Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 8

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S i ____ ro New Patrons Daily AT THE Bankrupt Stock Store, As a result of a Comparison of Our Prices with other stores for Dry Goods, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Hats & Oanali^ttrnisMiigs, Boots & Shoes The Four Corner Stones of this Business are Reliable Goods, Money's Worth, One Price to all, . Cash Basis. Butter and E$gs Taken as Cash. BARRBTT&Oo JAS D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Motel Essex. Monov to loan on FurinoiB' iJotoB:NotonbouBht or Colloctod; Mouey to loan on Martfjagofl at owoot raton ami boat tormB. Draftn Iflfiuod payable at par at all principal pointy. Fire Insurance Agents, etc. ERSDB&L Mm. Prico is visiting frionda in KiugB- villo. M. It. Pizor. of Combor, wao in town on Tuoaday, Mrs. Ida Hicku vitutod frionda id Wind sor thjB wook. Miaa Mionio Eaton, of Detroit, ih vmit- ing her mother. Him K, Millar is visiting frionda in Gottto thm wook. Mr. Caleb Jones, of Windnor, waa in ' town this week. Miaa Ida Nosbitt ia visiting friondq in Ijeamington tbia wook. f Mhu Blow, of Windaor, ih tbo guest of Miss Xu Robinaou, town. Mra. Jao. Robinson ifl visiting frionda in [', Deorfield, Ohio, thin wook. ~TMr. Wra. Voapor, of Dotroit, in vimting his paroiits in town thin week. Urn. M. Jaraoa, and family, of King*, villo, arrived la town lant wek. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gallaugor, jr., are visiting tho former'o parents hor*. Minn Yates, of Camp Palmar, called oh Miss Delia Uobiuson ou Buuday. Maura, Bold and Kirby, of Walkorvillo, called ou Mr..)- A. Frauciu hut week. Mi Maggie Bnrno, of Detroit, 1b visit ing at tho Uorao of Mr. F. Dolmoro. Mr. and Mra. !. Bnokor, of Lintowell, arc visiting thoir brotbor, 0. U. Brioker. Mra. E. Ellison, and children, roturncd ou Thursday ovening lawt from an ex- tendod visit to friondo in Kingsvillo. Mr. D. Potlt, roheviug M. 0. U. agom, returned to bio homo at Otlorville on Mon. Mr. and Mr. A. B. CuBhtnrf, who bavo been vifiitiup; frionda in Hamilton, On*., during th* holidays, havo returned to Essex, white Mr. dishing resumed his duties on the high Bohool sUfi*. Mr. Chan. White and fatmly.rotvrned on Saturday from a few wooka viait at Port Btauloy. Mine tleathonngtou rotumod onSatur- Jay from a viait with hor paronts in Loamiugtoa. Principal Crasawollor, B. A., of the high nohjol, returned from hit) holiday trip on Saturday. Miaa D. Wiglo was called to Loamington to attend hor motbor, wbo was taken sad- donlv ill on'Sunday Mr. and Mra. Alex. Wallaco and Mifl Clara Lano returned ou Monday from thoir trip wp tho laUoo. Mr. Walter Shaw attended tho oponing of tho Hiiumor School of Mwsic, m Dotroit, oa Wodnoeday. MiflB Alio* Pioraon, of tho Coutral Tol- ophone ofllot, in npendiug hor vacation with frionda in Guolpb. Miaa Nora Riloy, of Cottam, ia viaiting with Miaa Ada Groonway, and otbor frionds in town. Mm. (Dr.) J. W. Brieu m spending a few days tho guest of Mra. G. E. Forsyth*, at CBdar Beach. Mibu Inaitol Y Todd and Miss Daisy B. MoEwan are visiting in Windaor, Dotroit and Tronton, Mm. J. R. MoEwun returned ou Mon day from a visit with frionda in Detroit ni Windaor. Mm. Gritiitha, of Walkervillo, wbo vmitod with frionda in Easox laat wook, nturncd to her homo on Friday. Mr. Cameron, of tho firm of Mo Loan, MoLean & Cumoron, of St, Thoinan, ao- lioitor, wuh in town on Wo duo ad *y. Mias Dolly Roao, returned to Detroit on Monday, accompanied by her brotbor Harry, who will apend a wook there. Mr. aud Mra. H. M. Cowpor, of Winni peg, wbo have boon viHitmg frionda in Cliiongo, arrivod in town on Wflduoaday. Mim l'loronoe Garabeo, o! Now Port, Mioli., who ban boon vinitiuc Miaa Lena Hiaka for tho paat wook, roturuod to hor homo on Tuesday. MiiiR Magg't* Wallaeo, aooompamed by bar ooiiHin, Mihb MaoFnrlano, who bavo boon nponditig thoir vaoation in Eafi*!, ro* tamed to London tbia morning, wboro tlioy will viait frionda before ginp; to To ronto. _". .1 . U'ouk aud Nervoim DeaoriboH tho condition to tliouuandn of paoplo Htthia aoaaon. Thoy havo no up- putt to, oRiin )fc aloep, and complain uf tho r>routratin effoot of warm weather. Tbia condition way bo ro.uodiod by Hood's 8ar aapai-illa, which oreatea an appMito and tonoa up all the organs. It ivea ffeod bdultb by making the blood puro. ^ / vy-'.wtw T ~* SCHOOLS IB QUEBEC. Ninety Por Cent, of the Tuaob- ers are Inoompotent- IHSPECTORS MAKE REVELATIONS. Ilruib*.** or iUr llottrtl of I'xnmtUnr* Vu- nVill4f to Urtut ot' Wrllf, \,i thvua Urn 4:rnut 4Vrtlllrnt^~f>M Ivr Hi'iir Clio .tv<t-oi Vnf|n*r'ii Mu)ur>. MonliMl, Quo., Aujt. 21 DUilnw th" bmt two iJuvfi a cnn/rrciu of ikJumiI In- itpct'toi i hH ! oin^ nn at St. Hyaclnthti, under tlu pri-iiflciu-y oi Hon. HotifhMi D, r^a, ]|n,,r,p HliporIll. ti>nilint of pihiciitlon, and tin- wvchi tJniT. thai havo h.-r. mn(J( u.f,tluihlK ill-- ron.unui ..r liooj., of tliN piovlnc ir, iM ?!;;;il';'i7 oi,,i' ^ mu- ;.^(,tion ,im!' l!nV\T\in 'Mlu,,to1"'. hut Him, hmnnUir*,lf,,n'lfUwUh ':'1"""" 'Hi,. Jn.*ip..rLoi.M nm, in, mi. abli L" ao*h<r IVH nl,i|M,| t0 ,,, t U]l >p,.n <onv,nti.lw anil di-i-lm.. that 10 P*'* font, of tun Unman f'athnll oonunon HMbnoIs f Qm-b,r iin\lm w7" in th" hamlM of unsklllfd Iiieom pi-tent and unoiiticatpil K.irhtM'ii Al thotiKh th.- oIM.-ial n,(W,.im phUnlu Mutfnl thai nnnc bin thn-*,. l,oMlnf; dlplonniM (.tn t.-ru ii 1>, tbt publl ^ Ihm.Ih, 'jwl this H vlolati'd day bv <biv, nnd ^ornc of tin- Inapcctois n.vM tbut JT It wore otheiwUie hundurls ol tni- m booH would he i Irricii the voai lound ATr Tjippcns, who in a Wiy sicaloir cdUfationNt, and i.i inpp( tor for lb- rich countlo'i of Vorclii.jfs, IlU'iielinu firif] Chamhly, told Jiow many bnulior, bud bpcn dilvcn out of the profpsnlon by women with low llcen^s, oi nom at all, jnrt wliere <ljfitii<t.'i paid thoir tnachi'i-s J1D0 srimn > ir>{ .iffo they vtf> now KPtttnp the work done for 51'10 by incompetent ladv t< nchpm. Impuctom Muiot, Dcnicis nnd other< ippoitod that tlu> aveniffp "jiIiirU'H publ In tludr dlstr ictn woip SCO per annum, and It also mini' out that thp pnl^h of St. Antoln-, on the Klrholien, the home of Pnrtler, and om- of the l !eb- (S| I" the piovlneo, p-i|d cxapth 5100 to each of their lady teacbeiK per year to iduciitp their children. { Thin, howuver, Ih not the wnrf.1 fea ture of tlu case. Instead of havln^a boinl of examlnrr'^ ai~\\aa' unlver^nlly demanded at the congress, the provliue 1m dhlded up into local hn.'iuln, whire diplomat can bo had foi the MHkliiK. The thliiff eemH no ab- aurd that It fan scarcely he believed, but It Is .stated upon the authority of hc\uiii InnpeetorM that tbeie are men bcionfjlnK to their board* of px- nmlner.s who pan woaroply read and wnlte, nnd that the whole wyntem H nothlnff more nor lenn than a Hcream- lne: farce. No attention ' whatever Ih paid to the uniformity oX-bocjkqjrji.d when tho con^reHs wanted to make a reuom menditlon on tbbj point, Judfre Valh c wide a Hcare speech declaring that this was a point In which the social and relkrlntm. rlghtn of the people were inolwd, and the paragraph was eon- seguently dropped from the finding of the convention. However, the In- Hpectors have done pood work and as they state themselves- the deplorable condition of affair.s had to be known w>m<l tlnip) n.nd the sooner the eat Jumped out of the bifr the better for all concerned. Quebec Province, with a population of nearly two millions, rate.s $1(10,000 for her public schools, while Nov i Pcotia, with a population nf Io^h than half a million, provider $200 000 for the "nme purpose. Most people will thlnli that the real question, If common school education should be foupht out Is here on tho St. Lawrence and not in Manitoba. UIM.KH U\ IIIH IIOIEt.14. H'ntnl Kuiiawayat HldceMay -Tbre^IN-opii Injurrd. JlidRreway, Aupr. 'i\ Yesterday after noon a trunk falling on the heels o the Crystal Beach bus hmses frlprht- cned them. Cliarlea Buck, the driver was knocked down and the wiitfon went pver hla head, causing injurk"- which proved fatal. The horses then ian away with the load of passenger.- mostly women, All except one pans* n per jumped and were more or lo* Injured. Tiro inlnltllc- hi KuTfnlo Buffalo. Aug. 2-1. William Cotter, n car ^llecke^r lost hut balance and fell of* the coal trewtle, a dlatanct of <*" feet. Tie landed head foremost cruphlng his skull in a horrible man ner. Michael Dv/yer, a Western Union lineman, making repairs ou top of e 40-foot pole, came In contact with a live electric wire and fell, bi?akln;; hla neck. Tvio Trolley llrflum In RrnoItMn Brooklyn, Aug. 24. Two moie pei- Bons were killed In thlo city tbia mom lng by tiolley cara. Knfil Ur WfHiM Iluiitr mid nid, Brampton, Au^r. 23. Wllllnm Varno- a bacholor. R0 years of age remarked to a neighbor that he thought h< would bang himHelf, Next morning hi was found HUspended from the celling Mlj'lt IIIlUM'*!*'* Alexandria, Va.t Aug. 23 F. A Heed, a eommiHslon merchant, com mitted BUlcide to-dny by shooting. A Planter In llir W| lx\"<rvr- Montreal, Aui?. 2.1 The bnd> of a Htoreman, named O'DIHon Galernean, waa found fioating In the river thH evening. Suicide \a suspected. Iiili'riinlloillll !^>Hlru-rif>it rt' tti rHIriit. London, Aug. 24. The Lloyd Com mittee have communicated with the Board of Trade, urging that the Gov ernment Bend a representative to Washington to arrange with tbo Unit ed States Government a scheme to destroy derelicts, especially In the North Atlantic. The Boand of Trade nro considering tbo matter. Uttlrd By TVkIii KoblxiH. Gwutd Xlaplds, Mich., Aug. 23. Do- tectivo lowers, who was shot last night by the Chicago and West Michi gan ti*aln robbers, died at the hospi tal this morning._________ UllHt>* of* NloJUlrcHl^nlUlMg:. Montreal, Aug. 23. Tho eastern wall of it now building belnff put St Catharino-street fell out this Ivonlhg and cruahed into Btewitrt'et eho'* shop, doitifg u good dears of daina*^,' but no ""*- wdtruv 1/Vrt# me tantr in Rtr*1'1! m tno nrgi reau- lutlon adopted a tbo national con- < i nion n.s loll/ " That the cu1 "inn tiirlfC of tho Do minion tdiitubl l loiKod. nut oa It Is i ow, upon the j oteuLlvo prlnolpb', 1 iir upon tbu ", b ' iiumU of the uub- im '.ei vk *: "That the <v* 'r11- tariff, futitided i I'oiT an unbound lulnclplo, and used. uh it bus boon ! the Oovcrnmont, aH u corrupting n, iiey wjujrowttb to i * i p thmiHielvt n timrn, has" di-Vidop- rI monopolies, t u-tu nnd coMiblnii- " It lias decicii.'.t the value of fai ni unil rtlhei lati'h " It has oppr> im! the maifiteii to the <-m Iclmient of a ' u , "It ban rhedn'1 Immigration; " Jt IMIM ClUllii <, i .it ions of popu latlon: " It hiiM Impi d- 'I commerce; " rt has dbieilp' i.ited against Or* at rirlialn. " In those and in many other wa\ i H has occaalom l 1.1 < at public and private injury, nil o< which evils muni continue tn gim in Intensity as long as the present 1. 1 uf. systom remain 1 in ffucu. "That tlie lib ' t IntprwiU of Can ada demand a n 1 "val of this obstacl*' to our country's 1 1 'glow, by the adop tion of ft sound .< policy, which, while not dolm, i i.iiutlcp to any chuii., nil >piomot( df mystic and l'ori'lgn ti ide, and badii the xeturn of pio'i- perlty to our people; "That to tb it end the tarln! should lit reduced tn tin* needs of boncat, eco nomical and.etllelent government. "That It should he so adjusted as to make free, or to bear as lightly n pnswlhle upon, the necesfiarles of life, nnd should be no arranged an to pro mote freer trade with the whole world, more particularly with (Ireat Britain nnd the United Stat . "We bplbv-o that the results of tin* protnotlvp wyatom have grievously dl*- appointed tliousandM of persons who lumestly supported it, and that the country. In the light of experience. Is now prepared to df elare for a sound fiscal policy. "The Issue between the two political parties on this qiustion Is now cloarlv defined. "The Government themselves aflmh tho failure of thlr fiscal policy, and now profess their willingness to mnk'- inmo changes; but tliev say that such changes must he based only on tlv principle of protection. "Wo denounce tbo principle of pi o- tcc-tlon as radically unsound, and un- tuHt to the masses of the people, an'l wo declare our conviction that am* tirfff changes based on that prfnclpl must fall to afford any substantial re- Mi f for the burdens unretl which tlu- country labors. "This hmue we unhesitatingly accept and upon It wo await with the fullest confidence the verdict of the doctor*- of Canada," m*; CABttmmoNKiEfl rttwownt, An Aru6d Poreo Way l'roc^<I toVdorbAo LaiMfcm, Aup. 2G. A despatch from Sluuigrbai to a news agency uaya that Commander Newell, of the United States cruiser Detroit, has gooo to Kuehcftfr for the purpose of consult ing with J. C Illxnon, United States ronsul at Poo-Chow In regard to the landing of an armed force for the pro tection of irixnon and the European members of the comrnlHSlon Inventlgat- Ing Into the recent maiWicres. The members rtf the commission are now Pi actlcally prisoners. 1:1:11 u\ him, i.tsn iiiUH\i^4 -'itin \3imi irtTfle tu rn^lniia*!) llfiiiatul I 'tr nn IiiV4*Mtlgalloii fjr<> don, Aug. 2G. The Sun snyr. thai Is lumoied the Mnrquis of 1 iui\, the British Prima Minister, 1 ' d* termlnr-d upon decisive action in aid to China, and that a British '* *l \\\U occupy one or two Chinese ,x>i t s, and perbapB land marine-i In order tn enforce Great Britain's de- '.mihIs in conneeHon with tho lnvestl- * atlon of the recent massacres. 1 toin.w 1: acik\ H<oitrin.. W HCulUlliitXK ii<i I 1 lu HUU>L-l'li(i lA*i 8 lO.OOa IHorcnce, Ont., Aucr. 2fi Fire t>--artod 'unday moining in William Milton's Lai lot shop. Joining that was S. Crout h 's harbor shop, and soon both buildings were* a se thing mans of luiJiii t, which soon spread to Wlllhtm /hompson's tailor shop, adjoining that 01* the others Soon the flames reacho] \'.'ebster <ft Gordon's general store, orn nf the oldest dims In the village, Tli'-so buildings all being frame were ** ion demolished, not before, however, ]> NoitbwoodS office and the T.O O F 1 dge r lOiih were consumed, 5Iere, fu of material, the fire waa ^becked - This is by far tho largest ri o Hccn in our village for many rears. By dint of bard work and pb nt.> of water supplied by the bucket brlpr d , the buildings opposite won- n"t 1 The loss cannot bo estimated f^rieptly yet, but is about $10,000 or '" '.000, as "omo of the parties were In- .11 *ed cud some were not. \w.M'4(Kti;i,A\ii i;u:<ti\. "o\cll. <'iiii-i*rvjiiJv**, Upturned By a llnjorlfy of no Moricton, N.H., Aug. 2R. Tlie Westmoro land bye election bus remit leu In tlie return uf i'owell, Goveiainent eaudldale, defuntbiff Klilain, with a majority of 7^u. Tho coii- ust wan short but very bitter, eucli Hide 11 urging tlie other with extenni\'e bribery, uid one prominent citizen of tins cltj uned (Jlwin, a Conaervatlve, wan nrrcHt . <l daring tse day charged with bribery Plie Kngliith settlements generally ulion 1'iilna tar the Opposition, eiwipnrt d with previous ulectiouH, while In only one French (.etlli'iuoiit Ih ther a gnln for riie (Jovpph- meat side. Mr. Wood'u majority In ls'Jl uau about 2!i00 l-roiii tho 4'irpMitl Ottawa, Aug. 26'. There are 410 com petitors for tbo Dominion Rifle matches which open here Monday, which ii something more than the number of last yeai's entries. All have ai rived and most were out at ltiduau ranges to-day. The mon agree that sensa tional ocor ng may bo looked for with a continuation of flno weather, which uahen_d in the week. Satibiiaction Is expressed wlLh the rules in regard to ttrianiioiucnts made foi tho comfort and accou.iuudadju vi syjuyetltoiu. uoid AL(ruuLn'b toiih, ijord iiudda and Hon. uudky Go: don, sad for iSnff- land 0.1 the Numuluui, Sept. 14. They go to legume their studies. None of the Separate bchoolu taugbt by the Ubrihtian llrothuiu will reopen r,i.oiulay in toiibui^ence ol a lufusal of tbo brutheis to icfoim their teaching methods, conformally to tho report of the pro\ coiaiuishlon. 1 he board ban deckled to dispense uith their ser vices and lay teachers are lu lug eii- gat;-d. Dr. Montague his refcurrud to Ot tawa^ He \-ill hi eak in JIamiUon on Laboi day a*ul alio at the oueiilng of the Tarorto Industrial Fair. Mr. Ctalg, Dominion Horticulturist, has pone to the Niagara dlstrct to ar- ,'anrre for a tial rhipmont of fruits by cold Mtamirp. It is expected tbo llrot oargft of ponchos, pearti, plum* and rap vJ>. be tot warded in about two WAAktf> DIEBEL & BBICKERS' Great Slaughter Sale of Summer Goods. E^^IOHQ OUT XHT TWO. 30 pieces best all wool Chulliea, rogulur price 8oc reduced to 19c yard. 15 pieco4 colorod Pcngoo, 7c yard COpiccea Uii-in. Prints He yd 15 pieced black and whito Challioa reduced to 10c yard Ladiog' l^c black lloso ro- ducod to 10c pair CO pairs Corsote ull hizcb for 8Cc pair 3 doz ladioa' Vcstn 5c oucli Special reductions in Bilk Mitts and Gloves 15 pieces now .Flannelctto, special at 5c yard Now creations in Monlotton in Pink, Blue and Cream at lo cents a yard, All summer Dress Fabrics at cost and unclor. Boots and Shoes Mon'a red Harvest Shoos $1 a pair Mon'w find Dongola Oon- grosB $1.05 pair Ladies' Polinh calf 0^- fords Toe pair LadieB' fine Dongola Kid 81.75 pair Afon's Tweed Pants 1.00 pr Afen'H all wool Tweed Eiaits reduced fiom 7.50, B.00 and 0.00 to 1.98 a suit 100 remnants of Dress Goods at half prico. Men's Cotton Socks fchrdo pr 25 cents Special reductions in carpots Lace Curtains and Oil Clothe, Just opened 150 now ladies* Mantles, Capos and Wraps. Call and soo them. The Great Corner Store, DIEBEL & BRtra -A TREASURER'S SALE OF LAMPS FOR TAXES. TOWN OF ESSEX) Whkhkab by virtuo of it, warrant inauod by the MnyorofthoTown TO WIT. |" ol Euuox in tbo County of Ebbgx and atithontioatoci by theoor- porato floal of tho fiaid Town bearing dato tbo sixth day of Augunt, 1995, and to mo diroctod commanding mo to lovy upon tbo following lota or parcolH of liuidn in arroarn for taxoB dno thortion with coHts. ' 1 horoby riuq notioo that uuloon the oaid taxes aud oonw aro sooner paid I nhall.ou Wodnosday, tho fourth dny of Doccmbor, 1805, at tbo hour of ton o'alook in tbo fors- noon at Pook'a Hull m tho Town of Ehhgx, procood to noil bv pnbho aootion tbo aaid landn or ho mucb thoreof as maybo auilloioiit to pay ouch arroarH of taxoa and all law ful costa incurred : Plan. Lota. Tuxon. Cote. Total. 322 7 8 10 anil part 0................................813 0! 9 03 91K 12 20G 6................................................ 55 21 3 OC 8 24 181 1 81 as 3Haud C8..............._............. .._ n nn 307 G 15 20 21 33 U 35 3C 87 -10 -12 13 U 45 Hi & 18 <WJ"4t) " ^ 217 33 307 41................................................ 5 10 1 95 7 B5 179 Middlu parts 10.17 and IB.......................... 72 U 3 GO 75 01 223. 11................................................ 13 51 201 15 B8 170 2 and 3............................................102 32 4 25 105 57 181 North half of 21.................................... 28 28 3 40 DO 08 303 1................................................ si 40 2 47 113 93 207 8................................................ 44 83 2 82 47 (tf 17G 04 45 47 18 fiQ fi3 55 113 111 115 133 137 130 an'l 4 102 40 6 70 167 1 303 North half of G.................................... 20 73 2 44 33 17 300 3 1 G 5 7 and 10.............................. 24 40 3 31 20 71 285 G................................................ 37 flij 2 69 30 38 179 34................................................ 33 5 2 54 36 09 Blook D....,..................................... 4 83 1 D5 0 77 Block 54.......................................... 11 93 2 00 IS M Blook 4G.......................................... ai 13 2 47 33 0 Blookn 48 und 49.................................. 67 48. 8 US 71 04 W. D.BEA.MAN, TrouBUrir. THE PASTOR'S WIFE. AN 1NTJGKESXING XNVJSB- VIEW WITH JttlfcS, (JflUBV.) F. B.ST]ftA_TTON Throatouod With I'arulynlit woalc uroaclaia aud VJmutoln to maud Fa- tleu* IMuk PHIS IlteMlvre lie* Xloultli. Vrom tbo Mapatto Boavsr. , The Itov, P. B. Stratton, of Solby, is quo of tho baut kuowu miniutorH in Bay of Quinto oouforouoo, of which boly ho 1b tho ProHident. Uurinf tho two yearn Mr. Stratton has bou itationod at Solby, both tin nnd Mrs. Stratton have won houtH of frionds amon^ all oliinnoa for thoir auafl- HumuiK and niucor Ohriatlau work. Som* time a^o Mrs. Btrattou wan attacked with partial paralysis, aud hoi restoration haviug boon attributed to fchu ub of Dr* WilharaB' Pink PilK, a raportor of tbo Boavar waHsont to interview hor. In re ply t tho roportar'aquuBtion Mrs, Stratton said that tibo had boen (,'reitly bonefitod by Dr. Willianas' PuikX'illH, and wao porfqot- ly willing to ivo lior oxporiouco that thotfo HimiUrly uftUatod rai^ht bo bom ftt od. MrK. Btrattou fiaid that bofora tuov iufj; to fcJelby;fjho huJ beon piraatly troubled by ft numbness ooniiug ovor her sides and rtrnin (partial paralysis) wluoh, whan she moved, folfc as though hnudroda of needles wcra atioktnfi in tho flesh. For oyer a yar she had fcoou troubled iu this way, with oooasionally a d<'rsy spell. Bhe was honouring emaciated aud easily fntiRuod and was unable to gab iloep from this dftUno. Tbo trouble seemed tob*woran at 'ri night tlmo. Mr. Btrattou had beoorue (jroally alarmed at her bad stato of health, and it was fearod thut oomplota paralyyia would eiiHUo as Mrs. Stratton'a mother, the late Mrs. Weaver, of Ingersoll, had boon similarly otriokott, ab about the tame ftKo. Knowing a youu^ lady iu Trenton, whore Mr. Stratton had been previously stationed, who had boon oured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pillu, it wan doiormlned to givo tbom a fair trial, When kr. Stratton boan using tho Plk Pills she wao very thin und her nyufcom badly run down, but after taking the pills for a time, all flymptoma of paralysis disappeared, and hIio found hor health anil strength re- nowod and her weight iuoreasud. Mrs. Stratton in about fifty years of age, aud a more healthy, robust, and younger looking lady i soldom soon at that age. Iu roply to tho reporter's inquiry aa to what Pink PiIIb had dono for bis wife, Mr. Btrattou said. "Look at her, look at hor, doesn't aha show it,'1 and the report. or could noi but admit the truth of the fitutemout. Those pills are a positive ouro for all troubles arising from a vitiated condition of tbo blood or a shattered nervous nys- tem. Bold by all dealers or by mail from tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont. or Soheneotady, N. Y., at 50 oents a box, or 6 boxes for 32.R0. There aro numerous imitations and substitutes against whiah the pablio is oautionod. 4 liood'a Pilln are the best aftot-diuUe^ pills, aulsb difieatiou.cure headache. r^ ^Tl i~i/, .* .- ..^ A

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