Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, p. 8

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:;l;^ /l^^ ^jf^^^mW^mlw^ :' v'll "'^1 'y THtt, tOSSl^ FREE PRE8t.. Have purchased in .the east a Bankrupt Stock- of Boots and Shoes amounting' to over SAWIIIMBUltNAIiOD! Strong LwiduiioiV Against Holmoji In Chicago. HIE QUINLANS MnKt CONFESSION : It - i|i|P,p at 75c'onJj#$. They will ar rive this/week and we will "be- gUJ2SzMe on Cs lb iia| axuraay, Aug Of Woiium's, Mines' umiI Chihlren'ri.Ik>oi.3 Mini alioca at prions .tlmL can nnt la duplicated in K-^x. WuYe -mxiuiiH to im- pi'OHS upon Uio public compavipon oi' our price:; ih -wluit L U \VC COyct, ** . A A . One P?iee to Mi > ' PAIR DEALING AND RELIABLE GOODS, Butter atitl Eggs Taken as Qash. Respectfully yours. BARRETT & CO. BANKRUPT STOCK .STORK. ' 6.0{!A^pCRS0iii\L Minu Kltn I Tij.I1 is viMtirj.' iriemhi in CLoamin^ton. Mrn. G. Kn^li-m, ol Wiii'l.-or, ii- visita-p (it Mr. V. lic-uHiniui'H. Sirs, ,7. llru'ltcr, of L^-.towi-l, i.- vinitm^ n't U. II. lincKer'n, la-re. MisH Kmmn GrceuiiruY, of Bru^'flu, t-> vinitiu" JiliEp-nornict) Ku:-,b. Miss Courtney, oi Gmml KapidH, ih vis- it inf.; tit Mr. Alex. WhIIwic'h. Mr. 0. E, I'lUHythu anil funnily nr-j Bpondinn tho week a.", Cedar Bu&ch. Rev. W. oi. Fleming ami family aiv en. ^jjoyin^ the vacation nt Odur Be.'icl:. Mra. (Kcv.) .T. K. jutnly, of Windsor, in ronmviuu; old ucqiisuntancfrt in town. Mr. Fred. Hill s-utj family, arc vimting ufc'Mr.'Hill'H paieutK nt Niniyirti Fal!^. M'sb I'-taudo NowatiH, of London, lEvisiit- ing 'ilrs. E.J. Lovelii'jtj and other fricndf-. Miss IJattio Hiinh loft on Moml'.i)' for an uxtt'fuif.'i'l viait with her aunt, in New York ] city. Mrii. O. D. Fmdlcy, of WnidHor, ia a yuest of Mr. and MrK. Thou. HubIi Huh week. Mrm Juh. McSweon and daughter, MiiiB ,. Edna, of Loudon, are ^ueutH at tbo reti- donoe of Mr. and lire. Alex. Lamg. Mies Armntrony returned to her home in Strathroy, after a two weeks* visit with Mr. and Mra. John (Topgood in town. Mrs.'J'no. M. IIicUh was lust wock uUin- inoned to tho biniNide of a miitar in Kempt- vills, who wad-reported daouorouwly in- Mrn. 13. A, Winmor returned homo on Monday aftsr an oxteudud viwtt with in ami M iu Xjtmdouj and other otinteru poictR. ' Mr. and Mr. C. J. Gardnor, and Mint) J^illah Gardnor, loft on Monday, for Bar Yiu,.Out.i to attend tho funeral of a rel ative, who died suddenly on Saturday mght Jtittt. M*.*. if. F. McQuesu, lato acoountunc for "Xamg Bron., loft this wook for hm homo noar Elora; . Owing to tho duath of a rein- ' tivo, whoHe ontato Mr. MoQuoea huu boon .TDalloI oh to wind. i-t h Will ho ahfiont for .bowiu lime. V:ic:illoil 'I'illlli 1 , ; r lniiii! und ii- ^iiully wolcoiik'i! )>y all, L-f-c('f:n.lIy tl-ot-r: v.-lnihL1 d'.iljc:-t in life havo cuii'-cfl tln.'UJ to iticiiLlv rim dtjv/n thojr r\ lituni lo Tunc-; tne rcijuircnifMiKi, piiyn- iciil and luiMitn I, to rend upon thurn. With liii-.. tuid othii';', it iii importaut, wht:thor at litiisn;, utjUn i^nidinrij or in the country_ t hat hi nut: t huu; lit hi; ^Ivon to di^t. and u,u furllK'i' usaifi'u.nce lo uaturr:-, a goad build ing up intiditiiiK- iikc Ilond'ri Karfin-panlia l'.ad ht-.d bo, ic.'ioi'tod to. If tho di^oHtiou m jioiic, liver dcrun^fd and frequent hcad- iidi<T ijeem to hi: tho rulo, Uood'fl will ftliKiif;cj -ill thin mid ntiudU- nvc-ryone to re-. turn to ttteir lrjin /t-nd btiBincHH iu a re fn^lu'd ntate of mind and bodily health. Whoat red por hiiHliel .... 5 tir. u>/ or. Wheat, whito ' <io (Jorn .. . 15 OatH ----- :m t.n ;iO Timothy Komi ----- t fld OIovl'i- Htn-d - - r, 7" to i> 7" Alrfikt- ----- c .r,(i Uav I" r ton............ 7 00 to 8 Of) LrC-f J'i'f' nwt...... ..... a oo to r> no Fork ............ a nato ft rifi Mutton ........... (y 01) to fiiiO fIid.-H ........... 1 fjfi ChJcktiUH per lb.......... ti 8 Butter .......... M 11 Lard .......... 13 lli K^t>n> per doz .......... 10 Potatooa, pnr bimhel ___ 1 20 to 1 20 Omonn .... 1 20tol 20 i\pplca .... 80 to 80 TurnipB .... 0 to no Currota ., .. 40 lioeLH ____ 50 Farniiipti ,,,, 10 Tniki;yH pi.<r lb........., H to 1) IJiudth .......... El fJt-lfi'v per flny, .......... 1 00 25 U->' Po BBtyw 0f>"<Surio\t, an old and Tionptdd ,prftotitioner, in Bollovillo, Onturio. who "writes; 'Tor wanting diaoaaaH an'd Bcr< uU : Jjuve iiaeJ Suott'e Lniulmon with thf ^mntlt iatiafactery rouHltp." Hiram Wslltor A: EJonu Ulaikol Report No. 1 Hyn, nor huuhel .... 4fi 1 Corn .... 45 OatB ___ 26 , Tho above priooii tiro paid by, H, Walkor Souh, Wulkervillo, Ont. Stark'H Fowdern, oaoh puoka^o of whioh coutiiiiis two propurationu, ono in a rouud wooden box. tho oovor of whioh forms a moanuro for ono doao, an imincdiato tchof for ootitivoneaa, Sick Hoadaobo and Stom- aoli'i alup Nenralgia and all Uiudo of oerv. ouq pains, and nnothor ia capsu]on, (from , to J of otio in an ordinary dooe) which aotn on tho bowtls, livor and etomaoh /nrmin^ a never,-failing perfect treatment for all head and utomaoh oomplaiata. Thoy do not, as most pill* aud uo many other modi- cinoB do, loso tboir offoot, or produce after. oonBtipktion, they are nioo to take 25a a bot at all nudicine ilealefl. riU/.l\ ItlliMV TiHt tilil'ti tWHl Wll4 S'l!* Ol]( dl' SJnrin'-i ^Viiy- '/!ir C|:,:4iilji:it 1,-t'ti.c flolini'^ ^if Cjvc Um.O rs .'t3, tin- {'mi \ irl Li:-;:M-ili-u :: i :i >iiMi'. '.'lili'.'i",o, ,\ ii.;, ,:. -,\ jii.i|-nin p.. j> r " < ' 1 " i ' -"i.'ii y.' ' :... , " o"l (ii'- I, in I in ii' 'i|-i idiin, oil:1:! .'."i';iii'l. }'i: r ,) i II.i <.Vnn. r -i mJ ].. r .^-'ht'.'l' !' .'i>n- V> ililii;;::;, nr j, t .'I'll1 : .ti,1. n t'lp d I ' -.-'( 'r i-1- I- "I 11 ' ' . vi'1 7 '.V I I; Il iii ill :;. wlih ;( . Jill ll'.'t ; "1. . ,; i!- -:i )-jr' i'i I .i .! Mil.'.! i'.t . .' .11 . : ilit: i !' :i: i ip:::c! ::i 1- Ii ft d in n* .!' t i i'l'-Vi ..i I ' l!l J> rl-1 i .11 I 1 ! ii . li : i . li" : ,i - ii I; i In:' ... i' !r::, li ii l.ul' <> . 'i.;;. til- \ !.:,.n.: i; !i in Ih- I P.1 p. i;l:il,' ii r.d-M- d : : . i .i ," !.'( : V <[ lint. . :i i .- " .'ii ! h-' i n'.i|;i, ' 'i I'll.-iu : M I !!';il ,;/!, ! ; :i-- ..v;,!.1.1, ). - " 1 . Ih y. iris 1 *;l >l<ily "., i i.lM.( Un ,l'M i i " t'li pit' nnt - ' m!1 it in ' l Pi1'- in I h" r !: ii' ,' . .7, v:';o )\ : i.-n i . i n , >' i ! 1(! i'ir III Ii. i ii-1 '" .11- _ :)>li-d!y :i !' . i"il :if .," ii.iVi" bv.-i \>.ith ;-'r?iin~:" :md i 1 III' :' '.' I'll!' '.Tll'-d. ii'1 pot;..' id' ,\: .'inpM:; v-.ill pi oi in My ,r ' .. , h" v.'iis fln'lnjv a '.' *1!-. : ' i, n:n i] J i i-lino i rnri'i'di'r.'id f. and 'iTiV'l.: I;iv ii"L (.'.'iirhd Ii In i ull'.- i as i\a'i,VTM. :.- v.:!ii- i'l'.j'cr : -."ijiJiilnii 5Ji> <'u::l(l rtc rou:;:';l (Hen1 ': i'.'rd' 'plll.'i, .\!li'. .- T > -tCrrtiVO . r M u. :.>--i t . 1'11:1 id I: dii.i Ili- !' ,\ * ry lit- : in " in" n :il.|o d- IlliiP- pine* I il--- : nil i,-ull:' .: i ail ill ' rli'i.';: b.'iV'1 l!d. lie ii |U,[ nut. ;.'"i. I .ri! I'linlid' nt t]i r-1 i:-: ! ' !i" I. .""..Il i il! 1 c-t I'.dt. lull ll.l'.'r 111" I- il' lluW- I ! I ("i-il I , {,] '. in 'T< 'ivml i"J \ :: " ... l.'i'\' :-i i'i -:. ,-, :ijnl In- b"li>'V.- - d t hr-iv. ^ ivi!\. .!ii.t, V.-::l; :-.;, \ \\:..-.. '. : r Miuri, I'otnItn'.-> r. '.Ji.(3i';':. It- .t\'*ni;/.r. !. 'iidon, .\ii;.;'. iml ha:-. I hi.:' :r i ,.i- i. r .- : . \ p'c u op th-i.(. ha^ l!I . ;: ! . l. - 'p ,ii; u ,nt.:ii-;i tin- ci'ii;i i.-i i . r l!:;i.i f r i:: I. V. h 1 ho f'::cfptim : ,'!; only j'-nod. ..:!'. ' 11 ;: p ! ; , it ;i ny :u*i* Il<."-dt;(i, . ii ' I' n; '. h tlr.s and- i h ij-ndi.n in ' i.-Lolj.-r. 'I.dnr di-uufrlu i I ]i i-'. .= d d cpiriiip .MiLy ;i:ul .Juilu ' . -- .S "t di l'rtnni-rs : "r'y /:',,him,000. J'f.p'tn- will ffach . d n'h : u.'-i.'ir-1 pfiidiH-Liun. In naiM and , .-:. '. Ii-r':- Is only halt* a <T"p of bay. ,. ill 1 ,-n very dt-llidi-nt dining .* ii' cr. 'I'll.' (!i',iiiai| |m- i. :' ilhirt' hi" (" t).i- friuni'ii:-;.' :ii'/.e oi' Lb<' I In i-i- w.-uld einist* a tnr^e " 'i ' in I-1'.'- iii'jortH of fooil from , I '-i.'.'-d ^t.'ip n. .t ti.n.Ji'i1.. i:i:.'>;,r..i3B:.vr. - >i- ,13ati of liv.r '".mli'v iliitli'; :;. An*;. .'!, Charh:* MrNcllan, . i ii, nu-i't'lni tit.and K ii-.i.-, am; t IV, ni..-.'i- uf William . in . :i.!...-\.. flnla-d last Ill^'bt. Tlluy ' i P. Sai-.v.vill<:, 1^ intlfd out, and . n.iirrit'd. 'i'li'-y put up at IIns. '. . ..'.'.-: im'.j-t- in awiiit thin murniiiK'H -: ) I'i' St. John, Thu rnutlu-r of-the ;. -uim lady dirlalli-tl twu coiiMtahloH, i in i'nund tin* i.touidt; anli-op at 'Snow's . Tint mo-. - bi-eiinif hytitorical at thu iu?\vb of : marriiiH'c, and. left this luurnfnjj : pivvnt. |i; possible, her daughter j. .'incv with -MuNdlun. t I>4iil Klvcr rnu . .liriyc<l Ky ail Oil Can aivpiiKiiii^. , riastlnffa, Ont., Aiit^. 3. Saturday the !nauiLT Daisy was burnt on the* Tri'iit Itlvor while towing Hathbun'H drive to T-Ioaly Fallw. Tho lire Htartocl while' ttio majority of the crew wero iisli>op, and originated from the exploding of a coal oil can. The crew had a very narrow escape, The engineer had hla whlHker.s and hair burnt, and Gapt. Caloutt his face neverely burnt and both legu scalded. Tho Hteatner, valuod at $HfiOO, was owned by H. Calcutt of Petorboro' and Is a total Iohh. It was lnaurcd. V4BIN4; ni:\nn. - Ilvp Hoys lNit ii VnV* V,yr Out um<1 Tk*u Hi-t il mi Writ. TokouAlia, Mich., Aur. 4, A most bm- taJ and ehoclcino; affalf^ook ploco in nurlhifcton recently. Fl- t:\ivtol a (jiumtlt.y of. Hqtu did arter parta-lcinW'lnn tli'-y (mii:<ht a jio/nr cat, :i'id nftir Riitnratiu^-. tl ' v:tll k"'vOH-MH* not it onl ;. : eni r-'i a undor tlio te] dMliiu' a-ii'l act flw? to iii-".waj put out bufure mi iht<. Honiiv.of tlifl yout n.ri'Mited and the remain^ ,l\Vli KIND'S FUNHKAIj. I'TIiIm In.Tij which I'm nr'nthniln'. ' n:i Id th |.)n: H: :-u, t'tiui'i-al llir town luid bad. i m' cur::-, Muiin; or ilm buyn had bi-i-n ili.wni.-d mir tlni- an' aii'illnr, ;. nI j_i' >j t 'li'Uil.hf ll'nni' tn b.-'i V. n by v.: i'i.' u. \\\\\ , |,ul tli't I'jinaind-.-rii had b> ,n id'dp li t.i-,'| '.'.;a:d' 'J' U';d . b i'i. i 1. V. a hard, la- I.. Inn ml- .jn.y \\, caiai- li-viai'd n:i, an' tlr.r v..' w:i'e v. Uh n furp-Tr* ,'i;;[ odr'n, u, \,: rl ii'T.'dip wit.i i""" dy ip.;- ' nut'.lli'. " ' il a I P. ,-.,;, |ji ,. (' .:,[ I '"" '" l--i' J.I ,,.1 .(.. T:i'l' -'. Hi- i ii.ii Pi!'! b . . .; , iii ] i,, nd, a lid I.',| : "-' pa; :' .i: , , . . ./' aim ,v >. ul I a nd J11.r < . . i . p.. a . d w.tii I >. :n.. p.." .. . .', l .', Ui ). i | ..' , ' aii-tp, in' mil hi' .i p.a ii,.- .ii i rl.P ] .ii; iMiiP. i!1 'u h'1' n jif. iidi a P ii'i'ii .ti-P', : a' j- '.-iL.'i in' ; ii' it i \ adni' . - jund in,1 ; . '. i in 1 da;, :;. M'l..' l>\: n nt. d ;, i n (j im' i r<at:.!,. vv 1: li litni, an' iri. <\ P p.aiuui n iL.d'i;.', I'.v i.i.'in;; In.; w!i.".l-a-y ,i1(' Iii.: \, i. :u I..: W- IP.' .. h.-pi ti-II ir a . li ttip-'i i lilt lipui 1p. Diily lipj ip, a ii' v. u n J. .'.. pi .a in um hi to ii. .i i:u. ii l,i iy I'u .1 Pn* :j ."ho ii .. ...-'I (no nniuii, 'I a.-. ' n l li- d l li- i.' ' in vv. a' i, d : . i. ..'. L!tr L i - tu.a.d' i \ , -I- a , \ .. 11 u i: . ' a , ami i I ii ,:).----- :,, i.a; |. -ul .. 1.1 pji' tn" 'i i*i lit ui : li" ' amp, an' t il id \ ulic ir [p, I ' l * b a ii'i.1. tin" . \\< , n i [ -. "- p. i plain' i'.diad Jl.'\i. V,'- .':] : aP'iV/di" lit--).- a,n\ t>- .-.i no I uiii-i'iii, an' i d aid ..- I.on i..Ut.:a In"..' \\\,l. \\ *.:'\'<: put Ul .-<n-i'.,.-; ;ui' ;. ',,. pill l|al Ji->w I:'.: -nir llmlL' "Pn '.;.- plat- d .i Pit ,.' l a a ' i'"i" ii'-a i'aul to j;o l.u Lb" .SiinUi l"o :;ii"p ; !'li' a n.". L'..l' .l.i- i: a I'i d t.' d-d a i . hi..' m iiiippaa t'r.ii.i La.' tiurral to dip; a " Wii- im.ImI y.ii all.p' :;.ud ill" | o .i- u.i.p.'L'-r, '1 V,' i.l. that, l.ul.- at l."i:t a nil!" li olii t- ...n. .Ill oi d'T i a P.'. i'"U U-"d iIi.'l.i n-"'! a ipn;;l n.i n)in.di aa a atill'. It S:.1.'":; 111 Vi'"' " aai a. iliaiiro to .-pii-aj,!. an' :-li'.-U' up. Von c.-uldn'i inaL" a Miiaaal liu- P'j. , ui; an' haw: it in >oiir n.^.d. yard.'. "r., i i .,' I i j i: i: _7 \\ --at :p;m M u I - af i ii,- (' ot a box an j'i'.up' all -L'uiid-.'.-aiid. Llia p. ..d nut. I c s. n a up a II >!; l.i- I oily .1 oi- tbi-.-.- o'irio'dv I h Hi-XL i.lay. 1 i',i:i]iL.:i t i.l," dr.hi m Lb" hat lb'.- <\n:i.' It po alt bolt, an' l^l i ;."it iou.;-: in a b idy to i'Ut J ai 1; t liroip : li 1 i.i-'dll. lii'W.i:' j..ij o'nL i.l ;;i\-aL .-<;iap- i , Lb New l'.ii'l; :->t'i\- vd.h i.oiliiii;^ to i.'mijdahi of 1. ;, -'d I" aP ."...d.i'd to ln.i.Uip Lli-: ].u;h b... ' :. If. d a. ii- w :dik in-'dvLi'-. IcU". P.oi t, .111' pM-ld biiLtuiiM, tfoH.'C'l'ii a'b Pool:.', huui'.1 Mi", \'\ bbda-y P'U", j Uiinlc, :;-i.d jiasl'-rl .'-i::,.- loll!" pi Jp.lcl' . p i, ,1- mi ha; .:h.-'k Ijoii'"- V, li"iv Llto till.- ii i pp-L in, an' all aroond, J :cK lo .k" ; b ' ' 'a' ilia n 1 C.-Vi-l' p.iA'.' luii]', " b' r liiv liioi'Lin' i-.jii;.' pj up!' ;',' :!.".P.l . a- p'r.boa.d--r, . it! iti ib 'V-'a ' 'il a \>> up a i .'I ai.dba la aid, a a' a:i ma ny a ; imp', } aa- p.a. i.'onn rUiinii' in Ml on." ..',,;* u:y I'rit-a'!:';;,' Iir .c.ntiain d, diia r aia'L no 11 < i r f *] ...t ,ny puttin' un i'liMa or jpdini' in u:iy pui'oll work. 'I'll.- ob- j",d. r lid', i lap. ' nlion i.' iiiaPi and i.'.iaibl.. .Mipp-i* Kinj.': h'l'o j>;vii.-iiL, a* o ad. I 'Pfi a.:,od \va;i a V"l'y Jioaibdaoi'i;; i' -I'.-iiii iM-ipi:U..I j'.-. i. aby b'l u-n- l . a .., li . : ul a. , lllb oa L, pa li o : La- P' a d. \v aa;U [ iiii.l- \ , l.o.,:--, | libi .' ' J.J".J/'.'- UiH dl. . ul j.Uiipv . \\\: \\;\l\l ii *. Ij.ii' d'.UL ;; (1.ij i.'.'uip'.:.v l'-on'L mind .a.'a'Ptiii.' truth. 'Truth itbi't in ptay at a ilia ra'i, Wo alt kn-tv Jll.-!-:. \.' ..a Lolo a- ho. :> ..i lb ia "-n an' i'. >bi"..'d a laan a*. Ui'U i. and llo'A' L;PIL piai'oll Ji:i II i:C!-. pi' foi ; 11an W-das-i 'at po'p, p"". .1,.. wh-'ii li . '., j. d . i :i:i'p in -af 'P. on'.. Imi -, ' iy, ,.','.. .|on'i i.a. j' li-1'., Ii"t. AL I'ijUP ' .' loLPi j ij. - i td.y iiioi'ipn', .u.vonip.iniod t,y a i'.- j." i -a' ;i (Polt'a l.'i, Mr. Jolm b'in,;', who :; a ;. :.o -u ..'. an' i-n^y, h.-i'L tbc 1 a ili a nd I'iiPi'i/il in bidiind Lin- \..i.a, idiinnr p,ao:a oi' pi'nal a.i' |; dd ..a : u'l.i;; Pi .'. aro .1" ."'"l'y t-'drnn. ... a pi'"a L p.-i baid;. a L I ids i inn; 11 i*_-. <- aiib; a sky phot in tin- iMinp. It uaw;- l P.; ,,H;M i '111' ' UP, llllt \\'t;'ll (J O pill hip t. Al a Ua'io d'a: Mil:; l'V" h'-a;1 ., ( ;-' IP ::b ip a b.'o at I--' P" of' a',\, i II' I i. i . o i a 11 on that lb Lla ppd t'r in ,. . t ,. p.-y to p h'o ua 'Tin.1 I)y v.' :; I'.' " . , Pi- li! tl.- I.ah. Villi. >' Kill i,-] 'invtl . : ,;. i ..*.. it ll n tit ink ii ii' pp'-' ' ; UH tia: r. p,a^ - .'n w riLi-tJs on tin- last v- r.Sc il did r., iju'ly p,o m|. . u 'away from done i.PI a:\iiK, ,; .. laid bim down iii i p., '. . pa iia; Paildl" lor a 1*1.1 i .'.', And 1..^ ^ilil a.'i'us.s li..-, b.i-a.-it. ' i'u. n tbo I 'niii ia:isi,.-i' ^i-'t uiit a Ti"S- ' . . . i. i in p< Pi l p ad :i_ r'l.ip'.er ut a db.. In-ri' 'I'. :-.ta.uiati i,' he r.ay a id a i km' no . Idm tor it V:iij;np ,'s , ... .. ul Lia: ip.nii. lill' pci-'i.-rdin' to I !(.!. . la. il i.'-i'.' wa.-, n' pivarhrr lluu i.o'il ll i p., n.-'L Lin r..'. bidiiK' no sn'.'t ll on . tli.a .... j4'f, 1 it aa a lorcd pi-y I.l.. . all'.' "So lia n ail us a chapter the pip-ulrhn- an" Mary MaKdalime .in' tne rt.Hiu n-ctlon, tin' owi y body tuoli It mighty* owly, fur of course.thai waa the lend In maliu an' we Knew it. "Then the Pustuiast.-r h.iUI he'd like to hear from una ua.der the head of good of the ui'il'T. " ' Mr, Undi-i'talCL-r and Clpdrnian,' Hays Jim'Jlumiltoii, 'thin tiling woiKh.- on mi-* heavily, i.d caii^c, a.s keopin of the dance hall,' I :-uw a "heap of the uorjiHc, an' km-w hi a will. M t,t.-r King was my iri nd, . an" wh.'u hK moodsi were vnrhiblc and nnsertoi' an It 'Wn clearly wurth while to w.a your ulin while, ha liovirc d iu a/, 1 ]ove(l him. Me h.i I weakta.'. :-c:; d we all. A diap(.-ilth,n t i m; Iw pew rales as he played ah njr f:>r these games of charne en/pyi'd hta notice was pt- h i\>u h:n i^ioaton, (ul, Hla fflvlnc; away "to ihl-; ha it yc te - day waH primarily tho cauB- o^ hift b - Inp; gathered to ha fathe.9. J hop- he'll uet alonu thar an' Ktnnd 'way up' In O with them people up tha,' an' If. w.ord from me cou.d fix It I'd put It ^uld say lurthcr, .fat after tllly Bii,Ji!i,'wni lc op i..'n"iv.f ii*..'I onor ,uf tK HlliOHS his ^--HAVE SOME . d Or.COUBSS!.....-iC yu win. All can't;, all tlurlinio, lint you cmi inttko-pliiy <>(' tho Mimmov sliopj)iii'.( Ity couiiije' dirocli to ilio Gruii.t (Jornei* Ktorti. {Tore (;oilinj( nro lii^li, cool hIuu!i;;i, lots of li^ht. Miifl picking oi'it, iva uany uh tiikin^ hucklo- iKirrios IVom ;l well filled bit^kol, ol'ton and often n.t. not morn cot, liitdiep kindly call early n.ibl Hen tiieso lovely ;;'icIm. 'rilrTe'd lit) cloijuoi'ifio hlcuLheiL' .iv/n to win you Uudt* way.. At bd'.i; l.'rifpiLIey'd; llhielc Ih'c::! fiomlp in IMaiu ilipI 1m; - itt'ed, 1.111t j'i':.;i'.lar H.jf Iiiip. Wide iliiiok Al]);!.ca., Iti^li itt.p h'O, n-^uliu: priia,- liuc fur d<.':; p, yiii'il. A' :.'(ie pll *.vi>ul C'iin rci '.p'd Hie iv.'pilar :l')V, i[iii!iiLj . A I. -a;; fuit) Ini|ioi iiil nil wool ttuT'-jc.-i, I:, (liifLiioiit, p-hadi'd to aoleot tVutii. Summer IVasSi Dress a ;l at) p'iccos i'^c nriiilH redttcidl jj to ac yan'l. Men's, [leys' & YoulSts" "Mil On The "eiituiHj Ciumb'tJ i'riut,:; ? Hold eVerywlieiL! al, Ulc yard, 1 our pi'ict: IOc vanl. (dMivn^'d'i'ial Ciihlc Cords, re^ j uliir price 1 0u yard, reduced to lUc yard, lifi pieces; all .silk WSJiu^k ro dticcd to li)c yard. CunlmiiiL'.ion ofourinul-fiuia- nloi.- snlo id' cloLhinj-;. lloyn' :!-|iicu '.I.'woctl buitn at .Sl.^o, rt.<^i!aL' prico ;?Ll.!i5. Ilnyfi'-lj-piecfj Twourt ii.50, re;Miljr price ^!5.7.", I"d) pitirsi o\. Mon'ti 'I.1 wood Tn.nsord Inr ^l.iiri, wort I- $1.75' AL frt.llH we ofTer the choice- nf.'iii nil v/nok'l'wded Suits mndo tip in tl 10 iu:v,*(j.:;I/ stylo.. libl) lll-lllillllltd of r.L'\v'f:;l.i illld J^re^^Iontl.-; nt exactly half pri.j fenoco 'i Should ho HLroiitf and biirhtly- I Wo .sell Liu ccluijramd ',T. D- j K'mtf line ]'oot..; ai:d Shoes', also j .\Ici'liciv;ou'n JiooLd and Sliaos, notwiLhatandtn;; tho .sharp ad vance, wo aro pelliny at popular pricoa'. f jtidic;')' Oxfords 75c pair Ladies' Kid Imtto hSooy^l ,,v !' H'l blillinsry Dep' I off on all Trimmed and L'ntriiai'ned Hats. Tile Great Corner Store, u b'li.dy ' iiip-'ponndi d di'inlai iit' the i'ron- ti"j- bad b.'i'.un to hdl en blin, an1 for a :!i ,r v,;-.; all. J :- r.Il' In tin: l.'HiTirhU - io ii! b-.'Mv i u i1.' -an' ia liuiior h> lip' 'l"[.arb'| Hi.- prir of v.'hjalu.-y in thl.-i ; > iioiit imw ui! will ha t'.V'i drinka for a qiiarLi'r,iii.-do;nl >)\' oii<*,;i.:-; |iri.'\duns. 'a,'.' 'loud want, to disturb valm-s or ii:> s.'i: li- ! -a.d.', mi' \v<- don't, b'dii.'vc til in \,d!l, W niiil'.i :i it. a:; a ray of U.^ht . n I !i.- ilai'loi.'p;; :t t>* p:.b rfun ol' tho hour.' 'Wfo-r Liu pu- i-'-rna i i'P:. which was wa-ll f. Lvi'P d, \\l- 1'ni'llH' I l!l' ]i iK'L'.-i; ion. Two bippbap. from l-'ort (.'uniiiitn.^;! to^U IP.' I-'.'upw.l ii .laid; in idH1 of the Sil'.a'.'i' I':;;.' 'd:ip. I'o.ii-b m cumin' next. 'I'll*: pa j-P'-ar.i-r;'- ^'ci'i.' on bon-i :- ui.*\t. in t.n Pii.iiLj pr..'inip.' npi on hoipobark an' to W.lLollH. " ininjc.' :i'i,'..- fli" p.'.ptniaplo:', as ho ro'di: up and d"V.n tli" Hip-., "i'lii':"1 ;tan't. no u;i;n|i on tiiidr on th bs siii nf .Albiii-i'rpjo could : i; jii thia trlidv, 1 only wish daidv i .u:d p", it inc bints-lf. I t:'s moiv calculated lo bihip, rbbi town lulu l'avoiablt; nuilou than a lyuidnn'.' "At tin* ^[ ivi! \v turned-In an' tfave thi'. i_- ch' it;- lor Kin^ and tlirei; for tbo popinpiar -, an la.'it Wr Kavc ihn-e niofi. an' a t : v inv the tnwii. The bitKl'-r.-i i'.:iv" ua avid-ythiiiu' tlvy l<nov\a'd, friviu ihe- 'water call' to'tin: 'ro- i i'i at,' tin' w hl'c ih a- sbnvi-lbn' In the si nd we banned away with mu* Hlx-Pbiiut'-iH fur H-fiicral eiTect oulto dellK'hLful. "Vou can gamble there. ain't no funeral like it bot'ore or at'tor. It. wan lovely. "A.'t hint l*he p.istm.i.ster pulls out of the Hta^o wi"! mad for Jack a bead- board. When it wzLH set up it looked like If Jack wasn't Fatlnded with that he'd be hard to suit. On it In bit,' let- wrH wan : JOHN KING. 'Life ain't in huldln' a tfoo'd hand, But playin' a poor hand well, " 'You Hoi.', we've got to work In a Httk: Buritimont;* sayo tla- pnstmaHtof, "Then wn detailed the two nluKor8 to Htand watch an' watch every night 'till further orders. Of ciHiirtuv wo weren't at'ralt] .Tack would et out, but thi coyotOK was suro to com-* and db^r iov him. So the nlgfforrt had to stand 'ijuanl,' "cause we didn't allow to ilnd hunlca an' .scattering of Jack's round loon*! after all the. trouble we took. Chicago TimoH-Horuld. osFisciiO NOK'jrjfl. Tow:.* JIapi., Cotpam, Jpj.v 27th, "Jit. Ci.-ari <f lluvi.jion on Druinu^o Bydaw >.a. f-4 tu ruing the:, mount n.r>HOHKcid uyaiaiit Clotdicld North tor tharepiurof the Pnco drain met purumnt to notice.* Prti-cnt, Mci,!irn. Bk v.*n, Ilallao .and Nftwmun, iilno tho cii^iiu-. who surviijiaJ tho dram-. -- The meinhern presani. "mko Iho uncea- snry affitdnvit and Mr. itrowu took Uio chair. The clcrlf. rcpoi'ted no uppoaln. On mo- lino the assume nt under By-lav/ No. 81 wu-i unnliritif-d arid the court adjourned he no die. - -Tows Ham-, Cq;ht.ui, July 27tii, ".lo. The council met as Court of Itavision on Draintifio Bydaw No. 63 pursuant to uotioo. All thu members word pronont and wore riwon: bj- the* clerk-.- Thu en^inoor wiib al so probeiit whonuide the mmcHBment which' in to mine GoBueld Nofth'H &haro of the coHtu of rvpairing tho S-nydor Brunch dmia in Coloheator North. Tlio clorlt reported no appeals. On mo tion tlie nnuerifinient waa conflrmod and tho court adjourned biuo die. GonooBdion road. JJ88.8B, Goo. E. Norman, 2-3 viduo of Bheep killed bv <?okn. Jl.Poter Budell1 v.iluinii sheep klllodby doB. . - - : . 912, Jaw. B. Laird, aourta of rt vision on a.V"D. 8B Hud 84. ^78, K. J*. Jjovelttco, priMtint;. 80, H. Duncan, jr., eradinejon t'untlown- lino. 5*0 cflntn. Joh. PhiihpB burying (load fiah inKravel hit bv order of yanitarv inspector. 8.fi0. H. W.' M*Of*ery, brulii plank. "812. Jon. PklUlpi, firavellinfi on' noufch town Hmp.. , ^iand repjiiriDB bridge. [1 tbau adjoarned to An;a*t Ujpt iock, p.'w.' "si Town* HaHj, Cottaii,'July 27t\ '95. Tho ceunail mot purmi&ut to aajourn- in<!ut, nil tho merabarn preocut. Tho Diinidtea of t'bo lant regular yent-iou of Judo 20th and of the adjourned Court of Kovinion on tho AKBcgnmout Roll-oMbe uiimn date wero.roadj" and worp oi ,ta adopted.aud'Bieuod, By-lawn No. 83, for the ropair of tlTe Snyder Urtmch draiu, and No. 8-J^ for the repair of tht Puce drain, wor* each Mad a nooQBaary nambor of times, arid fiuallv paBBfld- - ,-:" By-law No. 75 to authorize tho Roovo to borrow on tho credit of tho municipality tho iium of 81200 to meatourront expenses _. ' wrb also road a firnt, Hououd aad third time and paasad. Mr. Holkio reported thab MrBr^narlta. -1 Grali a in hap completed her statute. laaor for laofiawd '90. '...-:' '? J. U. Kay reported that Rouben Perkins . has completed ki atatuto labor for 1895 nud 'Ofi, nud that John Myera ahd Harry' , iTor'ry have oaoh completed 10 daya etatvta . labor to t'ako effect in 1895 and balanooin \' '%. '-/ - The following orders werfl paai-ed .on the treuHu'rer:) 8!t.61t B. G. Brookor, poMtuce atampa. -' 1, Johuiton BroH.( ct-ilar posts for re- > [jair of bridge. ,r^ 8Ut J. Oaiopboll, charily for 'monthi ofv.'j% Auim*fc- ."'-'-Wv 93, T. BeviB, oharUy for AuRncf, "'>.'-.A:: fi, Of. Buokborronh and wife,- ch&itif'i'f&r for month of Auntie*- ' . '**" |2, JThb, Lyons, charity for August.'. S 1( JaPP.Haguins, irepair of ,bridfl.oii!,;;.:^T, Oottam-Bida road north. . "W-"-':-(*:o"!'lfe*W 9U..Obaa. Neville, . graVellinfflonVnorlfef^ iear road andlOtn ooucessibM road/-: p.^ 2fi, Robert Haggine, tweUipg: on 106^^; 'i'.'jJ H? vll % ,-ii'^':-A\y--.^<y J!"-*".'"";,, r" 'h-,n *;.;, ";'A,;.T.,.iL'lJ.",.'-i'!i,V " i'^'^aii!! |^M^iuj^i^jV'"S^ l'. 'ih/. -.i .1 , Mifefii^Biili^^iii^

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