Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 1

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ILLUSTRATED FAIRUDITION. r!.. I , !! It':- If' iiv,: ESSEX, ONT. THURSDAY. 00TOJSER 8,1805. ^ - -.: _____________________ Forsythe :;z=x & Co a Leading Store of Essex *^^R#sitfents of Essex county and visitors to Essex Fair are cordially invited to call and inspect our store and stock. Glorious Weather Greets the Great Southwestern. Nearly 5,000 People Present.on* the . "ofekekg day. Entries Number Nearly 3,500. Best Fair Ever Held " in Southwestern Ontaridt* fivun vuviouii jiavtH f tho enunly. The KtnjiHViIln unviilry troop wore on- tfatftd in thoort Kin Honor and party from thn railway drput to the- (jromidii noooni- puuiod by tli.t I O 0 1' Band, of JiuHox.and many oiti/.t-nu in citrria^tiH, Arriving at thu [jrouudH, thu party wit down to dinner in a tout providod fr thn purpoHu, after whiuh mi adjournment whh mado to tho bund til;md where promduut Balfour ciilloct the lai'mi ji'iUicrini; tootvh-r and (iavo afjho"L nnd lively mldi'i-SH, lifter whinh-Mayor IJiiwiir wnn. culled upon t<i r'.'ivd thu follnwii-n: aihhi::n. To MOM. Ul'.O. A. KlItliJ'ATUK.'K, ', 0. Lt Governor of (ho Provinoe of On nnd to lies, John DimiKN, Minifittr of Afjriou turo for Ontario:- In behalf of tho town of Ehhqx, I domro to' extend to you wont hoarty wuloarno, and to oxprciu to you thu Ufoat ploamira it ^ivow uu to liavo tho honor of vour prononco with ua to-day. Tho date of tho Great SouthwoUorii Ex hibition ban alwuyci boon looked upon -an a rod lottor day by tho eitteonu of Ehhox, and tho ureal uucoohh of that inutitution ia [{really onhaucod by tho attendance of yotUHblf and thno naoompunin^ you. Wo know that the oallu made upon you aro vory rmmeroiw, uud wo therefore tho- moro'liitfhly appreciate tho few honra you have no kindly tiparod in ordor to bo pron- froN. JOHN IMOriiEN tho Ontario MininUr nrTM"o>mr Lot>udaturo in ITON. G. A. KT'-KPATKIGK Lieutenant. Ontario Governor-of tho Prdviuco of No trouble to ohow GoocIh, No urgiuti to buy, Everybody Welcome Our stock- ia now completely.'assorted in nil departments: Dry Goods, Roady-roado Clothing, Hats, Caps and furs, Millinery and Mantles, BootH and Shoes nnd Groceries, and will bo found woll f-eloctecT and worthy ot your inspection. Our three strong points aro 1 RELIABLE GOODS, 2 LOW PRICKS, 8 F^.IR DEALING.. For tiewrtil m-.iu th* p'lnr, i bo president, direotorH, aud vuylmdv intoroHtud in thu Groat- Houciiwi.-stcrti Mxlnbition hav been planning tn ruil'y Liu; Fur of 'i)5 excel any that Imp over bei-il hold in thu piiHt. For dayH piiHt much un.\h-ty an to tho woutber pt-ot-puotH linn been manifoHtt'd, and whon, for fbo fif>*t ti-rio in imyH.ul v"uh, tlifi firnt aud Hi'coini d'\}H lU-Ai.ud hn^ht and clou- letjH, all (k)ubc wit< d(Hnc|led, and the mrinii^iMiKMit folt ctiiifi lour, of the reali/a- tionof thir briuht-Ht hopfjn. To Hay that tliov liaveiln-en r--nli/.ed tliUN far, in put- uiif* it mildly. During tho pant tlireo vjiivjia tho oflioo of heoreimy Bean)no haw boon bonk*^o'J 40F fXhere aro several good reasons why we are in a position to sorvo you bettor than-others: Wo impoifc our goods direet from tho place of production and savo tho middleman's profitw. \Vo buy for cash only and got tho cloe- osfc priooaand bent discounts. Wo handle large quantities of goods and thus aro a bio to aoll on closo niar^ins. .all Goocis rncrked iaa. pleiaa figures, One pries *bo all atid tlia.t oaa -fcli lowest. fortilo nomity in tho Duminiou. southern, location, it in iiriunbta! for the growth of h, quality and variety of products oojoyod by fnw, if by niiy othr. Several ycara iitio, wlien we were favored with ft vioifc from luu Honor riientoniint-Govornor Gampbtdl, bo oxprnHnml bin ploaaure and Hurpri&e at the exhibit of the products of. f? HON. WM. U BALFOUR, M PP, PreHident ot tho Gn at Sou'thwBBtorn Exhibition AHaouiution ; Speaker of tho Lo^iEilativb AHaorubly of Ontario, of this tlifltriot, aijd tlio plounaro wilh not I out on Uiih occiufou. It in tho firHt time in any dpjsruo dimininliod whon ic ,w.t loarued that the Ouiurio Miumtt*r of Ay- noutturu, Hon. J.thn Drydeu. had alRO promiHad to attuud the funnel opening of tho fair on tbe hocond duy. A rtiooptiou cominittt c, eompotiod jf Hun W D Bulfour, Senator C-innmi Win Mc. Gtcnot M V, U W Allan M P, \V J .UcKop M P P, Luwia Wifi-o ox-M P, l)r Jab Brion cx-M p, Mr Barrett Warden, Dc Dowar H W ALLAN M P A member, of tl o Liou'i nant Governor Ko- oeplion Gomrnttri-o . ,Iany purchaso is uneatisfactory, return, and got your mousy bade frooly*. No presonts or prissoH givon away but everything sold nt closost poasiblo prices, HIGHiiBT.ntlCIil paid for iurm produce. with lLtoiidmjr exhibitors making tlioir Hfita of mitrioH, tth'i many lu>(;-> liwtH have boen received by iuhiI fruiu dintunt pernonHf until in )l th*^ entries nuiubur in tho -vi- aiuitv of tliii ty-thrco buudiod roorotltan ovor mudu in unv one previous year iu th hihto'v of Uuf ICxI.ihiliou. The urLielet) ixiiil)itud m overy cbian aro olmlkni^oru. A (ii-ntlrmau who travela oon^ flldcrnbly, uud waa at lh fudUHlriuI, at Toronto, tliu y>iar. wt'itcd that tho ex hibit of cci'fttlri, routM, vt.^otublca, etc., waa fully pquul to tlioao y'hownat Toronto, anil in Home rcni O'.-in tinpcrior With tho many now attmutionu oftsri'd thin year, and tbo proepiotH or iuorenHGd attondunco, tho di- rootora have much raayon to foul ^ratiuod at their proupcotH. ri.'S-: 'orsytiic,. Anderson - ^ Ca, my,:. V- 'r Essex, ? Ontario. WEDNESDATS PROGRAM. the lieu ;knant-ciovkhn- Oit# KICCKPf ION. Ho 1ft AccoiH|Mli*d l>r Iton- JTobn Itrsdois tillnUier of Aurlvuliure. < Tbo visit of Lienteutuit Govoruur and Mrs. KukpatricU bfifl b(en antioipacedwifch moch idlure.t and phaeure by tho pedylo iu whioli Hitliui' oi you luuo vinitod u ic an ofiicuil eapuoity, aud wo Hinuoroly hope it tuny not bn fhn last, and that while it ia-au oiljoyauio uno to ua it may not bo de- Vaid-of pleasure to you. Twenty years ngo, tho bu,f*y Hpot you now HOTTWafl alnioat uuinbabitated, tliero being; no iii^u of our town at that time. To-day wo have a jjood prosporoua town oz 2,000 iuhabitauia, well uituated iu the contro of / 7 // u MADAME KIItKPATlUOK. county. To day wn thinlt that, (bono ox- hibitu have kept pueu with thu timofi ad ' hIho linn tbo condition of thn county in general Thm, we bad but two main! ^ravol roLidf) loading int? tho town, now wo have fivo. Wo alludo to *ho . progreuH mado m town and county,. knowing that Hindi mutter* mut alwaya bo of in tore at to thoHo in \vlicno liandri to a larfie mouanrc tbo'dcatineH of our county . lien. Lot ua wi'Hli ",\ cloning thn.v you may "be dparud to Ioiil; uraoo the otlioe to which you liavo ouch boon appointed. P.'A. Dbwah. Mayor of EaBox. ', M. BADBRTT, Warden fo* tho County of Easox lot 1805. w__........_.--.......-i _................ Mayor of Eurox. J S. Laird Eanve of Khboi, N A Oobto, Llotit Oal Boattio, l>r Kioy, Mahlou Cowau.Wm Milieu and A W f!ohoo, was appointed to formally receive tb'e du- tinxuiBhed puoBtB on thoir arrival, while an entertainment cotwmittea edmpoied of Mfldatnea Dewar, Allnu, lirlen. White, Naylor. DeOew, XhomaB, Fleming, Bevv rly, .OmnpbeUf Potara, Wiamer, tJearaan, Andoraoa and Park were also appointed to provide a eaitublo dinner for the aaoRta as wejl at HeveraJ other invited gueets A. piouoor of llio Colcheator North Agrir] onltnral Hociety V&- Thia waa followed by Warden Barrett; :,;& who tread tho following m AltWlKBr-KW, ' To Lt. Cor.. G," A. Kiiuci-athick, Governor of Ontario:' vm P. A;PKWAA,- Mayor of the Town of naex. tho oounfcv with a waterworka system c^jaallod by f*j\v towiifi of muob greater Bizo, peopled by ' a ood active baBineea oIubh aud pubho spirited oitizeun ready and williaK to aBulflt in any noovemeat touching the towb> prosperity,1 and, hav^ ititi eduoatioual inatitatioui of wbick w ro all juutlv proiid- Wo are, fcber*for ailed with brlbt thoughts for the future, and feel tht bur moatoao^tue hopes , are justified urben wo ocnsider'ivie are in t^V osnlre f one oJ the moat, Ir not the most, ' The ujujiioipal oounoil of the oouoty df Jjqbcx lsartiH with reat .pleaaure of $$$$$$% Honor'a intended viait to tho Great BbiltU^:!a Woetern Exhibition at liWex and on be-'KS half of tbo bjdy of the county tenders '^a a rabst cordial welcome.' JlSa For aome ten years pant all parts of thje'^P county have united -in holding a <0eatr$t%f| Fair at Essex,! in addition to t^./ibx^.^ township fairs, and it in hoped 'tbt ,.l exhibit of the [oounty'-nrodunto will wrilr^i pare favorably with that of other oonnUes^ It is little more thao a sqore'.-.of. yean BihcJBk .this exhibition Krounde was partf ol^ai;- heavy forest, extending for aevoriJ mjieii! around. The bum'of ^"the Buw,^ltv-ii|fr been swiftly followed agricultural . machine forest.fh becoming tb^-"lioioeat feiratinj land. The *oil of the county ia'". adi^fl4'j agrioultural . machinery, _ and : what.;'wj^S? " wuucwxu, machirj(ere.tand.pH.aBureby the pfdyle as wejl as several other invited- guests Mtttro^tOTe'M.tbn;^^ 'h^^^^^^s

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