror. <JA.T0L AT May's Bazaar, FOR ALL ICtNDH OL' Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books, and Stationery^ School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, New'Stock of, late Wall Paper ESSEX Holier '.Mitts* JAWfMH tfAYLOtt *jittOB tula opportunity ol ttntioutiojn , m tnftpoonlo cf tlio Town and 06olity of Mflfloic, that ho hat) roViodohul thoKn- i*oi Itollor Mlllo aooordlnntophiiiM nroparodbv K. N. lias aluo Woourod the aervlooH or Houunr Hriuoiuw. an fixporl uaf)d ttud tU(-routily <i'ituptot lalllor; '-TliauUlutftho puopto of thii towu and county tor tlio ptttroimiitt bflntowflii upon him in the past, will uu ttnnWo yiitififactlon lu tho futum ; Gristing and , Chopping a ', Soecialtv. THK MBST GUAOBB OV KtOUE, VKIflD AND COKNMKAIi KKIT IN 8TOOK ANO HOLD AT HIGBT lMOtt.. 'i ;, ,- , Cash Paid for Wheat and Qato. "Tlic Common People," Ah Abraham Lincoln oallod them, do not euro toar^uo about thoir ailniento. Wbut tlmy want i a inudicino ..that Will core them. Tho Himplo, honest htatomant, l,I know tliuttlood'u SariiapariUn, curod in t*, * * ia tho boat ur^umout in fivor of thin modi- cino, nnd thiH iu what many thounand vol- untaril yuuy. Hood'B Pills aro tho bent aftor-dinnnr pillfi, ttiiaut di^eotiou, curu hoadacho. 25. Best Placo in tho world for younirmoi iiikI wo'iion to nuaiik-n a ButLltinii- L':diioatio[i,H]ioi-thimd,oto.(ia tho X>otroit HiujIiiqim Uuivornltv. D trolt, Mluu IlltjHtmtOil otitulomii'. / i' rr,Mv^r,l"'<,^ Udfiiniiioi'B: -Vll Ddtrolt SOUTH WOOD3LEK IT MUST BE TRUE For ovory puruoa aava that WRI8HT G, SMITH AXukuti thii'hiiHt llariKinn in thu County ot It will paj you to oorao to F)n.uth|Wco(fa)o( to buy your HuraeHHv. Scook' iono in-thojloouuty." Fiuu ktock of Horso Ulunkots just oppnod oqfc. mi no, and plncu th^ir ulmrjt in br cuv^ tho MX-uoiiviot obMyfn^ liur h^htusb aiffii um* f',lvU\g littU troubTo, Buffnrliiff hiimalf to hi od to ionie noojt^or otlmr t lh font of tho dlilfM, wlu*r li^'would nit down, wihd l>y bi itttundaiU-' wliili iJmtUnou ha/iied hinualf on tho ohlfr ou]- lootin^. i,/ T)mr w.t bo trolibl* j tho m'-n grow morn apnUf).aiod>y by day, nd Brtdtiion took QKXe (hut Ilia, uompanion should not oompfli) tioniMot with hhti, for foar of ro- >J/Ging onie memory of iho pait aud oui* y^lttg n IUB1IA. *'And he ii ho good and pttient, tn'ileu/' tho uuno would any, looking up v*r thn knitting over whluh iho Whm biuy "and Iih In growing will and BLrxiitf, oh, hq> ftmt. It u our baimtiful liity, nionui^ur. Yui, eyeryoiio yrowg Btrimg mid wll lior." ylis tioddd ati if thvro won no contrm- diotlng thiM, ttnd Btottiion wnt iu iiturol) of Strutton with a buuuli ot plant* in Iiih hand, aad n ouriouuly puttlud look In hi* "Suppasa he <lhi gt wall and strong," liu thought to hinmolf. "I ought to bo glad, but mi) not." Hu found Stmt to u vittln^ holcr with hU tihouldcrn a^rtumt thu oliff, drnthintng of th pant, uiul tbun ot tho futurtf, mors at rut thun bo bail ht>un for mnntliK, and nu Urol* tiMoii drew nnitt' hti lirlulitun^d tt littln, and mnilml, Kortlui nuri*i' wonlv applied to lila friend * wall, and hd wuh certainly Erowing Htroiigor and litlr. A henlthy rown wan coining inio lim fucn, and hi npito of tlio ">>*triy ravnri into whiuh ho plimjlt'd, h mora oven bulunco wan coining to hii mind. "Ono imutraokon ouoagaiaiit th other," Jlrottuon naid to himitolf, Att tliB duya glidod by, and they gniud Oonfid<uiou from thoir charga'H dull, dr*jiiny condition, liivttiuon propoand, and Hiral- ton r*adlly agrettd, to niaktt littl* mcourui'iim with bin inland, or along tlio caant to goina of thn qtiatnt villu^i-n, or antique ami aft*r o*ob trip thay returnnd to find nuru^ and patient just ai tlnty .mil left them The cootidonoo incroad, Und..,tt- bocamr avidont that Stratton had only to Icoop away for ihdr oliarga to go on in hia old vnoant niannor from day to day. IIjh habits wore impU and full of Holf-indul- gcncD, if thora could b* any bnjoyniant to a mind ao blank. H rosy lute, and wont to bd soon after aondown, and the cvniiiripM woro looked forward to by.Stratton and BrottJNoa for thoir quint dinner at tho littlo inn whet a Stratton atayod. Hore/aa they sat over thoir wine and hud' cigars,- waiahiug the ev*mug-jtkj<U4ind tin* gloriouB itar-gommud aea, a fouling of reatfulnrtm enmo over them, and they leanod back with tho feeling of couv.dofi- cents whoso wounds were houling iimi after tdiey liad boan very nearly to tho gmej tl death. It waa a marvel to Stratto.i an ho recall ed the part, and, as ho aat gazing from th</ open window or Htrollod out upon the duntv sands, ha wondered that ho could tool m> wall. In fact a sensation of atinoyanco at tacked him, for ho fult guilty and faithlestf, a traitor to the past* and atrovo to rcntnm: hia old cloko of sadnesa, but it would ik>l come. "Malcolm, my lad," tafd lin-ttih n mm evening as ho loaned forward und Mil W\n hand upon tlio young maii'ii arm, "w.i jir^ Koing to have rest ami peace again. Tamil* HeavoD, you aro growing liko v'oitr old olf." *'Rest aud poaco with that niun yonder;" aafd Stratton bitterly. "Hah! That will not do. Now you've gone back to tho old stylo. Lot that h<t, and wait for thu future to unroll iuu-lf. Tho mJii does not troublu uu, nnd ui-ciih hardly likely to, and wo^havu the faction, of knowing that wo aro working for omeone else's pcaca of mind. You must not destroy what it is that has nivon you thn rent you onjoy." Stratton wh silent for a few moments, and nal guziug out t< a:f where the Ian- tornsof thu passing boat, and yacht alowly roue and fell on tho gently hmtving sea. "And who could hdp fooling restful in such a place on thin! Kvon I, old and worn out us I am, onjoy tho calm, languorouu, peaceful aensation which stuulu over me. Very disloyal, my doar boy un-Knglisli to a dogrou hut thcro ia uomotbing in lliosa placin that one cannot get nthomc." "Yt;.i, I own to it," said Stratton aftor u panne ; "oni foela safe ashortriifLor the pun hi of a mental wreck ; but thi-ro aro ino- monta, old fellow, wbon I shrink and shiver, for it is an if u wave wore jioiaolunyly approaching to curl ovor nnd Hwcep ona buck into iho dark wiU'erH." "Suiff! that's all oast," said Urottison, lighting a fionh cigar. "Hero wo uro in a lovnly placo, and with only ono caro which wo depute to a nurse. Let's cut and drink our lill of tlio jumcu that has eumo to ua." "Jiut it cannot goon, llrattison," enid Su-Ht-ton solemnly. "It must have an on'd." "Yea ; an end conies to all things, hoy, I ohall lio before long, tut why should I sit and brood upon that ? L'st's thankfully iiceopt iho good with the ill-^no, not tho ill," ho said solemnly : "death is not an ovil. It U only made so by man," ,'But wo cannot go an Buying hero," said Stratton with energy, -p . "Why not?" AN ELEPHANT oN.1 'oGKET. Mho \t* iim <i iod ut Hi uionnl. A-iy 'rufMit- Thcre l a new attru'-'tlon fr vlnl- iorn at Central i'uri;, and mi'- that otifflit lo pisivo int<T":itlii;; tn cviry- body, youiiK JiHd old. It hi u b.-iby." b:- phuiit, and It !m mi cunning -ni'l j>I > )'nl jim liny body'ii 1 al/y, bu't, ol nur. r, n> Hi: own idi/plmntln*-' way. At pn-Miit ii \n iif\t\. lii iiiii- of Hit; i'i nl hi a,t i li 'i lu- pliant luiut;'.',, but. pretty kviii It v.'ill im iilIow<-r| out In (hi* yurd, wh'Mii viidtom riaii bcronic niur.* liitiniiit'.ly ncriuiiitileil with It, Thi! Infaiil, u hli-h l:i front " l-:: lo '*r In holfiht ill tin- )iiioul(!r*!!t, mid h i h ul the iiiidk* ?i]>'.'imiiI'l'irii-riI in Imij;.Ii. l.iU tW ul' Um lifo lihitory hi known at tin: l'iirl(, HthiT to Si'ci'i-l-" I'j' Uurn:i nr iu kiH-pcr Snyder, All tln-y I - i.ow about ' It bt thnt It w;\ > horn In fn*. ihJin In thr liidlnn ]\r.:r,\fn, and \\-'-n cupturoil then-. A ropnrlrr [aid an Infurmal vl.dt to tho Imby i-h-pliii : t yc.Mi'i (by. finydor, when In- Inti o-lucfil tin: vic tor to tin- baby, ^avo l.ii' u\>\)'.*'4, wiiirii dio ha by received one . t a lime In tbe eiirb-.l up u|' bt-r truiiU. Then nh- hv- yan to it el about for nuch utliec thliu;.* ,uh the. vhsltorM iiilKbl hnve that would !UilL h'-r Inteinal eennnmy. It wac iiriuiiM to i'i el her tiiijik j.^'iHly jday- .iiK ul' -ii t one' with a tfiiich an lijfht and ii-M dulnty an that of a y,\r\. The little elephant relt. of the, rc- ,niI'ter'H IlllKCI'M, llJV'fltiKaled lllH Iiotf* I ai>er, took bin pencil, and then rubbed ot r head up iiKii'ln-'H bitn In an nt'i'ec- thHiute r.tiKffeMilon th. i nlie would llit'_* lu lif HcratcheU. "f nover .saw an olejdinnt with riue'n a nice, smooth, healthy skin," uabl ^'^erpc^^FiTiydor.---------r-------- The ll'.tle vlHitor arrived nt the pnr!< nil Tue.sdny afternoon In a crate ;.nd a truck. Soon ;.fter hIio arrived AIr. Unrn.s had Snyder fllve her a bath. It' ABt>u<nri4tx or a hiiima. AVM>MMirLveraeciir Mir iMprUmsaavb* lor lUre#- I>Ay * at % Chinajnisn* Montreal,Oot.18. A very stmnpe cdee w.R'bpforft Jiwl^e Dpbt h to duy, whop. Victor T:aioretrWajB e-rirrg*** with (0>- tlu<:t.iiu: Ml- u ' J^l- vbr;, wm wn' uj huvi: been mai rbd to-day to u M;, Martin.-uho of this city. Tt (or.e-.-iM thJit t tie tady Wua onae c(nir>id by *ht' pi'iHoii'-r, who btfcarnu bf Id hi M V with, jL-:i|.'tuy nnd mur whtn 1 nndur oj,' blu foriiii.T aWrctiif.'irt'ii ( oiie hitf i/i.url.M e, mnJ put up ; Job to h'ivi' hor i-ik'i" to the re h|> II o of one I'j, Mnir! 'Ii.'i, rl and tln-ro 1'epl und..r lock aid key. '1 he bi\de-'der_'.t wii.u Invltfw] to Mi hour-o i.n-no;vn to her irien \ < ;ri:' tin re lop,. \\,.\- ihr o dayj.1__TiilTjrrn.; lei? Ifieir font* hie 'In fill e!) t> ii'd .Vondr.-li iNl'd lwi .o and foMic! M!?o( Le:oi.vr<* 1; 1. ir .-n bed mi" c hiti'f. ^lho vrjiii ri moved t her ho - nnd Tnll'i-r-tl wan i rr uted, v.dth lb-- l!ee;,-d ii^orurplb^i l">tii bn|n; 11 <*i fited on 1 nth ,'-. Chin-o.itn, mippoHcd to h" -\VnU ], >-, \ t:o "= pt :l la (nd ry n t S<>. i'i' licrth I >t- tr i (., -'Iwi hue la t. nv nin1: or mirly tlil:i mi rn iik iu hi* pi c- *.r,i- ilej- p.enll;ir el mi ..^taneer, fift-r hr.v-' i"K h. ii diverted ))V I'.il hi1 OtV.t i",*- r.i n. y, Im Ii'd '-e- n 1 viiir \1'-j \V. t"Y i he i ntr thre moinh'.'. 'To * h >d: wiw. .'. Wvi re;dih-M i; :<i do ,r. Hie,- nollti d thft'i,r-. Ibv> n-i I th body wan r-niov.-il to I'i more i:e. Dccea'cd v. r:n nnld to be worh Slfi.OOO. The Hon. Judp;r (7ro.uii, who wiui re tired from the Court of ApP^nlf in IJ-'HS. died thin ovf-nliifr iur.:d 71. Pi- ceiitied hi 'inld to hf^ve bet-n wortli .: half million dollar*. HUO.Mff At' MYA1U.I!, -=f ri.Mt llotlvi* 1m' Hurmiderhiif* Toronto, Oct. 18. IJngh Bhaw, chaij;ed with bliraniy, apptsn - ed beforu Juduc AltlJounaii ajjaiii yesterday nioniihi; and \.a.-i i'e- inaiided. on hl:i 'uw.i i;ad until tun could be had lo hear from the tino wife lu Vv'Inmpi.-i;, \s liu \ui,-. n. ...i?..- nub. JliM laiiiej-, (jcurfp.' Idia .' . di'-d re cently iu UrantiorU, iuaMUh an c:-i.^.l- va.uc-d bu-LWcun * >->*>. Tho tcrnia of the will ieir.;liai and explain the niolU <- win., v..--., Kbaw to give hlmaelr up. Mr. T. ii. Lull, Cleric of tin- lJeacu, ot iuik, nnd ! Dr. A. Patuilo or thlii city ar- La txe- cutoi.s and the money U - to y,<j u> i.n. non Hutfh If he return, d and cleaivd hlmHolf of tho charui! o. bigamy. J*I t* Vluili-i Hi tin; Old J,', - IllleiliKI.':! d .<ti. a'letter- wan received from the rust wife in Winnipeg claiming her rl;;li'^. Iho father eummuilieati d with the. mj.; who, it l;t .said, naritdy- leit lie- eoL....... with wllV* mi in her two. I nb-'j:^ u.- ton cleam himself of the charge or at iitanda his trial, all hi:- Mountuhl ClhuhliiK Hftiia woudorfalfartoinntidti for many men. And tho h)|fhr tho moantain and ih groator wpfuo of (lnngr ubout it. tho mort HBX'0UM s-n, with any moiutain climbing hittniatu wliuty(1r, to lt to tho ton of that mouriUiu, Thoro in an lutoKlcution. a llry nutliimhum M|)rtak it that puHlu-n on.tou.MJd on, utid ri.nU tir- ati mmoloHaml umpimh ikggmgooiir^ato 6vrlai.tiuKly kc.p nt it mnil tha topis rouobed uiul tho on llmg y.o(ibyrH that fan thu brow of Mm m.muWiu cool your own throbbing toniplfu, Ami'ruHin-i lnv tho^nht that it wai noci-tiHary to go to JOuriipu, to tho Alp*, .to llnd any full crown luoiintihiH to uo-ilo. It'null momihhino. Iwu'ti li.000 foot high cnotigb, with uhioiorH, thuu r.iakil.oraak- fid oroaturww of ioo and (mow, aud craters nnd rnm'iiroH and pruuiptuiH "to olhnb over and round, thn riauiA ;tu in the Alps? Yo, (hoy aro alt r^lit hero- ulm<e at baud, and if you uro inti-ruHtu:! to know whoro and how itud'w'hfiii, jimcM-ud your uddrorifl, and -IX v.tiula ill hta'iipv to On*. 9. Kkk of tho Nnrihoin raeifluIUilroiA(l,S:.P.iiiI Minn., will auiid ynu a b ok th it reoounU >i climb up ono of tho ifriudtMt'paaki* of iMirth, writlon by thu ffukilluman whi>,t44drt th" uHoent. ' ^^^ Tho ahaptoroh. thi-i mi'iuLmu U pro- fuoflv ilbiHfntoid in loot fid a etohiu^g tNln-ii by a vihiitOijrAnhur who Uiiuo'npinittd the, [atrrj fi.r that jiuriiouo. If yon aro in- 'iTchted in your o-vu oomitry to diunrn to know ahout it wo.idorfijl mjouio loattireu, you w.nt thin hook. there Im nnythlnfr an elephant, hfo or i ""^ >*"-to iitanda his trial, all nh- UUks enjoys, it ia a buth. If he had, Xa$!'r'ti eHtjitu-ffc.e to chanty. i / i* -,->. i ___ i bhaw, ft l.'i tiald. ban no ovldencv to a placo for It, Mr. BurnH Hay hii wou il . ahow lloV(:d ,lls .lirHt tt uv A ItltlTlhll ECIIIIAII IN. llK' ElIiiu of .IhIiiiiiIi'i* Arniii^l of Vlolui- lujx i>'niv oiiiij:jitioiu. Loudon; Oct. 10. firent Rrltnln Iiiim sent mi u'.tliniilum to the Klnjr of Awlmntoe.who to neou.:ed of vloliithijr his treaty o.*?!lco- 11miH. tl'-iininillin; thnt he pbiee Anhtniteo eader Jhii' proteoMon with it re.ildent cr-iiiinisKluiuT, The ultimatum i^plr*fl Oi-r. :u. . Orllllu, Oct, 1C A frame dwclllnrron Cnlilwater*Blreot owned and occupied by William Foard wau totally doutroy- ed by Ihu early thin .morning., Tho iuinaioH oHcaped by' a luddor, trpm a ii.;cood Htorcy window. A piano was th- only plcco of furrilturu aaved. ,Tho jLH.'./iiiinr--, brick houBe, owned by Joa- ( pli v/a)iacu and occupied by tho tdm~ 'iy of IX 11. Cameron; received damage ... the extent, ot $300; IftHUved. Tlio oc- cuiuuntH aavod their houwehold erteotH. William IVnrd oHtlmatee hbj lawa at ;mno nurtlnllv Inmired. .- ) 'dddy the cdephantH, i.rid In fact :>.. 'Ik* leather skinned 'anlnialH with a tank of water an Hie; nn that which tho hippopotami have to wallow In. When tho hoae was turned onto Ihe baby elephant on Tuesday, not con ten', with the .stream as It played upon her, nho sucked up the spare water from the the lloor and tipurted it upon her.self from her trunk. Then Snyder fed her. Ho jjave her a loaf of bread flrat. She 1'itit. It on the floor and crimhed it- with on.- of her forefeet, and then picked i' up piece by piece and ate every crumb 'of it. Snyder had pieces of bread In liLi pockets, and uhc wont through as cleverly aa a pickpocket would and pot each one. Thon-he Rave her a pa'I of b~ri:"n mash, and stiv exhibited a reg ular baby pet when he took part of It away to elvc to another elephant. If the baby remains lonp; enough at the Pitrlc, Mr. Burns says he wll teach her Koine trlclcB. New York Sun, Tre I'lontlntr 1'ayw. Tho French thoroughly appreciate tho advantages to be derived from syste matic tree planting-. Spoaklnp of what they have done In this way, tho cor respondent at the Ixmdon Timet* In Paris says: "Tructs of sand have been covered with pine forests, and tho word lande, borrowed, us It in thought from the Germans, Is losini; lta mean- tiii; of 'waste." Till a century uro a large'portion of the forest of Fontain- ebleau consisted of bare sandhills, but tho plantInff of plne; was begun, a variety capable of standing- the sever est winters was eventually found, and millions of trees now. diffuse healthy and agreeable odors, besides furnish ing timber and fuel. Tho decomposed Mr needles, moreover, gradually'form a crust of vegetable mould, permitting the growth of trees and shrubs lea able llian the pipe to 'live on air.' The Department of uhe Jjandes, once u barren region wItli>.Ha.nd n loc-'" that people had lo walk on stilts, Ih cov ered with pines, and the problem, of draining the subsoil has been solved, as described in Kdmond About's story if 'Mi.itre Pierre.' The losses by. fire ,i.ihJ anxiety to j>roduee something nujro remunerative than pine are now, now ever, inducing schemes of artificial /trtlUzation. In many French water- ng places dunes have been transform- ' .d lnl> woods, thus holding out to ea- ide' visitors the attraction of agrce- hle id tide and a change from a mono- L.inous beach. Shifting sands have oeen prevented from extending Inland. ;n some eases, dunes have been ac- luired by companies which, after hinting" them, have cut them up Into 'uildlng plots and have seen them . utted whb villas. Klsewhere municl- lalltles have taken up tlv* matter, and in btrgo operations the district or the Jopartmfnt luui provided the funds." to ht- ' dead beyond. his own sworn Btatem'cnt. He says a brakcrhan on the, whoso name hi; forgets .-and who was at that time on the Winni peg run, told hfm dds wife there was dead. As there is nothing to bo. gain ed -by fvhaw'n escape his own bail la ricceptod, as the Judge preform to he<ir from the other side before giving Judg ment i ivi; nit. ror.iToix Tkey Wrri) All on Ou Htarlt ami Thrlr Wi-lshf Wru I'J l-J I'-lMIHlu. Caledon, Oct. 1^. On AVednesdav, the lGth, Mr. J. J. l")oddH raised live pota toes attached to one stalk -which weighed 12 \-2 pounds. The potato held from which the above were taken Is on the farm of Mr. Thomas Smith, Lot 15, Centre TUind, Cak-don. Your correspondent witnessed the potatoes being weighed. Armenian Prisoner. :;clriiwt'(I. London, Oct. 18. A despatch from Constantinople dated yesU rday says that the commission appointed by the Porto to In'qulre Into the Ruilt or in nocence of the Armenians who. have been arrested since September 30 have caused the release of -17 of the prison ers, who are declared to he Innocent of any complicity In the rioting. The request made by Sir l'hlllp Cur- rle, the British ambassador, for per mission to visit the prb'ons has been granted, and Secretary Lister and two other delegntoH of the powers have in spected the prisons. ft Is now stated that the number of persons who. were killed during the ic-cunt troubles at Trebizond was -HJU. The disorders there were ' promptly quelled. ' It'ody itowewl. iVUiMl at Gnvo" That id what- it hi .vlit-n-trtivo|ljiu*oii th& hint truiiiM of tho Cliiea^o, Miiwaukoo A 9i. / Paul Riiihvny; bufiden t-horo iu no chiinoa fo "kick," for tho iiucoruinodatioiia aru up to dato. tbo trains Icnup moving riuht aloni; nnd r; thero on timu. Thoao lhioa thor oughly cover tho territory bebweuii Ohioaeo, La CrosHe, Kt. Paul. Mmneiipolin, Aber^ doon, Mi'ohell, Sioux JPuIIh, Hioax City, Yunkton, Counuil Dluffu, Omaha and Nor* thorn Micbiguu. All tho priuoipul tjitioa und towns iu that territory aro reached by the "Kt. Paul" HnoR, oonnoatiiiK at Sfc. *' Paul. Couneil Biuth und Omtlm wltb all 'mm for poinm in tho far wont. Writ to. A. J. Taylor, Curaidian Puhh'it A^eut, 87 York Street, Toronto, Out., for ono of tlmir map time tub]en tihd a brochure giving deucrip'ioii of tho Cnmpurtmout Sle**piny JitrH. Ticketd furniwhod by any coupon 'sickct uyent ui tho United States and Can ada, Ibo finest dimut! carH in (he world run on tho . nolid ve^tibulod. eleoUic- .((hted-iiud ateam-liO'itud tt-KJim of the Ohi- A^a, Alihvuukeo it' St. I'uul Uuilway. Sir. tiny-* Mlireeu(il- St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1R. Joseph Ham, say. jr., of thiH city, has been appoint ed to the position of general manager of the Wabash llaihvay, made vacant by the resignation of JMr. Hays. Air. Hays will go to Canada In a fortnight and thoroughly Inspect the Grand Tiunk Hallway from Portland to Chi cago, taking charge of the road as gen eral manager on January 1. Itrn/ll lu lirccnf Jtlo Janeiro, Oct. 38.- Tho Brnalllnn CfcverniiH nt hns sent an urgent de spatch to the Governor of Para, ask ing lor reformation -In regard to the passage of an armed British fnrcc through Hiazillan territory. Scycral ilerdH of KufTaoes. And tbounandfl of elJH, deor, etc., are to bo found iu tho Ycllowatoue Park. Ifc ia tho only placo wh&te ihQ^JiBfiCjdo eAn bej found to-duy, bo ruereih-Kidy have sluu^htered. They aro i;ono from tho pUinu acl prairies,and the romunt now left can thank iho United Stntea Government for tha privilege of living. Tho Yflllowwtouo Park ih their homo and tliere they arouufe. The Park ih putrolled by BoMit>ra both Hummer and wintiit* to capture poiah* und oiTouders nnd oovore puniuhment is meted out to intruders. In hummor thu buffalo ran^o in tho uhlaiida ^ near Yullowstone Luke. In winter they work over iuto I fay den Valley and surrounding country, whoro tluVHoE"" iiprineu and watc-rn keop tho suow melted awiiy. Deor and elk raugo ovor the entire Yeltowstono Park. Thus besidea the great inurvela of nature mot with iu tbfawouder- hind.iheroRre alnn tho tin oat specimens of our lar^o game Turn a and doode, they four not, man. Skutohtis of Wonderland, un illustrated. book publihhcd by thu Northern Paoifio Raiiroud dtncribcfl this wonderland/ Ik. will entba b by Chap. B. Txm,. tbo Geu'l, ; A^ent. bt. Paul, Minn., Upon receipt ofsix ccntu in ntarapH. A AkuMt(n'i'i" Hcif-.Htirdt'r. Buffalo, Oct. 18. James Dixon, ac- ,\ Novelty I" l*riloro>i. Old roil Jean makes charming cur- :.;ns for. the dining-room effective _ nd very Inexpensive. Duy a few yards i' bb.elc velveteen, have this stamped ... large, conventional de^lgno, cut thorn . i:f and applloiie them neatly -m to he jean by means of- utrong eluq .hich comeii expressly for fancy work.. nitllno these "brocades" with some arrow gold cord and you will have a 'trlklngly handsome' material vvhl h 'iilght enslly pass for being worth f ;ir $1 a yurd. A border of tho v*:v.'l wr.^ross the tc^) will add to .Itu appi'Ui- fttibe -x- cused of. murd ring Captain IMiUlips and his son In Toriawanda recently, committed suicide In Ills cell in tho jail hero last night by hanging him self with a towel. Krwln Collins, one of tho Tonawanda rioters, was arrested at Syracuse last night and brought hero to answer to the charge of murdering young Phil lips. I Con MnlliierrH Delimit. Bombay, Oct. IS. The mutineers In GOa have refused to accept > the. am nesty offered them by tho Portuguese officials and havo committed further acts of violence and spoliation. They have looted the treasuries: In the city of Coa and wrecked several buildings. IirlilMli Kfalp K.imi. The British ship Calcutta, Captain Tow; from lluanll- los, Augtmt 18, forljondon, has been abandoned at uea In a sinking condi tion. Part of her crow landed on Statun Island, at the Houthorn oxtro- mlty of South America, on 9ept. 1C. The MunrtU IVInl Bcauharnoln, Que., Oct. 18. The fvaturo of tho Shortla trial to-day was tho ovldoncQ of Dr. Daniel Clark of Toronto Asylum, who eoiisldors the prisoner a natural congenital Imbe cile, in "which has< been implanted In- uanlty of, the-: delusional class. He considers the case oa- one without a parallel. bjuwnny HDiiDw, it'CQM roau S. ADAMS \. Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A laigo stock, all now i^oclgdinf] J! latest Novoltics; I take upoaclT' ^ seat on pi'icofl. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, couglifc at bottom prico, im>3 oanhout tliem all for prtoo 'and quality. 0U and 8qo thoni. * PRICESAWAY DOWN - ON -r;v Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness i'/VI ' I ralilrr nml *l,00ft ionf. Duluth, Oct! IS. H. Stucke^calsh-. lor of the. State Hank of..Duluth/. 1b ro>sin# and hns taken $ll.0Q0 rency. and/'sojld. bank " secured by ophy^'T,. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo fitobk and it muat .'.-. - g<. Call nnd 8^e mo\} / boforo buyuig " elsewhere. Everything in fhe Horse Furnishing tine ;) '."" '"' -.'T5S| ?. '". 90

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