Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 27, 1895, p. 4

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rViJ ' I '.' r Ji '* I '* ' h ' 'if' i. '.. I I ., I ^^ Jj I j <THE> ESSBaBB tBBE F>IEQg& ': p. DON'T TRUST TO In buying" your Groceries. BUY THEM OP A. ML SGARFF & And you wjll get just what .you order. ,/*" j Goods Delivered Promptly. ;> D. ANDERSON & Go,, BANKERS, _ Next to Abordoon Hotel? Essex, Monoy to loan on Fannoro' Notoii; Notoa bought or Colluolod; Manoy to louu on Mortgagon at owoHt niton and bout torinn. Drafts Iiiftuodpayabto at par at all principal polutu. Fire Insurance Agents, etc. The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1805. BIG FAIR PROSPECT. PROMISES OP A SPLENDID exhibition. Attraction* IVovidetl Vli Lieut." Roymorntid Mlnlwlor of AK*Ieiil- iur on WednoHdiiy Mpofldlug In tlio ttlutroM WvilnoHdayiuid'ttimriHlay Mporta or Various ICIudH-Nuiiierouw *Cutrle lu All napartuiontn. Tho coming anmal exhibition of Eimex County on TiiGHflay, Wedneoday and ThuniJuy of noxb wook, Ootobor lut, 2ud ana 3rd -hug vory promiHo of being, by louj> adda, the vory boat over hold in the County of Eoaex, Speoial effort .ban boon, and in being, kaado to roach thiH result, AH tba oflicorn aud directors aro utraimuK ovory uorvo to multo thin exhibition in ovory way worthy of the liborul piiblio patrouaRo that in oar- tain to bo ncoordod to it, while tho corpora tion aud people of Eimex Towu aro doinsr fcboir part*to malio it a fluocefm. Tho iudioationa for a iirntcIaBH diuplay iu tho uioro Bohd do'p'irtmomn aro of thu moot oncoaragin# ohuraotor. Tho Hoortt- tary writPQ uh that itll tho Btullu for oattlo hava already been engafiod and more aro being provided. Tho merchants and bnei- notjfl mon of Enaojc will all havu handnorae exhibits iu tho main building. The oppaial prized offered by H.. Wulkor & Sons for ahorthom and dairy liords and for corn in .tno oar aud i:i tho stalk as well an the lar#t* 1 l-*t of othor Hpooial prizoi promise to greatly inoroaao tho number of exhibit*) in the opooiiil nlitBQGB affootcd The groundh aro boinp pnt iu firut-claan and tho buildingn repaired, while tho track will be iu a siplcudid condition for tho trialH of npoodand othr ainHaonaentfi. Tho Liout.-Goyornor of Ontario aud the Hon.,T"hti Drydoh will arrive from Toron to, via Wiudnor, on the trum duo at Ehrux at 11:33 (fftttotimo) ou Wodnonday morniug, and will bo rtouivod by the reooptioo com mittee, thw EwiiiHvillfi Cavalry uud tho JEhhbx BraiiaBand. After lunohoon with tlio other invited 'ffaOBtH in Iho Soaiely'o tent on the ground at 12;8(K addreniiea will b delivorod from the grand Htund at I p. m. by tho Lteafc.-Govaruor, Mr. Dryden and otborn. Aftor thin thero will bo a trial of Bpood for farraoro* horses and otbur amuadmentH provided by Iho special utfctao turns oomm.ittea. Ou Th Ufa day thoro will bo quite a num bfir of epooial ivontH, inclPiling oontoata at Bjpeodinc iu tll(J r'nK botweon two ohtHHuuof hof*ou and a number of raOon and other DportBunder tho mana^emontof thoHpuoiul attractionh eommittao. ExhibitorH flbould boqin proparatioqe on Monday and have ovorytbinK oomplotoly iu po&ition for the jndtfQ3 by noon ou Tate day. Whilo live atoclc and poultry pro- fiousdy ontorod may bo brounht iu till 10 il. m, tho Hooaud day, <" many anirualu a poniblo Bhoald bo on the tfrounda tho flrnfc aftoruooii. "For yeara," aya Oapt. 0. Maollor, '! havo rolied morn upon Ayor'n Pills than anythlnft elflo in fcho modioinoJohoHt, to ro^ ttlute rny bowola, "aad thoao of tlio obit's orow. Tliose pjll ave not aovro iu their aotion, but do tboir w.ork thoroughly," _ . .....'- H6ot\*B PUla aro ouHy to talio, easy in action aud Hure in ofifflnt. 25o. Dccoruto iortIi Fair. A mooting of buotnoiw men of Ermox wa hold-UUIl^A. "tyinmor'n ofliou on Woilnea- day evojiinlv, for tho purpouu of arrmminjj HyHtoruatiu mulliudfi uf decuraticm for the comint* exhibition. A numbor of ooraraittuon wero appointed and It wan daoidod to erout a larfjo arch over tho roadway at tho corner of Talbot and Ottntro utroutn, end that mattor huu al ready been plaond in oompotent haudn. Tho committoo doairo to iraprchB ou ovory unjd oitiz<*n the doairabilitv of pro. denting no attractive an appearanco an pon inblo during thA dayn of thp fair, and urge, all to olttan up their prtiniHOH aud to doo^r- ato an much an ^ood tiiHto will permit. Tlio bmldorH of tho arch will alno foul qramful to farmorn or othcra who have flno BpeoimouH of corn or othor grainu of thiH yotir'u crop, if tht-y will kindly'ioan a fw KumplB for tho purpoHO of baii^iny on ino arch, as it in intendod to oovor tho frarno with BpuoimouB of tho bout produotn o( EhboX comity a#riouIturiHtn. Everybody ehonld fool a porsoual inter- uhI in making tho fair tin ^reat a buccohh *u poHflible. The fair of 1895 promineu to ochpDO all proviouti ones. Football, Ah advortiaod tho flrat game of the oea- bou. alouti aanoDiation football Hugh, wat* playod hero to-day botwoon .Woodulco and Eaox. WoodHleo have a lino lot ol play- orH, three of whom regularly play in tho Euacjc toara, and adding to thin tho fact of thoir playing nood "ball all eummor it was expeotod tho gamo would bo a cloao ooo. Tho toama linol up at 5 p. m. au follows : Woodoloe W. Cumruiford F. Coltorkl F. Loalt f G. Allison) .1. Fuorth t F, Fair j A. Dixon W. Hancock 1 A. Jon el) f (i. MuKoo J. Cook goal baoke Haifa oontro loft riht Efcoox E. Laing J. M. Short J. Gourlay F. Copolaud L..l>. Btottu O. Thraohor I. N. Laing W. Naylor A. Gourlay F. A. King Bichurdann fP. 1b. Uoferoe Bort Chnrafa. Woodaloo won the tOBa and took tho sun and wind. Play wawa prottv oven tht iirut half, both Hidoo narrowly niinoin(,' to scoro. Il tho Hocond half, with tho. aun aud wind in their favor, Eftoox bad tho ad- vantage and Hcurod onoo. Thoy might have dono bottflr, but early in the name Fred Kin# got n rib fractured, and al though ho plnoliily oootinuod, lio wan not able to put op hie upual^'omo. For Wood- aloe, Alliaon and HancocK did tlio btar playing, though all played well. With ono or two moro pruotiooa Ebhox will Do up to their usual form and ought to mako a Rood allowing in tho loaguc. Tho oitixone could eaaily take a qreator intoreat chau thoy do iu tho boyii. Public School Report. Minn Attchiaon'n room, junior Beooiid; marks poaaiblfl flO; obtained by hiRhent ton iu iho olaflii: UoBBie Sinclair, 45; Viva Hicks, 45; Joe Feothara, 44; Minnie Baughrann, 43; Bona Hill, 43; Roy Sourw. 43; Sam Hallum, 38; Ada Stacoy, b8; Qertrudo Cox, 38. Souior and intermediate auooud, markB pooflible 60. Maud Rob- iuson, 48; Mabel Phillipa, 4f; Lena Allon, 45; Byron Hioku, U; Ada Wighttoau, 44; A. B. Buck, 44; Floiiny Burdiok. 43; Louda Trewiu, 40; Arabol RobiiiHon, 40. . Mine CruHnwoller'H room ; Bonier part II; macks pOBBible fiO ; obtained by hiKhoatlon in olaflH. I.Laing, 49; M. Uiohardaon, 48; J. lfoMur- ray, 4G; A, Edgar, 43; E. Davis, 88; R. OaviO, 88; W. Wolfo, 30; W. StovenHon, 81 Sgtevgart*., GurriNo, At Ebbox, on Fridav, Sept. 17, to Mr, and Mra. Goo. Cutting, a sou. CAMniKKr,, At Gbafiold, oii Tueud'ay, Sept. 24, to Mr. end Mr. Ij. Campbell, aeon. 14 - Ijowju WIlo, ox-M.P., wanin. towu on Tuoeday, Rov.-M. P. aud Mm. Oampboll upoiit '1'uoHdny in WindHor. Mrw. XX, A. Ohatlorton in viylting frioudu in r'omhnr. Ian. Cuniihighain in'inifloring from iu- flammahon of tho oyoii, E, N. Iiaing and Alox. Gourlay returned from LoikIoii on Hatimlay. B, T. Grcon, of Chicuga, in viaitin^ hia brother, S. B, Green. I\Iiim Barah King, of Kingnvillo, hun bcuu viniring Miita Carrie Edgar. Minn Lillio Millar Hpunt Saturday and Sunday in Ainhomthurg. T. C. Hood ia keeping tho bookx In tli.i otWaa'ot Laing Brou., town. Mir, O. Wluto, of Chatham, iipiiiit il few dayo with Minn May Wiglo hint wook. Mr. Barrtt, of tho firm of Bar rot fc A Co., wua in Toionlothiu week on uuiiiuohh. Mrn. Harry Wiglo loft en 'iuoHday to join her hutiband in Blind River, Alyomn, MrH. and Mian Stolht Norton, of Went Brunch, Mioh., are ^nunta at tlio Aberdeen. Tho Mibhoh Borrowman, of Amborttt- burg, Hpent Sunday at Mr. Jos. Robinaon'H. Col. A. D. Davidson, of Hhnoie, apont Sunday with hio brother-in law, J, U, Andoriioti, Gordon MuAlliHtor, of Comber, who in now iiGiidylug modicmo in Detroit, called an friunJu hero Tuahduy. A. T. Laing loft town on Woduoaday for Toronto, where ho holda a poaition m tho achool of Practical Soionco. Mr. Footham oeoupiod tho pulpit in North Ridgo ohuroh on Sunday in tlio abaonco of Rev. W, H. Shaw. Hon. W. D. Balfour attended the meet, mi! of tho Eieoutive Committeo of tho Grout Boiithweutoru hero on Tuoaday. St. Thornaa TiraoH: Mra. D. MoKonzio, Euhex, and Mi ho Clara Mumit, woro tho guoBta of Mihh MoIConzio on Friday (lant wook). MrH. Goorgo Liokman retnrned home Monday from vioitiat! her daughter. Mrs. John Benuot, of HoriHall, and frionda at Uunngann. Tno, Abbott, M. C. B. oportttor, haa re turnud from hid holiday trip, but in oou- Jlued to tlio houtto, owiug to au attnok of Inflammation. County Warden Barrott, of Oonto, wan taken euddonly ill ou bunduy uigbt with inflammation, but tho FnKK Piikqu ia ploaBod to iraprovemont in bin condition. Wm. Barlow, of Hamilton, hau been visiting hirt [lurenlH, Mr. and Mrs. noHry Barlow lioro, Tho young man, who poaaOMHfca a line voico, nung a aolo iu the Baptiut ohuroh oii Sunday evening. HylniMl Potter. Thia colebratod oawo baa boon finally nettled in a nuint amioablo mannor. It will bo romornbered that tkosa uiimuD 'figured prominently in the Windaor pilioo court about a year ago. Tno young pooplo finally aottlod the mattor ou Tnoaday of thia weok by uppoaliufj to a minister who quiutly united iu murriatio Mi" JiBBlo Potter aud Wm. Hyland. Tho huppv oouple have the boat wiahoH of many acquaintaiicoa in EaHex and anrruundin^diHtnct. Fall FuirA. Groat South Western, Eaocx, Tuoaday, Wodnohday and Thnrndy of next wook. Polee Inland, Oct. 1. Tilbury, Gombor, Oct. 0 10. Colcheator South, Harrow, Out. 15, 10. Bomnoy, WheatUy, Oat. 2, 3. REUBEN E. TICUAX, M. 1>. I*. yPKAKS. TnOUHIjKD WITH INUIOlCltTION XHIt DYfrKl'SIJt i-'on 10 YEAnn. TUICaTED 11* 1'IIAHJCIANH ANP t'HTAJNKP NO HKNKiaT. thhek norrtaa of *ouTn aukmican nkuvimh I'HODUCBO A COMI'IjKTM ciinic. AN IMTOnTANT UTTEIlANCK WOM Till! LIUEnAL MKMUEll OF T1IK IjOOAI. IjEUlHLiTUIlIC. The moBt commou experiouoe haH plainly dumouHtratad that whon tbo digoBCivo or- ganB aro deranged tho wholo cyetin ir, doranged. Lifo ia hardly worth living to the mail who in a downright vjotim of nidi goutiou, end nogleot of utoiuaoh troubleu boou oraateo chronis indiguhtion. *' In tho Cjunty of Bruce fow men are bottor known than Mr. Houbeu E. Trutix,, M.P.P., who for yeara hae most ably reprt* squted tbatoouatituenoy iu tho Looa> Log lalaturo. It would be a hard mattor, how- ovor, to perform bis dutiou with anything like zeat and buoooBS if ho wero to-day a Hufferer aa ho wao rather moro than a do- cade ago, ludigoatiou waa tho troublD and it waa trouble enough. Ho aaya: MI wua fur about ton yoara very muoh troublod with indigestion aud dyupopuia, I tried u groat many different kinds of patent medi- union, and wan treated by a number phyHi. oiu.Hu, but found no bouellt in any oaao, I was ronominoudod to try ^outh Amorioaii Norvino I obtained a bottlo aud I muat nay I found vory great rdiof, I followed thia with two moro bottlea, which proved ouflloiont tooffoot a pormanontouro. I urn iiow. entirely free from Indjgeation, mid would st'rouijly rooommond all. my follow udfforbr^ frera tho diutaao to givo Soutli Amorioa.'^fervin.e an itnmodiat*. trial. It willcbro yen." Bold by j.-Thome. r/:if IT IS EARLY To talk about new fall goods but ours aro coin ing to hund. Tho next ton days will witness tliojnrrivalund pnaaing-into-Htock of New Boots and Shoes Bought direct from some-of tlio beat manufacturers in tho Dominion rit inside prices and will bo tho cloaeat pos sible advance; also New Ready-made Clothing which lor fityle, fit,.finish, durability and excellence of value will be Biire to plentc tho most exacting. During tho past 10 daye we ha\e pansed into stock New Dress Goods, Tweeds, White and Grey Cottons nnd General Dry Goods which aro up to date and excellent values. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT as usual is stocked with ehoico Jrenh goods. We are having an immenso run on our 25cTen. Oall and see Yours for Bargains, * y rnxtrsTiiiar blook, essbx. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FARM FOR SALE. TnE IIOOIMCIIPAIIM, BEING THKNOItTH X half of lot 000. nouth of tho Talbot road in thoTownahipof (Jonnold North, containing 00 ncron mofo oc louu. Thin farm In situated ou tlie Talbot road about ono mllo niLitt of Cottum. nix inilnci from tlio Town of EnHoiamliilx miloa from KlnRovillo, lit nearly all oloarod and In ono of tno bout ffirmn In tbo towonlilp. For pavtloulam ami torma of sale apnly to E. A. WIBMIilH. or to MltS. ItOUT. lUSOPKIt, UurrlBtor, &o, Oottam. . Ewiox. . 3T-41 To Smokers. To moot tlio wittlioo of thoir cuHtoraora, Tho Goo. E. Tuokott A Bon (Jo., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., havn plaood upon tho market A. Combination Plufj of 31 "T & B. SMOKING TOBA GGO This aupplioQ n long felt want, giv ing the consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent pioce, or a fi cent piece of tho famous ""I* Be &"' brand of pure_VirginiarTobaeoo. Tho tin tag "I & B" is on ovory pieco. THE PEOPLE'S S^ouseieni VIA. To- Detroit, Chibatjo, Buy City, Saginaw, Grand Kapide, Cleveland,Cmomnalti, St, Paul und Winnenpolia, Minn ,on OUTOBI'Ul 3r<1 4!li, Bill, ISOtf, KxcurKion.tu-'kotH will hv hold on October 8, 4, 6, lBDfi, u>mI to ruuim not later than Octohor 21, 1896, and tor conMnuoim pan- afie in eiicli'ducotion at the following very low ratou: Fr^m ESSEX fco Detroit, 75 conta Bay City end Saginaw, ft3 75 Grand UapilH. H 7G Chicago, ftti 75 Olovoland. fiS 25 Cinoinnatti.BO 75 Bt Pnul nnd Uim-caro'in S33 60 Tiektite to St. Paul nml Minneapolis will bo lH-ued via Chio&tjo and all direot lintu via Mackinaw City. Ticket* not iiooil on limiiod truinf. IDon't miHH tine npportunity of yinltititf ycur frieude. Iillogant day coaoh^H, superb dining and pulaco Bleupingoarfi n all oxproHa tmiiiH. Tickets aud nil othor information may be had from any of tho company's a^entg. HOBJ3UT MILLER, Gen'i tinpt. O. W. KUGGUEB, Gon'l Puro. uud Ticket ArI, J. G. LA.VEN, Canadian Puuh. A^nt, . A. O. STIMERS, Afit at Epbox. See our Line of "V..,. Fall and Winter Clothing Hats and Caps, Furnishings before buying m we can positively save you from 25 to 40 percent. Men's Suits, special value in all wool. Hats, the latest fall Blocks in Dunlops and Wakefield. Dress Goods greatest valued in the west. Groceries Fresh. Prompt Delivery. Vance's Old Stand, E HEADQUARTERS FOR 'Hi Vlio Grout ]iikX1h]i Homcdy. Six TaokngcM Guaranteed to promptly nnd porjnanontly euro nil forniH at.Jfervaut atorrhm, Jmjtotencuand atl ejects ty* AbuBO or iCosceaaet, Jtfotifai Worry, ccaoeaatva ttta Were and Aftor^Z^ZZxI'JZ. flmUtv, Jnnantlvi Conaiuiiption nml ait tarty orawi. Ilaabcrtn prcacrlboil mot ,t5ynnm In tliOasaudd of tho only JleUablo and Honest Medloina known. AnkdrugglBtforWood'tf kMiOMphoahieiK lio offers eotiio worthlfuu itiedlolne In place ot thH lueloflo price la lot tor, and wo will iiotid by rotuni nlnll. Price, ono jinokngOf *li nix* t&4 0*<t toil X>leaiw,*lxv^Uourt. Pamuhlotsfrootonnyofldro*.' The Wood Oorapnny, . Wliitlww. Ont.,t*aniid"j Boll in Kbboi by ull driiffnihta. PLOWS and PLOW REPAIRS V V, OF ALL KINDS. -\-5 Disc Harrows ,;,!, <;.. ALWAYS ON HAND. & . " . "u-^m U&MMMMiMMJM 30

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