Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, p. 4

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W^m^^mm^^^^^^m: IV ^^^^PP^P^i^||^^Sp??^fPf5p "') ',;:.'. in; ty&&ti.?b > . ^BSJfcsBfe* \,v DON'T TRUST TO KICK In buying: your Groceries, BUY THEM OF < < i NO COMMISSION To Investlerate the Manitoba School Question. WAS NOT DISCUSSED IN COUNCIL And you will gpt just what you order, - Goods Mlvered Promptly Wk^y Free Press, SGARFF & GO. Baptist AnunvorBury. win ue iLBiu anu nn. ** --- - to lnvodMKate tbo ManUnlia '^1 Han'liciri decided on I* entirely wit KHIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 180*. \V O. T. U. Convention. Tho unnuttl convention of tho W. C. T. IT. wuh hold in Kin^fivillo but wcok and provod to bo vury HUflcosnf ul aud in turn citing. Tho dolutfatott piroHout wore: Urn. Mux- well, Mrii, Howo, Minn Doniuy, Mu.ii Urotfc, -THibs }3uttt(ord, Mru, Guidon, Amhurntburtf; MrH. Ohnroh.-Mra, C. E. Naylor, Mr. (Dr.) Briou, Emwx; Alrn. Thorpo, Mrs.Oldackcr, Windsor; lluv. nud Mrs. Uu'ritt'ttu,_ Ridjio. town. .. ________ Mm. "Mux woll-deuervpfl very'iDtfcbnwftiw*- - - for th tifllowiit wannor in whioh oho con ducts tbo mooting' Thti progrmuuw wum inUraHtintf nd uplifting. "-..'.Mm. Burdotto, president of tho UkIro- town Union jjiivq an ud'dromi on tlio work _qf_the W. 0 T. V., Urn maimer in which tlicnwoVk ih dorio and tho rousonu for ibo Work havjufi to lie dono. II*r addrpMH was liHtenod to with n great deal of attention. Her manner ih very i>limniner and tho oarnt'BtncftH with which mery word waH Hpokcu nhowod that berjjourt wan iu the work. Mrs. Maxwoll, a uounl, ji'ivo doiho very pointod u-niarkH boariofi upon tho necoa- sity of ouch muinbor doinu thciir duty and tho fjKoat nood of oelf eucrifico in the mat. tor. If wo sit at homo aud rogrot tho doHtraotion tlia liquor truliio in iimk'inu, without oxortiny ourbelvcn iu thu leant, bow can tho work proapor. Mr. MoDonauh, pawlor, wan wry ou thuHiuatic in bio prameu of thu W. C. T. U. and hopud wo would in iimu huo the fruim of our work, and i xpieti^M luir.Bi-U ua viiry UlUQh planned to wtlcmiie ih* u->iivontioii to Kinj^hviilu. Thu choir tiiivq aotno vory titjiu:t pieceti and with tho help of the beautiful organ the rati mo wau very fine. GruotindH were t>iv'eu by tho ruuvn uml othorh, welcoming tlio couvtmlion to thu town* A. Vf rv mutable reply wuh givon iu behalf or tho Jlliiiioi: union by AIi-ti. Brion Whilom bolmlf <jf the Amhtjrhtbuif* union Mian UotHfoni replio.l iu a few woll chonen wordw. Altogether tho meeting iu Kin^Hvillo proved very unjoyabla and intereBthiu. Tho county officoru of last yesir were ull \*G'Oleoteduu follows Proaidont Mro. Maxwell. Vico ProKideut Mtb. Vinin^.' Mm. Naylor, Rco. Soorotary Mra. Adams. Treasurer Mrs. HoUuma. Tho nuxt conyontion will bo hold in Ehhox in 1890. Tho uunivorHary norvicoH in tho Bnptint ohuroh ou Sunday morning und uvoninj,' laitt woro uttoudod by vojy lar^o uonuro- UatioDii, tho nhnreh hninu. crowded unt'l ttttiriding room wan nt a promium. ltv. A. J. Yininn, of Windmr.. prrncluMi at hotb HorvicuH, taluii{/ (or bin thurno, tho roiuuruablo lifo and tlio poruooiitionu of fit. Paul, tho Apontlo. Tho rov fjoullotnan haw a remarkubly iraproHBivo doliyory, and hia honreru woro evidently v;oll plnciHOd with ibo diHeouruflH. Tho muaio wan /ur- njuliod JijrthTroliolv of Lh ohuroli'," and Mihh VanVfilzur hiuj; a i".lo at tho ovoning Hurviuo On Monday '-vcuini.! -Mr. Vniin^ L'avn an ein ay, tailing lor hiu hul jeet Lhu lifo of Aaonirum .Itidoon, tbo Baptiat minHionury of riurrnah, India. lli roaitation of tUo hfo of thin romiirkablo man, and hin por- imoutionu in tlio foroi|;n miEHiontiry fiold, woro lintouodto with rapt aMontion bv tho audionco. At tho conolUHioti' iho tbunku of too uudionco whh wiovod by Rev.- M.T.' Camplooll, . Hecuudod by Boy. A: h, Bovirly, und teudurod tlm ,-pcnUor in a nonb littlo upotoh by T. H. DcCow, Eiq., who occupied tho chair in hm iiHual af fable ujannur. A MODKIj LAYMAN. _ Iho. following rotiolutiomi we're adopted 1 I'hat wo rcquoHt tho provincial con vention to ootiHider tho matter of having a W. C. T. U. pout card for the convenience of onr workera. I 2 That wo aa a oonvoutiou' auk tho nroviheial convenoiou to petition the Qn- yirlo Lopialaturo to take action a^aimib iho pernicious form of fiarablinfi introduced by Americana on the Windsor raco track, fl That woroquoat tho looal aupcriutond. utH to bo iiaoro prompt in Bonding reports to county nuporiiitondeuta, thoroby pro- venting po much dinappomtmont. 4~Thfi.t whnro ovnn a littlo h'tq boon done iu a dcpartiutnt, if it bo thou^hMcD} preaonted t tho county uuperintondout, kolpa aud ohoera. -r That ua a ooayontion wo pxtend to . Mtu, Burdofeto our hearty thankoaud ^ivo ' exprofiuion of our high npproaiatioa of hor uddtoaa, to iho tTioiabtrB of tho Kin^avillo Union, who so ably complotcd arrange- menttf for tho meet in,on; to tho friends who opened their homott for tho recaption of the delogatoa; to tho frionda who offored a worda of urcotmiz ou bohulfof tho coun cil uad people of Kiugevlllo;' to tho truntooa for the usooi tboir ohnrchufi; to the ehoir for thdir beautiful rendition of tannic; to ^hp oare^akorn, oftd tha frioudti who o kindly Jlnmlabcd ilowoin. '.! '/ Human life in held too obeaply when tbo individual wboneedfl atonio for bis ny**em, eeks to cover hU wants by purobaaio< *ary new uixtnra that It Jreoommondtd |0 him. Rflmenqbar that AyerVl^argipa vlIU has a wall-earned reputTOuv or fifty yft' Handing. .;y) ,., Tho no wopapora of Minnoapolin aro full of prpceeUiuCH of tho .Epiacopal Oonorul CouventiC'U, iiHhomblod in thatcity. Many notices of diotiH^aiHliu-d pnraunu in uUuud- anoo appear in tho columno of tho Tiint-a, mid anions thorn wo find the followmy ro fersneeu to Mittthow Wilhon, lihq., Q. C, of Chatham, uudor tho hood of "An exum pl<j of jvhat layruon oufiht o ho;" i Tho TiuiBu uayt: "Cauadiau cliurohmen do wiMoly in Bunding a dfcU*i4atian of their very btwt lupreiitiiitativeH to tho ^otiouil conven tion*! of churuheB of lileo fiTith in other hindn than their own. find thoy idiowe'd their wiadom m nendiny both oloruy and luity. It irt an objiiQt li'Hfion for thoHo who camo and fi)r thuna who noo and huac tho vjhi- uua. M'jii liko Matthnw Wiloon.Q.C., aro lianiploii f what tho beat laymon aro. lit- has had a memiirablc career, and when men hko him aro roady to loavo bmunnsH and tako timo to (jo. out of hia native country to Hervo tho churob, it iu au object leuaon to all who behold. "Matthew Wilnou, Q.C., born in 18S4,iftr. reuidout of Chatham, Orit., and uonior part- nor in tho Urui of Wilnon, Hanuin, UsICuofjIi it Kerr, ilo m a member of tholefjal pro- foHaaon, which ho onlored aftor (jruduatin^ with honora at Toronto in 1879, and in which bo, aftor tho nhort jflorioduf 10 yearH, had tho distinction of Quoon'a Couuaol com frrod upou him by tho crown. Ho nun practised hio profosuiou in tho varioiih oourta of Ontario; in the Supremo Court of Canada and in the Privy Council oT Eu^ land. Ho ih now tho Prtuidont of tho Woaturu Bar At,nooiution, which recently mot in Dotroit. "Mr. JVilsoD hun.fjoui boyhood been an' active worlier in tha aouueila and miaaion boarda of the church,'and now a mom ber of the General Dineenau, Provincial and Gouoral, Bynodu of Canada, and ho iaaloo a raombor of tho Coanoil or Huron DWini. ty CoMoiiq of London. Ho in au advocate-in ' liuurul Huppurtur of hinhar oduuatiou, both oeoular-and relijiiouH, and baa lon urced more aotive oo-oporation, of tha layman iu tho upintiiBl work of tho ohuroh. H* in not a "paity man" in ohuroh affairs bo- liovlog that our orood ia broad ononRh to a'dnait all who kniw tho BavioK (jraoo of Chriafc, no mattor what vcatioonta tkey may woar or what particular ritual thoy prdfr. ' It iH.iu such vifiwA aa thoao that tbo ohuroh uUndu as hIio truly ou^ht, to bo a piano whoro mon, who aro willing that that tlieit) Hindi bo in thowo tlun(ja doubt. i ul, liberty, in things onKcntial, nouy, und iu all thin^a cbariry may moot. If thin spirit had always dominated tha church it would have>aved it from many dhhappv diyitt'onu and much duoord. The aonveu- tlou will pmn but the delegation frctn Clan- adu will leave tneroorioK whiob will ab)d, beqauu tbo njombtr* of it have uhowt) th* Bpirit of brotheily love in a wlu+,tru* way. Mr, Wiliou ou Ro home knowing he line Rpokeu a manly wftrd for fate ohuroh, not alone in peeohibufc io Tory deed." ! ' . '. "i >' ! \ . '. i r>Mfr.noi. W.Hi Upon the .Flhmi Mli.Utrr Iu IfaVff tbc Klivr MmIu Abnlrtl-CbUr Junilre Hlruii CrnuM rour Hlo^ll> B^V* r Aturwc.*-. Ottawa, Ont Tho Htory In Thft Toronto Nowa that a fnU" wtwtott will be lysl'd and-that li cmmliwlon hoobi thout tlon. The mutter biiM not boon o.......a ln Connrll, hut It ma- ho fiken mi a tattled fact that Mr.^ hM"*- Ii>r will not dlotatoii pol'cy to tin- <S'>v- omment. Thero will bo no cominiil^^. Tho Plnanco Mlnlatcr wan wuUeil upon yfiHtordny by Meuiirn. W. B. Weir. proHldout of tho Banlc VUlft Marie, and Tliomim McDom;all, Koneral num- aivor of the Quebec Banlc, upon tho Huhjeot of tho American Mllvor nul- nnnco, which hi said to ho increa^lm; to nn roclent which cauHon the bankii a Rood deal of trouble. Tho two gen tlemen conn! nn memboru of the, hnuk- Inrr dlvlalon'of the Iloardii of Trade, mid have boon delegated to brlnu tho urcenoy of tho jiubject before the pov- ornmont. An incroiiHe of the nllvor colnawo of Canada hi what the rlrpulu- tlon urK on the Governinent. the idea heitur that such a couriu,- will be proflt- nble to Canada,' The driving nut of tho InlV-rlor coin hi of coursi; only a nuiter of dcpurtinental cxpfllence, uh on the occasion when Amorlcan' coin ln Canada was tho rule, nut the excep tion, Homo twenty-flve ycaru atJ*i. Keveiiti ehantrea arc contemplated In connection with permanent corpn. It paid that Major LeHHard will be trans ferred tu Winnipeg, whlh: Cai>t. I. D. I!. Kviuia nf WlunlpoK DraKij'iiia will aKSuino I'omniand of Tnroiito troop with rank of ma Jul'. Ciijd. (boi^e Howie (if (itliiwa will beeonit; liiruton- a'nt In W'imiipej; JJi-.i^ooiis and W. II. I'm-tei-HOii, sou of the .Lif.-ut..-Governor, will lvccivt' fi Heuteiui iu-y In " A" ' Kiittery, K'ln;;Hlou, Major-d noral (JaKcolf^ni: will take part In the pivsi'iitathtn of badjveulo the mcniherH or lb,- (.<.' .F.f.l. who won tin-. BritliUi challenK'! shield for tho re- Kiuient. The Mlnh-itor of. Militia, accompanied by Col. Aylmor, D.A.O., and Col. I^iico, viHlted tho..riLherti at KocklliTe yeater-_ day artcruo'.nj. niul vltiwed it frcm all polntn. A surveyor employed by the (.ioveinihent Ih at present i n^ayud In making a survey of the proposed range In (NeixMin t^wnnlilp. .'-. The Marine Department has received a circular from ihe United Stated hydrn^raphlc oillce which Ih not with out interest to the lntintl marine of Canada. It nays: "It Is vcry'philn tiiat compass lxiarlnp;H cannot Ue close ly relhrd upon at the eas-torn end of Jjiiko C-ntario. in thu tH-ip.liborhnod of the M;.In Duck Islands It has been fre quently observed that there is a tfreat deviation of tho compaH, sonietlmon an K'lvat uh a point at a time. Thlit lOnderH navigation very uiieertahi in thick or fntftfy weather. This devia tion is ilne. most i-robably, to numer ous superficial dejiit;-'its of iron ore. An examination of'the magnetic observa tions that have hern made in the Pro vince of Ontario rIiowk that there aro numerous localities ln the region Im- n-(*dlately above ijik'n Ontario whore there are ennrideiable lnr^'il lrre^ularl- tir-n. Tho flips at Klnprston and Tlolle- vlllf*. at the foot of T*ake-Oritarlo,-auuV nt T*resoott, on the St.. T-awrence River, aro anmns the most Irregular recorded ' on tlu- mairnotlo survey of Canndu, and it is cprtaln that both the compass rind the dlpplnrr needle will bfi Fubject to notabh- and irregular influ- f-ncps in tbe oru-tern port ion of tho lake. At T^rool'vlllo and at Cornwall <].'. anomaly dl^Mnperu-p." According to rect-nt Knyllsh newa- j-apeis an nM criminal bar; boon eon- v.cled by jneans of the anthropome tric system of identillcutlon. Tho pnuoucr "had carefully dlsKuiscd hlm- telf; bad f?ot rid'of any hirsuit adarn- n.ent to his face, and generally suc- ct.odod In hiding IiIh Identity to such an extent that it was only by taking the imprint.of his hand and .comparing it with that of a criminal who had been in-custody soino time, before ' the ldmtlty wan established and conviction followed. rn Jails the liortillon sys- tttm of Identification of crlminnlR Is In vcj-'ue. It !s, In brief, a system of'mrlue; the hones of criminals, and 1r a never. falllnp; means of Identity. When Sir John Thnnipsiin was In Parla ottondliiK the iiehriht; Sea tribunal, he and his private secretary, the present Inspector of l'enitentlarlefi, had an op portunity of HeelnR the system in ac tual practice. Inspector Stewart In formed your correspondent yesterday that the system an practised by the gendarmerie at Farls Is an unqualifl-.. ed success, even when photography lias failed, and Is said to have a' most de terrent effect upon criminals, having a t ndency to drlv:* away the profesHhnal 'thieved from Pnrih On being asked whether It wn<* 1:1.** Intertloh to ftug- gest the adoption of some uch syotcm at the. JJomlnlon penitentiaries, Mr. Stewart said that It was a matter more for the Dominion or, r'-nvlnclal police to. take up. The matter wan one well worthv hf conslUerailon. It had iM'pn adnp'cd to a certain ex tent in ICncMniul.. and in pome of the principal cities of the United State*), ^ho glvlrtr oU of the nht'irnlnrn wells In tbn P'tnfe of New York has led to tho boll " that unlesn the out put of this nro^'iot In Canada la ro- titrlctod befnro Inner ft like fate may befal ' the Canadian weHs. Ttoeently ropr-oHontitlons were received at the Customs Department ur-rln^ tho Im- fORitlon of an oxnort dutv on natural Kan, In view of the onormnus niutntl- .tiOH which are being piped into PnTalo every week from the Nlhrmm. oPs. Mr. Douglas . Btowart, Inspector of PenltentlarloH, and Mr. W. It. nillingii of the Public WorltH I3epartmont, have ifelted. Alexandria during tho pant week- for the"purjjoBo of ascertaining what the proupectfl are for necurlng building matorlnl In tho vicinity of, Alexandria for the proposed dominion ntformntory. They brought away samples of stone from ueveral awnrrles and nlfto clay for brlok nmklng, which will be tented by the'Public -Works Department. Mr. Stewart Bays that the profipeifl are very favorabln for aefcur- Ing nm amply.'wuppjy of building ma- terlol within roaaonable distance of. Alfijtnndrhi. . C.hii>f JTuut'ce fitronff of the Supreme Court hns b en granted four months' leave of absence on tho ground of 111 health.. An Order-lr-CounclI ran been p- ed. giving effect to tho reconrmenda- tlpwi of the Western Grain. Board re lative to tho rrodirur of train IT IS EARLY To talk about new fall goods.but ours are com ing to hand. The next ton (JayB will witnHS tho arrival-and-paiiHiiigjnio_Bt^k_of HEW BOOTS and SHQ Bought direct from fiomo of tho best manufaoturora in tho Dominion at jnftide pikon and will be Bold at the olofiost poa- aiblo advaiico; also Colhiifg which ior style, fit, fmiph, durability nnd excellence of value will be fiure topkiiH tlionioKt exacting. During the pant 10 dayH we have pawsed into ntock New Dvobb GoodB, Tweeds, White and Grey Cottonn and General ])ry Goods, which are up to date and excellent value**, OUR GllOUEKYDKPAETMENT as usual -is Htocked with choice frenh goodw,. We are haying an imoienae run on our 25c Tea. . Gall and ee, Yours for Bargains, v.. ^/f?^r\ ^f1*i taiy! >SSSi DtJlTSTAlT BXiOOIS, ESSE2C. Worthy Y<jur < oiitl<U*iu-<i, Thu huccl'hh ot IInod'h Burtipiirilhi in con quertn^ borofulu in whatever way it may manifi t ithclf in vouched (oMty^uo^HfcncU^ \viio wuro (iovi-rely uffioted hy thin' provul- enfc duiuHfce, hut "who now ri-juic? over a1 pormunnnt cure by Llood'H yurHitpiuilla. Horolula may appoar an a hanidr, or it, may attuolt"- tbo ^hindK of iho, ueult, or break out in droudfnl runuiiiK eoreu on thu iio.Oy_nrJiiiibu.-Attuckin thd-mucoua.iucm brauo, it may develop into catarrh cr I'odtJ- in't* in tho Iiiii^h luiid tocoiiHiunptiou. Gomo aa it may . - faithful nejijmi_^nf M>;iitmt;iit with Hood'n Surniparilht will overcome it, fur working npou tin* foundation of -nil dm' oanoH, impuro blood, tho HyUhin ih clarified and vitalized, and vifor, nlr^nyth and health rciiored to the bod>. AUCTION SALE . OF - Valuable Freehold Property Situato in tho Tnwnnhipnf Gohi'iMii] m the Comtty ot Eh'-cx. FKDKB AND HY Viri'IUK OK TIIK P0W- (tr of mile con aiiit'il in a nortain inortyiifjo wlifoh will hv ]iioihici!(iun tho tlfiy nf tiultt, Ui^ro will bo offoruil ior Bulu liy lumlfn nuotiun rn Wednesday, November 6, 1805. at 1:11' o'clonlt p. m. at tho Abnnu!<<7i Jfntel, J'-ituox.tlio followihR valuitbUi froclioM >iojiflrt.v: l-)iuit half of tin* iitirtlrhtilf of lot '>, in tho 7th con. of tUi'iiuiii Townuliip of GuiiUcld, "(intiLiii- iii|( SO aeroii, morn or luiiu. Thiuina >aluublo fiirm in u well ii.Ulod lo cality. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF S.VLK: Tho properly will bo n>Ul in onu pnrcol, uli- jc>ot to a rciiiiive hid. Tlio pinuhnBor nt tbo tlmo r.f iialu nhall pay ten jinr cent, of his puv- cIiuho moiioy In emih; tiid torr of payiiiont of tho biiliincn mill nil ' tlicrcomlitiotMiof uulowtll b() uiadu liimwn at tho tiiuo of t.aki or on unpli- cation to Ml Jobn' lliluo iir tliu uiuim niunuil. HOVVIjAND, AB.'OLOl ABUIBt'OL., Vl-ihIoih" B -holtora, MM Jlay ntrci)t, Toronto. I'atod Ootobor7, lfiOl cf Fall Goods WE have placed on the market a general Stocked! Dry Goods, GiocerieH, Uatn and Cape, Boots antUSnoes and we are guaranteed never to be undersold, 'we'are selling 40 inch (.hevon suiting, regular price 46c, for 25c per yard. Storm Herges, regular price 85c, for 20o. Scotch plaids worth 45c for 25c per yard;. Tweed suit ings worth 75c ior 45c per yard; Ladies Kidd Gloves, worth $1.25for % 1 (JO; Ladies* Kidd Gloves, worth $1 for 75c; fanay all wool Lnsbraere worth 40c for 25c.;'Hob1 ioi*y ilouvy all wooll ribbed, for 25c, and Bcvorul other- extra valuos. Flunnoletto at .r)c worth 7c; .lM inch Flnnnclotto worth 15c for J0c; Tablo LincnR at (j5c, Jioc, 40c, all worth lfic moro than ranrltedjgro1 Flannels all wool, worth 25c for 2()c; groy ilaunols all wool worfcl 30c for 2"5c. " . H M M Overcoats, all tho latest styles" and all are now goods. No old ntook that baa hoc; carried over. Prices ran go from $4.50, 8<r>, $7, $8, $1) uj> to $lii. UiBtots tho same.- , BOOWS and S^QBS- Havirg bouylit astoclt of Boots nnd Bhnes in tlio enstorn morkot at a low ruto on tho do'lar, e aro dottrniined to run thorn cheaper/than ihey liavo ever been told in Essex, fall and see for yourselves. In Hats und Cans wo carry the latest stylus. OKOCHSS.E8S... Onr groceries are always ficsh. Call and foo onr 28 lbs of Raisins for $1. Highest ijru-e p.iil for itfod;.ec. 1. FllICI Take notico that a by luy in intvudvcl io bo (in uud by tha municipal counoil ti lIil: corporation ol tbo Town ill Khhey, io levy a frniitaiJi) ratu to pay for tho buiulinij of u tlircH foot pino plank HuliiWalk on t ho north ni(lb of Albort arroot, from the MuidHtnufi Townlino to Mcdoru avrniue, unct n Tmir f'iot pino plunk Hi(l(^"ullt on the west Miitlo of Meclora avt'imo from Alheit Htrtt.1 to I'albot Htrout, and tlmi, ii htaten-ont uhow- wiu tho liindn liablo to pay tlie u\m\ iaio liml tho uumiiH of the ownoru tbureul, ou far un tboy emi bo iikin-rtiui glI from th" [ ln^t revintd iiHHOHnmcnt roll, in. now Mod in iho ofilct of tho ulork of tbo muinoipiLlity nnd in oprn for itisiirution duriut! otlico hours, Tbo coot oT tLu wurlt in &12-1.C0 of wbiuh 811.'hi ia to bu piovidud out of tbo uoneral (unite nf tbo mnnioipalit". A.oonrt of revision will ho hold at tbo Towii Hall on Tn:Hclav tbo 15ib Ootob. r, nt 8 n'cldoU p. m., fir th' pinpom* n{ ljur l [-,(.; coin plain in a^aimU. tbo propnsuU uh. rOHbrai nt or auouruuy of froutii^u niens- uromontH or uuv oMior complaint wbifch pprnoufl intorDHted may d^wiro to rniiko unil ivhiab i*1 l-y htw i,i'(!i)"/'ih|t* by tbo court. John VVaiiTktiu, Clurk. Dated at Khhox. Oufc. 2nd, 181)5. To Smokers! To moot tho wiMhon of tbnir rnnlomorn, Tbo Goo. E. Tuokott A Bon Co.. Ltd.. Hamilton, Ont, bavo pluoed iipon ihe markofc A. Oombination Pluf? of ... . J SMOKING T0$AGC0 Tbis supplies n Jon^j folt/want, giv ing tlio coiiBUmer. one iiOr cent |>1ug.# or a 10 inept piece, or a ft fl^ot P.l0'-0 'f the famous '^T &/S'; brand of pure Virginia Tcbaooo. \k^m^-^: iSM^Jft^ pec?. Vance's Old Stand, 9 Ebeox. "' -', ' i -| ., -,->l x..,( J. B. 3 >, V-v'-ii . :wAGENT FOR. MASSBY HARRIS CO. I l;.jj -\ Cflrries a fall line of Seeding and Harvesting rnachin-.<';a^ ery,_ Pumps and Windmills. A full line of farm wagons of }'!$$ the Chatham M'f'g. ^!o:) also market wagons, fancy carriages, ;J:$g top buggies and road carts from the bet-t manufaoturere in w Canada. All goods'Sold Under a warrantee and at the'bo'jfc'M ", ; * ' /-,'.,.v'.V.iV"Ji ett living profits. .'.' '^^l:I^Il -- >.' :ui.f. yJ^tt^-^Mm ...... ..... !<($& jif>/->m ;^>;\ ^

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