Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 4

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I^^^^m^mw^^^^^^^m (PIIPI^^ __./-J'.. " !':'vM . ' >: ! v-.j -V- CSS THE EgSKiif FREE JPFkJESS* wwwww We Wantto Sell You a Bill of Groceries. And convinco you that wo noil tlio fino oat goods at tho lowoHt iiguroa in JEshgx, C'onrtoouo treatment and prompt tlolivory. A. H. S6ARFF &. CO. ie Essex Free Press, FRIDAY, AUGUST HO, iai)iJ. Mr. I\ W. JTodBon, imporintomlent of .Farmem' IiwtitutciH of tho I'rovinco ot Ontario, ulou Boc.-Traim. Dominion Sho<-r> and Swiuo Broodem' Afmoomtion, had made ftrrannomontfi with Mr. n. J. Hill, dirnotor of tlio Toronto Industrial Exhibition, to temporarily mayo hia ofllco from tho col- 040 building at Guolph, to tho industrial (troundH. whoro ho will occupy a larqo tont flltuatod cunt of tho cattlo riutf, and jufct botwooQ and iu front of tlio horno uud cat tlo Hhodh, during tho time of tho exhibition, from Qaptombor 2nd to 14th, Mr. J. W. Whonton. B.A., Sosrotury of tho Wontorn DairyraoaN Aoioaiation,. will occupy an oflicg in ttur tout durina the Hocond wock of tho fair. Ofncora aud uiomboru of all FarmtrH' InHtitatbu of livo ntook, dairy, poultry and fruit ^roworu aro cordially in*' vitud to malco fcliiw tnLt tlioir headquirtorH- Mr, Hodhow'B hoiirn will bo feora A 11. m. to 4 p. m. Dnriutf tho nooond woolt of tho xhibitiou thor will bo mootiugn of tho dhoip, Hwino and cuttlo braodorn. All in- tovoatod iuvited to attund thi*B tont on th jjronndH, during tho fair. On motion or &lonrft. Coutiworth and Millou, tho L&diuii' Aid wora nmnUd tho privilofjo of (lupplying dinucra, nnd allow od udmimiion during tho fair for four uaraod uttoudautB. On motioM of Montim. Milieu and Cohoo, the JPr*tunonfc wu uuthorizod to expend 916 on looiil noticoii in the diffuront puporw iu tho county. Ou motion of jMoimrH. Jiarrott and Campbell, lloufirs, Milieu mid Golioo wore authorized to liavo noconrmry iitroauatra aud raottoeti prepared, and nlo to Hooura ouch carria|[n an will bo required by th reception committed on tho neoowl da\. It wtia reported 1 hat. HJnglo faro rat up would ho granted by iho M. C. It. during tha fair; nnd arran^omoutu woro buina mado with th L. E. it D. 11. It., about connecting tiuiuu. okcat southwestern .c" executive. Ontario Oavno JLaws. Tho following ruIoH in roforonco to (jarao wore (HifiHotl by tho Lofjitdutivo Amjoiubly of tho I'roviuoo of-Outnrio: No door, ollf, moodo, roindeor or caribou eh all bo hunted, takon or lulled betweon moatiufio, whethor mmafaura 6f_tbA-atuo- tfao liftoonth day of Novombor and tho unit oiatiou or not. day of November tho following year ; but tho period horoinboforo liinitod ahull not, ao to mooKn, oik, roindeor^or-caribourapply boforo or until tho flrnt da*y~of No'vcmbor, 1000, and no moono, oik, rciudoor or caribou, nhall bo hunted, takon or killed boforo tliu twttnty*tlfth day of Ootobor, 1000. No owner of any hound or other dog, known by tho ownor to bo aooufitoraod to puraud deor, nliall permit uny ouch hound or other dog to run at larRi in any locali'y where doer aro unually found, durinrj tho period from tho fifteenth day of "Hoyocober to the firnt day of Nbvembor tho following yoar. Any portion harboring or olaimini.' to be tlio ownar of sacli hound or dog ahull bo doomed to bo the owner thereof; and uny hound or dofj found running door bo- twoou tho fifteenth day of Novomber and tho first day of November following maj bo killod 011 Hi^jht hyanypirnou, and the poraon killinR hucIi hound or do hull not bo liable to any penalty or dama^eH thero for. No eno poroon h1io.11 duriugany ono yeur or Hoaaon kill or take more in all than two doer, elk, moono, reindooror caribou, tiut thin ihall uofc apply in tbo caao of dewr which arn tlio private proporty of any por- hou, aud which have boen killed or takon by ouch poraon or by hia dirootion. or with hie conviont, in or .npon kiH own landw or proraiBOb. Hunting or lulling deor by what it known uii "crusting," or whilo thoy are ' yarding," id hereby deolured unlawfnl. No common cerrior, or other praou nhall transport or have in poaBoaaioa for that purpoiio, in thin Provinoo, after tho oamo hay been killed, any wild doer or tho raw nkin tboroof, or any vonipoii-i aave onlv from tlio first day of Noyomber to the twenty-Hcoond day of Novomber in (mob yoar, uuIchb aocompaniod by an affudavit that tbo same wao liuutod and taken dur ing tho opan ooaaon. It shall bo unlawful lor any person to catch, kill or destroy, or to pursuo with ouch intent, any grouno, phoaeanio, prairie fowl or partridgo, woodcock, iinipo, rad, plovor or any other water /owl or other Kumo-bird or animal (iuoludinr; black and firoy nquirrelo, and baron) not heroiu other- wiao provided for, at any time between tbo fifteenth day of Daoombor and tho fifteenth day of September m tho following yoar. Or any quail or wild turkeys botwoen tho fifteenth day of Dcoerabor and tho fifteenth day of Ootobor of tho following yoar. Or any aWanii or goeao at any time bo twoen the flrot day of May aud the fiftoouth day of tho following month 01 September. Or duoltB of all hinds at any tirno bo- tweon tho fiftoouth day of Dgoomber and tho flrot day of tbo following month of Septombor. Tho poHHOHHioa of flunui docoyg or othor iuiplomouts of shooting or hunting at a, tiran nnd in plncoo whoro the game-birdo or animain tibovo named are uuukIIv found ohall bo prima faei ovidenco of pursuit thereof with In tout to catch, kill or dentroy tho iiarao. . No porsou shall kill or ihoot at any bird X*rci>avIES for tlicFnlr. A mooting of the Executivo of tho G reat BoutUwettarn Exhibition wttH hld at tlio Town of EHnex, on rtlomlay hint. T\u-r9 woro present tho Hon. W. D. Balfour, ohairman, and M. Barrott, G. W. Coat*, worth, W. Milieu. A. W. Golioo, A, Dow hurst, W. Caxupboll, Trouauror Plant and Soorotary Beamcu, Mayor Dowar and Hoove Laird, uf Jioaox Town, ahto.mut .with tho oommittuo on behalf of the corp oration. Koporta wore rocoifed from all quarters that moro intorofit wiib being taken in tbo coming fair than ever before, and the ex hibition promiBCB to be tbo beHt yet huU by the unitod nooi-tien. Dr. Brion and UosHm. Thratthor and Park oTtho apeoial attraction cominittao waited upon tUa executive aud requested an iuereanod guarautee no ati to enable thorn to have foot ball, bioyela ra-oeti, baae ball, Ac, in addition to tho trialn of opecd. On Motion of Manure. Cohoe and Dow- himt, tho jiwaranteu fund for thin purposo was inoroaoad from ftl75 to SilOO. On motion of Menirn. Milieu and Bar rot, it wae deoidod to engage tho Essex Braita Baud to pla> on tho 2nd and 3rd o* Ootobor at W30- tho band to contain not loan than 15 piocoa aud to bo ou hand at 11 a. m., ou tho 2nd. Mr. Ba*-roti eaid ho hud intorviovved tho Moaero. Walker about hjiooiuI prizes and oipQOted to rccoivo a liboral reiiponne. Tho Secrotary reportod that tbo ladioa of tho entertainment committee had hold .a meeting and would bo ready to provido for tho entertainment of 100 guoHta. ' Drs. Dowar and Brian agreod to givo thpladica ovory poHdiblo aHBiHtence. Moaorfl. Barrott and .Luird woro author ised to nooaro a ting and to ront a tent of nufficiont oapaoity for fcho aocommodatmn of tho gaoBtfl, to whom tho Seorotary waa instructed to uotid upooial invitationa. Mayor Dowar stated that ho would anil a epeoial mooting of tbo Town Council, for Friday ovouinc, to coufor with Mosnrn. Millon aud Gohoo, iu regard to tho ropairn required 011 the grounds and in regard to a guarantao of a certain sura, if required, for tho Bxponeofi of tho oxhibititn. Tho Beoroiary wrh inutruetod-to 00m- municato with all the direotorn of tho united Moieties in r.ogard to forwarding finu npeoimem of grata in the Hfcraw, roots, It was decided to Uavo hut eno judgo in Oaoh claofj, and Kclootionu woro mado for all and tho Soorotary mntruotad to notify ihom all at ouco and ueouro answers, uo that uny vacauoio* may bo filled up. A deputation frorn tbo Ladies' Aid ef tlio MothoiiBt Oburoh waited upon the exooutivo, hoadod by Mro. Chnroh, in re gard to forniehing dlnuers iu tboir large U- ;: .' or wild fowl protooted by^thiBAot, betwoon half-an'heur aftor HUUHeb and hulf-un-houir before uunrhio. No porHon Hhn.ll buvo in hie pOHieulon any of the eaid hnrolnbefora motitlonnd uuioiule or hirda, no nmttor whoro prouttred or auy part or porttou of any ttUohiiuimalH or birdu, during thu purlodii iu which tlmy 11 ro uo protooUd ; provided that thoy nr.iiy ho uxpoeed /or aalo for fiVM daye, and no longer, aftor euoh periodu, and may bo had in pomieNvicn for the private uho of thu owiiflf nnd hia fuMlly at any tinio, hut in all cauoN the pronf of tho time of killing, taking or pMrohabin^', nhnll be on tho por- UOU BO IU pOHlJOHHJOU, No poruon hViilII by hiniHolf, bin norvant, clerk or agent, oxpoiio or keop fortmlo, or dirootly or iudireotlv, upon any protounu, or deviuo, uoli ax barter, or in ooHsideration of tho purohano of any otknr property, give to any other poreon any unipo, wood- cook or partridge, no mutter whoro killod or prooiirud, boforo tho rtftudnth day of Septetabor, 1B07, or ay quail or wild tur- Hoy bnfora the fifteenth day of Ojtobr, 1807. No poruen uhull at. anv Urau, hunt, take or kill any deor, lk moono, romdour or caribou, p&rtridga, quail, woodcock, unipn, duuki of all kindii and any othor game- bird or awimal for tho purpoiio of exporting tho namo or export tho aamoout of Ontario, and iuull on boh tho onuo of proving that any Much door, oik, moono, roindeor or oar- ibou, partridgo, quail, woodcock, ampo, duoka of all kindii and any othor game- bird or animal uu iifortKaid, no huntod, taken or killed, in not.intended to bo ex ported as uforauaid, nhall bu upon tho per* Lon hunting, killing or tailing tho oume, or in whouo pnitHOHoion or euutody the namo may bo found. Thin nliall not apply in tbo cuss of doer which aro tho prwato proporty of uny portion and which hayo been killou or taken by Huob porwon or by Iiih dirootion, or with bio contiout in or upon hin own landd or prommoii; but thu oiiuh of proof of privato owuemhip ohall root on tho peruou exporting. ' lint any pornon not a reuidunt and domi- 01I0U in tho Provinoo who Iiuh for any year beori granted a liconao under tho provision* of uoction 14 of tlnn Act and paid tho fee thetofar,_(iha]l so far an tho authority of the Jjogniliitnre of tho Pruvinou of Ontario exteuda, be at liberty to oxport out of tlio Province tho two doer which under tho proyiaionH of thin Act he iu allowed to lull- No poroon not a renidei>t and domiciled in tho Province of Ontario or Qnebeo uhull be outitled to limit, taku, kill, wound or rinBtroy any mooBe, oik, roludoer,aaribou,or other deor, otter, unhid, heaver, or huj othor eatxie, auimiil or bird rforrd to in thiu Aot, or any bird or animal, whether protected liy-fcliiti Aot or not, without hav- iug firttt obtained a lioeuHe inthat behalf. Tho foo to oe paid therefor,ahull be 925. Any iicui-reaidorrt-wlip-ylmll obtain a liociin^ to hunt in Ontuaio pursuant to the proviHiotiH of thin nectiou, nhall, notwith- utanding unytlung to the contrary in thin Aot contained, bu at liberty to take with him out nf'the PrDvinci* fifty duoku or any loon numbor lawfully hunted and taken by him; provided that-before so doing he shall obtain from tke chiof warden or any of tbo wardenu a pormit authorizing him ho to do; ana such permits shall only bo granted oh Hatinfaotory oyidenco being furnmhod that the dockn to be covered by tho permit ap plied for woro actually hunted and taken by tho applicant in poroon. All udb, note, decoyn and ammunition found in tlio poHHefwion of violatoru of tho law nhall be coufihoatid an4 Gold by public auction. Ono half of evory fine collected uudor the provisions of tlun Act shall bo paid to tho prosecutor or portion ou whoco eyidenoo a conviction iH mado,' and tho othor half nliall Uo paid to tko Treauuror of tho Pro vince. No pornou nliall at auy time shoot, hunt, tako or kill any partridge, prairio fowl, quail, woodcock, onipe, wild turkoy or oth or bird or fowl whatuoover within the boundaries of the Rondeau Proviuoial Park. Fall Fhii'h. Great Bouth vVeatorn, Ehogx, Oat. 1 a. Induntrial, Toronto, Sept. 2 1-1. Western, London, Sept. 12 2t. Pooiuuular, Chatham, Bopt. 2J--2C. Loaruiugton, Bopt 25 27. Poleo Inland, Got. 1. Tilbury, Comber, Oct. !) 10. GoloheHtor South, Harrow, Oot, 15, '1G. Homnoy, Whoatley, Oci. 2, .!J. WESTERN FAIE. Loncionv Sept. 12 to 21, 1895 Spooial oxonrHion raton on all railways. KBTAUMaillEI) 1808,/ CANADA'S FAVORITE LWE STOCK EXHIBITION./ .CANNOT DK UUnPABBJtP. Entrioo CIoho': Live Stock/ Sopt. 12; all othor Dopartmontn, Hopfc.feFinal Pay monfc in Btakon, Auguiifc lji. Auofcion Sale of Boothd aucj Privilogon on groundn, Aufuut 15th..., I Bpooial Attraationii: -Wild JGunt Show, 50 People Arabo, Turkri, Slunko, LndieH of tho Ttirkiah Palaoo, etc., with Hornon, OamolH nnd Doukoyu, 4iud a boat of otbore., > Pri^e Iiiatu, Progratumod/and OonditioUH of sala for Booths free. [ Cai'T. A. W. Poutjb, ., Titos. A, BnowNBi Prefjldout. Booretary* PLEADS Since the arrival of our r> ew goods we have been repeatedly charged with the enormous crime of un^ derselling all competitors. We plead "guilty" to the charge and Will Pay the Penalty! of increased patronage, which is already flowing in upon us, and will continue to sell New, Bright Fresh G-oods at prices that are all in favor of the buyer. We have not space to enumerate, but invite all v^hdVa: looking for genuine bargains to call at our store. Yours for Bargains, DtrisrsT.A.iT BLoaas:, bssex. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. THRKH FKAME IIOU8EH, IN TIIK I3K8T part of'tho Town of Khhox, will ho cold cheap. Apply to ' W. D, HUCKLK, London, or to J. It. MoKWAN, ,'!0-lf Tax Collootor, Khbox. STRAYED fNTOMYKNOrjOHUKK, ON MONDAY, AUG. I'ifHh, ono own mitl two liimbii. ICwo Had a (lilt in ono oar. Owbor hi roquootod to prove property, pay oxponneti and talto thorn away. US-It JAMKB ltOBINBON, Kunoi. PUBLIC NOTICE. IS IIEKKBY GIVEN THAT.J3. 0. LOCK. PKO- prlfltor of tho American Hotel, Hiiiex, ban ap plied to tho Llcunho flonirnlnnlonoru of South Kqkux to have liiii tuyi^u llctfudo trunuforreU to Mrn< Condon WillihiBon, of Kbhox, Objootioiiii toiald trminfftr will bo rocoivod by tlio undfrolunod up till noon on Saturday, Aug. .tut, isor>. ALAN80M ELLIOTi'. Inapoctor. MORTGAGE SALE Farm in Colchester North- A Week of Bargains! We desire to close out the balance of summer goods and have made big reductions in the following lines: Ohambraus, Challies, Hiawns,~Prmts7 Ginghams, etc, etc, and iiH other wash goods, as we . want to make room for our ;* NEW FALL GOODS which will arrive this week. Having bought them in the eastern market at a cut price, we will be able to sell them closer than they have ever been sold in the past. THERE WILL HE OEPEItED VOW. SALE BY public auction at tlio Aberdoon Hotnl in tliu Town f Ehhox, on Huturtlay, thonovmith day of Hfptmub#r, J8'J5 at tho hour of two o'clock, p. in., tbo Houthorly part of lot No. XI. uouth of tliu Maiden Houd, in tli Towmihfp of UololiBntor North containing fifty ucron morn or Iohh. About 1!? ucro of thin in joltutrud nnd tbfl bal- ancu Rood buuh- Thin farm in about two miloH fnim tho Town of Ehnox on a Unit claim road. TERMS: 25 por cont on day of utile aud bill- ftlico to unit piirobnilitr. For furthur partlculuni apply t DANIEL HINOLA1U. or to K. A. WIBMBU, Auctionaor, Vrtiitlor'n Holloitor, Eanox Eohcx ISbboX, AtifjUPt :Mth, lfa!5 To Smokers To miict tlio wicht'H ot" thmr ciiMtomom, Tho Geo. E. TualiHtt * Hon Co., Ltd., Hamiltou, Ont , hnvu pliiood upon the murKot A Combination Plup: of "T & B." SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies n long felt want, giv ing tho consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 oct piece, or a -5 ecnt piece of tho famous '""X1 8t IB1'1 brand of pure Virginia Tobacco.. The tin tag "T & B" is on ovory pieco. D R. I'ROUPE.M. D. Univornlty of Toronto, M. H., Trinity tJnivo^ ulty M. C, P. S. 0., Into of Ht. Unrtbolomuw'o' Hofipital uud Moorflold'ii Iloyul Ophthalmia Houpltal.Tjonilon, Enfjlund. Upoclal utt-tmtion Blvon todiBOitnooof thooyo.oar, no (man d throut, Odlao hourn Jl to 12 a. m., 1 to !1 and 7 to B p. jii. Olllco and ronidonoo, 05 Ouolbrtto aye, Windsor, oppoiiito St. Mary'n AciuliLiuy. To), 11)5. SPECIALTY IN ORDERED CLOTHING AT SPECIAL PRICES. HT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. 11. F11ICI Vance'a Old Stand, j HEADQUARTERS POR PLOWS and PLOW REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. COMPOUND. A*6ccnfc discovery by an bid pliyalciaiv, Succestifuttv v*t? monthly bj/ thousand* *i/ Initios. 1a tlio only porrooty BufouiidrollnblomoiHoimxll/ oovorod. Bowuo ot unprincipled driiKBifiW wlf ottov I u fori or medicine* in placo of tbls. Askfr Cook'u Cotton Hoot f|okuk>ound. take uo u!>V iute,or lnnloso^lamln oanUln.pontoito tn tntt; mid wo wlllBddd, fioalod, hyyoturnmnh. lAillrioal partlonlnfft Iu plain" onvolopo, to ladloa only, Btumpn, Addrow I'lio Cooli Compnny .' Wlndaor, Out* CauofU -Bold in MtiBoit by all dro^ula. Seed Drills, Disc ALWAYS ON HAND, MiffiiMask^ :'< "[ J'-^ m.

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