ft: v"' , . -... " 1 Xj ', . J1 WILKINSON'S vou i Choice Frcah Gmo*nH, . Provisions. TflHH, CnhVon aud Rpioon. Bpooial HnoB in Omckcry. Christian Endeif or Swaet^ Bt. Paul'* Cfawcbt }tfm TUESDAT SVO./33T.3jr 9 Everybody Oome. * ! .1 ';.'. Jto-44 lSHSlOC, ONT. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1896. WHOLE No 564,' -T f Anderson &Co. narktoree aro. filled to over flowing with Benson able fjoodu bought; in the cheapest mark ets for cush, awl nuirked, all in plain figures, at iho lowHt possible prices consistent with good quality. Your money ba:k it any purchase made . proves unsatisfactory. Ladies' strong Cheviot Serge Jackets, good fitters, and this eason's make and style, all sizes at $2.00 each. Ladies heavy black Beaver Jackets, full .sleeves, heavy -^e-v-eresjateat cut, all nizes, $3.50 each. Ladies' stylish Gapes, of re versible Golf cloth, with hood $6 each. Heavy "Melton Dreaa Goods, double fold, warm aud durable all shades' 15c a yard. Extra heavy 49-in. Bun Bee; Twed Dress Goods, 6 shades, 25c a yard. Henrietta Cloths 40 in., black and colqrs, at 22c a yard. White wool Blankets, heavy aud large at $1.75 a pair. Good grey union Flannel at 10c a yard. Heavy, grey wool Flannel in plain and twilled at i5c a yard. Heavy standard Shirtings 10c a yard. Ladies' black cashmere gloves 15c a pair. !?*>. ""Ladies' seamless heavy wool Hose at 18c a pair. Ladies' Biamleas blaok oaBhracre hoso 25c a pair Men's wintor Shirts and Bro-wora, heavy ribbed, at 25c each MCa's strong Knitted top Shirts 45c each. Men's fino Boalotto Peak Crips 75c each. Men's all wool Bocks 2 pairs for 25c Mieaos Tarn O'Shantor'B 25c each T;..v. .. ft Millinory at Dry Goods prices. Boots, Shoos and Rubbpra, largest stock And lowest pricon in Kbrgx. Grocorios Fresh, CI* on and Cheap, ^vk^r-'Ok5>w, NOKTUBIDGK. Mjhh M.iry MoConiliM loft for Woodhtnok lu^i Sa-lurduy. Meyi^r JtruH. aro hiiiahing tho .thrcmlmiK hcireabouiH thin wnak. Corn blinking u'i prngrouHinu, but it h:ird mi tin) IihuiIhou account of tho dry coudi iiiiii of Mm fodder. rtir Furrow of Sandwiah South called on old time iiuhoolmutoii ami aon.ua! ntunoon bore lust Saturday. . Gordon Btoad-la- uuUdiuu a houua for liiit itcui-in-law; Franklin Sohrumm, ' l" roar end tit lot 274 T. It. N. Lariie flookH of wild ceano were ue,n flying HouMiward hint Saturday aftornoon; LtuiHH they worn looking for uuldufraidi an<l riUhturuH new in u warmer ohma. rhnue tho liut.t miow fall of Sunday night IkuI we uro having vttry line, ploa.naMt .WBttilu r; loukH a littlo likti ludiuti Huuiuior, bopti it will ooutiuuu for a mouth at lount. Tlii llryt unow of the noaAOb full litet Sn tiny ufiuruuuu and mffht; aud tho croaud wuii covurad with tho boautiful ou Monday luoruiuK; >>ut it wan oou kouo aftor Old uol bout lua warm raya dowu upon thu onrth, Nijihtty atthe oornor groaary can bo board bin turiH of (troat orupti of 00m, ouo huudrod bunhola par aoro und mom; and jot biguar uoriea of hoiuqouu, uomo- whuro, who bunltud ouo huudiod bnnlialn in ouu day, aud woro. How many honro iu a day ? COTTAM. Mrs. Win. Dnnnetk. lolb laat wcok to viott friondH in MtohiRnn. We ro^rot loHim; Mm. WagHtaff thin woelc, aliis moved to Kingflvil'*. Tboro wan 11 reunion of tho Whito farai. ly luHtSiindfty all boinfi prcaont, moludiujtf Mr. Parcv Kollott Io'ivoh thin wook to take oharge f tiohool in tho H-iiny River District. Wo wiah him puaaoflg. llev. W. Godwin no proviounly announced occupied thn pulpit m tho Mot)io.lintQhuroh Uut tituiday nifiht And vra woll roocivort. He Haid many fio ihin^a, among othor remarks, M\Vn ihouid b ir.oro ready to Rpou.U of 11 pornon'n cood qualitiow than bad oiiai." Thin romurk did not apply to me whfu talking about him aa iu my itoma of luHt weck'Imontionod hio (jood qimlitien. und if ho baa any bad oooi* I know thorn not. FarnoorH do yon want monoy at 5^ pnr cent.? If ho write A. O. Dakar, Learning- ton,'One. Tor'm'5 of pu'ymont of prinoipal (o HUit borroworH. MUMLCIPAL COUlNTGI-LS. ro 1^111 kvrBK Noit'rii. Gii-tni, Ocr. latii, 189B. UiiuiiOil ihkIi aw pi*r adjournment! proHbiit ooimoih"rn Oa\u. Hodd uud Tliomait. Mimnmi of pr<:vioiiM meeting road and on motion adiipiod. On miui ion .Mr." (Jay'i wan appointed ohiiirnian. Ou niution Mr. Oayu to ma 11 bout Tlionipiion tiidero'id. Mr. Umid uppointt'd to luivn hoiiid gravel limi I'd mid put r-niinl tnvn li til. and rnovo to uihu'.i oliMck to p ly for ut-no on liin order, Ktitivo liiitorud uud loxk bin chair, Uouvo repoi'bod bninjj; imrvad with plana and npi oillo'Ltioiid by municipality of Goh- lield North, ro the cleaning out of tidut towuliiift druin. On motion wn aomply with uHHi.Mt^nnjnt on oomlitionu that wo Hlmro 111 propurtiun of rebate on oonntruo- tion of Haid drain. , Mr. Oaya jiuvh notiao of by-law for ap pointing coltuotor at next meeting. Win. CamphMl addroHttcd the oouueil ro tho falling in of dir^ into tin? drum on the CUmpbell Bidn road. Ou motion Mr. Kodd appointed to look after it. On motion oheekw granted; K Nna) fojr provisions for Win. Whitu, charity, $3.84. Tlieudoio Toftoliniro for Ulhng in holvu with gravol at McGrogor, 8111.7fi; Alex Bondy 3 vuluo ofahoop killed by dagrt,9fl..'tU; X. 13. li'iylo i valno hhhop killed by dogn, 88.liU; Victor Boudy vulauliag aheap, 52; Wm. Trimble to pay for plank for bridgl'H ou Alttldim road, dfi.07, and for rtipairing brilguh and norupor, 82B0; Franoin Wweot for Luwjei J jnoB for ditching on wont towr> lino, 930.00; YtuiH OUan for work done on Foator druin pt-r order J.'B. Laird, 82C; Wm. MeOiiffrey for work done on Fouttr draiu per order J. B, Laird, 830; Jno. EI- ford for uluaimg on 7th oonoGasiion, $1; MrH. Xjarrauboin charity, ftfi; Mra. Lair eharity, ^2. J. A. Oqultuu, Clerk. l<a(u Ijitorury Nowh. BANDWICH SOUTH. Thoman McCarthy had a valuable young harno killed on tho M. C. It. a few days ago. Ho got out of tho pasture and wuh 11 true It by one of the fatit traiuu, at a road crooning. O'Connell Broa., of tho nouth roar road, havo had a Canadian Aormotor windmill orected by Mr. Thou. Hulford. It in on a 35 foot gem ntoel tower and m ono of tho nineat looking punctpinn outfits in E-^qox . Putrick O'Cotiucl1, jr., of Sandwich at.', li'id the minfortuno to cut his log prottv St-vorely with au axo. Dr. Brion ntitohod the wound and Patrick will tako a reot for two or throo'weoko. COMBElt. Divinion court Monday, Judge Homo proHjding. J. II. and Mrn. Butherland returned Kingaton on fcbo 10th. Mra. Hull, of Owon Sound, in viaiting her niHtor, Mr. A. J. Brown. Geo. Motonlfo, of Kiugtiton, in visiting liin sinter. Mrft.J. Sutborland. Mra. Kiug hna rotarnod to Aylmor aftor spending a woelc with her brother, E. T. King. A meolinnioB* inutitutfc ia talked of. Itn a rr.ovo iu tho right dirostion. Rndyard -Kipling raakoHhis laat appear^" ranoo an a toller of Jungto StorioH in the CoHmopolitmi for October. "Mnw^li Loaves tlio Jungle Forever," and tho curtaiu ia drawn ovor ouo of tho mont charoiing con- coitti in litorature. In tho Harnc uumbtr in which Mowgli muken hid final adioux, appears tho lirnt timu before an American uudionco, the now-famed Riuhard Lo Oalhenno in a n'oa for roligion under tho thlo of "The Gruatneanof Man." A very important pupar on- "State Uniyorflitiei)" io coutributud to thH uumbor by Frofaiior Ely. And among tho utory tellcru are Hopkinnon Rmi'.h and BoyoHon. No raoie beautiful work ban ever uppoarod in any magazine than tho marvolloiiu illaotrationti of Cabriiiety.-UHod a u frontinpiooe aud ac- corapanyiug the proao' poem by Mrn. Cur- ilnno. Drake who ia.aaid to boKipling'a favnrito artiwt for his Jtiuglo storion Cart er Board, Odtorlind, Donman and IComHe, aro among iIioro who ooutributo a wealth of illuatrati >n to thin number. The Co - mapolitan auuouocBH th^t it will bogi n the publication iu Januiry of Tho A'grioultur- iHt'a Illustratud Magazin-, to bo fully hVo otjtjul nf the Uuarn'ipolitaii, butcontutriing from nixteou to twenty pitg^n by tho ablest acrioaltural writurn of tho world, upou aub* jeotn ot importanuo to tho agriuulttiring horticulturiHt, uud Htook-growing intnroatu. Stark'a Powdorti, each package of which contain!) two preparatioua, ouo iu a round woodon hox. the oovjr of which forma a measure for one dutio, an immoUiato rcliuf for coutivonoB^, Siolc Headache und Stont- aoh, alHo Nonralgia and all kindu of qltv- ouo painn, and another in capwuloH, (fronri to 4 of ouo ib au ordinary dooe) wbioh aoiu on tlio bowels, livor and otomaoh forming a uover failing porfobt troatmont for all ht-ad and ntom-ioh oomplainta. Thoy do not. an monb pi)]n and oo many otbor medi- oiueo do, lono their effoot, or produce aftor conntipittion, they aru moo to tako. 25c a box at all modicine doalerri. ESSEX, ONT. UOSFIELD KOBTH. Eev, W. Godwin, Walkorvillo, ocaupiod tho pulpit of iho Mothodiat church, B. E. Road, lost Sunday. Ho waa ono of their former r>anlorH and it gave bin many frlonda great plea Hiiro to moot him again.' : Mrw. Hardy.JWiab., ban roturnrtd homo affcorvinitmg hor patouta ivjri and Mvh. J. MoWfahoh. " Mr. F. Brpoker is ill with typhoid favor. Mvm. J.-Bring iaaaugerouiiiy ill bat re- ported Bome better. Mr. A. Newman haw been ou tho *ok lint. B. H Uead Mfethodiac ohurch trn9tea hnto decided to pub on a new coiling and reaper th 'walls of their, church. / What Salt Can Do. Bait in whitewash makes it stiok. Bait puta out a firu in the chimney. Salt iu Hotuttou inhaled oufoa oold in tho head. Bulb nuod iu Bwoopiug carpota keeps out moths. Salt an a gargle will euro sorouenn of tho throat. Bait thrown on a coal tiro which is low will rovive it. Bait and noda aro excellent for hie. fltinuB aud npilor biteu. Salt and vinegar will romoyp nt!iinn from dincolorod touonpn, I "" * Bait in wator ifl tho beat thing to oloon willow-ware aud matting. Salt thrown on (toot which han falUn on thn oarpob will prevent Htain. Bait on tho fiogore whou oleaniug (owIm, meat, and flnh will prevent BlipplDg. Bait put ou iuk when freshly epMledou a carpet will help in removing the *pot,; Salt in tbobvon under baking tjnt will prevent their flcorchmg on tho bottom.- Baitbrown 00 a coal fire when boiling steak will prevent blaxeB frooa dripping fat FonsiL'n Bl<sycl Tour* X UVIWtkh (lOHIUtHfCMllKNT IlKTAItH HI KXl'KU- IKNOM 10 Vllfell VHKUH HVAHKUH. Dbau Mn. Eiutom: Italy aud luliaiiH made it lnsceimnry tti chango our tongnt.H;ain and I will not ba tray how lauioly and uufaahionably we did no. The ndiouloufi mak>uhiftH and the perfect gravity with wbioh they aro r- coivod, hIiowh the Italiana to bo very oourt- eoua mdtiod. We rathor diroamod than rodn the firat few mileM of Italy. It whh like utoring Edn from a polar ice ilald. But wn reuohod a town and Itnly'u maak dropped. Dirty, white buildiugH, adorned with dirty fteuoooti juat under tho eavea, dirtv obarohea with an oufcra^eouu picture of a yirtftu or holy family or saint done in Jirty oulortt, nid yellow Htrntikod by tho weather. oawpaHifo or bell-towor alwaya Hoparato from tho church, alwaya iquare and whito aud dirty and, finally, filthy ehildron in ragH, who run nhrioking after us dntnaudiug a noldo. Tlion uu wu Wure- luaviug tho town, orowda of maddened iwpn, mii.ionH of Bata-i I am Hure, purwuo tin and rain niomtu upon ua while they ouruo aud grimace hideouidy. Aftor that town, the valley roud watt lined by boaco and thoy were made of Htone. li you know how tho iitono fencefl around a typical Now York farm appear heaped up Htono and no mortar you onn imagino thowo 1iouhh. Tbuy aro not wiwlowletifl but glaaHloau and tho intorior. however vlnible, ia a ma.HH of dirt, QrowdM of worltmau pads by dinging funouHly. The laboring womon howovor aro devoid of thin lithcfiomo Hpint. Atypical contumo doua not eiiflt in this region. They wear anything whioir'will parbialiy cover uakUo!^ uohh; lUgti are fantoned in paraloll Htrip-i runnincr horizontally, perpendicularly aud biau. ItagH, dirt and a polka.dot handkor- ohief is tho nattcnal ooutnme. Btripn of oloth hang like nLala'otiti'03 from itome of thoae wretoliOH. Whilo I waa making thoHb obworvationH, my tiro burnt in an alarming mannor. It looked'for a moment an if all wafl over but "by-dint; of fiaorifioing our nlioo utrfugn and laoing the hood litthtly, wo madotho whoel ridoablo and dooidod to mako ono more deoporale effort it Milan to got a now tiro. On wo we'iit through queer liil* * and more bedixoned and paintoj tow.n until wo reached Lako Mit^gioro. Xh;u ia another mug 10 lakd not in an onohuntwl landaoapo. On itn bankH grow,fig troen, p^megranatoH olives and tho myrtlo yen. oven tho fabled oypreHH. ItH lnlanda aro creations 'of a wizard'H wund; loola Billa with, ita tor- raaoo luxuriant with magnolias, lomon troea, oedarn, laiiroU and olo^cdorn of fab- uIouh mzd, IhoIu Madro and (translated un- poetically) tho u\a of the fishure. Only fancy auch a n 1 an ouru along tint lako Hhoro for 15 miUu. The click, click of the atutuary'ti chiHul, whoho hbopn border the lako for milH, tlton tho banutiful ch a to an 9 and villag built o-j the h'lhi lo which sloped a tee ply from the water'n odgn. Whilo wi woro riding a long atrecch l.i-tween two townu, a ntorm arono ut th j i-nd of tho lako. Tuo mill wah uettiug and out of the dorinolv blaok oloudH the hghtoning burnt in fun fthiipou bonding fioroo bolts iu all directions from a ainglo point. Wo woro lightod upon our road by thin pyrotechnic dinplay and juat aa the ntorm burnt wo roiiobod a hotel and woro pnt to bod in a wonderfully Lrtiafcia room Hach ilh'wo havo (liuae learned to oxpootin Italian houQea. Tho rain boatinu iuto tho inner court of houGd mado uu norvoun for fear tho floor would gut wot but no ouo oIho cared, uo we finally ulurabnrcd and awoke only onco to hour tho wavoa boating on tho beautiful uhore of the lako aud again iu timo to boo tho mont glorious of aunrinon. Ou wo rudo through historic towns whoro wo wore di- rooto'l and miHdirocted ou our road to Milan until wo atopptd and drew up a Eolemu compaot that wo would bolievo ono man in five and flip a coiu to woe which one of the tivo that ono nhould bo. Wo havo grown more ahuritablo iiinco and bolievo it iuignoranoo. Italiann aro ao donperatoly ignorant. Time aftor tiuio, wo looked haok afft-oti. onately at tho Alpn whore tho groat Mr. Blanc and Romi und tho Matturborn dm- playod thoir snowy poakn. How many abapolu wo paaBcd all paintod inordinately with full-lougth oainta, immaculate' u'on- aeptionB and nconon from tho lifo of Ohrmt. Milan at lunt and the ^roat aroh which torminatoa tho famoua Bimplon road. Soou after panning it. a wheelman ap proached uh. Ito waHcourteoua lki manner and elegantly drounod. Quito uuobtrunive- ly lie learned our purpouo, aonductod na to a largo wheel eytabliHlun<int whoro we learned that no tire could pomdbly bo ee- oured for my peculiar wheel, uud thou guided ua 10 all tho attractions; the famoiia Leonardo da Vmoi'a. "LaatSuppor." Brora art gallery, tho^roat nraado, *Jio cathedral (which I aaauri] you I am in love with and want ono just liko it but cant pause tb-ilu. aoribe.) the Carab and many minor attract" iodh. A moro ideal Kontlemau I never mut thau our self appointed. Milanese guide. He evidently outertalood uh, travel stained and DDprepoBHeBHingaB wo were, meroly beoaaae of the tlndneaa in hia heart. Be efioortad a tp the city walla; ehook h<%udi. toaohed hia ht, vriahed mi pleaaVut Huron Lay Workers* Uonvontion The Annual Convention of tho Cburob V/orkern and Snnday School Teaohora of tho Anglican Dioqoho of Huron io being bold th'.R week at Windaor, Ont., iu roaponne to tho invitation of the Itootor und Congre gation of All SaintH* Church in that oity. The proc'oilincn am particularly Intcrent- iug from tho fact that the oloquent.and popular Binhop of Hnrou, the Right Rov. Maurice B. Baldwin, D. V., will bo a prom- iuent Rpeaker an well an tho Froaidont, hiu name boing down for an addroaa having for ito nuhjoct. 'A Miasionary Church;" and also that Mr, Eugnue Btook, fio long aud widely known an editorial Bocrotarv of tho Church Minrdonary Booioty of Eugland, will be proa' ni, and Bpeiilc on Home loading topic. Tho vicinity of tho oity of Detroit liaa alRO mado it practicable to aeoure tho friendly aBBiHtanco of bo mo of ita moat uo- tivo church workora and ropidonta, which tond to onlivon tho proceeding* and contri. buto to tho flu coo Hd of the convention. ----------------------------^ - . - They Sot He on My Feet. Mra. J. W. Maokou; wife of tho annoaaor of Forest nayn . "I hayo quod Bfcark'n Pow dore with tho groatont buqcohh in vory o voro head and otomaoh complaiutn. Thoy sot mo on my foot, having provimiBly trloi uurnberf) of other i-emedioa unuuocoaafully can giyo thorn tho highoit recommenda tion to sufferers from boadaoho, biliounuotiu and liver covcplaiutn. Thoy' are invalu able," Price 25o a box, 3 boxen for 91, at all modiolne dbalorB. Bept. 27. Each unahou forces upon our c.im.idora- tion ita own puculiar perils to health. Tho advent of fall finda many reduced in fitrongtli arid vigor, poorly proparad to oontinuo tho buuinenu of lifo. The atom* nob and bowolu, tho gruat highway of animal eoouomy, ik eapeaially liable to dinordor in the fall. Thn uervonn Hytwno ban aluo Huiferad in tho ntruglo. Typhoid fover aud malaria iu partiou'ar fled iu the fall that combination of, aarth, air and water that mark thin season an eHjaeoially ilanfforpUR. Tho falling leaves, tho dacay- ing vogo tables contribute their ah are of aoulatnination. Hood'a Garaaparilla fnr- tilrthet a moat valuable safeguard at thee imr>ortant points, and should b: used In fall before aerious nlokneas baa laid yU low. (." journoj and Mfc uu. In a f<-w minut'n another tire-burat duKyod un until too huo to ridoand wo atoppod at an ulbergo or inn juat out of kliu city. At "a council of war held that night, wo doubled to con tliiuc our prouorlbod route au far uh Rome If wo had to ride on thu barn riinH. 'Next day wo Htartad out with a ven- tfeauoe and iu two dayn upon the fioenf road a *o liad-y^it-aoajJt-wa^kodu to.,_Yu^icfi a diatauoe of 200 rnilea. ' I can only, -dmrf- your fancy furioa.ly along that ruTid," I.olJ you how wo orouiiud tho bridge of L'dj wlioroNapoloou uhowttd "tiah coiiMumnn-to bravery, inform you thtit^j-ho wh'do ter ritory i a low plain waiorc'd^by irrigation ditohea, which aro neatly hidd*nVv'hy~*h<'r banging willowH, relate that wo did no aUal wulerraelous becauno the owners have little wioker Uouhqh ^/hero th<-y nit and watch thu fkldn and tu'll to whowirv^r will buy and, lastly, tell liow Italian boyn tried to Htiok pinu in our tiren aud wo have to take our whoulH into the renianrautH with ua. Broaoia, Vurona, Vioimza and PnVliia woro tho oitioa through which wo panned. At Brenuia wia an amuning Hignt in Ihd m*rkot pluoo. A. umall aidouhow thra had an euormouu painting aign : 'Barnum'u Expoaition 1" "A.M wo entered Vurona we mot an Italian fuuoral, AU woro drenuod in blaok and carried a whito waud 6 foot long. Throo prienta led aud while they chanted in low liypaoritical inonotpno thoy looked at uu, at eaoh other and smiled. Wo went into the Piazza Erbo or fruit market aud wouded our way among tlio torn tin of the Bcahgvro and otarod lit tho famoun old anaphithuatre and vinitod iunutnprublo oathodrala. There wau somothinK ho ethoreal about the boauty'ol Jjago di Gurda that I can- net now roahzo that it Is & real lako and lay betwoon Broaoia and Voroua tnoreforo I noatly forgot it. Lot rao aiy , to makn ameudn that over no econo in Earopo have wo eulogized no much aud I think nothing can su.rpaHB.itH boauty on a bright auanruor day. Oh, how diaouraivo and wanda'riug lam becoming! I pannod Verona and failud to tell how wo Hourohed out Juliot'u homo. It wan about twilight and if it wmi Jtilioc.who nat iu the window of the old Capuldt manaion, then oho bun lott bor boauty. Wo Hlopt in Vurona that night and I recall fancifully how tho moonlight whono in my fuco aud woko roe. It in hard fco boliovo thit iu fair Vorona tho fairor Itoaamundu drank wiuo from hor father's uknil; but logond fiaya no and I loavo yoa to meditate till ray next letter. C. II. VahTysk. Mll.liUIUElti TV Choorsa'rvi'Addresses Recelv- od on tho Journey. QREiTIKCS AT LY AND ATHEM3 -A-^a^ui^^YukcriJrf-.. ** . WOfif AcrteuU ,i,fjil Hull Au iiirvrfatUf Inddeat Arising nl f *]jJ<riM 'ruaa 111,! MImWibimM' JuatUje * Uuulvr^ti Ucl*ty. f:Vvli:<', Oct. 17. The Hon. Mr. uud party arrived hr. from k hint night unil thin morn-. kl by John McMillan. M. G**ortf W, Uaw- rhomaBaIn, irth;1 Jamfcs tor1 Jirook- tdate for of Jo Hinith'H l,7i? inj^, nucoiitiJik T. ttfv South Ifu tit n, M.l'. ror Adeline! M r. for North Went XurnndtiK, IjUiciuI Candida villi:; \V. II. Fredenburn.'ca :-fmn 1 waul Alex. Bnilth, Bocra the I'HUiio Liberal Aiidoclatlon,^ numb(r of Ua-ling local I^iboi loi' Uulu'by i-pucial train on tin vilb: ti Wi^ijjuc! Hallway, At Lyn, Hi-- home of Mr. Gumming, Mr. l.ituiitr \Ktm uouuided nil cnthus- liuUlu rte< ption. Ht'ir; Mv. I.nuricr wn* pvcBentod "^vlth an jiddrf.'i'M road by Ilcnry McDonald, li:*.- Uidcm Idhfiul in tlio vllhLK. vlr. J-nurler ruidii'd in a ton minutes' ad- ch uks, delivered In hiu usual happy manner. At AUiemi, where a large crowd wits In waiting, Mr. Jjfiurlor waa ealletl on f'. r an nddnm.i, und iinoku for about 1G minntcH, On arriving at Delta, there wait an Immonne crowd at t'ue ntatlon. who Kave a mont onthutdantlc reception tB Mr. Lmirh'r and hiu friondH. A procemdon wan then formed and to ihi: muiile of the AtlumH and Lanu- nr.wne Itraim hamlH proceeded down tfj*-n. Tho vIhUoi-h wre cntcrta-lned at a Koml-prlvatc dinner at Brown's Hotel. Dinner over, tht; pruccuslon re-form- ("1 and marcihctl to 'the Airrlcnltura^ liall. The buildlnp wuh aoated for 12oo n-nple. but tlila wan not Hulllclont-- rhe hall waa beautifully decorated' IVth flffH* Port**^lt of .Mr. X,uurlor and Mr. I'retlenbum, otc. The Htrceta of ! he town won* aleo liberally decorated vi'h IhifrH and bunting. . W. J .Webster of WoHtport; v;ce-pr-.'S- Kitnt of South Lcedu liberal Aflsoda- tion- prcyfdrd. lie. madu u brief ad- UrcHH, after which nhort ppoeqheH were mado by Mr, Kredenburp, GeorKe P. Oiaham, editor of the Brockvilln. TU>- cordcr, and John MnMlllnn, M.P. t Then followed an addrcHs oirenontod' *i Air. i.aiirier from the South Lceda v1.V!,"1nA?E0,f;Ultlni1' whlch wna read bj. \\, P. Dal ley of Rockport. At thin juncture Mr. Laurler was prt.K|;iit.!d with an elojraht boiinnt bv n little hoy namfld Itobert -BiophnH. Mi. Liuirler then replied to thc-ndte*.. 1 n a npeech which lanted over an hour. ;.?nL,l iirikrttWere,la,,,?cIy on the linen iim In hiH prevlouH Hpeeche.i. The ir.t eUng wan, however. Riven 'nnecbil In- -rent -y the reading' Vt'Ihc?Pfa?wh? iJ'Rinm, rneelveil by Mr. Laur*ftf- ii.bbcrt Tupper, Minister of Juatlco: -- i- -,,, , 'Hfnwn, list, in ^Iioij. Wilfrid J,niirler, Ueltn. Ont. : dom. fere In t.A fiMrrr-I-1 \7"h not" lnter- tliu lutiircHiH .if mo torun'r, liow- ver, bceuuae ttiey luid not uluued on he-' Half of the CoiiHi-rviitlvc AdiiilnNtnitlmi. i nepil not ri'inlnd you uh 11 eoniiKel of lone KfandliiR, and n 1'rivy Caimnellnr uh well. Unit thin wtiitfjiifiit directly coiic('rna thtt ufilee of Minister of Juatlce. I beg of you, UioH'Coro, In JiiHtk-p to my dnp/irhnont, to inynr inn promptly with tlio imimvh of tin- IirlRoiinm to whom you ref<>r. Nor a nhurlr niKC of the Kind liaa been reported to hie. 01 bruii(,'Ur mult'i* my notice. rSU'iicih OIIAICMOS I-inillHUT TUPPKlt' To the above Mr. Lanrlor wired a re ply an follows: If no i'i;fc liim lin>n roportod to you, I nd- vIko jMii, uu it philaiil'ltroplHt, to etiqtilrr uto Ihe mutter, anil you win find that (he health nf nil prisoner* Ih nrTi'iHrd by eon- Uneinent, mid thut they ere all eiitlthd to tliu Hiniif lender merelea I'xteudcd bv the (iovernnu'iit to MeasrH. Mcreevy nnil Con nolly. (Signed) WlM'-mn IvAUUIlCU Mr. Laurlcr said his rctnnrkn had t-vidently not Kulted Sir Churlcfl, who, on tlil.i occnHlon had not dlaplayod hlH iihunl acumen. "If ho wantH the nntncB," said Mr, Luurler, "I say to him thoy are leclon." DIE. Ul.lSlt HI'KI'AI.\r:!. fblWy t'uur **nx rwttttui rnmUttuU* VArct- cil Iu Itn*- uu.I O), y \\nr 0|.[ KlonlHi-. St. John. N.V... Ont. lfl.-Premler nialrs (lovernm.nt was handuomely' Hi-Htuiiied to-day in tho olectionw. The partleH tftitnd ro far: Govern- ment, \U\ Opposition, a. J. D. Plnney. ono of the Opposition ^hipB In Kent, waa among- the defeat- ci Farmers do you w*nV< moaay't o& pir oent.? ::;Jf fjo write AvG^'Baker, IiCRniiBij- tou.ODt. XrmBof paynaontot^rincipal to auifc borrowara. .- ," i.;'.' / I ,1 Y- rocviti<;in iv i\.uiiik rrlmlillll.r Tfca'l <b i:y^r.nirD. will >m <:iidui'f>uu bnrndiiiftii NrXt M^wloai. Ottnwn. Oct. Jfl.-Hnll Onlne, the Wed- ki.owii mitlior, arrived hpre t^nlrfir ..4 wllMnioi-vlfiv Sir C. H. 'Cupper to-morrow </ii ilu eopyrlcht queHtlou. It Iu likely tha <:..vj-riiijft.;!.f will introduce 'an a'mandmeat' v-a . tlio.full 1*ton 1 desired by British S ' ri I. Ml*'. . 11-nr- tri'WiWHy 4.<ir^run<rui ^UUr-llu^ ; >.rhlM> lt*v. X K. Hurr. ^^ y- . tin* ntburli.v f lUrrT ' ' ; > . m\,r -,.* . way iiidMfi' .- .m:1i.,.,Im .ftn (be pnrtof tS '^ - .-. .... ,>. U,1"^hl^ly,,lenfi^ft^ . ^M-^ . Htfnoan life it bald too cheaply whan the indivrdnalwho oaeda a toniofor hit ayateni, sealu U oyer', hia wan** tj purohatinn . : / 'e.vtjfy'.ne*'mixture fcf^t;;i '-^^fittM >b^djf'^ to him. >Uia>mber tijat;;'J^B>;'8iTiap^^;I;^ triliav hat a. waU.#arn*d:^u4ktJei:.of :^ftj'i^ "'tr.fi *: . v WMiiti^