Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 4, 1895, p. 1

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_^_BBBBH!S!i!!OT . WILE3NS0FS fan Oboiutj -Fresh C.i )'-': I'iii... ,/ProViMunii, Tom:, (ioJiVrn J-lpi'j^i. ' "Bpeoiul linen in (Jrtn;l...'i'y.. 4 CT jj M^ /. \.....vor; xi. No.-:o 11 '. (.)N' A.,'-- Ik*.1' ' \i' " 3*1 Ufa /w^^y' v r & ra_ " '9 -r~-- ^ . >{' / <i. &Co List of Prize-winners at the Great Southwestern Exhibition; The Bigest List of Entries in. the History of the Fair. d ovi-r, IE U Arimiil"*:- .'.gtl/."4ff Leading Store of Essex. Following i4 tliii-ItHt of priy.o-wiunorn at the groat Fair, The namoH arc arranged in tho order in which prizou woro awarded. Fmtt imino tfntH fit'Hb prize, fioeoud name Hoaond prixo, oto.: o HornoH............................ P'iV Cultlo..................'............ 30") Sheep.............................. U Bwino...................... ........ *7-i Poultry............................ 411 Dairy produotn...'................... VM Ca-uugd Fruitnuud Jolliou............ 1 '1 l'latitH oto.................'......... 37. A(jriunlturul Produatft.............. I'M Horticultural...................... UUO Homo Mumifaafcnrea................ Pino Artn .......................... ^;{ Ladioti* Worlt....................... '171 Genblomou rid/ira, I'ridanu Wifflo, Jart Motf., Gtio NGwmaii A J3 Tjovclftoo Iwufc lady drivar, MrflMor- riu. Dr Do war fcoam tfottiu^ onoo rouud track making fubtoxt timo, Or to HU1, B G Wi^lo 2nd, H Goldun Urd O Dunjardiu bout wallfiu^ toam, W M DoCow CATTIjE. Dcpaiiments HOUSES. ~""~~ ..... CAHHi-iai: noiiPi;. .Tadfjo T Jj Furpiu Btalliou 1 ytintfldud up, A J Wifilo, Imp Milmdo, Stubba Beoh titnIJion Ji yoara old, Alox Koid Bullion 2 yearn old, N O Wi^lo Filly or ^Hldintj 3 yoarfl old, ' W ltiob- 'ardaou, A 11 Woodbrid^Q Filly or'goldltij; 2 yoarrfold, J 'WHftiob- ardHonj G Stothard Filly or ^otdin^,' H WooUbrid^'o, Win Bcjllil'Q - Foal of 1995, ,t W Hiolmrddon, A-13 Win- .Dry Goods, Gents'. J?urnialiinga, LadioB' Purnifihings, Ready-miido Clothing, Tailoring,' Hats, Caps and Purs. Millinery, Cloaks and capes, Boots and Slioea, Groceriefl. I:' V. . X. I' Largest and Cheapest in Essex. LiC mor I3rood in:iro with foal, -T W ltioliardjon, Si Will ret li Pair irniiciiod, W Dtuiu, U T Haryey, Lid KogorH IlO.VIiHTKlW.___________ I Filly -ir ^ulditjy II yoarw old, Calvin ' Cowan, .T;ih ll/ibm-iuii, .T J DjwhirHt' Filly oi' tihltluit* >ti:Li-liii^, Thun Stothurd, Oi-lu. Hill, y. 10 Wihinor. Rl'iailAI.M. \V H Ui.^hurJiiuu lor ctLrriii}:^ hornn m linrirt'SH, won by Jaa llowiu, jr., Coloboa. tor, W II iCiuhu rdHon for b-jHt Hpuu romlHtarH, won by T It l"*t;0tjw 'Dr Molltiiiiiio for Iiuhu Hiii(ilo oarria^o driver, won by ,f W Kiclmrdnon H M O'Connor lor be^t oniiru horiio iwiy ugo or bn-ud, won. by S G Wi^lo Diohul A' liricJur tr h>mt lady driver, won by.IUi&B Carrie "Woodbridtio OENF.nAI. 1'UUrOHK. JudKtv A. W Dawaon", H TI Fitilda Filly or uoldint; .'! youi'rt old, It Franton & Bon, S 3 WikIo, K K^n^riok Fdly or uldxn 2 yoam old, J H Wyatt, H G VVi^lo, G T Harvoy Filly or ^oldiun yoarliiig, OUvor Noblu 1 iind 2, Honry Hodriok j Foal of 18U5. H Brooaliloy, \;^m Noobitt, f S G Wiglo j Uruod iuaro witii foal, fi G Wi'tjlo, Wm | NoHbilt, II Spooohley. . Matonod team, Jau Nevillo, Cuay Coul ter, K Goldon HKAVv.pnAuonr uonaisa. Stalliou 4, voara old, Thon Pbillipo, S it Wifjle, A W Bailiiy Yoarlint; oolb ontiro. loaao Elford Filly or goldtag 3 yoara old, Orlo Hill, S G.WiBlo, JPJI1 BanniHter Filly or ccldinfj 2 yoiirn old, B Moouoy, II own id 'Wilft, GooLgaK Filly or K0ldiut{ ycurliuy, II W Fotor, SG Wirflo 2'andB Poa(oJ>W93; Wm Nonbitfc, B G WiRlo 2 and 3 Brood tntu-ta with foal, W M DeCow, Wm AHh.SGW.ifilo Span, W M DfCow Bcmt walking toam to Urm wa|*ou, W.M DuCuw, GT Harvoy.'B G WiI BuKuy borH in hftruban, JaH H-owio jr, J W Xlioliardaon, ,Jaa 8Uaw'^ Saddle botwo, Jan Daly 1 aud , Wm Fitoh 3 ESSEX, ONT. Pair matebnd ponico, Wm Wolfo, A W Colioo Jiih May for beat farlu Uam, R^0oldon Btobba Bros baafc Bunair oolb 1895, Jobu Worthy Xjudy Bidari, Mra T MorrU, Miss K Lowifl Buut driving by lady uin^la or double ^^jr,^-]'ttiMzi, MiiH Woodbridgo, MM (Dr) Brian, Mim JomH UUUIIA.MH, Bull a yra old. J MoMalion, Thott Piaat, Orlo Hill. Bull2yrH old, II G Aruuld A Son, E KondrioK. Bull yuurliim, Arnald it Bon, .7 J Dow- htrHt, D MoAlittter. -------------- Bull culf under_ono year, Arnald it Son 'lot it'lird", D MaAJiiitcr 2nd. Cow a yr and up, 1) HoAliHtur, Arnald A Son. , Hflifor 'J yrn old, D AIoAlmtor, Arnald & Son. Hoifor 1 yr old, Arnald <fe Sou, D MoAl- iator. Hoifor oulf, D MoAliHtor, ArnaldA Bon 2nd aud 3rd,' ' JEIUIRYO, Bull u yra and up.S atotfoc Wm Millon, D Iloiijiman. Bull 2 ym old, L Mnlott, J A Hicka. Bull 1 yr old, J J Itnriii. Heifor 'J yra old, I) Hona.oun. Win Mil- Icn 2nd A* ilrd. Huif^r l yr old, S S;over lnt & 2nd, .T F Milieu. Iloifur calf, Win Millon, J A HialcH, S Stov.-r. HI'KCIALd, ,1 r*Io\Iuirtiy'H for iicHt ,Ji;r:*oy bull 6^ m g'i.juilii, ti riiov^r. . Jiifi Nsiylor'u for bunt Ayrnhiru odw -100 pouodn u llnui', Win Squirt-H. C Ilunnun for bt'ht grado cow, F W Mooru. J J^ Stoinj for bo^t milch cow, U F Soy- naour. 11 Walker A Sonn for btitit herd of dairy cattlo foQ, won by T Williamy. tn.ny.i-' nu> + . Cow a yi-iiin imi up, Aru -.Id it Son Avu-n jkch. Bull :\ yo'ir.'j uud up, T W.lliamH. Bull a yeitr.i old. T WilliLmi, Thoa Mil- 13ull 1 >nt'old,.C Cowan.. BuitroUl TIiuh Milb-n. T Williaim. Go-.v 3 yuan mid up, Wm Sipiiro, T WiJliama, T Millpn. 2 Yviim old, W D Boaman, T WJli.niH. Heifer 1 yr-arold. T Williams l.und Jt, T ajilluu a. .Hoiforoalf. T WillianiB 1 aud 3. Bull n yean, and U|), Win Squiro, Bull 2 voal-H old, A Founor. Bull oalf, J Buokland Si Son, Cow 3 yearn old, A Fonnor, J Buokland & Son 3 and 8. Ileifor I year old, .1 Buokland A Son. Jloifor calf, J Buokland & Son. aitADKB, Cow 3 yearn old, F W Mooro 1 and 2, W^J Squlro, H'llfor 2 yoara old, Arnald A Son I and 2. ETeifcV I yoar old, Thoii Stotlmrd, Ar- mid it b'ou. F W iUooro, Hoifor c.\lt, Wm Srjuiro, Arnald & Sou, Wm Aah. aiiAftic .iFMuiwa, AvnwuiKq and iiolm'^inh. Cow 3 yoara and up,' R F Saymour, ,7 Buokland A Sou, X .Millim., Hcitor 2 yoarn olif, J S impla, Wm Ab, J Buokland V; Son. Hoifor 1 year old, J A Hickn, Win Aah, A RaiuoH Hoifor oalf, ,T A Hioks, Wm Squire, J ii'UI J.;AV, OOTOJil'.;]^ ni'i:V>^. .T M HinkMivJ twoi\n<irid toft for limit Il-yoar.flld lit'ifur, won hy D MiA.Hi'd'r Hiriitn WuMk.t'.i i..-..,-i.,| pri^i'ri,;; Sinn- bnni" wm:i won by Ani'dd A" llm, I.J^iMr Aliidi.r 2ml BIIBK1*. .1 uu, i :(l'ni i.'.,.T.1n'ilI-l., It'iMi 2 fib'1 irn n.rir Sou, Jminii'd 1 v ' l'l :.'.:< 'l, A t'n I [ 1 .1.' i.i l.u'i!-, ! ' :,iiim.. I \i-',. Arn il(! -'J v;r, c'.".", Ann i i .'.. ij ,:i, ,]-..) ,'."u . j I. p.t 'f wo idi .-aiMi;.1; (!'.;q.-; S .uiiti'd1 A'di, Aru:i Id <fc Sou Two own Iamlbi, Kamuol A<tb, Arnald A Son . BiiHt pou, Bamunl Anb . i,r,i:iii!<'n;u'i. Itatu 2 iilu;iLt*ti and uvor, R t'routcin & San, Janitiii Baly Kam Hliearliiif!, Arnald A Son 1 and 2 Uam lamb, I*teuton A Son, Artiald &, Sou Two ow*i, Arnald A Son, Fronton & Son Two uhoaring owoh, Arnald A Sou 1 and 2 Two owo lumbti, Proiitou it; Son, Arnald A Son Bout pan, Arnald A Son ' llOUTIinoWNH. H G Arnald A Son nwoep all tlio lint ex cept for pau Him'BHIUI! AND OKl'OUO DOWNH. Raw 2 ahourn and oyor, ,1 G Swaokhnm- mor, GooIlobiiiHon & Sunn. Ram aliaarlinj!, R'jbinHotjit Sons 1 and 2 Itobirmon it; Bonn i>att flrnt on all tho roHt of thiH nlaiiH. SHIlOI'HHIItK DOWNH. Ratn 2 tibourh and ovur, J Phillipn Arnald A Son Ram alicarlintf, Arnald A'Sou.J PJiilhpH Ram lamb, Arnald A Son, J Phillip* Two owns, Arnald A Sou, J Phillipn Two HlioarliiiK owoh, Arnnld A Son, ,) Phillipn Two owo Jamba, J Phillipn, Arnald A- son ;...;...... Bent pou, Arnald A' Son Two fat wathora. Arnald A Son Two fat ewoii, Arnald it Son, S Anb H G Arnald A Son won Buok it FrauatH' opooial prizu of S2 for bi.*nb pun of fnt nlieop S WIN JO. Judge John Stratford, Tilbury. IHiUJirtlllUKO. Boar, J .1 Imrie, G Cowan, A 13 Winmer Boar, undur 12 moubha, Wm A'b, ,1 J Imrio ;v. fybmiy O'tnOi ':M ^lRRBT 1 THE GREAT W UOLE.'Np,57fij *A ^mk w \0 "d i{.i ;,I:mi vi'i llinil'.:Vl 'j ' 170 V> Thoro aro in Eaaox and oouniry tributai-y to ifc hundrotlfl of ciiHtomora who know a u:ood thing whon offorod and havo consulted thoir own intoroata first; by tho ncoro than liberal patronago oxtondbd to uy ainco wo oponod up busincsa in thia town, 'l-Iio crowda of bilyeii-a that havo viaitod our atoro in tho paaL two months ia fair ovidoncc that our ofTortfl to nloano tho-buying imblio have not boon in vain,and in consequence of our Biicceas'wo havo decided to ostabliah a perman ent busin'sBs hoi'o, and in doing so will ondrav- orto hell nothing but reliable goods at tho cloHost possible prices for caah, (or produco). . *^ Having an oxtonaivo buainoss in TilHonburgi;^ __ as well ns hero enables n9 to buy in largo quan- .5? titios. which moans elo-mr prices, and as a great portion of our goods nro bnught at a rate on the dollar for poto ash, and selling W( wo do for cash (or produoo) only, places us in a position to.undersoil those who.soll on timo. At this atoro tho cash customer is not charged a long prico for goodfl' in-arder-to make up forloaaos wo would hauo to sustain wero wo doing a credit businoss. Own etoclc of T^rbas Goods, Clotning, Hats and Caps, furnishings, Boots and Shoos is nearly eomntoto for fall trade. Como oarly aud get iirafc ohoico. Show your friends what can bo dono at- fcIna"aTorti, or if only looking we will bo.pleased to show you through. Ono prico to all. Bnug your Biitter and'Eggs, wo prizo thorn as cash. Ilcapectfnlly yours, ./ Buoklaud A Hon l'AT CATTIiB, ANY nHlillin, Ox'W atnurft yoain aud up, i- "W Moon Stoor .under 3 yoarn old, Arnald Ar Son, Thou Bttru0. O.jw or hoifor oyair 9 years old, r> Mc- Al'si^r J,2and3 Pair strtorfl 2 yoara old, ArualtJ A Sou P*tir nteoru 1 year old, Thos Barnoo, Arnold A Son I / pAir ctwrs oalvfl*. Arnijd A Son Boar undur li month'), .1 J Imrio 1 and "A, J \\ ItichurdKou 2 Sow .,v-r I venr, Win i\dh, J if Imrio, U G Re- niui.i Sow under VI niuiitliH, J ,J Imrif, Win Ahh 2 mid U Sow under 0 montha, .T J Imrio 1 and 2, .1 W IUqIihitIhoii Sow and piga, Wm Abb, ,T J Imrio I'JI.ANTj OIUN.Ut. Hour ovor 1, joar, 11 li MoAIullcn, Jatuea Naylor Iluar urntcr I) mouths, ,10 K.viiultham- uier, It li MuMullCu 2 and ;t Sowovtirlyuar, li Ji MoAInllen, .7 0 Bwuiikbuiniuor How uuaer fi moutlis, J c Swncltham- njer, R D McMiiIlnn Sow and nign, J O S .vaokhammur, 11 13 MoMulloii CHKHTUlt WlllTK. Boar 1 yonr, H tlamiltou Boar uudor 12 montha, Wm IJintou Soiv under (J moiitho, W liintou, 1 and 2 Sow and piga, Wua Linton JIKD JRnSICYH Oil TAMWOUTDa. Boar 1 yoar and ovor, R Hamilton, F E Cook Boar under 12 mouths, Thou Williama Boar under 0 months, Thou Williams 1 and 2 Sow under fi months, Thou Williams TOllKfllimKU. Boar 1 your, Kd PJaub ... Sow 1 your,. Wna Squlro , A J Groon'a H(moialn of fl(( and 91 flrat and Rocoud. tor |ciit pou of t-ijilit Iioks, any brood, won by J" W Richurdaoq and Jan Iiobinoon Laln Paoliiu^ Co.'h upooial 910 oaah priza, rfipraaontbd by A J Gro&n, for" boat ponof.fiix liop^ri, .botwcon^lfiO and 200 ponndo^ won hy JB. lCoudrloIt" PO'I'I.TRY. '."'* Judo W H Iluuholl Game bliLck; rod, CIjhh Burling, J O liailoy Garoo hrowu rod, (Jtiinorou A Stowo Game (U]t;ltwii:g, S Tillnou, \1 Hurling Gaiiit; n tl cap, S Tills-on HarulMH-{j bluck, J C Uailoy 1 and 2 Ilaniburi: Hilv.-r fipaujdo.d, N IT Siuitli, Cymi'ron & Stowo Lu^huriiB white. niu^Io ooniij, J G*fJaiJ(.'y J.jt'iriioiMH bro .v:i uiu^l'.' comb, --J G Bail.;y, N JI Smith Leghorn brown toho comb, John Barucn, I .1 Imrio Li^hurn white Mar? comb, C liiirniiin Lo^lmrn buff, 8 Tillnou, Aiuob Kolly Miiioorus blaolt, S Tilluon HoiidmiM, Onmero:] i' Stuwo, Kaufman Spanifili wliito fttco blacic, S-Tillnou Pnlunris whita oroHtud blauk, B Tillsoii, J J Ltnrio J?ohindti wliito orontod whitfi, Caraoron tt.Stowo FoluudH golden, S Tillson, J C Bailey WyandottuH whito, Oamoron A Stowo WyanrlottGri Hi'lvor lacod, D L Lamarnh Wyuiulottou gulden lucod, C H Pullor, John Mitoboll Black JavuH, S Tillson BtLutain Gamo blaokrod, S Tillaon, John Mitoboll ' " Bantam Gamo, duokwinu, S Tillaon, G Haunan Bantarau Game black or white roao comb, AraOH Kolly Bantama Gamo goldon Beabrigbt, John Mitchell 1 and 2 Bantams Gamo .IapanoHe, S Tiilnon Any othr varloty, S Tillsoq, J U Bailoy amoKH, yowiiS. , 1)rahmati Jif^ht, S Tilluon 1 and 3 JjangahauH, B Tillnou, Mrs J Parker CaabiuB buff, Amon Kolly, Cameron A Stowe r Coohinn partridge, J 0 Bailoy, Araoa Kolly. . Ooohi bUolc, S Tilluon DorkingH colorod, P lumaa 1 and I Dorkinjrs, silyar firey, S TIIIbob, J O 'Bailoy . . Dorkingg white, S Tillum Plymouth itock whi'to, Oamoron A Stowo, J O'BwaokfliimDaBr ' flymoath BqaU barrod. 6 Tillflon, H Obtmberlain .:/.' I Brahmaa dark, R TiIIhom Brahman light, .C H Fullar LuuyylmuH, J Lahig; 1 and 2 Gouhinw buif, A Kolly 1 and 2 OoahiHH partridge, A Kolly Dorknifjo colored, P Inman 1 aud 2 Dorkiuti" ailvor yroy, S Tillaon, Ckmay'o'n & Stowo Dorkinpo white, S Tilluon Plymouth UooIuj whito, A L'ain^ 1 and 2 Plymouth RooIch harrod, A H Fuller Ohambwlam' Gatao blank rod C Burlmti 1 and 3 Garao brown Oamoron A Stowo Game duckwlnc O Burling 1 and 2 Game red cap S TiUaoii 1 and 2 . liawbur^'R bin ok Amos Kelly ilamburga goldou Bpanfiled S : 1'illaon JG Bailey Hamburgn Bilvor spangled Caoiarou A Stowe 1 ani 3 liBRhorn white Amos KelIyN-Cameron & Stock.-., Le^hotiiB brown Amoa Kelly Oamoron A stow8"-. "; ' Lo^horoo brown rosa comb J G BHy 1 and & i Leghorqn white rueooombS Tilluon UlnoroHB blaok Kaufoaau Brou John' Laing *.^.':':';' ' ,'..'. Houdariu John Luiug 1 and 2 Spanish white fuco blaolt AmoH Kolly 1 and 3 Poland white a rented wliito Amoa Kelly Polunl (ildt'ii S TilUon 1 and 2 Wyaudottuii whito J G Bailuy C U Pnl- lor - , Wy'indotios silver lacod J T Shuttle- W'r:h I) L Lamarnh .Wy iniloLtiiH goldon lacod Oamoron A Si'owo John bainii __. INiit.'iujH Gamo black red G Burling- E TCt-ndi ioic BtntaniH Gauo brown rod & Tilluon 1 , and 2 Biintftma duokwing It Hannau Bautani!) golden iioabriulifc S TillRon Any other variety S Tilluon 11 Haunan a'uniciiYH, Tnrlioytf ilIuUr hrouzo .1 G Bailoy ICd Xhoruo '* "'..,- _/ . . Tm-lioyii yothr^l>irdM bronyie Amoa Kolly Ed Thorno onr!. Adult iCmbdon or Bromou D C Dow- liirHt Young I) O Uowhirnfc' 1 and 2 Adult TonloiiHo Amon Kolly H Spooobley ' Younu TouIouho AtnoH Kelley H Spceoh- loy Adult white and brown Oliina- J-**0' Bnilpy Yonnc any other variety Wm Linton.. J C Swaekhamraor I)UCII Adnlt Kouou A Kelly Young Bonon S Tilluon Adult Poldn A Kolly J J Imrio Young Poldn A Kolly J C Swackbaaa- ior Adult Aylosburv A Kelly Wm ABh ' OBMXMKSTArj, Pair Guiuoa fowl JO Bailey Pair oo mm on pea fowl H flpooobly .Wrn Shopwttrd Pair rabbits oomraon H Speechley Wm Bhnppnrd * ' . PiKnoiiH rollt'otion W M DcGew S'V$ Garrlora H B Groon I and 2 Pontorfl S B Green 1 and 9 TumblorH W M DeCow 1 and 2 ^Antaila S Tilluon 1 and 2 Trumpotom W M DtOew 1 and 2 Ow]b Wm SiBSpn W M BeCow AntwerpS W M DeOew 'm ' '.":' ('.- m By B J Lovelace largeefc individual dia-1 ^!M play of poultry the Bassx Fhkjb Panyi"tb'i.v^S|a the end of 1886^8 Tillflon., " ' -'.' v^^M Three bottles wine pur juioe without S1^ sncarP Wide ' Three bottlea wiri* swewteued wilte 3?V'gy WikIo' .'-.,.: :'.'^- Three bottlea wine sweetebed ,rea:"&':!$$$3 WudoKBrunor , ' V^jP 3G L Park's Bpeoial for 0 varieties afcptefi ^Mj) goods'-'". "'. ^-y^^'-im li ^^! ^i^fe-^-.. >/. HMififaw;*;'1.:'.!'.' :-. i. ;,:-:^v a*!;i!64',>;i".,::,,J":' ; v-

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