Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 3

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_ , S-1 1 ^^mf^mm Mil qHB EeSBJt FRBE PREQfc,, ILL WORK SUNDAY. Manitoba Farmers Must Savo Their Crops, SOME BARLEY AIREADY THRESH it; torn* Farmera Hare All Tliolr Crop, ',.. and Safe Machine Hhopti Uu*y on Tbreahlnff Outnta Onn tr Two Poind at Whlrli Vo <ui linjt Ua klefU ken*. PortuKe la Prairie, Aiur. 23: Th- rooming reporth from ulonre tho linn of tho Manitoba Nortluvi'Htorn Hull- way show u warm nlrcht over t)i> wholtt urott, with a irentlo wfjit wln-1 It wan clour from Nncpnwa wi'Uwar 1 but oloudy r.'UJtward. Urnim-H mid lb- WCBt report it tine day yontorday und rropii coming in faster than cvrr, with cutting becoming morV Roneml. No cutting wait done at LanRnnhur; or,Yorkton, but at Raltcoatii, bftwi-i-n them, cutting ( j*oncral. Tho hurv.^t Is niUy on obtcwhoro, except at Minn - dotia. whore It will ho funeral by M.n- day. No fro/It to-day. Tlio day oponnd Jy, but cleared up bcnutlfully nu i ie hot. A paimlw; cloud In th- trnln^ trailed a nhowor or hip drnji . over tho plains. It waa hot thli< after noon. The mlnlmnm lost nljrht un 48. ^ Tho Norwontor of Tuonday Hnv "With fleldM rlpo and ready for tlv blndor. It i* to be hoped that farmn" will not Hcruplo to punh the ,;ood wi i of garnering; on SuncJaya an well :i>- _ Mondays. No harm will be done in elviK the churchew a runt for a d:u or two, and mJnhitorH mh.'ht do wis, than turn in and Mvc a hand In tlw nau. Providence haa been jrood in Weslnir nu with a bountiful barv.-nl, and there Is* no more practical wa\ In Bhowlnir our gratitude than by doin,; our utrnoHt to mive It." The pruh-i- Wllty la that farmers will follow thlh R?y*S ?a*y ttH any othor- whothtM ^Z11!1'?/111 turn ,n lfI not ho certain, but (n rural ddntrlcta their churehea will be deserted StrathclaJr Ajjriculturo Society '- offering- n prize for the .in 1 best farm !h tho district, which W a moat Commendable idea. A lending- gentleman of tlio province, of wide ex perloneo, core farmern alonp th<* wholo drive from Brandon to Klllai nay on account of the woedincHH <r their farma, In Morden district also h, says the weeds on the farms Ii. many cajjeji were a positive dlsc-miN to both tho farmora and municipalities ^Plenty of tumbling muntarfl In that district. It In evident that the weed inspection, although vantly better thN year, J far from perfect. The Gov ernment will have to make more strin gent provlaloufl to cheek weeds, whleh flourish readily in the Hch soil of Manitoba. Poplar Point DWtriet, ': nrfles east of Portage, which \n farme l larfircly by ha!f>breed.i, haa ]onp been |,an oye-sore and thorn in the aide of >ortaj?o Plains. isarn. Patton and'McCaffrey, Win \cg bankers, and Mr. Halt, a wlmle- lo merchant, have made an Inspec tion of the country between Neepawr and Carberry. They never saw liner crops and were surprised nt the parent mimbor of kernels in the wheat ho.'d? This district is not a far acHanc -1 as some others, but the crop Is mucli heavle*-. Hon. S. C. Wood of Toronto and |,Mr. 3fiussell of Winnipeg drove throuprn I'from Portage, to Brandon, and aie to11 pi coned with the crops. r Tho Carberry Kxproaw calls attcntlo-i ,to tho jjroat number of threshing out fits burnt loat year, along with a cer tain number of stacks of grain In each case. It advisoH farnjors and threshers, to take more precautions, it ['certainly ooems as If there was ag-reat amount of carelessness, proven by losses" all over the province. Better stacking; is also recommended ['this year. There have been heavy [losses of grain and hay in Manitoba I through bad stacking done in a, manner. Humors are going around about smut in aome localities. Small quanti ties have been found along* the C.P It. territory, but nothing of any import- IfAn experimental threshing of barley Ikt Carborry last Friday showed the lyleld to average 45 bushels per acre, land a splendid sample. llOne farmer of Oak Lake has filnish- led harvesting his 500 ncren of crop. He lhad 17fi jicrcs cut by Monday night. \t Many farmers on Carberry Plains Ifatartod smudge rtrea on Sunday night. it there was no frost. I Mr. Rattray of Pipestone several flays ago had 500 acres of wheat in Stock and the remainder ready to cut. \\ Martin & Co. are going to rush up - 0,000 bnshe I elevator ot Pipestone. )ats and potato crops in that district _-e also fine. .Mr. Bayne, of Vlrden, threshed oats ast Monday. 7/A big rush is on at the machine )S irt every town, outtlttlng the threshers, te sight of 25 or 30 self-binder" at 900 field is, in Manitoba, a ilnff oflbe paat, slncb the big Sander- ^n farm at Brandon went to pieces. pjift scene was revived on the Brass^y -" ^8 at Qu'Appelle and westwai d, jere blocks ten milus nquare are rated as one farm and furrows ten lee long were plowed there as a at. Some of these farms were In a territory and the nfanager had big irlnkllng cartu made to sprinkle tin- JOIW, DUt In spite of every effort the Jrassoy farms were a failure and are ^ldom heard of now. There Is a de- ilfled tendency to reduco large holdings bf wheat land. y;The largest Held on Portage Plaint is M0 acres, or a mile square, bounded bn every side by wide roads. The best fpeotade that can be seen Is nine or ten rfndern working in one of these mile- jUara fields. Work -begins when th lew Is off the grain, usually between \t and 7. The binders are pulled isuslly by three heavy horses or four lighter horses abreast. If the Rearing swath has not been already it the first binder driven along close . tho wire fence taking a straggling Igre of grain, weeds and grass. When illy" started the second binder takes ie next cut, keeping at a short Inter- ai behind the first. The binders im$ on i succession until the long Ing of whining machines Is mov- like a. succession of cavalry squad- Ens In echelon to the attack. All the Vrses move at a steady walk, occa- laliy oncourngod by the voice or n i of the long whip. Tho whip Is like a flug-staff on top of the Jer. The complicated mechanism ^ ed out ft dull, rattling hum, sprocket 4d cogged- wheel chains and canvas V urged by the onp'blg broad -wheel Skderneath wZilch tt*a^ (flvn'otub- f - t 'n U w 1. ilnn 1 i Ilk" u 1 1< fdie \ . n If lb . ' ;i (he oItl m bio like a rollor. Thr graceful nrmn of the rend irvidvo K<*ritly, HWaylng the tall yellow whuut. hUJIis in- wurdd lowanls the Keen serrated ktdfe which Is (lying like a shuttle of I'ute, only thin ruts the thiead of life The stiilks tremble a uiomeut, then full hi t (inks on tho whirling canvas, whleh swoops them up an in cline, over which they full in cata racts Into the hands or the parking machine, working like a pugilist. When a sheaf Is full size, the puckers give u convulsive bag, the cord needle drives its long beak down Into the knotting machine and draws the cord taut, the knotter multeii one twisting revolution, cuts (he cord and the sheaf falls Into the carrier, where it, a-nd other;*, accumulate until I he end of the took j i)w Is reached when they wo deposited In one heap by a move ment of the driver's foot. This does "way with all carrying by men. At Intervals thr line halts, the driv ers leap down and oil I he machine, jerk out troublesome wisps nt straw, tlw horses breathe a few minutes, for tho strain hi constant, then the line moves on ngnln. If a breakage occurs the binder wbeols out of lln*. each binder In the rear veers a Hi tie to the right and takes up tlio unfinished cut of Its predecessor, then "forward, eyes cen tre," and the squadrons move on ns before. The pas-jfign nf 10 binders ruts trnots HO fce| wide, leaving regular winnows of Hhc-nis nt light aiiKb-'i to the line of cutting. Steokers move slowly around the field, about tluee men to o', v \m pick the sheave^, it end in ,i rough circle Kufhr hut, then put cap t p. but not always that. it W Indeed In one dliectlon all done from that iIImm'Hoii, losing a gn at deal of time. The same thing occurs on wiwly dnyi, but the Mi Id must be bad ly lodged Indeed when the intelligent driver and a* gond c len n-eu Iting ma chine won't pick It up Tt Is remark able how few iitniwH are left behind If wheat In vay ripe It will shell out badly, and quantities will collect in every nook on the machine and shower on to the ground underneath It takes two and a half, sometimes H lbs. of cord to bind one sere of wheat The average cut for a binder with one relay of hors^n Is from lli to lr> acres per day, but one relay will cut up to IS acres per day for three or four days, but It wears the horses nut. A man who takes proper* hours will < ome out Just about as far ahead at the end of the harvest a:i the rushers Farmers who have plenty of horse* and harness bring spare iclays out Into tho Held, tie them up to the wagon where they are fed ami water ed. Kvery three* hours the hopes are changed, and tho machines ate ulb-d while the change Is made, and no se rious stop occurs all day If the ma chine runs like that from 5 In the morning till 10 at night, as Is fre quently done here by some fanner.-!, It will cut over -.r> acres per day. Drivers eat their lunch on the ma chine. CuttinKjH much heavier In the morning and late in the owning on account of the dew. Some farmers cut right on through the rain. The average farmer begins work between fi and and quits at 7 In the evening, takcji an hour ami a half at noon, and averages 13 to 15 acres a day. Ad tin MoKemd(*. cast of Carberry, farms 1(100 acres, runs H binders, hav ing plenty of bui'M-H to cut day by each nstclilne Ills two bro-. thers on the plains hero are big farm ers, and run things In the same way. They have plenty of horses and never let up John Itrydun North Portage, cut 35 acres to-day to-dnv with two binders and single sets of horses. Drivers and horses do not suffer very much In the clear, diy heat of Manitoba during the leng Humrner-diiy.H Runstiokes are very uncommon, even In the hottest days when the tctupei tture is 00 and 100 in the shade. Outside reports are all f.'.\inable to day. IT"Is clear to-night and moder ately coo] with a noith bree:-e. THAT BICYCLE FACE. Vreddle Hmlthers Ing fellow at -jIl ls not u bad-look- Untll he gets on Evening Pont. bin bicycle Chicago ;'U acre+e-tt--(-rrrgnr' Yes "And T- florid*-. Til-fit' <>..n Budn Pesth, Aug 2.*!. The ITunga- rhn Hoi, ei nnient has Issued its an nual statement concerning the uluut crop of the world, which fs based on consular and other reports. The estl- mati il pmduetlon ot wheat Impoithv. ontintRes Is 7(0,122,000 bushels nod of exporting coiiiitifcs 1,1(51 701,(1011 The total estimated production Is ^.'W.OOo.DOil biislKlH lesH than tin amended esti mate of l.S!)l. ;;> MILLS AN HOI It. Didn't lU-momber the .Koiikh I'urt. "Don't you remember," he began, as be sat down beside an acquaintance In a Woodward avenue car; "don't you icmejuber of my being in your ofilcu some time In March'.'" 'I distinctly remember it," was the reply. "Vrm do? That's lucky. Don't you also remember of my telling you that day that a man named Jones had threatened to assault me?" "No, I do not." "Hut wait a bit. When I en teres your office you were talking with ii man with a red nose about a horso." "Kxaetly wanted to sell me a hot se." "I stood bi'fdde the window while hfc talk* d to you for several minutes." "Yes, I think you did." "When the red-nosed man left i mentioned ihe fact that It was-snow, ing." "Yes." "And then I spoke to you about tho man Jones Jiow be had threat* nod to lick mo." "Must have been in some other office. It Is all new to me about Jones." "Hut 1 am sure it was In your ofllce," perslnted the other. "I culled In the forenoon." ' Yis." "You had Just com*; back from Chl- s.' out ten I s.Ud th'tt Jones " "No not a word about Jon "Well, then, what did I "When the ied-noseil man went j on asked rnr if T could lend you d Mais?" 'Arid what did you say?" "I jiaiil. I couldn't." ""And was that all?" "'1 nrit was all, i accept that you tried ihree m* four other men on the s'me Moor and all were shnit Yon air ' iii-i ly inlstsken about Jones. Your oh jiit in t nminK up Into oui brilldlng wa to hoi row ten dollars. You must have gone Into home othoi building wilb s*sir stoiv about Jones Vo : h i\e cer tainly gotten the two objects mixed up. '..n't you recall whether you------" ! tut tin* Join s man was there no ( r.g'i, Hi* had (lushed up u mnn bl' in the eye with a tomato, and gone -nit on the leap platfoim ti figure up how the mW-up cuuld have occurred. barult Pree Pr* **>. A Itrlti-Ji i:nlluii> 'lr.ilii ittnln* l*hi-n<t. in rim I Sprrd. London, Aug. 23. Tho London und Northwestern Jluilway Company's tn^t train between London and Abeide n, which left London at X o'clock last evening, arrived at Aberdeen at i,HJ o'clock this morning. Part of the jouiney of 5-10 miles was covered f l the rate of 75 miles per hour. tliu t-iti-j'Jiiicti itiuty tuiuwH the record or rail rod Bptffla In Hriuiin and U U S. In rum ** ovr t mlloii* UATK. ftOAD. vnou. UUi, tiui;; e'rit Allff Vb (J N. . 1-od A.brd'n 537. H HI uu , u: L,t N W.. l^au,-AberdrD 5-10 K :.r) bO 1) " in L& N W. bun -AUord a M0 mr <:i i May Hi ti W . Euj Loii.-DldAOt*. 63 25 tHT U-iit July m W Slioio K.Buf.-N.Y.. Ult 0 .! r> <i " (-5 U, shore li-U-FranWi WI.7 4(i< 'nl i Auff bH l,n. w&t: bou.-Kdiub'c 100 7 ft.' llJ'J J una Ui N V.C..... Y.-Ilutfalo U0G3 Hftf- i!Mj hept 9! N'.VC..... N Y.-K-lHir.. (16 32 7 1! Not yi eoinia> lv .!.( Ity-Wmb i-17 4 1 4 Ii Mar IW N Y.C. ... Oiiiiida-U*V\. 21 37 0 1, t, < Nov. Li! ** \.t\. .. -lyrac-Uticu 51 cr iW. i .ib ' tl. X Y.C ... Chit'go-Bch.. 116 lt> i ;,r, Ol .J*i Muy ua N.YU .... hjrao.-Iloch. uoab i ii nv, " 1IK N N <'. ... ayrftc.-K.auf MS CO f4\\ 'I. 03 N YC .... N Y.-Chler. uti< 1115 H ,' Auc- 01 A.A 1. .... JacUv.-IUch.. Bfli 6 U.'. ' IH " ill A CL ... Jufkv.-Wih|?lia0 I.'c iM*i utujxn Y HIH Mil m;n Vnlni <UnirrTl Ueatmi Hwedcu u( Severn Ilrldee. Gravenhurst, Aug. 2.1. On Tuesday a fatal quarrel took place near Sev ern Bridge, resulting In the death of John Wilson, jr., a Swede. .The assailant was his nephew, Peter Paulsen, a slightly-built young man with a knowledge of boxing. The two men were In a barn of Mr. Wilson, er. (grandfather of deceased and father of tho assailant), and were having high words about a girl. Richard I>raper witnessed part of the quarrol, and advised Wflson, who was a big fellow, to give Paulsen a licking. Wilson tried to act on the advice, and went forward to attack Paulsen, but was met with a blow In the forehead from which ho never re covered. It happened at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, and Wilson died next day at 10.20 a.m., being attended by Dro. Ardagh and Ilarvie of Orlllla, who could do nothing to abate the serlcu of convolglvo fits which followed the blow. Dr. Campbell,- coroner, sent Chief Constable Sloan to Investigate yeuter- day. He obtained a statement from Draper, who strongly afllnnod that Paulson struck In tielf-defenee. tin der tho clrcurr stances it has, strangely enough, been decided to hold no in ';uit, the friends of deceased conen - ilnif in thin, as well ns all the partlei ton' env d, Co:is ul Ie Tin mi rerde no arrest, I ** t is lively t' more will l- loavd of tho affair. A (i'Mid peut'oii. "T once ran for I'ighway f'ommls- - inner," observed Deacon Ironside, 1 and tho other man and I got exactly tin- same vote.'" "How did you settle it?" asked Hid- i r K* epalong. "He offered to deckle the matter by tossing up a copper cent, but I ssid 'bat was gffmbllng, and T wouldn't gamble it' I never got an ofllce in the world. So we pullud stiaus for It and t got the right one. There's a little trick at pulling -straws," added the good deacon, with a twinkle in ills eye, "thut everybody doesn't know. I'm -generally pretty lucky at pullin* straws." Chicago Tribune. Itnml Cttittiniuul'itutu. The following Is just as applicable to roads as It is to roofs: "Josiar." said Farmer Corntossel's wife, "the roof's aleakln' agin." "Is It?" Well, I'll investigate It tor- morrow." and she spoke with some thing like asperity, which was not usual with her "I don't read the- news papers fur no thin'. What thet roof wants ain't Investigation. It wanta Heading to. San Jose, Cal.t Report. He Wno bteudy. "lie seems to visit you quite fre quently. But do you think him steadyf" "Steady? Well, I should say he was. He calls every evening." CI orient Hrumlal. "Why do you suposo the Rev. John son Reed is always driving over to Kmithvlllo?" asked one Austin gentle man of another, "Ills wife says ha afooa over to ad mire the beauty of the ploo*," wan the reply. "Ya, but docs his wlfo know the beauty of tho plac* 1# a yotin^ widow?" -Texan Stftlhff* J AUCTIONEER ..... (IKDItlOK, Auctioneer. Halon promptly attorn)od to. AudroHB Hrmtb HKNllY proinr..., -------- WooiIhIci , Out. I*orB'nH duHlrintf to mm tiro We Mr a. jl/ay %fuhngon. Ayei-'s Pills " I have taken AyerW I'llbt for many yoarH, and always derlvod tho host ro- Miiltsfrom tliehu'nj, For Stomach and Liver troubles, nnd fur the, euro of hendnelin caused liy tlifio deranijement'i, Ayer's 1'IIH c;uuiuL be i'f|iialed. They are easy tu taue, ami Arc ihe Best all-round family medicine T hnve ever known."-Mrs. May Johnson, 30B Itlder Ave, New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards at World'g P.iIr. Ayev'n &arnt(]ntYlUa fur the blood* camt nuat torauJtss uuuow. It'CJHE mau F, . S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all now goods and latest Novoltioa. I take no bade so.afc on pi'icos. SCHOOL BAGS, I have a largo stock, coughfc at bottom price1-, and can boat them all fnr~-prtob and quality. Call and sco thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON * Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness of:every description. A largo stock and it must go. Call nnd sco rao before buying elsewhere Everything fit the Horse Furnishing Line. wo dooiReur r Unto'nCiirifiaco Workn, Ehbox. IJ1 ItV bu>vu word lit th tfiUSK ruiiiHn OlUtiw. tf H. UKUiaoH. DmNctAin, riicKNHioi) AucrroNi-ndK for tho County of Knnojt. Huilltf of lOlahth Idvliiloii Court. All IdmlK of Fami mid oihot Hidon uoiubnitod uromptly. Iiator* rmuoniiblo und funiUhed on nunllnatioii. Ktuiuhorn may "( ply itt w. O. Hniiiiiiin*B oliloo, or at, llto -otilot of DIvIhIou Com-L Clbyk.Mr. John Milnii, JOHN OOUMhllY, MCKNH1CU AUCVIONUKH for thiiOoinity of Muho*; All kitiiln of furm litock nahni, uto., oonduotnd iirnmntly and on Hhort notion. Ilaton ruiLiioeiibhi. Pm-noiui duNhublii to a.rrnnu.o tialnit may Jo no l>y (Jullliif{ivt tbu Fn'nis Pimmi oiilon or by ttt>i)lyhi[( to 4 ,1, OOUMMIY, I*. O. Ilox 1K5 Kmunc, Out. FltAKIC MoCLOBKMY, MiUdittono, thhty- finvon yon. 1 nxii>vlunco uh an fuiotlonii^rin tho County of I-Ihiiok. Halon ooiiduotnd iiiromntly, and on roiiHoniiblo tnrnui. rartlon donlrhi^ to fix tlio ditto for a iialn turn imvo thomiielveu a drlvo by oullhiff at tho Fiuck Ibimmt ollioo. Wo luivarnuif(od with Mr. MaClonkoy mid will i\x tho dutflH for union by tloicriy)hriintlroly froo ot nil ohnruo to tho pori.fln bold In tho tialo, Ad- drorin Frank MoOlOdkov.MaldiitonCrflim.Oub 106 OHUROrf DIRECTORY Mhthodiht . Dr. 1'aHooo, Pastor. florT1?** gvory Bundnyatil*. m, nd 7. p. m. Babb'Wti ohool ftt 2.:il |t. >m 0, U. Naylor, Huporintond- ont of iiohool. Kuworth LeaBitoproyormooting Tuonday ovonhiK at B o'olocU. Gono/al proyor meutbitf on ThurMduyovonind. ' 4 * .' \ - yV*t ov ViNOhAtm Itov. A.Ijjfoverly, J- Ouunon____.....____ _ .._ anmbaut, Ht. I'auU, Eauox. DVio8tun ayory Hunday ab 7 o'clock, v m Bunt Bohool nt 10 a. in. x'rbilfcy Ohurcb, North UU Dlvlno nrvlcrt ovory Sunday utH p. m.i Si day Hohool at l.-ltlo. *u. Tlio public ara et*r~ dlallyinvltbd. l*msfinvTMHUN.--W. M.ltMoniiurt, Pastor* Bf- vlaua on Habbutb nt 11 a. in. and 7 MO p. m. Bftb- btttb Hohool at UjUOn* UJ- Prayor miotiuBana Paator'H blblo ulaim on Tuesday nt7.U0 p. w Hoolal Union on Wiwlutiiidavab H.lfip, turriHrOiinitoiJ. ltov.M. V. Campbell, Prae tor. BofvluaH uaob Hablnttli at 11 uj hi, and 7 p. m. Pruyor unmtbi|( on Wudiiubday owning atUo'olook. Boatufroo. All are oordiiilly w- uoinud. One Hundred NEWLY WANTED To buy Fumituro nt priocn that aro riylit down to hardpan,, und propurod to fuvuuth ovory thinir in Who nhapo of I'urnituro that n (;ood lioii-uijcera^cr ncodn, AJho a flno lino of Baby Carriagt'H at pncoB that arc rf|ht oIohq. Kindly call and innpect tho ^oodii, it will pay you to do no boforo l,uy- nf.' olnowhoro. It coatH you nothing to jjot pncoH. UoiriM OA'riiorjic liV. 0. E, MoOoo, Pnutor. Rorvloo ovory otlior Huuday at H.IiOp. m. Hunday Hohool otilp. in. ifiintn'ONM.- Hiflh Oman and iiormon at 10.IW n. m,, uatoohlnm ab U p. in., baiitliim at :i p. m., veFipom iLtul txuiedlotloii at 7 p. in. 0. Ii, Mo- OUH, P. P. HinvATioH ;Aumy. T. H. Wohood. Captain. Hulvutlon niootbiKu on Wild midday, Tlmmdirry and Himday ovouiiin; I-Voo and Kuy, Hatundwy ovoniiiH anil 11 p.m. tJundaY* Ilollnoiiy mootlwifl for oliruitiani'ii'rlday ovonuiH and 11 a. m. Hun-' day; Knoo Drill 7 u E>n- Jovory Hunday. AlU*r*a wolooma, LEGAL. JIj. ilW/3nB Barrltitor, Holloltor, Nots* I'ublio Wanoy to Loan. Oflioo o*a Btrutliorn' Ha Mono; Holloltor, an MiioxOoutro. 17* A. WIBMKK, tn.^-Mj-y. Holloltor. Mot-o Ii Public too. Money toloaPlBi J-in- utan Block, up-ntalru, Kmiox. CLAUKM, I1AP.TLKT &. BAnTljKT, Barril _ tom, oto. OlilouH.Mddbury Hlook. Wiudno Private (undii to loiui. A. ii. CrunKH, L. Ij. ij, n, A. Bauwjw A. H. lUai'iiiST, It. A. EMBALMING A. iipeoiulty. ICvorythiuf; dono up in fiood whapo. All noooHiuiry carriagoH furniiihod. Buninofio promptly attended to at all bourn. Will compuro priced with any uudortakor of auy town. Havo two fino liearHeii in j^ood condition, and will not ho nudornold in tho Iinon I roprcuout. J. A. Hicks, S X HKNRY 0. WALTKKS, h.L.B , Atfcomoy &A Courmtilor at law;with Atkinson Aliaiobt^ Connromi nt. wont, Dotrolt, Mlcli, (Canadian alalmn iifiainat tiornon* In U Unitod Btatofl oolloctod.) Itoforonoont Imtierlal Ibinli, Knnox,Onfc, J X,. Potoni. lJiiq, Ihirriiitiir, oto., IOhb Iij.A, Wltimor, Infill., barrliitor, etc., Eai UUOX, 04 MEDICAL. TTJIIS. nillBN A BHIEN. Jan. IlWrn, M. D., I,. It., G. P. fl., nraduato of QuflunBUnivornity, Klnaoton, 'momW of Col- louo of PhyHloiiinn and aiirjjoauii,Ontario. Grad uate of Naw York. Pout Graduate Medical Col- loaro. J. W. Brian, M. D., C. M\, P. T. M, O. Honor grnduato of Trinity Modioal Collofn, Honor tb* G>ad- ----- ------ -radUftto Meaical CoIIoro. Onieoovor r,nnox Modlonl Hall drilff Btoro, Counultatlon roomu. both on ground floor abd llrnt flat abovo. Talophonu In both oitloo and roufdonco. All calln attundod to from offlco, dm/- iitoro, oi* voniflanco. lioildonoo. Talbot ntroot, front of fair Kroundc. Krauuato or Trinity Modioal Collo/'o, Ho frriuluato of Trinity university. Mombcr of OoIIoko of Pnyiilolunfl and SnyjjoonB, Out. Gy uato of Kow York. I'onb GradUato Until QQorgQ X. J'on.op, NURSERYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Michigan rTENiroj^ "The Uiaaam Falls Iiouie" OOINO IBAHT. rnldng clU'Ct MayjlOtli, I8D5. K*p. a ui. 0 20 ti 1,0 Poach, Poar, Plum, Quinoo TrooH, Roiiqh, Applo and Evorf-reonH, _ J3orry BuHhon, Raapborry, Blackborry and Currant Buohen. All tirfib-clanr. Savo a^ontH' Big Profits and writo for prioon. Wo will ohoor- fully anBwor you by return mail. Detroit. Wimhior ... Pelton.. .Maiilbtonijo 13HHOX Woodalou... Iluacomb . . Comber ItiilRutowu . Ilodnoy, Ht Tliomiu Loudon. t. Thoniaa... Itodney . llidgotown .... Gombor. .. ituiicoml). . WoodDleo. Eiiiiox Matdotoue Cr Pulton Windiior Detroit...... Mull a.m. 7 IS 7.40 8 0.1 H.I J H.J1 e as H'l7 0.15 50,17* 11.10 8.-17 Kxp, a, in, 0.40 10.10 io.d:i 10.00 noma wnnT. p.m. 12 10 2 40 1,10 107 6 30 5 41 5 50 fa o:i 11 50 1.05 a in. 11.35 10.31 11.43 i; is 7.10 12.10 12.45 Accom p.m. l 10 fiCfl 5.10 r>w 5.J0 SfiU 5 M) not 7 10 71)9 a 40 a in 5.15 (3 35 7,33 800 0!JO a.:iB 0.15 9C1. 10.01 10.1V! 1C.30 10.00 T\ItB. DEWAK A MoKBNZIE. P, A. DuwAlt, M. D. 0. M., P. 1'. M, fl ato Trinity Unlvornlty. Uotubor Colloao PhW lalitnu and Surtiooun, Out. Ilonldonoo, Talbo at tlutlHt, .flW^"' Ml p- - M- Follow Trinity Modlcal OolloRo. Graduato Trinity Unlvorslty Konhlunco- Talbot Htroot,- wont of W. C_jt. f _ onicohourn-8 to l a. in., I to y and oto H p. m '" nffloo in hnjierlul Hank block, wound no- next toTbonui'fldruH F.toro. Tolopbonoin connooti donco. Ordora loft at Thorno'B promptly attoadod to. oor, tion with ofllco and roni- driiK utoj-a will bo DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D.D.S., L. D. B. Graduate * in Dontintry, Jtoyal Colleue of Doutal HurfioonH, Ontario, and Univorulty of Toronto. Ohargon.modorato. Office, ovor llrion it Co fl dm(i otoro, ie-lAimiii-rNtbur<i Ijocal nfrnliiN. P ui. 0.1(1 0.2^ U.2H o:io 0 50 wi:ut a.m. a.m. 11.60 0.15 l'J.03 H.ib 12 10 0 32 12 30 BUS 12NJ H.55 Emior Ed Kara L E dk I) R Xing McG":oRor AmborBtbnrg i:a8T a.m. a.m. 7.15 0 50 fi.30 7.00 0.4Q 510 fl 50 1) 05 4.63 U.4B 0.30 4,50 MO 0.10 4.iQ All train0 aro run on oontral atandard tlnio, whleh in nixty minuton nlowor than Ehhox time, l-'or Information and ratun to oolon- into movhiE wont apply to John G. Lavon, Fan. nonper Afjont, 8fc. Thomarj, O. W. RukrIob, Gon- oral l'aorionRor and Tiokot Afiont, ChiooRO, 111 or A, O. btimorn. Accont, Koaox, L- E. *& D.R. Ry TIME TADLE NO. 18, taklna offoot Saturday Juno 20,1805. Traino tun by Eaotorn Stand ard Timo. Daily oxoopt Sunday WH, niCHAKPHON, Vetori'nary"" Bur . fioon, Graduato or tho Ontario Veter inary Collof-o, Toronto, troatii nil dinn-mcn of doniobtlcaLbd amuialn. Tuluidiono in counoa- tion. Dontiotry a npocialtj, Itoiiidonoe, four doom Boutli of GriHt Mill. Ofllco in poutolUcq. buildindJloQrmury dirootly oppoolto. BAKER. THE oldout buuimiHn in town. Rntabhmuo 1670. Firat-claoB broad and oakort of al kindii. WoddingoakoBit flpociality. GroconcB provinlonB, Hour, food, tialt and pork. ConKM- tlonory, orockory.ulannwnro. QaunodfrultDand vogotablonof nil kindn. Goodn promptly ftc Uvorod tonll partn of tbo town. J. M. EICEU, J 01 tf SOCIETIES rO. O. J\-ENTEltntISE LodRO- No Slti a mootnovory Tbuniday,ovonhiR at I.HOta OddfolJown Half, in third Htoroy Ounetau Block Vloitlnnmemborouf othor lodged will roooivon paternal welcome. .T. JOUNHTON, N. 0, OENTItAL ENOAUPMBNV, No.tlO, moots in Oddfollowa'nall.Dimstan'o 11 look, on tho first and third Tuonday In each month. VtriitorH do* dially rooolvod. Momburn of rmbordhmto lodgoi In tbu jurlHdlotion, invitod to Join. O. HANNAN, 0. P., G. F. HIItL, G. B. ESSEX FIRE imiGADE. MEETS EVEBY Friday ovenimj David Wai/uer, Captain; Audrow Parkor, Iiioutenant; Pahnor Dllao, Soorotary; Predoriok Hyatt. Troagnror. Splendid Apple Trees, AlJJin ovory ronpflofc, $12 PER 100 - $12, Money to Loan On Rood proilnbtivo Form Property at 5, & 0 per coLit. iitrafi'ht. No Valuation Fees* t^- OonyoyanomK t oilo up in Noat Stjdo ci**i X M 9,40 0.47 0.CG OM 10.00 10.18 10.18 10.25 10.33 10.12 10.B3 10,50 11.10 U.24 11.81 ll.M 11.44 11.C3 11.50 12.04 13.12 W.lfi 1S.23 IC.E1 12.i0 i*T3 m6 A U 12.00 18.30 12.40 12.45 O Pi % P M 0:20 0.37 li.lUi fl.40 12.C3|(J.17 1.10 0.54 1.23 fl.50 1.40 7.07 2.00 2.1!) 2.60 B.OO 3.43 4.10 4J0 4.50 5.80 5.45 5.6ft 6.05 O.IEt 0.25 (1.45 (1.65 7.10 P.M. 7.14 7.24 7.34 7.43 7.B2 Q.O S.17 8 23 9.H3 8.40 8.47 8,63 0.00 0.07 0.13 020 0.01 P.M STAT!0*"!. Dop Walkory'lo Ar WalkorviUo Juno. .........Polton......... ......f Oldoantlo...... ......t Paquotto...... ......McGrogor .... f Now Canaan... ... } MarHlitlold . ...... Harrow ...... ........+ Amor......... ......Khmavillo...... ...... Ruthvon ...... ... Leamincton ... ... . Whoatbsy...... ......i Ronwiok...... ......Ooatnworth ... ......tGhmwood...... Morlln ..t Buxton.........0 45 8 40 0*11 0 21 0 20 0 10 000 S find I boo ...ICadarSpripRH... Blonhidm Junot'n lJldiiboIm..... ..tWilklo......... Ar BidRotown Dop A U 0 10 i) 04 8 67 8 53 fi 47 84Q sao 8 20 823 8 11 8 01 7 01 7 40 7 24 7 15 7 10 700 0 62 6 A U 0.00 5.40 0.88 fl.17 B/8 4.40 4,33 4 25 4.00 0.45 0.10 2.40 1.54 1.313 1.15 12 DO 12.21 12.05 11.28 11.20 11.15 10.15 10.00 r.u. a u W P M 7.40 7.31 7.27 7.SS 7.17 7.12 7.00 0,50 0.62 0.41 fi.3l 0,21 0.10 R.64 0.40 5.40 6.U0 0.20 D.15 6.10 0.01 4.54 4.50 4.40 4.30 V. u COURT ROYAL, HO. 212, I. O. V. Moato booond and fourth Tuosdnv's In oaob month.In 1, 0. 0. E. Hall at ti O'clook p. m. VlfiitinRbrothorn will boRivou a fraternal wel come E McCauiiland.C. R., W.O.Shaw, Sooy, M. J.WlRlo, O.D. H. O. B. " ruAND AND LOAN AGENTS GEORGE J. THOMAS, Oonvoyauoor, Com- mfnmonor, in High Conri of Jnatioo; doalor In Real Rotate and MortgnROB, Moooy to loat at tbo lowoot rate of intorogt. Fnrmti bought nnd sold. Innurauco taken in tbo rnont rollable oompanloH. Drawing of doods, mortiiagee and loaeos a speoialty. Ohargoa inodorato and alt boHinoflfl promptly attended to. Call at tbo Oontral Tolonhono ofllco, EasoiContro. 60-ly Fir and 1fe nsurahCe. A. a LOVELACE, larOffioo: Whiinvy msisx. out lealr/uprtikiM I riag BUtlona. Trairin stop only vihou there aro paanongorii nt or for tboiiu utatlona. Mixed tralua aro at al tlmoa wibjoot to be cabeolled WA! WCOtdCiAffiT. Goflowtf BupoHiiiondenfc Tho Koclcy Mountains. Along tho lino ot tho Northoru Paoifio Bailroad abounul in largo gamo. Moose, floor, fcoar, elU,|raountain lioua, otd,, oau yot bo Hound* tboro. Tho tmg BytorUmail e willing to go tUcra tov thorn.' A litila book oaUoa "Natural Game PreMwefl," pablmhoa by tho Nottbevu Pnoifia Baifroad'. will be tiout upon wooipt of few cent* Jtt Btampsby Oui^ S. Vjeb, a goal; , Bt. raul, Minn. MAIIRU^J-ICENSES. EL. PABK, ISSDER OP MABRIAGK LI . ooniioB, RiobarriHOh Blk., Bbbox, Out. W. D, BEAMAN, Iflsuor of MarritiRo'LicoiiQon. Innuraneo aapee* NlgbtoDaoeatDwolllnR. wn-'i) '1 ALB 01 faTIlJJET.HHffllX MBAKUETT. Iiiiaif of UlanhLgo Llooume, CommiBfllonorin C.J.,oto. Gdato, Out J'aMKS B, LAIRD, Provincial Land Burvoyor and County Englneor, Ebbox Centro, Obt Ohloo, Duuutan Block, uptitalra. ^ttCI4J1JOt8^ YOHN A. MAYOOOK, ABOIUTBOT, Ae, Boom 10 do* UJFlniUjtf BuUdin, Windtor.Oiil PilOliO Bio. UNDERTAKING HPLTJMIOC iB, TlndcrlAlter *d JfaroUoM DmJmt. lOoflu^.bemeaMdlMtorrMTiU bou $ltoW. MoOM0Or,<Nit. V" ii 11 ^^ tf&^'-J'^ /b^L^iuk^v!^ 0559 43304

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