Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 5

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^(^^^ f^^^^^^^^p^fif^^ THJS E _ TALK OF THE TOWN iv> FRIDAY. OCTOBKR 11. 1815. Tbttfkday oTouin ia, all HaJhiw Ne.xt 'en. S.'Saoord will diapowo of__apqihflC_lofc_t. flrat clans dairy oowa at UooVa hvury'ou Sararday. 26th Inat. FrWata citizens of Leaaaingtou have filed a proteat against tho oatabluhmflnt of a hih aohool in that Iowa. Tho Dominion, a now^o, forty- oightcalumQ weekly, will b iHUd on Thursday, Not, 7, by Uoyer A 0 at Ridgafcown. Sunday night'a froHt jtmt flniahocl up the Work of cutting lb laavei from thu treeN and they fell thick and last on Mouduy and TaoHdny. A LoanaiuRtou bliiokmlth on 1um70i1i birthday bfcod a horse, all round )u foiirtaou uinutaa, and challenges any man of hi Uo to 4-quu.l the font. (iamo^Warden Qualliu* wan in town laot w**uk, and with Deputy.Wardon 3ormloy, took a look through Uia county, but appur- utly found no law bt-tmkera. Mr. EJ. Moouey, lot II. con. 19. Sand wich South, will anil u quantity of farm impUmi nla, LioUBelW'ld farnituru, iiudothur artiolea yu Monday, Out. 39. W. McGnlro play ml at u eonoort givou by the King's D;tugutoru at '. Siiuptioii fcUtliodiiit ohuroh, Dalrolt, on Mouduy evvuhig, Hia clarionet ia booomiu^ qui to popular. The Ontario government will Bond a Diuu to inyostitfato a Horns of myututtnuH Area iu Kunt und Elgin countiea. A hudq b<tr of bamn in tho townahipti of Tilbury North anil Humility ha-vo boon burned by incundiariou. A htoull-Bized hot; oholoruopidoimo oxintu near Kiug*villu. Tho iUfootod diutriot huu a rutliUH of mot uioro than a railo, ut pruH* *ii(, and fannum will do well in taking effective meaMUcoy tojprovout a Hpraad of th diaeuflo. . Tho regular an. ivoraary boVvjogr of tho Aiotbodiat ohuroh in thin town will bo hold on Bwuday next, and on Monday uvijing thw UbUul tt'ii-ni'olinj in to bo hold. Rev, Guljoway, of Leamington, will ocoupy the pulpit ou Sunday morning and ovoutufj. Hpocinl ertlo at Smith's i ladiou' doa-tn, oViiootita, boofca, to. . Twaoty-four carat gold ia all gold; S3 oarat gold ban 23 parka of roId, 1 of ail v**r, and 1 of copper;. 18 oar ad i/okl htta 16 purtH of pur guld aud'1? parta out li ofulvor and oopper in ita oomporitlun; V2 oaiat yold i* half gold, tho remuiwlor biting ma*ie up of 3 parts of tdlvor un^ BJ parta ooppur. On BfTiiiidtiy lant Patriok O'OuilulK of Old Ouwtlu tuut with a very mtrniun "ami painful acuidnut wbilit Idllit'M IX'K1'* "* wm iu tho aot of hitting a lio^ in thu htnti ^iUtJ^yji^t wln it ^laiuit'd am] the* bludt. atrikin^ him huh" ifiitiu "pimin^ thti'j-'iui. Ho iu dui|> wolluudtir thu onrdtUt aii-iid- auuo of Dr. J. VV. Bru-u, 'i'lia flrt nppokk'a.tioo of "fclio hoautiful" for thiu Moaaon, waw on Kuuday i-vciii*^ hint, Th day wu oo]d otiou^h fnrJamnt. ry, and hiiow wilh in the uir all afturiioun. Ou Mouduy moniiiift tho ground wan pruUy wtill covcrod- A, Imrd fro^n ulm *oonmimni(/d th-ny Hi^tr-* of wi/itur. HiluohuH oF unuw f ^ 11 in uonJiurn AJiuIii^m. and UuUrio, A Toronto organixutiMi ar unking rlio the Duniiuinu fovortinmnt for u oliai tor to uotistruot uu Bitot no railway fro.n iUoiit- roal to Toronto. By a ndw di^co/uo it n, oiiii.noJ ulootrio power oau ho traunnniiod 2(H) miltiH, TIihh tho lino from Uontn.uJ to, Wmdoor oould bn operated by two pow r houtiUH. The truillo would oonniHt ol Iouli freight and pUHUL'U^orn, and tho coiurnon vundn of the co on try would bo uhod, Ladiou' all wool voata Qfjo eaoli at Bmitli 'h, Gii!io Warden Quulliuu ou Sunduy took ii tUK and weut down the nvorfrom Wind- au)-. Ho Hayw ho found throo Ntouni ytadno, own (id by Dotroitura, nlau*hUnnj.' tho duoku iu Cunadiau wattru. Mr. Qunlliim uturtod iu pursuit, but thayaohta wero too hwift far him. Uo Htatiji,.tliat.uiiJ(,im thu* id atiippud at otioo, all of tin. duoku will Uu drivon our of tho Dotroit rivor. Ha won". to tho FlaU Tuonduy. The novoral tondorti roooivad and opunod Huturrlay for ropaitin^ flu county build- inna worn an followa; VVildfjrHpin. 828,750; Wortloy, 81)1,800; P. Neviu, 819,999. Ah aunounood in 8atur- day'ii Kuuord tho contract wan awarded to Nuvin, whoaa bondaniQii lire W. J. MoKoo und M.J.Twomoy. Tho commitiio Hiiid thoy fourod no trenblo from the city and ETio work would bo oommoncod at onoo. Iu fact tho first nod wan turnod on Hatur and Ulsters. Ladies' n VV*; *:>m noli urn nl] wool reliiible good lot-H nn'i'it-y tluui oiliiv.'-" nvo HclJiu^ nlioddy giirwi for The honor ol Oak Hull is at atuke in making this HinttTnt-nt- and tlio buyer must bo the judge of our tnithi'ulnoHH.. M Here's the Proof ----HovrN. E, Soott, of thin town, recently bad uroeu puna, thu growth of a tieooiid crop oif~tho wttmo piooo of ground, lor Ins dinner. J^rfittSr tAfo iiWd crop wan harvootod romainmg pout] ^rrow a^ain, thtitt yielding the nocond crop. Truly Ebbox iH a fiounty of alioOHt tmpicul fertility. Furmoru aro huny takinfj up potatoeu For uoroiino, yield uud quality the like wua not booij in tho townnhip, und, wo aio aorry to add, tlo low prioo of 15o. por bun which wuu novor boforo'knowu hero sit thin BciiHou of tho ycir. Thia low prioo will uo doubt oauno ["rent auimLitton to bo fod toatook, hnpplyinfj iu many ouhub tho d'-footivo turnip orop tiud soanuty of orln-r f.jfd. Ono man ro,toriu 7(10 butdialii off 4 aaroa. Erin advocate. RptaKini; of tho rcctmt Mawonio oorvicMt hold in that town, tho Rodney Mercury Biiyti: "Tho Hi-rvico wan couductid by Rftv. W. M. Floraimt, of E'.'hl-x, with whom Rny. J- 1'. Soott nobaii^ud puipita for tho day. Mr.. Fit-mint:'* t*xt whh taken Irora EphoHiaiiB iv; 13, "Till we till cor-jo in the unity of tho Tilth, and tho knnwIodMo of tlio Son of Gud, uuto a porfoct man uuio the raoRHiiru of tho etuluo ol fulotaH of ChriHtV1 IUa diticourno, InBtinu twenty miuutoH, waa oloar. nupreBuivo uud deep, and hiH pioturo ol tlio perfect umu wan moht tlinllinn;, to which tlio laryu uudionoa lintuiiHil with unirltoil iittftitiou. TUo pen- or<tl vordiot, of tho hrethurn wau that it una tho bi,t Aliihouic Hor'inin tlioy hud lin'onud to'. Thin 1-t* v. gentlumari bf-iug aud au' ivo M[tnou wan ahtu to uuter iuto tho true apiiit ot 'Miihourv. A'hnapiudroHUgoodH.nOj for Uj ut Smith'it. day, tho wardon handling tho spudo, and lb a brick aro hoiu^ d^livorod. A puir of nax froo with mon'u buotu at Smitli'a. A. Oumaron, of Toronto, has writtou tho Windaor oonuoil that hia company wi williuj; to noil to tho city all toll roaduen. coring tho oit'y. Tho compuny ownu 800 ahurea iu thu roods aud ha contiola 600, uod thoy nro valued at 320 per uharo. Aid, liarunoii Huid ho had aonauliod' roavou of tho towuuhipH in Entua oountv aiid they hud duaidod to liavo tho govoromeut com* miswionorn o'n roads coins to Winrlwor tu invoBtigato tlio matter, after whioli thu council oould purohuuo tho roadnif dooirod It in hiucoroly liopod tho toll-^atu iiuihiluco in 1'jHnex county may uliortly bo aboluht-d, OvoruoutH, extra Ijaiivy, for man, S3ii/> ut Smith'u. A Filthy Lot Bio. Jonod in the Kiu^fj. yillo lloportor uayy. *'Did ituyono nol-ioo tha|ant mob liuod up. ou both didm* of tho Motliodiflt church door laat Sunduy ovuniut;? WiiHii't it a beauty? And how it wujjtfod iiB flliliy jiwaund apat tohacoo jnico ovor thi ohuroh otopa. What a lo^o- ly niL'ca for ladiea to trail their drumen through. Of all fllthy uninmlu coumuuid uu to tho tobacco chowor.1' Uo tui^nt hayo placed tho tobuoco amokor in tho tuxmo lint, for thu latter puff.i hiii foul Hrnollin^ omoko to tiife four winds of bouvoii und it con:oit ia contnot alilto with tho juhi and with tho unjuot or tho uua who etuolteR. Men' Ovi'ivonlH from S^ ^0 Men'H Viu*w UIhIhi-m ^J5 50 Yiuih' Frit"/* Ulniorv 5 00 Youth*' Ov^roontrt '5 00 Boys1 Over<!ojt 4 00 Boy' Krieae UlBterw 5 00 Ciiilda' (Jve'reoata und Ulflters 3 00 Hal! Clothiers W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Satdwich "st w. Windsor >a*> 'i'cavhurw' InstiLiite. Airtot-tiuti of tho Ktiuth E^iox Tnachoru' Cnnlltuto will ho la-ul in Eh^ox Hiiih [unool, on Thurnlay und Fuday, Novum- rhvr 7th ami 8th, 1B1I5. Tho first Hunnion opi-uo iu 10:110 a. in. Thu proj>iunimo {-mljout to roarran^e- ni't-iit.j will bo uhoiit an f..i|.ivvd : 1. nu-mouH-eK-i:iioii nf ( flii>(.rn, trpiiKui- or'n report, oic. U. Mow to tench d-oiriml frutiouii to bouiunurH. Mr. G-o.yi. Fcmuo^ Us How to it-iiuh ^tm^raphy tn bt-^ir- 'titTH.- Mr. .J. O. Copuhind. Mr. W. O. lirtiuty.- ?,, Tho tiuiolier in tbo neliool. Mr. C. ' Onn-flwellor", M. A. . (J. How. to tcaoh nnoa of purtioip'oa, Mr F Voudnn, 7. A, ooncoptioii of montal growth. A Mhx'woIJ. 8 Boh o til manaKDujont. Mr J Smith. 9. XiUraturo. D A Max wall.' On XhurMdH-y ovojiiuK at 7:30 thtiro will bo a lecrure by Nov. Morgan Wood, of Detroit. Tho auhjtsot in not \ai aunounood. D VV #3 flneBbotjafor.Sl.fiO for ladiea ut 8mithVv, . Hod'a Fills **** tha b*t aftor-dinair pilli, ftaalat ii^aalion, our* baadacha. Hi^li Seiioul NotoM. Tlie followiuij are th* ronultii of wookN oifiminatioiiB in porot-ntntic : Luttruturo form II, L Rutiaull, 8'J; M Jiukaon. 82; [[ Coolto.Blj H II Coll, 70; M Tlmaudoim( 7o; F Arnold, 70; 8 Cuuniu^liunj. GO; J J Tully, 67; 9 U'I-hoI, fiii; 8 Wortlov, (J-J; N Sinter, lil; Ij Thitiuudcau, 01; L Gr tlith, 00; N DvLauti. 69; A Waitern, 50; L Wi^lt*, 51; K hmisii, fi2; E. Irwin 47; C Gomndi, 40; JGrozrr, -11; M Gummiford, -12; M Uowo, 42; .\l Korli. -10. Algebra and Euohd III, J -1 Rooinan, 70; \V Whitman, 7"> L) .1 bamib-rry. 07; W Jl KniHtor, 05; 13 Uioi.iuniHon, 50; li You '(?, ~3 A D Potter. 53; B H B Ma- L luuhlin, 51; B Tuivillo, 13.' Algebra, form II. Burtha byppH, 73; II Arnold, 00: F A Loalc. 00; '^ W MoKo -, 17 Motiiuy, form I. F Arnold, Bfi;'E ' Whiioi 81; 9 Wortoly, 78; G IrWii,.7.7; F rj-.aK.78; May JumuSt 75; W J^mcn, 7-i; h B"!ineiir, 71, N DoLoiia. 73; B Thnm.m.73; E lUuw* 72; E RielmrdMon, 72, H Rorlio, 71. B Brnwu,7l;OHoao. 09; B MoQnoim, (18; M Uorku, 08 L .Witflo; 08; E Ij<mii, (17; B Ooiitmaii. 07; D Moonoy. CO; G Dowhirht, 05; \t MoIUo, 01; K Millar, Gi; J IMnturo, 63,0 MoQuouu. GO; E Hopijood, 00; B Wil. Hon, 50; Ii Koum, GO; L Hilhor, C8; F Shorridan, 6fi; F LiHtiT, 5(1; B Puor, 56; A Waltora, 41); A'Cah,r,-17; M MolIuh, 47; W Shrumiu, 40; E Pulford, 11; F Ma- Aloe, 41; J WyuiU, 41. At tho lttnt mooting of tho Lyoonm tlio f-jJIowinU proKrammo wuu rundorod : Ghorufl, arruuffoa by MUhoh K Millar and Oanlnr; Inatrumontal, Minn S Uuuiuiir* ham; Aruui (pt. I), Editor; Bolo, Miaa h miPer; Reading, Mr. F Xiuuk; U*rmouica Bidnctiot) , MInh B While; Ar^ua (pb II), Editor; Gd Bays thu Quaen. Viaitorit ave wcloo^a to tho High Holiool fjycoona. Public Sdiool Koport. Ref'ulat'ity ot atlomJanno and uood worl^ at thono -.veokly MuiniuntioDH ure nncoiuutry for pioino'ioi) froiu ono ciaun to another. Without 'hcriit, no pupil nood expeot pro motion at th*- hulf-yi'nrly t;xaminationn. I'riooipal'n ruom, Entrance claHo; MarliH pOHUiblu 00; ob'a undiAB Groeuway 50, K Laing 50. .1 Duunr 60, B Ellison 48,'L Uowo 41. E Nay lor 41. Iv Gri-iiwuy 38. N Cdt'-n ^8 Al iMillui 28. U Jumna' '27, Ii Mudio27. '---------- Junior 4th. Murku powhiblo GO; obtain od: A Gourmy -18 11 Fuller a.'t, M Griffith 3y, F Gr.ll'nh !JO li d,B..uali 25, L VVilIo 31. E Monro 11, N Alexnaer 14. M Tdrry 0. Ahneut: K R. buiHOu, W Lue, F Ad- aino, and J Wulla'ju Buuior 3<d, MutUh posuiblo 50; obtained hy hiLhoBt G; W Cratit-wftllor 3G, A'Laitig 33. H Gardner 28, W Thoruo 27, M Brown 25, Elhio UoCuffro) 22. Mian WilliaruH' room, junior thirc MarltH puhMibloOO; obumod by tiitihuot ten: A Luiiig 57, E Truwin 57, N Alluii 52, A Wyinan 40. M furkiusoij 47 F Gourlay 47, E Cory 1G. J Scraohau 40, E Robiui>ou 45, J Doajan 41. tVlihii AttrdiiHOL'a room, oouior uud mtur- Luodiato huooud olutih. iMaiku potiBiblo 00; ohtaincd tiy ht^hunt ton in oIani: iVI 1'liii- ipa 54. L Allou 54, F Bmdick 52, E Ella- worth 60, B.VJ (Joll -17, ii Reomau 45, Da W Etlnworbh 45. (J Wiulo 44, D Fatil 18, M RoUiniiou 42. Juuur iiuuond ola'iUl-rV Hioku 54, A Nitylar 46. R Houra 42, U Robiuuon 40, B Binuluii 40, N Willhhor HO, W uhattoriou 33. R H.I. 30.'O Nay lor 29, A btaooy 20. Mian CrafittwulJtr'u room, uouior part iioo onU. ftlurlcH pObwibioUO; obtained by hiijli ohD ton in oluBhi Fruddiu liain^ 52, Ndno Gruou 44, Edna PnulipH 44, Albert VVolfu 41, Eihol Gormloy 40, Duuoan Wicrlitiuau 40,'EurJ6 Koov/a 40, Harry Graoiwollor 40, Alary Hdbinaon BO, Gut-low Fuller 3b. AIibh BIiuw'h room. Mark* pOHuiblo 70 obtaiuud by hj^hont tim:-rW E Boatnou 70, AL WvmauGi, O Robinwon 03, U Cull 63.' R Hanuou 03. W Rate.61, D Klin^bilu 00, M WiilBhor CO, B Elford 68, A HiokH 57, RIio.4 Hull'a room. Murka pouaiblo "25; obtained by hiRhebt too: Gordon Foraytho !i0, Elmat Piidkhiitu 18, Frank Eart 18, Stanluy Brown 18, Win Saraplo 17, Roy Iloudoraon 17, Viootint Uunroo IV, Bum Gruou 17, Malcolm MoKay 17,.Ernia Buuk 17. .____" A Windsor lady has notified tht oounoll of that city that alio will eutnr proceeding for dainugea for iniutoioa auntainod by a dofootiv* aidawulk. ' Buaox baa boon ox- trmoly luoky with |taworfiithau dofaativo. Ika. Fat mora do you wan money at ], pe)r oent.? If no writa A. G. Bakor, Loaminje- tonVOqfi. Terma of pnymont p? priuoipal to aaii borrowara. v?l ^AUKETJ Wheat rod por buuhel .. ..8 Wheat, whiCn .... Corn .... Gatu .... Timothy Good ----- Clover Hood .... -Vliii kc .... -Ilay-pnir-tou............ href per ewe............ Pork ............ Mutton ............ Hideo ............ idiickonn por lb........... Better .......... Lard .......... El'Ub, por.doz .......... Potatoeu, por buahol .... Onionn .... Vpplen .... Tundra .... CunotQ .... Beotu .... Purmiipn .... TurkoyH por lb.......... Duoku ..._______ * Oe|erv por doz.......... Cabbugo ..... 58 to ft* St* 40 20 to 22- 2 6( 5 75 to 5 75 4 51 7 00 to 8 (l(i 4 50 to 5 IH 5 00 to 5 110 5 00 to 55(i 3 i"ii 17 11 30 to 30 to 75 to 50 to bto 17 11 15 K0 31' 7'- 50 41. 6(i 41- c h Of 2; IV1 ram WallcorA: Soiih Markei Itei>ori No, 1 llyo, por htiahal .... 1 old Com .... M 1 Outn 1 Barley owt 2 owb Tho aliovo prioflu aro paid by, II, Walko Boon, Wnlkcrvillo, Out. wenllt and NttrYoviN DcHcnbos the condition of thoumindu of pnoplo at tliiu Hoiiflon. Thoy havo no appe tite, and nannnt ylcop and' oom- pluin of tho profitratniK olfo'cfc of war mer wciitlior. Thiu condition may bo roir. odiod by QeodV S'lrnaparilla.whiqh oroatf-u an appotito and toncw up all tho oruana. It Rivoa fiood hoaith by makino; the blood pure. Medical Hall Hondquartorn for all ncln-ol Bookrt, School Bnpplieu, Btation- ory, Iitku, Miioiloye, Bohool Gray- on, Blaokbourk Bniuheu, Puio- Books, oto. Every taaoher, praaoher and student flhonld haveone of thotrt patent Baker'H Opeu-Book lloldor, Frio* only 25 cents. G. A. SHERRlN, i . PbarmaolBt, Emmhl vi;[um; id At.iid t'il I.' t '.o.o.S Mi a yi/tu*) i MHVUi 7,d 6rV'IIJO-**l [ Wishing to reduce our Btock we will for the next 15 day* offer our etoek of ladies* Coats at tho following i>rico:' Lot No. 1, $3 50 4 00 4 50, choice for 2 65 2, 5 50 6 CO 8 00, . 4 5 3, 10 00 12 00 14 00, 7 2o and of latest style. No trouble t# Everj coafc the goods. new Something Sp al jregular witk In Overcoats for men. Heavy serge/ Col $6.00 line for $3.96 Extra heavy frieze Col storm collar, regular $8'gooda for $4.95. Don't miss Them I In the face of a rising market in Boots and Shoes . - We are offering a special job lot fine Shoes for ladiea, regular $3, $3 50 line, choice for $1.50 Men's Ion g leg Boots,'regular $2 line for $100, 2 75 for 2.20, 3.25 forjUO, 350 for 2 75 and 4.00 for 3.20. Witk each pair we give free a pair of heavy woolen box. Bring Your Gash to Us If you want to make a good investment; '$ m Whitney block, Essex, !*9 W. H. MCHAKDSON JH iJ5S>JdLi>!X.M Stoves and Hardware. Bicycles and Sporting Goods, Wagons and Buggies, Gem and Canadian Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS either Power or Pumping Windmills, For prices and term*, address *i Essex, Ontario. V!*, Agent for Essex County. /. -i-v. I if-.'.\--. '>:>}0W$)&.:^i :<i " ', liii^

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