Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 4

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l^-v.-' ffi/.' (Oontinufd from. \ u^h 1 ) .k W. D. 'HKAIUAN fthi\ Grial S).jiiiiv.cttnii Inhibition* ?, growth n( irmpy vurif-'ticn of produce. [beiividf m'niiiH, corn if) ratiind in IgE)t qumititu'H. Alonj! Mm idiortm of., fake Kri, in lliu older nuttled part", tho {Teach in bohij,'j.;mv;>] wirli :;ron't hiipol^h, i\ruo (juimtitiontrn unmmlly uhipp.-d to roaal<irii iijh rh.i u. a ml iho mil put b.'nusro <u iiog yearly. The ^rupo in a product of ever (irowni(j importance-' Vineyard* dong thulhct river JDotro|jf nnd Luke Erm, fn the DitiiblHn^iuJtfn Felon I-daiul, (m 'on tiTaorvt) a viHit. Tho nau- ufnotnro of native wino iu an tihpor'aiit induntry, tho Euhi*x winu having iiln'iuty beoomo Wflll and favorably known tln-oiii*!.- out Canada i"*^ " Tho radiwhWnf Petiu> Goto, by the De troit river, below Hnndwioh have, acquired. a continental reputation, ariri oupply manv of: tho United Statcn' market", Tobacco awl hnpu nro ftlfio 'grown in i oonttidoriiblt yuantitieD in different partH l af tho county. NatUrul kilh 10 found in larjjo quimtitioH in tho nonlherw pni'tof tho county, and ia of groat value far the purpoho ot fuel. Ttio hopoa that your Ilnnor'n vioiL will bo of irentp]oiiHuro to yourself, and tlmt ... Yell, will carry away opinioim of tliooou. ty ofEnwoX, and f tho hottpitnhty of Uh ,poo- plb. Binned on behalf of tho County Council M. JUuuktt, Warden. Thou. McKkk, Clerk. jWx, Oct. 2, 1B95. THE SIIKKP TKNS. Wool ftnii on In Girnt A iHiixluiioo mxl Variety. Mi.Hnrn IJ G Arnald Ar Knriu liuvo Hoveral puim and entriim in CotHvvoldn, South. EUW1N lfcLANT dowiiii,' L(-io/MterH ami Bliropnhiroi*.' They ',,, r, , a ,, - ,,,, i,-vi.ii,.ririn 1 J TrollHUVcr (It'l*al SntJinWuMU'i Ii i'lihluitiou, u mall) carry awuy v liheral pnition of the prwj money, a ' - To Hon. John Biivdkn, lilinietorof acri- v oulturo for ihii Pruvinee of Ontario: Tho oonneil of ihe ci.unty of Enpext on tbia ooouniou of your firt . official vimt 0 the county, hetfH you to acccopt alienrty woloome. It is a matter of congratulation to tho _,i Province of Ontario, That a Keutlaman no ;' orainoutly qnalition by aotunl farrainfj ex- ponenco, and ot^^rwiuo, h^s boon uu\cctecl to proHidoovor tho very imnortunt depart ment of agriculture. .The aid wlnoli t ( tl'iVfriHtiunr furuinhuH .,.--,' to afjrioultiirii riit'io i ) r nil :tei] in no nrnall du^r- u to tliu bueucm- ni n,in and ofchor faint in tho county. The reiiiduut of thiH county luivtj lourn- ed through practical bern-fit to iliinijHolveH to apprecnito many UHtful experiments, Whiob your rioparirnont ban underiaken, calculated to Htimnlnto an interem. in, and improve tho luediodH of nunhandry. Thia oouneil haa tnkeu udvantatje of rho provieion|in thoO AG Act, uilowuifj; tlim to nond a Htiidont to the coIIoku at Guelph frao of oliar^o for outrance or tuition fee. The penults of the travelling dairy tnay bo aeon in"*ho number of cliocht.' fncconeB " *-whibh' liuvo recently been i nttibliuhed in tho county, and are proving a yreaf btno- flttb the farmcrR. Tho tree eprayiiiK oxporimonta have awakonod a lively interoat in tho eulturo . and protection of fruit trocn. Porhapa tho boavieflt bnrdon tho county httH laborotl uuder for yuarB, in the cont of drainafii. Owing to tho flutuomi of tho laud, ininh of it v;rh uwmfe for oulturia lion until vory lariro Bums of monoy wero oxponded for the oonntrnotioii of artificial drainu, and tho dobonturo debt incurred for fcho woirka in ntill largo, ronderihg tux afciou honvy. loijoooob oaooa drama have- becn.ooniitruaUd under tho uiunioipalAct, in ono or fcwo^ocly has tho Ontario Drain. ,' ago'AoJi-bBfl'p mvokod, tho former .heing. "\ fwind'-raoro oowvonionfc. Muoh remains to \bodotiein eorae parta of tho county be fore u oon&idorablo aroa of firet cliuu land can bo wo irked to advantafio, hut the own- era fue| unable to bear tho cont of tho necpftHiiry workti. . It iu tliw opinion of tho Council tlmt tho Government wonld not bo departing frcw its priuGiplpH ot-^w-iuo- ccouohiy if it could do RomittiIfilflf-~1toWat(l' afloidting tho level oonutitm ih boarinp; the largo coat of artificial drainage Your preBcnoo to-day at the Groat Southwestern Exhibition will toad to on- courage the development of hotter agfietil. ttral nietbodfl amouget tho people. Tho oouuoiU truatu that you will long bo epared to supermtptid useful mcaHuren for the promotion of the best nuoroa'tHof the a|[ri- onitutUtu. On behalf of,tbo County Couuoil, M. KABBBrr, Warden. Thomas MoKkm, O.erk. eor^o Itohjuiiou A Khiih, Whnatloy, liuvo thi:ir line pen*- of Oxford I)ownn on oxVubid'on; Oiiinprirtini; rmarly twenty ttni- uu\\n in all. Win Anil, North Jtidfjn, him huiiui nice hit; (Joitirtoliiii iiiki Xr if-hiith in Inn pf-ini. JIti in nh.o mIk.wih^ l_ltii k.ilni'fi Ini^H, tuttlo, lioMius, etc , art v,oil um iti\i-ntl otli*r urli- clow. M J Mc('atin, Maidtitoiie, nhoww a nurn- bor of fine Hlirops4uri.'n, ahto unoui |^niiun mid fiubi rootH. Joncph PlnlhpH, Maidiitoiii1, bun il lariio llht IU Cot.^Woldll [111(1 SIll'OptlhMO JllAVltll, t ht'Wii'i^ houiu lino miiinii.|n. Ritiluird IVfHtnii, L- umnt:.tnn, Ii.ihil lint pen o! L'Uee-.ti'1'H, boidi:* iti'veral otheru in tho Leiuomor oIilhh, Stun uel Ah, Khk(*x, hIiowh no mo ftne Cothwol i Hhecp, Toulonne gowns and bold rootii and vi^etubleH! FALL Our offeringJor tb Pall Trade are nonumroun and bo xvnji oolontod that livo buyerH should in Hpoct thom before maUiuR tlloir puroliuHOH. We Placed Heavy Orders For Dry Good*", Clotbih^, G citiU' Ifuniifhinm, Uools hihI Hhoen, and our i-pooial lhioHof Ten, (irnvioiw to tho rocnt wurlfed advnneed, ^p thut wo am it. ,t noHitlou to i/lyo our uuulotners the Beraphi llfimdoin, oi Gordon, iihowa' a Unit Jtn-tU'V Mull. Wm. Hqnire, of Amluirhtburff, bait a bit; entry but of earth*, i:'.inpii>mi|; .DnrhuiiiH, Holntfuiu and Aynibirt n, .Afo nbio hIiowm eomo hori'i , hwinr, Aold rnotii uto. TIihk. Willuiu.h, North K.d^o, m'iken a apeoinlty of Ayndiiie cuttle. He ban (tome lino onoH on fxhitiinion, alno a colloution of Tamworth or Hfd Jem'-y pi^-., and other articlon. Hiti liwt bus '2.'1 ontrit'H. J A Hielui. Kir tjx, hIiowh Huyrul line Jersey entile, aluo a imilehi'd tun in in IturiiL'Hn, Hutuudiiiry productn, mid luniun' work, btvliich ".lunmic'1 i* in iidept m makiuu. F W Mnoie, of //onilylee, vlinwn nomo tfradeH uud fat ontilu, alito h(<rnta, idicup, and other etiineii. Mei.iirii Bucklan'd & Ron, Cottam, hIiow thoir Umi bord of Hobttuimi uul (rradeii, a I bo Homo field (irniiiw, etc Thos Plant, Woodnleo, nbown an aged Durhum bull. Benefit of Low Prices And it ts with confldenoo that wtf invito the Hbrewd, clone, naidi buyerH of Ehhox Town , and County to uall and ex ammo our nuodu, and compare pricou. Clothing and Furnishings For Men and Hoys ih a lino iu which wo excel. Ourhtockis la run and complete, and prices down to liard-paTti. If you,, intend purchiihint/ a Guit," Overcoat, Underwear, HhirtM, Unllars, Cuffn, Boc ku, llmcm, Tit a, a Hut or Cap, u pair oi Loiifj Boots or X(,ino Bbooit, come and iieo us. > W. H. UIOIIAHDSON Second Vico-Prcnidont Grout Sonthwoatorn Kxbibitiou. THE CATTLE SHEDS. Suitable replies wer inwd# by (Um Honor, uud by the Miniiterof AsriouHuffl, both of whom gave tribut* to the Hob Krioultoral resourooB of Eatox county, aftor whlohtbe prty prooeeded to viit lb Tariona bmldiOK", took abedf, to. lisiHex County Fitrmci's Wliowmii Soino Fims Stock, Jno Sainplo, J'ituex, hIiowh a Jersey cow" B S Tlowio abawna iQi7e"iiurd of bhurou^h* bra J Jursey cattle. Alfrod Jones, Ewitx, ban ti fat cow which is after the Si) prize. J II Wi^jlo, Hn^ex, has a conplo of on- trion ii; tho ^mdii cln^eea and noinc ctluM- iirttclcH, Thomas Jlillon has eovoral head of Ayr- hhire cattle on his list, hcidoH honitui grains, etc., which rnuko a nico l'irt;o entry. lix-r'.'evo RIoAlioter, of Comber, who won Lieut-Governor Cumpliell's mlvor cup at EdBtx uome yf arh a^o wjilrhio heifer, MPrido otj3sHflx,\ ban a Una ntrin^ of Uurhamu FitWcd ihia year, an well an noroo other enLrien. David nensman, Ehhcx, ban bin prizo wiuniug JoreeyH (bull and cow) oa the 1 it,t also ono Leicester ram. Udb Yours for Bargains, iDtrasrs'TAasr bijOCk:. essss:- j Tbo only. excliiHivo BOOT and SHOE DEALER In the Town of Ehuox pecial Sale of Fall Goods at Francis' "W^E lmve plnccd on the mailset a generti] Stock of Dry Goods, Gicceries, Hatn urid Capp, Boots and SLoes and we are guarnntecd nevei to he undertold, we are selling 4.0 inch Chevon euiiing, regular price 46c, for 25c per y ard. Storm .eerges, regular price 35c, for 20o. Scotch p Inidfl worth 46c for 25c per yard; Tweed suit ings wo rth 75c for 45c per yard; LadieR* Kidd Gloves, worth $1.25 for $100; Ladies' Kidd Gloves, worth $1 ___- for-75c; fancy nil wool Cashmere worth 40cfor 25c; Hos' ~ r~*' " iory Heavy all wool, ribbed, for 2Gc, and several otlioi* oxtra valuca. FUinnoliitta at 5c worth 7c; Jl-1 inch Flnnnolotto WO't'tli 15c for 10c; Tabic Linens at 2Gc, 85c, 40c, all worth 15c moro than markcd;grdy Flannols all wool, worth 2fic for. 2uc; groy flunnola all wool worth 80of0r 25c. Overcoats, all tho latest atylea and all aro now goods. No old atock that haa been carried over. Prices range from $4'.50,8&t $?, ftfi, $0 up to $12, Uistois tho aamo. BOOTS and OSIOSB w u Having bought a stock oFBoota and tihooa in tho castorn mnrkot at n low rate on tho dollar, wo nro determined to run them choapor than I hoy have ever boon Bold in Essex. Call and soo for yoursolves. In Hats and Caps wo carry the latest stylos. ......- ----------------.....-------- GKOCBRIES Our grocorios arc always fresh. Call and sec our 28 Ihs of Raisins for'$l. HighonJi price paid for produce. J. A WHY SEND TO OTHEB PLACES To buy Watcnos, Gloolio, Jewelry, etc., when you can ficcuro tbo following Roodn and bargains at hioae, and have them fully warranted: 15 Year Gold Filled Watchea, Waltham or I3li:i, utera wind movamonta at $13.25. >*:SS|!!!! ltiohard Trimble,'North Midyo, abowu Homo ^rude Durhama, ahio oiittlo, horneo and other urticlcH. Henry Speoohloy, Cnttam, ohowii hev- oral Holnlcin outtl, as wolliiuomKsnral imrpOHo hornfa, poultry, uruinu cto. Jno MoClintio has a oouplo of outrien in tho Joraoy olao, _ binidua homon, poultry and qwiuo. HF Seyoaonr, E^oex, ahowa .Tornoya and aradoH, beflidoa Held rootii, gralm and v. e^ablon otu. Wm. Millen has Homo nioo JoraBya 0[ wbioh be baa ovnry ro8on to fool proud. Ho iff aluo after a whole boat of iho apeokln. H. G. Arnald .fe SuU, of Komlwbrth StooU Farm, iu olaidwtono towWHhip, have a liat 6/elffhty-four outrloHin itll( opmprlu, mu prittoipally Durham a ma Harefordn in in tbeoatlla he*tu. Tl'wy aluo abow a lot of aheepof diffurcnt varietluw. MetiHrii, i.tnold iDnko.ftBpoyirtlty of tuiHio^ Ihor- ouichbred utook and have done much to balp improve the mock of Kox county. Cheap't and Wlost Reliable Piacj in Essex. A Fine .'.Hti'iriinanc (Viwayn m S'nrk When in ToA'ii Gall hihI s.tu AK Niw Fel Stock Oootom Work a.Bpeoiulty. Sign of the Golden Boor* Whitney BlooU, -' > ES8BX, .,::.^V. " .rMJ ./. Thn above ease wilb 15 jeweled nrweinoufc for $15.00. v _ A BNAP A dtiHt proot utom win-1 8ilvr watch, aomplcio, 88.00. A Nickel stem wind wuich, with Waltham orBlio movtment ior 7-50. * Gold filled ladies1 witches, tttm $11 upwards. , Nickel olooknOOo to $1.50, '""*}' Oak und Walnut elookti all prices. H Ck 1 find examine my ntook of Obiua fcl(7 Hogera Otttlory and Flatware i f'-'i:' '1 if; " :.f lasue? of Marriage Licenses ricea. Remember the*. tiooda are miarautefld, A new stock of Obma Tea Seta from $6.50 np, -:M ia and GUnaware. A firwt oUhm Hloek of Bpealaolea and BveKlasHe to amit all eyee. aUTerwar,V;^i^ u atoek. Solid 8ilver,'L\m Spoonw $B 65 per dozen, uaual priaa $12 p-r dozen. Wedding rwyi."]i*-^| E3. 3L> F-AuPtKZ, fit^t&S ~w-&mm$. EB8EX, ONT. I i -*1" ip^i|pilM;ii^

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