Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, p. 3

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,wft" V\S fj^m maw S\V V AM HERJSE4SES, PAINED CELERY COM. POUND PECULIARLY ADAPTED TO REGU LATE THE SYS- TEM AND GIVE HER STRENGTH. CAN HANDLE IT AIL A Paragraph of Truth from ' Medioal Journal. n Tho following parninuph from fi mothou-l journal publ lulled on thin oontiiu'iil, do manda our Htirioun attention. Tl ro'ulu thtia :" It is mifc to sny that moro than out). half tbo revluuu of thu pli1. niunnm nf tho world, in durivud from thu truatmont oi fotnaleyNofc on 00 in tint rimotionuh correal; lolTtjuoo in fifty m tho troattnotit fmcoumiful to tho nuti-mt,** "Why in it I hut tlio oditos* mukuii huoIi u statu mo tu in Inn odttorml id r j; tr I c > tho BafforhititJ of wnniunV Uoaaun > tlio iinirit of tho titnon ut't'ootH ilium mi mujh iui it do on the men ruoro, for thoir HorvoUHHyiitumfl are mora delumto and tionuitive' Tlio to in a, oauHo for.wvary ovil, and lit tho uohool- room wo uuu UHU&lly find tho starting point of tht'Hti hoaduchon, haokaohan aud woniuul} ill which ur'i growitij* no alarimngly com mon. Whon tho t;roat uhaugo from oluld* hood to womimhood i in pro^rehB, tho girl iBarowuod, pushod, ovorworkod, to keep up with her r tad i est. Add to thiu tho nevorc anxiety and worry uliico attend axauiiiia. tiom*, and wh*m tho Hohoolhfu in over hot health in aoriouuly dorangod Aftor Hcliool-diLvn whatcomus? Aie not tlio dutioa of women an woariug uh tiiOHO of men? idven moro Social, hounohold of ton buiaeoau caron, muat bo uHBiirnod, whicTPUir [end a baud m brinfdr^ thoso dohcuto nerVefi into an irritated, woakenod, un strung Condition, Iu to bo wondoiod at that the Boneifcivo oruuB, covorod by a uet- work of orvoH, aro dorangud, aud tbat life bflotuou ono louff, dreary roud of Buffering without au oaoapa o. turn. Faino'a Colory Compound, that groat medi oal diucovory, ahould bo uo'td. Soou your -tt*twc-4*iil-bfl-atronrt-ji.ud_uirto^oiiyr a'1"* tho nutrition, dilution ud npooially womanly fuuotioan will bo natural and regular. Rosy ohocka, Hpurkliu^oyuB, a boautiful fituiro,aIl tho fruHhuoHH and bouatv of j outU will toh tlowtho hoaHh-givim? influence of Paioo'a ^lory Compound. Whoa you aro nor- [oak, tirod, cannot ulaop, havo hcad- any of tho namolofm ilia which oo imon onflor in Hil6nco, ime J'uino'H Oolery Compound, and id will rontoro to you tho firaatout hloHHinj; of life- hualth. MiAMKlLMON kSAfPrKK T ICIC. viir.Actx- Joltii-u Willi ILnailtuy; rtVc-tKiIjcru of Ilio jfucuUy of fr-<-MCaui<*r I Hull In X'rulue of ur< AeiioM^HCuinrrlial Powder. - Eyfiryona who uHoh Dr. Atinow'n Cuthar- rhal 1'owdor hat* a good word to Hay for it. Iu thoHo columnuii fdiort time huibu waw quoted tlio favourable of thrco memborn of tho faculty of McMatttor Itv.ll, tho great Baptlflt Univoraity. Of tho Hatue donnui* illation 10 to bo uIdod to day tho hearty ndomoinonc of tlna remedy by tbo llev. G. Andorfion, tho .indofati^ublo jind bug- oeBflful pawtorof tho VVontwortU Bap tint Ohuroh, Hamilton. Uohno uoodthia med- iciuo, and dooa not lionuato to proclaim itu jgood proportion. Jut at thin particular time of tho yoar thm remedy in doing a grand work in romovinflf that dreaded trouble to many liny jrovor. Ono Bhorfc puff of tbo broath through (bo bloworuupplTflorwitlT'Gnoh hottlo of"Dr. Aunow'R Oatarrhul Powder, diffuHow tlua yowdar ovor tho ourfaon of tho initial pan- paflua^oR. PainloHH and delightful to uho, iC roliovoa in ton minuton, and porraanent ly curat) Catarrh, Hay Fever^ Cold**, Hoad- iioho, Soar Throat, Tonuihtiu and Duafnonn, GO c'infn. Samplo bottle and blower Heuc on reooipt of two throe cent HtaropB Por flalo b> J, Tboruo, Druyinfc. B. G. DocnoN. 41 Choroh ft, Toronto fi i xfer C '/' *' ^ V v * ("*1 ^ .:.) iri L^ t . POWL .run- SIG'f HEAO&&HL. *"I Kti-a \i j i . ao Mifi'-JYGi*. n'oCiv I I1" t , Ili/zi i' -.1. i"i (it <%, i in Ilu ' t , t-oii'itipan jii, 'V ipiil l.tvcr, U td hrtu'li in-.t.i/curid iLo ru(:uliito *iie bow.-lii. xriznv higc to take* "pKiaa SO dcNta at drug, stores? THAT imAGiNG N TMM LOINS |v YJuuallyttmiNtiilby u Vkei'mi^ement o4 tlio JCldy-H(nUli Amiorlcnii KKIuoV Olifo XVIII Portlllyoly Hollovo lilniSivx Mloury, Ono may bo doooivod by tho fooling of wflighfe or dra|*giii^ in tho loiuB that chuhoh -K rinpfoaBantnoHH and iuoouvonionao to many T, me^ ftud womeu. Attributing tho trou. n'Tbie to gumethiug gIho, thoy forgot that tlni) Jinay be evidonoo of inflammatory nffootionH \t of tho Jilduoya, that eventually ma\ do- i'/ ve1ope mto mt0 *<ori0UB troubjo. That vory s'aaooeBHfal Bpooiilo, South Ameticnu Kidney 'JOur* 8ta at fcbo Koot of kidney troublo, ' aBd will quiokly romovo th eauoo, and bAVlng done thin, oomploto rooovery Ih ' q feaafced- It ia worth roptiatiuL' tlmt Eitb Amerioan Kiddoy Cur ib a roiteiy 10 pojr/o'ot oars of thin ono troublo. It ... not pretend to bu a cure all, but ib is ore oertaUi in every oaso of kidney trou- WhU* 'And it does it quickly. *Bo!d by J. Tbotae.drageiat. :A '< ': Slr WHIIam vlowod Van Hortm Intor- In Wlnnlpocr, fREIGHT-RATFS~AHE__BEASONABLE lhr l*r..l<l.>t>l or the < lit. illTeM UW Opinion on Ulit-ui Mlvlua uittl Oilicf 1luUt'i'>> i.o\t I'rlrt'M uud IkJki'itkund. Winnipeg, Oct. ly. Sir Wllllum Van lloiiu' in mi Iniorvh'W with m*wn|>apei' icpi i senUitlvrn yuiilf nI,iv, mikl the ( oinpany did nut at pr.)ent ountcinplatu tin- i ojiiti tu-t Ion ill ii> hiniifh Unfit In vl.inllohiL nor .t now ulntlon building in \\ Innlp* k. Hciilit i \\ ;i'j ll Intimdi'd lit liiLfihif In any way with tho j;iuln 1 tiy im, ni l'Ii \ atui luibiiu .^h. Jto i njU, u tu think lh< tin nn in tlum- el\fh tf> hliinii Iui M,in\ ill'-.ihUUloii utidci which thi-y wue |Iiuki, IU1 < unsiih n-d i In piupniml to (unt^tiiict (hit WlUthOUM'4 Ul-IKUihMl. UM'l I'll- doihfd tho ruui.ii' ol' tin tlo\ ci nmont on the uralii mlxln;; (ini'Hthni. Kiflj.'ht i a ten, ho mild, weie fall uud u>.i;.on- anlf, and thfio was no present jirou- puct OL' a ndiutlon. As to wluthui It U'ceo better for faiimuH to buhl u heat than oell It at the pn neiu low priced, Hlr William declined to cxpmu an opinion, I'revlou1! prediction:! an to whi nt prlcLH had not Iiccn fully realiz ed. Hlr William fcciti quite confident that the company can handle all the Unfile thin iKMiHon without hlockadi*. Tho low price of wlirat and the meth od of (jradlniy and mixing 7i'aln han ciiKi'd a very irinmul dincutmion of llienc ((iieHtloim oi late. It In felt that too K'"cat advttiitaj^o In taken of farm- fib uho have fio.slcd nheat, The tuitf- K'-.^tion has llu-iolorc been mad** that i he Provincial Government have a l homujih tent made of all rcrndoti of whrat, havlntr each j;roun(l Into flour and made into bread. It In contended that the lower gradc will make Hour quite Kood enouKh for ponei*al liomf fonsumptlon and that mllern can well ulford to pay much better prlcut than now. , The novlnclal Health OfHcern who in\entl|jated the causon of the out- t reak of typhoid fever at Curhen-y and diphtheria at Wellw ood find that pol luted water wan the moat fruitful source of the dlseanea. There wan alBO audi very bad Hanitation in Home ~Tlrrrfjt-that-fuml^fttlon^(vaD unavailing and hounen had to be burned. * A-do.ipatch from Retina oayH: The cltizcn.s yesterday had a rather un pleasant experience of the practical operation of the'praiiie lire ordlnanc* pnHsed at tlio late H<.<i,idon of tho North west Anuombly. The ordlnantje em powered the Mounted Police to pre mi any and evei-yone Into Mervlce to ox- ifnprnlnh ilreH, and when an nlann wan Klven yesterda^' the police peremptorily ouloiod about forty citizens to leave work, hhut up their bininettH places find fro out four or five mllen Into tlie country to litfht fire. Their efforts were onthely HiifCfhHfu], but some un- willlnK ones kicked vlpoioualy acainst the new oidci of things. Till'. HtOMlV Win l'lKKiV. Off X I.iuly Tclrsrii))li Oiirrntur Hriv*-* I'MO Illt^Ul'll lE<>lll)tTK, Ran Francisco. Oct. 32. The South ern Pactlle Htatlon at Baden, 10 mllea Kouth of this city, wan entered last nlRht by two masked men, who re quested the teh'Kiuph operator, Mrs. L-eva Marshall, to hand over what money theie was in the office. Mrs. Marshall immediately icached foi a re volver, but the rohbei anticipated her movement, and ojiened fire uiion the lady, his 11 rat bullet striking her hi the left arm just below tho elbow. Mrs. Marshall returned the robber's die. Alarmed at the fusllado, the In truder fled, f-Ux bullets were sent ifter them by the wuniiui, but It hi not known whether any of them took r fleet. M.iitiJEOttoiK.ii-i i t{>i;iiiiu/r. I lie Wed(IIiiK l>y t'ltunurd lo tiuy lawlifi* New York, Oct. 11. It Is now an nounced that the. mik* of Marlborough and Miss Vanderbllt will be married on Tuesday, Nov. f>, at noon, in St. ThomfuV Church. The imprgsslon prevails that though i','iids for the chuieh ceremonies Will ue general, only the bridal party and a few Intimate friends will be askad later to the bioakfast. iitLMi: ami ii ii>4<;.isrAit. ^o IIOVflB Territory to In- i flc| by Ilio Ifllhunf I'rancr'ii (oiociil. rarls, Oct. 12. The Matin say a that the treaty of peace made by tlv L-Yench commando* In Mjidapuscnr uiLli the Hova Government pio- Vicl'h that no territory alrjll be foi.ceded by the Hova Government v iLhout the consent nf France, and tii.a the toneeflslons that have already- been granted may be caneulkd. Un- d r these provisions the giants of \ r.hl traet-; of country obtained from the Hova Premier by Kngljshmen and Germans may ho nlthdiawn. I.INDHtV Alts*OM>i;it CMH'IIT. ttohrrt Fcr, Clin rue*! 111 Hi ICinlic/./Uuu HtHDO l'roiii Hioll.T, IHiikIuh A k'lavellf, Capture*! nt Kurln-Hlcr, Iilnduay, Out., Oct. 11. Ono month ago Robert Fee, ohe of the bookkeep- oa employed by Sadler, Dundat* & Flavelle, left town suddenly. The auditors wore at that time making the regular monthly audit and on Investi gating Fee's accounts found that Hlnco the previous ntTuTt no had faJsilied the books to the extent of $800. out and to-night word was received that the defaulting bookkeeper had bten arrested In Hoc-heater. N.Y. Fee was a dingle man of quiet hahlto ond had been In the employ of the hrin for ten or twelve years. A 1 ciilli. flu MH-111'4 Cnp Montreal, Qucb'-'C, October 11 All the MedH of Mv.Glll are- delight- c<J with a piece of news t.utt Lord PUiyfalr haa b.ouglit aci*o a the ocean. Ah far back as 1851 a couple of fcIkI- arshlpu weio glvn to Wllnburgh TJnl- verslty which ontltlca the fortunare winners of these prlz u ti a year or more study In uny unlvei-aity outsilo of Great Britain. Over 10 year* 1 ave paused iiway nnd as rnlgh* have been expected the great c nt nental m lvor- sltlea were gcncially Heleetpd by tl.* chancellor, or thoDo who had tho ohoVrt In hand, Canadian universities are, however, t.vxinx ahead, an i thin year McGlll h s bon chosen to receive two young*gentle men ftMm Kdiuburgh, and it Ih inura- ed that they h vo ahvodv I t tht other sido and will r och M ntrcal in a few days. !/>rd Playfair adds thai McGUl ban mud ^wonticrful proerrcas in the eye* of unlver-olty m*u of late FT? V. THE FJ5=l-5,RV .T^V^T^T^ TT?FJV^ CHATHAM And jnfjty Poor Famllloa aro Without Homos. SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS LOST JUuin.rnfliirh.U LulahlUbuirkitu, U^hli-hU mi.I t.iiiu. *nr l|i In sihiiUi- *!*: ["n suvj- liiii'iH'tl in Ikculli ni l n-ili An 4*1.1 I.iiUc linn l,i<4-4 III* MW' In 1'iiflu. Ohithun, N.P, f,ct. II --Fin hrnW. out about no n t -o.iv Pi tb n'ore "f Ihyan Mo In, In Uulce-M n et, ^ mi '- t'tlil r g ng iiirloiiHly. Mreuly about .'."i 1 til dl g have In en burn tl. Tli -.' iui hide the Unman Tilth IJ- Cntbedral nl Hi (. n\ nt of Chap. 1 Mill, Alrx i; li umoii'.m .Hinge i ' tory, Mill' r *j foui.di>, and the dwillhi,'-' o1 D (i. .-'mltll. Thomas I'MtKp.iti h k, Ah'\.iiuhi Itolinn.u, I1". Mik dr.-Id', .lam - II at- t eit, and all Hie ho s I i Fuinuli v At thl ho n, .. .1) , t n Hn i. Mill 'pr ad ng, 'I he town of Newenntlo w i'> appe ti ed to for aid and a IIr' engliu an.I t rew 1 ave miit an Iv* d. I'linipbcIIton, N. P., Orl. 10 l.ati i The Uiuiifiu C'Hlhulli: Chtiieli an.' <- * * *.'iit at Phnlhiuu were not de tn^cd j-1 .'t lli^t reported. Tin (he is nov/ nndci couliol. About 2f> buildings wit* d. ti o,\ ed. The Mllle'uile foundry and maehhn* 'hops, ou'mcl by JnincM O. Miller; llon- ii"oii'm cniflace factory and ;ir> nJ!- di iici s, occupied by about r.o f.nnilt..-, iiml 30 bams were totielly destioyMl. I'art of the household effccP ^. r.- H.ived The homelesti families nie tuai- lv nil vi'i'y poor. The west side ol SI. fohn-stnet, Fnundi * t and f'hup- ('-.itreot were destroyi d. The convent e iiiffht in HevPt'iil places but wn* rued by men with huckot.H. An un- oreiipled hoti'fc, off the line of the, was discovered to be on lire, supposed to h:i\ o be en net. The Itisuiance wni pilnclpally held In the Phoenix of London, tin* hnn- ciiMilrc ii nil Imperial. Home other companies hnv* a l'< w hundn d dollais, but the printer part Is In these com panies The total Iohh is $(0,000. Bliirni ii ml Slorl* l*Mrori'(t Prncefli Id, Ont., Oct. 10. Tht barnH of Mr. "\V. Heiry, a quaifr ol n irjllo outh of here, together with nil hit grain and most of his farm Implement-* ".ere burned tn-n!|rht .ibnut 7 o'clock. Cau-e unknown; loha pai tly covered by insuxancc. IMn/** hi X>w Vorlt. Nrw York, Oct. 10. ICarly this morn ing lire stuited in the five stony bi Iclc building, :;,;t and .J/fl I-'ust l!.lrd-stiee;. One* of tlio wallsi of tho burning build ing fell und did consldeiuble damage to tho Hurioundings. J^osm fj.'i.ooti. I tu HI Ion liollarM I <>v( Rvdnny, N.S.W.. Hot. 10. f ml.dings on Ilaylt y-strcet, In Cool- aid it*, A ust i alia, was bui ned yester- <:.5j. The loss is estimated at i.^.'JO,- ooo. sl\ IluriWMl An Ikfiilh. Tweed. Ont., Oct. 10. A flic occurred at Ijoon I.alee, about 30 miU s north- i ast of here, on the night of Tut sduy, binning the dwelling Iiohm- of My, Thomas Jdnds'ny. Thcie weie tin per sons in the house at the time. Kix*' burned to death, all clilhlien of Mr. J^lndsny, two girls ag< d !H and IS, two bois aged 13 and 7, and twin babfos. The tire oec urred about li! o'clock at nlfcht, and no one seemed to know how it staited. Tin re was, besides Mr. Lindsay's family, a man by the name of Pi to* Lebnrge and his sm, who barely es- (.ipifl by Imnpi;.,',' fiom tl,.- K-cond- i torey w iudii\i Mr. JL( Ijaige is employ- ' (1 by the (J.linom Co. in gutting oiit timber, and he lost $70 in cash and his w arch and i lolht s. Mr. IjIiuI* o is b.-dly burned about tin- face and hands The Lindsay dwel ling was situfittd between Loon Lake and Sheldrake Lake, and the nearest neighbors ate Home five miles distant. Old Man Itiirncil In Dentil. Paris, Ont., Oct. 10. A mkldle-agMi sharker fiom the vicinity of Hamil ton, naimd Willi, im (Jraham, was biiinnl to death last nl/lit while .sleep ing alone in a house which he hart Hr.trd fiom Mr Yatt s A gold watch found on his person, but if he had any monev It was burin d, as his clothes were consumed. ]J|s face wan almost pnst recognition and both ice,-. w*re partly binned off. The body lias not bun claimed as yet. ii iM.ii ik ie\ Tin: citN. An Oi'tit^ctmrlnii llcctn IMh Ili-ulli n( [Cri^blnn Ualhttiv **>rt'cli*. IlrlAhton. Ont., Oct. 10. Mr. Oliver DfL\ ei n, ag* d 'SI, an old l esident ol. IhK j lace, was assisting In putting a case ol t'tfKh under n train to-rhiy, and while ujult r the mih the tialn staitc-d. The win els mangled his lett leg IVai- fnlly. D.u'on could, not stand ampu tation and died at IJ.30 p.m. IhlrM I'.o,,i4. Dimt. St. Louis, Oct. 10. A collision oc curred hu.t niKht between a Missouri Pacific accommodation train and a Wabash < nglne in the yards at 22nd- street. Tile fiont end tof the Mlssouii PaelJlo coach was crushed in. Thirty passengers were Injmed, but none ser- loiiidv The engineers and firemen es caped by jumping. The damage to the rolling stock will amount to $10,0110 The cnllihion was caused by an open swifch. lUudiit-.H i <tii<|iH'i ed Indium Ottawa, Oct. 11. Kev. Fath *>r Antoine, O.M.I., passed through thr city yesterday. Since May lu-t he h a h:-en vhitlng tho Catholic miasions nf the far nortn, and ti'av'si* ed several tnousind milei. Ill* only mean.; ot transport we"*e canoes and dog carts, imid with tliea he penetrat- . d Into country f iv nortn o/ Great Pear Lake and to a pinnt not very fir fiom the shares of th > Arctic Sot, whit h rcerrnmljiloo Fs'S shul emfsb whither niombors of his oider have ear- riidth* Iniluencej of clvlliantlon to the fringe tilbea th. t are thin** to ho found. The lutnahips encounteuM on the1; trip were maroy a-id tiyl g tho principal Lauso ' f flnnoy:,j being tU'h : nd inseet". Tlr* Indlnnn aro do. c lo add obedient, doejil / attached to th*- ('(.fiycked I alo Lco, and ehoriah i n.o-t trustful and ehJ-lhk- falMi In the tiutlni that are t-'u^ht thom. Fathor A nip1110 Bftya t,,at WndnoHH eon- qu r d f1^ whore avn,^ and foroo would b^ Imtootont to do so, n*thiu: Cumimiiiil ml IE o'l* lor lili**i^ Toronto. Oct.\ll. The Kov. Alfred, formerly Hrlguttlor :Do -Biirrltt, yes ,tcrday entered > minulant H. T. $5000 for alleged letter written W QI ,xho Saivctlon ' soon after Bairii the army, l tult againut Com- Booth, ^jJji^B1. " %r ofljeer ,rmy iri jert .the KngmnJ, jranks of s Four Llvos .Lost In South western Manitoba. tr[m:ndous loss of property Lub-. an, hiu r/litliiCH Ht-P|i OVur ii lair**' HeftHm of tho H'ViillMT) ifHtl *'iiiii' IDiirli Ii>m>. 3Juu- dri-ih*"ol' Tnuu of Blti> and tinny Oillll Him-UM uud UiiU UliU"* i.a |!|> In Ktiiolt*'. Wlnn'pi'g, Oct. 14. Pralilo Him mg- nd With teiilblo fiiice in Ko-uh'ru Manitoba yentf.rdny. 'I hey . tarted Hlmultaneously In ' < h nll'h :', and (iilv**n by a thr i gale, u*pt all bet'oic tin in. HtaitHiK n- i th A'<- slnlboln In Prairie, the ilami . \m ic di Iv n in u f. w -noinouls to the Soul1 i Hn 1- w.iy line, \- heie tin- lr! j. .iph p'd--s /tie bui ni d, t nt that i'hiiii m at ion I i cui oil and* p n th 'dai . a i Ii u lo gel. It Ih kaiiieil, how v u, thnt Mr. I I.oni . S'olin, e lion foieman, and an is d.tanl, nana d Kdu'anl ..ei o bui ned to death. At an ither point near-' th ci Arthur Hf. Uermuln |c Is bed and eider brother was laialh linn d. At Tleadlnrb, Dmlil Tali, \, ho was out shooting, was overtaken and v ry h -dly burned. ' Pi Oakvllle di^ti let hundr ds of ron I' hay and tin- big inr-.itlou., \M-te de- ' |i o'. ( d At P Id ii, gialn Hlneks and build- lug1' to Uie amount of SIn,000 wen- burn d Four llvef. wejo lost, and $110,000 of pjo'crty In1 s Is oecLsIoned by the PUlllli' (lies. Phi noun niilly huge yb Ids f>f grain have Iim n icjioit'd tiom tune t-i time fiom \ailous sections of th-' piovlnee, end it has bi-en a matter of doubt which dlsiiiet boasted the largest. The point Is now dicldid by a it port hum NeeiMiwa of six: bundled hush. Is of wheat from nine acres, on th" farm of K W. Nlchohnn at Ilildge Pjeik An other field of sixteen acres on the same farm yielded eight hundred bushelq, while the entlie crop of 105 acres tinned out 1000 bushels. While this Is undobtedly the largest recorded there are numerous cases of forty to llfly bushelH to the acre. In very few Instances have farmers miffl- clent room to store their unusually large crop!!, so they take it to market. This aeounts In a measure for the largo deliveries of wheat. D< spite a determination to hold for higher prices, there have been Inducements to soil the pnst week by offers of tlfty centii per hushed. iiiMiont i;ii.< llO.Nh. Already rfhr ISilllfrl ,nx mc llcuhiulug n lllllf VIlOIll ('MU(II(hl(*H Winnipeg, Oct. M. Although the rreraratlon of the ru*ovJj)eiaX-*t*xitoi*i- liytn does noti assure a "general elec tion immediately after revision, there is a growing feeling that it can not b- long delayed. Talk of candidates in already indulged in, but the first to i-nrounce himself Is Lieut Windross au an Independent Conservative in Woodland In Winnipeg It hi expect ed Cameion and McMillan, Cabinet M -'biters, will again contest the south arid centre divisions. No doubt both will he opposud Mr Melntyre, the representative of North Winnipeg, v-dl probably retire nt any time. The labor -party are Hure to have a candi date, tlnie and his success is certain. 1 * temp* ianco men may have a can didate in Centre Winnipeg. James Watson, C.P.It. engineer, died on Saturday, aged 57. lie leaves- a wife and four children. Malcolm Oalbrnith, dry. lie came from year ago. aged 25, died to- Palsloy, Ont., a SUOI IV Till' HI4MIA4 II XLnnnik County Mini Uurd III>t <:uh ( seimrulf) Plc;lithig llo*ri mill XVn* lilllcil Kingston, Ont., Oct. 13. Mr. James L-filly of Stanleyville, Lanark County, went out the other day and used his gun to M-paiate his dogH in a light. lie Injudiciously push, d the butt bitween them', with the muzzle pointing to ward himself. Tils adopted son cried out to him to take care nf the gun, I lit scarcely were the woids uttered when the gun went off, and the charge the pit uf Lall.\'s stomach, makine- a terrible wound, some of the buck* hot going clone thiuugh his body, lie lived for 21 hours The day tho accident occuned Mr. Lnlly's sister vtos* carried to the grave. ' erliiim lrulli-> JMiri>.lor. pltt^buig, Oct. 11 Thee perrona were killed nnd nine oiln is Injured by a lunaway tmlley car on the West Knd TOhctric Line jumping tlio track and going o\er an embankment fit 6^0 o clock to-night . The killed are: fJeorge Potliam. aged 50, furnltuie denier, Carnegie, Pa.; Fred Tlels-el, aged 5.1, glass worker, Carne gie, Pa.; unknown woman, about 30 years old. The Injured are : Mrs. Michael Foley, Pittsburg, b;id scalp wound and internal Injurh-u, may die; Conductor Albert MeCuire, aged 35, scalp wound and Interna] Injuries; Fred Waddle, motorman, aped 30, Pittsburg, shoulder dislocated; Michael Foley, Pltsbuig, bad scalp wound; JnmeH Foley, aged 7, slightly Injured; Mrs. Leach, Plttn- burg, slight injuries-; Henry Stilts, aged J7- rittsburg, leg broken; Pi of. Alex. Phillips, Crafton, right knee lacerated; Katie Foley, young child ellc;htly bruised. Just before the city line in reached tlieio Is a, sharp curve at the top of a hill When the ear reached thin point thc.J.nako rod broke, and the motorman lost control. The car daubed down the hill until it ronclied McCftrt- nev-street, where It jumped the track and turned completely over, binding In a ravine alongside of the road. .in liitlltili Nkrnvt'HiMl, WInrton, Oct. 12. It is roportod that Michael Nnjlwnn. an Indian, was drowned off White Cloud Island at the head of this bay to-day while fishing. Killed milling IXiwh ltaliiOr. Montreal, Oct. 13. A little boy nam ed St. Arnand left the sleeping apart ment of Mt. St. Louis College Sunday morning before tho other ticholura, and In attempting to Hllde down n lailing fell to the hall floor bolow, * distance of 35,feet, and was kljlodi Toronto II;m UUhiU at North K*y. North Bay, Oct, 12. P. Hlftmor, sbentyman, said to come from l*o.- K>ito, won aooidontlly killed near hor^ on Saturday, /if CHURCH DIRECTORY Methodibt . Dr. I'liBooo, I'antor. Horvio** JveryHuuiluy atlla^m. n-iul 1. )j. iu. Hitbuatt fahool-UOOu.ui. O. E. Naylor,' mtof Hohool. Bpwoith LoHBUoiray"jr,n* ( futiBilay uvunlng atH o'olooh. tluno-'nl piyo? ', Ciiuuou nv lCNcit,ANi> Jtv. A.lj.ltovurly, lu oumbiiut, Ht. I'ttuln, Mmiix. l>tvi"oHitrvlo (.very bunduynt 1 n'olock, p in Kiimlny Ucliool ut 10 it, m. x'rlnitV Uluinth, North KM((*- -Dlvliiii KinrvloCiri (ivory hiinduv iu 11 p. m.'. Hun Idy Hclinol at 1.4fip. m. The pnhllc. itio oi-- .llully lnvlLiitl. Itf(A* OA'uiOLja. IhtHOH I'V. C. K, Mcfloo t'uHtor. Hur/iut ovury othm Hinulity ft* H ttip. m. Hnndfty-iolinol at lp. m. MAUmniNU Hl'jh minni and Hiirnum t 10 :tf) ii. ni oiUnclildui at li p. m , hiipitinn at .1 n in . voiipin-ti and Uiiriudlotinn at V p. m. C K. M<- v(he, l\l\__________________ McLtiOil, f'a|itiilit i 11II1 li< I M,Hiitiinliu 1'UKiiiiviMWiN. W. M.Vloinliu,', J'ttHtor flttr Vl iHinii Hiihhnthuillu. m. and 7 M \>. in Hub (mill itolimj) iitiii'tOp. in. Pray*ir in* wtluj, imd 1'ii'doi'n blbln obtHii on Tim winy at7."Ju p m. H'lohdUulmi on Wodmuidiiv at H in p. HAi"iiHf(Jiiuuou. Itnv.M. 1'. Cnuipbnll, I'iik- lor. Hfirvlooii uiiuh HahbiiUi at II u m. avid 7 I> in. PrityuniiuflthiH on W*idn*iHilay evniihuj lit H o'ulook Hoatil fron. All am cordially wttl- omnnd. h'ALVA'im.N .Aiiiux/-T.. H. ------- Hftlvniioti uiotjU/f(H on W-jidiKiHdiiy, mid holiday (mjiitti(')i; I'rmiX'1'1 )",LhV' Hlit" uvunlinaiiii|-'7ii jii Hujiduy, \'"h"<i." nl,,tI for uhrliitlfinii rnday ovimiua uhv . ,u Iu* "ini a in,.ov(.vy Buiihlj.y^ All ur* duyjKiniolJi-1117 wulcoiini. LEGAL- |,^ A. WIHMLU, IlarriHtm*. Holloitr.f, Notar 1 j Pul)lio JUo. Money to luau. Omcn,Dui ntan [Ilnuli, up-ntalni, Duuitx'. \ L. PETKHB Hftrtliitor, bolioitor, 'J Piiblh* Mouciy to IjOim. hnitiiorn' Hank. Lhhox Ceutrn. i-ly NotiL Oilloo ov( CLARKE, UAItThKT A JJUtTLET, Harrh turH, otc. Olllccu, Mi dbury liloclt, Wiiidno I'rlvatu furnlii to loan A. II. (Jl.AllKI.,L b, IJ. N. A, IJAIlTrj]"! A. IC. HAIlir.I'T. Ji. A. WAb'llatS.L.L.H Lfl'MtY C. L t'oniiiu'lor,at law, Hollnltnr Attorney ami in Chancnrv, 1 iiutui in AdmJi ultv, 1'atont Hoi id tar, with Aduiihon &. IhuuhCH Cani-rrouii nt. Jwuiit, DotroiL Mih ((Jaimdhm ohdino afialiiHt pouiani) in tho United StiLteti colhii toil i Itdoiiiiiceiii Inipiirlitl liunlc, Kunox, Ont, J L I'utuiii, I'hij,, cto., Kimnx, Ont 10.A. WiHiner, Lwi., Harrlntiir, otc, Mkiiox, Out MEDICAL. J^Vlt. prouri:. Univornlty ofToronto, M. Ib, Trinity Unlvor- dltvM C. V. H. O., lata of Ht. Uartholoinow'ii lloiipital and Meorihild'o Itoyiil Ophthulmio Flonpttal, Loudon, Mufjland. Rpocial nttontlon Ulven to dimiiiHOii of tlu nvo.oar, noiio and throat. Olliou houri \\ to 12jk-a)-^4-taa-uuit.7-to 8 p^ai. OlHco mid roiddnnro, 01 OuolInLtoayo., Windilor, opiionito Ht. Mary'iyVciidiiruy. _T|. 10C____ D UR. DKWAIt .t MoKLNZlP*. P.A.DiiWAii, Rr.D.O M..F.T.M.H. Honor Oradii- ito Trinity Unlvuriiity. Mombor Collof'n Phy rolnfi and Huruotmn, Out. Itunldtmoc, Talho Ht KaHt. 0. McKNKiie. M. I>. O, M., Coronor, Now V'orlr I'OHt tlmduiitf), Follow [l'rinit> Modical OoUo([d. (iiaduato Trinltj Univornlty Keiwhiiieo: Ttilbot Htroot, woitt of M. G, It. ODlcohoiuH (* to ii a. in., 1 to :j ami (Ho Q p. m >tllco iu linptiriid Hunk black, crouud iloor -uiixtJ^WioriTrr^TnlrinT^toro. ^ 'lol^iphonoiu connootion with oGico and roni (luiiao. Ordorw luft at Tliorno'n drug iitoro will be promptly attondod to. D KB. BKIKN & BhlEN. Jan Ilrion, M D , L. It., G. I*. R., (iraduato of Quuunn Univondty, KinRiiton, moinlior of Col- lofjo of PhinlclaiiH and Hurj,'ooii,Ontario. Orad- uatn o( Now York, pout Gradurito Modlcal Col- |oe. J. \V. Ilrion, J\r. 1)., O. M., F. T. M. C. Honor jtriidiiatu of Trinity Modlcal Collojjo, Honor la'adiiato of Trinity Univornlty. Mumbor of tho Collo(*o of Pnjaioitmnand Bureoonu, Out Grud- uato of New York, Pont uruduutcr Modlaal (Jollotio. Omcuoviir Ktinox Urtidioal Hall druff otoro. (Joiibiiltation rooinii, both on Rrnqrni tloor and nriit Hat aliovo. Tolephono in both olllco and runfdoDoo. All colli* attondod to from oflleo, driiK titoro, or ronidouco. Jtotddoiioo. Talbot iitrcot, front of fun moundu. DENTAL, HP. MARTIN, IS. n.B., L. D. B. Grodnate in Dontintry, Iloyid ColliiRe of Dontal HmRoonii, Ontario, and Univoraity of Toronto OhorfiOH, modorato. Oilloo, ovor lirlon & Co e drufj Btoro, 18-ly _ _ VETERINARY^ \XJ H KICHAKDHON, VLVMItlNAUY HUH VV CtICON. Hniiorarv uraduuto of Ontario Votorhiary Oolloqu, Toronto; inoinbur of On tario Viitorlnary Modlaal Hooioty; Diplomist in Dontintry; tioatu all dinoanon of domonticntod aiiiiualn, cuttle dohomed b\ thu latent ininrovod boavitt olipjior Cidln by tele phono or tolo- nraph promptly attended to, ltonMonoo, four (loom tiontli of (jriFt mil), officii iu pont offion huildiiiiJ. lntlrmarj, directly opponllo. LAND SURVEYOR. [AMES B. LAIKD, Provincial Land Burvoyo* tJ and County Kiminoor, Jiuuox Coutro, Out Oilloo, Dumitan Bloolc, upatalrri. AUCTIONEERS. HENHY IIE0HICK, Anctionoor. BnLop promptly attondod to. Athlrofln South Woodnloo, Ont. Pornono doidrinc to oocuro in<> may louvo word at tho Thick Piucnr) oilloo. tf II. IIIdDIUOK. E.3 M. MARRIAGE LICENSES. u. PASK, IB8UEII OIT tf AltBlAOH LX- cciihob, Hiohardiob BIU.,Kwo*c, Ont. , . BAT'UKTT, tHBUor ol ManUge Iiatnui, CtiuunlnrilbparlD O.J..cto. fiesto, Ottt, *f D, BKAMAN, ----- ,. , louuor of Marrintto LlooiiBoa. Iniraranoa a *?* Nlfilifc ofliou ah Dwolllnrt. _ UNDERTAKING. TJndorlokor ajd PiimltiMii nPl.UMMK <H, --------------- - ------ -~ . Vonlor. Cotlhiw honw. nud fiwibory.Tmrfl frow 88 to 8!M) Moll rnf'or, Op * J ARCHITECTS-__ _ OHN A. MAYftOOK, ' AltOHlTKOT. JLa . Iloom 10 and 11, Fleming DaJUlintf, WIdAboi-, Out I'bouo flIU. SOCIETIES (..o. i'.-kntlupihuk Lo*io no ! . inoittKovory Tluimday, J.vonhiK at 780 'I bllollowii Half, In third HtoroyDuuHtan II ook VhdtineimnnliorMufolhur IoiIuiihwUI rooolv.o ' OLNTUAL ENCAMPMKNT, No. B0, moetBla OddMlowB'IliiH.ttunBtiiw'H lllouli, on the nw* nnd third Tuusduy luoaoh month. Vl*Horpor t wioulvori. Monibiirn of aubordinato lodflji .-. WjUiXjr'iatloii, invited to Join- O. n tli^^riy^^, t/ HILL. 0, H. Un UKBTH UVBUT 'aim<*r, CaptAUif Palmar Dlhf Andrnw Purltor, Ijlttutoiiutit^^Wiuet*. Hoorotary; Frudotriok Hyatt, Treiu T(i"*"BHK\' VIltM ItlUCf Ji/ l-'rlday ovenliie. Uavfi IjIi COURT KOYAL, NO. 313, L O. V. Mudtii notiond and fourth TuoBdavJal3^ month in 1. 0. O. V. Hull ut H o'clock Vir.itlnjf hriithnrn will h** iflvun a frutdroal ei I'mnu, i* MoOauulaud. O. It,, W. 0. Bliaw, Bes M. J.Wifjld, O.D. II. 0. It. 11 , IWlCHIGAN (TEJTTRJ^ 41 The Niaaara falls BouU." aoiNO leitJT Talthitffllfoot MayllOth, 10C. Exp. Ootroifc. Wlndiior .... I'oltotnr- Maiddtonoo Ennox..... Woodnloo... Kuocoinh ... Com 1) or ItidRdtowu.. Itndnoy. Ht. Thoma< London...... "fc Thomau... Itoduny......... Hid go town..... Com bur...... ItuHOfimb... . Woodoloo ... . Enuox .. . , Maidiitono Polton . Windsor.. Uotroifc..., Mull H.m. 7.1R 7.10 fi.Oil H1I 8.21 8.iW H.H7 H.-in )0,17 11.110 a.m. fi20 OfiO Exn. a, m. o-in 10.10 io.h:) e.47 Cr 10.00 (lOINfl WKBT. p.m. '2 4(:i.yo 4 07 . b.:io &r>o 0.0J fl.M 11.S0 J.00 a ui. o.:)5 10.31 11. W 0.-1B 7.10 19.10 13.45 Acconl p.m. 4.40 5,08 fi.ll) B.00 fi.llft ,150 B.M 0.04 , 7,10' IM 8 40 a m. im Bf>l ono o.rid tur. 9fil 10.04 10.12 1C.IW 10,65 Aiiihorutbiirir l.ocul Yratitu, p m. oar ii ao cio WUHT a.m. a.m. 11.00 R.lft 12.C8 fi.J6 19.10 o.:i2 12 0 8.85 12 M 8.61 IlBflOX Ednarn Xj E A 1) R Xing MoGrojjor Amhorfitburfi IIABT a.m. a.m. p,m v.lfi 0.S0 A.'JO 7.00 0.10 f! 10 fi.BO 0.J15 4.B3 IL4H 0.110 4 CO 0,a0 9.10 4.00 All trainn aro run on central standard tlmo. which in fiiitty mioutoii slower than Ennox time. For information and raton to oolon- liirn movinij wont apply to John Q, Lavon, Van- ncnaor Af-ont, Bt. Thomnn. 0. W. Itut'llhifl, Gou- otal I'annonKor ana Tioliot Aftout, Chloiino, 111 oifXTO fltimorii. Anont, Ebhox. ~" L-E. AD.R.Ry. TIMETABLE NO. 18, taking oiToct Saturday, Juno SO, 1H90. Trainn rim by Eautorn Stand ard Titno. Daliv oxcopt Sunday DSINCLAIIt, LIOKNSED AHCTIONEElt # for tho Ooimty of Euaox. Iiiiillflfof EIhth Divinion Court. All Idmlu of Paiui and othor Hid on conduotod iiromiitly. Hatoa roaponublo and furnlHlit'd on anplioation. Enquirorn may apply at W. 1). Bonuian'fl oilloo, or at tho ofllcj; of Ptvinlon CouH Clorli.Mr. .Toha Milno JOnN OOItMbEY. LIOlijNSKD AUCTIONEER for tho County ofEfiBox, All kind ii of farm ntock nalcs, oto, oondnatud promptly and on uhort nottoo, Raton rQimopttblo. Pomonii dcxlrablo tonriauno Balon may aOBtkhy oallincat tho Fnitw Fuicsu oilloo or hy applying to 4 J. aORMI^EY, P, O. Box 151 Eonox, Out. IMtANK MoOLOBKEY, MaidBtono, thirty- 1 Bavon yoars* oxporionoo an an auotionoorm tho Uounty f Eunox. Balon oonduotod promptly, aud on roauouablo tormn. Partlon doalWiirf to fix tbo dato for a bilIo mm nave th()uisolvo a drltroby oalllnft at tho Pnisn Pimmi oftioo. Wo havo arranfiod with Mr. MoOlonkoy and will ttx thodatoBloraaloBby Ulogranh, entirely froo or all ohurftolb tho porfion hohlinf* tlio ualo. Ad- droi*B Frank MoOIofllcoy.&taldtitouiiCroRa, Out, 106 BnUlinoro, Oct. 13. A fcrryh)a'nvb' yawl, -in whlohi six' persona were cross ing the qaaterrt branch, of the Pa tap-1 aco Rlver\today, was'capsized an3' fourf of ItB^tocciipantB Wore drowned. JBAKER. THE oldoBt busluoBH iu town. Eotabllaue 1B7U. Flrut-olaGO broad and oakos ot al kind**. Wodding oakoaa flpooiality. tiroooriBB firovlBloiiB, flour* food, Halt uud p(>rk.' Ooutoo- ionory.orockery.rflaBflwaro. Oanuod fruits and vogetablou of all IdndH, GoodH prfauiptly 'le Uvoradtoiillpartsoftlio town, J, M. HIOKB, , Jni-tf ' LAND AND LOAN AGENTS o H ?1 i M Ss vBtationb. W H w f O P. O o d .'A 'A % 'A A A St A M P M k M X M r u 0 -in ID 0( 11.20 Dop Walkorv'lo Ar 0 1" 11,00 7.40 0,47, mat fl.27 Walkorvillo Juno. tt(U B.4U 7.H4 DM 13 IC fl, HO . ... Polton........ HfiV H.HH 7.M7 Hfi'l 13 IS 0.40 ......+ OldciiBtlo..... 8 Rll 5.17 7,i!3 loou.iacii.o 17 i.... + Paquotto.. .. a 4 V 5.18 7,17 10.111 1.10 (Ifil ... . McGrofjor..... H4U 0.00 7.13 101H 1.21 0 60 f Now Caiman.. fl.'lU 4.40 IM 10 2.1 1.40 7.07 ... 1 Mavauflold ... H Ut) 4.11U O.riQ hi :iii 2 CO 7,14 nta Rfi" 10 l> 2.1.1 7.21 2 60 7.U4 Bii n01 J .00 0.4C (141 10,52 ... KIURBVillO.... fUl 10.09 8 00 7.4a 7fil 1I.1B Gl!l 11.10 8.45 7B2 ,. lioamiupton ... 7 40 11.40 0.10 n/Ji 1.10 9 0 7 U4 1.M KM 11 III 4.U0 d.17 7 IS I.OH fi.if u.m. i.ho (J 4t-\* .... Ooatnworth ... 7 10 1.1B n 4(i 11.14 ft no H.:i2 7 00 12 110 61)0 11 rrt CIA C6^ H.40 H 17 .........Morlin......... (14Q V2.n 12. IV fl 'V n.fio fl.lft j*i ii i li.OS ti.r.i! fUO 12.0ft B.10 lain (!,15 0 00 ,..1 Gadfly BprlngH... (Mil 11.28 5 01 J a, ib Cj lift U.07 Blonbrim Junot'n fi'2i 11.1*0 Ui law II It 0.112 n'2t) 11 1ft 4.B0 h\n 7.10 0 20 0.1)1 (110 uoo 10.1ft 10,00 4 40 12.10 Ar KidKotowif Hop 4.80 J* M, r, M. J>. M A.M. r. m. r.M t Flnfl Statloim. Trainn htop only whon tlioro aro paBKcnnem at or for tlmno Qtatlonn. Mixed triiiiiH aro at al tlmou mibjoot to bo oauoollod *W1I WOOLIiATT. Gonoral Hupovlntendnnt One Hundred NEWLY GEORGE J. THOMAB, Conveyancer, Com- mlsBiouer, In High QovM of Justia*; dealei n Baal Estate and Morttfagea. Money to loan attheloweBt Tata ofintereit* Vaxmt, ponnht tral Tlenhoaai,omirtwBMCen*., ^ WANXBD To buy I-'umituk-e at pnoes that' aro right down to Lardimn, and proparod to furniflh every thine in tho ahapo ot 1'urniture tbat a (;opd hoiindteepor noode, Also a fine lnio of Baby OurriaucH at pricoe that are rif^ht clone. Kindly oall and inspect the fjoodH, it will pay you to do so before buy- m^'olHOwboro. It ooatn you nothing to get prjeoa. UNMTM1NB M EMBALMING A. Bpeoialty. Bverythin^ done rap' in' good shape. All necessary carriages auraiahed BuBinese promptly attended to ataHbooK Will compare prloea with any undertake of auy towo. Have two fine bo are* a it good condition, apd will not be^underaolt in the lines I reprtJBent. i i, > ^- i >-' <- li&k i ; JVJ ( if i .1*1 I I ' ' . tl 'I j* ' J , ' ( ^' ' J mii 8539 250860289 706244

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