Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 27, 1895, p. 7

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\> iK <-::,;.r: ;;. "33 -- I County Wows Militia ohaugai lately gasstted at OtU- , w: Khhex tfnsiliers Paymaator F. X. Meloche, Windsor, granted honorary rank of n,i.jor attor 10 years* servioo hh pay. : Iriententnt O. l\ YaU, permitted , to roBiRn;Fred.O.Burgoaotobolioutonant , Company No. G. A despatch to tbo Mail nayo; Thorp i oxoitomont in Tilbury ovor n. paonliar oafl0 involving a buBmoea tmnfer. Dr. IU1I. before leaving for Ohathatn, hoUI liiudriij; .. Btoro. to It, A.. XIill, who, moving to Lou. dou, In turn Hold to J. W. MoGoo, formerly in tht Hvorv buHiuonti< TVfoGoo, ilwtlinjj that he oould not carry on tho huniiiflUM, not boiog a lioowtud pharmaolut, propimod to Hill to taku boolc tho otook, rottirn thu c on si dor at 10 u, BflGO (of which 8075 wan in negotible 110taH), and call thn dual off. This Mr. Hill would not do, but proceadod to aiz8 mid carry away tho otook to Lon don. Whilo tloiiiji ho ho wilh urroiitod at tho inutaiioo of Mr. McOoo, and brought beforo P. M. Doaoia, ' who rornandod tho oaflo for hearing. Oha. Woodruff, tho Hovon:yoar-old hod of BmmurHou Woodruli, wan drowned in tho rivor at Amhoratburg on Baturday , jjjtoruoo,n. Whou tho littlo'follow failed to oormThome to uuppur at tho nnual tim?, thn family buoamo alarmed and on . inquiry found ho had boon hint uoen on Wifilo'n dock. Yea tor d ay morning they Htartoil to drag tho river and ahorbly aftorwarcbi found birn about uittht foot from tho dock. Tho fuuerttl took pltxco yoaUrday afternoon. Tho fatdily otily romovad to Amhorntbnrg from St. Mary'nobout two mouths ago. In Your Blood la tho oautto of that tired, languid fooling which afflicto you at thiu noanon. Tho blood in impuro and had hocomo tlun and poor. That la why you have no Htronjfth, no appotito, cannot nloop. J'urify .your blaodwHh Hood'H Sarnapi*nlla, whioh will give you au appetite, fcono your Rtowach- and iuvigorato yonr^ uorveii. in womo. imprinoumont for life or a lifa-lont! dinoano, like Hcrofula, for example?' Tho former, cortainly. would be preferable were it not that Ayor'u Bur- BapunlU nan alwaya oomo to tho vohomo auc* nivo thopoorsun'oror hn.lth, ntreuutb, and happmeBn. AVED MUCH SUFFERING. RftV,, FATHER BUTJLKITSTN- TBUISaMNiGEXPJEBIENCK. Jit. M. J'. Merrill* No Other ledicine SO THOROUGH AS U~^ yr^ir^t Sarsa Statoniont of a Well Known Doctor " Nit other blood iiii'illeliii! Hint I liuvo cvr imril. and I bavn tried Mu-nt nil, Is no tliitn>ii;di in us .htiiin, ;md oU'uuta so many ni'inmiH'iit run1, i Ayer'a Kar-iaparllla."-1- l)v. il. F. Mr-Uiuu,. Auguutu, Me. Ayer'siS Sarsaparilla Admitted ut tbo World's i'atr. > 1 Mil ^ Ayov'tt Wills/ay ilvev unit bowels* i"'4 ">). 111.- W ; 11 i (in on A In . d- 1 HVtcrIniifcTViMh ;i( Khv^t'in, Ont., Sept. l'( wv*. ji:-'i d 7(i. livliiK id,,.I, ha hiH linn.i: h'oon afit*r illnmr \ . ..,, 'to thi- i "I I"ii mills, wlii'iv !i" f"!1- v-Mil;- <L At I ri'Hnrk hi' I nd\- |iu:,i iiij.v In II"' l':\'. Hi.s n M nt ".-:o i-'irln-'K. MAM IIF, rOINO Till! ViM.Y.r l.i< i Prohahllltv llmt l>f I ni.ii.'W it Now* York,- J-'.'pl. I'm.--Tin- Kxpri'S.s s;ty'.'! U' tin.- r"!">: t v.'hicli was pi:I K; ' " fn m i-iunili-ii".,] d. N'.'i'.v;iy that a Vi-'Hsel b-'H- vn! ; > cnnveylnr, I t. ' from Norw.'.y In n.iii-'h T'clt* lKul lii-t'ii -:n-n .- ! Icc-ll'oi; ( " crf.j-t of ' ';* < dcuhtfrij; I 'nt t I !: i!: . r r ill last r.iirn ... -1 ." Ir n^-rlli ii.' !: ' \r.\------- mi- ny !ivi v ;: i il j--lili - flOt'fl. illlll I li i 1 lH- !' .";l11 find !; true ,, iU\\'.; a^o .(i tlic effect The Kram, c:c]"-dltiou t.h- North!- '1 in tht* ; ..! o:i the CTlKf i;- i... moni lor I'Viuiivr hail ;M,,,-"'hlHK *-h* s.t - t > "tt j'iicrl- fii.:-! ;i tho North judi' ha\c i.oen laid opi'ii tn tho t-yc of nlvlllzt. d man. Tho Uiroiy un which l>r. Na^fii idan- ni-d hiH oxpedltlon and Itam-d hi:; cal culations was that the .strong current u'hlch MwW-ps north front the new fllborhin Ihlanfls woulri-nrnrrrTttrriroittr finrroundeij as It probably Is- by Kh'an- til Ico-fl(jf,4, across the unknown traolc Uiound thfj polo and down tho east eenst of Grof-nland". It has lonp; boon surmised that tho current whlcli sots fitronply south alonp the oast coast of Gi oonland, and following the land, turns west and north alontr tho went c<^ist, was the name that moved north fiom the new Siberian Jalnnds, dlroet- Nu(frddl',roiii mi AbMCRaln Clio Slch' WKilch TOv, WilIInniM' Vlnlc plllf Qurctluficv Oilior t*lod1clui8 Fall. ^ledouia.N. 8., Goldbunten I'alth loadn many to believe, yet. when on has exporioncod anything and him roa. lv acrnys thp rorrlon around tho pole. f!,I,^"^ t^fiS^TZ *$k faith without reaaouablo proof. About tlal Hind. Flmt, It wan romnrlccd that four mtloii from Galodonia. alon a plun i Jc^ d ^-von pt-bblew and stnnrs which , . , . i \w n: Ir,dlirennufi to RUvria. wore foun.1 anfc road, pnouiug by miaiorauii farms, live^ |n rnnsldwnblo nuantiths oft' thp ^ontii Kov. T. J. Butlor, tbe parish prient of thin wrs' const of f"Iivonlaixl. The -,..,-, . i r-T'cluF:lon was that the eurrent lind car dmtnet. RoporU havuiK come to the mm \ rjRfl thf.m Qcva;^ .^ ^^ rt,^nnn of our roporlcr about a woudorful cere offuotod by't)r. WilliamH Pink Pillfl, he flailed on Mr. liutlcr to neelf inforujation OB th Hubjuot. Wlv. Butler npoko in verj hiqh torma of tho Pink Pilln, and oaid tht-v f:om S'il.erla and easl them upon iho W( st slinre or Hrmnlnnd. Eut tlic most .'MriUini? and eonelnnl\'o PMhl^n.rn was furnhdiod In- tho flndinir of a q'liantlty' o>' v/reeUnr-TO of the ill-fated Joan-th-, inclndlnir such* nrtlrlcs as a pair of hud aayod untold Buffrint:, and porhapH : (lf UKors, on tin* rnmo southwest en-ist aavod bin life. Tho rtverond ^optloman ^L0^"1;1^^1?01'1 ,ni;^n 5rpair.M :irtoP mr; \ essot wns wreeio-d near Hie n^w felt a littlo hefl.taiicy at giving a publicteH- B:l;orIan Tslnnds. TIi wreck nrmrrod timonial ut firat, but after our reporter re on ;T,nnf* }"- 1SSI- nnfl durlnrr MW- sun- , 1tl . -, ,, , ,. rcodlnfr three years the'curr-nt f[irrh?rt roarUodthot if ono waa roally grateful for remnants nf the Vhlji arms'.- (' iVilnr romarliahlo euro, he thought it wan hi- n,"ea V"r ^f*00 miles to its final resting Place nn the Orr-mlnnd eojist. duty to tjivu it publioicy for luuniuiity'H Bako, lut cheerfully, conuenteil. IIjh nto,-in hiflown wordii in an followH: "I wan hid to talto Pink PiljH .throuijli n-ndinn the ten. timonialfj in tho pattern. 1 wiia trimbhd . Dr. Nnnsen'a r-xj m-.1 i (ion r-p|ir-*l on Juno 24, IfWi. from ('hi-ht i: ' ". and wan last hi*ard of when ohe- to sail Into tho Kara Sea in Aiu:ust. T'n. Tho ICarn Sea. which is north of th I'm.] ninintains nf Russia, Is neji-|v half with an abCL-*H ,n u.y ^ide and hud r^'ndT"^' u"^' ,0 ^ Xt;'i' ^'-^^ , ,. . , . iMnmls. and was on the rijnet route many thfierenL mednam-s without avni!. whfcdi Dr. N'asr-n hail jnt>-tu1 '<| to ro. I took medical adyicti mi i.ho jtubject, tu,d tnltInp,fir\ OJistnrly course until no ' iiT n, , rrached the islands and then turnln" waatnld I would hiwu t.<, undor^u an opt-r- i>< rth and hei,Ur cnrrl.Ml by the nnrrent ation to euro it. whi^h would cost ma abon'. . flcrons the J'olar reprlons. 8100. At liiht 1 diitermiriod to try 1'u.k Pillo, but without ii ^iL-iiL fiinlin^ of faith nf their cun ^ inc. One Ids helped nm and I rofiolytd to tuku a thru<,- inoathu eouirit; ' i and ^ivo thum u fair Lri d. I did ho, nw I ' to-day t inn cninpl-iidyunrud of the >d)Hci:.n in my fndo through nri;i^ L'ink Pillrt, and I alwayH rtrcomiuciifl fiiendn o[ mine to n f Pmk PUIh t*Ji' ill tj;tii(;M ui < hu hlood. An Father Buth.-r it. well known throiitihoui thin county h:.H :it'iL.;meni is a clincher'i IHHiy ^'oudetful ii-HiimnniiilH thuf huvu appenrod m tlit< (iold Uunter from tinn* n> time. On < nquirinj^ nt Uo- mores of J. K. Cunhinn wild N.l*. Unm^H^ it wilh foium that Pink Pjllrf 1 iivu u. t\\h< Ht2:-m:l to iicae Mr. Ctihhinji on bi 1114 .'i^ked if h" knev.- oi any curtfl i-i'fccti-d hv iln-in ntphud thai- '. 'had heard a great niuiy p.jrutniiiy h- PinU Pilln had hidpiM] ihfin wondnrfnli. If [dven a tuir ami Mioronyh triul Pi Pillw artt acertatii cure for ull disciiHi-iiiil ill. blood and narvc-H, nuch un rheutunti;.<,. iiLMirul|;ia, pnrliul purahsin, hiconmu,: ataxia, Bt. Vituu' danco, neivoua Inaul- aoho, tioryouH pronlration and tbo tin- foi.dui|! thorofrom, the. after cfToutii ot 1 fjrippo, dinoahpsi depending on hunajrn i IllMTOItl UfllBMT .Hill's TO lr. Thi- litlitii:i Vrivr In SMr-BI<M lie- Mitittlcn fill.* i> \ rnii/if ci] Cur !a V. io nl |n*^, W'lnnijio^, Man., tt.-pt, P.t. -"Wlvat Went II]) to I.S e<ntH hi'- h--l at ;. . - cral\'imial puini:; in-i- just across, ibt- boHpilary io i |;:U":;1, the pile- a, niily -in i-cins. TJliS ha:- ;;t't pi Ople' ^m^.-!a .s Io the I'easDn^. So an: art- im;.h;e m m;- counl. j'r.i' the di!'l'.-n-nre. Im;; I !.ii.;- , eo-i- Vei-saia wlllj ail the, faeis, aie i' v.ii h an explanation-. It is pol:::(.-il ,ut that ov.dnt;' to yarl- oii;3 uu l'a \ n'rahle eondllioii:; diliinp,' the past sea; on,- Ihej > i-s not likely io be, none thai; i;.ni,l> bushels u!' No. lnird w'In-a l in tin- provijii-e, "i his is niohtly nil re((u!i>:i| for ;;rindiii.-. ;.od mtllci^ are anxious to get as mueh as jtossihie before the snow libs as th-:'.- Is .^'i-eat dam:i:,e from eai'.-i.-:-:.i lia.ull- lni.?. -At the pi'e.'-ciii price of flour, mill ers can easily afford, to pay as hU;h as fio-ct'iun per hiiHhel, so I lie re is no I'ear of their loslilK money by buying at. prt-si.-nt jadces. I'akota fannery a few. miles away -re only ^ettliiK' export valuoK for their wheal, H) cents per bushel/ and w'uhl ajailly .stll to Canadian millers ai a rent or two advance, but the Canadian duty of "15 ccnta per bushel rueventH them. When tiie Canadian mlller.s l?ct their mm 'V, Workmen Unearth a Skeleton In Hamilton. a-r.-.-^-'i' A HOLE FOUND IN THt SKULL. Kvl.lour.M or Waul Pin*. > tM HoOM Had IKtfln Ilnrlo.1 T4i Vr- th Unr- Brtlfi toronor Vfon't Act I'o.dbll- Ityofu ClKtW MnUer*' MtrlUn Ilamllton, ticpt. il. While Contrac tor Fatdkaor wait excavating for a cellar In a vacant lot north of 52 MaKill-iitrcet, one of bin men unearth ed a human nkideton thlM morning and a fracture of tho sltull Juutlftod the ttuppordtlun that someone had hot'ii nuiitU'red, and laid away quietly, When Alfred CJrcen one of the workmen wan about two feet below the HUrfaco, hla I'dclc n truck nomethlnK harr.l. lie Mi<iU(?hL it wad a alone. He due; tho hard object out and found It was a human skull, Oontlnulnj; tn shovel away the lumdy loam be found tbe other lionea of the hu'dy, and putting them all toKctber a human skeleton was formed. Tim holies weiv lar^o and loiiK. indieatln;; the ]terson had been. hltf. Coroner White wai-t notllb'd and an examination showed that the murdered person was a man. The Jawfi were blK and Kipiurc. The skull wan-of ordinary size, the fnrehoad be- lny low, rocodlnKt while the back of the'head, was well developed. Over the left temple was a fracturo, which had not been made recently, Um only recent nuu k on the nkull bclni; a puncture on th" bade of It, made by the piek. The boiu-s were dry, but well preserved; there wilh no veBtlp;^ flesh about them, and from their con dition the Interment took place pro bably from six to ten years ago. A few yearn ago this locality, which hi cloftn to Vinegar Hill, wasi a reuort for cock fighters and all that cdasM of people, who held hlh'h carnival every nlfjht. u Is supopsed the man was knoclCRd and laid away in thta quiet littlo spot. The lot was, till, a f(iW yearn aim,owned by Mrs. Jamoa Jonoa, Du (Ji'as.s.l-Htreet, Toronto, who l'csld- ed at No. 5li Mntfill, having Inherited tbe property from hor father, tho latfi Thomas Furlong. No InquCKt will he held and the bones will bo Intorcd. A meeting of the liriclclayerH" and Masono' Union w.ui held hint evening- and It way decided that the rule, re- qulrlnr; membern, to_work nine bourn a day only, should bo carried out, and accordingly, at fi o'clock tn-nlght the bricklayers and Htnnema.sonu employed : n tho T., .11. & It. tunnel quit work, refusing to continue till Co'cloclc, a formerly. There Is little danger, how- over, that the outcome of thin will b* serious, as Contraetor' Ondeixlonlc I* willing to accede to the demands of tho union, and will obviate the neco#- nlty 'of n.'qulring thorn to work ton houra a day nn Hoqn an there in work ing, accommodation for more bricklay ers, Ilia contract, whlcli Is a big ono, luxa eompleted this year, and ] owing to the delay xauncd by the hard ! pan," he la anxious to have the work j ii mooed'.as rapidly 'a,** possible.' There are prospects of trouble be tween George 15. Tuckett & Son .and their cigarmalcers over prices. Sorne tim af;o.several ciBarmakera met re presentatives of the local Cigarmakera' Union and endeavored to Induce thera to establish a Uniform scale of prices among the unions throughout tho Do minion for the manufacturers were laboring under the disadvantage of having to pay their union men a higher scale than is paid In Toronto, Montreal or London. The local union took no action in the matter, find this morning the following pro positions were made to the Tuckett & Kan's employes: "We are willing to pay you tjjo pre sent Toronto bill of prices, and an ad vance over this bill of one to two dollars per thousand for oortaln hand work jobs. We understand the To ronto hill of prices la the highest out side of Hamilton. " Or we will pay you the present Hamilton prices, less one dollar all round, with the exception of our kIx- tnch cigar, for which we consider $15 per thousand la. aufllcicnt. " Our .company has always consider ed the interests of its employes, and I assure yon nothing would afford us irrcritor pleasure than to be able to continue tbe present nca'le of prices ami develop our business, but the pre sent conditiona of the cigar business will not permit it. Wo are willing to submit the matter to arbitration, you to choose one arbitrator, we to cdloose another, and the two arbl- trotors, If they cannot agree, to choose :>. third in the person of one of i be Judges of the County CmnLs. We sub mit the above for your answer In writ ing one week from to-day." At a meeting of the County Coun cil to-day it was decided to grant Ipm towards-; the diversion of the Uinkley 11 III road, which Ih crossed by the T., H. & P.. rtailway. The north por tion of the road will be closed up, and the railway company will contribute a certain amount of money, providing tt wil be alolwed to fill in tho present bridge crossing. In Si. Joseph's Hospital, II ___s la'1 m% mm l Tho Dootore Said a Surgical Operation Was Necessary to Effect a Cure. THE LADY LEFT HOSPI TAL AND DOCTORS. Sho Usos Paine's Oolovy Com pound and is Cured. Another wonderful, almoin mimculouu euro to report. Ah unual, tho afl'noted ono in imvod by tho ntio of Faino'H Calory Com pound. Mm. Annio BaunderH, tho curod ltidy, liven in Bracondalu, a ploanant imburb of Toronto. Hor tiufforinj^u from a trouhhn common to many wo mini, woro twrriblo, and tho wonder in that idio now liven. To hor, medical and hospital treatment prov yd of no avail. At a critical juncture), tho dootorn doomed au operation imperatively ueooaaary. Mm Satmdoru would not nahotion tho [iroposod operation ; oho dooidd to try a medicine that hud ourod thonaandn; alio hud faith in Uh wondronn poworu to make lier a new woman. Pamo't* Celory Com- nounel wnoharohoiion at;ont; ahu untd it, mid thauku Ptovidenco for the happy i:hiui('0 tiffijjtod. Bliu writoii an follow* re- ujardinf; hor euro: "It ia with much plounur*. tdmt I testify to tho valnoof your wonderful Paiuo'it Col- ury CompouMd, I wa a groat aMfferor from uvvaro attaokH of neuralgia, in the left ovary. At timou the at tacks waro no aouto that I thoupht I would loao my reaHon. . "Bnveral doottra troatod mil, and I wau il pattont in Bfc. Joaoph's HoHpital, Hftmil- ton. I obtained no volinf from medical treatment, Tbo doctor* naid unleua I bud the ovary takon away I could wot bs ourcd. , "Inntead of nubmittinp to tho operation, I iiHod Paino'nOolury Compound, undtI am tlianltfulyour valuable laodiamo curort mo. I fool liko u now woman, and I *vould like all HufTorovo to know junt whtt thiu groat medicine hut douo for mo." _*lf^W^Wtl^ .i,..;jv.7< Ono advantajjo of taking Ayr'a Sanapa-. rilla to purify the blood in that you noitl not ibfriiiKt upon your hour* of labor nor dony youroolf any food that aureeH with you. In a word, you aro not compellod to Mtaryo or loaf, while taking it. Thono aro rocommondatioiiH worth oonHidonng, persqnTto travel, WANTED. Sovoral faithlul dontlomen nd ladioH to travel for oatablmhed houao. Salary $780,Oa and Expenses. rotation pormunont if Huitod; alao in- eroaao. Stato roloronoo aud ouoIohq ^Holf. addronflod atamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, H1G.8I7-318 Omaha Bld Chicago, III. SOUTH WOODSLEE elevutorn full of tho bt-Ht prade of th hl/iod, nuch an Hcrofuhi, chronic eryRij - wheat, prices are sure to drop to ux- ohw(to. FiidtPUlH uive -a healthy til.-* I'"!1 ^lu(:-.}' >-n'rs roallnu this and . ., , , , ill<- now Helling, freely. to piilo and wallow complexumH and an* ; ______. .apoeiliu for the trouhh-H peculiar to the : ss,i i.ivut .^Mivir's fii]:A]/r:i. fcmidfi tiyiit*-m, mid in thooaao of men tluiy m:-i ttffhOt n radical em\i iu all ouhph arioing froui nionti U worry, overwork, or.oxoohhch of any nature. Sold by all diuleru or tout by mail, postpaid at 50 ouiita a box or t-ix boxoa for S3.60, by addroaainu th Dr. London some time, ago for the no'rth .. . ,\ n. i . ii of rOjiRland,, where it in believed ho Wllh'miH* Modiomo Company, Broolivillo, ntm ]fJi At tllc time of IcavinR ton- Bowaro of lm don he wan indlnponod and his health Not HiitUTaoloi-y, ilnl x0u,|IIIt Hi-llnun- Will .Not It.linn ThK Vrur. Montrenl, Que, Sept. 20.^A Star cable.from JLonrlon aays : with refer ence to Sir Oliver Mowat'n ill-health, I learn that tho Ontario Premier loft IT MUST BE TRUE! For every porunn nav'H thatjj WRIGHT G, SMITH .U'ikoH thoht-Rt Ilariu'Hfl in tho County of EflHex. li wiU p l) yiiu to uuiiio to riimth]Wcodyleo to liny ynnr IIiirrieHH. Stock Socondlto Nonefiin tho County, li\iH- stock oC Horiio Blankutt* junt. nponed out. Feaihorbone Skirt FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES'DRESSES. or nab, by In ad I njj Dry Oocdn Douloru. MEiiffiTBIlW' A. Hp:ht, pliablo, olaalla bo' *, tnado from quilln. It ifi noft iu I yioldin^ oanforminy readily to fald-i, yot^ivin^ proper tihupo to akirt or dreua. ----------:---- Tho only Skirt Bono that may bo wot without injury. The Culobrated Foatherbono Gorsots aro cordod with thlo material. i iEsn J. GOUKXAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT [^K^.^'-'V;V i- __________ - . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER ThiH Machine conaistH of a horizontal oasto> iinh r, bnrs, witb Htool tooth boltod to tho cylinder h.i a- u, !a- ,. teolh hocomo worn on tho front Ride, nuu'ihg i j.< - r. . nlioll, which ,tho Rhollcd corn paBscs through in . a sin-.- fan or clonncr attached below, which takoa a'l t - <l\\*\ i cheapest, best, moat simple and durable rower i 'o n' . i.. corn perfectly clean in any co .-hojlinfj in d - 1. thousand bnsbola of ears per day, according io p wei. Dimknsionh. < eter. f in. faco; Molion, U0n io 80n revolutions p.. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. COURLAY &.60N<5 10 )9. KftKSfbb^ 'hS^2|S)RS KK=DRS *KGcW AB1TS IN YOUTHS LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE IVBRVOUS. DISEASED MEN m K a B#YU RPCIiiT" ' nmenunilfolly in yonth, orcrnrnrtion of mind and body induo-i nlnC ilLOULI nd by hint and ospoiiuro aro coriHrAatlyTvrr^lrinprthiTiiTTrt-tTimHTitarc "liaiir>iiionn<iftii(iiiHand ;cjE jirnniibiiifryoiniK inon. Homofudonnd wither nfc an enrly ago,1 Burtho bli)4H0ni <f ii:nnh<)if, wliilnntln'ri* urn forced lo draff nut u wunry, fmltlniitf nndab miduiichnh" f-Jht.-.n.n-. Otiinrn reacb matrimony but find no (iolaco or ':otnforfc thorn, Tholl ^viiainitin'.-ni'n-.iiiil jTiall htiitionijuf lifoi-Thofarm, tlio oillcf, tho v.t.ncBhop, tho palplttC Wtlm tradi'iiatid ihf.1 iirufoKsioiiH. ________,__________ fg RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR&. AC & K. S Wm. A. \VAliK7!.K. Wx, A. WALKRK. MUS. CIIAB. FRRIIY, CHA8. FERRY.* i\Y.y<-\vr, 'I'iij.'.'zjicHT Ari'iiii TncATJiKNT DIvor?od bnt nnitnd nftaln r .--NO N.1V.EC OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-fffc mi*- J*t,c:isi', "Wm. A. Walknr of lfJtli Stmot nnya: "I havo oifforod iir.trddu*-'"nicH for my "ny lifo." I-wiuiindUcroofcwhon y*imif.aud isiiorant. Au "Ono oE tho Uoyu" loontrnol**! fejpliilisi ancTVitliin' Prlvntodtuoiinon. I hud lilconi in tlu.'i iiKiuth and throat, liono paimi, hair loono, pimploa on] fann, tiir-io,- nailii oninooD, oiniBHionti, hociuno thin nndj (kvipomloiit Huvon dootorn troutod mo with Morcary,n 1'otn-ti, otc Tlmy hnljied mo but conld not euro mo.W ___________________ VI null / a /riondinducothnn to try l}rri.Uonncdy Je Korfton.h yjioit TriMUini-nt ourod mnin a few woukn. Thoir trnntmont in wondorfal.H '.'/;: -i'if ;uiniiuj nvury dny. i havo nuvor beurd of thulr faiUnu to euro in, aalindo^ r^-CUREG GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED > SYPHJLIS EMJ8SIONS STRICTURE CUR gO. If Caiit. C!m , lfc:ry rh7!?: "I nwo mylifo to Dr.*. K. A K. ftAt 111 lani'Jit'da Imil hahir. At ^1 1 hud all tho HyniptoinB & T Hi'iuiniii \Vcn^iu*:i^ and'ii, KniinHinnfi with timhi'iiK nd %vi.nkoniii(jf my vitality. J married at K'M under ndvieo nf my family. dotitoi\ bnt it wm a ruid pximri'lu-i- In cijrhttx n nwintlm we woro divorced. I R tlion oonmilted 0rn. K. it K., who restored mo to uinnliond by thoir A'nw' Mletfidd Trrntwrnt. Ifultanow lifo thrill through my iH-rv(.'n. Vviivcm iiniioilnunin and aro Itnimv, Tlnn wan . _...... nix yenm m:o. Dnu K. AK, aronciontifio Hpeciiduitf) mid Ihoartily rocomraond thorn.** IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED a K R treat a?td cure. Varicocele, /Zmits'itws, Nervous Debility, SeminallA "Syp/u'tis, Unnatural Discharges, Se(fAluse^i US'- W Weakness, Glet, Stricture, Kidney and Bladdei Diseases, 1? YEARS IN DETROIT. 200.OO0 CURED, NO RISK K & KDEr-Mir>CD 5 Arn victnnr Hnyo yoitlost lioun/ Aro yon contomplatirifr mar-J* JSnlC.HIIJ'K.i^ I rilico? Huh your Ulood boon dinofitindi' TIavo you any woaknomir' Omlf llNowftbt'iindfl:rniitiniiitwiUcurovou. What it him douo for otlieni it will do for yon-E* I ......_____ . __ ____ _ .___y< IwrhrjslJLTATWM FREE-' NoTnattor who huii troutod yon, writo for^an li'onoiit opinion If: (ShuruPHrouHoiHUilo. BOOKS FnEET',Tiio Qoldon Monitor" (iUnatmtod), Uisoanco o Mon. lnoloao poatauo, S cunta. facnloa. C57-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Pftl- TO>^Vt Q^^Sh&S^SS SI ffifft1^ No. 148 SHELBY giopos. Evory bmont.P'REE. K kDRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, DETPoit, moh. g Ont.., or Solumootadv, N.Y itmiinm u fi , unaatliifnctory. itaninm and uuhHtitut,.H ullound to bo. juHt 8fmo ivlcniliit however, otato that no th ing Boriouii if* tho matter. Sir Ollvot- Mowat will remain In England vntl* Uio nd of tbo year.. tho fcradfi[jn tdl kindfi oi Bnililiiip Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain ami ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shin^leH of all grades, Door, Sash, Chestnut Coal. . WINDMILLS \\ me Bole Ajjonto itifttliu County.for I*3EaC3ES j^E3^-B^<3iar'C>^^ Oi'ChiQ'ijro,- which took Hi^hodt Award.H at tho' WorhVii Fair. Cuntunii, i either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. . A writfcni^U'irantao withJeverylOutfti;. %5^ King of all Bicycles. Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- diincfulfry warranted Absolutely the ftcsil StmevlorTXatc^isA- 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Scad twew^at stamp tor cur 34-pnge Cntalotrue-A work of Art Monarch Cycle Company, 't > IH: ReUll Sfllesroom, 080 "Wabash Aw, , Lake futf'HaUted 5tS CHICAGO, IL.I-. Kf.,-dVi 1 ti..,.- We m m ':.\'..-- - '^ :--:J ^m ms,'..^^, ,:.' ;.ij^ii^t^!'\;r,^ ^SM;)^ iSllii^^ 58 6 4614

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