Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, p. 2

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THK- ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Evory Friday Morning V>ontho cfflou on Talbot Htreut, noxt OtiiiHtun Block. Spoom] utUniluti iapaid to tho publldit- Won of matter of loonl lniportuiiuu, uaour* ftfteand rohablo reports of Town, iioijjhbor- tog Township nud County Council proaoocl- tout, local md uounty .nurkofc roportii, olo., Jtoeoar&fa. and jndioioiiH mannijomcnt of Thm IThru Vitttan, with ronpoofc to thuHO and fliber ourront mattorii of looaj importation, baa givon it a widoiiproad pronti^ in tho oentre of Khhox county.which id rooj(ni/od m ono of tho bopt agricultural dmtnotfi in OntariD. Thk H*jib Phishu in tho only medium circulating thoroughly in thm central portion of tho County, und in con- Bequontly.without doubt.thoonly thorough aavertiMtig madium for buninoaii poopln wishing to roaoh that olmm of ountoraoru. ooM(Khi'ond.wck, Oar oolaama aro ulwayo opou for tho peaooablo ditfouHsnou of matlorti pertaining to tbo publia welfare. Able corroypoiuUmtu in all tho nurround- nj localities furniuh roliablo roporta of voata of iutoront, occurring iu thoir iiovorttl and tho publinhor lit at all tim\lo (deaeod to roooivo intorontin itomij of wa from any dinpouod to forwttftVcontri- tion. y* All oommumcmtionH of> private and bfiddutlal natnro. tihj>6td/ho go raarltod tho outHldo ojrttio onvql(opo. ***- *"" HUIIHOHU'TIOh/piuOK. 11.00 por annum, Xtriotly in advanao, *.50 por annum if/not ho paid, ana all .oar obartfoa atifiiat rato. ADwHTIIKMKNTH. TrauHiont \(Jg$\ and municipal advor- tlBomontfl, yfotjoou, otc, olmrgod at the rato oLf ton oontn por lino, for firut insertion ,Xan(i f\va oonta par lino A eav^flab(i(lUQl3t intiortion. All auob *"vry(KiomontH aro raoanurod by a noalo of *we,J#o linoa to fcho inoh. ,. sooitl roadiwc and othor noticoa pub- IlJfhocI araouii local oqwb raafctor oliargod at 10 rato of ton oonta por running lino for eoh intiortiou. All uotiaoa of church or nooioty ontoe- tfrinmonta of any dooonption, at whioh an admim-iou foo 1b obarfiod, arc regarded an rfWorthtoniontH, and full advortialuq ratoa ohavgod in all auob cuhoq. Noticoa of gath ering* or meeting* not for poonniary bono- fit or md. Will bo ohoorfully published froo oharco. Bpooial aontraob ratoa mado for dioplay standing advtH. All lofjal orprofoaaion- undor ono inch, 95 por annum. J0 0 COMMERCIAL PIUNTINQ. Tho Fiwk Piwhh Job Printing Do- burtrrtont ia undor tho ouporviHiou f thoroughly oompotont raoohanioa, Wid upooial attontion ia paid to thia branch of tho trade. Our faoilitioa tortbo oxoontion of all kinds of Book and 3Tino Job Printing arq unexcelled. Stoam power proHHca. JL call nolioitod. BDH1MKBB nBOIJLATlONfl. All Job Printing and Transient Adverting accounts, otriotly caab. Advorfciaiua aucountfi with rogular pfttroua ato Kottlod quarterly. Sub scriptions due in advauce. No Bubaorlptiou to tho Fweb Phrbb, or "advortiBoment publiHhod m its colurana WlU.go diBQontinued until all arroara aro pftidin full. GbangoB for advortioomonta, to aoouro inaortion in tho ourront iaBUo, muat bo haudod iu not lator than noon of tho Tuob- flay prooodin^i and notice of tiuoh iutond- wl ohango ib roquirod on tho Monday pra- eding. Nohoo of diaooutinuanc.0 of aavoitioo- xbbnta muat bo Rivon ut loaat ono wouli in advanoo of tbo inn no in which, tboy aro ioairod to lant appoar. ADVlUlTiaEIlB, tJubnoribero and patrono generally aro toaquoated to road tho above regulation!! *Arofully, in ordor that ooofuflion may feo avoided, as tboy will in att oaueB bo adhorcd to. Addroao all ooodmunicationo to KI. J. LOVI.ILACI!:. Pabtluhor tho Edskx'Pqpi! I1 he is n, Ijqdox. Out CAN 1 OI1TAIN A PATKNT? For a prompt nnawof and un honost opinion, wrlto to MUNN A; CO., who tiavo IihcI noailyflUyyoaru' experience In tho piunnt, bualnnas. Comrauntca- tloni strictly conildontlnl. A Handbook of Uu Jotmution cimcornlns I'ntrnia and how to olu tal^i tliom Bont froo. AUo n catnloguo of mochmi- kill and aolontmo bnnka nont free. I'atnnta tnkon throiicti Munn & Co. tocoIvo Bpoclul uotico in tho HrluntlilR Ainerlenn* atiU thus aro brought wkloly bororotho nubile with out ODBt to tlio inventor, Tnlti nnlwiiltd pnpnr, iaiUBd wookly, olOK.intly llhmtnitoil. ban by far tlio laxuoat clroulutlou ot nny bcioulUJo work lu tho world* SII a ynnr. bnmplo coiuph aont froo. buildtnr Kdltion, monthly, f,2m a year. Blnulo COplOi. U5 eoncs. ISvury nmntiur contntna boau- tlfiil platftH. In oolorfl, nnd nbotourapha of now fcf)ufllu^, witii plans, omibllnif hutIdvrg to ebow tho \U\nt qpalunn uud aocura ciintructa. AtltirrHa MUHj & CO.. iNi;\v Vouic, aiil BUOADWAV **ALAO STMAMttMe. LOW BAYKO. CLEVELAND, ^ m m H PITTSBURG, ^ TO BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST UVMHV MVHNINQ BUTWMWH DETROIT .# CLEVELAND CouneoiluKwItbcarlieiit tmlns at acvelnad for all polnta East, South and Southwest. *umUy Trips Juh, July, August nd Beptowbov Onlf root* Ywca *" Wwmk BmiiKW TOLEDO, DETROIT 4 MACKINAC ^m-OSlCfiV. THE "SOO," MAWQUETTn, AND DULUTH* M uew tt*l pMiicer nt^oiaerft have lust buUt for our Upper Ukc ttouterfin8 wo ucli. Bend for Illustrated pamphlet. ihj i^S^l^A PRSB PRJ^SS MAKING SURE OF IT. "-~^~4i%e" works \z~ Catarrh in the Head Ih iv dantfGrouB dlnoiiHo liccniino U U llublo tx> rohuli in Iohh of Ijenrhi^ or smoll, or develop into consumptlou. Xtfjnd tho following: "My wife hoH boon a nurforoir from catarrh fpr tho paak four yoara and thd dbiooHo bad Kno o tut that hor oycMlghl woh afiootud no that for nearly a your who wjb unable to road for inoro than five knlnutoB at a thno. 8ho Huffcred Hovord pnjns In tho hoad and at tlmoti wob aim oh I tihitraotod. About ChrlHtinan, she com menced taking Hood'H Bai-Fiapnyllln, and nhtoo that time hnn Btoadlly Improved. Blio huu tnkon ix bottle* of ITood'a*Bar Haparllla and In on tlio road to a complete euro. X cannot apeak too highly of Ilood'a Barnapurilla, and I clioorfully vocommend It." W. II. FuitaiKii, Nowmurkot, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier .Promtnontly In thy public oyo today. 4#w\sf*a'D311<i curo bahltual cmntlpa- I1UUU B 1-1 IIS tlon. lMcoa3o.Dorbo^ Sovorul llerrtu of BuittUuCH And thouaanda of olkn, door, otc, arc to bo found in tho Yollowatono X'arl.. It ia tbo only place whore vko buffalo oan bo found to-day, ho raoroileimlv huvo tboy boon Blaugbtorod. Tboy aro rooo from tho plamB and prainoH.and tho romnaut now left can thank tho United Btatoe Govornmont for the priviloRO of living. Tho Yollowutono Park ia thoir homo and tbore thoy aronafo. Tho Park ib patrotlod by Boldiora both Bntninor and winter to capture potto ho ahd otfondoro and aovoru puniBhmonfc ia meted out to intrudura. Iu auramor tho buffalo range in tho bifthlanda, near Yollowfltono Lalto. Iu winter they work over iiito Ilaydon Valley and Burroundmu country, whoro tho hot Bprin^a and watorn koop tho snow moltod away. Door and elk range over tho ontire YollowHtono Park. Thua boaidoa tho groat marvolo of nature mot with in tbia wondor- land.thero are alao tbo fin cot apooiraona of our largo game. Tame and dooilo, they foar not man. SkutohoB of Wonderland, an illustrated book publiflhod by tho Northora Pacific Railroad daacribea thin wondorland. It will ontbo b by Ciuh. S. Fek, tho Gon'l ARont, Bt. Paul, Minn., upon roaaipt of atx eonts in stampB. 1> nM I j I II v' Tin ; opular oontt'rni f>r ti / """ ^ <-)- of 1* of .i hlyhly hu .> ' ! n o tht^voi.d It i-. . dmit'id ML th ai ^!iiul> HpoLs in itis p.c-t a ui'i lIi t hr li.t^ flonc some things t)i it I u* s * -i 1 . U'Siet. that he Ih a h Uiu otis so I t and aa unaafe p-'inrm t) ' a.\. t i tlo a with, But conv.iyy It 1. r a - Used that he ia ilch, powtii'ul, aid ar tr.iLtlvi*. and Intimately concern -d r o int> reHtod In piomotlng tli" mu i la, pi oni)t--rlty of the human race, II * 1- lcnown to be full of enterpilsc and pub lic Hpiilt, dtBposed to make things pU* is- uiit. and powerful in carrying tho ontfr- prlnesi with which ho la concern r] to . profitable inBue. It la true that ho Ih understood to bo unscrupulous, lnit It la ft?It that oucceas excuses very much, and that when an Individual has at tained a poaltlon which enables him to be useful to the public it 1b u mlstiko to be over-nice about rejecting hlw good ofllcos becauee In early life, when hl^ necofiflltlca were more prosBlrnr. hlrt methods or attlUattons were not always ouch aa a con3olcntloufl peraon oouid approve. feu, A. A. bMANTX, o. **. *v. *. batnoiT. uioh. DJE1BQ1T I CLMB SIEAII HAV. WL "Body Rested. Mind at Ease " That ia what it ia //hon travelling on tho faut traina of tbo ChicaRo, Mtlwankoo it Bt. Paul Railway; boaidefl thoro ia no chanoo to "kick," for tho accommodationa aro ap to date tho traina koop moving right along and pot there on time. Thoao linoa thor- ooRhly covor tbo territory botwoDH CbicaRO, La Gronao, Ht. Paul. Minnoapolia, Abor- doon, Mitchell, Sioux Falla. Bioux City. Yankton, Council Bluffa, Omaha and Nor thern Michigan. All tho principal citioo and towns in that territory aro roaohed by tho "St. Paul" linoa, connecting at St. Paul. Council Bluffa and Omaha with all linoH for pointn in tho far wont. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paaa'r Ap;ont, 87 York Street, Toronto, Out., for one of thoir map time tabloa and ajbronhure, giving deaoription of tho Compartmont Steaping 3arfl. 'JCioHota furniBbod by any coupon hlokot agont in tho United Statou and Can- Via, 'X'ho ftnoBt dining can/ in tbo world run on tho aolid vorttihulcd, oloctric- lyhtod and atoam-heatod traina of the Chi- *kgot Milwaukee & Bt, Paul Hallway. 1 Is yo1 qultt "ho thit dlH l u i;ond ono ? 3 Yi-h idr ' ! ! IT WILL COME LATF,IL Tlm.'a'ii Hnr t< Iwi i. Hljf ^.Hh-lI*p lVH#m th*< Collision <>*iili-rt. Aa a Gratiot Avenue otreet car wuh puHtlng llastlriKS Mtreet on ltu way down town the other ewnlnf? a colored man on the Hldewalk ahouted aome- thinff at a man of the tamp mlor on the car. and followed it by slapping his h'K and liuiffhlnK haw ! ha.w! haw! The man-on the cat jumped off and ap- pnnif'hed the other und demanded In indignant tone* : "Sah, whit \ n' lvoller at mu 1'ur an' den haw! haw'" "Hain't I (rot a rl}?ht to holler If I want.H to holler ?" replied the other, "You hain't Rot no rl^ht to bollur at me ! What dat >o' said ?" "I win J ess repruuuin' my oplnyun of a cull'dswolir "Who h a cull'd dwell ?" "Doan yo' ko fur to iipoke to me like dat! lain no foot-wiper aah I know1) a cull'd itwell when I noe one. Je'i Kits on a white \vo<U siw" a blue neck tie, an' reclcoiiH eberyhody flnUn ho'q a great man. If I beat de landlord outer my rent I could buy alx pinlc ahlita an" a pa'r o' valler BhoeB.1* _ "Does yo' m*.in to actuafe da,nnKnrn*" pay my r< nt **' shouted the miln who had jumped off the car. "I moans to actuate what I plea**?, nan 1" "lioy, yo' look out fur me when I tw ain to flourish my razor! Jeas |m ul- cate yo' all to ntrlnga In two minutes.** "An' yo' keep an oye on me Gwlne to admonish yo* right off the face of do territorial alrth 1" "Shoo r "1 dom't want no ulaughter-houiw builncou around here," said tho oorner grocer as he came forward "No, pah," replied the a well oolorvd man. "Izo ja^y jrwlne to wait 'till I cetch dat pusson out on a vacant lot an' den I'll put an eand to his Index ible career !" "I hain't gwlno to muss up d? strett wid_no cull'd swell," added the other, "but wait 'till I meet him in de alley ! Den, sah den I'll make dat adheuive individual beg my pardon or talce de consequence^, ai*' di*m consequences Will be so Invidious* dat he will ho found In bIjc different pteuea ! I lyv spo'<e " "Shoo, now." "An' doan' yo' distinctly forg-t It !" And the sky in the went caught the reflection of the nun an It went to r'lttt for tho night and flamed up so b oody red that the grorc! callod to his boy to take In the boxew of huckleberries vnd move the onionn further bade Into tho twilight Detroit Free Freso. Ylif Mmll. He came Into, the lawyer's offlco with a took that was fixed with grtm deter mination. "You arc a lawyer ?" ThtJ attorney nooded. "Kin you fix me out all right ?" "What do you want ?" "I want to get a icpyration from my wife," "What has she done 9" "Have I got to tell >" "Mure." The man studied the floor for a few moments "Well," he snld, "the other night I went horn'- and wanted my old blue overhauls. I could not find them nny- where. When my wife come In I a-<Us her where they be. ' Why,' nays alio, 'I'm goln' to learn to ride a t>!ey V, and they've made mr a lovely pair nf bloomers.' Saiy dues that go ?" If<> Hunt Iln-w* .-tijiH-Mfil Y'Ui la V'tW Uh II. F) It.nViKl "^luh-rinllv '.run, Thur ,.f Oi 1 If ( i, , ri M, rh> i. 1'ho wlu'i 1m in who v/a4 hi orrli u ihiough Wii'dilni ton I'.u-it Loundul o of (lie ouiv * Ju t um ,t uttlo (/hi ubo l I'uiii- y< a* 'i ol I Uit d io tun iicnm'i th "1 In I, lit it ,i iu. 11.- Mid hilt teoli. ' it a ply t(J the h 4 i ' fi> .v Mit .d' tb i i.ldle In one die ' ii., \,iitb' ih m ili ne went tiuuhll g ii' l'n i, n, Lull 'ie tiling bi a h i' b v i ih. N- " -I iu. ! - L.\Lliimc l hiti j -\uu (I M.uir m ivlui .line runnli "Yt u in li > )i two win i l'i ! Wh it I you mi a i hy taenia about the fiar-. , i ' tli! , d i:--t|* \l kind of t v. v HiVen't y ,u o m: l iiiHi'leiathin foi othei iolit ' I> ii't y .u kwm* you'ro alwayH liable to imi rmr somebody? Do vu wnnt to h" tie pffipif> to di-ath ' une people haven't got the nen'ie they w< re 1 orn with. It 1 had my w.iy about li I'd Mt"|i tliN bti'dm ,- mighty quick. You might hi\e klll'd niv child!" "Ye*, ru I'.mi,' h plied the young man who had g ither* d lilmtjeif up and wi i making an Inve-itoiy of hhi d unag-i. "lltit I didn't She getM off \\l bout i Mcr'ti'b, while l'\o got a **klnn d < 1- boa, a 1 ruined Unci, l ^pralivd .ni'- ^ and a la ni" idioulder. V\ er 'n a pk ee nt "kin ,i4 bif; Jin a hair dollar gone from the p dm of my hand, my hair la fir*] of dirt, I've ruined my unit of eioth"ii, and It will coMt me $16 to have the mi dline mended. If I'm not kicking ma'am, I don't think you ought to Ul< k." He picked up hlu broken blcyd', put (t ovei hln shoulder, and limped idowly away In tho direction uf tho noarcat re pair whop. How Th^y Vfnmut**<l IK ' o$&> "A dark cloud Juat than oovcred the moon by that time my heart was In my throat." "Grdcloui ! How he muat have iKjueezed you," Tw<> Kind of Btatflfiimi.H.hj>. "A atateaman'B motto," naiu tho enr- noat patriot, "ahould alwaya be, 'be aure you'ro right, and then go ahead.' " "Maybo ao," rfipllod Sonafor Sorgh um, thoughtfuUy. "But that's not my platform." "What la It ?" "Co right ahoad and square It aCter- wua,"-WushlnBtoa Evening Star. * "You and MI'H Ilghlly appear to cwiin together pn'Uy well. TTow dO" you manage It ?" "Oh, we squfM ze along somehow." Flirt rw.tnil .Tohn. A man was having hli fortune toW. liI He*," said the "tjLVonth doughtor ot the nevonth daughter," contracting her eyebrows, "I aoe the name of John." "Yes," nald tbo Hitter, ndlcatlna; that h had heard the name before. "The name scemi to have .given you -a r-ron-t Hqal o-f. trouble." "It has." "This John ia an intimate friend." "That's ao," he said, won erlngly." "And often leada you to do thing* you are sorry for." 1J "True; every word." - "His influence ovor you Is bad." "Itlght .igain." "But you will noon have a serious rju irrol, whon you will become outrang ed." "I'm glad of that. Now spoil out hl*i n ime." The fortune teller opemd ono cyp und ca.**'fully studied the fnco of the vlaitor. Then she wioto some cabalis tic message, and handed it to him In exchange for her fee. "Do not read it until you aro at home," she aald soli nmly. "It Is your friend's whole name." When ho reached home ho lit tho gas and gravely examined the paper. '1 here he read. In picket-fence charac ter*!, the name of his friend "Demi john." lU'm'a Horn. now iin riot Aiu^d. "Como on, uncle, if you want to enhh thh train." ""ow long do it take dla train to go, nah?" "Thin la tho oxpreiiH train, Ono hour." "How hong do it take de nex' train "Accommodation. Two hours." "Den I talce de nex' train, sah." And ho turned away to remark ta thoBf standing by, "Desj big corp'rtx- tioiiH ain't gvvlnc to git de wurf of my money, I ifi." lWMli Sitw1 it I'm-Tnl l*nr|.nuli. "The human race Ih divided Into two clnuHes thone who go ahead and do oomethlng and those who sit Btlll and inquire 'Why wan't It done the other way .*' " Dr. O. "\V. Holmeo. A TrmilileKoiuo Coruntony. Dontlet that'H whct'-i the mattor, Celtic Patient Thin, bo th' Bleasid Virgin, th' dom tooth muat be houldln' a wako over thtral *Tfio Hiu*4o 'I >i|I- irtrat Man (a blbttloua party) Th or o*a a lot of body In th!# wkic. Second Man Yen, aad I'm beginning to think thoro'B a Ut of wlno In thl* body. MalJuc W+fcMt.'ftilon.i. "I underatandtliftt SVoddy 1 gottlng jready to Uo mAJrrl*d.M "What It* ha Ao*urr* oookhjc* Htf >^iti.n i u ULiirlinntf KT HhuiiKhid. Aug. ;i. The Mhun^hal VZ*- pi-i'io pilntM a telegram from K'"> Ch**w under tho rlato of Aug, :t, n*portlng .i frit htful nutHuere of OhrlHlluiiH in th Kuehe-ng, In th** 1'iovinee of Kim .nil fllnlJiiiig Among thono mtirdeied w<!" (l\e 1'oiel^n iadiei ^_ A denpiuch fiom Hlianglmt given the d< tall i ol the leportid imnoiaoe ol at IChmhwi Tho Indie* ubo mi> Hdppo.ied to hive bt en killed vut. bt'lh \-d to hnve bun mombeiH 'd* th" Cbureli of Knghihd the Xeiiani- and 1) . American Mctlmdhd llplieopal inli>- Monti. According to tin di Hpateb, tb* j wmc bulcliori'd nftcr milferlng atio- e olis outrageH. A IHimbi I (if oth"l ml iHlmmil*H, Inrludlng women and e)illdr<n, wen iniloii lj wounded. The deiipateh dtiliii.'. that the <"'"* n omcluhl conidw ,i at, It' they rill iint lnutIrate, the attack on tin t'hri'.r- lana The revival of outrage.-! Ik n ttlbuted to the apathy of tin Hi HI i.nd Amerlejtn Mlnhitem, d- plb t . ! that di tplaycd. I^on-lffnen In Hh.-nghal regald * i nrtnnht'ilon m nt to It.quite Into tb i.eeni riot t at Chtrigtu a) a far' - \lan> (dllrlal't who u* n* chari-,ed \.l' ' mpH'dly In theiie rlot-t are In I . tnmoUd. * llil' vb-it Ss' V- >-Wl.i **411 "i '.Vfuihlngtori, Aug i The i-'ta'" I><- .itment reetdvetl the following ' .il le- i j am from f'unnul f U>i nl .an n . iiuif- .1 to-duy In r-f<ieine io the ie, ni-: .L^iacn- near Kuchatu; " \. m-i 1 "vi < .Ie , none hurt Ten Urltl.h kill d !> A.XTH London, Aug. 1. The T. legraph to morrow will print a de-ipaleh from Sbangliul, Htating that the mastianoat Niuhenj.; occmred on July U The oll\- ( lalH Htii>i)rens. d the rii-WH for thice dayH. The namoa of the killed are . MWm KNte Marshall, MIsh Annie Goi- n, Mln-i Ties-ale Ne\.Coinbe und Ml J Lora Htewait, all of the lOngllnh /- un iViHHtnu, MIh Nt lite Haunderi >'1 'i Saundersi, Itev. Dr Hteu- nit anil Mrs Stewart, of the Church ' ' -alonarv Srwdety. Five of Mr. and - y.i i Kte\.art'ii children wc-ie killed ;lnd two aurvlve. One had a knee bio- kt n. and the other, a baby, lost an ty<VI"o teportH of tlie outrage are ralhei ; 1-id Tho latest taya It Ih now Linn that 10 ptuKoiui were killed, In tludlng Ml'in hern Htuwart and Pi ft"\\art'H wholo family, except two Tl e Airorlran mhsalonarled, MIiim Ilai t mrd and Dr. firuiory, eneaped, Imt tin irmor wan fearfully Injured Sover.i' rgllHh and American chlldven wen* Llllod. The Standard demand.1! that the mur- ilereia be visited with condign punlch- nvnt. and that a 'item example In made of tho odlchila, who virtually i onntvd at tho commhailo-n of the -oidmf*. The pap*r will say : " If th*- r.mporor cannot or will not protoet Hritlmi rcnldents, wo mUBt grvo him i^slstanco of a kind ho will not w*d- como." Th Chronicle Hnyn It truitii that . ii*at Britain and the United State-. will combine tr teach the Chlmode a li'tuion that will cauao fOrelgTierfi to be ro^ip^cte'd for*vor, but In viow of th- oendM exlutintf In tho country the ho l- Icj Bonding mK'ilonarloii thoro, espe cially women, incur tho gravest re- MiwmlbllVty. Tho -whole question, The i-fcronloK* odda, ought to be re<on,-,d- Tho Ttmeo saya: Tho outrage must, >f courao, form tho Hubject of strong preflentatlona to China from Eng- 1 nd, and probably from the United >taten alao. It muot not bo paused \<;r ao a trlflo. Immunity of the mur- lerers would bo a standing menace 'o the Uvea and property of tho whole r;uropean community in China. ,. .\i... v*vii1hm JuM AU*v^ I4mI^h^>" Niagara IHills, Ont.. Aug. A. Ellwood F Butler, engineer at tho Soo Paper Mill ,s,nd Timothy Sweeney, oon of < x-Ald. Sweeney, Niagara Falls, N.Y., tc out In tho river nearly oppoblto -* hlooaor Doclt, abovo Goat Island, in hoat thin afternoon, when their boat enpalihKl. Tho anchor that wait In the boat fell out and anchored the boat, but tho high nea waohed bo*h men oif the bofcLt and no doubt over the Falla. Toronto^ Aug fi Ai about Oo'cloch 1: t night Phoebe Young, a scrub wo- i< -ii, employed at the Rosaln House i. -t hor death by drowning In the bnv o > Ward'a Island, owing to tho upset ting of a rowboat. Her companion, CSeorge Gni-rlnon, a mulatto barbor. HO Queen-atreeet weiit, hung on to i be upturned boat until assistance a*- ri.od and wao rencued. Changing seat* in tlic boat won the cauae of tho fr.- UFlty, ^Ml Vn.ll Vrnm w Kl#yl Chautauqua, K.Y., Aug. 4. lie v. John A MoCall of New nedford.Mass , met with an accident Saturday even ing that will probably cost him his lite. Having missed the boat which connects at Mayvlllp^y/lth the tmbi for Buffalo, whoro he wan to Jiav- preached Sunday, ho decided to ride to Alayvillo on a bicycle. The next sot-.i of him wan when ho waa found ui: conucloua about half way between the two towns. Hln ahoulder Is broken and he la othorwh.e seriously Injured. tuAtfwtir ttU-yrtimx SM+M.w MontrcaU Aug. 4. Ollva Conatantl- neau, while wheeling down Seigneur Hill, loot hi*, balance and fell, austaln- ing a fracture of the akulL Ho will die UtN>U*u on n W1mm*1. Halifax, N.S., Aug. 4. Henry Mc, 19, employed In a sawmill, was putting the belt on to turn the grlnd-, when he fell on the balance v, heel and waa thrown on the engine Ills body van broken and torn ao bad ly he died instantly. Ulllfd in n Ummwny* Kingston, Ont., Aug. 4. Satur la> afternoon, Patrick Gallagher, aged M of Percy Township, while returning Lome from Hastings, was thi'OWn out ol hln buggy, hli head Htriklng a tree lie lived about ^0 mlnutea MnU Thrrr Ml>n B.^vlnir. Two IWhJI Bad Axo, Mich., Aug. 4. A apodal tn The Detroit Free Preay aaya : {^ M. Clark of Bad Axs who wan kill d in a iu no-way, Wodi-oacay, had had nv- wIvah, two of whom aro dead. He l0 the third victim or tbia aamo team of boraca. Woodotock, Ont., Awg. 4. a rwo- Htory frame building occupied by a. pullen au a general atoro and &ot- oltlce, at the village of Ilotbroo'c, waa totally destroyed by 0ro Sat-irday ulfiht. The building waa owned by Mr. IL Flood of tbia 'own, and van valued at $000. It waa Insured to* ?oo The stock waa vnlmsd at &lo00, Insutud for Kl-IOQ. iH*uy^U ft|Mr H^M^ bjr MiMbtMJIiKK Aurora. Ont. Aug. 4. Sunday J.ioirn- lrtr tho aplro of tho MoUiodlst Ghar^h wail struck by lightning, Hottlnff flrt? to tlie \\*iod ^ork and causing daarm^v j aovevol hundrod dollar* Sliort Jouruw*^ ll LW,BrW Ifl tbBcharaotoriBtio title of u profuiW luBtrated book containinK ovor one hdndr^ pagBRof charmiuly wnit-11 doBorlptionr of BnmmtrroBoHl the country north ao wot of Obiou^o. Tbo ri*aditt matter U now, tbo lUontrntlouM are m.'v, mid the inr formation tboroiu will b* mw ui alraoat avoryooo. Aoopyof "flhort Jourmy. on a Loo Bond" will be nonfc frco to urivoii" \*a w enoloso ton contn (to pay po*U^) t Gr II. IlKAKfoun, Outioral l,ui.iiuKpr' OhiouRO, MlIwuuUuo & 81. J'hul K Chioaifo, III. THE AMERICAN HO Essex, - Ontario- X? C. IjUCK, WiOrimiTOK. MAS J!/, tlioiounlily iiaintuil ami ropl with rmwlinnltinnbv th pv*ianut p*o LJLUOM HJl-lN IN CONNIiOUOM. I'IrBt-OIaBH Accomodation OuurnnUcd, WANTED ifitfi? our Hanly CuiuulUn Orowu Knory Stoo giiftyanttta Hatlufootion to vcpronontaHv ouBtomorH. Cuir nurnorica nro the lar tho dominion, ovt-rVOOncroH. No nabfiti In ordom. Kxolunivii territory und liberal to wholo ox prfc tlmo buoutH. Wrlto uh, HTONK A WKLIjINOT (HaudofilciuToroo (Tho rely uurHory iu Cimmla iiiivlog oycliardn.) ^ ESSEX B Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment o Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords* Ladies' and Children's Sho and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Lan Call and EqamlnoHnnd bo Con vlncodHorByouraolvoa* Jas. Douglet Mlgu of tlio <3ol<l<>ii Hoot, Whitney Stock - Fss&x ESS^X. Roller Mitis* JAMUb NA^LOIt alcon tblH onportmilfcy of annoauojn,/, ,0 too iiooplo ct tho Town uid County of Ebbox, that ho linn roDiodolod tueK*. noit Itollor Millfl aocordlnR to plans proparodb* R. N. Price, St. Thomaii, and haft alao booukA tho aorvlcod of Uookkt SThAcnjiw, an oxpoid- ouced and thnroutjhly compotout mill or, ThankinK tho pooplo of tho town and county for the natronaRo boutowoct nnon him lu tho paat, will cu a run too natlafactlou In tho future, Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THK BEST GRADES OF FLOUR, PEED AND CORNMEAL IvEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT RIGHT PBIOES. Gash Paid for Wheat andOato* riaoo in tho world for younffmaa and women to aoouro a BuBia&es Kaucatlon,Hhortl)iind,oto.tla the Detroit HuiiiuoHB Unlvoraity. De troit, Mich IUofltratodoetalogae Fvoo. ltoforonccH . All Detroit^ W. P. JEWELL. Prow P. R. BPENOEIt, Beo'y, Best Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bat1 Soaps,Bitli Brnshes XCEEF ICOOLi I with our Fans. C. A- SHRRINV Esses: Medical Hi , , /ir. rjrfgjK ^ ^Ik&sS^aiss iS-K Safest, blmplcit, 0^ Strongest, vaS^iiw | \Yo..\,n-;. Solid ' wllSjjii jaslo-SAj C t 'Uyt Top E^rS^^P itccuratflj Receiver. C^mpJt. Moat Modern and pro^retslvo Vnr fuduloBiui OP Infoimfttlon wilLo t(f TKE MARLIN FlftE ARMS Ct;..' New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEAR8 DUNNS BAKBNG POWDER THEeOMCSBESTFRIENO UmGESTSAi-ktirtCANApA., ,

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