nnxE, kestax fftreas ' : SHIP SHOT TO PIECES Divers Discloses the Dire Work of JaparK>ao Cruisers. SWUOHTEB OF TME CHINESE. "V k-. Tire Bnnken TraiiMpori ttowrttntf ro Ai- **I,4n H*Bh~Awfat"WorU of Tor- **?* *Tw<h bccbV PhtJImI Willi l^nd, Him I^nindztco, Oil., Afl- vicfifl from Chofoo, wwlwd \ry atemn- ^r to-day. Bay qtvorsi hivwj boon at jwwk on tho Chlncw tranttport K<w- "*Jn& nk try tlw> JaiMUMXiu crufcwrii " tho Yahx Thoy >port that tho J****3l s ttn'cippnlilriK wltfbt. ua ubo In literally toirn to pl<\yu with Hhot iiik' Hhell T*1tcto la mo Aouht of Ijot hvlrt bron mni3c by n torpedo, tui tboro, In *i hirsj^ roKtx1 ojumlntr In Ivor TX*-t, , bilga into tfLn u through ono ot the bunfcern. SlfcO lit Htkllcd all ttbout thfl xvHter Itoo tart th bltf nhot hok*t and Tn>m tho toi> erf heir for^rwittt down to th OTKtor lino Uhy aro tho marten <J, tho machlnc-dri* K-uh, About half way up tlvo maj< wfa&ro t*m i-feina Jolna, hi badly' torn by itmnl) ^jprojr^tik-eL Probably many -poor wrvtcboa climbed up thoro to bo 4thi\*- Khtrftd. Tho mnlnmniit 1m jom\ jwyt- Bihly In^iirrd by tho flrlr-ff.. Hit d^zka are torn up unci up-llnton-d throughout, and mark* of m^hlm^un ana t-lvl! r* Over tho ship f:om c d to -rivl. which ht badly rlddlwl. Tho 'twoeii (Wxh rtrc ful k>f (load, many of thy p>Jir.si iH'hiflr packed, o.*ipocl! ]]y on tit- yt-i:-V>;inl Hide, whero hundreds of po.-i v/'Tt.;hc'i had crawled to . i-wapi!, k pKdhlo, th pltllewt Htwm of proles tl....tu Tho North China Mw eommcntn o- thl;t vlh followsi : Any unnocenr^iry w\c ri'W of life or property la not W,W- r*nto '-viu-fai-^;. It In barbaroun, nn-'. th^rtf wan not tho Hlh:htc;.r.t rxou.se f>' hi.-;k'.nu- thin ship.. Sim wati a koo'i rs-^i r-ri:'M. r.nd could not pounibly m-. <:;*; :>-.r worst, her rii'Mi-r mU-.l-' hvvi l**t*N fhoi nw.vy ; biU to flrv? tor I'iMJo^n, to |v->imd away wllh nhot nn.<l f-'J+r-ll frnm two, oljrht ilikI aix-ln^ii KuriH, to lmul doivn a sho'.vor of nl*- mbi from- mnchino wumi* on a nrvrin - Bl^amur-Jirowili'd with hnn^iin bolni.'-, v:i:t n n t,r{ whW:h wo n.cd not no"' m.s ill .1 i J,HHl Mli-M.MTJ^l. T-ondon, Aub. a^^Thft Supreme Court o*" iho l.O.F. luljuurnod Immodliit* /> thu :^.id newn of Dr. McConnll'n mm- d^n Uo.Mh waa made known. A mtii- from' Toi-onto announced that It \\;>.h the desire of the frlcndti that tho .r- inulnn be interred In England, and ar- ruiKerriciU.'i were tberuupun miuli1 for tho Tunoral, which will tako place on Wednesday, and at which all the uV>- CutcH will attend. At the post-mortem cxiunlaatlon Ji .was decldod-that hln death result-d rom pulmonary apoplexy. The body was removefl to the morgue, and a coroner'^ liiquedt upon It will be held on Wednesday next. At to-day's sou* Hlon of tho Supremo Court of Koroatt--." rtaoluttonB c.xpreyalnf? condolence with the family of the deceased dcluen^ from Toronto were passed. The Supremo Court decided during to-day'ii session to lncream; the rate or assessment upon now members be- tweon the ages of iO and 40. Tho sul- *ry of the Supreme Chief Ranker wan fixed at 510,000 ycurly, that of tho Su preme Seci*ctar)' at 1000 yearly aivd Uiat of tho Supreme Treasurer at $2000 w>r year. Tho audltoro' salary wan rtxed at $1000 per year, and that of the Bupreme Phyalolan at $2&00 pe>* year. The report of the Supreme Chief, covering the work of the organization tor two' ycara was presented, and hin uecommendaUona, lncludlns ono that <*>c Hcsslonn of the Supreme Court be held every three years Instead of ev ery two years, adopted. The Californtan delegation presented a handBomc banner to the Supreme Court. Ofllcorfi were elocted to-day as fol lows : Oronhyatekhn, M.D., Toronto, Su preme Chief Ranger (re-elected). ffi. Botterell, House of Commons, Ot tawa, TaHt Supreme Chief Ranger (r- olectod)- D. D. Altkcn, Flint, Mich.. Supreme Vice-Chief Ranger (re-elected). John A. McGllUvray, Q.C, Toronto, Supreme Secretary (rc-electiwi). Harry A. Colllna,' Toronto, Supreme Treaaurcr. An earl;y_juiprJiijiff denpatch nays : The..Foresters', have nrrangred to uend home the body of Dr. John McCan- rteU, the Toronto deleeato who died euddenly yesterday. Win: UUNTI&VestH KWSttAAD. p I Ui':"," ~" thirty tty* Im Jail" )U* (UW Wb* tUt .3iul0 Tnfnrdthp l***e Over I* II**r . Richmond, Va., Aup. 2. Tho novelty of a wtfe belnp; called to pronounce sentence upoh'her husband added zest to the proiv.dincra in the I'ollco Court to-day. John Traxler had tlmo and agniin been fined for drunlc n- ea. and his wife invariably paid thr en. Tc-dxy he was again up on th- 'untomary charge, with the add'-d t f-n c of wlEe-b^at'.nsr. Justice Crutchflold, who.se urtiou- nvethods of dlspenslne Justice- nro wel. known, turned an unwilling ear to V c chronic culprit and called . upon th- wtfe to decide the penalty. Mrx. Tie. Hsr calmly fwannod her derelict hus band, and oternly said : "Thirty dayn In iall," Tr xlor pathetically pleaded for fo- - irlvoneua, allefrlner a penitent sp^r-t and a yamtnrr to reform, but th of-t-abop^d and now triumphant wif wns InoxorabH and the Court ord< r- iwl that the oentence ehould tako of fset at once, Montreal Auir. 2^--A new te4cRiip.pit >blo ban arrived from England, for the GOBo IbIo quararitlno sorvloe. >t wolghu two tona and a half, and 0, IT. KToeiy, Superintendent of Govornmien* tmlfrtfp)b llnefc,, la now engaged !n placing: It In poult km between T^ia Aux Kciiux and tho ojoarontlno tita- tVw. WWW V& Mic* W $lfc B#ferc6U CaJ... Au*t, B^-Tfao Cc-nJtoj-- vlo stage was held vp and robbed is mU9 northetmt of that city yrtcr*lay ofternoon. Thcro w*# orriy on nas- Behi^rr'whb cavow vjhat he hod a &0 p4oo. Bev^ml pAkage4 of coin wen ' tokftxi* bub b4v aawMUoti W dm FltENtn BOIP1EIW trr fWWTV. DM|f^it Until* on <-* I r*itch . ftntini* Itouiitlur}'. Uarbadofl, W.t, Auk. 2, InfoTmatM.i' ban tK'on received hero of a terrlblo (IjVht iKitwWin French mddlers atKl ii ban*l tif Mapaiis <>n tlw lK>undary tw-- twe._-n UrayJl and h'recioh Ouhma.whluh tnnic place on the Kith of May laiu- t appears that a hand of lawleit-.t >;'ij>u.hh hud uttaokod-thtireHldeuce of (-'apt. Trajan, th<i Vntncli aKoiit at (.'ounani, and. after tearing Uuj I/YotH'h Muk which (United over, tlw t^nt'H rcirtduncti into nhr^h* thoy made Oapt. Trajavi a prisoner and *-oo> him to ')w Mupim settlement. 'J'ho occurrenco wntJ iwportMl to ih? Krencli authorities at Cayeniw, tlu; capital of Krench Outmu'i, ami thoy Immediately ordered Capt. IiuiiIlt of the Pn-iwh gunboat Ilengah *o pro- ct-i'd to IVlapan to envet dm rel.uuui ai Cnpt. Trajan ruul to brhitf the 'UTVnd- eni to Cayonno. TIkj Krvitch Govunwir had evidently *Ye<ikottod without hM ln.itt," or lnwi at teoat erlcvJ>u;ily uv- derruted tho Htrcngtli of th*i umjiny, for when Capi. XiUlur landv^l w*ih a force of alwiut 1!0 miLrlne-i he found thu MapanM propjirtid for hootitltloti, every hmise in tho wsttlomcnt V*clnf? barri caded and ftTirrlsom-Kl. Oapt. lainier made InfiulrVii* tor \y\r t*ti Cabral, C^>vernor of tho Mapan ter ritory. They met bet\w.*eii the wharf and tWe Governor*w rt'fild slice, "'rii/d C"i>t. Punier called upon Cabral to [turrender, at the name tlmo cov<.rlm him with bin revolver. Cahral rpvam; upon Cjipt- Lunler, unat^lu^l the re volver from Ids hand and order**! H won to fln*. Capt Lunler and four of tlve iH'awlrwni were Immediately nlw>t down. Before thfl rolnforcemontii from tho BenKall coukl come upon the nee no of the conflict Cabral and his follow er withdrew behind tho barricades and opened nre upon tho French ma- rlneiu Tho latter came on tho '*nulck," and, after firing ono volley, chargea to th rlffht and.to tho left with their boyoncta. For fully two honra th natives kept up a regular nittle of musketry, but. failed to drive off tho attacking party, which comprised 20 .Infantry '""*<! the remainder of tho marines. The Wench aoldlera wore engaged in a deadly combat from housw to house. till they set flro to tho buildings and allowed the (lames to complete the work of devastation. Meanwhile Governor Cabral and the majority of the inhabitants had re tired to tho woods, but the attacking force wo not strong enough to follow them there. It was discovered that a number of the natives had/ taken ref uge In the church, and the French sol diers, after forcing an entrance; drove the Mapans from the building and then put them to death. Late In the day the Brazilian forc- wbji considerably ctrengthonod, and, as they advanced to again attack the. Frenchmen, the latter retired and speedily rc-omharlted on board the Tlencrall. - The casualties on the Brazilian side wore fiO killed, but that doeo not In clude thoue who were alnin in the houses or consumed by flames. The wounded number 200. On the French uldo there were live killed and' 20 -Wounded. Two of the wounded have nlnoo died. The Governor of Cayenne reported tWe occurrence to the French Govern ment, at the same time asking for the assistance of 1OO0 aoldlern and an ad ditional gunboat, and a telegram has bf-en received intimating that the as sistance asked for has been ordered to proceed to Cayenne to co-operate with the forces from French Guiana in th next expedition against tho Mqpana tVr KnteHhe4 VWut m H&6V* *# Uvh Hiiv iWt'u ***t Ijondon, Aug. 3. A despatch from Saltcoats, a town on the Bay .of Ayr, Scotland, Bays that tho Auchcnharvle colliery, near that place, was flooded to-day, and that It Ui feared that a acore of persons have perished. No de tails ojkj given.. A later dtspatfih nays that the dis aster was caused by ,water breaking out from old disused workings. At the time the-dlnpatch wan oent tho water woa atlil rising In the mine. About 00 miners were at work: when the accklont occurred, Mont of them escaped, but 14 wero known t be still In the mine and It la feared that all have perished. _____________ AUOT VOU WTKAI.INii ntUT. A. W&uma <-*-*y M-OIh M_Mller or Uer f.nrdan. Washington, Aug, 2. Junt a-oout noon to-day a boy ran from the gar den .surrounding General Khig-ler's *e- Bldoaec here, and as the rejx)rt of a rlllo rang out he fell to th ground. When -ho was picked up he was dying and In an hour was dead. His murder er was Mtes Flagler, the young dau- R-liter of the Chief of Ordnance of tho United Statce army. Her excuse was that the boy was one of a'crowM who had been robbing fruit from the gar den, and that he was In tho act of stealing when she shot hira. The girl was Immediately arrested. The boys rnimo wtui Ernfflt Green, and he was colored. General Flagkr is In Toron to, Canada. , " At tho United States Consulnt^ Mr. Copplngcr, the Consul, says hf Kou not heard of the General coming to tho city.______________________ TUK KlMOINKft UWI'IW.ft rh Hanllolia CablnM VflU <-out(V*- XI at a Hpeciatl Sleotllta. Winnipeg, linn., Aug. 2. The re m Joinder by tho- Dominion Government to Manitoba's reply to the Remedial. Order on schools has been received by Lieutenant-Governor' SchuIU and handed over to tho Manitoba Govem- m. nt. It Is understood that a Cabi net Council will be called at once to consider it- Lieu ton Ant-Governor S< hulta left for Banff, where rumor has it he Is to meet Premier Bowell and H n. Mr. Daly for further con- forenco on tho school question. lVle or lb Vfrorlu New York.Aug, 2^ General trade throughout the .Province of Ontario remains seasonably quiet, with tho volume for July less thnn that for June. There in no improve ment in business'Circle* at Montreal, although tho outlook is encouraging, and hope is now entertained there that La Banquo du Teuplo wi?l bo en abled to rcaumo buslnciia. Halifax ad vices are that tho hay crop in Nova Bcotla will be an average one, the frul* harveot abuBdant, and tho cut- burn of grain favomble. Tho hay crop Vrt Now Bruntiwiok will be light, and on Pirb__*e 3Bd\wird Island harveH*o will be fair, though tho weathor V) very dry. Thoj-e are M falhiraa report&d frow Canada this week, ngainst 25 la*t week, U hi tho w*ok a year uo and 43 In the weok two yen,r a^a July bank clearings at Montreal. Toronto, HaHfax and ITutnllton nggregate JS7- 403:000. . Oh Increase of about lij r*r cent over a y*ay a#o, but an I*w^oa>- of only. ai-U p*^ cnt aft compared with Jnli*,-18^|[,aiodi,a.lfamn^ o o< rtearly <t pet* oetti- i#c<ttnrjajW| WMh July, 1fiA&' * * wwn 1"V JiETHItESlLER 0UEBT8.. =9- \<*-T II was almost nine o'clock -on *- breezy October morning when Miss Sophronla Ubo opened tho neat little Kate in front of Albert Stannlng'a new house. There was a broad walk lead ing up to a poroh Whore a few groat purple clematis blossoms upon a trol- llaed vine showed that tho deceitful Octolwr Him woH omiXlug- out Unworn which did not belong to his time. Mltm Soplironla lioar<l the slow" oroak of a ro^dcing-chttir .tt_5ho croilflod th.i porch, and'saw Uirtyugir**tho ^^'n door il pretty young woman ulttlng with a l>ook In her lap reiujiiig. Her blue calico wrapper was unbuttoned at tho throat, her feet wore untidily drensed. and her pretty, fair hair was fathered Into a frowsy knot. Who rose In some confusion when she saw Mlasi Hnphrnnlti, tossed her book aside and pushed towurd her guest another chair. While tho visitor removed her prim old mald'H bonnet and her cape, she noted the untidiness of. tho room, whore the breakfast dlshos were piled In an unsightly heap on the table, and llle-s held high carnival, "I came, to help you. Cissy," sho said. "I noticed as 1 passed Oorham's that Jho men wero pitching Crom the last Ktnck. They will be here before noon.. Have you got your dinner tinder way V" The young woman colored, and" her oyi, which wero not blue, but a yel lowish gray, grew dull. "They are not coming here or at least they art* going to board at Father Stannlng's," "Th- n it in true ?'* "What, pray ?" The old maid rocked tranquilly and produced her knitting. "O, I heard some of the girls at the society nnylng that you would not dare attempt to get dinner for the threshers; that your llnlcky town ways might fool Albert, but you were too smart to try them on with tho throshors. You know I do not pry into your affniru from n motive of Idle curiosity, Cissy, and I want oyu to tell me why you are acting In this way." "Wdl. Albert thinks I can't cook." Th!w was said with an elaborate affec tation of carelessness, but It did not deceive MIbs Bophronla. "And yet I have often heard him boast of your good housekeeping your cooking especially.'* "O, yts-at first. But now wo aw nil wronsr. I hate that port or men that pr about with the steam thresh er ! I shudder to think of Jim Finn, tor Instance, coming into my house. I know that thoy wiH spit over every thing and eat like wild beasts. And when I said w>, Albert got mad and na'd he would take them to hn moth-- tsr's, where they would get uomethlng fit to eat.** "Quito naturally," murmured Ilso. "Aunt Sophy !' You were mother's friend, and I owe a lot to you, but I am not going to hear that ! 'Quite -nat urally/ indeed ! I think he was horrid." "Cissy, did you- know Albert was a farmer when you married him ?" "You know I did." "Then I suppose what I have heard is' true ; that you have no practical good semie a^^irrthTrtr^ou-^uppOia^dljUirm=-- Ing1 to be all sunrlae, moonrise,' stau- Hhlne, dewy apple blossoms, etc." "You know I am not such a fool! but I do not uee the necessity of odr bo- ing brought In contact with *" "And these 'Wen who do not know how to feod themselves according to your notion, are the very men, If 1 am not mistaken, who hauled and cut ev ery stik of wood you burned that win ter your father died. I am aihamcd of you, Cecelia StanninK ?* No answer save the Blow creak of, tho young wife's rocker. "You have been used to them all your life, it woa that year with that idle, do-nothing set at your aunt's whin has flj)ed your silly head with false ideas. You are unkind to Albert's mothftr, and the next thing you know you'll be un kind to Albert," some times.- "Well, a sin confessed is half repent ed of. Go comb your hair, and com* and help me._ I am going to save your credit by getting dinner for these men- She began to gather up the dishes while Clnsy ran to her room to improve her toilet, callng out directions to Miss So phronla from time to time. "There's a snow pudding cooling in the cellar," "Snow fiddlesticks r You want about a dozen pies, meat enough for a regi ment, a peck'of potatovs and tvery- thlng else in proportion. Hurry, child.' Cissy came forth presently with smooth hair, a ruTTled apron (tfuTTTTn- l>r. W. V. JlferrJl*. No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS AYER'SS Statement of a Well lOiowu Doctor "No other htood miMllehin that I iinva ever used, and I have tried them nil. lu so thoroiiKli In It?* action, and etfects ho many permanent curou as Ayer'ii BarsfumrlHu." Dr. II, i\ Mkuuilkj, Augusta, ltyu. Ayer'sofeSarsaparilla Admlttod at tho World'e Fair. rufllcd demeanor; nho was neatly shod and the yellow lights in lur eyes had given place to clear, cool grayness; "You, straighten up thut u'fl :meeful dining-room while I prepare the vege tables ; then we'll tackle th poultry. But how shall we let Albert know V" "He would never take th*;m up there without coming home first." "Oh," grunted Miss Sophronia, "then he is not altogether vile." "He's lovely, Aunt Sophy," said Clss>, dlmpllnp. "I want you to have tho credit of this dinner, Cissy," said Mian Sophron la, peeling potatoes as nhe talked. "You're like my own child to me, and I want you to bn happy and stay happy. The door to it Is duty. I know. I ml s- cd It myself, and bo I missed my grand children, unions I can be a grandmother to your, Cis.iy. I don't so much miss my man or my ohildren, but I guess I'll be pretty hard on Miss Sophronia Hoc If nlv ml: ses her grandchild!*, n !",_ The houne wan soon tld;od not a long task, for tldlnoHa was Its normal condition veg'.'tahles made ready, fowls put to ruu.^t and ham cut in a profusion which looked to the young wife like wiiste. F.l-v.n h-d struck b fore tho englrv-' h;d sTiorted and puffed Its way into the role yard nt Albert Stannlng's, but ah/*nd of It rode tlw; young master of the farm, sheepishly t onsclous that ho had been cruelly unjust, and sure that he would have to acknowledge thv a ime, before Cinny-'s- ayati would looh Kindly at him again. P^dleloiiH odora greeted him as he n^ared the hoiuw. No one was in tho kitchen, but there Was a sound of aomo ono nv.vlmr about la the cKnlng-rooir adJoinlnBr. Itow upon rows of-delicious looking pies were ranged upon the pan try, shelves, pumpkin, ch-rry .ar.'d. ap ple. N*"ar them was a pan of fragrant brown pudding, flanked by a foawlnR pitcher of lemon sauce * to-'drown by and by. Dazed, the -youn In no wa cop wnerc a long taote whu su*i, u.h diium-* Ite in every appointment as If the Pre- ident of our Great Republic had boon an exp'-cted ;-u"st. Ills wife wns fllt- t:ng about add ng soni" finishing tnuch- oh to the ta -le, and Miss Soph run A. was 'seated near a window with her knitting work In h> r hand.- and a book upon her knee, reading and knitting, as was her halit, Albert clubbed h'S wife as she panned him. "So you didn't ^et mad at v. h t I i-al I this no'ti.lng? I've felt like hanging myself to a sour- app:e tn-e ever since." "Yes, I was. Mad all through. And don't you ever say ouch things to mo fjgaln. You and I to quarrel after nil !" Thon-Hhc-gav_cJdm a kiss, basted tho browninfif fowlu, turn d the spurring ham and thanked-GtMl-ahe was jil.ve, and that Albert was a-llve-to love her. At twelve, before the last stroke had died away, the now dinner bell huntf upon the top of a whit.- oak pole by the well Bounded forth its welucmo dinner" In the Pretty Bob neighbor hood was all us bad as to provldo but one kind of pie. Somehow as the men trooped in, they did not aoem quite so ropulslvo as a like crowd had been at harvest time. Thoy were boisterous, bandying coai'se jok s, making fun, Cissy knew, of what th-y wero pleased to call her "pomtckcrty" ways*" and her "moonshine meals," but she merely smiled. She oven hung up the. fifth clean ,towel without a.alejL'Vf disgust, arfd by- tho^-timo they, wero seated ttt tho table she owned to h* r- seU that even Jim Finn might be worse, for had she not neon htm fondk her pet kitten, while waiting for his tun* at tho waohbowl ? Sho poured the fourth cup of Voffon for poor, trembling, or'nary neighbor Jones who ate his pie with his knife, held within two inches of the point, and drew hlH great hairy hand across his. face In lieu of a po v-st handker chief without once lot., across at, Albert, She asked Tim Lewis, who was more than suspected of making midnight visits to his neighbors' hen roosts, how his lame boy woo; and told him not to forget to take a pocketfull of nwoet apples homo to him. The reat of tho men were neighbors, good hon est men who knew better than to ask the e&mo man twice for a chew of to bacco without offorlng a return of tho favor, who "belonged to church" and did not swear except under great provo cation. Midway In the meal Miss Sophronia looked up from her book. "fd offer to help you Cly, but yo* seem to be getting alonff better with out me. "*Too many cooks, you know, ^spoll the broth.' " It would have done poor, tired Clsy good to hear the remarks of the men as they smoked their pipes under the oaka1 in the back yard- "That octtlos it," eaid one, *Mf I hea* the women pokln' any more Jok.i at AI'h wife, I'll shoot off suthin' that'll settle !em. I hain't met with imoh a dinner since my mammy's dny." "Three kin's of pie and a puddlw1 that lays It over anthlng we've aeon it. Al knowed what he's about when he married tkat town gal, now I tell yo:" "Did you hear the Gorham gal tick- lln* about the dinner we'd git to-day T I just wlsht she could a-secn it t" "Thorn aog-gy apple dumplin* *at w had thar ylrjtiday layH heavy on* my stummlck yet," this from Tim Lewis; I drapped one on my foot an' It hurted so I sort a-kicked It Inter the dooryard, an' them pore chickens Is fightln' over It till plumb yit." As soon ns the busjz of tho thresher was heard Miss Sophronia bustled out of her chair. "Now for oupper, and then dinner to-morrow! We mustn't lose what w've gained. Two of tho men will >e hero to br akfaM. You at d,wn and I-t m^'wash th1 d'uh s." ' * .-/a, no. Who ever h^ard of sotting one's guard'an ang^i to wa^h the dish- a J" "Ns1 *," sa d Mltm So-hron a. a^iftly; '1 I'on't . h:> r- to -h> o:i,'0 f gurd- L.n.aneel and- m uhor." -Oranae Ju d Firmer. J. GOTTBI-AY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT fi - . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER F. . . X>ESSC3l=tI3tPTi:c>3Sr- Thin Maohino conmsfcH of a horizontal caatcylindor, with wrought iroa bays,, with Biool tooth bolted to tho oyliudor bo us to bo rovoraiblo whontha tooth liccorrio worn on tho hVont oido, ruhning in a perforated concavo iron sholl, which tho shollod.com.paHsos through into a Bhoot iron cuso, with a fan or clomior attached below,' which take'a all tho duat from tho grain. 'Jho ohoapoat, boni, moot simple and Jumblo Powor Corn Shollor in ubo; sboUa corn perfectly cloan in any condition tolling and'cloaning from ono to two thousand bushola of ears per day, accbrrtkjg to power. Dimknhionb. Pulley, 10 in. dianv otor, 0 in. face; Motion, COO to 800 revohuftiiu^or miriuto; Weight, fifiO lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. > o o^ue Jy GCHTSi-AY <X SONS. 200,000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FA0T8 FOR DISEASED VICTIMS-* *&*OURE3 GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I MVOII 0 Rer<OTiMnndd(wnondonti wonk or dob 11 It*Ml tlrod taorxdnnt npftm- I Mil J blAon rAully fnUHtlwh o^cltAble Md lrrfUblai Vr " ej;6onV9n' rod ?n.*> blarroda plntphw on. uu>o| drwuM ood jt^jth of lojiHoa; rratle*fli hnapnrd looking; woak baoki bonr. ptdnit} l^lirlooMi tdoerti dr*th varicocele; deposit ui nrlno nnu drnlaH nt Btpol; ulntruitfuk want of confidencet" otionw nnd streniith Wfi O^A7 OUhB YOU I RE3TONED TO MANHOOD BY DttO. K*AK* JOHN A, MAVLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CflAB. POWKU3. OUAS. POWEUfl. UErOUE rUMATCdtWr. Avar,!! 'l'llKATUlCH'r. IlEVUHl: TUICATUSST. AVTlfU 'XftUllXXirtf. NO NAMES OR TESTIHOhlALB UBED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. . VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS as IMPOTENCY CURED, John A> Mntdia *fty; "I was onn of th* oountla4 vie* tlm of early Ignornncfl oommencod at Ifi vmjm f n#&< t trlod BoVon modlcnl flrm and upoat >Q00' tplthont a-ntlL I pttvo np In doHpnlr. Tho' draiau ou my, nyt*m ^rort inaa mo tui a hut report t j Korean. Icommoncod their Ko . _. Trontmont and in a row wwiIib v/nn a now nrnn, wltb uow wwiWoInp my intulloot nn well an my rioxtuj. uid 11 fo. My brothor ftdvinod mo tui a hut fMort to cot Via. Kennedy & Kurgan. 1 commoncod tholr Now Mothod 9 lltouidRmhitlon. Thia wan four years oko, and oowl am married and happy. 1 rooommood thofla reliable bpoclalifltfl to all my ailllotwl foliowmen. t)QURK8 GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. ,lTho vlfiftg tf ft&rly boyboAd laid tho fonndntlmj of my rtrfa, Xi&tar on a Hay Hfo" and oxpotmro to mood df- BBMoe completed the wrook. I had all tho nymptomH of NorvoajDobulty ankonoyu.omlBRlonB, drain in nvlne, nnrvouanoAfl, <wnk baok, oto. Byphllln flaund my hair to (all out, bono palnj, nlcow in month an* on tontmo, _____ blotohoe on bndy, ota. 1 thank God 1 trlod Dm. Konnody AKcr^an. Thoy roetorod mo to honltb, vigor and liapplnoQ3." Syiihilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHA8. POWEEB. 183^" W4 inat and tw$*aricoceUx Emissions* Netvous Dtbility, Sminal W4akmss% GteeU Stricture* Syphilis^ Unnatural Discharge, Self Abuiex Kidney and JHaddtr Diuasts. __________ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. # i'-d READER! New Method Treatment will euro yoa. Am ypn n victim? Htivo yoa loot hopo? Aro yoo cont*mplntinDr mtir- rla? Hob your Blood boon dldBOBod? Hnvo yon any wwitinenitp-'Oaf" What it haH dono for othoro it will do for you. CONSULTATION CHEE, No matter who him troatod yon, wrlto for an honont opinion Frw> BOOKS FREE "Tho Qeldon Monitor" (illuHtrntad), on of Gharffd. Oharses roanonkblo. I - Dbumnu of Mftn... Iijcloso poHtoRO, 3 conte. Bflaled. WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PHI- PB^-NO NAMES ___ _______ ________ ______........ VATEi^No medicine sont C. O. D. No namon on boxoa or nvol- QuoBtloh list and coat of Treat- DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, "BSSSB-^ . ooes^ Everything oonfldontlnl. I merit, FRKE. ____ r i V Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Send twfl-cat aUmp for ttur n^-pago Catalotuo-A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Rcliill Salesroom, ago Wab^h Avo. Lake and Halitcd St$.t CHICAGO, ILL. f^ygrasgra^^ + i 1' m Irtfcuy A Vowtttr Mau, j'tir-work, jiohoibly abuUtud !w*k*0MH, tho health i'uilb Idieul truktmout must M> taq iuadiaiuo can bo oni- ,a*mu banuiUIiil rtjuultu uu in. TbutTlr4 Vuiflliitf. Ih a o.JiwHiun uomplumtiLwl it in a dun^ef* puu rtyinttiom. It m-una thut fclui ByHtsm irt itr-bil tuti d_boo*uao of iwpuro blood, uno m iliin^on.litiouifciH owpojU'ly hablo to ftttiky'of,diuuao. Hood'H fcUnwpurilln IB wiii i-i'i'-i>i y for thmoondiiiou, uud tilno tut that wiknofl>'hiob pifevmlH at th obaufio oC'UeaHOti oliiiliite or'b-i'c. Donoribpn tho condition of thou8finds * poo^Id Kt tliia moilhoi].' Thoy have no ap- poi.ito, cunnofc h'.oap, auJ aomplain. of ths protmtintJ offaio't o( v/ttrro Weather. Thl condition may be romediea bv Hood's B- aapimllu, whioh.'oroatan an appetite aud^ toiioa up all tho or^arrn. It f{tyea gooal hoiilth by matoai; tb9< blood puce. Hood'u Pills >are the beat,, ut'ier-dinma pilln, aaiiui digeaUon, cute hendaohe. ' r$, -' .t i .\, 'T' j,. ,.,':!:.'*iV.'.'.'. -.' <^!^M^^'-r^ii^^'^