Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 4, 1895, p. 5

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pX THE fe88EJ? FREE PRASP ________H____________u. _-__'_ ;.1^T" o KOIt AMATlOJUtl DMA Oil fuhitninu .1 0 Swm . Ii unm i Kroljlnfr WnK 1 t-nloin 1 t in J 'Ji I Minn KitLi.j . Lew hi. ' . .n..<- Crujon drawing Minn K I* McKr-nny Poiioil drtiwuin .JuIuj tiouihiy MIhu Fj 1* Kenny' LADIKtr WORK. Ju.l(4<JHt MlMtLh 1 abilhiTodil mi I I*"' * ,(V Barrett. -IVUUklJt OH VI I' I I { L jil'l ll MlM t 'on t If-*, Painting on hiilt r 1'ii'iii Mi" lb" N ' " Mlh'A WuUmi. I'ullillh/' nil ljiilllUI' Milk Ml,,.' r 11.dll k \ 1. i V i ^ ,1P1 K i oti^U U mill 1 i j' ii i \ '"' ' l'uliitnl |iiin<l Ann Sum. in Mm I1" '. Phii. <il irunu Mim Burnt, Bui i^d l'l' 'l" Mux lidid; J'au !ui Lljjna P ! ' iLinmiH A', * A i'... , Ih \ - i i iu ii i'In" It,, n , U.n i . . .11 l" i.' 'I' ^ "' ' Miu liuird: Kilk < in. Minn on H-""1 '" ouhljim. Ibi li-i.i.i..n M. < mim; Sillc cmbtuiu. m u Rl.iii.lJaii.1, Milium- broicuny on tulk ar aim Mm Wullauo Miu II Hulrick; Cent <> K'M Mih A Ij in, Mw i- ii^ '-^ ' " M.,ii I., v n. Mi j (> i* I !( Ill ' (Hi IIOKKUMJC ICAIJAVAY Art l- IMONT ' 'riiriU Men Killi<1 hit*< nily . lull"" Hiri -l < |-"k1iiU. TlwmoHt linmblu . iu intiullH or th iiUtnarotiM riukvny iu luIi ntn that hav<> happmmd ut ill.* M (I. U. n rniiiniK 1" * '"" lown ommired <mi \V" " lit I'tlay nil*) noon ] id iibf'ub 'J.lilt o'olm It, (Jotinmlh r Bdward Mr o>n>y, of W Old Witlll Soiltll IH'h ())|1|) Ml I M Ii i ' ' '. WiJliain hi .1 Tlininiiii, ii ' . M) iinl 1/ n u[wr\ ivol\, liii4 liiml in hi I), iiin Jtni In., .ijtiil !!((, iiiul Until A<Mif .1 tun it, iijjjutl 17, wtiro )n tin ii \/ilv t<> t'i * Imr, Llnviiiii; in n I wo til uLttu lifiiUM'iitl ill iUji li^ ii.c h . i Mi. Moon."> iiii I Miu I'Mm ii nrfiipK (1 Lin. mm iHMit, tin1 ><iinifj nii'U tin) front. Will- lain wan iirivinj* u!ni ^ ut mi tn4yj;atn ai.J on iiuununl' of tlio buildm^H tlmt 'oln"k I h< vii w oi tliu nul\'.ny until flics Iik< U i l*i in In .1, I ho m 11 y did U'H iw ! i iM In i < t hi.l' ii if ll M.< I A Wullutu, Toil't "' Mr .) Gouriiiy Mr* H W Allmi; I'm nifiluon Mn. I'uilt fllrn J lintu; Holii nillnw Mi Minn I and ", Kmilit t 1 ii j.; Mm hi n in ii. miu l'n i K, Slum buv roll AIin It Vi*iv<.....y .UmH J'i V Mu Kiiihiij; buitdli buh' li'i "li ii * r IjiuiU Alitiii X^niiiidi Mnn Uiii'il; 'ivlmlt liohlf i Alms 23t4iirl i\i n i iWc Ki nin v, i'li.j ^ i i mi i n iTThui. i_tl" hl""i'v*',' '~"' "hin[ mutt Ol (( mini nj. TnfT u *oil M > * i J mnu, riiipi < i * \% iliia iihil ilniiiliiil Mil, (K. v) Uniiptili O II Tn\ ItM'; IjhuiicIi\ b'j; Mr't himn in ISlrhPuik: Pit-nut IioIiut iSn-n Mcttmuiiy MlHHBllinl. JwlK04 Mrw \V Mill* n untl Miw JI Hal low. Qui It cotl mi |'iitf It win K Mia J T Lotik Mm II XlUhuii ijuilt (1< th piLttliuoilt .\li' 'J' Uilif Mhih Jdiitd (jui,' ' i 1. I'n11 huuiK MifcM JtniHl Mm ,1 S i on, <)'ii|t oti IiiiJ Mi". .1 1, '1 nun Mi cm i - t Mi 1! ( hi'ii i i 11 , i if i in in l (J(ji (t n \viti )i ut tip i i vi ' Min .1 lloprooii Mm J Xjiiivkih, in, m iii Aim W liuwui Mr*.! Parker Mm W Wilhon; homo mmlu yurn uiicoloHjil Mm O It TuVkn*, fani,kniltmi; wool or cotton Mum Jluird Mm Il'tU* m(*; lanttoil or wool nltnc Mihh Jjiui'd Minn Ruid; Itiiitti'd oi ciocln-r. wool hIkiwI Mm (Hi v) Ctunplicll Alius Band; luucy fltoultm^H or hox Min J)fiwar Mm OK Tavlm; hillt milut luiiUul Mini JJfjitt Mnw M J JtniK-i, cInld'H jui I i i knitti il ia ligUh t Mm -I Hoi i M ' t II) I lctti ; uool htocliinyri Kiiiftiil Mm iHisiu iluu CJnr nt; wi ol boy kiuttf (I M.ihh H (Jonf > Mi'B^n- Buto; wool ruittn knitted, Mi-. Dewur Slu.n Bturd, Iwntttd liai, In- < XJttim; Mr U W Alhm; canni.'u f liui. Wit. (Di) Bnfij i\Iiwi (JoulLi', dm in d linhL Mm SunierH Miu JJownr; rope \wnlt Mi i J Lhwhcii Mih Orutnwii\; liuJlyu undin wi-nr Mifii X HiHil Mn- Jcnuer, ^(-ntlt nuitiV uif^lit iihirt. Mmn .Intun i Mm W D IIhuiuilh; linn ithiit i\lm It hcdinl: Mm -l')iiu W<*- Mumi; iiiffiiH'n roi.o G fJ' Ilaivoy Mm A VomiHi; clnld'H ditHn Miu V J^ ISuuuuuj , Mr* 1 Jhc'Ichoii; IiuIich1 sknt couon M"iu lit Ileum Airs It Htniclitin Jlrti A 0 Sunn ihuliun' uproti cotton Min Rtauuni Mm Ja-. Smiili Alrti But*; cluld'H upiun iMih \V U 15(HIijku Mimi Build, pillow limn h Mih A Wullucn Mit'H Hi (I ih S lufliH .r, [nilnv covfjr Mm Hi lloinn M-ih ,1 Hi Inn* Mr-* lj KIIih ar; flnrmtlc nliun hvswin^ ly ^nl mi di-r 1-1 yuurj-TJiijii Plorunuo iliuun Minn M \y^tfi< M.,t N'i ijuifin; tidiifi in cot ton Mm ,) V' iU* i" "I' tH Bunl M u \V lleiuli; tidiiih in wi.wl .\Iih IHha nr Miih CoiltlH, ll'llllilll! ikirllH'l* \lllil (IliUltH Mn-H J en 1.11; tiiliii ui I'HHi I M.14U J< n nor Mihu Coul'H M.d (Ui) Bru u; hiuokut drtipn Mini B P >Mi K- on v Midi Pt-i km; nunitlo litiipt' Mt't;. limid M^ih A Wailticc1 Mih Pi (U; ulilond m-ui! Mihh 11)1 a Bur diok iMrP" Allmi II -+ Mi K nnj, ttib' r piiuio lovi i woik'tl Min O 'l1 IInivov Mi * (Ui) Lricn, trni lt t uorU Ml^ A WiNoii Mru U Stnur tin M"* lit llLins, crochet Cii-c Mvh II IU inn Miu J1 in], 1(11111)^' \Ii BaU' dm in n tut M-iHh .!( unci* Mih^ (J;utth; iiinwnwMk Miu (I Wltno M. t-a CouUh; ( 11 f-H Ht ii c h ( c.l lull It r . ' 1-m Jim nir Miu MiK mi), uur\ wmk Mm ( I'i ) Bnm; i ti.liin/; oi < utliia v.on.. Mt ('icin wuy Mii'n .Ii nm r; nl.lio-ii no wm k Mi- Porkiii Mihs OouttH; firrahd < \\a>k MrsG T Ilurvoy Mim (Jonttn SPI CIAIj I'lll/I H R J Ij'lVolttLl 'ri Hpi_(' ll ('III! Fit! 1 PjU'nij to\ 1vj0.1) Tor l-c't c illfotion of liuin r.' work j-ofH to M^ihi Hand Jim Douf^lm' npfcinl it ^l.r() in "onl'i for boi-t ptiir of wiulti rl hli)ipi ri lmh s to Mihh ConttM. M .1 Wif-lo it Co'n i'pi cial (pun hid' cur tnin1-) for bout collection of I die,' Qui- vvoik ^ot-a to Mi-iA Bund. G A Kliorrin f-lvrti 4t uitu ov< i L'l \ * urn Old, M Puncnn Mo Mint, r About llic Oroumls. J O, Pc*ck( of \\iiicNoi, hfjauri'd u \vnjiii u i or pn/.cioi'H, cm ! finitiuid vt^i "tbhiH vj Inch ho will i \ hi hit luht lied v.-ii li lio o v hh'h liuiin in hi i htorc windows in WindBiir. 'i'liuro wi ro hcvonlcoH ontiioh of cm n in fcbo Mtallc und homiUi en enini'nof c n u in tlio cue ftorn ull fmilM ot the coil my for ilm Widkor njinciul pn/.r-'i Uurrow, Comber und P:ko Cnu-k uhci bc inaLoriOH all competed tur tho I]n*rii lent'h Bilvor tnt'diil wIhlii whs nwurdud Urn hint- Dumed, thu othi-rd rnjuwfuK boooii i mil third piizert, Trtntmror will pav |iu/* it t!m Socio tuiy'n ollicc, I^nix, mi ll) i.m ou Mmiduy, tin. 11th., /' Thoro wero in tno nt i^hborhood of j 000 pooplooii tho 141* mods on Wt-dinnday aud about 1,00') an Thnrnliu Tho [! a to pciptn on W diit-H 1 ty wo u y.*i'i;i mid uti ri ii r -lity ?i(D whm o hi r rndnjitu br nulifr <i n i<ii ,| n[ tht n w > dti\ u to Over 31,000 Ov.-C ** ilM woih i.<. wv.-d fioiu muriibitM* fi'i'H. ^',)(11 fumi (_I ,vi ri * mfnt iT'inth. ftoO-'i ikiiii tho coiim'v, ^0(j h'oin ui nil n, u i >i< ii nr nvr iJli.^'HJ 1. c Sotnoty'M I'xpeiMituiri' will btMtlnutUU b)0 louviiijr ovtir **'U>0 ot u b danuu. The MothodiHt BitdiOH Aid rowivud 63tli from their ibnnorH of which noirly ftlUu will t>o nut. Amorii4 tlio moltoeu on iho hnildinctn v/evn "Union in Harmony," "Woloomo to Gardon of ^niiaila" und-'Woloomu to our 0uoti". Au Bskl'X yi*ntli*in'in Wilton to tho Fiikic I'lilih* att follow: "In*i/i'eiitant.|y m thy hurry of your upeciul i. port of ihufuir yt-n oinilttd iliu inim^u of nomo ludif n who tool* if not tho n OHt iirontinont pure in tho ftriuiiKfttioU of thf> tiililtH ut lount ii vi'ry jwportnnt part, fRpvomlly thu flrat two following;--U'hov woro Mrw. U. B. Buoker, Mm, W. B. UioltardHuu, Mi'n. Bturuel Grnon und Minn Ainiurti >u, Mu, Bnokt-r ?ll')*nfi rtiout of hr flnom dibhieu und Mm. b-^' Kich'irdaon did inncli extra work. Would ^"ou kindly makii thie right iu tho ronuUr SJ edi'tiou." |I ** .i.....- ? ljudJo'* oapea and aoutH at loa than ^irttxttiiufaatnror'a pricoa at Smith'fl. 4 i " _!" j my .{ tlm i \.pru>i riaiu in l in. in fe'i Lhu hornbhi oulinnity that awaitrd Lluin Tin* n-; wan ntriiuk ahouL thohont wluili and the younti mon went hniio 1 into the air in vai loini thru tioiiH. Mi. Muoin y and Mi n J ono'i threw l humiwlyeH fioiu tho i 11' in timo to i iicti[io death, hut .diMi .1 oihh toll uhnieif under tho whnln. Tin- ImdlLh of [ ho imfui t umu< Mim lit ) bo> i wttio found a few tctt to the noiih of tin, imlwav, while tliut oi BurLo wuh cur in tion tin cow catcher neveiul huudiid -, ardn hi foio tho iiain utoppoil and brou[jht it buck VVIifin thu \nun|' mm nnw thuir diin,f^ i Lin y u int o in no on the hori.o, out (hi 11 U'hti. lit d am in il ulinu it iiino'l btill and the .im w.i L U h hurt b.r LHi'upf. l'b< 'in of ih i net nli nt piLi-cuft d u ti i iihlc ipn Lui'fn to tlio hoi nil 'd In. mt'indm ti u ho hint oni d to thu uhmhImico of tho parly. Blood poo In wi re in tlnou diifotunt pluccti The uodiuN w<jru can itil to Jl bn Hohc ii b v^1 y Mr. Moonoy wan tmnatLd to tlio Hoyal no'ol-ml .Muh Joncu wan uirrnd lo Mr BuHt 'h loHidunco. jMr, flloonty was h '\i'U.I\ hriMHi'd troui bin lull and Mihh fonuit' Icit unklo wan rpiuiiud .md hhi wiu i umplniely pioiitiatcd fiom the -ihucli Mudnul tiHHiHtai cu wiiti Hpt-i'dil1, (irocuiod anii t'oioiior Mi Ki n/ic piomptly piocoettf d iu iui.hi'Jij for in lufpitst. A juiy wuu imjtaiifjilcii in thu uvt mntf, uonn-tui(' oi J. A. Dmbol (fuieman), J U Amh rnon, John Wortley, Alex. Xjtuii^, J. K. Stone, K S, AdaniH, H. Barn tt, Win. Gardner, G..O. Ibiriitt. Muhlon Iv. Cowan uppuiuud on hi half o Air. Mooney. On examination it wan found that tho njnrios iiiifhoiL'nt tn niu.Hfc death \yuro on ihe lu-iidii of all tin cc turn. All throi* B^ulhwtio fractutcd uud the Iuclh lionu I)1} ihhfi^uied. it wiih dciidul to adjourn f iriher inquiry until IMonday ii ornin^; im.M ut tea o'ulock m Pcck'n hall. Tho fnlway onginecr, conductor and novcriij oiliora will bo hiiinmoued to appear. 'Iho 11^ to atuni'i and the bor*o hadly cut, but will n-ccor. Tlio licicavemint to the fuunlies of tho victims ih it teinhlo ono. Too two btothtiH woio the i/lduut hoiih of iVh M^onuey, The finnly conmhttd of four mohh 'iinl ono diuji-htif, all of whom liavu bueu at homo. J)eni'i Burko wuh a hoii oi Dt'iiju Burlte, hi .who 1iv<.h a fu\v milin fioiu Mi. Mnoin j h. lio had ono Hihtu* md oiid bioilier. All weio iniunuried. Miii .Junet wan a chiiioh'm of Dow Jontu, ne tr f 'ott 'im, an I wm conveyed to her luiiiii) on AVcolnti-day evcniuf,'. S v.i*il pirnonn claim tht no warnino \/hinllc wiiii blo'.Mi, whiloothoiR uluim that the;, htiiid the %.liujeiuid luuid the air hrakeu upph'd. U.ho ingnittr clainm to hu\o blown bin Whirith1 and to have tip plied tlio air Tin* mini pim^i") 1'j^ht without, titop nt UTi'iil in. win n on lime, bin hail heon lcpoitid an hour aim forty .iiinutiu bito, e(,iiiii|ULotly Khif'iuiii) Mo I f irdiu hud oof ^ i*t ^uiie to thu crohiiii-,^ lie li l<1 hu'-n down town and v/ilr n--t moiu than two hnudied vai Is away fion-i tin i iclt win ii the ii'i'icI'MiL mi nrrmi. The fc'ain witi about trjii imuutefi al e id of tl e tune hIio bud hi en iO|otted to pain J*jsm'x, and wuh ^oinj* vi ry f mt, poH^iblj forty lo llftv niilf i tin hour. Ptie funeral of the victiniH wan held at MtuKtouo church on Friday innrnn't' "t, li) ('chick, a id win pioijuhly tho bu^jeht > Vi rln hi ut that place. There wore 110 ri '4 iu thi dnvo fiom Mr. Moodov'm honn* t ill) clmroh wboro 100 nioro weio mob from tho home of Mr. Burke. Tho balio of i ho bra thorn mioi red sidi hy mdo, wi'h tho impriMMivt ccr- inony of tho chuich, wluld that of BuiKj was intoned in hu family plot bub a 'thort dif*rtin(;o aw iy. Sovoral fatal nooidimt<i huvo ooourrod at thu uroihiu**, and on each oeoMiion, much talk of oompolluiL" thu M O R, Co to pro- tcot the croi-sms m hoiug way, Iihh boon m dalfjed int hut no uti pi takon. Surolv thi bi4D iiad alluir will have tho donirod ef/eot. Tlio town council iihouhi not lon^r boitr Uio (i3ou*tinii of neni)-enoa in tho matter, bat should tuko prompt action at mixt moetini! Tho atalutoo ujlve townu powor to pumi by-law/i him tin i; tho rato of nptm.1 of railway traniH in pasHiui; through to aix iniloH tin hour. AaoidontH of thm kind do no Rood oithor to tho town or to tho mil- wav omnnany, tin \ further dohy on the part of tho l-utor cannot bo oxoiinod. Tho M.O.B Oo.'u St. ThomaH HolioJtor aud phyniciau wiro hi town on Wcduooday ovoiiintf, and will protiubly ho preoant at, til mijuofit. "For KPvorril raamli^I wan troubled with a poraiutont humor on my bead wbioh ftuvti mi* ooiiuldurttbl auuoyuuo*. until it ooauiroJ to uoo tj try Ayr'u Hair Viyor. Before u-iny; ova buttle, tho humor way lioalad." T. T. AdttUia. Ooutml Merohaat, Turburvilh, Va, ij'. -i-'i "JE i Mtwli |iooplo in KmcxuikI HiivpuiM(Hiif{ county know tin by our fair doalmg and low pricoM lor bent (pialiiy ol ^oodH. 0r nalo'i fur tho pugb inonLliH of iKOfl mo en fur nlieittl oi IH^I tliltb id in a good fji<;n of iiu-rfiaKing., prnqporify in jho i onntry, mi i n nuro : u;ti of the ^rowu)'? pfipuliinty of our Htoro* Wo nm m.i11 find with tlio tf.ult. Thorn in not, n ntoi'0 in Khho* buy or ooll /'oodti 1'licijnr tlmti wo do. Wo could p*ivo mmiuiki why, but iho 'ifjutomcttt in million ui. ll ym don't ilnnkuo oomp/iro (nil- vii-ut'ri with any ' and bo v-nmin-Mfl, \ nn rue invited to onll wlioti in town und nro welcome, , jmwli iii ) i < '. i i 1 ' Dress G-oodu. * ^ i Wlinbeon ii"i,| hi. b 'I ii (f linen. Wo pay pint inuhir attOntion to Black an I Miivy ll ii h . ' i ! i.lnjij ntnidew foi I^ill nud VViuti i. Wn nan.- n> mi v' ii i in ., \oii minit uio tin in. .hint il ink of it> donhhi Ioh! ih in no I. i \ id(, for I lie, upon il vahiftu at ti e and CO- ^ inch nil wool fiii .i'Ii 'jlie, ioi uHu. UriiatcHt value ( vol fihnwu. 4 jjrii- .^i .i JtOliiji ii >v.j -J, w nm ,r^u,J) r^w" ii t u- Of Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing w i ii \ l i limit i i pJi l< \ ii li Overcoats and Suits i htin it in now, iitul in in tho puwty on Iifivc found nt* don y uti lioneht foi win d tin iin mi, f^.vii i' viju 111 ri 'i i \ ii in* for ivtiy rlolliLi you hpi'iit thim my oiIh r Hoiiho in tin* county hu \ou will lind ui to-day. Conio caily und hoo uh. Everything New, Bright, Clean & Cheap- Staple G-oods. Out* loll' I f O t (I! | l ( It I \l l' ' ' i in , rv , ^ ( \i lei uile, i \ L i ' !)()c | i i | ii h ; (ui Vv i ' > \ 't t' >n I ) * an I Cuiiti^ in ,1 ii ' r In im, <|iinhr\ r-olitil 1( red. SpoLial pfioeu in i n^' ol iiiiii" l'l uio llnLf Pf nt i aud Art i hi t' '.Ml p r no ' n, fabi hni' n, 1 /Jo im mi uidiLiI -" I, 11 1' u Oil Olo-h, '.17. por yuru; Wluto Blanlafca, jinn Brnw'iH, ti 11 wool, loo oiich; Bad ion' J.(i^itlut, 'Jfio eiioh. Top Bhlrtrt Ladies' Mantles. 111 n i / Mini I I ^ I'-i * job lot of "irripb a r v. i (,:, i l ii iiiduiiil'M piiMinwuii^ M ,H I '. -.0) I )i !?">7'", ' " Of") i ll ml SlO^^ M 1 lir md U "i 0 i i :10i0, a 11 n nil lino, t* j^uhir $*> 00 I'oonP Jv i k h \ h ^ in . ii'. i i up t. 'Iho ipiuitity at above cut priooa will he^ ited Don't pu nfi y mn Luyin;' nnLil ull uio Hold Will bo pluaoed to hU( pun hiniint,' or i. it. *J'JPi v-JWC) Ready-Made or^Orderecl Clothing. In Lb'Uf'y Miuh ot Otd( m d Oh tlnnu it ih iinpon-iihlf for i* to'do'otihu, or toll ufile ^ool tins,'! <i hi*.' Iii yi u V' a uui.L Hie tliem to judyo, Boys' Sun ' ftoni 'l') in 1 i \\\ Wo rl '1 \ e i Miit', u:illfi up, the creatent tmup , on i. i \,, t, x Iii i iu b" i\ \ it 'or loon, #.t 'J.I; only a liuutoa i n in In r io i I h in 0 i A in !< 't H ii ci ilty ot orih roil ololhin^, limbing ch oi In ll\,i lr uuiii unti I All Wool Tweed HiutH matlu from ljl.1.7'" up, Kit. nt v WuroUdn, *Jlo.7.'> up. (ivc ma trial, adies' and Gents' FineBShoes. Biohi h' und Gentti Fuio Slioen ut pi n*< n to unit all. Uotpumbor that all linos' ot Bootf /iud Hboi h have a 1 vunei d from '(o t. ol) pTi' eont. but for all that .ws tire m Ihiij; Wintci Booth, during 0< fob. i, ui. old priot n. With loady oimli anul unlit ipiitin^ nil tidvaiuu wi' boiiL-h; uuly, lotvin^ an oyn to our ouiilomorV ])'el (t'i in \u )l ui mil null. Ashto'ii' ( m Ij uln h' hnd Children'!! Kan(,'ora Si " i it f'i nth' Oiaui mid V* mI h ii lino h Wf^uarnutuo them wnturprool ind not to ' t luii d Hats and C^ips. All Mir litirit ui Kill and Winter HaU ami Cups. Oapii, lar^o ran--o, 23o (iei hi V( It Huti 10c no. Groceries. W; A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich st. w. Windsor KnooB ntrtlio Fair. Follownif,'im tho rohiilt of Wedmwbiy'fl oveiitu ut iho Southwf -ttru Kair: l'AKMI'ns' H\( 1. I'UltSk $50. Vimi\ \>\ A \\i;.di Km^iMllu........1 1 I Put, b> 1 Mi on. ...........1 li ii Uoy ui Gem b\ G bont-bniy .... li 1 Ii Bowhi r, by J ribiiy Culi'ln Htir h ..,. " 1 J Ueu hiii]r,\Vi)oda[oo I 1 Foi onto Glut t by J Rowie Gol H .. .(1 dr A\tell, jr by J Biolmrdion Bhsi \.. . ,7 dr Bout Ltit Kit liy W Mylpti..........8 dr Own-tf- to a mittiiu b t-.tandin^ bctwoen tin jud;;eH in o h'loriiM, ihe horsoti Wf ro ? tin red in t bo I'U.u bout he it bifoio Corn- hu-ker wini ready. Timo 3.00 :i:0i 2:5.j. $ l'urif-i* &100. Chppirly T Ui atboriu^t mi, Cedar Spiin^H.....................12 1 1 Youiifi lJnull'iU'di hy T LmntfloiH, Maldon ......................2 12 2 Tev ih O by A Brusb,Maldon......1 8 3 3 Mninbiinn by T Beattiu, Oombt.r.- I 1 I 4 Boid Kli'liq hy L HiiRiHlt........1 .1 dr Tnin a..|fi 2.1'.)}- 2:.tH 2:Ml, I'XIllJilIlOS 1111,1 MIL!' Thou Kerne' utiilhon "K-jloii" fjavo an inhibition half-tnilu. Time, 1:1B. Following m tho roHiiH 6f Thursday'B r-ici > : Veil It, H'\ll OLD lt\U* J MJLl* IIUAIO. u II Kdnuiiidn' 'Texas l)an'....l 2 1 .1 1 H Wi^len -Top^v L"............2 1 3 1 2 ,1 L Smith'* Billy Si,nth'......(J 112 1 A WieIo'h Timy'.i............I li i\ 1 o \V GilkiDHon'ri 'J'eittH Miko*____U 5 fJ 3 G Poaiat-'n 'DobhinJ............5 6 0 5 0 Tiuio 1:20 1:21 BKIJ 1:20 2:19 thKHH. A Fox'h '.Inch tho Hippr-i' ..........1 1 1 T [Ieatliorinctoii'n MoKou/io'......2 2 2 V Knx'n Stroimif' !1 3 Hlobbs Bioh' 'Yount* Unuatr'........1 1 *I BF IIii|Skin. 'T.rt-r Chief....... 5 5 6 Timo 2:25 2-2iJ 2:2'JJ,. i-eoi < d il i < U| h> nl imu . On ( li'i u^inti OlldH tlio Vl'lllOIM Mill I', em l (.'01 in i Ifonn to ovan tlini'JH np, but with wind, Min and eombtnatioii i-i then lavor Khhcx added three mine to tho h ore Ijiiiij> Hisond twioo, II me ilihiu'i, und Dixon once. Foi the \ ,-itor Jj\or i, Mn.fiJon ild and Watts of lhe h iw 'til line, KlowetH uud Ciimpau oi the d-fLtun put up tho be t Man e. Tho 31! uiiiMilnr t.eiijue t-eiiRoo opens thin w ek. No -mi t-oi I'bii \ until ne\t weok. Foot Wall. After a j*;ond deal ut trouble tho oxooutivo of tho Ehhox foot-hall olub managed to got on a f^amti for tho Hoaoiu* dav of tlio fair, [r wav expected that windnor would play, but u few dtiytt boforo Tho Kuir, S. J. Wiittii wrote, Etattnii the lmpoaaibility of thttir conmifi. Mr A. AfacDoauU of Wulk urvilhi thwn upon thu limitation of tlio looal nianti^eruunt urran^od *o brinp a eomhmation from WnlkurviUe, Windwor und tho ji, A. A. On VVodiiontlay at 4:30 p. m. tlio fallowing tuiUMu huod up: SV, W. A M. A. A. K Taylor .7 Suiuh K Otimpau J BIroland n pto vot-H ,1 Northwood .1 Will AH Goal Buck-- nalfn Bhbox, J Fuortb J.T B Gourlay 1J M Short F Oopnlund B D Stofcta (0 ThrHlior Centre A Dixou tj. fK NLaiuir; 116 IFKiijb u\ 1,7 Bauopok Ft auk Wultura raforcod to thaontirsnat- lulaotiou of all. Tho visitor,! won the tou and toon nun and wind. A, Dixon kloked oft and I'jEJsex htiHtUd thiu^s toward^ the (joal !iu. In a vury low ramnttm m atxu nU on right wnu' witb Fred Klua, Jos Northwood aprainod his bne, which ue- oastiiUte'd hlh quitting tho K*mo, Cook of Kfcaox beih(> lubBtitutod. The usms oon- tluued to bo quit* intereutlotf, bowv< and near the oloaa of balf fcitnt Eri W Lyoim 1 A IXaoBoiiKlrtf JBiitlar N Ksndull [ v %'t iA" VfifJ^Vailr. / October Weather Dreadod by Rheumatic Sufferers. Sudden Changes in Tern- peiature Bring Agon ies and Suftfirinni, PAINED CELERY COM POUND SHOULD BE FttKE^Y USED THIS MONTH. The Only Medicine that cures Rheumatism and Sciatica. Wo havu jimt entered on tho montn of Ootobor, a time frauht wirh iro.^oiidoua dangoro to ail rhonrrtatio Hiifforerfl. It in torriblo to ccmtoinpl ito tlm iinoniou that thounitiidn will huvo to endur, Th via tima aro amy ; they arj o'd and youn^, riah and poor Some wealthy mi if mum will botako tlioinHolvuH tu oilmen with few- or daii^oromi nlnin^en of Urflprrntnre ; but tho viiHt majority aro obi mud to faou uud endure tho evih' that u uat t-Urelv oomn, nnleort thoy neolt the help of PainoN O lory Cornpoiiiid, that modicino (hut uovnr fu.iln iu thu mont tenihlo oiihob of rhouinatium Iu tho oorrlploto hauiHlimoui of rheurca tiHto aud HOiatioa, Painti'H Gtilory Compound hau more womim-ful onruu to iu modit than can ba ahown by all othor aombined Xtuhould btH'oniomoored that BainohGrib ery Compound do-JS uot Hiiuply roliove for u few day a or wodtaj thin wondorlul modi oiue ue^ Hlniinlit to the root of the I roubhi and tftkaa away Uio aeodn of dwouHfe forovHr Medical muu know well of itH Value in rbaumatit-m, and oudereo itH unc It \a lbrofoio fully on your part lo p/> ou nufT^r ing what) ouch a oure in within your leaeb, If you aro a rheumatic nuffflror, and wiah a oompUto. e tliat you aru not influ. naod to taku ouktuinu kle. uvflii if your dualer MoommeuiH It; your afty dpeudt- en* ||jc;)y on"P*Jno, ClaryQpmpood ad iti miraoalOui Tirluo-' >->',- , Choiae mid Vi (idi Oiouei n h mi prn 11 alw iyn the (heapft-t To bo liuro wo havi the b -it 2."m Ten in I'm ^ auk foi fniu iiample. ,( Iloxou Bout Matches for a-le. Ladies and Gents Do you wiiiit. a b-iiv'ain in i"ni Coats and (' mil- oi inn tiling in tho X^nr hue. Wo will i * hi bit iu th I,-.rie\ 1 . i, Oi toi. i I, u und ',i the larj-o'-t aunortmoiafe t\er nbow n in B^i x, an I ^iiurn nt- l tl at \ <* n ^t them ut wholemib) priowii, 14 meaiin a havni/,'to you or at In ist 50 pjr r^'ii" \\'< w II faku your order and uelivtr t'ondii at any time wanted in iu\t thne moMtlu, j'iviut* vou tho bonoflh of wbok-Hale pneo, W<? "olifit a idiaro of your p.ittona.i'c, fooling tnit'o wo oan pbi'iHO you. Whit cy Bhelc, Ktisi x. G. E, SMITH & Oo^ Sj ^3 3 JELj ZX- rs Bicycles and Sporting1 Goods. Wagons and Buggies, I desire to thank my nnmorous customers for their patronage for tho past six yearH and hope hy continuing as in the past, to build only firnt-dahB and thoroughly reliable work, to merit-, a continuation of public support for the ( Home Industry. Anyone desiring a first-class Buggy or Market Wagon please give me a call at tory stand in the Fair Grounds, 'where you will find the article and price to suit you. '.!*' ' < I BATE V-'-'^r? Carriage Works Talbot st est. ^t*H*x, > ' a' \ " ' ,Al i 'fjj.y^^^^^i^^ :rt'if-'L^^^^SS^ wli-u, ,/..u ' tl. :^k^^^*- VW2W& 2238

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