*'( ^ tn }*i^(*iiiiift*Uj.Y;:r^iw. W1* -V1- k ' tcl PREE t-MR*i,=8fc -THE- ESSEX FREE PRESS asamac. o:w3:_ Published Every Friday Morning "Pifom*lho cflloo on Talbot Bireok, noxfc Dunstau Block, Bpooial attention is paid to tho publiuu* tion of matter of looal importance, uootir- ftteand rhablo roporta of Town, neighbor- ing Township and County Gounod proceed ings, looal nd county market reporta, ota ttoe oarikf oJ and judioiouti manatfomout of Dbi Fiiex PiiESfl, with reapoot to the mi and other oarrcnt matters of looal importance, bo given it a wldQRproiul prenti^n in tho Ofitttre of Ebsox oounty.whioh ia rooo^nl^od M one of the beet agricultural diniriotti in Ontario. The Fubk Pnsua in the only medium circulating thoroughly in thin oentral portion of tha County, and in con sequently, without doubt,tliaonly thorough advertising medium for 1iubihhh pooplo Wiahing to roaoh that olaus oE ountomora. COBRCarOMDKNOM. Oar oolumns nro alwayo opon for the peaoeable diHOueeion of matters pottaluiu to the public welfare. Able correspondents in nil tho nurroun ng localities furnish roliublu ta^otiaMp arents of intoroat, occurring in their nuvjWra] Scares; and tho publisher is at allj/imotf eaeod to rocclve in to renting j^riromci ol tows from any diapouod to forjsmTrd oontri- fttlona. _^*J* AH oommnpioationai^ifn. privata and hfidRjjsUjrfWWC^noul(J bo uo marked *k^*^aido of tho ouvolopo. uunaonirTiON rniOK. U.00 par annum, Htriotly in advance, 1.50 per annum if not ho paid; ana all . mm charged at that rate. AVKlVriBKMKN*H. ^Transient logal and municipal advor- Haemoutu, uotiooa, etc., ohargod at the raU of ton oontn per huo, for fljrat insertion, and flvo cents por lino for each gubHoquout insertion. All uucli advert! Homonta are moamirod by a hOfilo of twelve lmoH to tho inch. Lool reading and othor nobioou pub- Uahon* among looul nown matter Qbargod at (be rate of ton oents por running lino for ecoh insottion. All uotiaes of church or aooioty enter- flaiumontHof any description, at which an admiBBiou foe la charged, are regarded an dvoriiaotoeiitM, and fall advertising ratoa dharged in tdl BUohTcaHon Notices ofgatlT^ oriufla or mtintingn not for pecuniary bono- fit or aid, will bo ohoorfuliy published free charge. $pooial contract ratoa made for display ntandinf advth. All Itgul orprofoRHion- under ono inch, 85 por annum. joii on commukoiiIj vwktino, The trnta Pbkhb Job Printing Do- Mrtmont is under tbo auporviaiou If thoroughly oompotcnt mechunicu. ' and anooml attention is paid to thin Jhranohl_Qf__tho___trado. Our faoilitios tor tho elocution of all kinds of Book and JTino Job Printing aro unexcelled. Stoum .power prouaaa. A oall noliohod. iiURiHKttv ni:aui.ATioHy. All Job Printing and Tranfliont AdverfcinwB accounts, atrictly cash. Advertising accounts with rogulai fatronu aro eottlod quarterly. Sub- Boriptiong due in advance No nabuoripfcion to tho Fnrcis Pkehb, or ttdvortiBoraont.publiflhod in lU oolumns will bo discontinued until all -arrears aro taid in full. Cbangcfl for adyortisomonts, to aocnro inaortiou in tho ourront iabuo, muHt bo banded iu pot lator than noon of tho Tnos- fay prooodinfi, and nokico of uuob intend ed obango is roqnirod on tho Monday pro- ooding. -' * Notice of diHcontinuaDCo of advoitiao* ttionta mntit ho given at leant ono wenli in ^Ivanoo of tho issue iu which thoy aro jleairod to lant appear. * ADVimTlQElta, gjubooribors and patrons generally aro ftequoDtod to road tho abovo rofjulationa fflrofully, in order that confusion may Ho avoided, as thoy will iu all caHOH bo adhered to. Addroaa all oommunioationfl to IC. JT. ajOVKCVjACK. PnblUhor tho EBMBX'Fnifiin Prbpo, Ennox, Ont Nervous People should realize that th onTy truo unci permanent cure for their condition la to bo found la having Pure Blood Became tha hoalth of every orgmn p-'aol tlseue of tha body dopud* Upr^u th purity of tbo blood. The y> World knowi tha standard blo^-d purl flax U Hood's Sars/aparilla Arid therffon it U tho only tru* and rollably/ii:edlo!n for Corvoua peopl*. -It xnJKeS tha blood pur. nd healthy, anjVthun cures narVousness, makes tt^rnervea Qrm and strong, cites sweet ^fcp, mental vigor, a good appettts- pttocl dilation. It does all this, and Juruh BcrofuU, Eoxerna, orBaltfiheom rand all other blood dlaeages, because U Makes ure Blood Results prove every Word We hmr+ said, Thouaands of yoluuUry teeti- iiioulalH fully waUblUb the faei UUafc Hood'K Suruaparllla euros. Creates An Apptlte *' My husband was feeling miserable anfl bad no rullsh for food. Us begau Ukln# Hood's BarsaparllU and Hood's PUU *& felt better at once. Hood's SarsaparilU gave him a good appetite." Mbjb. Joe* Btewiht, Barclay, Ontario, Buffered 30 Yars. "I have been a sufferer front live* and kidney complaint for twenty years, 1 was ndvised-by tay druggist to try Hood's Barsaparllla and did set and 1 aid thank ful to say that It hag given rnc tfliai relief. X confidently recommend It to any sufferer from thoo oompUlntB.** JJ->CK EMEiaii-f, 121 lIoblnHon Bt., Toronto, Out* Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently iu ths publlo eye todey. Prepared by C. X, Hood A Co.* LonreUf Ms. Bold by druggists, fl|iLrfoj|fi, Best Little Purgative X ever used/' writes one lady In tegarA to Wood's Pills. They are so mild *nd do out any ci^uuig Irooffito*nd them tdii*at- fexla* iyote *os- itiv^U, *6*y ^^ tm6VWe*iUy- tJc* Ho^d'i PUls ore rapidly increasing la * **. CSc- K CAN I OI1TAIN A rAYKNVY Pot a irompt aimwnr and un lionoBt opinion, wrltu to rtlUNN A; <)(>.. who havo lind nearly fifty yenn' oxporlontioliitlio patonc biiuinnaa. Oommmiica. tlons *tHotly coiiflrtontlnl. A Ilanillionk of In- rorniutloti concfirntnc I'nti'iim and bow to ob- tAlJi thom Htint fron. AIho n cmnlocao of moclmn- Icnl and eclontltlo bnokn pout 1 roo. I'utonts taken tbromih Munn tic Co. recelvo npoolal natlcolntlio Hr I en tide Aiiioirtrnii. mid thus are brotiulit wldoly bercirothn public, vfith- pnt CiBt to tho invemor. Thin HPlnnillU nni r, jftBuad woolcly, olecantly illustratfid.biifl byfurtlit) 'qtifOBt clrciilatkm of (iiivocti'iitillc worlc In tllo world. 8^ a your. Bninitio tniMt'tiBOiitiroo. Bttlldlscr Kdltlon, monthly, ti 60a yonr. Slnulo coulost US con to. Kvory niunliur oontalns benu- tlitil plutiin, In colors, and photocrnpha of new houaca, witli plana, enabllnji luilldprr io ntinw tlio liitOHt ^WlmiH and nocuro c mtrnriit. Adflrosa MUN-* * *'0- NLW YOHU-, litU IJIMJADWjW PALAOd 8TBAMBH0. LOW FfATno, CLEVELAND, M BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST BVSHV WVMNINQ BBTWHBM DETROIT ^ CLEVELAND ConuectlnKwlthearHeot trnlns nt Cleveland for all points Kniit, faouth cod Southwest. Snndty Trips Jtm, July, Augutl and Scplambc* Oaly Several IleraM of HuffuloeH And thouBandfl ol eUn, doer, otc , nro to boEouud in tho Yellowstone Park. It ia the only place where the boliulo can ho found to-day, ao inorcileiiFily havo thoy been fjlancntorad. They aro ([odo from tho pliun and praineG.aud. the remnant nowlprtr-nn MinnU tho United Htatoa Government for the privile^o of liviug. Tho Yellowatone Park in their homo and there thev ur. hf. The Park ifl patrolled by so'di-rd both Hummer and winter to capturd poache and offeudera and iiuvun- puni^hmenb in moted out tointrudtrii. In fiumraor tho buffalo ruufjn in thu highlauds, near YfallowHtonfj L*Uo. In winter thoy work ovor into tJaydcn Valloy and HurroundiDtf country, whore tliu hot uprinj>M and watcrw lteop tho.uuou molted away. DQor and elk range ovor th*-ontiro YollowHtouo Park. Thus bcjides the jjreat marvols of naturo mot with m thm wondur- laud.thero are alao the liae^t tipicimoufl of our lartfo Rarao. Tame and docile, thoy foar not man. 9 SkotchoH of Wonderland, an llluatralod book published by the Northern Pacific Railroad deeeribeh thia woudorland. It will entbe b by due. S. Fun, tha Gon'l Atfont, Ht. Paul, Minn., upon receipt of nix contH in atamns POUN YNIfM HRH WHUK BttrWHKM Toledo, Detroit ^Mackinac >fiT061CIBY, TrlG "500," MARQUBTTE, AND. DULUTM. *^o kitw stftcl pihAeugrer atenmers have ju'-t a builLSTor our Upper LaUc Koute, costliue Send ior Illustrated painphltt. A. A. SOHANtZ, a. *, a v. a. OSTrtOlVi WIOH* Iff I CLBfEUKB STEW MM. % ' Borty KtiHtcd* MIihI at Kane" That io what it ih when travollinR op tho fast trains of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway; bumlm thero ih no chanco to "kick," for tho aucouiinodutionB are up to date, tho trainu keep moving rij>ht alonfi and jer thoroou time. Thoau hues thor- ouRhly cover tho torriiorybotweuti Chicago, La (JrooHo, Ht. Paul. Mumoapolio, Aber deen, Mitchell, Bioux Falln. Biohx City. Yuukton, Oounail Bluffd, Umnhu und Nor* thorn Michigan. All the principal oitioe and towns in that territory are reuolmd by tho "St. Paul" liuoa, oonneotiuu at 8fi. Paul, Council Bluffa and Omaha with all linos for pointa in tho far wont. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pafw'r Agout, 87 York Street, Toronto, Ont,, for ouo of their map time tablet! and a bronhuro, ivinu description of the Compartment Sleeping JarH.- Tiakotd furnmbod by any coupon tloket agonli in tho United States and Can. vda. 1'ho finest dining earn in Ihn world run on tho aolid veHtibu^d, oiuotrio- I^htod. and utoiun-hontod trains of the Ohl- Hgo, BdUwaHkee de St. Paul .Railway (.'IIIK-Sli /!'I I 'I r Story ^ 'in Eyo-WUnosa of tho / 1 .wnatlcs' Attack. ALL rO.*:3CMEUS ARE IH DANCER In-. .u<l Mur*l*r-Mrir <i-ir i. ,d tty aHvifViiiu-ihi It iucli nki I It it S'litiuillilii ^Ictlutilltt >iIm<4|')ii tfow York.Atitf. 10. Ui'v. A.T*.. T-cnn- nrd, P.P., corrctipondinjr mtrHary "t the MothodUit Kphicnpul Chun li Mh* ninriury Society, irnld thifi JiT'crnonn H^ardliiK tlu1 recent Chltn w *ut - i a*;on : "Tho cnlileR-ramM whJr-h I Imve rc- < elvod during the hint f'W days I'ulb nnflrm tho publlHhed iepmts of mnh violence hi China. From them I Jd,- that Mm American!) there think our Oo\- prolcetlnn Kir our cltl/.cmi In China ficin thi* t'litlon. "I notice that the Kntflhh i Itlz* ns 1 i ItoriK Koiiir held nn tndlK'iatlun ijieotlnff at which itevort- thlnjci wcie i ild concerning Kn^land'H npparent unconcern. It noemn to me UnBland ..rwl America muHt do norm'thlnf? men-" tlian almply demand indemnity lot* property dentroyed. That policy hni been pursued ever silnoe mlMidonH were * stabllnhcd there. People hnv In "ii Killed, property has been destroyed, time and n^nln, yet China ban gotten off by pnylnir Indemnitlon and with out Riving any jruarantoo for the iio- urlty of life. "IC the Chincne Government la not .Me to protect foreigners It In time it 1m known and underwtc od and then fnrfltfn governments themHelveH should t ke a hand In the matter of protec tion. Wa have ticnty relntlonn with ('lilniL, and In the treaty a guarantee o^ | loteetion. Our mttmlonarlen fro to <*h na with the assurance that they v. 11 not ho loft to the mercy of the *, and the failure of our dovorn- n n-t to make pood tho pledge of pro- t rtion simply luroii our people to Kith. If the ofllcialH nt Waahinffton (1 not Intend to enforce the requlre- i i ntn of the treaty It nbould h" ahro- ;.it<d and notice jrlven that whoever - i s to China koom at hln own peril. Pur'ionally I think It would be preat- 1 to the advantage of the civilization oi the Knst If the Chlnene Kmplre fell t \ pieces. That would admit of a ro- "i -animation under foreign Influenced that would open up the country tin * "thing clue could, China must have n<<t only tho jroapol, but all that he- I 'iifra to gOHpel clvilUatlon, includlnp; l> \>1U> Hohoohs, rail road h and all mod- 1 in Implements of agriculture." Rev. F. F. KlUnwond, D.D., Recre- t try of the Presbyterian Board of .VtsMtins, said to a reporter this after- loon "When any of our missionaries have been killed by a mob we are sure to be notified by cable at the earliest >>SHible moment. Since none have ar rived we feel assured no such disaster 'ias befollen our missionaries. It seems In us that our Government, as well i- Oreat Britain, should take hold of this Ui earnest and secure treaty stlpu- 1 tlons which should be carried out In earnest. Our only security Ilea In the punishment, not only of the ac tual murderern, but of the officials ilso who have connived at the out- 1 leaks and are In icallty more lesjion- Mlile." Acting Secretary Adee has received from United States Qnnsu I-General Jtinlgin at Slmntrhnl a despatch dat- * il July 12, enuloslriRr four letters re- ^'ivfd by him fiom missionaries glv- n< in gteat deuill aefounts of events . i China leading up to tho riots against lie mKsionriries at Cheng Tu, in tho 'ivlnce of Syenhnen One of these, mi Spencer Lenlr, very comprehen- v In scope, d.ited Chung King, nina, says that the West China mls- ii of the Methodist Episcopal iLireh Is the only American Mission iit-scntid at Chrng Tu Tho Ameii- m.H there were the Hov. Olin Cody nc! wife, II. L Cartwrlght, M.D., and if and two children and . -v. .T. A. Peat and it'e and two children. This mission '.' rwd but one piece of property in ('Ivng Tu on which was a Chinese i nil ilng fitted for the lealdenco of two f. milles, a Chinese building used as a chapel, a dispensary and minor tiuctuiDS. Mr Lenlr says that sub stantially all these aro gone, oven the Iavlng stones being carried out of the fourts. The total loss, exclusive of rersonal losses, Is about 6000 taels, Mr Lenlr describes the various at tacks made on the premises of tho Canadian Methodist Mission. The two physicians In charge of the hospital and chapel, which were afterwards looted and burned, kept the mob at bay, but the officials would give no asnlstance, although several of them were quite near. Late that evening, May 28, the mem bers of the American Methodist Mls- blon sought refuge in the district mag istrate's yomen, but were refused and told they would be protected if they returned home. Relying upon thlw promise they were entirely unprepar ed for the mob, which soon visited them, and had barely time to escape. Operations were renewed by the mob nt daybreak ntxo day.and before noon the attack wan general on 11 the Cath olic and Protestant mission places. The American Methodists, from their hiding places In an attic only six foot v.-ay, watched tho mob for twelve hours plundering their houses. Some of the 10,000 uoldlera of tho provlnco anslstod In the looting and dug up a number of bones which they took to tho dlotrlot magistrate's ya- men, representing them to he tho bones of babies which the foreigners had eaten. Lenlr makes serious charges ngalnst tho Viceroy, Chep Tactl,clalm- Ine that as ho had been degraded and was soon to be recalled, he was bent en giving a parting hit, both at the foreigners, whom he hated, and tho fj^vornment. When the tlamefl burst forth from the Roman Catholic Bish- ep*H residence, ucarcely a stone's throw uom the Viceroy's yamen, tho Vice- ny remarked, according to Mr. Lenlr, rliut this was a matter for his suc cessor to atond to/* and ho states that only -af-tor everything wan quh tly do- stroyed did tho Viceroy main . nmu to restore order, In tie* men Mini linv lug sent out telegmniH that a run |. lated child had been imini i, a i ,t- elgni>r*B place, with a resu't thnt near ly nil tin- niitlvcs belli-Vfd U,< loi v Mr. Lenlr demands the [,nn , m nt if boHtllo olfletiLhl, H" "Mi lo' i f,ip|i t of the Itithimmat'Ji v pla- nln i'ul uei postud everywhcio, chaiglng thnt the foreigners were kidnapping ehlldien ami uslnsr oil from their b"il|ea, KiktDIi lltltll l^ltt.s sll'l^Ml-.M A Oilncu* ^HHtiMxIu Ai(nrl(*il I3r With u HlK'nr, lliil it V,ii)iil >-t'fMii(i Kit*t*<l Hrr. Foochow, China, Aug. 9. -Miss Ma bel C. Hartford, the only American at Ilwasang at the time of tho massacre, makes the following fitatem'ont : "Aug. 1, at 7.30 a.m., I beard shouts. They were the yells of servants, who rushed In shouting to mo to get up, lor tho Vegetarians were coming,tear ing down the houses on tho hill be - longing to Jfho Mnglhih Mission. "A'fewSninutcH hiter a teacher came to my door and told me to iuu. "I put on my clothes and i milled to the door. "I was met by a man with a trident spear, who yelled : " 'Hoie Is a foreign woman.' "lie pointed the spear at my chest, X twisted it to one Hide and It Jinit grazed my ear and head. "He threw mo to the ground and beat me with the wooden end of the upoar. "A servant came and wrenched the spear awny, then told me to run. "I jumped down the embankment and lan along the road. A servant came nnd pulled mo along until I got up on the Hide of the hill. I then lay down to got more breath. "After resting twice I reached a se cluded spot and lay thero. "All this tlmo the yells went on and two houses' were burning to tho ground. "After a while the yells stbpped. I supposed tho Vegetarians had gone away, A servant went to see how mat ters were. He returned In half an hour, telling mo to come home, that five ladles of the English Mission had been killed and some had been wound ed, but that my house a rented na tive house had not been troubled at all. "I went home to find Mhis Codrlng- ton much cut about the head and beaten all over; Mildred Stewart, 12 years old, with knee cut and bleeding very hard; Herbert Stewart, 6 years old, cut on the head and almost dead; TIahy Stewart, with one eyo black and f-wollen; tho second Stewart girl, 11 years old, with the second boy, Kvan, 3 yearn old, were beaten and pierced with a spear, but not seriously Injur ed. The boy vomited all day, but we thought It was from fright "Mr. Phillips of the English Mln- plon, who lived In a native house,some distance away, escaped all Injury,only arriving In time to see the bodley of the dead and hear the Vegetarians '.iy : "'We have killed all the foreign - "At first we heard that som^ for eigners had escaped nnd were Pi hid ing, but Mr. Stewart did not com^ and we feared the worst . "Mr. Phillips went to the rulna and round eight bodies; five not burned, tnd three burned so as not to be re cognizable, "Dr. Gregory arrived at dark and dressed tho wounds of tho patients. "Coffins were made and the bodies were put In them. The bones of the burned were put in boxes. "Another burned body was found, making nine grown people massacred R. J. Stewart and his wlfe.a nurse from Ireland, called Lena, Nellie Saunders, Topsy Saunders of Austra lia, who lived in the upper *nouse,call ed-the-Stewart- house; Hesnle New- combe, of Ireland; Elsie Marshall and Lucy Stewart of England, and Annie Gordon of Australia. "The first fuur were burned beyond recognition. "Topsy ran out of the house and was hilled outside. "He.ssle was thrown down the em bankment with her head nearly scv- eied from her shoulders. "Annie Gordon's head also was nearly cut off. "The bodies were put In coffins and we left Hwasang for Suikow about -i o'clock Friday afternoon, Auc. 2. "Herbert died about thiee bourn later, just below Colong. We took the body In a chair and had a coffin made for it at Suikow. "We reached Suikow about 8 am., Saturday, and telegraphed to Foochow for a steam launch. We left Suikow In native boats at 3 p.m. and on Sun day morning we met a steam launch e-oing toward Suikow taking soldiers. We engaged It to tow us to Foochow. "Soon afterwards we met the res cuing party In a launch. "Tho party consisted of the United C-*tatos Marshal and two English mis sionaries bringing full supplies for the sufferers. "When 1 was thrown down my teacher's wife called on some Hwas ang men around to save me. There were four men there to only one Vege tarian, but they would not help me. She came and tried to pull me nwny, as he wns heating me. The Vogetar- ton kicked her. "When the Vegetarian who beat me btartocl down the hill to come to our house thiec others were with- him,but these ran off after some Chinamen, so I escaped with only one persecutor. "There wore about liO Vegetarians, but I only Bnw one, the man who at tacked -me, who shouted : "'Here Is a foreign \vomnn.' "He had a trident npo*a . Some had swords. "There was at least one gun, for I 'henid it fired off. The natives Pay thero were more. "Uong, the Kucheng magistrate, came to Hwasang Friday afternoon, Aug. 2, with 100 soldiers. He viewed tho bodies, saw the i:.Jtired, Inquhod the names of all, the places of the in juries and made out an account. Ilo did what ho could to help us get off to Suikow." MABEL C. HARTFORD, Washington, Aug. 9. Mlnlutor Don by has been Instructed by Acting Sec-vo tary Adee to nocuro protection for American citizens at Pan Yag, Ch'un, a I.lace about in miles from Fno-Chow whore tin Amcil an wi:vh-n Is reported to have been looted by tho uatlvos. NOt PIJiUHO AT ALL. But tho Common Corn a talk Dlaoaso. rs cncuViitY klpt vtRY ouu H*t 4'jmrli* lup'H'r Hut Si KiiitWKdUi' of ti IMtiiiiVen ul l>^iUoril \trmHKV ni'iii* H-'tir i'uld *cnmutt hltti> ItlflllH uf IVult tu k'llUlltlMl Ottawa, Aug. 9. The fame of Oun- uda'n agricultural advancement lias 1-,'jm* uuioad. In Jamaica th** havu Hturted an agricultural awioclatlon, and the Hist move of the piumotem was to write to filend.i in tha lJoiiiln- lun for pointers as to procedure, scupu und ' utility Of such society. A h un Horn ChailciJ A. JJucut of King-nun, Innnilca, Is now In tho Department ol Trado ami Commoioe. Secietary Uncut wiute to Air. Adam JJiown, Hamilton, .rdie-ilng him, as "a friend of Jan ui- cu,' to ask what ho could do in tho way ot Lnduclng manufacturers of lbvht agilcultuial Implements, such as would bo suitable for Jamaica use to send hum ides of their machinery to the so- (lety, the latter undertaking to gl\ o thuni a fair trial and take orders ior the supply of those that should be found suited to the country. The pio- sldent of tho association Is the Gover nor of Jamaica, Sir Henry A. lilnlce. Tho recent stranding of the steamer Mexico In the Strait of Hello Isle, ln- vilvlng the entire loss of ship and car go, bus moved the Underwriters Asso ciation of the Montreal Hoard of Trade to momdrlallsic the Department of Ma- line on the subject of improved fog signals and telegraphic communica tion. Tho association points out that formection might bo established with the Inland of Helle Isle, which lies at the mouth of the strait, by means of a en bit* extension of the Signal Service sj stem, which at present terminates at K.sfiulmaux Point. The Department Is already aware of the defective na ture of tbo fog signals at Belle Isle, and his directed that steps be taken to Improve thorn The matter of an ex- ti nsion of the Signal Service Is one r^r future ci-mnldorntlon, as there aro -overal routes to choose from. F M Caipenter, MP., and President >' Pottlt of the Fruit Growers' Asso- " Ttlrin were here to-day to see the of- cjils of the Agricultural Department In je>forenco to the plan of cold storage *-hii merits of fruit to England. Mr. Peitii, who belongs to Winona, Ont , Is one of the most extensive fruit grow- ers of that district and promlnos to 'live a huge consignment ready-for f^rwnrrllnir to England by the first sfenrrior fitted with cold storage accom- iikxI.i tlon. A cal'k wnsrocdved to-day from the fTIgh Commissioner In London, in re ply to Government enquiries as to tho -illc-Cfd dPiroverv f pleurn-pncumonla nmong Cnnadlun rattle slaughtered at Peptford, Eng. Sir Charles says that he has no Information to communicate bevorid tlu f.ir t tbnt the steamer IIu- ronln lanHir] a cargo of cattle there on July 10 The only information as to the nil. gfil di'cnvrrv of disease is Uw.t w+n-Li-h-T* d In new-papt-r reports. Meant!mo tho department hero Is mak ing f\ crv fnden\nr to discover whence the cattle wnrna shipped and the par- tit s from n liom thev wore purrimsod it* this count it Tho supposition Is, f \ r*i. th.it the dlueiiHe"lri anpsttof* lot plouro-pnoumonla nt all, but the rnmnioin mtil' .illment known as corn stalk ill e,i ic Whniowr msy be the report of the PiovinrUl Commission upon the state ol i he Sepnrate si ools In this city, the < h' i'-tl.tn Brothers who have been the.r it (icheis, aie not standing upon t'l order of th-ir goine- Following Hi'lr rii mls.wl from Si Patrick's .-( hrw)l, comes the Information that the stair of tin only othor English Sona- r-ito Fchool in tho city, St. Bridget's, .'to to Icilv also. Tin re was a meet ing nf tlu Si para to School Xioard to- nl-M tit " hlch a letc i wns read from I'm Edwnvl of Tniontn, visitor of the 'Md*-' in Ih"! pi n inc notifying the rni-teos tli-t tin Christian Brothers ' 'it I'rt 'gi t's no going to wlthdiaw. '1 ho ro'if,nn ttlvui Is about the dismiss al of tin- Biolheis from St. Patrick's "d ' 'hove .ill the offensive rensi ' **. lm ;T.*h<ncv nnrl Incompetencv," given tho-oror bv pinmlncnt members of the i Mfil lionrrl The Vrr, bvteri m Review Co . To ronto is ni plvlng for letters patent of inenrpor itlon c ipltal $10,000 Iosl.il! Wood'H cill to the Senate will la khzi tted to-morrow. i s:.- itM<ni:ix Btrsismv*. hmeist 1 li *'!> 'IIihp n( 4.-ii iiioqiic rupturing T\v H '-in-ctrd Itiir^Iui-i.. KIn""-t-in, Ont., Aug. 10. The fj.man- k*ikj tiolice, suspecting thie-' ptiSDiis .is implicated in the Tuj bn r ob'ji 1 > , decidetl to secuie them. One "a as lieing cornered, w hen he drew a i e- volvir and sent a bullet Unoutdi Wil liam Toner':* hat, a hc c-'Hl one was sent after Alex, Oimlston, but Mi Oi- mlstou collared the youth and hru dod him over. The o.thor two eseii m d The man nriestid, win n broughl be fore the Mnglsti.Lto, u*fuscd to toll bis name or answer questions. He . as lemanded. o_e i.r,\ s Hi-ii.r.' ai skuu* \:u'n :.ir3r*ItlK In lEeiiiltifi\ lov <!wn|:ic if lk.ir)'riiin -it <> Womlxy. London. Aug ft. Lord Salisbury pre- -IiL d to-day at a meeting at the For- e'gn Otliee of all tho numbers of his Cabinet. The Council appioved Lozd Sallshui y't. InttnLlons respecting China, whkh he explained to the T.Iln- h,te*s. The Qmeu'i* sj ooc h, to be dollv- . red at the opening ut\ Paiiiami nt, was .submitted to the Council and It was approved. The Speech will bo sub- mlttrtl to the (Jtn-en ln-mnnow at Osborne House, on the Tslo of Wight, whoio Hei Majesty Is now sojourn ing llic louli) kr.indnl t'tiuv Ki'dlfil London,Aug, io". Justice irawklns.in the High Court of Justice to-day, in the action for slander brought by Mrs. Jacoby against Countess Cowley, stiongly advised a settlement of tho cahu. He said that thoy had started a great scandal. Mrs. Jacoby, he add ed, had cleared her character by going into tho wltnesu box and swearing that she did not write the letters which formod the basis of tho suit, and that she did not know their origin. Countuss Cowley thereupon stated that she did not write the letters and did not know* who did. The case was thereupon settled, but the terms of settlement wore not Htated, HliciioU** 10 Mil** liy llflllotfriiph 'Denver, Col., Aug. 10. The Helio graph corps of the Uitcd States army hint succeeded In exchanging signals between Pike's Peak and Denver, 120 mlios. Short Journey** on a Lontf EotKl Ib tha clifcrautoriauo title of a profusely il lufltratfil book containing over one hundred pageR of charmingly written deaoriptionfl of Bomnur renortnin tho country north and went of Ohioiino. Tho yoadmg roaiter ia now, tho illustrations nro now, und the In formation therein^ will bo now to almost ovoryono. ' A copy ot "Short ,1ourny on a LonR lto*d" will he ho tit (ruo to anyone who will onolose ten cunts (to pay postage) to Qeo It. Hkawowii, Oenui-ul Vmmonfior Agon* Chioauo, Milwaulteo A St. I'aul lUilway, Cbicatio, 111. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. i; c. luck, l'ltoi-niiiTOH, hah brbh J1j tlioieuffhly pnintflil nml roplanUbed withnuw turiiituio by tho proHuut prourtotor. r.illOK lUhN IN (ONNIXUOM,* Flrnt-(*laH Aonouiodfttlon Ouarantftoil. WANTED ft our Hardy Camullmi Grown ftooiil tmd Travollng "iCUi^mnn to liaadlo y c'ttiifiuiunorowit NurtoryBtoflk, We yuuruntco natlnfuctlon to ropreimntatlvoflanil uUBtomovH, Cur liurunrJcii aro the lanreai in tho Dainhiion, ovor 700 noroH, No nubutltutloa hi ordortf. 1'xoluulve torritory nnd liberalteuntf to wholo or nart tlmn ni/Antn. Wj-lto nu. t HTONK A WKLMNOTOW, lHojidoHloo)TorotfOnt (Tho oul' uuruory in Cuini.ila liuvlntf wmtlotf orohart'H,) fi-Uni ESSEX V Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Grreat Value in Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoe* and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call and EqamlnoJand bo Con-d9 vincod'for-]y6ursolvos- Jets- Douglas, Mfgn ot ibo <2o]iiii no ok, Whitney Block - Essex ^ ' - ..i i. . i, i ESSEX -I * Tlollor Milk* fioxKollor Millo aacoullnRtoplanH'nroparodbtf H N. rlco, St. Thomaa, aud has alBO soourca tbo norvicon of Uc-hhut SinAcnAN, an oxpeti- oaood und thoroughly Dotiniiotout miller. . Thankinu tbo pooploof the town and county for tho jiatrouaflo boBtowuu upon him hi tW paot, will cu a ran too outisfuotiou in tho luttlra, Gristing and Chopping a SDGcialtv. r THK BEST GKADER OF PLOUK, FKED AUD CORNMEAXj KEPT IN 8TOOKAND SOU) AT KIGHT PUI013B. Cash Paid for Wheat and Odts. PIftoo In tho world for youiiK men nnd women to nocuro a DunlnoM ICduoatlou.Bliorthuud.otc.Jfl the Detroit PtiPlnonn Uillvorfllty. De troit, Mloh Illuntvatocl cutalofftte Froo. Hoforeuei-u : All Detroit W. F. JEWELL, Pren P. It. SPfiNQKB, Boo'y. Best w Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, BatH Soaps,Bath. Brushes with our Fans* C A. SHERRIN, Esses^ Medical HalL Safest, Simplest, Strongest, Solid Top Receiver. MARLbr REPEATING Lightest, E^sleit Working Most Accurate, Compact. Meat Modern and progressive rnr erwidoBiio or lufori.iMtlGii wrltu to l::H MARLIN Flttfi ARMS CO., Neiv1 Huven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVr YEARS tK 1 ) ' ffli Vi " iT i Hi lirillMMMMMaiTl TlWflriMlll^^ UlMMll!Iteflul1ll.i>.-. J fi J..flSfr T9ECO0lCSBEGT.|TdCN0;..:i LARGEST SAUfc IN CANADA. * ^ 'VM