desire to thnrik my numerous customers for tlioir p^atroimgVfor-tlm^ by continuing as p|in tliepHRi, to build only in-Bu-daHH nnd thoroughly reliable* I'.'Work., to mctii a continuation of public support for tlio Home Industry. The. steadily inemifintf demand for my work is a S Btrong prooillint. flic bot-L wifiMsiotion is gi\en wherever my ^.Carriag'eK are f-old. 'J mending purchasorB plonst! vimt my Inland at the Grout fcionlhv oetcm Fair where I Hhall bo |!t)leasecl to nhovv you a ^ood article in Top Buggies, Family :JVjggie, Democrat Wagonw, &c, at a moderate price. Repairing in all branchob in connection with the r-business. ' " WORKS ON TALBfJfeT., ESSEX. J. ' t EA KM KIM) AYS. &-Reeor<ls <H* tlwi Colchester North Society, te llk-lm^ ilkout tin- <Clr"t ' '. Tho oarlioHt roeordu of thu (lolchoHti-r .North Agricultural Sneiety hhow lint, ut -tho rcquont of a number id leading Hpirito lv' in 61)0 towmdupof Colcbontor North (thou -ipolmthiK tho villus*1 f liat-ex Ct.-utrt[f\ which wan unincorporated), u meeting wuh S;>--hehVtt1rtho-villjiji:u uf LLiUJt^i'JL'^; n" Ul jj)tll duy Ot Noxcnibur lbM, Tift ilm pur- L- ' poao.of orninii/.iiiL! n Agricultural and r Apt" AHyooiiition. Tim inucUi'g wan called by Kdwln Duinttai], at that, titno rocvo of tho townnhip. Tho roeofdii hIi'ow that after mi "iinthu- Hiaatio ilh.euGtdnu on ii^noulMp-al ami ;; .kindred HiihjcictH," tho i\.Mowing oflicerH wore olaotod: President Edwin Uuimtan. A- K -"Jonon. . - Diroomni .lumen ' Nil\ lor, F. Kw-ot "Win. Elfoid, W. II. UuMMoll, Tlioa. Itiitdi Jno. Milufl, Jau. Logic, Jan. Uobinon and J. 11. CopuH, Tho mooting in reported no well at tended, MrvDutrHVm n::onp:, ing thr> chmr and E. J. Powell performing tho duiien id. aoorotury: ' '. ThiH ixiL-ctitij;, luilil in a locality that at thuttimo was. almont a Bwampy wildenn'HM, and pi'iH.ontinii luomewhur. uninviting up as favorably ilh pr.^nilrh: the f::rnc.t:l dido. nitrii trim tlif * - Llijjr Htii-icl ict. i;i i xirii'tMii:. Ill liK.' l-DUlUY. Tllll MKlWmi lit, llnWl Vi'l , did j.ot lirii'i! about tha Hunr- 'I ivsiultii at thattiat'j, altdiuii'jh tin? bright hup^M i>i tliu i:aHy i-nlhipiiuMn hnvo \-m\ ivli/.'d in Utur ypiirii. Buriny lho y"ir lHS'i H Rul>ii:ription 11 *-1 wiik circulated through tho contial f nt'i.iou-i of tho county of 15hHi*x for lho purpoiui i'f ruiiiinK auflieiunt fiUidn to ilhuimI in tho pur- On thV4th Hud 6>lro( Ootobor, 1883, the flrnt full fair was held, after arranKements had boon in projjroan for nearly two yoarH. While tho woalhor was unfavorabloi on both dayit, u. vory BUOooaHful exhibition was hold, lar^o orowdn beUii*m attondmioo ami much inturent inamfentud. A-Hhounh tho HOomLy who voiniu in yeurH, and its total 'ulluro had bot'ii prtdiutod by iiavoralof tli old'ur ioclotli!M in tho -county,' it wnM found altoi;.tlin fair, to h in n vnry niitinfaotory Inuuinu'il i:nr difi> u. N.nrly ? 100 wn'i p-ud in pri/uii, uijd uthor LXP'tniuv^ woru litr^or than in uttuully tlio cuho, iLu'tiiany thhi^H liad lo bo pimihiu'ori, ami now hulldlno pul, in iihiipo, wbdytlui fair wan in pro^ruufj, althoujdi tho iinnii^cni.'Uiu wuro ahnotit cornplctt.'d prior'to that dutu. ,\i;(!oi'(linj.; to il silnti.ui' nt ol' TrfUJiiii'i-r UuhIi, miido nhortly after lho fair, U wait ax. UW'^ ti'HB: jr. / ! >- /, y/:capt \v n mirisKr.i., hu Colclio^UM1 I"iiht ^fi-.iI'lury >.f unii Union S. i:i ti foiiiirl ill-it tho fiooii.'ty wait n'.-p in:>i \hv fijllo\viNLi""li!ibih'JC'M : Hi \>\u lor Mnrt^ut'O on j^it.uiiiIh............v^JM) 00 Inttront op murinuuo............ '-ilH 00 Ihinlt loan (II. (J. StriUlitrti)...... :i;U 00 Wundry actumnIn................ -7H in OiacorM'SiiliLrit-u................ W 00 KX MAYOR JOHN MIi-Ni;, Director and Stnndiiitr Mh i.bor of tho pio- uoer Jjxeoutivo Committee, EX-MAYOR J\MES NA.YL0R, . ^ ",reaidont of tho Krwt' Gontifal l-'air, V eld fn proHoi ^ wetitern, which ha^'grown to sucli orodit- Labld Jiroportionn, und which ih ru^ardt-J of Kraat: imporhmoo to tho flourishing Srioulfcural dmtrict of tho county of Envux particular, and. to tho ourrouudin^ din- fiota gonorally. AUlion^h fchia mootiug for tho purpoao orfJaniziiiK tho Cclohootcr North Agri. fltii.ral Sooioty was hftld in 1881, tho itico of Incorporation wan not roctnvtd |til tho following year, and the Unit fair '.was'not hold until tho 4th and 5th dayn of Ootobor, I88ii. Much proliiainyry work way uecofiaury, utid tho titoU of noletstii g euitublo tind [k'rman.Mit >4x imid^ for it u purgoaei of holding, the annua! t-xhihitiou waw nob anoanyoio, iad ocaupiod. oons uiderably ujoro than a year'u tiuui. At tbo Hooond meeting of the proopootivo |,: ! organly,CLtion Iiflld Novomhor 8th, 1891, W. H< ItuBHOil was appointed nonrotary and ThomitH Itush, troamiror. Although.thoaonftuunjiition of a uuiou ?f tho leading Rooioliou wud aot mudo iov novoral yoai-H lator, tho roeordii dIiow tlmt as early as 1881, it was "Mowed by Mr. Iluwli, Houondud bv Mr. CopoB, that) wo call a unofttiiig to bu bald on TuoBday, Jauuary 10th, Ih82, in thiu vlllaze (Ebbox. Coot re), of tho rtiproKenta- .. Uvemonof tbo county of EuaeX, to oon- aider tho propriety of uuitiug th in*-orontB of alt the/ agricultural aooiotieu, with a view to a central exblbifciou.", OocnmieteoB were appelated to procure a Bttitablb baildiny for the purpoao of liold- iDgthe proposed, meeting, for pro:uriuc diDn>P. for the fiqeHtB, and for other iteceanary purports, and! Bomewhut elabor ate preparatioua were tuadeforimpresHibM clntao of uuiiiihlt: j.'K-nntifi anil for tho ^on i-rnl i-ijuipinont ot tim uanio, in n-iitnuiicr ^uitablo for i Ui- holding ut "a uoiilral a^ii: L-iilturiil oxhilihion iur il.u county of 11 aox." 'i'iiu towiiHliip i.-otuioil w i^ asUod for a ^riuit ol ftoOO for tho purjio-io, and ro- npoinlea by iicco-iiu^ to Lint pciition ui i Lu (itli ^at HJii, \.i< liuiit iui) nriiiii4 any bur- duiihoiijo ruMtr;tj;iuUK, nl'li.'U^h oppohiiion to tho ^rant wnu manifcbti.-d from heytrul oulhide quurltr:-. In the yutir lSii'2 iir. 1) ;n.->tan rehi^nutl tin.* prLbitluncy ol tlio n^i'tjcini icu niifj -Mr. J::iut:n Nay Iur wuh uppoiii L<_-t to that ptij,) tinn, which bo iillod fur a.jvenil yonrn, anil, hud tile honor ot boin^ pit-aiOout when tho i'ma unuiial exhibition ^vaw huld in lho fall of ;hm;j. An effort wuh u^aiu ihudo-.jii tho early purtof 1892 to induco tlio Norlh uud'Boutti Hiding Agricultural Scuil-lioh to "mor^o ihuir fumlu wiihiho luudh i,f Ohh aoeit/iy for an exhibition uiixtfull ar E. ficxCoutro," A cntumttt^tf witHttltto appoiuti-d to wnit n the jauuty",.c-fliiucill una to Holiuit "ivid in .carrying out'-tho cuiitiill ^exK/ljlt7pu'ffltfor* priHo. Tho North and South Uiding A^rioullu ral Sociotioa could nut bo itiduccd an yot to look with uuy oBptciul favor on lho now. aontrul Fa.r oniorprirto, and tho North Col- ohoator Qooicty was coir.pullcd to roly upon ita own roaomxoH. Thu i .'^-ciliivoQJmniit- tuo, having been olothod with power to purchuHe ^roundi*. trc;t. buildio^a, yia.t during.tho year 1882, ckiMoei u deal with Gooryu Thornton for tho p' of. iiK teen acrou of urmind for tno aum o( 01,1100, and proctjodod to havo it fenced, building mid atook (iliadHureated, atid ovorytliiUi4 pl.t in r*'udmH for Hi" firnt fair. Th" f-ocie*y, Uut Oeiu,; ble.rit^d v. ,(.,1 u ^uiiiL(.it^iitu uunli bulancu, tound it nocuMxary to place a m r'- (jaRO on their nowly.m:quifod property, to auaiut in puyinn oiT'tho liicitbtudnoaii inou red in thu J(uoO)(i tud.or ctiou of ha iiec(.'8uary newbuildiu^-i. A committee composied of Dr. Rrieij. .1. A. itono and Ftuult Didtnoro, who wero al- o dircotorfl of tbo new imaociutioa, were uppoiutud aud uod(.nook the work cf luw- llin a Bpooding track conHtructotl and put m proper ebapo for irialu of Hpoodii,.^ racing, ota. A ouutial driving park aiinuoi ation waa formed by Uioho (fpntlemen, and an ttgrremuMb'entevutl into betwoon tlio two aHBooiatlone whoroby tfio track wuh con- Htraotod under thoir. joint iutcrotite, and a Domibion Day celebration wa tbo firat event of itnportaneo held in tho new at,rl. eulturu^uroandfl. \: r... Woarly'SXOOO wu, R|i'abtl hy tlieT joint 'uVrtaulma.l'HUd-drtvit>j|^^ in the cotifiLrtnidnnof thtirauo truok, which oxpehHa Wm borne ebotit equally by the two aooietieut/ " .Total hubilitioH............^:ICj7 IH Tlio amiftH included the groundH i".il buildii)p,f) whitilt now rt-proHontiUl a ou-*h nutlity of "Jl Wi'i.V, lettvint; a balatieo in tin* H.n'b.-U'ii ravornl i?'i('i.(J-* a tih'jwiiitj f i.i in u exint.onceof u litllu lenn than two yi.:ar. It wmi in xt ih-cidcd' !o hold an" uniiuui npiiuj.' Tair iifidor the uiaiiiigomcnt of tho MOt:ioty,.JUid ajniuu-'mr.'Mto '.villi that nljf't in view were be^mi in the early winter ol 1HH1, and t.lie lira'- fuir won bold on thu ^ronndu oo Bufnnlay, April 'JO, 1H81. Tno treuHurer'ri r--[orl of tbih rur.idiov/M an ox'- pondituroof ij-Hi.o7, and receipt a ol 'J-M.G^, aiiowiuf^ a iiiiimcial loa of 1J1 .DU. I-ALK 0\' THE OltOUNOn. At u meetii:^ .!.'he .-nciiiiy held 'in -dr. Kuhh'H oHlce on Jlareh illnt, 188-1, it wuh "moved by ,Jno. .'dilno, s-condeU by W. U. Rutihell, tint tin oiir opinion it would bo in the bent iiiteruHtti of b(.:-h tim society <ind tho vilh'tiO of l'It-acx Ceiitio it' i.ho villauo owneti thu f-ocu-ty'K "ruUhii, alluwilifj the uociety to hold it:i [air tn c ul char^p, "That we would rccMrnm nd tlii.' halo of tho ground*, to \h<- villn ;_ .*> if id unit thu coun cil ut prei-unt to j^ive u.; aid to the amount of SI.000, Hindi money to be applied mi tho purehaKO ulnii ^ornplet' rl." ..... - The motion wilt carried and a committee appointed to^cdiato witli tho council of the-village of Iv.^ex Cimtfe, which bad jiiat boon i11cji-1 11u 1 thu lii'n'. coun cil eh-cttd. at tho bo^iuniiig of tbo your 188*1. ' Wo find later that an ottor wan made of the (jroundH to the corporation for tho sum of fr-b/jDO. Tho council took tho maUor into coiibidoriition. and, in due couruo of time, a by-law wan tmhmittod to the rate- payora of the vilht^o.for too purjioaoof om powering the council to tuako thopurohuHe. Tho by-law iviirt carried by a yotc of tho 'pimple nhortly ftft'jv thhi, and Homo yearn later tbo council of Ih village .erected tho large main building that ih now uned for oithibiiioii purpoueii un the Krountla. Tho annniil- full and apring'fairs were hold regularly tift'*r thin, until tho year 1880, whon Hie 11 rat Cn-at fiouthwamoin Exhibition and Khhix Union IViiirwae hold TTKTTTT777T ' ' {' A W COUOK, 1'irnt I'riiiiident ot lho Great, Kouthweiltum lOxhihitioii riocietie'-, * The flnit lilxbibitioii hold muter the aim- picoH of the throo dd'forMit itouintioH now oompriuing tlio Union, wan on Ootobur fitb, II th unit 7ihi '"'0 i(nnuln formerly tiHed ' by .the Colchciitot North AKnculltijral Society, and owned by the Town of Kanex thtl: village of I'Ihbox Conlto. Tho Orwl. ol'1'icnrn of tho Kaiuix lltiion iiv On at Southwcnicrn Exhibition were : Vru: !ih-nt,- -A. W. C.nhne, "f ltoebenter, '.vim wdtt :thi'- pii, uf ilie North ljitii>.'.Afifietiltural Society. Gcncnil HnporinttMidcnt, Cnpt, A. hi, Joiiee, of Ksficx, who wan alno President of ColclieiiterNoith Hoeicty. Tieiu -un ,- W.J j. SVaii'-tuff, cf Oesdleld, it ih r Mil or o) ill' x Si'iucty. St-cn tary,--\V. 11. Jlu^-ell, :uitiO !i-:c.- trca:i. of the (Ndi bi:fU'J .V'l'b :i<":n-ly.- a ;-pi'-'(rrnlT""iur :'(",( a" a balid ij'.inpfii t ion * < -r <. k:-1i pn^fit, n|ii-n to I lit: Vlltii-liii o, tifjl-i If-.] th- MJ i llr; con illy. The totui ni.iiil.'i r i ( i.tri'M in ItfaO wan a.u-ir., Tho fu-coiid Unien "JOvhiljition wail hold under tho mi mo aunpieeu and waa ol'licored l>3 tin' gt .ntlemen -who MipcrintomlLd tho fair of the pn.\iiiii( year. The total num ber of ( nt iii.'ll Wan ii '-'Mi. In On f.tirly (Uti L ui ilie y liar lKbU a hum t i(=g un.- h Id in Kh-hx, for Hie purpose ot n i iMp! -u a Uiden h'i u pt'i'n.d ol live yrnrn, of the thruo :iuci(jt.i>n which bad iimde such Ji brill in hi hih-cv-. u 1 tlm jreat tS<-H(.liWi aU.I l. i:i 1 i j 111 II:-. li'M <iint Mx'uiKi viiin', Tlh' ici:oi0h ni.ow th.'il tin.' following n-prt HcnUtivch ef. .cucl) taeiety wc;o preft- out: South J'h'Kix Hoci'-ty, \7, D, ll-.ifeur, :\I. P. P., PrehiiU-nt; 11. L'niilMi, b-i Vice; Seloinon Wigle; and U; W. tlau- hold, Vv. J:'.- Wugalall, Win. Milieu, A '.J.^h+m-t-Vw.-G- liu.ldwiiLt..II4J.[^.l_uhi'n, aud T. Anuiiaei;, i)ire':torH. North Knacx, S. I\lcCr.uley, John Wultern, Tlioa; Phil-' lipo, R. Mooneyi:Kdwio Plant. Wm.'EUio, T. V. Kane nrd A. W. Cohpe, Dircctorh. (Jtdcln-filor NeMb,-- .laue.h Naylor, Vic;- President; Jm*. Honijtinn, II. W. Duar^, .Too. Milne, ..I. S. Aii.-Hin, ChaH, Ilobi.-rtn, II. Baker and \V. II. HuhHtll. Uirectoni. H; Prenton wuh clccieil chairman of the mooting and \V. II.-HuhxoU, oi"irtary mm WM ELLIS, Diroctorauii Paat Fromdept, CaPT A J3 JONES, . A pionoor Promdent and director, . under the joint auspice* of the Colcnester NiHh Agneolturitl Society and the J?Torth and South tiuuux HliUug Agricultural Sooielie.n, whiuh had been Induced to enter thp eutorptlHo, it having nov^r bcea lout Hl(jht of by.the di roo tore of the Coluhehtor N^rt'h un^iaty, Tlio Sprlu^ fTair and StouL Market of Eriiax watt continued uutil the y*ar I8l|0 by lho Ooloheeter North Booioty alter which ii'vrtt'n.diHoonttuuodr Tlie-quoetion of a union for a term of yoara waodiHomiod nb tjom-j length, aud U wan llnally docitlod unauimoiiHly to unite the resource of thu d-ilf sre ut nooiocion for a period of five yoara, on tlio following oonditiouo : Tint of th.-> not prolH.. if any, fifty por ooutlodovot* d to iiir.provomont of grounds, wlieu nuoosHary, and tln remainder q_ual lydividod botwoen tho throe eooic iuo; In oa^u of a defloit, oaeli aoQiety.wan to hoar an oq.iul whuro. ..That the lriombi-rohip, up t.> 1(10. was to be divided oijually bntweou the North and BoJth Eaaex aooiotion, and bhoreiuxinder, if any, to bo givu" to. tlio G '-.:> a^- X t'i Bvti^v. Oapi. Juucd witt oir.oi.ud prciHiuunt. W, D. Balfour, Kt Vice; and A. W. Ooboo, 2nd Vico;W. E, Wagntuff, troatmror; and W. H. Itniirtoll, BOL-rotary. A motion wiih tint do lo ineroawo the Fair to fJur dayw, hut'.fmlud to oa'iy. Tbo Fair.w'.i.H htdd on October 0, 10, and 11, and wuh formally opened by Sir Alex ander Oarapbol'l. it. 0. .Y. a., at that time- Liiiii^-Govoruor of Ontario, True fr wan themoHS Buuananful in every roopeet that hud eviir tomi h-ld in Bhhoxv an) tlio Un ion directorate, wtro more than onbeuraged at the reunite of tin Exhibition, Tlio eu- trloa tmrribororl '2.015, The Groat Boiiihwi'utern havt kept etead- l'y l^Ppwitii* in iinporbanao and populur favor in thin weutom Heetion and the tlHt of roiiaiaroxliibOoranow includca reBideiita of thooountien.of EffHeiilKflht, Klgin a,ud- Lamb ton, ituoVtMahof^.f utuok utid w'grt- oeltural produaeofjall bindsootnparo with any shown at tbo bent f aire held luUanado. Tbe direotorw Jtava very wiaely refrained fromBpendiUi^ money m tl) q* tatiooable la .:-,!..,p %z K. fX- U you want any c heap Hardwarp.,or a j^ao'd Oook or Heating - Stovo, Pow der and 'Bhot, tho place to buy it is at J. H. JUIiss'. U* you want, your houae kept warm thin wjnter you Wau bet- . tor leave ^your order " for coal ; at J. IT.. A I, LIS Si IT A RD W A11E, K stU^ '/"A ' " \ A iBuildei'B amd Ocntractors, K.,' >> fr 1 * ;'i \, ^ t ' -! " -^< .r"iM*;l; J'* " V i, .- u 111! ' ,1 I Vw ... -./.V, i. : '.-T.-rT..'i'-':-. a: i\ Tfr.Tf-" Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Moxildings, Siding, Flooring, and all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Wooden Build ing Material. Also Dealers in Pine Lath., and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Cedar; Posts? Goal, Etc. iiwooil Flooring end GeilinE a Specialty* A large supply of which we have " always on hand. a'.tniotionB that vory fre'juontly flock to pointa whoro oxhibitioiio of thin kind- are I in progroBy. Beyond ttiaifl of apeed in tho horno ring that bepjofc.a hoalthy rivalry iu tho production of Hoe truttum Htdok, no i^emout that tho peonle of iaputJjwoBtorn- Ontario uru intorooted in tbo .Fair, .^c^tly rtP. JOHN l^ HUSTON, levVioe-ProHiuent of thp United Societies, Induct meut in offered, mid all <pjfH'i>><mble gatnes arti rigidly excluded from th StoundH, ,r_ -*.,' - : / Daring the past fow yeara tile Bathib;- tiou baa been regularly hold, with littio in the way of Bprcialtioft to attract the crowd, and tho n^auaeriuwhtok the Fair haa alwaye been patrobind satidtioa the man- from itH hem.(It to thuagrioultural IntorcnC^ of tho riiniriot. Althiouuh uufuv.oritbb weathor hae fre quently qaused the recuipfca to (liaiinibh j tiomrwbiL*, fc'ib tnno-uror hai 'nsuull'y. Inou iniiponitioii to ohow a comfortable baUnoe on hand uftor the oxpnnBffs, prizefl, otp., aro paid ut tho clouo of the Pair year. I'ii county council of Ebhox baa bean liberal in itu recoffiiitlou of tho great beae-' , (Hot thu Southwestern Kxhibltlon to tho diHiriot in t;ene'al, and to'this county in particular, 1'bi* your a grant of 8500 wuh miido to iiHHit thedireetoru iu making nn "hpt'oinl Huooffltjol the IRO.j l^air. Tho bt^int'un ijofii of the Town of Kbcox ritud * vmce a btaUliy intereet in tho I'^ir, and are doing what thoy oau to keep uotbe rwtmtation ot' ibe without a q,n*'8tiou of doubt, the loading HtiiicnlturMllJ'airof Weaternpntanb. /Thg^;;;J^ iiiiun bmldiii" la uauwily ' flijod'Wiii^Y*^^'^ Httrautivo exhibits Wom^^ne'ViurlottMv'^oSpr;!^.'^ J*.- :.'m 'M :0i ^ ;,<# to bo \\a.*\. Tlio direetore would do well tp jjtj oorojilpr the udvU'ahiliiy |f'i^^te^i!pjjf1^^ ttCUoiiiodAlion for ex^ibitiot^nUWod^HMi D$ D