Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 3

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P;;:;f.:;^ .^i^i^ff^ - : -^j ^ ----y^:gj To1iBtt|, JB-vl ". ) 7? tTrT'ii ^|ii:i|!l'|!lll|MII!!!!l!!! ~>A I'vV'i"- If);'-'/' ' fir: . l-'l '.' ,f<\...... A; '* II: v . fa- See "THE OXFO Ranges and Heaters. MANUFACTUUED BY Gurncy "Foundry Co., Toronto- - - BEHT TOUl ,\ND BEST STOVES IN THE MARKET. ALL THEIR GOODS ' GAUSS BE BOUGHT. RIGHT At McMurray's, NEXT W. C. R KSSKX. DAIRY PRODUCTS, ETC TootliHOiiKi I*roilu<;tM Shown hy Thrill y Housewives.. A. W Gruy, of Pilto ('nud(,i-hnwr, a c >uplo of nice chicle I'jiirlu a: hi-; f.uiury. Oi'lo Hill, of llmuj lib, o; KiHcuiiib, Iiuh ' a nico little list ollruitu mi'l ilmrv pr jdnctn. Mm Joii .louts. Miiidnliim.', has souii' broud and Iuiun, of th<' fvnmix' hum '-inhi!*' variety. Eugono \\ til in ol;, Iv i ri ^Li > villi1, slums ' home-made broad, Horj.'Jnim Fyrup, fruits and other arUolen. G V DuL'j't.i? h't4 suv. r;il hitfyipb>j of Cheewe, th>> product* of ;ho ('oLtitm choice fuotorio.i under hiu man^'niL-iit. Mrs Wm Ho^ern, North Rtdgn, Iiuh a lot of oaunud fruitH ami wgutable.H, also eomo other aruclo.-un tlm poultry h-t. .David Uie, Wiudhor, Hlioivs ni::o nunpiOH of buttor, butiidoi ([rain and rno'n, Mid a flampK* bidding for rdiu Wu'lcui- pi iK-Mi. Jan Mott, of South Woodt-leo", htm Htv- cval cutneH in thirt imt. IIo ahto hho\-h u taim team, n Huddle horhii and genta rider, Mrs Walter Dowiir h-in a bit" entry Imt of ouuDcd fruitH, collcctiun of plunta, und aoveral article of ladiot*' work, in all *2f) cm Irion. Pufcor Bjuweoy, Cottani, bun a buno of canned fruitH, vofotabhfi, etc.. bonifies u dinpluy of lionov mid apiury m.pplk-ii, graiUH, oio. JoHiiph Stanton, ICioj;aviUn, in exhibit ing on mi'extouHivo hotilu canned und vo^otablen, an woll uh " aoiue uumpleit of ladioa' work, Alrn Itobt WaLhOn,' MaidHtono, hhowu Baiupltm of homo mado butter, b'unn, broad o.ta., boaidca aevoral ' arliclcH of hiditW worltj.and ilold ioota, otc.l. Atox Wilson, Maid (tone, im4 on' bin on- ttyMui fine HpccimcriB ot ctook buttor-, bread, buiiH, cto, Alao numploH of com, ndHpeoimDHH of ludiuV work. Wku-9 V/inlo, Km^flvillo, bhown nloo earaploB of limuo-mado. b vw\ and buttor, . also hia ctxirien In fjr>iuB, rootn, o'o., bo- Bides showing a bug^y horeo iu hariiopH, Dttniel Uobortoidn, Comber; in tdiowmg. Home nico chconf. Wm Liidlatn, Coinber/i^ Hhowing iiaro- pluB of factory clieune. ?ilrn Thou Ellin, Ephcx, han Kovoral on- trit'H in butti'r,.ttod notno nu^ar buota. fllrn TIioh EtiruoH, of MtiidHtono, Iiuh a lur^ti col lei: ti oii of canned fruitH and borrtun ot almost, every viiritily, VL-^ftableii, cut flower^, eu:.' Mr HarmiHalso liliown hornue, cattle und uiain.i. .....-------- E E Wiiitner, ]vjtx, uhan'ti bamrffH il bitr hh', of rout-i 'Mid vtj^.i'.itblt.K. uuirly uyory thin^ ruhif).I on a limt c-lanH Efi'fiex couuty larm. Uu etui hlmvv yon ))1H oollfoiion from h btinolt of radtwhoM to a br > id niarij or family of JcrHoy cattle. Ho h:iH oH uiitiicK in all. The. AnlsLs' Uorimr. (J Krir^'uill', iIn; E;,.nnx photoyruphor, uIiuwh a ii*tl. uti iii ot pfirfcraitH, lundncapoH, tin.I eiilarg; d photon, l-t-sidwb ho mi? lino oil p lintinnv. " II.u il!h-) IriH' n 1 ir^tj aodcctiou of etituiLL-lo^icKl .4j iidou'im, for wliicli ho llLlH !l Wl'i.kln.l-M. Alex J.:iinr;, who diiua not olaiin to bj a proffj-iHioniil, Iiuh a couple of ui.t,nuH. lit.* als:i l.a.i a cojleof ion of motlm, bi-etlcn, etc., till.I Kl.II.U C'lliclth. ilru It M'jKcnny bliowH water colorn, crayon and p n.cil drawing an! homo ou- iriurf iu Liidu-h' u'orK. . IXI'IWI t.i rn-*JTI I liJMi J-Mu 11. WHEN YOU WANT TO EAT TBI PODITEr-TiTOST- TUe FoatUored'Stock i,WoH to ' ' Goo J Thomoi, E-*box, sltoirs bantam a, leghorns B>ud rabbits. Jno. Barnert', ElmataaJ, sliowu PlymonLh Rooks acd LoRhornB. ------------..... JoBoph Btuntou, of Ktngavlllo, ban a oagu of brown cod bautamrf. Obatt Barling, Oottain, uIiowh (iamo And baittaujji and ijonit* brahman. UhuH Utuinan, Ehhox, h)iowh Bovorul variotioa of-fowU u-ud uoin onyea of rab bits. Kuufuiau Br oh., Km,(Mvillo, uhow bov- ural variatitm of ohickn, boHidoH hoioii ftold rootn aud potatoort. J 0 Builey, Amhurathur, ban un oxfcon- uivo Hut of fowlu of Movoral variotiuti, bo- uidod hohiIh, rootn, otu. I J. C. Bwaol(|ian3>ur, of Oliudu, idioww Homo nico (foomj and turkuyw, at) woll an a biK ^in6 of gL'ulmi, y.o<jotabIon, oto. NIUIS TO JUT AND NICK TO LOOK AT, Cameron & Ktowo, of Blenheim, aro hoc- oud ou thobiupoultry Hutu, having a Qtrin^ of ov^r (Ifty ontricH. N II Smith, Tilhnry, nhowo BruhmiiH," Cochinw, lit mburcn mid LoRhoruH, iu quite au oxtounive variety. W II Kdizar, E-ifiax, fthawa Lotihornn, Bantiim ami IMytnoiHliH, huiiiden havinR outrit-H in corn and ve^ulablun. . Brodio Greoii ban alaruo entry of fan- tfdln, carnera and poutor pi^eono. bau- taniri,' lop'Gai'L'd rabbitajj^,^_______,........._ ' S TilUon, of BltMiluiiiu, curripH the honora fur hu^eut individii'tl hut cf poultry. IIo Ivih nearly Hixty different vuriotica en. tered. John Anatdtino, EHnex, hIiowh Rohiu Whitoroiio Coin'bri and hpati^l.-d Ila'inVnir^ii. Mr. ABHL-ltinu mIiowii vimo broad and bUDH, Jno Laiiiti JChhox, wIiowm LanufdianH, Bluulc Minorciih, HouduiiH ana golden WyindolteH, of ivhicli Jhj Ikih hoiikj nine cafje.H. AuiOti Ivolly, of Qui'-ii, K-nf u-mnty. bun ban ei^hleoii entriu:., untbruoiiijj tlio load in;.' licuvy variotie*i, amon^ which are hohjo finoHpt-'cimeiiH. , idicwd a col lootion of whito and barred Plymouth ltocliH. Ho uliO ll iH H-'Ill'.: bi tonKtooa in tho fruit building- F i we Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A lai go Afcock, all now goods und latoHt Novoltics. I fcako no buck aoat on pL'ieoa. SCHOOL BAGS. I huvo a largo atock, coughfe .at bottom price", nwl can beat tliom all (6v pvino and qunlity. Cull and bog thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness- AND Heavy Harness OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, A .Iaro stock and it must go. Call nnd boo mo boforo buying olaowhoro H Everything Horse Furnishing Line. F. S. Adams* v/o doorH cant of HaU'iiCiivriudn Worltn, Ktnux, .VLT ' "'A Stoves and Hardware,; Bicycles and Sporting Goodi ' 'r'Vl ."Zjnayfini c0m>vpo* Wagons and Buggies, -T ,fl Wj^fcm: i^yn^HiEa^nEJsn^s. kfnjter, ^Sqim % ea's Celebrated Hay Tools. Pumps, ladders, Etc^ FOE SAXilEI BVESEl'^WBIBH.B, Nico, Frosh and Sweet, CAMj at SHOEMAKER'S Bakery and Confectionary Store, l\.lbot St., i.o-tr V. 6.'corner. Fresh Caudles Always, . r . Wedding Cakes a tipceialty. Wm- Shoemaker, EBSMX, ONT, \V II RiUHLdl, Irlurii x, is shewing botoo tino Luyhorn and Cccbiii fowls.' IIo alwo has a rnyiit* rod hull, ^radu outtlo, and a 1-irgo calluction of botaniod Hpot;:m(;nfl. L ljRiniindr, of Cittatu, Ii(ih a ftno ox- hibit of partri Itio ooohiini >ind tiiivur laced Wyandot (oh, bund oh bronco ttirkoya and Touloiuie ^oohp. Ho iiUo thows a buggy honu iu IiarncuH aud unmu Held rootu, C II Puller, Khhx tbo unto iomalo iiuffrajjitit, in au exhibitor or\ au oxtemdvo nealo, of W.yii.ndoll'n, Plynmcth Boolii! and Bruhiiiuur UutiUo huu otitricain tho Jortiuy duns, btiiidoit. t-howiiifj. .hdhiIb, vt'g. otitbk'H cto., und is q'.nto a., prominent Hgrioulbttrttib, THE ESSEX MEAT MARKET, BUCK it FEANUIS. Choice Meats of all kinds. Uanoo and Poultry in Sotwoiu CobIi paid, for Hide and Produod. Wo Hiipply all mcata for tho commttt<w providib|> tho Ijiout-GoyoruorV Duuior. " CAM* .ANW. 8KB UQ. BUCK & FRANCIS. MMMmiMm^MMM^^M^^M

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