Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 27, 1895, p. 6

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ippr m ' gfe^ Sn; ' &.'*. " r fc:' |v. Y'l, [Vy . 14.. I'V ...-,. x f-'h':-"ri '. v. >>.#, "tf1 v: ?$ urn iliii3B;-:-3^SEJX -FvF^B^:: ' -i^RfeSS.^ SB Push it J J Pants to ordor for IJB.OO, ropfulnr price $4*00, m twolvo puMomti.-lVood. Pants to ordor for $tt.2/>, regular pvioo $4,fi0, in twolvo phttoma, Blaok. Suits to ordor for $18.00, regular prioo $10.00, Twocrt. Suita to order for $U.U0, regular prico $l7Got Tweed. Suits to ordoir for $15,60, regular pri*ia,/$i8.00, Twood. And so on right thygujjh the entire stock of Tweeds. We are bound to ej^the goods, they are worth every cent of the rogularjffijoe) but down to cost they come for We intend this to be a TRADE MAKING SALE So don't} be the last to place your order, but place it while the stock is freah. Our IFTAIjiXji CStOOlDJS Are a m. THE TAILOR. Dunstan Block. ,. A tfood appetite and softofihiui! loop are eitential terh.ealth of mind And hadv, and these ate fivuu b"y Hood'e-Qarsaparilla. ESSEX Hotter Mills* J AMISS NAYLOR takes tUia opportunity ol . annoukojn,j M ino people cf tbo Town and County ol! Kaaox, that ho lias romodolad tho E- uoxllollor Mllla according to planiiproparod by K. N. ?rlco, fit. Thomas, and lias alno ooourod the BorvIooB of Howbut Stoaoiun, an oxperl- ouood and thoroufibly eomuotont inillor. Thanking tho people) of thotown and couuty for tho patronajjo be a tow o a upon him in tho pant, will cuanmtoo satisfaction Jn tho latum Gristing; and Chopping a Specialty. THE DEBT GRADES OP FLOUIS, FEED AND OOItNUEAL KEPT IN BTOOK AND SOLD AT IlIGELT PltlOKS. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. Best Placo In tho world far yoUDflraoa and women to noouro a Bnulnofje Education, Bkortbriud .etc., ia the Detroit Baolnono Unlvorclty. Do- trolt, Mloh. Illustrated catalogue Froe. Iloforonceo: All Detroit, W. F, JEWI3LL, Pron. P. H. SPENCER, Seo'y. CALL AT 1 POU ADL kinds of Window "Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties. . BookB arid Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. POWDERS Curo SIOK HEADACHE and NeuraljrU In so Mir)UY*&r alio Ciutml Tongue. 131**1- nt'Kt, ]iilloiiHin)t!!i, l'uliiin tint Slrio.ConiupaUon, Torpid Llvur, ,U;u! Hrrtath, to stay cured alao rugulato ilia bov/ula. vbkV NtOM TO -TAX*. ^PaioiS 26 CENTO AT DfWQ &TOKBmf Ayor'n Sariaparilla ia not a Rooret prep aration. Any physician way have the formula en application. Tho nearefc of its spc'oaKi as a nudiciua Hob In its o it r a or di nar y power to alociMa the blood of impuri ties and dure tho uioMt^Jiep^aoated oases of blood difloate. ' Body Hosted, Mind at BaHG. That is what it ib cvhon travolliur/ on tho fant trains of tho Chicago, Milwaukee .& tit. Puul Railway; buitidos thoro is no ohanoo to "luck," for tho accommodations aro up to date, tho trains lioop moving right alonR and got thoro on tirno. Theso lines thor- oufihly covor tho torritory botwoou Chtoaflo, La CrooBo, Bt, Paul, Minneapolis, Abor- doon, Mitoboll, Sioux Fallfl, Sioux City. Yankton, Ooanoil Blufio, Omaha and Nor- thorn Michigan. All tho principal cities and towns in that territory are reached by the "St. Paul" linos, connecting at'Bfc. Punl, Council Blutfa and Omaha with all linos for points iu tho far went. Write to A. <T, Taylor, Canadian Paas'r ApjoHt, 87 York Street, Toronto, Ont., for one of thoir map time tables and a brochure, giving deuenptioa of tho Compartment Stooping jars; Tiokota furaisbod by any coupon ticket agont in tho Uuitod Statoa and Can- hia. Xho flnoBt dininr; cars in tho world ran on tho solid vonfcibulod, olootrie- ightod and atoam-lioatod traiunof tho'Chi- "i*8o, Milwankoo & St. Paul i"Uilway. Several Herd of JUuiTaloea And thousands of oliifl, door, etc., aro to bo found in tho Yellowstone Park. It io tho only place wjioro iho buffalo can be found to-day, h0 mercilessly have they boon slaughtered. Tboy are gono from tho plfcins'.and prainea.nnd thoromnant now loftoan thank tho United Htatoi Government for tho prlvilono of living. Tho Yollowutono Park itr thoir homo and there tboy uronafo. ' Tuo Park iH-patrolled by soldiors both aumme.r and wintor to oaptuiro poacho and offendoro nd sovore puniiihmont Is motod out to intruders, * In summer tho buffalo rang6 In tho highlands, near Yollowiitono Lake. In wintor tboy work ovor iuto Haydon Valley and Burronndiug country, wlioro tho hot springs and watorn koop tho onow melted away. Deer and tile rango over tho entire yollowHtouo Park. Tims b'osidos tho great murvols of u&turo mot with in this woudor- laiul.thflro lire abio tho Hnos,fc upooimonn of our lar(*e Kamo, Tamo and dooilo, they four not man. _, SkutohH of Wqndorland, an lilUHtraled liooU published by tlm Northern Paoiiio IWi!ro;|d uit'Hcrilw'ii tide wonderland, it will entbe.(t by Oiuh. 8, '^u, the Geu'l Agonfc, ytt P'aulj M(mu, upon roboipt of flixcontd iji stamr>JB. DEED, BY- O-BIO. MA.3SrVILi31iHl DETHl^JN 'tO IIB OONTINUHD.) ciin Ijndy of i)ih viaUm ho mi to or(iii yen from fliucovery? Oli, yua; an aeuomplioa. Yflif, I arguiKi to myI{ tlitfc I ho man died by liiu own liuml.und that I was Working for yrr hapnit*w." "For H<-itvnS muIcc, BruHinan,don't talk llltn Lliiw!" urifil Smitton, almbat fiurijely. "Il i liio huirililf!" "You diiiilc tm," unit I tho old man, wlih u faint mil Hi) of inminmnoiii. "Ah, vyyll ! wu vlvw thi^o tlitngN from differenb pnint^.*' "Toll iiiu nt fjnuo what ymi did with it." "L'-t itm toll yii my own wny. 01*1 in n aro tudioiiH, Htrutton, nnd I am, I KIlppMNM, nir RXC'-ptlOM p,o tlm i ule, ' How- cviir, I will hi* liiiiifjfur [am torturing you, I four. I rack ml my hniifm for bourn uhiI evoked dozen a of pUiiH, but tliuru wan al ways no\tif lorrililo ohuUclu in the way, and a.I lant I at hack hr in utter denpair, noeing nothing hut the plain fact before uia that your wtidom wn prator than mni'i, mid thai iho only wuy out of ihti difllouliy wuy the own yon had choson ho restore the body to Uio hiding-place in there. "It wu* miserably humiliating, hul. I could do no mnr-s It wau inaduutiH to ke*|)# tho poor wrc-icli whwro I lni.1 Iain him; dln- covry iniglii come at unyiiin'1, One*' I thought ollfcuvinpf him tlmre and gidug away niysplf-vdinappeuring, uh it were, from Lhn world. I could kottn my charahers untoiiuhMtlfMi- monLha hy vending a clui.-k to th iigont irom time to time, Ith'i I k'iow that thi rnuat *ud in diC(i\vtry. An iiiilnri'Nfon event might re mit in thh ehumherM hr\i<i> npoiied and iiiiu\diail, ui.#, in ,ill prohttlijiny, tho dead might, tiiku n vengf ami prnwl.our hctruy- vr you, a n irila-ahut. Un w how. "I giivu I tin i ii", 1)11*11, Ilki! th ri-st, and, in utit-i di'i-pur, hi'eau in untaiton tli door mi; .in, ttn-vi it. upt.ii, nd. Imieneil, and all Yknx hi ill, Vim Hinl (; neat ' vvure, in nil pi otiillij ii : V, ** < l'H "Cfin\t i.-,.. k loOui lnmrihrug, sick ami indipgiiHi, I Minopril down to reven* my ri'i'iilnivr iuC, n hi'ii. -an I louohod tha body >m<1 iu\lt rui'fil )im hfal unit Blioulit^ri i)hi floor. hl;n a flxwh nf li^lithing, thti M'ny <>iit of lim :|iltiuu>iy uamn. Then, QViTconift by my ni'ition, I lili-rally reeled into my iM-diiiiiiii likf a drunken man, and ilioppod upon my IniMiN by my pillow iu the ihaiikfu tiemi of iny heart, iliotigh it wan Imitf'Imfdro I could nimr ollh-r wonia than 'Heuvon, I thank thou 1 My poor lad in aved.,J* iiHlinilifd nin ths (innr I "Wiiifc pittionily, and ynu mIiuI U'tid llnitiiuon; tbu, drawing a ' CHAPTKR XLIV. T1IK HKVOLUTIOM CONTrsiIKD A MdHTNIKa HTKOICK. The rnouii'iii befoitt ilieao last words es caped from llrttinoit's lipu Stralton had loan flitLing there with bin elbows on the table, bin fuue wora, haggard, and full of horror and diHynut; but now the iiUcreit in his old friend's statement returned, and he watched hirft eng^rly, Th* oxplanation was coming at last, Tho half-cynical, in- (liffeiHiH rnanntr, too, bad puad away, as he enntinuod: **I camo hack to this very chair, Strat- ton, trembling ind ifilatad as I had never Tjnon bi'fore, to Btoop down at once, and then 1* upon one knoe there there on the rug. His head was jimt there, boy, and his luce a. little on one aide, ao that the profile of the vile Hooundrel stood out, clear* ly cut, against the background of dark chocolate wood." Urettiion's manner waa now exoited, hii M-ords low and hoarse, and hu manner had proved contagious; tor Stratum's lips parted, and, be loaned over toward the fprakor. "For a fow minutes I could do no more," continued Brettiion. '*A l.n^il.U AvmwA -that Iliad btien dncidvud lliat had, In imnffinatinn, m*h opAii li.'foro me had cloned uguin, nml that I was oni'O more abut In with a tumble difficulty. Hut, noryiiig myaulf again, I pasaed ohm unii boiu'aili the ehouldera au h<*foio, ruined t.i'ii a llttli*, and Cup* more tllern WnS a lnW Ml'..." U'haM" criud Stratton wildly, as hu n';irmil from hi* seat, I hi'ar, [luiiMiix ljivit*b(aif tho olfort of rei.'Hlljng tlm tuirilibi', vi'nh it.M rxciteiiHini,,' whh almost iiiif ( 111j>ti hi* ti'Mild liHitr, ho umit on : "I iow'-i'd hini utfJiifi. not. duriiiR to iltiiil; that hi- Willi alive, knowing that thi* h ii'.il ini^Ht- h)-VJi hoiiu i.iuuinl hy tlm <nt- cui'j "f a in. Io t*ir from iho cavity of tbu cli hi. J1"if a few iniinilitu I wim fiuu that wan mo, <iiid my hopna wcru all dnnhed .iyiiiii, Pn"pl have culled mo a learned man, Malii'dm : but, hefor* a difilonlty like thai, I wu" u pour, liolpli-ds, ignorant cl ild. "Mauiorli.u myuulf, lli"iij;h, at lant, I iInn-' inv hand into hi linmut; but I could fi***l ii'ithing. I funciHiI thore wau a pulH-tj ii, Init could not toll but that it MiL'hi he c iimod hy my own throbbing ur- tern's. I tried tho wrists, and tlmn, t-'ar- itijj o|H>n tliH colUr of his ahirt, tbrtiHt my Inmd iu there, and the pulnation wuu phiin iiom. More, I diutjuntly felt a throb, *u a |nu hi >iui oiioo mnro eacapt'd fr"in the iii.m'h iipi." "Not d^-ad T" gaupnd Birntton. "Her huob'ind ! Living T Great Hohvuii* 1" IT "nnk ii.ick into his chuir, staring wiully ; iuul .iIh'h, >n a hourno whisper: "(Jo.on !" lie pauivd, "go on !" "'J'ho wuy of i!Bi;npe wan open widely now," rrioit IJretiiNOii, reMchiug over to cluicli bin compjuiou's wrist, "and I could sen my way clearly. It waa maduass to at tempt to move the body of a dead nun through th streets, boy doLuutiott wan certaiu ; but Is take a sick or injured man from oii*t place, to another wiin simplicity itbolr, and I braathed fresly. I could >i!t," bos dead 1" muttered titrat"*) four-wheel cab was ion, who looked,an i) he had received gonie (urtihlu ineitul hli/M, which had confused liin fa>:illtiru and muiU the t'fTort of follow- iny hiu n!d f inmi'i* nxriative almoat be* jrnitd Ilia powt-n*. "I cln*r-,l iliat, door uL onee, tn dread now h'Bt the IMOI.UH ubnutil have been hoard; and, 'ible to tftuHp lhn poiitimi, I' could' work coolly enough. Qbing down on my knees with upon go and basin, I soon found that thisr'd was a small orifice behind the right tmr. This had bled freely, but it had oassed ; and, tr*BP'nC llt once that tho bullet bad gone upward, I examined tiaxt to find its place ot Halt. "There was houo. The bullet wan, iu all probability, still in his bead. 25 CENTS! BEST OFFER .EVER MADE.. THE ESSEX For the balance of 1895Jfor 25 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCHUBHRS. Show this to your neighbors. ADORES E, J. XOVEL'AOE^ Proprietor, j Essex, Out, -ml* maansd a little aa I bathMaway nil vracea of tha injury ; and whan 1J had doue, save that tiny orifice just behind the ear, there wa* noiblos; to ahow that he waa noL lepin|, for tha Taos wasquitaoampoaed. *Whartod next? Not n. iiiomant, I fait, mmt be loti, If I wished to ave Ills \lU ;; attJ,' with a fMnlln^ of HfjfP OyidcUm^l, ike4 piraelf wJ,ethMr I did. . For lNv*afn a flile'ninia.. Oii Iht one hand,'if I saved hipi, it cleared yon from wiiatmlghtdovolva into a chui'iC of murder ; on llmoliur.iuiid, if I Int him din, Myra would b fre, and Koine day-------" "No, n, impniuthl* !M ^roanod Htratton! M|.Jo on." "I oould not dociily what I oiiffht tn doat flrxt, for I waa drafted both ways ; but. I took the rijfbt road, Ktrutlon. *'It was hitei hilt it wan u cayo of umtt' gonoy, and thw tnaii'u fuco hidpnl nm to thx tulo 1 innu.uL to toll. Thttrit wau theawollen U(>ao and there were tho pimply blotohns of thw man who drank. That waa suf ficient for iiiu ; and, with a atrength of which I did not beliovo myself capable, I drugj^d him by the sboulderM into my hudioom ii nd looki.-d him in. Then, tak ing my hat, I madw my way out unseen, took a cab, and hud myaelf drlvm to the houtt* of an old UHrvtnt', who was a pen sioner of mill" in South London. Bli wuu jinit- abmiti lu itir for Lhn 'night, l^ut l-eadily imnle preparation^ for the loriuption uf an unforlunute friend or tnuie who hud met with an accident, while I htirriod bank, discharged my cab, took a fresh one thw man, for atnpU pay, bring willing enough to undertake my task, ftHti soon found for me a atruug bolp'ir. "Tho r*Mt. was easy. I lid to theui.and, on ink Kit; the mnu up with me, left him iu >'.y room, while I wont into the chamber, trcuiM ng l"t I should find mir .moiny was dead. "Hut bn waa lyiiij.' Vmck an I had left him, mi a lounge, and I returned to th fol low I h'td brought up. I pave the man brandy, look a fflanii mysolr, and, before ULilizniii the help I had brought, purposely apriiikh-d the wounded man witli antrit a bint Imiii^ sufficient to direct the helper'a thought" into the channel that this person h was to help to the cab waa a victim to delirium tremens, for tho faco was evidence enough. ^ "My new cnin|ianioii was to have a sov ereign for hi* pain", if" lie had no cause to object ; end when I offered to help laugh ingly pnt mo aside. "Oh," 1 can carry him," ho said, "like a baby.' "A bold, indifferent maimer was all, 1 felt, that whs necessary;" and fortune favor ed me, for wo did not paie-a soul, and the placing of an apparently tipsy man in a not novelty enough to excite th interest of passers-by.. I was quit* right, I toll you ; a bold, careless front carried all'before it, and in a very few ntinutflK I bad luft my chambers locked up, the helper wis on tho hoy. seat, and wa wero rolled oyer Biackfriars Bridge to my old uervaaL'e house. "Here bo was carried in, and old Mary shook her head at the soont of the spirits, but asHiutcd willingly till my charge was laid upon the bed, the cabman and his corn* fianion dismlsiod, and then tho doctor wan etched." .. "Hah !" ejaculated Stratton, as he wiped the areat drops of sweat from his biow. "You are faint." said Brettison anxious- y. "Sick almost unto death," said Stratton boaraaly. Ths old man rose and crossed to an old hraan bound uullarottn, which ho opened. "No. no," cried Stratton excitedly ; "go on, man, go nis. You are torturing me. Lot me know tho worst or tho beat," he cried with a bitter laugh. "Ought I to wish his litn to ha uv/ed, and, know that I am not a murderer ?" "A man iu no murderer who aliiyaanother irt defonse of his own lifo," said Brettison calmly, gtittiufc out an old spirit decanter and glasses. "Leave that," cried Stratton, pushing away the glas bin friond placed before him. "Go on go on !" "No," said Dron ison stornly ; "you need the etimuluR now." "Man, have you no fceltng for me at uchai anguidh point as this?" "Man, have you no feeling lor one who is old and infirm, and who has shortened his poor share of life in bis efforts to save you from the misery of your lot !" "Forgive me," groaned Stratton. "I am not what I Mm, Brettison." <*Xo man could go through such a crucial passage in his lifo and come out the aatae," wan the quiet reply. "There, drink that. I do not luditlga in thcee things, an you know ; but I am faint, and it is hard work to collect one's thoughts." He poured out two little glasses of the contents of tho old decanter, and"drank one Stratton, whoso temples wsre throb- binp;, and whoHohand trembled.iH a palsied way, following hit example. "Now," he said, "go ou. I am in misery." "Ynu must know all. I mint tell it In my own way, for my mind is confused all through with doubt* as to whether I was right in keeping you in ignorance of all this. I did not nee it beforo ; I do see it while Barron lay perfectly insensible, only wltoriug a low moan now and then, as if he felt pain when tontihod [ otherwise he lay smite calmly, as if asleep* "And as the doctor busied himself he but, a* if ho were in fluenced by iny thoughts an I stood by him, wa'ching him and waiting to give him a garbled there, a Jyin^-version of tho in cident, ho at last took the very view as I wished to convcv it to him by words, "*A bad case, sir/ he said, at last. *I can do no tnorenow. Tho bullet is evident ly deeply imbedded. I will not take tlif ri^k of probing for i-., Shall I get one of our eminent speoialuts in consultation ?' "I shook my head. " *Fatal V I said at last. "Ho shrugged his nhoulders. "'Must apeak plainly, sir,' he said. *Il la of no use to ulk of hope to a man when one feols that, mere can be none. Poor fellnw, bin face tells the talo plainly enough. Drink,. Stimulus nftor stimulus till tho brandy, or whatever it is, ceases to have its effect. I knew one poor follow who used to heat brandy ovor a spirit lamp to make itn offoat more rapid. Ve, ceases to have its effect,. and mure is used. Then tho dlgeailvn powoni..break down, the oyer* goaded brain.leaps from its bounds, and wu havo the dulirium that omln in men footing tint life Is not worth living, and makes tin-in suicidal like this.1" 'tVou remember the' very wordu*" uaid Stratton, looking at his friond wonduringly. "Word for word,".said Brotuunn alowly, "and always shall.' I romnmbttr, ton, the thrill of horror that ran thmnuh my r.orvos as ho mood for a few momenta with' hiH back to mo, between mo and tho bod, bond-, iim firut over iiiu patient, and then straight- iniwg liiiiiHulf up and ralidng cue arm his right with the flat clencluid, all but tho indox finger, which ho passed ovor his shoulder to touch, with tho point of the finovr, thu spot 'behind his own ear wife re the, bullut had entered, "For a fow momouts X ilid ,not Undorstand his gesture* : then J!, ^k-aapbd the tact, and followed his thoughts/ H< raNa<| <w * *! m Fl-ln-ry KxMbll U Ottawa. Ont.. H*pt. 23. Mr. Jamesi | Huddurt, munnKln^ owner of the Aus> trallan Btminmhlp Tdiur nnd proprietor of tho- AtllthtlO Tat mitll oTvloe, U very ir iiKuIno of nMiihitmicu being rcn- t\t-i(.-<\ t/ tH- pivijcrf hy Unr Imperial Chivcrnnvhl. WrUlnj; Io an Ottawa,""' frl:*htl .Mr. r-|ii(hhti't :;iyn : "W'c nro very hopi-rul and wo Ihlnk', wo luivc irrmind for hopi.* thai ICr. C'li.-imboi l;:in will ivcomiiifiiil thcCiibU' nvt t irnuil tin- iiubuidy unkcd for, a* ;': : 1-tunfc to our \r,vo t projot, If Ws gf.'t tin.- I>ni thill i.;i:';j;iiitiui) or hi Jmpcrlul '-Jovcrnrni:tK I think wc nhalt' h.' nh.*- to tin lh.; ix-i-t, it l:i a KVftat, work unci It yrnwii mi;, I f.liuuld ri-Jol'U! to ho uhli: to compk-'to It. Tho City of Khd haw come Into pro- miucncu thin year Xhrouch thu opening 'if tl]L- N'oi-th Bun canal, hy which vea- M.]s'*lL-!iiiiii;< to p:t.s;i from tlm fjiirmitn (wjcun to the JJaHIc or v|(2u venia nto o'fiviM] a detour of sitivoral hundrod nilk.-H by -way of tho North of Don murk Thi; cltlaonH of Khl arr* now con to m- plutIn;; another r.'i'i-.'Ht ^atherlni; at. iholr c:Jty inxt yi-iir, In the uhupo of im JiiLi?rnntlonul navul exhibition. ob- jcl in tn fu.-curc u complete picture of tiic prr-Hf-n-t Htundlnif of navigation to- cihiT with an historical rovlow of the Keillor with an hhitorlcal rovlow of the devlopini'iit ind tho protfromt of Hhlp- hulldlnir anil all lnduiiti'litl' branches' - ...........Ulon will b\r n*sc cfWJOft7 of ll connected with it. Tho exhibition will liml from May until Hf-ptombIn clone relation to tho qucWJOrt1 of general niLvhrntlrin, In that of the fluh- c-rlca, and it liun hm-n decided to com bine with tho naval exhibition, an lw- lt rnatlnnal fishery exhibition. Can- nda'a flHh'ory dlHplay ut the World's Fair attracted attention from many diijtlritfuhthed forolnnern and no Im- pruiHod the finhery expert of Qermnny who vlHltod Chicago, that a preHnlnc Invitation linn been Hent to the Do minion td /urnlnh an exhibit to the flflliory exhihltlon nt Kiel. The matter hay not yet been formally considered, but thorn \a one economic anpect of Uie qucitlon which commendd Hficlf to the- ofllclnhi .of. the Flflherlcn Department. GrmmlitnloncT Prince poJntH put that the Hturt,reon fhdiery In Canada Ih ah- pUmfnK"no much Importimce that It Iu pofiBlble the Dominion mlrrht build up quite an export trude In 8tur|?eon with Germany. There In another.point to be remembered, alao, namely, that Canada ban no adequate exhibit at the Iii;cprhil .Institute of her IlHhory re- noiirceH, apd It hi UK(?c6ted that In the event of an exhibit being flent to- the Kiel Exposition,' nt the clone it cculd be tranaferred to tho Imperial rnntltute at London, where It would remain a a permanent monunvjnt of the fljihery rcnourneB of Canada. A curious requeat was mado yoHter- day to iho ofHcern of tho department of Inland Revenue. A man named Myoni, llvlrT^ r.t Apple Hill, Glengarry County, Is at loKjrerheads with a local doctor. Their difference!), It appears, now belnf," before* courtu. MyorM clmrneo the phynielun with malpractlco.and tho phyjdclnn in turn, hasi entered uult a^ninat Myers for defamation of char acter^ While the. su-lta were bofor* court, Mycrn had a slok tpM^and-wimtr to hht friend,.the e'neniy, for a bottle of medicine, which waa handed to him with a remark to the-effect that It would fix him all rjffht. Before hiking a doHe, Mycru thought he would try pome of it on the family cat. Tabby (H\leUy took the medicine and then laid down and died, Myers, bo he Bftyn, became Hcrloualy alarmed "at thlfl and informed a neighbor of ttih peculiar elrcumotanceit. Tho neighbor thereupon uupfp;eated that a do"ne should be admlnlatered to a doR, This wug- Restlon was carried out and the do# nlnoTiled. This was in February last and now Myers bobs serenely at the department with a bottle of mixture which he says was tflven to him nix months u(jo by the local doctor and asks to have it analyzed by ofilcerfl of the department. It Ih not likely that the request will be granted, Myorsj, If he Ih curious to know what th_c Aoltl_e__eontalnB, he is In a position to have It teflted~"by-a public analyslut. There^ Ir nbthlnp; to show that the mixture in the bottle, whatever It may be, was the same as that p;Iven by the' local doctor and tho fact that Keven months have elapsed before Myers took any action !n tho matter.Is a curious thin. Another mcetlnc; of the French Sep arata School Commit'.eo was held Sat urday nlfrht. Trustee Lavole, who had been sent to Montreal to see Brother Superior Flamfen and to urire that tho aervlces of the, Christian Brothers bo continued until the. end of tho year, wired Chairman Seeruln that he had been snubbed, Bro. Plamlen refusing point blank to compromise on the mat ter. The committee thereupon decided to face the Inevitable and will at once' take steps to nil the -places of the Brothers with the beat lay teachers that can be"obtained; The commute*' considered tho state of Its finances and found It had sufficient to enable them to procure a competent start. Tho opinion waa also expressed that the whole direction of French schools should be entrusted to a soneral, sup erintendent, who would ro from school to school dlroctlnp; teachers and ex amining classes. The committee ap preciate tho action of the Minister of Education In sending Inspector White to Ottawa to aid the Board In select ing a new staff. Applications for pos itions as teachers arc pouring In avery day. Mr. E. L. Newcombo, Deputy Mlnr inter of Justice, will bo homo Monday.' His report on the Copyright Question Is being looked forward to with great Interest. Hall Calne, the novelist, Is expectod hero the end of the week. The following new post-ofllccs were established In Ontario on Sept. 1st.: Air Line Junction, Welland; Dawn Valley, Bothwell; Hamlot, Mast Sim- coe; MacCormao, South Ilehfrew; Mor rison Lake, East Slmcoe; Hannoch, South Perth; .Rldeau View, . Itussen; Rcsanna, South Oxford. IrVtilt Bullied hy Www at*4 Vru*u. Donvor, Sept. 22. Tho damage done to the fruit interests of tho state by tho heavy snowfall of last night Is beyond computation. In the -vicinity of Denver, fruit and shade trees were broken by the heavy snow, freezing' to the limbs and scarcely.,a troo for miles around escaped Injury., The storm was general all over tho state, the amount varying from four to 12 inches. To-day the sun ahone eloar. The Indications; avo favorable for' a killing frost to-night. Th* ! DoBmoIncs, la., Sept. 22. Tho cold. wave from tho northwest reached here Sunday afternoon. . Tho early part of tho day waa very hot and the'sky al- ' most'Ciefiv. About noon tho sky * be- ' enme overcast and at 1 o'clock the r-K>:]t clouds suddenly took on the appear- :'il ance of an approaching' cyclone. The,".,^.^ temperature fell .with the wost'-'rthri'V.ii-jJa markablo rapidity' every known hqre^:^':/"! Tn 15 minutes the fall was'32, degrees;,':.f,-'*';;J nud nlnco,.then It' has been 8lp!wlyJ';J';ti*J sinking. X few minutes, after,the,si4dif.>?n don change o* temperature a ' rain set in accompanied by wind" reached r. Velocity of^fiOmlles^. .It';!^' very cold '.to-nlgbiJ-'lKfid <rpst;. W Dccted.,; :| 1 I i <'d .' i. ^1 tf.Wt '"I ' v:'^-^%| ., .....-:-.................:.....,.,;,, >,. ^,^^^^

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