Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 6

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ilMM-^v"' '<':,-': :.^:.J^^^ mmm&^^^^^mm^mi^m&^ DEWAB-tlie Tailor's Big Tweed Sale is now in full swing. These suits are marked down-to COST and can't be sold by any one for the like money. We can give you a suit worth $16 for $13, a $17 itfit for $14, a $18 suit for $15, a $19 rgit for $16, a $20 suit for $16.50, a suit for $17, and so on right up. <We have Tweed paints, lull range of patterns, for $2 90,' regular price $4; Black pants, $8.25 regular price $4.50. ^-~ - In Ova/coating we have a large range>f goods, especially Beavers, can give you an All "Wool Navy Blue (written from the manufacturer that the color will stand) for $15, you should see this piece of goods. WANT YOUR TRADE ip: FIELD OB^tJtf|IJ!I* .BOO Tb* EM)X < onulj Article Cb*llftn*<m ib World ihliVcir. of ira! riBt7oot aoJi'voRoUblaa! / 7 Hani triou Wm.'tJainpliJJIl, of Gesto, has florae ,bi manRold'wurlzulfcOrt tho tablen, which ajo hard 10 heat. * "* Ij. 0. I'almor, KiugBvillo, bUowb, boota, ami onions, ulao boiqu fruit a|)oi- iuoub and hulUu1 work, Goo.Xioak, of Woodnltio, hita somu bitf umu^oltJn and oarrotfl. booiilou a couple of on triou id tlio homu tintm. D, 0. Downing, fJouth WooiIhIoo, haa an uxtoDHivti liHf< in thin dlawa, an wull uh homuH, poultry, fruitw, oto. Kilwin Pluufc, WuocKlno, Iidh bo mo h\% mangold**. kojo Hixrowod tmrloy, and an u^miI Yorl<Hlnro at tho pig Ht,y- ,T. 1\ lltidion, oT Woodwloo, him *omo hioi a(U'in)unn untuned in thin Ho also hIiowh nioo Hjicolmonii of horiuy. John Uiit-iim), J^ltijutuiid, hIiowh a bi^uol- loofciou in thin dupartmotit. Ho, ulno haa (HiniLidniry proriuotH, mi woll uu liornon, oto, MB We wantryou to call and Beexrs^and.eee if we speak,the truth;- We honestly believe we are giving better value for the money asked than anywhere in the county. Our work in guaranteed to fit, and'made according to your order, if not so .you needn't take them, We also carry a complete line ol Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of which we invite your in spection. DUNaT.Vl? BLOCK, BBSEX. IN THH AOKlCULTOIUn HALL AUKmME MASSBY HARRIS GO. Carries a "full, line of Seeding and Harvesting machin ery, Pumps and Windmills A full line of farm wagons ol" the Gbathii'm M'f'g. Go., also inarkot wagons, fancy carriages, top-buggies and road carta from the be.4 manufacturers in Oanada. All goods Sold udder a warrantee and at the Ioat- e^t living profits. 3". 3E3- SSTOS3LO, !EiiSJS<33:.. pjfe. o- mmn&an ONTARIO. OffiRS. WILKINiSOM, Proprietress, Hanbaou thoroughly pulntol tiul rcplotinjiol with nt*w furmtaro by tlio pro iunt pioj rl-jtvunu. jLarre Bam {n\.Connection, ^ (/ v First-Class Accom'mod&uioii Guaranteed. Jon, Myem, Narth Ridge, ban an.entry of tilmUo clover flood. Mm tlillu Ilor, ol Oxloy, oxlnhitii norao Una musk und water moloiiH, Win Bibloy ontorn Homo oatu, and oorn computus for Wnlkor prizun. J Strutliurfl, of Gaato, nbowa a now variety oaUcd "Mellitjuu" corn. Itobt II Mtllon, Olind*, hIiowq, corn, bar ley, potitot-H, and other (irttcluH, Kov N K Saott, Enaox, ahuwu fievornl varieties of rootn and ve^otubluo. W N'Mylorf. V1 oodutoo, iihowa ftold graino and rootii, ulao a gen oral purpose qoH. Hnbt Moe, Cr.tta'm, jihown f*rainn, tobacco loaf, hcHiduM horaori, cattle and noinoladion' worli ChiiH Dub* , AinberHtbur^, uhows early potitloeH, HquudhoH, oto. buhid'iH Fruitw and liruniH, Jno. Kcbson, Houth VVoodnleo, ubown 4priu(* whoat.tiix rowod barley, boamt and pumpkin:). Ira Rj mil, Luamin^ton, haa no vera 1 entricB in lirainn, rouLu. ve^otablefl, otc, and other iirfcicicii. Nonuan Petortion. ICii^avillo, hun a bi(i Hiilry Hat of fiultl grainH, rootw, vu^utaUaH, frititu, oIl:. -10 ontnoit. TaiucH II Newioun, CJottum,HliowsHevur- at Umin HiunplMH, boKidoH a t*eii(;rul purpose t.oiini _iid...jiugity horHe. KuoL'h Jliitch, Iiuamin^ton, li'iH 2L en- trit'H in liuld rootn, ve^^tablen, utc., and..7 ontriew hi the fruit hut. ./<ts Kubin.'-ioii, Kim x, Iiilh a b'm oolleciion of root;*, ^ruinti, a4 well ua applet*, and a ooupl.i of hyr-HG ontrion. iluo P RhntiluworUi, WmkIkoi-, hhowij a bi^ hyf- of pardon vo^e'.ublua, rootn, cto, of all kiiulu txiaUiii,'^ 'Jll untrico. Potor OtTtio, Kinguvillu, Hbowaiii variety of eabbiiyuH, niolonti, rootH, etc, hetudeb Homo ap[d<:h in tbo fruit lint, J J Lldt-iuaii, K.1H0X, ubowii a collection of huetn, [141'Hiiipii, 0;ibba^OH, nto., alno bomo ^teeo in tho poultryyarda. KcIhou O WijjjWi, Kiniisvillo, hbows ear- r.itM, beotH, maiigoldn, in all tho varietien, be .idt h ^ruinu ami wovertil eniriea in utoolc. .11 W. Vontcr, Eiji'ux, m an exhibitor of wliile whom and wbito oatu. IIu ban en tries in the hotoo, poultry and other clafcaco, B. ft. A-diliiV,- of Khoox, in an oxtontuve exhibitor in thia line, having ovor twenty enlriOH, He ilIho thowis yorao vuriotitH of poultry. Zehub IWalott, of Cottam, showu nomo lino pofatoeu, mangolda and pmnpltiuw. He ulhO has an ootry in the bu|(;v hprao clu&H, and uouio other encriou. Alox, MoDowell A Son, of MaiJatouo, hIio v a largd ootlectiun of priiso wiuucru in llelrj.^ViiiKi and rootii. Thov alao havo a mitehod team uulnouio othar ontritH.. KounoLli J. Wiluon, of K'oox, nhuwriHomo uiconamploHof rod and white winter wheat, uh wulla* timothy and Migitr cano Hood* Ho in iiIho luokinu alttar aorno of tho uneciulu, *1. C VoHprt Kuhos, abowB a moo collec tion of roottt and vefiutablon, lu-aiiloH a col lection of plantn and cub UuLVt-ra. Mrs VajHpor \xw a collection of ounucd fruita' uud vo^qtibloM. Ex-pri*wiJttit VVm.^tlllen haH a ooll^o- turn of wheat, barley. outH, byaiiH, eoni- andolovor Bedd. If William doesn't got a Hlloeof the prize aionoy, there will probacy bo ho 1 no dead judges, ' Jno F Milieu, of (Jottam, has a biR jlUt of HrMua'tod rtooti, besides horMN and cattle. Aaron Hobioioo, of Bouth Woodnleo,h9 several Krain entrlni. Ho u.1bo shows * Hiofl-WiKgytiorae':'"4'" Joseph MoMurrlu, Ksbox, has a nioo ool- Teafeion of field graiuu, *8 wull a* general purpose horBoa, elo. jk Birch, of Ouufluld Narth, axhibUs bo me nioo samples of urain, aa well au , fowln and other artiolos. ^^r WittorH, Kluifiivillct. hau woino corn in oar, and some in bahkut, for whtuh ho wauta cho Walkur pri/.uu. Adam X'Vinuor, Oombor, ban a bl/4 lint of utriuu hi (^rainH, oto. I(o hIho hliown some nioo stock and other articles. Loouard Mulotc, JCih^HvlIU, Iiiih a hij^ collection of Hold tfrumu, alno a thorough bred Jomoy. He ban a b iff on try lit. John MoMuhon, Cobtniii, \mu a lot of en- triuH in tho root oluHtioh, uIho womu titninn, MrH MoMahon hint aoino cntriiiH in ladies' work, W II Maynurd, Kd^ar Milln, 1hh a bij; oollootion of graino. flold rootw, vegetable*!, tto, alao ft dinplay of honey and apiary ur> phoH. Wki Bhoppard, Cottam, hIiowh a hi(/lii of rjunn^oldH, beota, oarrotu, a-id other rocta betudiHj gralnn and Homo aefcioloa of dairy produce..... J F Loali, Kmu-x, hIiowh a nnmboi" of tirainu and vogotablr:n, bomfJea hiu (general pnrpniio team Mm Jjciak liaa iiomo ontrion in ladioH1 work. Kx-Doputy Hoove HedrioU, of Uooliouter, iH oxhibltiiifi alotof ll'Jhl (jraiim, etc., thju yoar, Ho alao ham a hig entry lint of otihor arlicloH, making W outrioH in all. Btcpheu Rlillen, Cottam, m looking 'r somtJ of tho pri/oH on two and nix rowod barley, uu well an corn and alniku olovor. Ho hIho Bhowa a hu^uy horfco iu harncm. Deputy Liooniio Innpootor CoatHworthj of Kinuavitlo, hun a lon(^ litit of iiold rootii, potatooH, etc,, aa woll uu nevaral flno variotiefl of fruita. Ho ban'in ontrienin UU. A E Wiamor, Khhox, hun a croditablo list of field room, whiah Mm Wmtuor haa mipplemontdd by n fioo collection of dairy producth- Ho alao uliowu uome Uoroon^ iHvino, otc. Iimao Juokflon, Cottam, hIiowh iiomo flax Hood, which 111 rarely ^rown by farmern lioro, hut wlitoh mi'ubt bo prodnuod with profit. Ho alflo nhowii ltnral New York potntoeit, whiio Mra Jtiukaou has ontrioa in '{ KUCLt*^. 1 ladion' work ^irdntTCTFy^Jrodiifio. THE SHOW OF FRUIT IS TH15 I.AHUKSr KVEU fllAOli: UTUI2 l)t- TKIGT. Tlic E>elleioiih SpmlnuiiM u Great 'rcmpialioir lo llin VImIIoth. G H.'Milla, Loatninuton, hhown a lar^o vuriutv of apploH, and a lew peachea. II IS Bcrateh- Kin^nvillo, ahowa a, vi;- vioiy ot finini, and nome other entriew. IU1 Tiiorno,Geato, several kindu of hor- rJ'-'H and applet, al'io aoiue bronzy tUrkcyn. Juo Mitchell, L_*atninton, uhowa a bit; liat of apploH, aH well an pcuchoo, j^rapeo oto. W G Baldwin, Harrow, bIi'owu t-evornl vanctiou of appieo, butiiiea com und po tatoes. Iliuhard Gulden, Amheroiburji, httu fl varieties of apples, aloo quinoeu and poaofjen. Mi'h, A.. Hainm, iSuHtx, lias a lino colluo Lion or caiiuod fruit-ii. andtiomo batnplefj of ladice' work. 'AVtn Formm, of Harrow, ahowu a largo variety of fruit of wivom\ kindii. bosidon tield rootH, gruitiu, eto. ' I[. (jhamberbiin, .Leamington, haa an extonnivo bxhibit ut* p. aeheH, peura, eto beflideo a lot ol other articles. Julm Murray of W.oodHlee, ban uoiuu nioo Reodllri(i peaolloa, yellow flash, pri^j Iloiibon Brnnor, one of tho pionoora of QoaUoM.tO"'nnhip, littu a lar^o otifcry Mat of upplou, oto, tiu'mduH uraiM0, roots oto.' Pofcur Iuman, Co'.tum, nhows . u large oollootion ot fruitu, bosidcu drains, field roots, pohltry, oaUlo/ote, mukiuK iu all Hi ontrioH. < ' Prltloauic WiK<. KlngHvillo, hufl a nioo big htttof 5Houtrion.; mu^ *va- rletioBof fruits/ wineu oto, he naa tleld roots; oorn and a. coupl^ of nioo saddle horBos.iqme poaftrv ttud ehtriea iu ladles' work.:* ' : A. II. Woodbridj;e, Kin^nvillo, hIiowh a (ireati varinty of applea and poara au well aa dotatoua, molona, otc. Ha ban over 80 ontriea. b It O Wbitmoro, North Kidpo, ahuwu it big variety of poaru and poaohon from hid" fruit farm, uIhc noino (jraiiiH and Held rootH und vo^otablou. A J Aliwortb, KuiftHvilla, haw onlerod ti riio'e lot of appkiH and #rupot*J and ve(j- otabluH1 hidjua' artioloa oto, in thoir vuri- oim dopartncontH. l' E. TyhimitMw peach kiu of tho South Eiiaox fruit diiilrlop, lias Hoyoral flno hpoci- moUH of poacnoH in hovon differont variotiou. Ho ban nome prize wmuorn. Jaraea Ijuwaon, Mai latono, haa a lartjo entry lint, and nice tiampleo of fruitu, etc., ttH woll an some ladion' work by Mr Law. on. They havo uhntib -10 ontriuu in all. J. H. Ijookhnrt, of Arnherntburf* ban 111 vanctios of apploti, four variutioH of pours, a lontf lirit of Hold roota and ve^etablca and la alao compotitiiiK for Hiram Walltor'H tipooiala for ooru in tho Oar, and. for corn in thontatk, m \ V For nil Idndn of Groceries, All kiu("ln of M EATS, Fresh abd.C-uredJ All kindn of Bread and Confectionery J In fact anything any Jioaoiitmao wiahe* to eat. Gome aafl try for yourbelf. John M. ,or are acknowledged leaders either as Power or Windmills. .n For prices and terms,-address, flgestt for ESSEX COUNTY. ThaVft:-^ "'^'.'"H Tlie best goods at lowest prices. Fii^fe goods arriving daily. * mm 1 '.'.. m 25c Japaii Tea and our special blend of black, "Light of Asia," at 60c. .: ^..: ' Q:^-,m Sole n,genfca in town lor Christie, Brown & CoJb 'e'elf brated biscuits, these goods are right, ,try tbem,|i^j be convinced, fl,H;SGARFIl fit*-. . 605

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