J < . t -*>Li~*- DNTEIUMC CmBNIWft HONtTMnTT. Tfa biatu<? * Up I'nveltcd In Mop(r*l To imy *f*rar Terrebonne licitIII illoJll Montreal, Quo., Autf. 24. Tim "i"ofl- nont whloluhud been orectud In Vise? Solium, ML nonli-Ntrrot, to purin'tu- at<> tho moniory of Dr. Clicnl*?, who foil ut Ht. WiiHtuClU- while lighting 61r John Colhnrnc'H ttoopH, will h<> nn- Vi'llei] Hittiirdny. Tho monument In not u veiy lmpoilnv affair, and "Jr thoutfh tho pOHt will not pxo*d j4OO0 It ha hci>n laborious work cnlli**llf t"** niom-y and thL-n. Itro a tfood inimy patriot ii, ho-cil1|><3, when tJry ar" call ed upon to contribute to a monument find thin iilin|]f;tl, the lUtpt'Ct of thlnrcu altogether, U1K|, In fact, it Hon. N. Clarke Wnlhico hud not remitted ll 0fl. which luul boon puld* In duty, tlw brons-o Mtutue to pooi Cbcnler would not yet be ready for mivcllliitf. 'Nit. Tjiiviil TJnlveiidty iwtliorltlrii wilt take pOHMen.'jIori of. their fine new build- in*? In a faw fluya, but the formal open ing win bo no4tpon*<l tn the lut of October. The Mtenrier Terrehonno, whlh RToniided comln/r down the CttBCiuio rapldn Infit wtrntnt:, hmt boon *ot off, and will be Ht-nfc to Hoiel for ropalrji. rhf pnMMffn^ern nrrlved hero Jit 2 o'clock thlw mornlnrr and left for Quebec tw ilight. . tAUit't, 1-OKT Hr*V|K klvH.ln'* l>*lc*mlwtlon t fotabllah Mm,* London. Au*. LM._ln the Houye of Common:,, Mr. Robert W. Hunbury, Financial Secretary to tlw> PoHtofflc*, Department, Mated, In reply to n aufcIP tlon by Mr. X Hcrmllter Beaton, that U was tho Intention of the Govern ment to follow up the effort* of their predecoHHors towards the eatnblhilmi&nt of a ptircol post nct-vlce between tb united State* ami Great Britain. Sir John Ixjntf, member for Dundee, naked whether the Board of Trad* could not control tlu sp^d" of railway trains which were now raring dally between London and Aberdeen Thw extraordinary Mpeod attained by those tratnn, he declared, wan certain to re sult In a terrible accident. Mr. Charlea T. Hltehle, President of tho Board of Trade, replied that tlifl Board had no power to Interfere In th* matter. Tho public, he said, mwtt roly upon the common nemu) of the) railway com pan lew. Sir John Lctitf, Liberal memb*r fo* IHmdcr, Bald be did not believe there wag any true or solid ground for ex cluding Canadian cattle from Great Britain. The tttaht iron. Walter II. Xvnv:. Prcflldent of the Board of Agriculture defended the prohibition of th<* Impor tation of llVe cattle from Canada 1I remarkod that thf numberi of home cattle reared In Perthwhlr*. Forfar- ahlre and Abordeennhlre, where tin* mcoluHlon of Cnjindtan cattle wa con demned, were very small compared with thowe raided In the remainder of the country, where the rxelunion was* supported. The Globe announce* that Mr. Robt Bannatyne Ptnlay.Q.C,, haw been ap pointed Solicitor-General of EnRland. MimnKUEU MV llX/KNIfNGj X tr-mt| 4r<-HM f KUIlug H* HUUw Minneapolis, Minn., Auir. 24. MLw XiOra Perklnw linji been arrewted on a charge of killinK her slater, Mr*. JLota Hawkins, by setting her on fire, Aug. ,9, for the sake of J7000 life Insurance. The" warrant waji sworn out by Dr. Todd, medical Inspector of one of the Insurance companies, it had been sup posed that Mrs. Hawkins met her death by accidentally overturning & lamp. _______________________ Amherstburpf, Ont Fire !n a barn owned by J. G. Mullen ndjoln- tntc the coal docks looked Bcrious for a, time to-day. The flre spread to Dr. Parka* barn, which, with contonU.was consumed. O. W. Shlpman's coal sHetls also caught, but the fire was kept away from the coal piles on the docks., rtfty Hwltdln*i Name* Wy MsktalUK. Copenhairen, A-u.it. 21 During (rtornvat Nyroburg, on the Lymflorcl, yeflterday, several farm houses were struck by lightning. The houses were act on fire, and the flamoi spreading 0 buildings were destroyed. ITIour Trade very dull and prices nominal. Straight rollers offer at $3 to JX25, Toronto freights west. Bran Bran is Hteady a,nd quoted at JfcUM outside west. Sheets are $17 to $18 outside. Wht.t The market is depressed with fair oiYerings and little demand. Ited ottered west at G5c on G.T.R and at B3c on M.C Wo 1 Manitoba hard. fa nominal at 87c to 88c PetLS Offerings more liberal, with sales of new outside at 50c. Oats The market id aulet uad price* generally unchanged. New mixed sold at Wo to 23 l-3c and white at 24c to 2&C WfrHt. Barley Trade dull, with No 3 quot ed at Mc to 37c 3ftye_The market is dull, with prices nominal at 40c to 42c. The receipts at the Western yards tc-day were 55 car loads, including 2000 head of sheep and lambs, 750 hops and 35 calves. The demand <or ex port cattle Im slow with prices a shade weaker. Choice sold at 4c to 4 l-4o por lb. and good at 3 l-2c to 3 3-4c. The supply of butchers' cattle was mposed chiefly of Inferior ntuff, which sold slowly. Choice wanted ajid firmer at 3 3-lc to i l-8c Medi um sold at 3c to 3 l-4c and inferior at 2 l-4c to 2 1-fcc. Milch cows In mod erate demand at 520 to $40 each, and calves st&ady, with sales at J2.K0 to $7 per head, the latter for choice, which are wanted Sheep and lambs steady, with demand fair. Kxport sheep 3 3-4c to -ic por lb , and butchers' at J2 50 to 53.80 each, r^ambs steady at $2 to $3. Hogs are unchanged. The best sola at jr. to $5.12 per cwt., weighed off cars, heavy at $4-,G0 to $4 CO, stores Blow at $4 to $4.25, sows at $3.75 to %A and utags at $2.25 to $2 50. UrllUli Marker Liverpool, Aug. 23- Wheat, BP'Jnfc Us Cd to G fid; red, 5s 2d to 5s 3d; No*. 1 Cal., Gs 3d to Gb 3d; corn. 3s 8 l-2d i ieas, 4n lid; pork. 58s 9d; lard, 3ln Od; h*avy bacon, 3Gs Od; do., light, 3Ss 64:a tallow, no stock; checao.. new, 3fl. London, Aug. 23. Wheat ott coast easy; on puBsago very ilttw doing. Mal^e off const, aulot; on pail*- age rather easier. Liverpool futures" tall, a.t 5s 1 l-4d for Aug., Sept. and Oct., and 5s 2 l-4d for Dee. Maize dull at Sa' 8 l-2d for Aug., Sept. and Oct. Flour, tfti* 3d. Paris wheat, 18f 8Cc for Sept, and flour 41f 0lo for Sept. French country markets quiet. Liverpool Wheat fptuies cmiet at 5S 1 l-2d for Oct, and fcs 2d f r Nov. Mtti'/o futurea dull at Zh H l-l!d for now und 3s 8d for Deo. Flour, Uh London Wheat Off coaat, buy- ere and sellers apart. Mnlzo off coast aulet, on passage ratlier easier. ^ PaHs "wheat steady ut \%t SI>c fox Bout: flour, steady at Ut ftv S^pt. Hf. if. *: jir*rwr/. No Other Medicine BO THOROUGH AS AYERS Statement of a Woll Known Doctor Sarsa- pnrilla " No other blood nieillelni) that 1 liavrt ever iinml. and I have tried Dunn nil, |i so tliomnnh In Iti notion, nisi eifeeti ho many permanent enres as Ayer'H Hariitparlllu." wi. H. V, Mkuuimj, Augusta, Ml). Ayer'siS| Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. k ^i Aycr'a Pill*/oy Hver txitd bmvcU* WMtn'RlTURRS: IEiH>ima Wnr Nnlod Vroneh A<'tr*Ktt Don K[ii(t< Ilulillmetitrt. Mme. Saiah Hernlmrdt Is one of the dhas who make their drosslnff roomw at thelites as i Icli and luxurious as possible, The mom asalffnod to her at the pottu Saint Mirtln had a cream- colored caipet with a Pompadour pat tern, fin nitui i* of the Pc.ipadour style, in. Knillcrnt iui tains, mlrioru all around the walls, statue-!, btunyes and* Icnlck- knueKs eveiywhtre, and the whole loom was lln.ided with electric light. Tno celebi.itid tia^odienne always ar- ilveH at the thc.itro In kooU time, and thus is obliged to take her dinner at h. lf-past five. About 10 p.m botweon tliu act, she nds to a nstauiant cioie by for a dozen ojsters, a slice of pate, and a bottle of white wine. Nearly all the year round a biu loir lire Is kept burning In the urate of Jiornhardt's dreudo(r room, for the lady Is always complaining of cold. At tlie opera the ladles' diemilni; looms are veritable salons, with (ire-places, mirrors, reflec tors, and "every comfort," At the "Com- f-dlo Prancalse the most Interesting dres^lne; robm is that occupied by Ma dam* RelchembeiEr. Tills retreat con- uIh\m of three charminp; xooms, wltn beautiful water color paintings, terra cotta and other statues, and many an Interesting souvenir of days ffone by. Another interesting dressing room Is that at the Opera Comlque. It is the one In which Mme Caryelho used to tell the following little adventure: The famous singer liked to indulge In her dresslftgr room In her little weakness for soupe au fromape. One d. y, while playing in the provinces, she ordered "soup with cheese" to be brought t( her between two acts from a neigh boring restaurant. The waiter, how ever, did not appear til Ithe actress had gone back on the stage. Finding the roem empty, he advanced, and pres ently appeared on tho stage, where Lucy of Lammermoor was Just singing: with Edgar Uaventwood the tender duet, "Vers tol toujours s'envolera ntou reve d'espcranet." "When monsieur and madame have finished singing," the waiter calmly announced, "they can eat their soup. Here it Is." Tab leau! One of the most coquettish, as well aa one of the laigest of the dress ing rooms belonging- to French divas is that at the Theatie de la Renals- nance. It Is furnished with excellent taste, and decorated all over with pho tographs and pietty knlck-knacku. Mme. Jane Hading transforms her dressing rooms wherever she may be noting Into delightful boudoirs, re minding her of her own home on the Boulevard de Cllnchy. Valuable pic tures and other artistic treasures are placed about, and It is said that tho celebrated actress cannot "work" un less she is surrounde.l by these treas ures. Mme. Judic has a luxurious, spacious room tit the Chatc'et Theatre and Mme. Yvette Gullbort, of the Con cert Parlnlen, goe<j to the other ex treme, and allows neither ornaments nor flowers in her dressing room The only furniture are six wooden chairs, and tho walls are hung with tapestry at $4 a yard A few looking glasses and a threadbare carpet complete the arrangement of this room, which Js haunted by the "glorious memory" of many a great star of the Concert Par- laien. Footlights. Knt-Cntoliiii? Cluma, They tell big stories bout the feats of Puget Sound clams, but the one told by Edward A. Chase, of the North Pa cific fish company, is just a trifle ahead of most of them. Saturday morning when Mr. Chase went Into his warehouse he hoard a rustling in a box of clams. On investi gating he found that a rat had Invaded the box, and, Just as he approached. the jaws of a monster clam shut down on the rodent's tail, holding It fast, The rat sqpealed, but tho clam hold it tight. Mr.Chase, antic-:, a ting the com ment of friends who would ciy clam story, when he would relate the clr- ci i stances, called w ltnesscs, and then set about extilcatlng the Imprlsonod rat. The lesult was that the rat was released, but got away minus an Inch of tall. An hour or so later Mr. Chaw re turned to the wan-house to find lltat another dMlntf tat had ventuiid mtn the box, and In an attempt to pull imn e of the elan* out ol the tdieli with hlK forefoot luul also boon vr-ude a pi is- onei by the clam shut-tlntf clown on th'u member. For several hours tlu (Irmly attached pnlr waro uxhlu.lU'd.and thou th* rat was killed. JTucohiu Lodgor. Town of BT-LAWJSTO. 228 A BY.LAW to provide for the ruining mid puymont of the sum of 8131.06, being' the, utnoimt of iiseoHammit mado by 1ha Municipal Council of the Township of Maid Maidstone, in tho county of li>ux, utfainsfc the Untla and roads in tho Khhot In ooiniuuLion with tho tfuoe Tap Drals, PiovinionaDy adopted tho 0th day of AugUat, 1805. WinnuiCAH Urn council of tho munloidullty oj tho Township of MAldntono procured an examln- utioti to bo miulo by a iiorflon oonuroUmt for auoh purpOQO,*oi fho suld loaiulty propoflod to bo druiuud by tburnpitlt of tha Itjeaiap Urntn, nnd alno proourad plntis mill aBtlmatos of tlio work to bo inndo ami an unactiamfint) of tho roal property to bo bduoflttodlby M19 ropalrof tbo|ald dniln yUtlug hm Hourly us luny bo tli proportion of bouoflb will bo dorlvoU In oonaoqnonoo of saah r- pnlrn by Vory roiul or lot or part m lot Anu WliieiiKAB tho Miililcomioll uf tlio munlolwalltyof th Towiinhlp ol Maldntouo did Borvo tho liend of tho Ooimoll 0/ tlio T6wn ol luttbox with n copy of tho roporfc, plana, imaoBamonttf and HixtolflcmtlonH nil nforomild ol tlio work to bo dona aca tlio report lu ronpoot tlioroof ill o-B I0II0WB, vl js: To tholtoovo. Dopnty-lloovo amUMuiilolpiiI Coimoll ol tlio Town ah fp ol MalilHtono- (iuN'jjLKMWM. 1 Rooortlttiioo wltli Itiiitriiotiona from your bonorablo boily. Ihavo tolton tho notloo hIhiiocI liy llonry llowoll, itn.I bavuojtumlnod thoNo. IB Tap drain, known as tho Pdoo drain, from tlni town lino botweon CIohhoI.1 anfl Maidfltouo, north alontf th oentro ol tho fith uououHulon Muldiitonn to the Alitldun rend, uud bo(j to report boroon as lollowa : I llndthat tn mild drain wit* nmnttruatad ubout Hl*ton yoarg ao, and tl'at' thero lniH boon notblutf doim to it Mlnon uxoopb a low Iouh tnkon out of It ovory low yoar. I alionnd that tho Raid drain la uroutly Hlloil up and mmih lu noiul ol improyomont. I ibid that thoro are only about USO iiciou in tin* uiiUl Towddhlp ol MilldHtoiin that aati unit tho said drain, uud Homo of that to a vory slight oxtunt. Thoro afo 780 uurou lu tlio Townnhh) of Gounold North and Ulu aoroS in the Town of Kb box that will into tho mild drain throughout Its entire length, I Hud that It will cost, all <ixp"nnH jnoliHlnd, 8707,00 in put Bald drain hi good state ol repair. 01 tills amount I bavo taxed tha lands ol tlio TowtiHhip of MmriBtone for lieiiollt with with 81S/ W. The i.likIu lu (JohnolU North for outlet with flSO.0g, and the lands in the Kbbox with SIM.tWi for outlut, A.iO, and with nutlet bonoflt ), and the lands lu the town of Aooonuuinyltitf you will find plaint, profiles, Siuialfloatlons, assess- motitfl.cHtljuaton and all other pupertuiuaoHHury foruuldanoo In tho cleaning out of tho said drain, This drain shall bo kmit In repair by a tax on tho lauds and roads now assosuod. and lu the uauio proportion, o*apt tno uufllnoor in olmr^o ol tho aloanln^out is of opinion that tho pro* portloil oiiuht to bo ahauK<*d, I bavu the lienor to bo, uontloiuon, your obodlonb sorvaut.l (BlKaed) JAMUB 9. LAIHD, 1*. L. S. KaHOX.Oat.X.lHW, w> And w^aiiH^u tlio Said council in ol oplulon that tlio repair ol tho said drain Is dtitdrabla, lie It thereto;!) ntiaotodby tho iminlolpul eounoll ol LhoTown ol Khbox, pursuant to tho pro- vluloun of ibu Muniol*l Act, lot, That tlio said roport, plans und oiitlnmtos, in so fur as tlio same mlato to the Town of y&iiux,ha udoptod, and tho said drain uud tho works oounootod thurowltb|bo mado and ton- truotdil lu aooorduucoliherowitb. Ili-d. That for tliapurponool paying tho sum of ei!U.0o,bolntt the amount oharaod atfalunt tho said lauds so bonoflt ted as alorosalil, other than roadtf bolou(dntf to tlio munloIpulUy, tho follow ing spcolitl rut oh ovor und ubovo all ottitir rutos shall bo ausossod and lovlod In tho mime mauuor anil ut tbo H111110 time an taxoii aro Invloil upon tho utulertueiitionod lots and partw of lots and tho amount of tlio said spoolul rutofi us uforosald uliall be nuuimaod and levied uualust uaoh loc or part ol lot, In tho yoar IhOft. List of lots and parts of lot in the Town of Essex uhhomhoU for tho oloiLiiiiitf out of tho P1100 or Mo. 10 Tup drain lu tho Township of Maidstone. Con, or Plan, Lots nr parts of LotH. No. of noron. N T Plan 176 Block VI Lot 1 to 1C8, lfiB lot, lOo oack 18 D07 388 288 202 28G 800 235 2J15 3i'2 so:i 1103 ^03 NTE N pt 100 S pt 100 lot 181 to 211, 30 lots, lOo oaoh lotu A, B A, (J, 3 lotn,4Cc oaoh Iota 1 to 30, 30 lots, lOo each lotl lots 3 to 16 & blookR 60, 81, 82 lots 1 to 1), 0 lots, 10o each lots 1 to 17, 17 lots, lOo each lots 1 to 1(5, 35 lots, lOo oaoh lotu 1 to '1, 4 lots, lOo oaoh ' lota f> to 41, 37 lotH, l(o oaoh lotu 1 to 7, 7 lotu. lOoouoh ItttH 1 to 21, 31 lots, IlOo lotu 25 to 37, 13 lots, S0 oacli iota 38 to 17, 10 lotH, U0aottoh_ blook 65 " 6(> ' ti7 " (18 " 60 " 70 ' 71 " 75 " 70 " 78 * 70 " 83 81 " 85 o pb *'- 85 w pt pt lot 283 utroutii in Essex Total I 2-5 2-fi 3ft ft 4 l-o 3 1 1 4 5 13 _5 "1ft 7^ 2 4-5 1ft 1 lift 7ft 9 9-10 1-7 1-4 13-20 Val. of Imp't. 9 15 1(5 80 35 35 3 00 45 3 00 15 1 GO 00 1 70 3 G0I 40 3 70 701 7 20| 7 80 U 60 -~ 80-J 4 20 1 50 80 55 4 60 30 12 70 fi 20 NumoH ot 0whorM. Prod. Robinson. JM My* nioka. Jano DaviB. D. C. Aiusley. lohn Mtlne. 3ft 8 1 14ft 4flft 3 1 1 4 7 27 95 20 40 35 80 firs 80 00 T, Irwin.----- ------ W J Johnston. 0 E Nayior. T Irwin Estate, B D Labar. Tliomnu Irwi, John Milno. J Irwin Estato, Cameron BBlato, T Irwin. T IrwiuJ MoEwan. W D Bettwan. Iuauo Thornton. C S R R Goroptttiy. Town of Ebbox. 19133 85 Qrd. X-'or tbo purpono 01 paylnu tho aum of $27.00, boinc total amount asiiossad aRalnsb streets In town ol Esejox, a aumciont apoololrato shall, ovur and above all othor ratou, bo loyiod iu tho samo ruannor nnd at tbo name tlmoas taxouaro lovlnd, upon tlio wlioloratonblo property in the town ol Kaaox in the yoar 1605. 4tb. That this by ]a\i nball bo published onco In ovory woek, for four oonaooutivo wooko.tn the Kshisx f niEK Pnu&H, and shall como into loroo on and alter tho final passing thoroof, andjaball bo known and may booltod an " Tbo Pucoor No. 10 Tap Drain Ropairs By-law," JOHN WALTERS, Clerk. I I hfljot>y certify that tho foroROiuft; in a truo copy ol a by-law provisionally adopted by the municipal couuoil ol tbojcorporatiou of tho Town ol Essex on tho fltb day ol Anaust, 1805 I JOHN WALTEnS, Town Clork Notlco In boroby Rlvon that n Court of lt*tflion, will bo hold ut tho Towu Hall, Bbbox, on Monday, the 0th day of Boptomber, at tbo hoar of 8 o'oloolt p mLilor thopurponouol hoarlaw and trial ol appeals rnadp acalnot the foruijolnit unso'sstnont, or any p'arb Xhijireof, In tlio mannor pro vided by tbo Aon a sum on t Aot, n uotlco ol uuoti appeal to bo sorvod on the Olork ol this Municipal ity at loast ton days before tbo mooting of nald Court. And lurthoy notloo in boroby ivon that any mo lntondintf to apply to havo nuoh by-law, or any part thnrool, quanhod, must, within ton (lays aftor tho llual pusaiiifit thoroof gorvo a notlco in writinc. upon tbo Mayor or otbor bond otllaar, and upon tbo Clerk' ol tbo Municipality 0! application lor that purnon Law at Toronto.durlnR tbo nix wookfi nnxc anaulng IP bin intontion to mako application for that purpono, to one ol Hor Mniooty'B Superior Courts of tho final pasnlnROl tula by-r --------------'fc] Dated at Knnoi this 0th day of August, 1805. ooty'i lis by-law. JOHN WALTKltS, Town lOlorlt. Vr. Nutanattl Mortounou, a, well known eiti/en of Iuhpomm^, Mioh., and editor Suponor fouicii, who, for a lout; tirao, ouf- forod from tho 'noht oxoruoiating pama of rbonmatiHrn, wur cured, oitiht yearn uro, by taking Ayor's Barnaparilla, having novor fait a twin^o ofjit winco. PERSONS TO TRAVEL, WANTED. Sovoral faithful tfontlomou and ladioR to tmvol for oatitbhohed liouuo. Salary SVSO.OO arid Expenses. Pomfcion pormanout if Hintod; also in- croaHO. Stuto roloronoo nnd ona1ono ioIf. addreHHed Htampod onvolopo, THE NATIONAL, 31G-317-318 Omaha Bld Chicago, III, SOUTH WOODSLEE IT MUST BE TRUE F >r ovory poruon aya tlbt WRIGHT G. SMITH Malien tlio bent UarneQO Ebbox. in tbo County of It will pu) you to como to South Woodsloo to buy your llarnonH. Stock Second to None in the County, Fiiiu vtoek of IlornQ B|unkotn junt oponed out. ARE STILL i^UL, tbo trado in nil IdnaVot Building Material, Woodwork for housea, (plain and ornaraontnl), Burn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, DoorB, Sash, Chestnut Coal, WINDMILLS. Wo nrc 80I0 AfiontH in tho County for OfChiotffo. whioh took HiuhoHb AwurdBjat tho World'H Fair. Can furnish, either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest, prices, A writtou guarantee w.'th ovory Outfit. Laing Bros! Essex. J. GOURLAV & SONS. ESSEX. ONT ..--... - THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER . . Thi Machine conoiaiiH of n horizontal cuafc cylinder, with wrought iron barn, with Hiool tooth boltod to tho oylindor so aB to bo rovormblo when tho tooth hocomo worn on tho front mdo, running in a perforated concavo iron nholl, whicli tho shollotl cor paaaoB tliroug'Ji ito a flhoot iron enso, with a fan or oloortor attaohotl below, Which takor!\H tlio dust' from tho grain. The ohoapoat, bout, most nimplo and durntlo PowoVCorn, Sholler in uso; sholla corn porfbctly cloan in any condition nholling and"cifianiuc from one to two thousand buoholB of Gary por day, according tA poWor. BjtMKNSiONS. Pulley, otor, rt in. faco; Motion, C00 to 800 revolutions por minuto; Weight, 650 ioa, EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J COURLAY & SONS. S K&l^g^^IW&K^Dlt^ ^Ka^toR^-K SINFUL HAfiiTSlNYOUT wlmimii LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN D EC 111 T nf tonnrnnen und folly In yonth. ovrtmxftrtloti oC mind oiut body Ind nLuULl odhy luBtnwlftxpoMUwaifB couiitjuitly wrAokinf Uh> 11tiand lutare, lHippTnoimollhtmimd,i(iCj)roiniBliiHyoiiaj(in<,M* Bomo f ado and wltlior nfc itn oarly ago Hilt tlio hlowwm of i)muliiHl,wlilloA*lirihro forced lo dww onfc a WAitry, Jraitlow O'nflliinrliolj oylntv,n'^. )tlivlVii Vniioh iiitltrlm6ny bnt fiiiil ho trnlnco or *>m(ott thoro, =viotiinn urn foniul iuullfllnlionn ofllfo:-Thafami, tho oIIIcl-, tho voricshop, tha, pol: Htlm tnidofi nnd tliojirpfo^slouH. ___ ,------- C RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS* H. A X* War. A. WALKER. Wit. A. WALKER. MRS. CIIAS. lTBURV, CHAS.FEBB3T. JlCYOriK TOMAYMEMT AVl-tt TKATMKNT Divorced hot tuniUd Btfolii EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED (t jr-NO MAMES OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT V.'RiTTEM C0NSENT.-T6* W,n. A. Wdlfccrof 16ti Stroot mij()^,,X Imto katte nntoldiwmloHjor my "gay llfo." I wnalndlioreutWl Spnnffuiid lDOrttht, VA< "Quo oi U10 Iio>" loontrac yphlllrf und othor Pritato dlHoiWoii. 1 had uloore in i__ _ mouth nnd tlivoot, bono jiainfl, liulr looao, lumiilofl on facfl, ilnor nulla cttnuvoff, flinlwtlon^ WHJftfcno thin and doHpondont Rovon doctow troatod mi* with Morcaryy rom"|i,oto. U'hoy liolpod we bat cotild not euro me. X'lnnllviifrlondinduoounintotryJDra.Xonnndy&Uorff&n. Tliolr trnntniAnt in wotidorfnlJ I'lir 1 Method Tnuitmonb oarad mo.ln Q taw wooko. mYou Jool :/ouflolE gaininir ovory day Jjcahi. " X havo novor hoard of thalrtfoilinv to onro lu uwlnclo* t37-CURES OUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Cnpt. Clnu. Vnrry nayn If Cnpt.CIiaa. Forrynayn "I ow ray lifo to Drf. K. A K. AAt U X lonmed n biul liafalfti At2l lliud nil tlid oymptoniH a of Bonunul Woa-notm nnd Bpormntor how, Em linden" Twcro drain ntr nnd woakonlnir my vlUillty, X married at wZt undor ndvlco of my fmnlly doctor, but it wiw a land oxporit non Inoinhtom monthn wo worn dlvorcd. I -Mjdii conBiiltwl Dra. K. & K who ronton*! ma to mnnliood W""by tliolr ffnioMethod Trrutment, Ifolfcnnaw UfotlirllHIirouRh my norvort. Wo_woro unitml ncaln nnd nro hnppy. TIiIh wan 'six ynarii ao. Dra. It, &K, aro nrioutifm opcoiallata find I heartily rocommoud UiomJ' W IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED M ffiTlV* irtat and cum Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Dtbility* Stutinal^ w Weakness, Gi^t, Stricture-, Syfihiitu Unnatural Discharges, S*ffAbus$* ^jKtdney und Sladdet Diseases* ____________ " " 17 YEARS IM,DETROIT, aOQ.OOQ CURED., NO RISK 'tflCAr%lC'S3 I Aro yon n victim? Hauo yon lout liopn? Aroyoa contomplntlnef mar^^ JritlrtB-'Kri I rinffoi* Ihia your Blood boon dinonaod? IIqvo yoa any wfinlcnoaH? Omlf iKowMo'no'1 ' rantmi'iit will onro vn. What It Imtidono for otliTa it will do for youR rlA^ULfAT >s FRf=K Wo nmttor who ban troatiwl yon.writo for np lionoat opinion Frc* foiinurtfa* t mujfi t* njiuioimblo. BOOKS FREE '^Juo Goldoii MoL^or" (llluBtratodi][r on, llji^t aaos 01! Alon. lnoloau potitniro. * conts. Boaiod. | J59-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- [VATE. No medicine ant C O. D. Nonamoo on boxoa or- onvel-^.. iottno7 Evorythhnflfooiifldontial. Quootlon Hot and cost of Tre*t>C imont. FREE ----------- p- kDRS. KEINEDU KERGAN,ND0^rTELKT.| j^i4vRS5^^>>jgg^^ * V I 'X' it: * * i i '+' !* ' V V y * V :+i King: of ell Bicycles. oo<y Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- chlnofully warranted 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Sand two-at .Ump fot' ttur 34-ptge CUIogue-A work ol Art. Monarch Cycle Company, RetMll Salesroom, a&o WaUsh Aw. Lakc-nd Hatsted 5ts.i CHICAGO. ILL. ;>^y^*v*-^^^ Not ons oomplaiu* bus ovor baon made by fcluiHo uuivu Ayor's SamapHnlU doaord- n'g to dironlio&B. J'cirthormore, we have yot to learn 0/ a caat in wblab It bas failed to Milord benefit* So My liundredw of dracKiB'u all over tb* country, Han aored other* willout'o yon. Tired wproeu mud to bare their Wooa pun'Sifd nd enriohei) by Hood'fl Baraap- arillft. It wlU K've tbem atrenf th and h".ltb. M k Y<.u oaunot vuy thai yon bavo trio** ttorythmK fok*yourrheuron,MHm, until yoa have takflU Ayvt'a Pilla. Uuinlrrdu hava^. baon ouffid ot thin oomnlnmb by the Uea of ' thefto pilli nloii* Th<*y WMie admitted or exhibition at the W01 Id's Pair ub a aUnd- ard oatbartio.. Hood'n Pills are tba- beat utje!-dinne- pills, annint dlKtetion, ours headache. 1 ""vi t 1. .it. ' I - I k-t - ^ * I' V \' fr! 'A>. 1 <'; t 1 Vi _ .-!.,> &&MM8m%M 88