Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 7

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B* v:::# $?E are now pe imanently located in /l/our new -store, corner Ouellette Ave. and Sandwich St., directly- opposite the Ferry, and have the best :. .. ..;^>v;;^^v^lighted and most convenient store in '[\'""^': vr""'AC:^^;^^ Windsor, We are prepared to siiow you h ^ largest and most complete stock of .___ Men's, Buys' juid Children's ready-to-wear Clothing, . s"ln1",;r"t iu Wi,1,1<1'* fr tim onio- 1 ** ^ "' brated Ghnaty flat. Tho bo'tt $!1 hub "Neckwear and Furnishing Goodn in the west. We are closing out the ^tiw worm. jalunee of the McLean stor.k ofclothing and Ladies'coatsut less than half-price (Mantis depart ment, 2nd lloor). JVIorchnnt Tailoring, if you :ire in the habit ofhavinj^ your elobiini r, niJo to or der. Come to us, we will yuiirantec you a saving of from $2 to '$5 on every suit or ova re j it. Tiii3 in a new department and we take this means of advertising it. h-'-^;-- iW;-;.<v-'X^ j [71.. <;; * *. -. 'l * *- 1 i Head^uarters_JbrJ^k^aQptd of E$so& in "kvf gl'fra' I JlliMIW HWTTI I11 ?1 FALSE REPORT- -Certain in'ur.-led partien having gpn.Mii] a PAl.^.K UEPOItX cou ooruinu m> i..--ri, I tiiko thin oppor tunity to di ii ^ i', and state tliut MY l-'EKs. aUE LESS than THE USUAL. I'V'OH for ci.uitt-fv, Viwit and .*IK;>ICINK___SI.00 X'OP fitull Illliu............ M?> Dr. R. B. Potts, H.A., M.D., W.O.r.S. imperial Bank liiouk, Kiy'it chIIh ut the Ottict. H FILLED THE CHAIRS. JLISTS OFUfFICJSKS OFTUI-J ORKAT SOUT.HWJESTJGKN. I:From tUe Voiivol (lio Clrut Pill r to tin- ' J*r'w'iit. ftinhT I'I'ail * r thi: u .r.cni^ noutij, oit ft!" KHHKX CKNTItAL, FAlIt, 18B3. V- ' ^."PiOHicloiit-7-J<t'BOb Nay lor, Emiux. Vice-Preuidtint -A. E. Jouuh, " ISfccrotury W. IT. UuhhcIJ, fc'TrQHfiUfor Tho*. Jlmh, " ^" '- ' 1H84. ^Saxile aa 'or ISBIi. 18B">. A. E. Jones, Euuex. v, .vice-Prefliditut j . O. Peck, Essex. l,ft':89'oratHry--W. II. KuhhoIi, " ^Trea&urcr Thou. Uunh, " 1880. jTBtytmr or iliu lilrtHcx Union or G'rmfc SouthwtHitcjn] Exhibition. :',.;.!fpreHitluut A.VV. Cohoo, Woodoloo. ,i' Geo. Hupt. A. E. douen, Essex. '.&Jt'Treaattror-- W. IS. VViiKhiuff, Cottura. i(.'l\'Sf*cr'ti"ry W. IT. H'ikhpII, Kohox, %J: 1HS7" i^'Bumo (in for 18B,. ^:'; ' 18H8/ ^PraBid'-nt A- E. Joiiuh, Euaux. ^f-Viaa.IVoBid'iint' W. D. Balfour, M.P.P., ffeoutb Eh^ex. i Gau.Bupt-"A. W. Colioa. Woodnloo. I;,. Trottfltirkr W.'K. Wugetaff, Coitum. \;'v'Seoi*'ttiryW. H UiiuhoH. Eshox. . ' virehid^nb U. PrflHtou. Mor.soti. i>V -ITirrtfc Vluu-Pn-hirtotit-rJ. 'E. KuHlon, ;:ty'oodbiofi. 1^' Second ViooPmi Jaft. Nay lor, Enoex ^' W. K. Wayytnff. Cottum. if"Htoretiiry-rA. E. .icnoH, EdHjax. ,'-1*.i A'..W. Cohoe, Woodalott. 1801. Rurno m fur IHUO,. cixctipl that W. 1) Bl'iucuii, wlio h\ nocrctary in pluco of A E. Joiitio. IB',) a. PrcHtticMiL Win. million, Gosfield. Firtit VifiO.PrcHidtiut ttiul Gun. Supt. A- W, CohoH, Wood-leu. Scuniid Vitm .l.VfM. M, liurrott, Cento. Truanurur E. Pliint, Maidhtono. Sociutury W..]'). Bnamaii, Etiaex. 1SD1. ' ProHidcnt * Firnt Vino-Prtmidtint G. \V. Baldwin, ColclioHter South, Second Vico-Proaiditnt Win. Campiiull, Gehio, TreaHiinn'--E. Plant, Muidntono. Si-oi'otary \V. V. Boiiman, Eaaox, -.. i^nn. Pteiiident Hon. W. D. Balfour, M.P.P. Amliorhtburp. Fira't Vioo-ProHidoiit J. I*1. Huulon, Woodldoo. Heootid Vics-PruHiiiont W. H. Richard- 9011, Ehhcjc TrcuiHiiror E. Plant, Maidbtono/ Bncrotury W. D. Beam an, Ehhqx, BnpuntitouduiitH A. W. Cohoo and Wm, Millnn. AudifcorH J, V. Millon and At. aioAaliffo, The $15,000 *: 1800. IPi^tQHideut^-Wi. Ellis, Mttiastouo.. f%irt Vice-I^onitleut Solomon Wisle, SJiifiBvill*. ^cbqd'Vice-Pred, Jaa. Nuylor, E^ex, Jte^8*irer--Edwiu.PU'ul. VIjiiilBtoHo. mli'Bubt.^A. W: Cohoo. Wood k?,v&eb/Bupt Wooduloe. furniture House. The Largest Furniture House West ol Toronto. W'lTHOUTA BOAST Wo liuvfi in tlio punt two raonMiii untd ul) niioriiv with groat economy. In nclootiun our Fall 'Stank ai Neat Bar^uinH, v;ith which wo will bf(*ir tin* Full Sale, Ootohor Ut, fjoantntetiiny to (jivo you tho Iftrgnut vnnoiy and Holootion of all oIuahoh of Pur nituru m tho wholo of Woiifc .Ontario ut LowtKt Pricei and I3oht Quality. W" will fell lied Room . Bota ftt ftlO f)0 upwavdH; Ptirlor SuitH ct' 825 00 upwardu, ul fliat-uluHB uoodit winob wo know oanuot. bo boupht wiih im advancoof 25 pnr a^nt. at any other furiiitiirn holiHO, Wo moan to tiivo von for 75a what you would hnvn tn pay 81 OC for at any othor houso, And u|I otliur tfoudh, of huiHlrodH of HtylflH ftt tlio hujiio Xti'djiaiiou. Wo know it will-uay tlio buvora to a'all on uh heforo piirolmnn.'.- W.o'(roll a, handHOmo Biduhourd ut 0.ii0, tvitli a 20x2(SGo.mttii Plato Mirror, uovel OUR HTOBE FOU . BARGAINS. LASSALIME & 80N8, as 2& 8audwioh St. . . Opp. Crawford Hooae.. "WiNDSO^ THE HOUSE STALLS. HOME PIN 13 'ANIMALS, AND A GREAT VARIETY SHOW'V. Names or tlio Hxltlhlttti'u who Wcli> to lUiiko tlilw So^tlon oitUc Show. Juo'M llioka ahowrf a roadator Htallion. Ibuuo Elford hIiowh a. hoavy draufiht colt. , Jus Graham, of South Woodiiloc, ohowtt ii nioe Uonuir foal of 1805. Alvin Orton han hin Toxaw trotter ontor* od for the farmer^ trialn of Hpood.. Wc:. Mi Hon hae obrao moo roadtitorii in hin string, uud a ^oneral purpoiio toam, . J. J. Dowhimfc, WoodHloo, ohown a iino roadnr.or and a yoarliuH bull in tho Durham oIiuih. Howard Wiylo, of Kuifjuvdlo., has a two- year-old draft horoo, autl a yearling koiiqi-hI purpoBo'colt. Jainen Shay, of Colohoo^or, haa a nioo matohod Rpnu of oarriu^o Iiomgh, and ft buRKy horso. JdtncEi Novillo, of Cobtt'.rji, liaa Hovo'rul oDtnou iu tho hortio lint beuiduHijonio poul try, (rainR, oto. A. J. Groon Hbown a flno flliy nirod by Stanton, an an tiro cult by To-xan Juolt.and a uico roiidntor. Geo T JSjowmah, Cottam, Iuih a nioH saddle horiao on tho. ring. Ho. uIbo hIiowh Homo wliito oatti. A. W. Bailoy, Amhorafchuri*, bIiowb afino hoavy dranyht atalliQii,'*Gfty Rovor." Ho alflo.HliowH ho mo blai-k outH. Ohati. Conltor, of Goldttmith, ha two ontrioa i tho hoavy draft abmu, onu toatob- o3 farm toam, and a nno roitdntor. Mark DoGow liaH Homo faqoy entries iu drivint; and heavy norer*H mutobodponien, e|o, HoalooBhowrt a oollootion "of ^"uoy pigOOIlH. laaiio ft. Thornton & Bvo, abow a matoli- oil toam and ttHftddlo home*. ^Cbey ulwo buy** a lirtt of outrlou In ewino, uultlw, vegi, t.abloBi otb. ' ' lbfc of entriee, iooladlqflbeavy draft horsfjBi" cattle, atid Shfop, uhireaheep. ^^r^^yg^^ NoIhou Thornton hIiowh a bng^y horae. Tho.i Beuttio, Combur, hIiowh a buM^y liorfio. ,1 Lamiimaii ia Hhowinn'hiu carriii^o titullion. Eli B.muintor haH an ontry in tlio huiivy draft olanii. R II Brady, of Gottam, ban u ^unoial purpuHO entry. Alex PutorHon, KinK^viUt', hIiowu a road- ntcr in IiarijtHU. _.TAV-U;iu. JG.ngHvillo, hIiowh roa Intur and ^arriago animalH. R B Din^man, Estoox, hIiowm a niocbu^^y boi'tio lit ImruouH. R Pinlcorton nbowu bin matohed farm team in linrnctif. A. VanEvory, South WoodHloo, uImws a heavy dmft Btallion. .John Wortluy hub Iu'h ray driver onterori in tbttjroiMlutor.cIuhh. J U'JJenijiti, GTirintiana, j it ehowiu'^ oar- riu^o and Huddlo honion. Olivor Noblo, North Ridfje, liaH a coupIg of ('Giioral purpoHo outriua. Jamen Smith, Sandwicb, ohowo a huL'f*y horse; and a farmor'ii upoodor. "JW Gibb, Amhorutbui'f;, hIiowb Iiih Por- ohoron iitaltjpu "Black Chief." Alox J Wiiilo, Kini^Hvillo, whowo a lino four-yoar-old carriage Htnljion. Alox Ri.'id, Loaaiinuton, has a throo-yoar- o\\ Htathou in the roadator claim. Goo Pt-'iucci. Harrow, Iiiih a driver ontor- od in Iliu farnii'ih' Hppediiitf ohtnn, J A PvO-o nhowH.a opan of poniOH, nomo roadatorcm, ai.d also baa other ontntm. Wrn l^itoh, ICinpHvilo, idlowi "a nuddlo homo, and in altor tho bout nuut rider prlzo. ONLY AN AMA.'1'fiUir, Ed R-itl'-'f",. Ki uncivil Ut, bIiowh oarria^o and roadHt'i'r hornoB. Ho always drivon a Htyliah horo. Wt" Woll, BspoX, apoita a pair of matohoirpnuloB in a nuw buugy, also a ro'idfitur colt. " : TboH' Bfoihurd, IlnHOOin station,, iihoWB oarria^ound Inavy draft ooltu, aino grado omtld, wheat and barley ' > ,T BfiOew ia abowSug his flno obostnut drivora ub matchud oarriage horaep, also ft naiatohed team iu htorneaa, Jatuos Daly, of WoodHleo, hIiowo a road titer borne and gont'u ridor.matahod ponioa, 'und a Laiacbtor ram. Ed ICtmiriuk, Maulatouo, in ahowihtf homo flno heavy 'horaea, uIho Borkabiro bOfia, aomo oattlo and poultry. R. Sloouoy, Maidntonu, has Homo heavy horHofl, bolides poultry, field rootH, etc, and Homo ontriOB iu dairy produotw. County Warden Barrett, of Geato, ban a matched team iu haruoim, aluo an entry lor the hGHt walkiufi toam pri^o, J II Wyatt, Ebbox, ohown Kouoral pur- poHO ammula, aluo a driver, botmluu -Uoiooti tor, Southdown and other uhuon. Stobba Brow, Loamiu^ton, hnvo thtiit ' Younii Bonair" oti tho aroundH, and ho ia oue of tho attraotloufl for broaden of faat ntook. S. Gnldon Wi^o, Rnthvon, baa a film uteiug of horHtm in' the ro'idntor, nouoral purpose and draught olaHaoji, and ia looking after ooim of the apociala. Geo T Ilarvt-y,. Oliuda, shown oarriauo and farm liurwoa, boHidoB a number ar- ti(ilonii) nearly all the othorolaH^uH, making over thirty untried in all; Orlo Hill, of Huaoumb, nlmwa aovoral ytituial purpoHo and. heavy draft hornoa, a Durham hull,, ilh woll an dairy produoto, fi<j|.i rootu, ve^otablna, oto. Jumea Howie; of Colchcilur South, la looking ntiv.t4 Home, of tho pri^eu with hia Htriiii* of hiihti boraoa. Ho ia nlo showiu^ Homtt nico JJurham oattlo. J W RiohardHon, Eaaox, baa. aomo uico earriai^o lioincn' uu his atrtu^, boaidea Borkwhiro bo;>H, field roota, and a iiumbor of (mndiduteh for tha bpooial:u O.ilvin Oowitn, ot BlytboilwnoI, hue Homo mitriuM in Lhe roadaur and oamuKeolaatJea, aluo homo AyrHhiro pattfu, Borltshlro Iio^h, and other oiurim*. Ho h looking after Hiram Walker'n aptolale. '. Mro Thoa MorrU, ,North Uido, ia oom- piithii* for pria n offaro'3 f-*r beak, lady, drivwr. Mra Vlornn is always at the Great Southwestern, m.d ia aa eicollent equei tnouuo. ." . JAMES. N4YL0R, Farmer, - Lumberman, FJlOPlfUGTbn OV TDK Esse] A \-ffi n Takes thia opportunity ofNaiinoutiomg to tho pooplo of tho Town Jnd Gouuty of Eauex, that he bua remociulod tho Eaaex Roller MUla, aooording to plaue prepared by R. N. Prioo, St, Thomas, and baa r- deutly mada very-muportaut imprDVPmeutB koopiufi the above mills up to the greal" improvement of the times. Mr. Nay lor further be^a leave to aay that iu rotainiafl tbo Borvioea of Mr. Robert Sf.raohan, afl head miller, and Mr. R. .1. Shaw and Mr* William Phillips M aaaiatanta, the farmers .' und^dblio at largo oan rely upon honeil and ooarteouB treattnoqb. . Thanking the p/Jpie at the towi^ and . -^m ooanty. * >r the patrSbago beetoWe'4 OB hiltt 1 /v 'if-vig iu the puBt, ho will quarautee eatiafaotiofl ia the future. . '.*n J 7 : .V'!,>'$ r.,.:,'JM im. Orlstlng nn* Chopping * . Specialty. -"Jh'l Wir":'- " ' mg':i:: ::;/', '. I'M,-!':"'.]:!* -', Tbeb*pfr Rradas ot Pioar. Ooro Meal and ' '\'\""fM. Peed in etoo^ad Hold ab^iflht'iirjioeli' - ;1' -|'>;^'|[fp 'VfiK^iSil v-^-^^ j." ' ' .,'-JrjH'S - * n 38 27

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