Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 4, 1895, p. 3

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> or ;^^^P^ r IRISH CONCILIATION. THt; Kase;at P^ye^jggEgt. v; Tno Policy of tho Unionist Government- :: i>. HOME RULE TO COME BY DEGREES Larxr SrhtnicH of Urhtriu hi Irolnnd Now lUtT.z ISuturotl ILurul Kt'ljf <.,*rri| nui.i to Uv (;ruiill to Un- hUii-c |hninl Mopci-muitl Topic* to I<itlliloH> London,Kept. 30. Tho lull 1" Kiitflhih IntoiiMl politico wJ'l be bioKen vei'v Cabi net will hv hold about tbe nilddlo of j t-\'t iiKiutii. Lord Itoiicbory, on Ocl. W>, \.!lt nniKf n i'ptM'cli at Bcal'boroutfU nul It Ja expected that lie will thou hi Inn* tin. Liberal ponltloiu Tho Mur- qulu of Hulibhury upcuku at Wutford on October :ti), una Mr. 11. II. Anqulth. tflr O'ort;o <>. Trevelyun, Mr. (-1. N. Ourzon, 'ninliT Foreign Hoorolnry; Mr. \V. St. John Jtrouorlelc, Undor Sccrn- tnry of War, and jl number of othein mo announced to reiippMir In the m.mi In-for** iho md of October. v hat t.' .onnlry rhh'fly n-wnlta H .in i !? a (.i'f'iinniioot the Ooveinn.out's j ,(, reunion of l>:r!l nuiit. ]5\pryth1nR pointM not onlv to one but to two ho: aiort-. devoted elder ly to Ireland. According to Tin- TlmeH tho land nuontloii will be ecttled In IS%, and thbi will bo followed by an ' rlf-h Lnrr.l Government mciiMiip In ;!)7. whloh will probably include tho n at on of a rtntml council In Dublin, r luir.i"*. Cur'/im Plunkett, who <ie- ,j-:-!jii<U Mr. Clurnld llalfour on hH r.'iit t< tu fif Iri'lund. iiml whn hi now c<^i:Ui(l <n tho ridvlHiM- of the Oil**!' j:crotnry, ban developed a nohemo for le cHlnbliHlimcnt of an Irbdi Hoard oi' grlculturo, which hi curtain to lead > tho formation of other iipeclal Ji'lrfh Jepartmenttf, rJJ,he""\VVstmlmitPr OuKdte and oth*i Ldbenil orprann admit that the Union ist have hogim their admlnlntration of Irish affalrn with n. nettled determina tion to nvold more-inn by ndoptlnir the linen followed by their Liberal opprm- in'M, "irlidmioii," uayu Tlrj Wci>tmlii :- or Cuzotto, "who In their luiHte cull the parliamentary movement n-fnlluro, Mpcalcln^ prcmatuioly. If tho UnlnnbUH prr^ramJH carrion out, It will jrlvn a nuolowt of Hoidc-UuIo". Then It will he Die work of Liberate and the IrlMi Ken- dtinlly to "co-ordinate the lrHh hie il bcdfrii and endow them with fresh pcwei-fi, until the country waken up to find Homo Uulo PHtabllahed with the conHrnt of all paition." Tho Marquis of Salldburv baa pro mised leading Irbih-UnlonlHta that be will visit Dublin nnd tho South of Tr--- lanrt in .July of next year If himlncKh of the new Ion will pormlt. Ol>vlou.Iv 1h" jampoHrrr-rrmT-rrTr-paH nf the flovein- mcnt'M conciliatory policy. Motitroal, Sept. 2S. ). peariUK hum fiuturdjiy Intflcntlnff a numbor of important chnnffpR-In th> tnuniigomont of tho Grand Trunk, u.s ^or instance, the appointment of Mi. StcphonHon in tho room of Mr. Sear- ^ant, who has cxpreBHul his desire to replfrn, nnd the phieinrr of Mr. THMn m Mr. Gtepheubon's ]>oHltion; the nomlna tion of Mr. Baker to the poidtlon ot the edmpany'fi chief Kollcltor ; the ap pointment of Mr. Herbert Wallh, to I ho posllton of chief engineer in the Voom of Mr, noluion, etc., ii-an tliown 'to Air. Searffeant, Rpnc ral manaprpr, Poturday morn In k. who made the iul- lowInK observatloiiH thereon : The whole thInK i.s the mci^t rucx:i- u-ork. To mention names at all In thl connection In abunlutely pr"malui e. That remark applies to Mr Ktephcn- son to all th" nth- era. I have just returned, after havlnp been with Sir Charles ItlverH-WllPon over tho Grand Trunk sy.-tt m I may miy that Sir Charles and colleague'1' (jxpreHsed UiemqolvoH i\u diiif^ucl With all they saw with the lino, wltji tho equipment, with the oflleei.-. Of couvsc, these Kentlemon, when they ic turn to London, will make n report b the hoard of director*, and there may poHHlhly bo some changes. "What the-n chanrres will be, who will be infected thereby, it lfi altoprethor prematiu** fm anyone on this side to Hay. Nnbotly here can possibly no anything about It, Tjio_board_ may tak_e_a_etIoii unor the report. It wITlTbTT'presume. wht seems wlsent to be done, but to men tion names now and to transfer men from one position to another is pure speculation. Thhj applies to the ntatenient that you Intend to resign ? Tt opplieM to all the names mention ed In the despatch. JJJ,*1(MMK itin/i* n( Krrant'iH Wennitoii IM.. Kent. 2^ A Mm nt Mr ro(Oi,o hist nlpht bunird the eentntf botet Tn'^r'N jji'ur'iiil nlorc, nmllv d uniif^fd the Kidrvleu' IIohho, and Hf-oi-'Owd tlie Ttt In- unre. bne](in\uniin Sz Wi-ictn I>ciiot. The hid tinier neiibon v*as einktl at the hotel, /Ind I lie few remnluhij- tfiict-Urj oncipcd. Un}H 30.000. Ooi.(riirtlve life ut Itrtnijplon Brampton, Sept. HO. At about -I o*c]ek thia mornlnff Mr. Rellum'ii _. '|dwel]-hi(y and barns In Vodden-atreet tX -were* diHcovored to he on fire, and were entirely consumed, tORnther with mot of'the contents. Two horses and va cow wore burned. Loss about J2O0O, covered by insmanco In the Norwich. / 0 Vi Hi fttntkiii'i' ItiiriM'd, MiifrJitiimi Vn.....i(c<l. Brooklyn, N.Y.,Sept. SO. The steam- ll^btcr Day Id Hooves, whkh us lylnR at tho pier at the foot of Thlrty-HC- cond-fltreot, Brooklyn, wa;i destroyed by tire early this morning. Joseph Cook, a watchman on the vouel, it, mlsslnfr. u-nd It Is feared that ho was burned to death. trUHXtO Vlr<* ii< 4'oiiilwr Comber, Ont Tho Com mercial Hotel, a lurRe Htructuro, nnd two pcneial stores, owned nnd occupi ed by Mew rs. A, M. Aubln and A. Du- pulB* wore dewtroyed by lire Saturday nJpiit. .The Michigan Central Hallway oont a spe cial from "Windsor with men to look after their property. Tho ]ohu will amourit to fully 50000. Al\nt\wY lilt'vnfnr, Duluth. Minn., Sept. .10. The 'eleva tor of the Daisy Flour Mill at Hupt rlor wan burned to-day. Lose $100,000. Well toured. f r UDGE GIROMRD. Kppointod at the First Roco. Meeting of th* Cabinet WIS THE ONLY BUSINESS DIM X WnnthMC-Uvt I'mit **>. bw .WoonBOcket, B.I., Sept. ao. The plan m"'ot the River Spinning Company wu- WdHtnaged $13C,000 \>y Are to-day; In- Ured. Ilnriiitm HwUnemi Uh>cU f.mttfi. JE.'V'.Etfldf^eport; Conn., Sept.- 28. TJic ^/Btffttlftn bualnesa block was Rutted by S&^ft* to-day. Lose 3100.000; well Insured. Iv . <jU U bUnilers rroiiuuneo CnuadUu Bhi Auy uc*i I'or VfMmUV MUlu*- l- oi ArbUrullott 1 Vlo- (ttrla. Ottawa, Sept. 28.-TUO Cablnol wJ n yuBfllon for two noma J^. oi day, "H thu Mlnlter belnfc til-lt with tho exception ot i,on ild FerKUHOU of rrinco b.d- vurd iHluiHl. More than ordinal ,nteiut is attached to lo-rtay'tf meet im ot the Cabinet In view of the fad that it wan the Hint eiitlier nr f 'il. the MiniMlfiH sinee P.ull.tin. h. I" >ro- iuod. Jt hi muLed that a iar n . M...u- 'uliou ut (i'.nui uncillnl n.iuiei.. .. -.' imputed oi, out that tile qULiiiiun 01 ;uliliif, J'ai-IIanieiit touetlu-i v ". ol toiiiddered. V'our coietipunduu wan lb.- (Iiut to mention the name m *ilrou- liid, M.i'., for Jncqtie:* (Jam f, h * tlu ,nosi ec,ive judir.- ot ihe Suprein * ourf tu succession in .luit^e 1' oiuna-i ant Iho Cabinet to-day nmae the uppolnt- jit-nt. 'iiie new JuUko will take bis eat on tho bench on Tuesday next. Vnother meutinjr of the Cabinet will. )-, held Hatuiday, Sir Frank Smith re nalniuj; ovei- to attend It. ltepresentalions u t re iMCiVfd by tut Government to-day iroin Healer* if Urltlsh Columbia, asking that tin irbltratois who arc to. be appointed inder the Paris award to asHt*m thf iamaj;eH to which scalers are entitle*! in account of the Uehrliifr Hea wIk dre.4 should ait at Victoria In Novem Dor or Di'ci'inbur, wh1 n the entire teal mjjr licet will he home and witnciiHe-j r< adlly available. At the suRirestloi t> the Government the aealerH wen prepared without prejudice to ac cept $1^5,001) In full settlement of tlioli Lialms, but Inasmuch an CoiiKtCfia de- dined tOk approve of the agreement 'nudo byiSecretJry Civ'shani with tb< Krltiuh GovernmPnt the matter re verted to ltd forjTier position. Accord ingly the dealoi'H are now pressine; foi the* full amount of the claim, amount- Injr to $750,000 for the live years pre- codintr the coming Into foico of thfl modus Vivendi, The Canada Gazette of Saturday will Contain the text of the Real Fisheriea (North-Pacific) Act, ]80."i In transmit- tirur It to the Governor-General, Co lonial Secretary Chamberlain says j 'J", framing this net Her Majesty'j government endeavor* d, as far as poa- Blble, to meet the objections ni[*Pd by your Ministers to the act of JH!),t,wblch tvore conveniently summarized in the draft bill which accompanied the min ute of Council of illHt of February. You will obaerve that the net contin ues In fn-rcc far*thc present under an -Dider-In-Cnunell of ISOt, IysuevI under thi' net of ifiO.'I, but a new OuU-r-ln- Councll, embodylnjjr tlie necessary CiUiUkcs-, Is under conslih ration, <inu co;>iefi will he forwauhd tu you an ho on iia ft has ben passed. Asthe outcome of the consolidation tind rovlalon of tho Imperial Merchant phlpplntf Act of lust year, an interest- ine; problem has arl.sen in the Domin ion, the MlnlHtorial deeislon In regard to which is of Importance to shipping men, while nt the same time It invol ves the adjustment of certain rather tunicate points in connection with Im perial and Canadian legislation. Hy Imperial Merchant Shipping- Act of bsr.l, shipping masters were authoriz ed to collect fees from captains of vessels when en^afrlnp; or dlseharglne ert wh In any poi-t of the United Kingdom or Its dependencies. In the net of 1801 this provision la done away vlth, so that fees are no longer char- .'eablc under that act. The miestion '.as now been raised by the All in S.S 'o. and other coneerns ownlne; ves- ela registered In Great Hrlt.iln, but iiiillnpT to and fiom pcrta in the Do- .idnlon that fees ean tin n fore no lon ger be collected in Canadian harbors, von under the Canadian Act. The Imperial enactment is plain enough, but It is not so ciear that fi-t-s may not be imposed under tho Canadian statu to. Col. White, deputy Postmaster-Cen tral, mentioned some interesting facts to your correspondi nf In connection with mail subsldbs p-tid in the piuu. "People," he remarkrd, "make u great Rdo about the exp u .e of c trrylng mails across the Allan tie and seem to think that a subsidy of half a mil lion dollars is an unwanMnti-d tax up on the Treasury. Now as long n^o as !S(iU the old province of Canada pain x mall subvrntkvn of $llG,nfio a jear. In 187- the payment way SinS.OOO and be- :id. :, tltin, the Imperial Government ;nJ;Li'tbuted $3!),fi00 lor a mall seivice 'niwcen Liverpool and Ilalitax. If ... n, .'10 years ago, the two provinces *i Canada could affo:d to p. y thy subsidy I have mentioned ,the Do- x..-:lon should at present not < nnslder l 'f a million dolhu-a an cxoibltant p."3 merit for an tmmenatily ineiyased mall service." The Ueputy Postmaster-Centra! went ^n to evid.iln that the department really cornruih d the trans-Atlantic n ail routes to but a very limited degree For instance, bo said, it \\ux generally lj>caking, the sender of a letter whn aeuaJIy designated the route by which t should bj tram ported. A letter mnll Hi in Toronto and addressed to Lon- lon, marked "via New York," would lave to be sent that way; while in re- Bnrd to other routen the choice lay ivilh the sender in the same way iVpart from this, the genei al rule >f :he dejiartment was to forward Kurn- ;can mail by the first steamer sailing 'or the Old Country, whether she tools ler departure from . Now York or Rimouski. Aimstrong & Klliott of Toronto give notice of application to Parliament *or incorporation of a company to jonstruct a railway and operate tho iamo by steam, electricity or >ther motive power from a point >n the northern division of the, flian.1 Tiunk Hallway between King and STfwmarlcet, to the vil'a^e of Schnm- An enquiry was In progress at the rourt houHe to-day In regard tn th- ictlon of several lawyers who are said be 'practising law without acknow ledging the authority of the Law So ciety. Complaint has been made that llthough they paid their fees to the loclety they did not receive in return ;ha niDtfcctlon -which -warnheir due Tn >noor twocnHoo it in raid that gentle- men who were not entitled to any re- tORnlllon aa lawyers took caucH info rourt, In direct competition with thoie Who paid their tveu. Thin hi nlleei.fl (o have been goUig on to a very glarl'nr uttent and tho inquiry now Instituted In the result of tho protest. Tho Department of Agriculture hm received a report from tho High Oom- p-lttlnncr staljngr that Canudlan barlay io attracting consldorabln attention from the distlllcrtf of Great Britain, tno lending Scotch dlHtlller, whoce ex perience with the Canadian nrtlele has* mo**t satisfactory, states his be lief that Scotland wouia prove a gooa market for Canadian barley for whisk/ (I'Htlllatlon, Ho wiim ho pleased with It, ho mid, that he would be willing io buy it by the b!iK> Wind. It surpris ed him (hui Ciiutlluji builuv 1m not how (oi i.ihi in ijeotu-nd bi tlio ordinary -Way-of buulneHM. - -" Heports received by the Commission er- of the Dominion Police show that it large quantity of counterfeit Mllver Im at presuit In olteulatlon in Ontario. Inspector O'Leary is at Wlarton pro- nccutlng a case of counterfeiting cola on behalf of the Coverrnnunt, and an other pioHeeutlon Is to be made at the Mndxay nHnizeM on Tuesday Umployen of tin- Hoekhmd bri:ri'*i fit ihe C.'iitial Citiintles Uallw.iv who hoi j unable to "builn theli wage., hav ing nppeali d to the Ontario Legisla tive nuthoiitU'H for ledjess, have re ceived word that us noon an Mir Oliver MoWet i etui mi to his dutli s payment, of their an earn will be provided foi. Meanwhile n notice ha>i been pceU'-l calling u-pun them tt) put in iheir t lalmy, ei rtliled to by the foreman and time-keeper, Tlie Uieiislei* brothers, ni'-ested -n Toronto for embezzlement nnd who'ie *'Ktradition h;iH been grunted by the nop In ion Government, will be foi- uaided to Cermany by tlie Mteamet "anadn.of the Helglan line fiom Mmr eal Kutuidav A W. Murdoek of Toronto was here to day and saw the otllcers of tho De partment of Trade and Commerce in leference to h| pioposed Hnuth Afrl- Fan ."tpiimshlp ventuie. Mr. Murdoek has ulieady chartered a tdeami'i* tu Pioceed dhect from Montreal to Cape Town, ami during the next few weekn h" will he busy Interviewing manu- Ij.cturerM, urging them to send ti lal shipments of gnodn to Cape Colony. Mi. Murdoek Im receiving hearty on- coungement from the Departmrnt of Tiade and f'omnleree. The position of anjiei hitenieut (tf th Oovernment cartridge faetoiy at Q\v- bee made vacant by the death, of Col. Prevent, hni been filled by the appoint ment then to of C.ipt F. M. Oaudct of A Hatlery, Kingston. The Puhlle Works IVp.utment he < nua'-dod the contract for construction of Uiehmond Po-t-dillee to Pauqu^t r.nd Codbout of Montn-al. A sitt for a new public building In Arnprior lins Just been acquired by the Covernrm nt. volt immhii;U <* 'Ibifurlo 1B.B* (li>> ll>i Mini ii I< l.llll I I.TIltti:. Vtlllliuii Kmllh fin- OtU.T, Whitby, Ont, .Sept. L'S. The Kxocu- tive of the Liberal-Conservative Aa- -fclntion of South Ontiulfi 'net at tb" Itoynl TToril In regaid o ii" ap^> >'nti irfiu ol ,t Alii Nti r ot Agi (culture leu Canada In the place of the Hon. A It. Angers. It was unanimously that a practical fanner should hold thui portfolio in the Dominion Cabinet .ind fur thf i action was taken towards ilJn cling Ihe attention ol Hlr IMac- !nikc |if>\\ell to the widely recognis ed .suitability of Mr.Wllllam Smith,M.P. if a thnionghly representati\ e farmr nd experienced Icfrlslatnr, for the of- 'W'e. by choosing an inlluential deputa- tHTi to wait upon riie Premier at Ot- tuwn. Lt\.'U\ lt\t ...tWTIOV sMinlnatlon n on n roiiiuc Oitf WwU KIng-'ton.Pept. 2S. The Ontario Gov ernment has issued the writ for tlie Kingston election for October Stli ani '"th. Hon William Harty will be the Liberal candidate again-. 'c"i> iSiiiismii'K I- u'.irc PjIuhoIvimI. fit. John. N TI.. f-'ept. *:R. The Local r.i Li'-latuie lias devolved and the gen eral election w.ll be In Id on October 10 At hii'eiiv-Oi neml I ilair \\ 111 be a candidate for Queen's County. "sRDi.vm'i'n*' v is i:\i*Bti:m4. Blb-Vfii liiJiOJmt-*hrf:'im tV<;h"nfiit <'aiictl b* UHfjiJOier a HJifiiii' Tuni^lton. W. Vs., f-Vpt 28. La^t inrht tlie Naw York and St. Jjouhj t x pwt-s W(stbound on the Unltlmore and Oliio Italic ay was going Into the tun- in I, JO miles east of heie when it "Mdewlpi d" the t ostlionnd Italtlmore r.issenger train. The latter train was 'witching to the main tiaek when the nglneer ol the c;presn mistalting a eal tlj>ple light for the yvhite slf-'iia.! 1 Jht (o^enter the tunnel, plunged Inio tlie sld<"of the laden coach on the lial- linioie train. A.s the l.ulles-coach up- < t the sleani 'ulpe; huist. The sleep t engerH. The fiMit Hlet , ii- n, ihe I'.altlmnre train ues thiovn f.(m the trade. Two P oole \\c (i ii'/uiiv | i (iii'i rl, nine o' lwrs 'ciiou. ly hint by biubcn ant! scalding. !> ( ct iN'. Tfnrtford, fept. 27. John flrogan, a Venn ii.' n, was found d.s d In Weth- ( j morning, having evidentIv ben di .i - nt il in a post-bolt half full nf ' i r The head and lh<- upp"i* pfiit i) tlm Ijody were In the brdt . All tl . ! he seen of the body ii ", whieh stuck into the air. It i ' mpDicd that Crogan while [nt-i\i- eiitd i.iumbler] into the hole and was t.:..ble to extricate himself. e .iii::1ii In ilic Itrlliiur. Con her, Ont., Sept. 2S. Iiermnn Pel- lit, piopiuiur of a '-tone mill located iaar Inn, was caught In the machin ery ji:terdny. Ills 'j.'alp ** as tJ/n rnd lie received interim 1 injuiles, UK B3fiiid ( ill OlT In Milt-Co, Hespler, Sept. 27- ftfr. IJetheiinpton v.r.s opeiatlng an ensilage cutter, wli*n In- band was caught between the rol lers and drawn through the machine u*:d cut Into slices till above the wrist. TriHlc r tin- Me* ll. New York, Sept. 28.-tttadntreet'i} savs: Jn the liovinco of '.Juebee general tiadc sIiowm improvement AiiytiHt. Pernand Is active for ur .ir te.i.s and canned goods, and ilh settled weather It Is believed or- d( is for rli y goodti will be Improved, ..i Toiontu who.esale business Is com- p, "...lively qu ot, but pro. peats are for an active buHincr. Advices from St. Jo!.,!. N.U.. are that wholesale trad? i" quite satisfactory, many customers 'join a chatuneu being present. The Nova Scutia apple crop will not be is i uge as last year, but the quality w.ll be food. Punk clearings at YVln- olj' (--, luiiullton, 'J'oiouto, Montieal, nd Hal fax nggrfgale $l!i,2Gi,u(J0 this ^.i k, a fulling off of about 1 per cent. ti om lapt week and 2 per cent., au (oijipiiied with the like wei-k one year .in), hut an hiea-uso of 10 per cent ut> iw.misted wlt-h the like period In lS!t;t, . hcie are VXIG .meicantile failures re- .i.rted fipm the Canadian Dominion luring the past nine inonthu, liO fewer 'uin Im the like portion of last year. me induction In the total volume of i.:iHllilcM of falling traders in the uo- In.oii Is even more marked, :17 per i, i nt and 1h well distributed through out the more tlilckly-Hettlod provlncea, IT if 'llillnimtkii il' <iJliennV l^nil. K'jiTi-ion, Sept. 27. Rev, Dr.Wllllam- 'ron, profctrnor of astronomy hi Queen's University, \a dead, alter a brief 111- neis. agea.' S7 yuira. He Joined "the nfafi? of Quein's In 1S42. piofcDser, v UJii slco of the late Sir Joh f nd wav 'Kb '<i wife w .a a ttt.U* Macdonald. / BRITONS AT THE HAT. Tho Collotfo Criclcotors Dufoat tho Phillies. PhlbHlO - lM-,t. In to till of .lull- Cm v hi. ., to END OF THE FOUR DAYi>' MAfCH ihy mi >i> ^'-'i itniix una rand r\>u WlcUli( (u Hi*urc-4-rent ItUpluy ef iiLu^iii eio by ibe o>n<^<- .in ii li ^i]>.uiif Xvituriy,in una ti.iilri' ilur* (lie <Vdl(. I'lilUuleljiliIii, Sept. J.:. The 0\foidCnni labile i I'n'la'tei't icdu iiu'd theli ileftut In tin* b'nlvemliy uf PeaiiHl.VViuila b> In i.tin,, the Uent leineii of Phlhidclphla In "' u.atch ulili ii haH been In pingie " ' hiei liiiJay, und ended io-diii, 'Uie plO jim H(oirii**i!:H i ii ii u In tiieir iiniCH uimJ biH in the second, u Tlie biii;|liiliiiiea miule ITifl runs la I ili'..|, jind ulieii they \\em in to .lay Uiclr cei-oiu! they wiinleil ^17 lum to Tliey Hiored 2'Z(\ I'uuii, with tUo will.'! The heat llu-eiighout tlie nialeli wu-i b'i-- J'lllc. Thlrly-lhe Jiundn d pc r.jni i \veie prei.c nt te-dny to see the eum-hidlm,' t\wy',. play. The wli-Ic* ( had Iichl jjiiiid .lirmuli out Frnl'iy nud Huiunhiy, uinl di i imt ki-i rait up to dny, The wlr Ifet did IM tl r.ihl; i;ood, and It wan only touurdii late In tin ul'iei neen iluit II Ijefpiu to gvi humpy ami (JangeffiUK, 'Jiio Urn) jinlr of batsmen this nioniln^' were IIlll mirl Mltehell. J'miiii the y.i.t 4lnit it wiiH eWddit that the Ihi^Ih urn a -Kii' deternini* 1 to pull oil' the i.uiicu te (HMHlhle, Hii they all played on the defen-' -.\t' wlliMi (lie hull uim on ihe wJYkrt, ami unly hit out uhea it hiiii oir, .Mitchell uiu-, ilu- Ih'Ht man to ion> hl-i huuh|w, hi.'lun n - ired on a Hue catch by lUihUu nil.' nl'tler- ioii uiter lie liiid ralldt* lJ. Mlliluaa iridic- dlteJiell'n pliicc IIlll h.nJ ar-enupi! Mi d -J nith neu'e putleuro than lie usually .iii'h, win ii lie wah Lin.gil it slio. t siip o VV uud uif I'aih i -iini 'liu> Kuj;li dinieril(. ntiir hatHiuan Diuce :Vilbi\ied. 'J hi i [nor rai.ied the seore lo 71 i-eiutu 1'iitti V:im .hiiecL-eilu 1 in Hlmth'iim; .Milllgan'H vleKf't after the lntMr lunl marie JO. i'luillpH joined Diuce, and this pub- the fiiatapi up mull Iuih-Ih en, v\ hen Ji5 riinu hud hi-cn M-ored. Alter JunOteoii Itriia1 nud Philllim eonllliued to iteore idewly, until the latter was enuglit In the -.dps Py Wood oft PattiTio-i. The total was now 10!) tar tour \vicUetn, ami WUhdu <iiiii in. Uriicc began to weore inorr* rjip- Idly, nnd frerpienl elinugisof howlers tonic l-l.iee. When the setue w im at 110, Druer- w.m taken llnel,i al iiild-efi' by Mreekle off kIiii*, Uruee hiid iniHle r>7 nniH by a good -Jdhlthm ef i-rleUet. '1'he liiird-lilltlin," neninila.'Wii.V" foinwed, imrl he lunl rmly nuule ti wlu-u Ituhl* u rnarle ii iiiiperh calrli uf a hard r-nt through tlu> m1I|is off King. With Prui e ii nd Uciniulngu.iy out of the > and t.l\ u lr Ket.t down for I Ml nun, CHURCH DIRECTORY Mhthodist . Dr. Pobooo, I'astor. Horvice rury Huuduy iLtll a. rn, uurl 7. p. in, Habtmtl. Boliool nk 9:SOp. m. O. Ii, Mnylor, BuporlDtoniA- Oat of Bohool. Kpworth lieanuoiira.v.i'inoothis TubHdny HvninR at H o'oloak. GuliOiul louyui moctiuKO" Thuradayovenlufi, Hohool at 10 a. m. l'rlnltv Ohuroli.Koirlh Itldgc <-J)lvhio Borviooa ovory Humtny at :i p. m.; Bun , duy Hohool at l.ifip. tu. Tim public] aro cor- dtnlly Invited. il.e i,peeiniru4 began to feel a eoinforiuhie . -MUMlieo In the Hiir-eejin of Ilu home pl.i\- rs, but a rhiinge hjii'eillly cum* o\er the tiitrllton of atliih'ii .ufter- Arkw rf^ht and V\ Hhoii hail phiverl ti |'"\v ovarii. WINon -.ut.hornly relnsed lo hll nt nn.vr lilujr l hat .luiild tndiuiai'l' liis wbla-t, .mil nr. m ntc I i t.loiiouiill i.i fence to the I \' 11 i; Ai'I:- ii iit hit more u'eelv and r,phi I v. and i"ii Ubi *< on up. "TTie sinnii niiute i>y .tin ae' 'uo nun print l< ally won the-pi tar' for 1 he, fur thr\\ had l'uii >tluir total 'p lo 2<i'Z before Arfrwrlfdil ciii^ht In in,; In tin- tihpti, oU* Jtitiloy, for a util uiiiyid 85. Seven nhkets Mere now down, and the t'ludhdinn n witnttd but 15 runs to win oid OiIh, in \lew of their pbijhu^, Heiuned in ciim.v tied.. Uoldnson pariii'Ted \\ llson 'lui'S .slouh HticeerMleil, until Koblie-iui "iirul the one Hint t lr tl 1 Ik- -inn- Robln- 'ii thought a (IriM over the rotas would i-.ii hue u iy to u m t li < neiliii, and he - -| tied hbi iioiildera and dne, e fuilouily t one ol' l':il ev'H, with the icsiiit r sf >-einI- , il hiuii lntn Ihe nlr inn) bilo' n\}^ la^iit uirkrta w r re now diun and e Mini' \\i \ a Me. Lowe Mini IJ u-Hm eieMlll to come, nud, as holh were ' nth r \u>.iK bnl .men, the Hpi-etntoi'i ho u-d 'i afllMt hope thilt tbev jmliflif hr ilh po ' rl ir A\ II ii run unit the it one mn lr- ;i 'e r.iiHc cuni' la Tie *-Hp r'd (lie dl -I ne, nnd I'.itierson b\ a d^pi'Mo 'fiM'i ^ tU oil a run. Then Kin - put om tu I z Mit Ihere 'UMin ran un'jl love Of e i 1 he 'oil to ll" ' "dir>, uniiii i til" c.inr* Hiur ni'i ' '\vn wlekitH The lu.wi- '" of tin1 I'lnl. "ftphljui I to rlii \ \\ n i poor. .\oit__1'rldiiy. .Satnrday^aud MoihI >> Ihe ' ledlhlnnen will pli* v iheir thhd ninl rh- d!n ' aaiti'h v.PTi I'.c <Jeutlenu'ii of I'hHn '< l[ili a on ihe ltouikN of the .Merlon CiieKet Ciul, t If.ivet'fonl r-'tailon. I'll. (iXKOIlI) C ', JllUIllx;!-; -Seeonil Iimhu-M r. Mlleln II, e Kohl mi. b Patterjin ___ I.' \. T. Hill. < Wnuil, Ii Pniu r .on ......'2'. l\ L .Milllgin. b Pntter-on ......... -' \'. ! ' Dune, e IJi'm UT. h ICbi" .... -"'7 r A rhiiupM, i worn], ii I'aiiei'soii... is ' i; M. \\ llsoll, not out .... ... - 'V iir-innilii^wii\. r I'.o'.'.n. b Kin - . . 0 .1. A. Ar iw fit-lit, < bin,*, h Pul'e. ... 'i* I S Ibihbl-oil, e Mien ,-j, h I.'i 1 i 1*1 A. W. boUe, rr)l out ............ 1 I i\ Hartley, (}.<) liol .......... KUriifl ........................... l' Totnl.....................^' IlOWblMi a:. J.VSh- n. k n. w .'uttersoa ............... 1 "t - , :, t . nir ................... l: ^ > 1 ' ("uilc .................. - 0 'J -2 I P.illev ..... .... I." :'. * tJ nuNs KoU wrrKmr i-i hn.i.i J'hiliMlelplilii li 1 _',, i.l, ir. I ,sl, lss, 2H. -..I, ihijd.incl-ti, M, ^.'.^, 110. 1 u. V?\ ,.;u, i.*,'), ir.n, ir:. K( eoiid Inn'n;^ l'hlliidelphla-H", 0.'S. Uii. s\ * 3, lot, 111, I la, 11... 1118 i;iiKhiml- :j-J, -IL', 71, 10!, 110, ! .'J. Hit, 1>IU lite neol'e \\ :\t H-. follows : l'hlliulelptiiu "'II. Setoiid innliiK-'- l.w. oxford an I Cumin ld luU. 1 lhcl3 mi's \ li-hifi. Ccnlcr Iiimid, Jj.I., Kept. L'A '"th l\\ .1 u Jie Ifi-foui ileieiidt r oi tho .i iw.iiiii.d. i no lit f' 111 b' h intermit lotinl en ol. . j;e u.i- ,-hy for i.iuall bouiij, lo-ilay d feile I >.p uc- i \., the JOnghuh luiif-r.itei. mid ninr r-!u l- h n 'ei for ihe cup, hi a 1_- ode h enar.l and ulnduitid ruci, by 7 ii.lnii.ea -li -ee. I'uieMriVTKHKAN. W.M.lidmhij{, X'autoi" ttor vIoflK-oiuBabbatii afcll a.m. atid,7,!i0 p.-ja. flal> batii Bchool at il:UO p. iii. Prayoi" nu etmg und I'antoi-'H blblo oIubu ou Tuoiabty ut7.^0 p. la. HuolalUnion en Woduomtavafc UdtSp, liiWIHr CJllUllOH, JtoV.M. 1*. Calllpboll, I'aS* tor, HorviuuH mioh Hub bath at If u. ut), and 7 p m. I'ruyor moofclntf on Wiidiiuuday ovonlUH at ti o'ulook. H oat ii Urn, All cordially wol- uoniod. 11 nAN OATiiorjia. Ufmou~I*,iJ. O. E. SloOoe, I'uutor, Hoif/loo ovry other Biiuduy iitii.ittJp. tu. HunUy rioboolnt MiiOBTONw. Hih muBd aud lan-ionn at 10 SO u. rn Up. hi., Nip time at II p. u\.t voAptirdiind Aunodlotiun ut 7 p. ut. C. K. Me*. HALVA'iroN^AitMV. T. JlTTUoLood, Citp_.. HiilviUiOn tnootiriHM on Wodi\ Hduy, Thiuiidriy* and Hutality nvouitiKit, I-'roo and liuiiy, KaMirday ovotiluu atid U y m. thindiiy; HoKiiuhh iiioutlriKH tot ohrhitliLtui driduy ovt>mi|( and Jl .. m, Hun day; lOiuo Drill 7, ;ovory Hinnbiy. All.aro wmoonio. CT LEGAL, A. WIBMKIl, Uarriiitor, RoIloHo*, Notni Publio Ao. Money to loan. Omcen.Du) itau block, up-iitalra, Knitox. -Ply Y Ij.'PETKKH Harrlstor, Bolioitor. Notar l Public Monuy to Xjoau. Oillco ovr Htrutborfi' Hnnlt. Kiuuix (Jontro. CLAHKE, BAItTLKT d: BAJITLET, Burrit torn, oto, OIIUjob, U nd bin y Dlock, Wind no l'triyatu luudu to loan. A. H C'LAltKlS, L. h. li, U, A. IUutlut A. n. lixiiTt.v.r. n. A. HKNKV C. WAI/riOItfl.rv.L.H.,-Attorney and Coiinnelor at Jaw; witli Atkiimou A Ilaleh BB Conijronn at. wiint, Dotrolt, Mloh. (Ciuatdiau claiimi iifjalruit porrjomi In tho Umtud tJtaton colloetod.) Kofuronceni linporial IJiink, Kiiaojc.Ont, J, lu l*otorn, JtHfp, Uitri-Jiit-oi, oto., KitHOi, Out E,A. Wlumor, laiq., Ihirriutur, ote IJmiox, Out MEDICAL. D 11. PItOUSK.M. 1). Univortdty of Toronto, M. B., Trinity Uiilvor- iiltyH. 0. P. H, 0 late of fit. DartboIamnw'H Ilonpttid and MoorAuld'n Itnyn[ Ophthalmic Iloiipltal, London, Knjdaiiil. Bpuouil ut tout Ion uivon lo dinoiinod of thu oyo.oar, liono mid throat. Ofiloo bourn 11 to 13 a m., 1 to H ami 7 to 8 p in. Oillco mid roiildonoo, OR Oiiollntto aye, Windiior, opponito St. Mary'H Aoadnmy. Tol, 105. D KB. DKWAIf, & MOKEN2II3. p,A.DwAn,M.D.aar., r. t. m. s. ito Trinity Unlvomlty. Mombor ColIot; Phyi lolaiii) iLiid Huruuorui, Out, Itonfdonoo, Talbo Ht.Eaafc. G.MgKibniuh, M. P. O. Mm Follow Trinity Modlcal Oollono, Grailuuto Trinity Univoriitty Itonjtlonco: Talbot fltroot, west of M. C. It. . Ollloo hourn 8 to 0 a. va., 1 to a and 0 to H p. ta Oflioo in (inporitd Haul; uloclt^ crouud lloof, TinxtrttrTborrratB druu utaro. 'lolouhonoin connootiou with otlioo and ronl- (lanoo, Ordei'H loft at Thorno'ii drUR ntoro will bt promptly attoadod to. D KB. OIHEN rt BKIEN. Jan, Brion. M. P., L. It., C. P. B., araduato of Qucon'u Unlvornity, JCiiinston, Biorauor of Col- logo ol I'hyhiolaiin uud Ruri{uonn,Onturlo. Gru-d- uatn of Now York. Pout Griidtiuto Medical Col- Ioko. J. W. Brion, M. P., C. M F. T. M. C, Honor firudiiatu of Trinitv Meiiical Collofjo, Honor nraduato of Trinity Univcriiity. Mtniborof tho Collofjo of I'jjyuiciinjti and Bmjjoonn, Ont Grad- unUi of Now York. Pont Graduiito Mud leal Col logo. Olllca ovor ICsiiox Medical Ilall dniR atoro. Coiiiiultation roorrni, hnth on ground floor and tlrnt Ilftt iibovo. Telcphono in both oillco and ronidouco. All callfi atttindod to from ofllco, diii^ ntoro, or rofuiloneu, ltooidouoo, Talbot ntrtot, front of fair grounds. Tlie-Eb-o nt VHikilser WindKor,-Hi'id. i'J. The cold u'in't that 11 mind here to iln.\ d tl noi elu'ci ila- r l- u nduiiL-e, an ihe u^unl ha-^i t u*ud n,n oli Pour faMii'.K H tin i an ntll'.hli l' \.'oii All (H* i In the laat race w.^i the oiil.v .morhu that-'tuili tl to laud thu iiieiiey io- . i.v. Klrat raee, 7 furlon;/H Fnhlr *n*), Shh-'iK lo 1, J, I.olilH, lun, Iiioun, I in j, .1. 'Ink ..UP 1-2. Diielhl, 'i,nHarorii, nen\.r. in., Uonrk-iiii, All.nib Mi Uvn i it'io aa Seeoud rate, (i lunuu^ t>i* oioaedo, lb.l, MeOhibi. :i io 1, l ; Pounirm, lit). Kaapji, tl to I, U ; Ueoi'Kle f-ailtu, iiu.i'.oss, ;i to 1, :t. Time l.lli. Wubrhpioi, Carl lloi I,mil iihm run. 'I il rd race, ti 1-2 lurloiupi Polio Tonlcr, .Oi, hlileldu, !t tu ",, l ; Ham a <'m/( (;.">, Mi. Chilli, 5 to 1, 2 ; .Mother of reuil, 101, ItiMH, 7 to 1, :i. Then 1.0H 1-2 thu4.ui1, UeaUimr ill*-" ran. PoiUlll YIW, 7 flU'lOIIKH ClllQtll'll. P7, .M,iCiain, 8 la 1, 1 ; Ilonnle True, iiio.Sr-hiT- ,r, 4 to 1, li ; M. II. Mherley, Klti. Itois, 10 n, J a, 'l line 1.2i>. Ijiihotu, Huiiuoiu^uibl u (-t He) Inn, iWue Itniiuie fiFti 'n u. l-'Ifth raee, 1 udle iJoekntnder, \K>, ICosm, y to 1, I.i MoinepiMihO, Hi, MeCI.ila, 2 to 1. 2 ; Spi'iidol'iie. 101. Seherer, :;o in 1, a, f.iiie i.iJMU, Peyfonln All Over, bird t'ateliei'. Boiuidlji'ouk ulbe run. rhirir.o "VuslIrM'* Imr.wlp IJnvt'lirin Chicago, Sept. 23. Chatter* Wlnfiod Mowbray, Kn;.vll.4h Anurebit:t, baa dln- eovertd that lily iipoecho^ will not be tolerated In Chicago, APmibrny ar* rived Bnturduy, and In heintf enter-', tabled by Mnt. TjUtay ParconH. Sun day ttCtemoou he was uu attendant at1 n ttuiHii meeting held by tlie SoefaUtitlo l^cdcratlen at JHahun (Jlrovd. Mow* bray made a speech and with hustled art the platform *>y the police. V ' DENTAL. HP. MAIITIN, D.D. S., L. D. S. Graduate * in Doutintry, IloynJ Colloge of Dontal Hur(ionii, Ontario, and univoraity of Toronto GharRnij, modorato. Oillco, ovor Brion ds Co b drill* ittoro. 18-ly ZHI___VETEftlNARY^ Wn. kkjiiakdson, vkvbuinary bur GKON. Honorary cruduato of Ontario Votorirmiy folloco, Toronto; mourbor of On- turio Voton'nary Medical Hooioty; Diplomist in DimliHtry, fruatii all dlnoiiHon of doiooiitioatod (inhnidii; ctrlo dehornad liv tlni latent iuiprovod Loavitt; clipper Culhi by ulephono or tolo- firaph nroniiitly attoadod to, Ituiiidonco, four doom nouth of (jrint mill; offico in pout office btnldhiR; fiiflnnary, directly oppoalto. LAND SURVEYOR. I AMES B. IjAIRD, Provlnonil Land Burvoyor tJ nud t'ouuty Enuinoor, Ennox Contro, Ont Ollloo, Dunutuii Blooic, upotalra. AUCTIONEERS. HENItY HEDItlCK. Auotloncor. Bnloo promptly attondod to. Audronn Boutb Woodoloo, Ont. Pornonii dooirlnR to noenro mo may loavo word at tho I'*ui;k Punnn oillco. tl II. HEDIUOK DSINCLAlIt, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho Comity of Esbdx. Bailiifof Elulitb Bivinlon Court. All kindti of Farm nnd othor Salon coriduoted promptly. Itatoii roiuonablo and furninbt'd on implication. Enqulrorfi may apply at \V. D. Bounian'n oillco, or ac tho oit\ct ofBlviuiou Court Clork.Mr. John Mlbio. JOHN GOUMLEY, ' LICENSED AUCTIONEEH for tho County pfKimox. All binrln of farm ntoelt huIoh, oto, oondufltod promptly nnd on abort notlco, Ratoft roiitioi'ablo. Porwono dcMrubloto itrruuRo Hftlon nifty 3o no by oiillliiRat the Piiun Pnnrifl oilloo or by ftppUfiiCto 4 J. GORMLEY, P. 0.13ox 155 llHnox, Ont, . FRANK MCOLOBKJCV, MaldBtoao, tblrty- niivoii yoiiro' oxporionco as au auotioitoor in thoCouufcy of lloflox. Bnloii conduotodpromptly, ami on roaeouablo towmi, Paitloa dogJrIu[ to IU tho dato for a tuilo can uuvo tbomaolvoir a drI?o by oalHnff at tho I'mnc Pkuiih oflioo. Wo havo nrranKod with Mr. MoOlenkey aud will iix tho datoa for uahm by tuloRrapb, ontlroly froo of all oharco to tho porfion holdiuR tho Halo. Ad- drcna i'rauk MoOlotikov.MuidBtoneCroflB.Out, 10ft THE oldoFit bualuofls iu town. Eotabiluuo UliU Firfit-olaiiH broad and oakea of b! kindti, AVortdiutf aakoaa Bpoolality. Groaeriea provlfllfmo, dour, food, salt and pork. Oonfoo* Elonery, orookory, glueawarfl. Oamiod fruits and vogotabloaof all kludu. Goods promptly >te UveMdto allpartaof tbo town. J. M, HIOKB. JlH-tf lAND AND LOAN AGENT8 GKQBGE j. THOMAH, Convoyanoflr, Oom- f mlBaioner, In High Court ot Justice; dealer in UbaI>Slata.te nd Mortaasoa., Mop*y to lrJan at tho lowest, Jrato of interest. Fwmi bonsW- ftnd'WiWi - Xsmranea taken In thtt rpOBtreTfttble oomPAHJei.' Drawing Of deeds, mortfiflgon apdi teaiosA apeolaity. Ohareea moderata nnd all mlpesa promptly attoadod to. Coll at th#T ntntl' Toleohone offloe, KaaftxtOentre. 50-1t MARRIAGE LfO^NSfi^ Jp L, PARK, iHflilKri Ol? UABRUOl Ii#- '- '.>. oetiBDH, RloharaMhBlk.,EBMX.Onk. b> MHAHRRTT, lBBOM Of tf^^XJUM9lJ.,J4 * Commiasionrina;J..eM". ,Gntc, ijm. ~~------------------^^------t^-T------- ~ VX^ t>. BEAMAN, jtanaor of jVfarrlac*X.lcou83H, Inngrauu imnM- Nlht offloe at Dwelling, ' TP UNDERTAKING. nl'I.UHlJEilt, Updortalfer aad Vxrmitmt Oofnn, Itows and tn.otnrytOtim trotM $3 to 4X). MoOro((or, Op* ARCHITECTS. YOHN A. MAYCOGK, AROIHTKCT, Ao, lltioiu 10 and ll, Fleming Hutldioa, Wludeer, Ou<( thouo 210. 4 <.- SOCIETIES O. O. I\ UNTrtRI'UIBE Lodfto No . ridotwovory Tlnirndn,y,venlutf at 7J0 ,w,i^?1iyjtJUL'ilb bi third Htoroy Hunfltan Block ?,, i. lir^TSrjju/otlu.r lodKOBwlIl receive* VI" tinTOnnpMflV j jonWftTON, N.a. OWNTRAlJ hNUAHL....* Itloak on thB flrrt Oddfollowa' Hull, Inm^mimiiQ^i^li^oT And third Tuoaduy luoaoh moricTT^TIRCoraVgei dlally rocolvorl. Moilmrnof nubordlnate lol C. lu tht, jurimliotlon, luviUd to Join. HANNAN. 0, P., O. F. HILL, 0. B. 'r. I^9EJC FIRI'i lUHOADE. MEETH EVE) 1/ Friday oventlij;, DauldUAVofliier, Androw Parknr, LIoutonant;*r*ji^aj Boorotary; Fredorioli: Hyatt, Treauurej COURT ROYAL, NO. 2V1. 1. O. V. Mootu Htioond and fourth Tuosdav^Bin *tf{ month in 1, O.O. 1\ Hull at S o'clock p. tiu, Vi&Ubi^ brotborn will bo Riven a fraternal w*ft coma. M. MoCatiRland, 0. XL, \V. 0. Hhaw, 8y M. J. WlBlo, O* D< H. U. U. ,M MlGHICANfTENTPATi *' The Niagara Fall* RouU." ooirro KABT Taking effect , 180*. Mall Exp. Exp, Acoom rt m. a, m. p.m. Dotrolt.,..^ 7.19 0.20 0.4O 4.40 Windnor .... 7.-10 a so 10.10 ,K.QS Pol ton..... 13,10 Miihlntonoa fl.OJ G.30 Etitiox.. . 8.11 7.M w.aa ajto WoodHloo ... H.Q1 D5U Ituncomb ... H.SH SJOO Combor B:t7 O.Oi Ridcotowii.. Roduoy...... H.-lfl 8.47 11.60 7 10 10,17 7.1(0 Bt. Thomas 11.110 lo.on 1.08 B.iH OOIHO WJ5BT. p.m. a.m. a.m. London .. ... . 12.10 C.IK "t. Tbonnifi. . Qin 0 33 CM Roduoy ....... 3,110 7,33 I 07 10.31 e.eo Combor.... -.. BSO o.ito Runbomb.. .. fi.ll 0.3S rt.^o D.4S Kflsex ....... n.o:i 114:1 VM Maldntono' Cr " " 0.14 10.01 Polton........... 10.1'jl (MS 1S.10 1C.S0 7.10 12.4C 10.65 AmUeratburg Xiuca] Vraliiw, WKHT KABT p m. a.m. a.m. 11,50 ais Ennox Efljjara ti.m, a.m. p.m ..... ____ ,.-......... 7.13 O.tSft 1l.U0 0.2fi 13.03 H 2& Edaara 7.00 XIAO fi.10 U.2b 12.10 0.112 L E A X) H Xing fi (SO O.aO 4.C2 (J 110 12 .'10 8 215 MoG70j;or MB 0.80 4,CO Qf>0 H!,o 8.t>pj Ambontbura H.J10 0.10 4,80 All trninn aro ran on contral otandard tlmot which In Bbcty rolnuton alowor than Ehbox time. For information and raton to colour Into raoviuR wont apjily to John G. Lavon, Pan- noueor Ajjont, Bt. Tboinaa, O. W. Rufjaloa, Ocrj- oral PanfionRor and Tlckot AKont, GhloiiRO, Di or A, O. Htlmorn, Auont. Enitox, L- E. <& D. R.Ry, TIMK TABLE NO. IB, taking offoct Eiiturdayr Juno ai), 1605. Trainn run by Eaatom Btnud- ard Tf mo. Dally oxcopt Sunday M 3 1 H Station ii. 0, H w A al isr 0" & O 0 0 . O -lA A '/i 'A A A M A M Y It A M A It v ar fl 411,12 IX (1^11 Dop Walkorv'lo Ar 0 10 0.(10 7 40, 0.17:11! M 11^7 Walkorvlllo Juno. II IM 5.411 7,m O.fiS'lG Ifl IIH0 Hfi7 fi.lliJ 7 27 D.GIMU4S (1411 ......t OldOILBtlll..... H 0!i 6,1V 7.ii3 10 0>12j1I3 0 47 47 5.1 H 7.17 10.13 1.10 0 61 0 41i c.oo 7.12 10 18 1.C3 OfiD ...i Now Cunaiin... HUH 4.40 7.00 10 2T. 1.40i 7.07 ... { MamliUoId ... a !>t) 4.U1I O.C0 10 Jia 2.C0 7.11 HUM 425 0.G2 10 w 2.111 7.S1 Oil I.IK) 6.41 1(),5'2 2.50 7,31 eel U.45 mil lri.nn a.OO |7.42 ..... Ruthvon ...... 7G1 UAH fi.21 11.10 3.13 7 51! ... Loaminnton . 7 40 2.40 0.10 11.21 4.10 8.0 7 '21 1.M -BJS4 11.01 AM H 17 7 1ft l,n BAG u.:m 4.50 H,'J8 7 10 1.15 5.40 11.11 5.IKI B,M 7 00 1 a no 5,110 j 5.45 H.10 tl ttt 12.21 C.22 11 0 5iV> ft. 17 ......f Buxton........ ft4is VIV fi.W 1201 0.05 H.fta il 40 12.015 5.L0 m 12 0.16 noo ...tOodflrBprinijH... nui 11.2H 0.01 13,10 6,26 0.07 Blouhelm Jnnot'u 0 t*4 11. HO 4,54 12 '*2 0.4 f( 0.1", aw 11.15 4.50 ll' !'l 0 51 nn 0:0 10.15 4.40 12.40 7.10 o.yi ArRidj{otown Dep 000 10.00 4.110 P M.T.M. JVM A.H. l\ It. 1V. M < 11 \/ I' ,' i Flag Statloim. TraltiB ntop only wbon thovo aro patapuRorfi at or for these Htatlona. Mixed trainn aro at nl tlmoit biibjact to bo oauoolled WM WOOIiLATT. Gouoral RuportnUrntlAat One Hundred NEWLY 1 ' / WANTED Xo buy ruruituro at priooa that nro riabfe dowu to hard pan, and prepared to furuiHu ovory thinjj; in tbo Hliupo of Furnituro that a t;ood hoticokcopor iieodu, Also a' flue lino of Baby Carriage** at prices that aro right olotia. Kindly call and inspect tbo goadH, it will pay you to do 00 boforo bay- 11^ olHowhore. It rjoatnyou nothing to eb pneoe* . ' ^- MDERTAKINB AND EMBALfflNB A specially. Everytbinff done up io 'good shape, All neoeaflary^arriageatfnrajatys^' BusiueBe promptly attended to at all hOati / . .. , ,,w Will compare prices with anT. vbdertalxe^ t ,,M of auy town. Have two, flue hijaraeall^" '/ ?Jg gooacoudlfcjon,,and wiU not be x^ijxm^. *'; */'f9 m the lines I represent.' * \' S ,,.; , S~fm *f5 J A Hicks mi trr I- "' ' w iV.y.: 8558

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