Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 3

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t#:Vv"/'.v ; wyivuwjr;! ^;.^?;^ ' $;" grr- L ^ | ___ _ 1^^," Vri'fn Tim Katrn* !t*. F " COMPOSITION. The following in thu proptn- urritiitfu- mont of tho articlo givtm in owr IiiHt isauo. In work of thia kind Tkm Wntkanoh im(S and labor for both touohor mid pupil. ol" ThurMlay, tliu 51I1 ol February, the Lomion Gmetit nnnminriMl tlmt bin majesty was fjoiuj; on well, 'I'ul ww thought hy llitr physicians in be <ml of d;in|-"", TliclirllKfirMl tbcchnrrbcsrani: iLTn1y,ninl preparation!! foe. hnnlires were \\iwk in i'"-' sireetKj hut. in thr evciiinir it was known thai a ' rclajKc (mil luken place and llmi liV medical nttcndanU had e,ivou up alt hope. The public mind was ^routly dislurbcil, but Ihcru was noilispo.'iitlnn to tuinull. Tin; [hike of York who had already taken on .himself to give orders, ascertained thai the city was perfectly quiet, unci tlmt he mifjlit willmm difficulty be proclaimed a*; wmn as his brother should empire. The kin;; uas in ureal pain and complained that'lie fell* in if a lire wn-4 buniintf willnn him; yet he bore up rujaiird hi* sulT/crin^s with a '"v 'fortitude which did not seem 10 belum,; u> his soft and luxurious naKtrc*. Thesi|*ht ofhis misery affected his wife <;n tiiuchihat !;lH*faiii1ed,:tud A* as carried senseless to her'cliaiubcr. The/Hv^tiirt w^" were in waiiini; had from ~**^ weTiu'st ei hortedMum to prepare for Ins end. They novvihoii^hl il tlieir duty to address him in a Ktill more urgent manner. Wdli.un San- ' of oft, Archbish'tpnrCanterbury, an hone>;t and piou^, though n.irrow-minded i]ian, used i;re;U freedom, "It is lime," he said,"to speak out, for sire, ymi are about to appear lie fore a jud^e who is ii" respecter of persons." The kimj; um-wered not a word." It ih jut poHHiblo that tonclierH and pnpils may not all agrcu with iih iu our pariigrui>liiii of tlio articlo. Homo mitfhfc mitko ono piira^vfiph of" our flrHt and Hooond, and might aloo divido our third into two pavii^ruphH, Wo cannot boo imy BorioiiB objections to any of IhoHO formo. Our preference, however, is for tho reading ng given above. rjUrncH-witiTiNd. ..Wo have now our cloning articlo on Huh Hiibjoet. It doulH with tho complimentary clone, tho (denature, and tho direction. Our remurku on these parbi of tho lottor nood not bo lengthy. , Tho oomplimontary elouo and tho nig- iiflturo nhould bo placed at tho lower riht corner of the sheet. Young cor- reBpondGiitH Honudimos write theno partK too far to tho loft and Uiuh make their . letter appear vary unbiiHineuH-lilco. Tho wordH made who of iu tho compli mentary oloao dopond on tho nature of tho lottor and tho rolatioiifdiip exifiting betwoon the corroHpondonta\ In bnni- css lottora mioh tormH an VYonrtruly," *i Very truly yourH,-" "YotirH uinuovoly," will ho found Hiiitablo. In friondHhip lettern Huohtorma an "dinoorolyyourH," "Your friend,", will moot all ruquiro- niontH. In lovfl lottora well wo nmat draw tho lino horo. Wo cannot engage even to tmggoflt tmitablo torms, bo mul- tttudinouH and vaviod avo tho domunda , in suuli ctiHOH. Each writer n.iturally falla into'a aatiafactory form. MurHi^nnturo Hhould.alwaya oud noar H10 right ninrrjrjn and uhrmhl nlwiiyu bo followed by a period. Thia remindH us that wo mitfht havo atatod tliat tho oom plimontary oloao should boj?in with a capital and should-bo followed by a omma. The form, taking tho last par- uvaph of a iriondship lottfjr, might' bo frivoii in about tho following-ahapo. Hoping foFan oarly reply, I remain YourHHinoeroly, John Adams. Tho diroction of a lottor appears on tho envelope, ft is Himilar inform to UiO nddreuH, which in found attho-be ginning of a btiHinoas letter and at the uid of a friendship lottor. In our next number we shall publish a business letter written in a rather buokwoods stylo, and shall uhIc the boys and girls of the entrance and. public Hohool leaving cIilhsoh to throw it into ywopor form. TEMPERANCE ANJ3 PHYSIOLOGY. ANBWBIIB TO QUKHTIONB IN OUIt LAST. 1. Tho mucous membrane is a .con tinuation of tho skin but of a more dol- licato toxturo than tho latter. It lines tho alimoutary canal and all tho euvitioB opening from it- 2. Incisors can ines and molars twelve H. . Tho villi absorbs tho nutritious parts of every sort of food. . 4. Tho liver. It is situated below tho diaphragm. Its known function is to Bccreto bile. 5. Tho saliva is seeroted. from the blood by glands located near tho lower jaw. In tho duodenum. Tooth and tongue. Tho stomach. Pyspepsia. Tho pancroatie juice. 0. 7, 8. 10. , SPELLING. In our last issue we gave a list of words se lected from the first few pa^es of the fourth render by Mr. Harper, of Yntto'h" Instead of giving all the words in these lists we take the liberty of aeleclinp those'to which special at tention should be given by' the pupils. At the close of the school year we shall [jive a revised list of the more difficult words. LIST No. 2. Plaintiff, defendant, contingent, recapitu lated, Indignant ruieni counsel; gates, progeny, invincible, prophetic, pregnant, celestial, fchord*, awful lyre, vengeance, ambassadors, dismissal, gorgeous,' pillaged, reconciliation, unectacle, armor, architectural, artisans, es chewing, parcel, pewter, orchestra, ingeiuioUii, stripped, precisely, disagreeable, Vatican, cymbals, gorgeous, Noire Dame, recollection. ,\Ve kno w , whereof wti' tdurai when wo ..fctktij tb.a A.yi)r'nl'ill't, t'lkon proniptl/, at 'tho nrHt'hyiup'.oiim of ovlds and iDvarti,,ar rant further (irogronH of those diiiortluru, and apoodily restore thu ntomaoh, livor, ahd bfiwyltf, to tl 'rfttf'ulitr Motion, ,' .'v ; Hood'0 PlllH oute- hvor \\U, couitipa- tiou, biHouauoHni jHUiidioe. aidk heauHole.. *." pi'$&.-:>,\S'- -wt r^ rHR KSTR.Xf- FPEE_^PgESa STUDIES IN WIVFS. r-iofllfvlncr1 tb" nT-1 Infill of !!ariill n- 11 rh y MAX O'HELLSAYS THK I'hl-INCH VviJ- MAN IS THE BVS :. Vil' 1 ) ! p. : v," i': in. 1 .. xni-.i^fil *Mt" li'.y !h-:tit, liic 1 1:* c "(On b'.-r << : :h' I I >'roiii ol' -Uuji.K.ti:r'.i:---l'iiuuj;lLJ.hl.Lf Mt"-iiihir<l romp!'rlfmi) wlUi tho Illy Itui! bem ih- pLUil.'itr-.u ' as inl;4Juiidiiii{ rttid uncnuipii- Fi.c:il:i vy, it lit m I'-i 11 v. .0::.'.' .1 I. I'm. Ir ,.o:;.-!i ::-iini, und .' i- vlir;<.<\7, \\\i\ ^ 1 ...- 1 !l"t diijr-l* cn:*t;iiU:. II.,' 'S'rnr.i si 1 !'- t'f 0U11 v c\\\\uwi\ riu-', iiiiiiiilln:.; "/' iuh wJu nil tlo> ' 'Ini*i)v. \iruii h, !'i ir-iLilly to uphold n i.'i'.o"*; n:;.t;rio,-, iirbtj ; t >-vy run' I- f-;i' vi , b; her proM.-iu-i- und . iuln Lrbit tn hlti horpl- UiJiKe bin MMdi/^lle ::::ii'.Iiim- ; I '. no'-nctUy 111. cireuKiiUiiinrL-n will pcj-iuit. ill- as:;nf'i;iteH with bi;i virion ( 1 her n rvi'tiiin swe-t n-atrnnlliK i::( \ bleh Kroiva 10ore piouoiinci'd villi the yearn, nu the chlldion ("itber :1m tit. her kllCCfi. TlinUKll t ho y, in i>(: 'Vi i- t.o coy rind mihrnlHidv to -hci' .-vn'n wishcii, lie known that it \a tn .'.. no tun* of tblnjru for the younjf idfc: to develoM, tbroui.di thf expen- /micoh cif wifehood und motherhood, -l r-i'if-nnnllty which must not only win '.ovo.hut also command n'apef't. An ins tine comrade and faithful friend ulie '|::':h1;> at bin side, idiarrh his burden, n-1 bourn with him the brunt of tne hard brittle of life. On tl>< ^A?, ' Bhe Don't you know our minister drawn nri'y half ius ' much salary as the pltdier on this nln*1? J It Ytrs, but the pitcher has the hot ter delivery. Tho l>ttrby Itrtiu, Uotli l/^^ful n<l <>k'iniii>4'iitul--Sli lCnoww Aiorf ("t'l^-i- Hur Ilimlmuil Ui-r Al- rrimllv* Wiy*~<iunl. Alltm on KmcIImIi Wlv-Nin-w.i;lun (illu A IJ**'onln^ There is an inter*>ntlm* dlouiiHion on wivi'H In the Onlo^er niiYiibcr of The North American .-tevtew. The article, which is entitled, a "Sunly on" is computed ot paper:! by Max O'liell, (iiant Allen, Kiy;I Ullnd and 11. II. Uoyefion.. TUft Krench wife lit depicted, by Max O'ltell tin tho mojiL delightful und useful oi' woiuun. He says; iim: l'KjiM.n \t'iii.. The politico of matrhpony in a sci ence Inborn In French women. Let u French woman be mlstremi of a superb mansion in llm Chau.pM-J'ly.'ieeH or of a poor little fifth Hat. she nlwayn luiu the charm of femininity.' However poor she may be, rho la always tidy, m.uut, alort, blen coilioe.hiei] (.'.aiitet; and bleu chaut-'Hco. She has a little buvstllnj;, fluttering wny about lier that, will always keep your interest In h'r ;ilivc. JGvery' one of her movements is mippli- and artisllc. To lift her dien niudentl> und Kracefully an she cro^uen a mudd: street, uhe has not her otpial In tin world. She may bo umnetirnes,. 1 con fess, a little affected, but she Is nuvei vulj;ar, and when sho iipoaks to yon you ciin'sot jtuch'h from ht.-r upL-ech wIk - ther she In, tho wife of what sockd: ciiIIh a (,'entleinan or not, Put a littl Froneli neamstrej;:! or milliner In tii moat arhitocratlc (Jrawlny-rpom for uj hour, thiinkH to her keen power ot observation and her native adapts bility, she will, at the end of that hou. talk, crosH the room, sit down, rlui- leave the room aa tdmply, as naturally. as the most high-born lady tn It, IIor constant aim is to be Internet ine; to her husband. She multinlh: horsolf. In turn she is his friend, hi. confidante. Ma partner In buairteHH, hit-" chum, and, If I may us the word ir. ItH best and most refined sense, his mistrcoff, 8ho la forever chanprliiKlur appraranoe. For Instance, you will fieldom (tee a French married woman Wear, her hair In tho name way ionium than three or four weeks. She knows that love fced tin trifles, on illusion, on BUtfROHtton. She known, that, when a man loven hla wife, a race in nor hair, a now frock, a bonnet different ly' trimmed, will, revive In him the very emotion he felt when he held hor In hin arms for the first time. She at no known that the very host dishes may pometlmen become insipid if alwayi! served with the Same sauce. . Shttoiuilcrfltnnda to a nunr.ome de gree the poetry of matrimony. I have heard men any. that matrimony kills poetry. The fools! Them Is no poetry outside of it. And the poetry ban all tho more chance to live lone; in French matrimonial life, because our world!iim ceremony la not, na in Knpland, tot- end of courtship, but only the begin ning of It. Tn France, when you have married your wife, you have to win her, and the process is very pleasant. I have often told my Fnplifib friends that If in their country there were not so many kb:ai\s hnlulKfd Jn before the wedding ceremony, then* would bo a groat many more admlniateren after Lt. ~Why is the French woman of 40 so attractive ? Because every feature of hor fac allows that kIj-- has been petted and loved. But, some Kne;llhmen have said to mo'," In France eoupk-H narry wit !mut knowing anything of each other. That Is true. In England I hav known couples who have been enenqed ten yearn and who were stlli hoplne; to Know RomcthiMr of each other, Poor couples.. They might be emr-iyd .is ymrn vm.11- out attaining that end ! l,ifi-, during an engagornent, eoiL^lsts of sentiment al walkH. the repetition of the same story. Tho sky is seivne, the sea In smooth. How do they know they are j^nod sailors until they have boon In the .same'boat in a ^ii'ul toe; storm ? Ah, let misfortunes come, to say no thing of the price of batter and the length of the butcher's bill ! When they are engaged and they leave their respective homes to meet, they look at themselves; In the jrlass to see theiV (3 nothlnpr amiss about their toilet. They are on their best behaviour; they put a bridle on their tongues. IIut, put them married, of an evening, one each Hide. of the fireplace, he sulking over a book with bis slippers 011 (his slippers on, what an utter want of respect to a woman !) and nhe with her curl papers. True love may grot over the curl papers, but It must be very, very true And why curl papers? I-,et us talk about it. Why, you will say, to be iJonutlful. to be sure ! Oh, but when ? Only to-morrow. That is too late. A French woman is never visible before noon, not even to hor husband, because all the morning she hna her curl papers on, no as to n- beautlful tlje same evening. Do you see the difference? Do you under stand how practical this is ? Through French life the married \yu- man goes on tin.* principle laid down by Balzac, that a man who penetrates, into his wife's dressing-room Is either a fooL.or iVPhUosophor. She does want him to bc"ii"philosopher, and she takes great care that be does not make ,a fool of himself. tiik nstii is:i WM-v:, There in nu one hU; I <-f the Fn/rltah wife because there Is no onb idem of nnythlng In KneTlnnuT'The KhrIIhIi nation, as Matthew Arnold lonij ago pointed out, consists of three distinct and mutually untu(;onIr-tIc elements the1 aristocracy,, the -middle class, a-iid the artisans and laborers. Kueh of each of these goes Us own way In1 utter Isolation, unuffoctod by the ideuti that obtain above or below it. I shall therefore, trout of the three elements neprirately, benlnnlng, as hi natural, at the lowest rune; of the ladder. Tho idoni wlfo Of tho luhorlnw classes Is a hoUaey/lf tho antlnue Toulonii-' ihihvi .. ,nmj- i., - rhSd she years she aequh uli'.oi'b iys \, f liH*:*1 SJ.e eUthUli!- ...aneur otrier dooliii't 1! 1' I'C'sembleM th bride 0:' tu/ fair. Northern maiden ';and : lands nil a lien: d, o..:.a Iij;m 'I mid \ :." iituderit *' v,\<h im h ffmii : " ' .0 lb." -.nb h. coudrioi places, in, l and t'e\- r yei in. 'app!.: ..Il tile 11. an d ' to m: in.', a lie- ; .11 d.- Ktaiid;,.iid he look:; to her the lilijniLy oi' hi-- mmmM LUNGS """c-U Mill) 2Y TAKING a ^r^r'-fiC' Cherry" f-*?;. a ljl\ ..? Pectoral. ,,;.!, vdileh settled n:i: i'i ' Htii di no 1 ihi iHini'Hilted- ,,, p inf.' nu:. ilitit , ) :.,.' was hadly ; .'.- in- di<i not . 1 -im mliii-fl !* ,i,.t - , :], Mill bl'- .;,: .Mreti." ,.-vd!.!,t)itt. , ,'n 'ffnfr. x AViiin. wi;nuiNti win From the American Monthly Mngrulw. A hiinu HtiiiK by <ieneral (Ji'i)rgt* WiiHUliiff- lon in Ha- iiiilo children of Chief Juutloe Oliver KMnwurth. A I was going to Derby I'pon a iimrkef day. I aoav the hlggrat ruin, ulr. That ever was feil on liuy. Chorus : Thnt ever wan fed on hay, nlr. That ever was fed on hay, I saw the bitfifCHt r^in, air, Thai ever was fed on hay, Tniv do row tie d'w, (low, 'I'ow de row de da, Tow de row de dow, dow. Tow tie row de da. Ho laid'four feet to wnlk, idr. He had four feet to Htnnd, A im! every foot lie luol, plr, t!ovcrod mi nere of land. Chorus : Covered tin acre of hind, nlr, etc. The wool upon his back, sir, It reached up to the nicy, A.nd ciitrlos built there iicsIh there, i>'or 1 lirtinl their yonn^ oiich ery. He Thai <>r the imitc of MnrllxirAUffki mill UN1- Xiinilerhllt. New York, Oct. If). Many of the de tails of the approaching marrh pe of Mhm Consutdo Vanderblli to the Dulcn of Marlborough are now arranged, rt is to be a white wedding thro- (;boit. Delicate white blossoms will he mann ed tn the chiiri'jel , of St. Thoma-T Church, Wodnet-day noon, Nov. (I. Biff n-oije^^uya of onto/re bh^romn, w- He roses -and lill"S o th - v.illey, ti* 1 with white ribbons to Ioiik w nda, will be placed hi the ijii.vs. Thin -ill form only part of the elaborate IP'r.iI decorations. The bridesmaids are to b af'tv^d In white sattn. The skirls will b in the latest llarlnfr l'ap hlou, trhnni.^l with the daintiest frlll'ur; 0 w:iue <h Iff on; The torsap;es are to be of the new Jacket stylo, \v.ith shot, nil! skirts ; 11 d lartfe sleevtu. With these v. Ill bo fichus of white chiffon r.dtvd ivllh la -e. The jackets will be stnuircd with l'lr^o Jeweled buttons. The evident Irle'a of-the v/eddlnir Is to have It sh far as pofwlhle o.: the hnuln Seize epoch and tJie bride's Kwn '-v. ill be like those of the JiridennialdH of tiio 'Morle Antoinette ttyle. This is t' be carried out to the mlnuteat partleiilarfl in the hue l'rllllriR's and draptrle;. In tho white satin, tho ntyle of the sleeveu and the cut of the Kiand trains. Afri-ny of the femlntn/: hrldul Kiiohla, covmpllment t othe v,iHb:o make CHURCH DIRECTORY UKTnonihT. Dr. I'moo*-, I'tut *r. \er-/tf*- vtiry Hui day ot ll iu.ed 7 ir, tn, (-tal>u.ti hohool at !:(p. m. t). H. Nuylor, Huporioton. p r>t of uoit.ol. Kpwoitn Jjt.nifiat in t,y.r iiMx^Ini ' a^nday 'Vonins att: o'clock. tiuuo/u.1 [> uym 'looting i<u Tliuksriu} ovrjaiiju,, Crtuiiuil ov Kwot-Jiwc hv, A.L.Ilovorly, lu lUJiilitiiit, Ht. 1'uuIb, 1Ch*x. Dlviurj Horvloo ivuy VMiiidtiy u-t 7 o'olouk, p in Kunday Sohnui 111 iu a. in. rrluitv Ohuroh( North Hldf{ - lHvinn HtirvlaiiH ovury Hitndny ut $ l>. in.: buo li.y Holiool at 1.40ii. m. Tbo yubliot Uk-o uor- liully lnvltud. I'anHiiYTMKUW, W. M.^Uuuhirt, Vnator* Her vlnoh on Hkblmth ut 11 a. iu. und V .IU) p. u Hah "ith ftohool lUtiJljOp, m. Vrayar us ntluy mid ";uitoVn htblo cIuhh on Tmwilay *t7.U0 p. ra. S jdtnl Union on WwiiHiudnvufc S.lbp. liAl'TlMTtlllUUflll. llOV.M. I', OKUIplKtll.'PilK tor. HorvliimionHh Hubbtith tit ll 11. m. 11ml 7 p ai. Prayer niuothiK on WodiioHdJiy uvoalujt ut H o'oloek Hiiutu (run. Ah aru uomially wuP OOlUdd. ' Uomxjs CA't'iiOLio. I'V. O. K. Mnfltm, t'ttutor.' HdiV <i' ovory otnur tituiday uts.iiup. ui. Hutiday ichool at a p. in. MAiiwrnuiL. Hiuli matin and tiornmn ut Iti.'M) 11. in,, ciduuhiHin at ii p. m , tuipllinu at li p. in.. .....r p. 111. C. l'i. Me- vtiH| nuiaallctiou at (liiu, I*. P. . v , Cuptuilt i'hurrnin-j HaIiVatiom ,Ajimy. T. II. Alcbnoil Hulvatluu u!t!ctinrt on .WuiltiLMiilay, and huinlay avoidnn; i<'roe *irl Kiihv, hattirduy ovouitiK and S p in. Sunday; fIobn*)Hn uiouthiUh foi iirliitiiHiHl,,riUay ovoinuu ana iiif. m. Hun duj; Knee 'Drill 7 u..ui, .ovory BuuduyT^fOr^ wulenuiu. I? A. WIHMNIt, liairiflter, Holtaitnr, JvTotin 1^. Public) &o. Monny to loan. OlHcnil, Dm a tan Itlauli, up'utaim, 1-Jmiux. 4dy I Ij. PKTIOKfi riarrbitor, Bolicitor, Notai ( Public Monay to Loan. Olllco ovi Uruthom' Jluuk. Mmior Contro. CLAIlKt-:, KAKTbKT & n UITLTIT, Karrii tern, cjU. OltluL-H, Medbury llloclt, Win due Prlyiitu lumlit tolmui' A. 11. UhAJUtlfi, h. h. H. N. A. UAIITLKT A. It. IHllTMlT. 11. A. HKNItY O, WAIjTKJIB, L.L.U;, Attornoy 11ml CounHolor at law, Bolicitor hi Chancorv, Proctor in Aihnlra'ty, Putotit HoHcitor. with Addueou ife IJaiL'hSHCoucruiiJi nt. Jwont, Dotroitt Mluh (c'anudiau elalmH iMjniniit portion" lu tho United Htatea eoilo ted.) Hofdiuiiofdi imporlal Hunk, Kimox.Ont. .1 Ij, Putorn, I'-iiq ,, iito., Khkox, Ont Ij.A. VViuiiior, Kik|., Uarrinter, to., KaiiuJt, Out in I^or I heiin air, etc. Chorus : heir youn onea cry, The wool upon bin <nil, Hlr, I hi'iird the \ve;iver any. Made three hui'dreil yimls of cloth, For he \vdv: It la a day, Ciiorus : "*' I-'iH' he wove It In a diiy,.slr, etc. The hor iih upon thin rain. nlr. They reached up to Hie moon ; A ni^Kor ellnihed up In Jnniinry, And never came down till June. < 'honiM : And never eanie down till .Tune, sir, etc. laiieher that cut his throat, sir, :s ilrowial'i'd la the lilooil, he little boy Unit he'd Hie howl, wiih curried nwny lit the Hood. ('boron : . Th- V i-l Mi He was rarrU'd away lu the Hood, sir, etc. thin a white wedding t.hrnu. out .will, doubtless, be ar.-ayd In ' te, , T'io furnlrhlr^s of the new Ikmi-- at Madi son-avenue and 72nd-Hlrei*t e of liie Louis Sfdze ji..rIod and \\ i 1 a^ouid perfectly with the firowns of the bridal party. All tho members of the Hrltlsh Km- bn.ssy at W'aalilncton h ve re ojvod weddinfra cards, Sir Julian I'tuneefolo and his wife and diiutfht-rs will i>e amonpr the KUests, and thoiijrli It. !i not yet certain, It in expected that .Mi". Pajrct, Lord "WoHtmonth. II. O. H-i x- Ironsidcw ,-ind [t. T. Wilson, Jr., will be of the ibt of ushers. Tin: iu:.i; titiei;HTF.D. Hr nnil a Odd Notra. A Unj!Hione, two fe t riquare, waa raided from Its bed iu a Liverpool si;-ei:l by rn'*shro.wu.s. A tiny Vo.kfllilre ter.Iorwas sold not lonj-r iiro for :(0 iimea her cwn weight in silver. The birr; '. pdlco .station in the world H tho t;..w Scotland Yard, tron- ".!on, in. which .1,0U ofllcc ra can'be ne- o:cni' d tt:d. The nous of th Hank of England -est exaetly one halfpenny eueh. It Is estlimted that :i,0(J0 marriivges Lire diuly poifjnne.l thr.iUKhnut the world, lt is said that the fossilized remains :;f an Irish- K-hint. abuit \t feet In InilKht a-e lylni-: unci lined at a Lon don lallwj-y f-tall n. .sail tor I he Slelc Itooni. Common salt as a clenrtr beats many if the new ohonUcal cleaners. Special, ty us fill Is salt In reviving the color if-a worn cirpet. For th's purpose ::iiiii.iiion should be pro:aued nd I -jalnkled thlvkly ovt-r the caime-t. A 'lirusiselti carp?t should llrst be we-il t briish-iMi i-nd shaken n sho.'t prrass, I md draK^ed, when the dunt la lcmoved, 'face' downward acrosH thalawn, to -luanii^ tho't'iuffcico. Then, turnlne- it !jver,'th? coamc alt must be applied, leavlre it fQ'" slat or sov.mi ho^ni to ! !le on t.l:o sui faco of the carpet. The iidiuvs ond spotH on po] ;Jhed tables : ?nui:*?d by hot.tiaours, vn^es, etc;,' inn hi removed by rubbhui lu ~it mix ture of alt an,d .s'dad oll.'Whloh forms an oxidant ,fir,HVr^'.'phHali a_lso.; XVnu roasting In (lie VnrU I'nHfciimii Toon lllm In. New YorU, Oet. If). The Indie of Murl- lioroiitfh, 1 lie ihinice of Mis.s Cons lelo Vun- derblli, was nrresied In Uentrnl Parit this" iu'Lltiiooii' 011 the charto o violniln^' a piirlt ordinance. Tluf Uiitc wa.s neen by a purli pollerrnan coaming rap illy down a hill 0.1 tiIm ll- eyele. with his' feet on the huadleH. This iH In violalioii of a park ordhiuuee iraide for the iiafety of persons undue the bill. The J>nice areotapanled the poljeciiuiii to the .station. He tuifd h. CL'^reited th" oe- eurrenee, us la- was unaware or tin- exist ence of (he ordhuiace which he hud broken. Itouuihiiinui lty;oi, who was la rlnir^e, discharged ihe I Mi Ice. after warning Tilai uot to repent the oll'oaeo. The Onlto returned to the I'lnza Hotel Immediately iil'ter lie was l-eleiiHcd, The_ iit-WH of his arre.^i, cpilekly spri'iid iiuioiik hlH aecjuainlanei.'K.a .score or morn of whom called to oiler their condolence nnd to apologize for the police. The Huke, however, refimed to i'ee> Ivo anybody, mid neat his Heeretjiry.Mr. .Morris, dowiiHtaii'H to lh<; hotel oll'iie 10 say tnat Ilia Crace was engaged, ami eouhl not ho interrupted under any clreumntuneeH, "I know the details of the whole af fair." said Mr. Morris, "ami it was a trrosfi outrage 11 nd Ills (Iniee so eoiublern It. He told ise Hie ntory when he n turned to the hotel, lie wus very laucli annoyed over the Incident, but he does not caatem- nUite lalclaj; nay aniisiirea a^ahiHt the pu- llcemaii, who wiiii so rude as to arrest him. His Hrnoe \\;ia rldinjj aloiiK at aa average rate ol' speed, when a pcillcermin eanie jja!- lopiap; idling, ruilely IjImwIii;; a Htirill, :in- iioylan whistle. Ilia tJrnce, of emirfle, not know wliut the whittle laeiuit, eon I In ued alone; until he was hid led. " 'Von nre vlolatian the mien,' said policeman, tdid will have to no to stufiou.' " "I'll go anywhere,* aald the Dulce, ' I supposed that anyone who ehone to ho eoithl rldo la (lie [liirl;.' " 'It's a violation of the pnrk ordltuiiie^H.' the. pol eeniaii explained, ' to either coit^t or ride fas Iim- than el';bt miles aa hour.' " The im-kn . the rude po- Ib-eiaan in Use imo-auillon ut MeCiowaas Puss, wlure he n side himself-known, and- was allowi'd to ko. Tin* pollueaiua who made the :irriVsl apoloe;lxod." Mr. Morris iiddeil ihj-t the Dnltft had been riding iily fr :i few . months, and was not an expert. Ih- dUl not think that the* Onke wiih prouc.i'iil enough hi tho use of the wheel to const. IJoaldes, It was rude. MEDICAL. r\K. niOUPE,M.D. U-nivfiruity of Toronto, M. lb, Trinity TJnivflr- iiltvM. C. P. B. O., lato of Bt. Hartbolomciw'u itonpitsil und Moorfluld'ii Koynl Ophthalmic flOHplLnl,London, Ku|[land. Rpochd attention lIvi n co (Uhoiuiob of tho oyo.oar, noini and throat. Otll:o)ir.urx 11 tola a in., 1 -to II andVto-fl p,in. (illicit and roidilmicG, OS Onollottoayo., Wlndrior, opponUu Bt. Marj'n Aoiuluniy. Tol. ll)B. D KB. DEWAIt & MoKKKZIE. P.A.DKWArt, M.D.C.M..F.T.M.B. Honor Gradu- do Trinity Univyrnity. Mombov (.'oIIoko Phyi alioui and BurgootiH, Ont. Kofiidonoc, Talbo d, Kant. O. MoKisnzIB. M. P, O. M., Coronor, Now York I'oiit Omcluuto, 1'ollow Trlnit.' Modlcal Oollono. Grail u a to Trinity Unlvomity Ueiiidiaco: Talbot hti-oot, went'of M. 0, It, iMIlou bourn a to 11 u. m., 1 to :t and 0 to ti n, m Hi00 in Imperhil hank blcck, around lloor iiuxt to Tuorun'ndruK atoro.' ' I'uloDhono in oonnootlon with olllco and roui- dfinoo, Ordoi-H loft nt Thorno'a druc Btoro will bt promptly attondod to; D us. nniKN & nniEN. Jail Kriun. M. O.. I., li.,0. P. 3., nradnatn of QuL'on'u Univornltv, Kinrjuton, niombor of Col- lone of PhvHiolann and Hurgoomi.Ontarlo. Grad- uutti of JJow York. J'out Grudnato Mydioul Col- J. VV. Uilon, M. D., C. M.f F. T. M. C. Honor ({rarlunto of Trinity Modical Colleen. Honor (iritdnato of Trinity TJnivoritity. Mbinhor of tho CoUfi|;u of rnyiiicliuifi arid Hincoouii, Ont Giad- uuto of how York. Pout (Iraduuto Modlcal Collof'u. OfUciiovar I'hifiox Modioli] Hall drug Btoro. OoiaailCutiou rooiiin, botli on ground tloor-and tlrbtllat uhova. Telephone in Imtn otlloo and rculduuco. Ad callii iitteudod to from ofllco, (triic Htoro, or reiiidonco. lUinidonco, Talbot utruot, front of fair urouudu. DENTAL. _______ HP. MAKTIN. D.D.H., L. D. ti. Gradunto in Doutlntry, Royal Collofje of Dontal 3ui*(Morp. Os'fr'o, fit"' nnivorsity of Toronto anartjen.moduiuto. uiiiuo, over ilrlon & Cot "Iruij store, 18dy did but ihe the for do i-iin] 1110U1 r nil- CWMroii should havo nn ample sup- o and mptlM p<|^ -^ ^Jt n)1xod with UHr rfooc..-Th IcMiattern.. ,hho, ^ -c^^^ rfl-rely e,tt/enohph' is-ilt before .sho.. mHj:-r^^n^^ie.(^.,u..vaiui-;' M^ay. he woiH'ptK ,to Hervlco fornoiiie be olQt, tHo. iuimiro Jildod, o'MiBlntr ^oha in a Bontloman'H house, whol".." Dn th(J jOCO( etot- wj,loh, Is, s:> iK->.trnon quired those hab:ta of neatueHS i^nff poorer children, arltOH from _ V^ETERINARY. WH. ItlC-nAiiDHON. VMVEUINAUY SUK . GJiON. Ilonorarv (,'radunto of Ontario Votoriiniry CoIIcro, Toronto; momber of On tario Vutoriniiiry Mediuiil Koirioty; Diplomiiit in Dcntiidry; treata nil dlneiiHOH of domeiitlcntnd iiniinalu; onttlo dehorned by tho latent Improved Leavitt clipper Calln by tuli-phono or tfllu- Ri-iiph promptly iittomled to. ltonldouoo, four doorw nouth of ijriit mill; offfco in pout officn haildini:; inilrnuin, directly oppoalie. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMES S. LAIKD, Provincial Land Burvoyor tJ and (-'ounty Eiifjlnoor, Easox Contvo, Oat OtUoo, Imnntan Blook, upntnlrii. MARRIAGE LICEN8E8. b. 1'Aiik, leauKn ov mabriagh u- chi 1 bob. Kiobfl.rdoh fllh., Hsmbx* Oo*. liApHKTT, lnaaar ot Muriaw W0*"""' , CommiaiourlDO.J.,efco. Oeslo.Odt. i vvr . BKAMAN, Iisuur of Marrliui Ll eon Ben. luanrancjo agoni. Nlfiht ofBoaat Itwiilllmf.______^ ,w - ; * TALBOT HTllEET, KBHEX, UNDERTAKING. (Iialortulce* ci.wl Ii'urnltqrt ,a. rurinii 1*1 from tHU> *W. MoGroKW,Or'* I FLU MUM di, .____ II. lVftlr< ('ofllbs. ruiinn iud factory mfll _ ARCHITECTS- ; ^ TOUN A. MAYCOOK, AIU1UITK0T, too., Itoom 10 and ll.FUtaluii HnllAiuK, WkdlM, Out Vbouo Q1B. SOCIETIES t.O. 0. P.-KNTEItntlBE Lodfio Ua 21fl 1 at 7.Win .)ddfcdlowH Half, hi third Htoroy DuiiHtun Hlook Vlultbi((niciniboru uf othnr loduenwil) rocolyo iratormd -wulnonm, J..IOI1NHTOH, N. O. _ OENTKAL EMCAMPMKNT, No. 6d, meetuln wVIIall, Uiiniitau'ii Block, on tho flrat uid ttTnrijJMHi^^ inouoh mouth. VlHltornaoz llally rol^dvPL Moiidmrit of Hubordluatc lodge* HANWAN. 0. l\77lSe> HILL, G. H. MEETH KVEHY Ii r, Ou.ptain'l - 1 /. * ..^Jftlmai; I)UB6( And row Pur km, - Lliait.'iiai)t;^M^.r. Boprntary; Vrodorloic Hyatt, TrouH" EEMKX Fill 13 HUIGAl , 1 Friday venhi^. Davit CIUHIIT ItOYAL, NO. 210, I. O. F. f Muoti) Bocond and fourth Tun ad ay's In 0i month In 1. O. O. V. Hall at H o'clock p. m.. ViFiltlng brothoru will hu t;lvon a fraternal w- como. K MoOaiiidand. 0. Ji., W. O. Hhaw, !< M. J.WIfllo.C.D.H.U.ll. jUlGHIGAJJCTENTRAi; ulh8}Iiaa*raFalltRtod*.J* OOINO MAftT taldncoffoot MayllOth, 1808. Dotroit....... Windsor .... Pcdton......... MaidRtonoo Ehhox........ Woodnlao... lluncomb ,,, Conibor...... Ilitlflotowii,. llochioy....... Bt. Thomaa ivbuilnn......... L't. Thomun... Itodnty......... Hid|[olnwu..... Ptimhor....,.' .. Tluucouib....:.. Mail a.m. 7.1 B 7.40 Exp. a.m. .fl.GO Eitp. a,- n. n.-io 0 so __aa40- fl.03 r.iifl- io,n:i H.21 aw H.117 0-15 H.47 11.60 10,17 n.uo 10.00 i.w ooiwo wuur. p.m. "1X10 ~~ '2 in ' a, 30 4 07 r.iio Woodnloo....... Ehuux............ Muiddtono Cr Poltou............ Winilfidr......... Dotroit........... ^.^)0 0.0:1 fl.M 0.-15 7.10 a.m. 0.35 10. iu 11.43 18.10 1145 Aocnwi p.m. 1.40 5.05,- . 6.10' B.Sfl CM fi.O* 7 10 7.8'J 8.40 a.m. MC- ilHS 7.113 800 030 0,36 i)Al 0 C4 10,04 lai'i 10,30 10.B6 AmHerntbui'12: Lorl Xfnliiw. EABT a.m. a.m. p.ic Enncx 7.15 n.60 e,:io Eduam 7.00 0.J0 o.10 L E <t 1) It Xing (1.60 0 Slfi 4.G2 McGroaor li.JB 0.110 4.60 Ambcrntburrt ..10 0.10 4.30 wiatT p ui. a.m. a.m. tt.10 ll.fiO H.lfj 0.'2fi 13.08. fl.^B (J.Gri 19.10 0.02 0 m 12 80 0.113 0.50 All trulnn aro run on central utandard tlm*, which In tilxty udnuton nlowor than Bhbox time, For inionnatlon and raton to colon- intn niovini; wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pae- Honcor Af'ont, St. Thomau. O. W. Itngclod, Gou-> oral PatnienRor and Ticket Acont, Ohioofio, Hi orA.O Rtitnnni, Aaont,Ehhox. ' L. E.&D. R. Ry. TIMETABLE NO. 18, taldrjR ofifect Batard'ty,' Juno "9,1H15. Trainn run by Funtcrn Stand ard Time Dally except Sunday o a A a) - *- o d V M 0:20 0,37 H.liii 0.40 A II A M 0 411 1^.00 0.47,13.30 HJi5 12 10 O.flil li!.15 10.0tlI2.,,! fl-17 10.1JI; 1.10 0,64 10 W\ 1,23 n.50 10.25 1.40 7.07 10 Ua 2.(0 7.14 10 421 2.1U 7.G4 10,521 3.60. 7.S4 AUCTIONEERS. HENKY HEDKICK, Auotlonoor. Sa'lo.f promptly attondod to. Audroiai Boutb Woodidoo, Ont. Poriionn (luiiirini; to iiecnro un- may loitvu word at tho I-'iikk Pukdh olllco. tf H. UEDItlOK D SINCLAIR, LICENSED AUCTIONEEIt for tho County of Enitox. Binlitf of Uiohtb Hivitdon Court. All kindu of Farm and othor Balon conducted promptly, ltntoo reasonable and JurniHhed on aui>liation. Euciuirora may apply at.W; 1). Buaman'o ofllco, or at tho ofllc of Plviaion Court Chirk,Mr. John Milnu JOHN GORMLEY. LXOU.KSKD AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ebhox. All kindn of farni iitoclt palon, etc., conducted promptly and on tihort nuiioo. It at en roiinoeiiblo. Pornoun dcnlruble to urraije.o nalon may lono by calllnfi at tho Funis IMikhh olllco or by anplyinu to 4 J. GOItMLKY, P.O. Box IM .ERHoXfOnt, ANK MoCLOBKEY, MaidBtqao, thirty- l1 Bovenyoarfl'oxporioncoaH ouauctlonoerfii tho County nt Eiibox. Baluu conduotod promptly, and on roaaonablo torinii. Part ion doBlrina to fix thu dato for a imlo uan iiavo thornUolvo? a drl^u by calling ut tho Frkm "Pnufla ollioo. Wo havo arraii([od with Mr. MoOloiikny nud will tlx tbodatoo (oriiiiliHi by tolojjrraph.ontiroly froo.of all oharijo to tho porcon hold in tho flalo. Ad' dvoDe Frank KloCionkov>MaIdHtou(tCroflR,Ont 105 10.50 11.10 11.21 11.31 1 11.11 .11,52 U.5D 12 01 12 12 12.1B 12.22 IV.l'J 12.41) U: 00 - 7.43 O.ifi1 7-B3 4,10 8.0 4.60 5.310 CJ5 6Gf> 0.05 0.15 0.26 0.15 0,55 7.10 fl.17 ti.SQ 0,112 fl,40 0.47 tt.ft'i 000 0.07 0.12 0 20 o.:n P. 11. P. M flTATIONfl, '8 20 ,A M Pop Wnlkorv'lo Ar* 0 10 Walkervlllo Jnno. 0 04 Polton..........8 57 ......I OldouBtlo......8 tM ......\ PiiOUotto...... 8 47 ......MoGroRor ...... 8 43 ...4 Now Canaan... \G n ... t Hamhflold ....... Harrow . ........\ Amur.........8 11 ...... KlllDBVillO...... 8 CI ...... Ituthvoii ,^. 7 51 ... LrMlihifjton ... 7 40 ......Whoatuy......7 21 ......(Itonwlok ......7 IB ......Onatfiworth ... 7 10 ......fQloiiwood......7 00 .........Mflrllu.........0R8 ......t Buxton.........0 4ft ...... SandinOn ......0 40 ...tCottar Bpr-ingfl... 0 J)l Plonbfbi] Juuot'n (I 24 ......Blenheim......0 20 ........tWllkio.........0 10 Ar KldKotowii Dop 0 00' A M 0.00 tt.40 5.IW 5.17 R.^H 5.0O 4.40 4,na 4 25 4.00 3.45 3.15 2.40 IM 1.38 1.15 12,00 12.21 I2.1i 12.06" 11.28 11.90 11.15 10.10 10.00 I'.M. a M V u 7.40 7.34 7.27 7.M.1 7.17 7.1Q 7.flf. fl.50 (1,62 8.41 Ot (1,21 .4 5.45. 5.40 fi.ItO rt^2 D,15 5.10 5.01 4.54 4.50 4.40 4.110 P.M. t FlfiR StntionH. Trolnn atop ouly wbou thore aro pnnienpern at or for thoeo Htatlonw. Mixod trains aro at al thnr*n wibjoofc to bo cancelled W.V WOOLLATT. fi-t oral fluOAHnrotitlnht One Hundred NEWLY ^^;.Uli.Vt-'i'"r.'>?-',?,Z>J-r-'6~*J>i*-' ' '" '^-'V'mi.K.'Tiv^iiK^iuLi. m m ' IITV.'EV AW. " 'X -.If. POWDERS it I .... " (> toy r.'t-r1J-,"i/'.C,K.3' ftrid'-KiMiro'nh '. .-c , .V'./rVa, fi' ""'"i- i",: To-'Vi, ,,\m.'.-j. | ,, iu iwo :(>Ki,t.'.ia)uiayc>ii'. J . ('ii>Vi'.^'.I':j?V':'t .' 'ttti'.t:..*i :b"vuii/- V7^,^'.A"cJn""ro VwiV.t and tldlne which Htand her lif gnwl ttad In ; her busband'a cottaeo. bh thin, among. ^ sr catiatH,, ^&^n^^}^^Mi^^S^ & fit, -& AY O/itsa Browse). m * 1 'im aw hi tj BAKER. *HE oldotit bimhieHB in town. riHtahllBbo 1 187B; Kirflt-olaBB broad and oakos or al kludn. Woddhm oukou a Hpoolallty. Grocer jog provInloriB, Hour, food, salt asd pork. Cpuroo- tlonery.orockory.ttlaaawaro. Canned frafts aim voBOtabloBof all klntlB. Goadfl promptly 4e Ilvorod to all porta of tbo town. J. M. HIOKh, loi-tf . WANTED To buy Furniture at prioen. that aro rih6 down to bardpan, and proparedio faraish every Ihinir in the nhupo of lurnituro that a good hou^ekopptr necde, AIho a line hn ol Baby QarriaiieH at prices that ar^ rie,ht olone. Kindly Call and iuBpuet the gbo'dH, It will pay you to dp so before buy-jr;-' trig elKGwhoro, It oodIh you nothing to e$t " prJCOH. , "ft LAND AND LOAN AGENTS ,*Vtha"olJirtrrato" o<~fn?pWBt. Parmfl boucW. ritfldeoldj twrarrincetaketiIHtne'xa'oqtroUabU, leawia epeolalty.CharfiOi. moderate and ul) ' buBinoiirroiiiptly. uttoudea to. Call at the Oontral Telephone "OiQovJliiODtre. 60:^ DNDERTAKING AND BMBALM11IB A. Bpeclttlty. EverythiuK done ajy iu good tdiHpe.'. Alt neoeesary carriages forpisbed,' '< BuwneBB promptly atteuded to atallhoaft ' Will compare priocB with any ondertak(4 * . of , any town. Have two floe .beiiriW8.'.li;. * good couditipa, fttad will. np(fba an&aol^ ;: in the liuca I represent. ,-..* . ,';.,v , v : , L ', "Vi'>- v^S iiili&sSy mS^MM& 78

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