Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 5

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|^Pp|SiS^^f^M Bfe*^.' W?V';""" ' '.' ' , .,!........'......~ h'County ^m NOTIC I'!',1, < AE. HALL'S STOCK Of Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing wan novttr more replete with Overcoats and Suits jthun it iu liow^ond'aA in the part you have found un doin^uu honent htraijjhtforward >ui-iiit'{il KivnJfj >on (rftatcr vaiuo for ,l Svery dollar you apont than any other ^""Houho in the-.county eo yu will 0ml u to-duy. Como early and hgo un. Every/thing New, Bright, Clean & CJAeap. Oak Hal W. A- SWEET, Mgr. w t WILLIAM .UILLKM Hupi'ri tit t*ii 'U'nfc Grout flouth- Goueru wfHtci'n I'jXii.f'inoii. Clothiers. 13 Sandwich si w."-Windsor, Gall Up McDougall When yoil want a first-class turn out on short' notice. I'a!^-JFine HoraoH and Carriaeen, Lw',' ' ReuBJU'iblu Ruiee. jrw1'-' floHtlern alwayn on li'^.'.-i. band and oblipiimg. Essex jVtedical plan ! TRY wur ttukiii" Powder, guaranteed uboolutoiy pure; only 25c por pound THY our Wild Cherry Elisor for all cotijfliH and eoldH TRY tliu Celubratod Derby Condition Powdurn for put- tinu lifo in your boroo IF you cannot plainly road tho abovn ooinw to no and wo will FIT YOQR EYES Willi proper DptODUOlfB G. A. Sherrin. "' n: Blacks mithina; and Horseshoeing IN CONNECTION f., ,Wo tk n. upcoi'ilty of Shooing track; anjl;, __*'Jt ',' driving horwn, old horBPH with oomH or (s'Uitmotwl f^tjt Wrt aim" ti> Bar-.. |IV MUtiHf&CtlOU Sw,r;;'. John McDougall, .Vor Wi'kou oy w*l Foit atfeot, Eb*g* T'lopliono J* conueatlau FIELDS & MORAN, Solo AurntH for Ehqx aud Kent tot tho LITTLE OEM WIRE FENCE. WO ST COMPLETE Wiro Fonae ou tho uiarkot. Bvory draw- baok of all other Wiro I^euoou provided for in thiu 1'onco ."Kvry n*>rnou intoroftted iu fotioek* should aee thin lunuo. Every perHou aayg it ia tho ouly porfcot Wiro Fnuco tboy have *ivor ueen. Any futhner cau build thin Fence by purohaaliiflour m^ohina for buiUinc, aud farm rlffbt, ull (or VC. Foi? BuppHen or other information, addreu FIELDS A MOUAN, iLBHex, Ont. or GEO. MOOUE, ' Windsor, Ont. TITk'LaDIES'CORNER. FA NOV \VOKlC OF ALL VA- ItMKTIKS A8 lviAl>i: IJ\T KYUMjUJO HANDS, I*rodn<'.(u Minn Antiiit [toitl, of Morwoji, iiUowh a nico atihortmuui of fanoy limttinjj tmd oroobot worlt, ladifja'itiKlorweur and other artjuleit. Bho ulno hIiovvh liamo-m tdo broad and Hponjio cako. Mm. Johu Ilopgood hIiowh hoiuo Htripod and fanoy oottow warp, a collodion of plan In, and a hponfjo oako wliiob in aftor a pri/.t). Hrodiu Clrooii, of Ehox, i'h aftor Homo of tho pri/M mo noy on arliclon of laiiion' and infunt'j woar Urodio in it hpcoiilittoi: and lookfi aftor all tho I oono niokolo that aro Koiug. Mm. Wm, SitiHon bIiowh knitted laoo and crocbot work onmplcn, alHH a (jtiilt oi! oofc- fcon; patchwork. Mr. SinHon aliio ban an ontry oE rabbitH and pi(/oon. Mrs. 0 R. Taylor, of Whoatloy, uhowa bomo-mado yarn, lunoy and wool Htookuipi and nookn,_>uittn, <Uo.', beaidon otbor work. Mm. A. 0. Atlunnon, of Gotito, ahowo fiodjo knitted laoo aud oroobot work,' be- Hidoa oannod lomatooa audother urtiolow. Mihh J E Taylor, South Wooodaloo, nliowo a uiaq otoliod qnilt. MrnJ W Baird of Harwich, id ono of tho monfc oxtonnivo oxhibitortt of' ladion' work. Blio hriH in all 2fi outricu in tho ladioH* work olaR8.t Mr Rov M iJ Oumpb*U, of Ehrox, has a couplo of ouirioH in tho ladioH1 work olanHfla, Mrp W I) Beaman baa'abi^lifltof ontrica. in bidion* work, aluo a nurubor of other prize wiiiuiDjj articIcH, uiaking an outry lint of 22. Mra G E Wightman, Ehuox, haq entrioa iu 1 adieo' work Mra A 0 fitimcru ia a lively ooropetitor for houoro in ladidH1 work dopartment Bho buu 17 ontrioa, sbowiug ooroc artiHtio work. Mm (Dr) Briun hart a uurobor of ontrioo in tliii ladieu' work ulanM, and ih ultocom- potiui: tor bout lady dtivorVpnza. Mru W H Heliumh linn thirteen ontrioH in .the 1 adieu' claim a lucky .number. MiflH Struclmn, Ehdox, ban 17 outrioB in thio olauH, uiribruoiu^ uomb nioo artiolon. Mru Johu Bate shows a number of arliclou in tho ladicti' dopartmont. Mru Johu Gourlay hati a nioo oxbibit of ladion work, alno u coliootion of birds' og^R, aud iJOino otbor artioloa. Mra C White, Ehhox, ahowa a numborof entrieu in tho ladit^' cornor. Mm Allan, Ehoox, ia an oxtouaivo exhi bitor of ladion* work iu aovoral arti'jlou. Mru Samuel Ellis bbowfl a collootion^of ladioo'artiolod, and nomo ontriou in dairy produotH. Mra Alox Walluco, Ebbox, baa 1G ontrioa iu tho ludioii' doparimont among tho fiuor artiolou. MioH Jonnoc, Riuiivon, luin a lar^o lint of ladioa artiolou, 11 outrioa in all. Mihb Floronoo Harvoy, Olinda, ban ovor 20 ontriea of artiolou in ladion' work, raulc- iuy a handaoiuo collection. Mra Wm Groonway, Eanox, ban a nice lint of eutrioB.m docorativo artioloB. Mm E L Parlt, E naox, bap a list of 17 outnua, Hhowinj* aomo nico artiolon for tho lad job to admire. MroJ -Parker, Gottam, ban novoral arti- otoH horo, and also ahown a oolieotion oj atuffud bird>! anil animala, beeidoa aome fruits and poultry. Mm Wm Matah, Eauux, obbwa eomo nico articles iu nbams, tidion, oto. Mihs A Colomo-n, Eneox, haq Homo ontrioa in thin and other olatmoH. Mm John Home, Bjhsox, ban a nioo list, of ladioH' aruoleu in difterout sections. Minn Ella Burdiok bhowu an ^oxtonttivo ontry hut of Homo fancy urtiuleo, nhio 80ino other artiolon, Mrs Wm EIIih, Maidutono, has boiuq on- rtia in ludieu' artietoe. Minu D Coutts. of Tilbury, ia ou hand a^am this ye&r with a lint of outrio* iu ladies' xvork, MlsB t). J. Perkins, Ehhox, hIiowh Hovoral eutnoH in thin olaaa. Mre EC MoKeeney, Easex, lm a bl list of fancy work, eomo drawing, and in aIho after the prize for Udy driver. Mra Johu lAoDoajgall, Eaflx, abowa k nice etohetl quilt. Mibb E L Lewis baa a nico exhibit of ladiee* work, pamtiuga, eta. Bhe ie alio oompetiog for the prise* offered for hes| lady Hdtr ana driTer. WA fJAMEB 8. TjAIUD ltoovo of Ehhox'. M**mbir Buopption Com mittoe Great SouthweMturn Exhibition. AT THE PIG STYS- Tho Fat FoIUwk Who will t.ive om Kkkox County Corn. KB MuMulleu, of GoMamitb, nhowa a numbor of Poland Ghinua wliiob aro beauti< . Tic n|no hiiH iiomo oorn aud beaus in tho competing lint. John 1J Imno.Itomnoy, bun ]1 ontrieH of Bcrkahiroii, aluoouttlo, poultry, grains, oto. Ho haa 22 ontricn in till. E A Sullivan, Oldoantln, ban a utricR of Poland Ghinaa. Ho alno ahowu boaiis and man^oldn. f Wm Linton ohowf Ghentor White hoH hIho nliQ0p, poultry. RraiiiH and rootH. Bobort Hamilton, Geato, ahown Jonioy Rods and GbuHtor Wbuea. V E Cook nhowHQo.. u Ucd JomoyH, alno (jq ikihIi and oatii. About- tin* UrouhdtJ. Martyn cfc Sou, of Chatham nhow a oouplo of tboir stool pumping milla. W. Bcott Pulford, ban a nico oxbibit of opon and covered bu^lea, phmfonn, dem ocrat and lumbor wu^qiib-, oto. Fioldw A Moran liayo on- exhibition a nootion of their wire woyori fonao with tboir "Littlo Gt;m" wiro woaving dovico, Tboy alno show wauouu, raoko, oto. K. Parker baa a littlo fuel-Havinf; do vico, which bo in allowing to bemokeopora and othora iutoroutod in hoatinc. J. B Lindsay kIiowh a couplo of hiH "Now Dominion" Waahom, for which ho hau ijomu good roferuncoa. Wm. Trimble, Enoox, nhowa a wnabor for which bo hau the agonoy. J. E Btone in bbowinp Homo nioo open and oovored pluntocn aud bug^100. ^1H0 domoorat and*lumber wapoua, for which ho hae auoncioo for tliio localitv. a;. Smith's Special for October. MoRt pooplo ill Ktifstx mid-BurronutHxig county know ua by our'fair dealing auu low pncoH for hfmfc quality offloads. Our hiiIoh for tho paat moniliB of 1805 aiu i*o fur all mid of IHH-l tliat it is a good oign of iucroftHing '))roMp(.irity in Ui(t t'omitry, imd i\ Hiiro Hi'^n of tho growing popularity of out Htoi'i], Wo aro wiMjilipd wjtli tlin rorfult. 'I'horo is not, a hLoi'o in Iiiaaox buy or noil ^oodH olii'iipr tlntn wo do. Wo could givo loaHoiiTwhy, but tho MlutoinouL in Hiil'lincnt. If yon dou'l. think Hoconipafo-oui^valuo** -with any and V)o convim-cil, Vmi ]\ro invitod to call whon in town and urn, welcome, plU'cJlUMlir; 01' linl. Dress Goods, Which con *i i"ur tlu- Ir.idui)! Hiujii. Wo pay partit^ilar attontioh to Black iiiid Navy hn , i linen an. tho luiidint; Hlmdon for Fall unci Whiter. Wo'uan- not iii\o you .ti.y idi a id tho valuon, you mtint nee tbum. Jum Ihink of it, 'i>i 10in(!h(.-H widit, for illo, upooial viiluuH at %\u\ and GO- inch all woul m i," '.', worth HOu, for .IHo. Groatoi.L value uver nhov.'n. Staple G-oods, Utir Htook of Hlnplo CinndH in vorv cheap, quality oonfjulfcrod. Special prioj Got ton hi fhu pieoe. Good Toweling, Bbirtinc, FlannolUitio, FrlntH and ( MumIiii^, 1^.: {ui wn^i Tubli- Napkiuii. lartjL','JOo p'T doz'u; T.iblc Ijiiicn.': per yard; Grey l"lanuulu, JOJo, betttr and all wool, Mo; t'liathor TioKing, Goltouade, extra hoavv, l/oj Floor Oil Cloth, ii'/o pr yard; White Blaukj lido per pair; (tenth' Undoinhirta and Brawern, all wool, -loo each; Lao) Winlitr VohIh mid Dntwoni, when unit nold tp^othor, iifio eaob. Top Sh* and Gurdi^an i],uo]iti> in jjrtmt variety. Ladies' Mantles. In Ijtuii'n' Miintbm we hnyo fnuMiri;.'; n-jjoh Jot of uamplen at a low rate oil 'th( d> llti'. Wn aifar tlmm at about uuo-ihird urid^r pricoii wimtttil by other morJ olnnn. reiilur 97..r)0 and HH,()() line [or S.7t\ftII.U0 and 510 00 for (i.75j ftM.OOHHd81fi.00 for $10.0.0; a Hpocial lino,N\iihir ftC.OO Uooda for &y.05. L stout Ht.ylon in Winter GapoH. Tho qutititity at abovo cut prices will be lim ited. Don't put off your buying until all am cold. '*Y/iH bo planned to Hhow, piirobiimii^ or not. Reacly-Made or Ordered Clothing? ,In lUnu'y-Mudc or Ordort-d Clothing it \ impoHnihlo for nil to douoribo, or tell of tmi pood tl in^ti we bavo for you. You iuunt hoo thorn to judp;. Boyt" fiuioi from !)0u up; Muii'h All Wool Twoud Stutii, 8.').1)5 up, tin, ^rrsateflt ttnan you ever imw; Extra JjOn^ and heavy OvorceatH tor ii.mii, 8!t,l)fl; only a limited number to bo nohl at ihono prioon. Wo make a upooialty'of ordered olothin^, nothing choupor shoddy, a fit piiatauteed. All Wool.'Twood Huitu mado from 813.76" up; Fancy WoratedH, $lfi.7u up. Givo uu a trial. Ladies' and (rents' Fine Shoes. Liidioa' and GontH1 Fine Shoon at priooa to unit all. Itomombor that all linefl of Boot" and HIiooh have advuuaed from 85 to 50 per cent, but for all that we aro bolliuii Winter BootH, during Gotobor, at old prioou. With roudy oah and aniieip'atiu^ an advanoo wo boucbj early, having an oyo to our uustotxiora' poottetH an well aH our.own. Ank lo ono our Ladies' und. Glilldron's Kau^ova Hhoi-H and Gontn' Grain and Veal ICop Bootu, Wo guarantoo thorn waterproof and not to (jet hard. Hats and Caps. . ^ All the la heat in Pull aud Winter HatH and Capa. Capn,_larpo ranye, ii5o( . Gentn' Folt Hutu* '10o up. G-roceries. Glinioo and Froiih GrocorioH at prioen alwaye tho cheapenb. To bo aaro wa have ihn twHt 2Ga Toa in Ksaex, ank for" frooaamplo. ri Boxoa Boat AIatoht for 25u. Ladies and G-ents Dq yotr-wunfc-abftr^iLin-iiHF-u^-G^atH and CitpoH or anythinu in tho Fur Una. Wo will exhibit a-t tlm Fhhox Fair, Qotobor 1, 2 and 3. tho lurgeat aauortmoni ever hIiowh in Ehhox, and guurauteo tbat you f*ct thorn at wholoaalo priooa. li mcaaa a Haviug to you of at loaat 50 par cont. Wo will take your order aud deliver oodo ut any time wanted in next tbroo moatha, fiiving you tho bonofll of wliolenalo prico. We nqlieit a aharo of your patronage, foolinf!; euro wo oan ploaao you. Whitney Block, Enfiex. vT. *Hl" O-WLJ- X JtL Cx5 OO* WH. niGHARDSON, VKVEBINAltY BUB- , GKON. Honomw Graduate of Ontario Voterlnary Oollocfl, Toronto: mombor of On tario Veto Hilary Medical Honioty; Dlplomfut In Dontlntrj; troatu all dlnoiifioB of domnntloutud animalu; oiittlo Uoliornod by tho latont improved Ijoavltt olippor. Callii liy tulcphono or tolo- nrauli promptly attoii(iil to. ltunldonce, four doovB south of Rrint mill; offico in poot off left bulldinu; inflriUAry. dlvoctly oppcalte. LEGAL. RA. WISMKR, narrlntor, Holloitor, >Jotni Public &o, Money to loan. Ofllcen,Dai at an Olouk, up-utalni, Ehoox.' i-iy HKNIIY O. WALTKRB.LX.B., Attorney ami Counselor at law; with Atldunou ttHaiubBB Oongreiiii ut. wont. Detroit, Mich. (Canadian oliUmn iiffalnat poroono in tho United Statue collet tod.) ltuforoncpoi Imputinl Bank, Khhox, Ont, J. L. Potent, li'ito.., BarrlHtur, etc., Kiuiex, Out E.A. Wimnov, Knn.r Uarrioter, otc Itlnnox, Out LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKH 8. LAIRD, Provincial Land Hnrvoyw , an5 (-,onfcy 1'bifiineor, Ehdoic Oontro, Out OiUco, Dunntan Blnol:, upatalrn. AUCTIONEERS. ToSTaoTnaSvl (J LICENSED AUCTIONKEU for tho County of Eiinox, All Idndti of farm ntoolc nulei], oto., oooduotod promptly und on tibort notioo, flattie roiiRDriiblo Poi-Honn tltnlrablu to erran^o Hiiloe may jofloby calliiifiat tho Fnica pnuee oflloo or by applying to A 4 J.GOUMr.EY, P. O. Box Jo.l Kmiox, Ont. ^EB, DEWAIt & McKKNZIK. D P, A. DiflWAH.M. D.O. MM P.T.M, B. ito Trinity Univoraity. Morabov Collogo Phyi >oUnn and Burueonu, Out. Koeldonec, Talho a. MoKenzm. M. D. C. M.t Follow Trinlt- Modioal Collogo. Oraduato Trinity Univorolty Itosldunco: Tu lb at htroot, wost of M. O, II, Ofllco hourn fl to II a. in., 1 to U and 0 to 8 p. iu ^illoo in linporiiil Baiilt blaclc. ground floor noxt to Thorun'udrug ntoro. Toloidionoin oonnoatlon with oaloo and ruttl- donoo. Ordorti loft at a'horno'n drujr tttoro will bt promptly attonded to. 1 JUL W. D. BEAMAN. FIRE INSURANCE Ropraaoutiiitt throe of the hunt Canadian and four English OernpanioH. MOFEY TO LOAN It 61 percent. MARRIAGE LTOENBES IBBUED. - Gall and be couvinood that X oan do the rfcht tbiuR for you. as H. M, Faul ESSEX, Agent for tbo Golobrated Fashionable Tailor, Cor Talbot at and Gordon avo, Ehhox, Ont Bujtamado to order in tho latent eity tltylefl See the uew Platen for fall ahd winter, leOK-Ofl When you orJor a Bull or Oyereoat leave your order with McELLIGOlX SATiaFACTlO^T GUARANTEED 1 MUSIC Id one of the most important foatureH to oontribhto to the enjoyment f pli'aiiuro-neokort ut tho fair. But rouble iuihti homo is much more im- portaut. The piano now muiiH au- premoaaan iimtruuaeut for homo raus- le. The piano boaomou, aa it were, a momber of the family. Bee thou that you get a oreditablo one...... 'THJB GERHA.UD-HEINTYMAN BuUrOoh tti.i moat critical. Look ov*r their eatala(tu und sou will sea tha blghet reeom- kuendatlona fnom the leading inahloal Ulont In tho DoiiJuIou. TUlil ^1 aKBIBPIANO n* alto .... ... . . .l(kB KARN ORGANS. KARN PIAN08 SINGER SEWINB MACHINES /" oftucht the popular tu^ey. Ttfelr olatm :ooa an any at a moderate price," is tally aokoii up by thu iastrnuiDta tbemsuvei Tbslr iCxoollenouB, tbo Oov.'Oenerat and Coubteua Aderden, havo aoleotad a. Uornf Piano for Use In tbe vioo lleffu.1 Besldenee t tb* nlt*dal inQaebao ... . Auytblnu nad everjUtbtf io ' ths muilo llae oau bo Bapplled by NBEDliEB AND SUFJPLIE8. i !>m PIANOS TUNED ORGANS.AND SEWING '$m UA0HINE9 KEPAIRBD* : ' J

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