&>'. ;** - *rw^""'^^SJeix,'; KT&ffiE^ ' PKB^8"' ... u i i.j i' -rr als for the Month otOe% OF THEIR Of I V. / to make October the banner month of the year and offer the greatest Genuine Bargains in nevf _Klate reliable merchandise ever attempted by us. This Gigantic Sale begins on M0JSDA.Y MORNING, Tst. Come early and share in the "Plums." : Dress Goods Department. M * Finest French No veltiea in .immense variety, comprising New Grepons, two toned ef fects, Novelty Tweeds, Bouele Cloths, Columbia Cloths, Fancy Tartan Plaids, and numer ous other novelties, 15 pieces Pongor Silks, all the newest shades, also Cream and Blacky regular price 40c for 30c a yard,. 20 pieces Japanese Silks, all colors and black at 50c a yard, the regular 75c quality. $1.35 Black Peau'Do Soi Silk, every yard warranted, for $1.00 per yard, 20 pieces of Tartan Dress Goods, sold everywhere at 35c per yard, special salo price *25c per yard. 150 remnant of Dress Good?, Twfceds, Carpets and Flannels, at exactly half-price. 15 pieces of All Wool Dress Goods, last year's goods were 25c and 35c per yard, for 10c per yard. 54 inch Costume Cloths, regular price 45c per yard, reduced to 25c per yard. loo pairs of .'.;'. = fl ...CORSETS... ALL SIZES, . . . . 25c EACH HOLE AGENTS N ESSEX FOR-THECKLEBIUTKD D. & A. CORSETS.' Yard wiflo Grny OofcLon for 8c per yard. Good Heavy Grey Cotton for 4c per yard. - / Yard wide Bleached Cotton for 0c per yard, 10c Towolling lor 7c per yrd. 15c Pure Linen '.Vide Toweling for 10c yor yard. Pare Tablo-Linena at 25c and 90c per yard. 15 pieces Flannollotto for Cc per yard. . New Patlcru FlannelTetto for Be per y/ird. "- . All Wool Grey Flannell for 15c per yard Heat Cambollford Grey Flurnioll always sold at 05c yard, for 2flc' yard. 50 pan- Kid Gloves, slightly soiled and damaged, for 15c a pair. 20 gross brows ButtohH, for 2c n dozen. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests, with long sleovcp, 12iu each, Ladies' All Wool Hibbcd Cushmf-re Hose, fcbe 10c kind for ?0o per pair. 100 pairs of Ladies' All \Vool Vesta" and Drawer*, for fiOc each. All m and lfle Prints reduced to Be per yard. 2;$ "inch Print, regular price ]!3o, only 15 pieces left for tic per yard. - . ' J'ho Largo Hisso White Eiderdown Blankets,, for $1.2B per pair. Curtain Polos, complete, for 20c. Poller Blinds, complete, (or '150. Men's Suits and Overcoats, Boys' Suits and Overcoats .- ... Men's .All Wool Suits,'not half Cotton, but guaranteed Pure Wool, or your money will be returned, for $3.75. Men's Heavy All Wool Canadian Tweed Suits, Jor $7.50. worth regtx- gularly $510 00. Men'a Extra Heavy Punts for $1.50. Boy's 2 piece Tweed Suits fur $1.25 and upwards. Men's Overcoats from $3 00 and upwards, Men's All Wool Extra Heavy Frieze Overcoats for $7.50, .Guaranteed Pure Wool. We have not space to tell you one-half about our Clothing Stock, ' We show the biggepfc selection of Styles, Shades, Patterns, Materials and Makes iri-Essex. Don't buy.a-suit or .Overcoat for fall and winter until you see our fetock and Prices. Men's AU Wool Imported Shirts and Drawers, regular price 75c, for 50c. Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, tbe regular 40c kind, for'25c each, 100 Men's Gbristy^Stiff Hats, for 25c each. LHDIESj.MANTLlS and MILLINERY. New or exhibition. The ladies who have been here and have inspected our magni- mm ficcnt stbeka'of Millinery, Mantles and Furs, say there is noth ing like it west of St. Thomas. Kindly come also and give us your opinion and see these values. Ladies* Heavy Tight Fitting Jackets, box front, double breasted, for $3.00. Ladies' Capes, newest creations, for $2.95, Ladies' Trilby Jackets, in hno Beaver cloth, mandolin sleeve) double breasted, closed collar, for JjjjLO.00. A regular S8.L0 Mantle for $5,00 The Millinery, you must see it for yourselves, all the newest English, , French and American Millinery novelties, at astonishingly low prices. Boots and Shoes H H N <-\4 ::;i We sell the celebrated J, D, King & McPherson Boots and Shoes :,| Why purchase shoddy truck when you can buy "these reliable J makes at very low prices? , , f :?li LADIES' MEN'S and CHILDREN'S RUBBERS. !i :%S% A^ri TTiiTirtrprics nf othw Bara-ainsin Carpets, Ladies' Furnishings, Men's Furnishings, Hats and Ca- And Hundreds^! g^^^fg^^ Mantle Cloths, Men's Clothing to Order, Etc Kindly Gome in the Forenoon and You the Afternoon Rush. With every $30.00 Cash purchase you are presented free __ __ a beautiful Solid Oak Folding Table, Rocking Chair, Book Wat-Not. IS We are your obedient servants. $ ', ^ - &, 14