Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 2, 1895, p. 5

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v n^flxrs . ^WTO ^i the ess: :FJ*TEi PRESS, ii VI. JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel Es&ox. Monoy tojoan on Vfttmori'NoUb; NoU bauhb Qruolloated; Money to loan on Mo*tuoH u.t owoBt*ttUaaudbQBlitrin8. DrafUiwuod viu.yablu-.ttt pum.fc all| principal Fire Insurance Agents, etc- >Mf TALK f OF THE TOWN/ FIUDAY, AUGUST 2, 1805, Ludien' veaU. C for 25o u.1 Smith's.______ Tho armuul pionln ffivon by tha laclloH o! BL. Mary'n Ghurah, MuiclBtono, will bo hold in til* Rtovo, Boir the villu^o of Maiditono CroHH, thl your, on WodiiBHUay, AukhhI !28tlr A tin* iironrammo of upaouhos-by loanl mn inborn of tho PurlimnoutH, anil ofch*r, in amused, tout thoro will uUo ho it content for a L|oM-lioa(lut3 Quins bgtwooli -Wm-MoOKOKOc, M, 1\, Sol. VMiito,oxi&l.-- l\t*., uml Oliver ilotumo, I*iilroii Cu.mll dato foj North ttmo*. A gumo and otliur iimUHumtfntH "will bo provided ami the umini njoyablu day iu nrommeu by the oommitUo of munitKenient. Have ya* triod M-.f. Wi^lo A Co.'n how 2&a,tua; tbe |adit.u n*y It i tbu fiimit in thn roiirkot. Double fold (IfflfB (irtody 7o yd at SmHIi'n Boad Bmith'i advt. W1LLC0MET0CANAM Philadelphia Authorities to SurrendorJHoIrnos- HE IS AFRAID OF CANUCK JUSTIC Austisb lit, wnn Kamnaipation Day, and eovtral oolobrationM wars bald by fcha ool- orod population of Ebhox oowiaiyi teiikrb*- ouor wnro beld at Sundwiob Town ttud in Sandwich lUnt towrmuip, for frowh oaken and oonfuottonory of all Iriutlugo to Shoomukor, tho bailor. John Worfcley, of thi l*wn bau n*oarcd tbe ^ontr^ot for crabting a lar^a fonr- tor} grain warohowmi for W. Ualons, of Windtior. John alwayg ban a woatbar%ya open for "odd jobs" of tbu kind. VOU SALE, Kow Bugijy, ir.ado to order, upliulhtarcd in morsece loutlur. A Bargain. Enquire at tlio Funis Pxiem, Next Tkntnday, An^uat 8lh, 10 Civio Holiday for the town of EeihuSc, and for vtn-ioiu other townti in ICbsbx County, It id aJtio tha dato of tho great Odd follow* pionia at ParadiH** Grove, KJngnville, whara xnoatEKKox pooplo will io. LOST. On Saturday la*t, ailver- liadod cano, nontborn wood, botwton J. S, Burdiok'o roaidonco and toll Rata. Reward for return to Fnicu Piikhb oflico. Why buy plated flat waro when you can purchaeo tho utcrling ailvr toa opoonii at Park's from S8.00 to $10,01) per dozon. Tablb~forku w npoom at Sl-SGpor"d<szon; Dif(bB<( market priaa paid for bnttor and otfgti at tho Bankrupt Book Store. AuHtin Bwift rooontly parohaucd a small liouno udjoimnj; J. U. Wiuls'u roHidenoo, and aturtod thin wo ok mbting it to hi* farm iu Golohcntor North. Tho building waa raountoti on four pairB of trncka, anj ttvolvc horHn drow it alon^ tho roadway. Fino utraw hatn nt one quurtor a^d owe- third off at M. J. Witflo A Co.', 1). H. Tarry'* broken arm ia iMpuoyiup very fast and ho -will certainly ha at bin photo gallory tho firHl week iu Soptcuobor. lUmomber I will mako a larflo roduotion in. photon. Whila oontraotor Blair wa moving that bouio out of town yBHterday, ho collided with tho network of talophono wiron and toro a larfio portion of thu front out of tho telephone oiWca ucd lootionod uomo poiita. Now thoro ] a debate ait to whother tho wireti are hung too low. If vou want to aava monoy on printu, cottouH, tablo linen*, towelincn, ilnrtinga, oottouadflB, nheetiugn and ovorytbi* in dry gooda, comu to tho Bankrupk Sliouk Store. Leamington iuvomlen eamo to Ksbox yen- terday to try ooncluHioiiH with l)ul lloam an'o p;JuntH at baaoball. After a hotly ooa- tflQtud fiarao of ueyun mm urn, the uooror retnmod a vordict of 21 runn to 3, ia favor of ISuaox. It iu flaid that that the- Luain- inRton adult Uam pub up thin ^ama aa a "fooler," and aro aatihOod. Barrett A' Qo. can aave vou from Ifi to CO por cout. on roady nnilt olothmg at lira Bankrupt Btook Stora. The following itom was wont by a Khiub. viHo oorrofupondonh to kha Wioiuor Rioord and doea iiHicb toward oxplinuin^ whathor Ebbox or KinjjiviUo really won thoB tennia matulaaa: "Say, wu don't hko to run down our lawn tonmn team, but aftar cara- fn1' ^Aotinti their two defoata by Ranoi, wo don't bohovo they oan pUy a little bit," Barrett & Co. are nailing 25o and 35o droBo oodH for 19a; JOu and 90o drona (joodH for 'J8c; 75o droo goodu for GOot 20a wool delamoB for 80 yard; 15o dajikii for 10a and lQ^u ducks for 80; 12^0 odarabrion for 80 at the Ban krupt Stook Storo. This in the hguhoii for fluh yarnu, and hero in a tall one from the Godori Big nal. "Laht fall a youtloinan lout hia watch over the boat from whioli ho wan finning. Tho othor duy hliiug he aaughk a throo pouud bann. Ilia aotanishmont oaa bo imagined whon ho found hia watoh lodffed in tho throut of the huanty. Tbo watoh was runnmp aud tho tuuo oorraofc. H bomg a tf*m wiudor tho uuppoiiition ia 'hat in raautioating m food tho fiah wonnd \ tho watch daily.'1 xL. J. WikIo & Go. itill load tho trado in ready wade and ordorea clothing and iianW fiirniBhingH Mr. F. B. Adama, baruoaH daalar, of thia town, allowed tbo Fkeb tho othur day a moat mnfloifioent oott of hiht double ourna^o harneee, "whioh had juat boon mauufaoturad a^ bin autabhahuient for Rov. O. B* MoGoo, of Maidatone. The harnene waa very neatly fluiehad, all tho metal parts being oilvor-platad, uud it iiroaoolK tt handsome appoar- anba. Father MoGoo had just purohauod ahandaome nw carriage, and drives an elcgaui tbrn-ont, Mr. Adama iu mnkmc a pacialitv of koim* very fine work thia aoa- IOD, $1800 worth of baote nHd aboea bought at 7*(> on tba dojlar will be oleaad."T3trt at prices lowar tbau tbe lowwt at the Bank- ropt Stock Stora. Another IjRWu Tannii Victory For tile KK4JX TcuniH, Tim roturn matoh bfttwaun tho ISimx and Kiu^HMllo lawn Uiinm olubu wai playad at Kiaax: on Friday laHt, rauUltiut; in a victory for th* hoi racquoU. Tbu Moore wik an follow*: Wiawior and White, Eattex, heat Uillar aud Clamant, KinauviUo, -1-0, G-t, 0-3. Lining 11 nd llnniloriian, Haaox, boat White and Smith, Kin^ayille, tt-i, 11.0. IforatBr and MoGuira, Kaiiox, boat Km and Coakeii, Kiugavilta, G-'i, fl-1. A lur^a oalony of: Kinp^ivilUiteH aooom- pa mod tkeir players to Kasex. A vory pleaiaut aftafaoon will upont on tbo grounds, a luuob being provided ni the oleia of tho pfame, Count your coupon**, t;ood t* yet framed picturae, reduced from 30 purabnaou to &U0. Bo quick ad tfet flmt Qboiao. G. B Bmith A Co. IU la CkntBe<l Wllb veral NoWly ii- c*vrr<l lilurdare-ouai of Ilia AUud ^lrtli4 TuruN Vp Alive Mara Wurrnnta atad JUonei n (ho Tapla. riiliudcipiiiu, July S7. Tho dlmrint auorncy nald to-duy It would be nt lu.iMt it month before ho would be uhlc tn Htnto Itow tin* cano1 aifalmit Ilnlm* li would proceed, but that In all prohit- biltty ho would bo sent to Tur>;ito, Cunadn, to answer the charge of illUm; the* IMtoxel children, and If u convic tion Tally lie will be brought back here to be ncnteneed on the chaise of cun- uplracy. It hi Moml-oOlclaUy ntated that th. chance of Lrylnpf Ilolrncu for murder in thin Jurisdiction 1m very remote. Lawyer Shoemaker, the attorney f<n* Holmes, oatd thlu oiternoon that he wilh not awmro ot tiny Important dv*'l- ojimenti*. Hr oald that an eltort to take Holmes from ihla Jurisdiction would bo foujjht, and that ho would mnl:U that he ho nentenccd liore for tlio crime of connplracy to defraud tho Inmiranco company, to which he pleaded rruilty. In th^* county pafi^nfl through Kis'hands, 'and Unit It would have been Impottalblo 'qi* llolnu"! to have nbLulnutl a cudaver VHhout hlo knowh'djjfe, 'he ]ii)lloo made anntlKi dlscowry i-iiHtlt! of If. H. Uoltneii thin nf- n C^ln Public School l*romotlonH- Namtia of pupils promoted at tho Uut ex amination m Khhox: St*. :ird to Jr. -ith, Arthur Oourlay, Wra. Loo, llaiold Fuller, Nuijbio Aloxander Xetha Wiulo. Jr. 3rd to Br. 3rd, Godwin Witflo, Loru Biifion, Ethel Wiplo, Ethel Laird, Amy Campbell, Floronco Stacy, Elaio MeCaffry. Kr. 2nd to .Jr. 3rd,^ Lydia Butler, Kflio Lnck, Rotta Ilioka, Chan. Chaao, Albert IlobmBOii, Emma Wilaou, Bortio Alexand er, Mary Thornton, Alfred Wyman, Grace Gunu, Hay Boyerly, Jamca Dormau, Edf^ar Johnaon. Jr. '2nd to 9r. 3nd,~Roy Ittim-oa, ThoF| Taz/.aman, Ada Wi^htmuir, Willie Na.yl6i, Dora Faul, Hcrbort'AUoni Voluia Burdiok, Ada Ilowuon. Lona Allen, A, B^BucU, Ida DaviR, Emily Staooy.-Cd^il Fuller, Genii White, Myrtle Thornton. Br. lat to Jr. liud, Vivia IIicUh, T.ona B. Hill, Ada Btacy, Cooper RubuiHou, Gortrudu Cox, Rlilrod RuhIi, Nina Willtiher, BoBHio Smclair, Boatnoo Dean, David Walker. Goorj; LaPoiut, Aiohio Naylor, Minnie Ban^hman, Jainaa Brown, Gur- trudo Naylor, Goo. Hall, Ghaa. Viekont, Roy Boars, Wilho Chattfurtou. NO. 7 OOfinELD NOU'lII. Sr. 3rd to Jr. lth, UUton Cowoll, KilnB iloore. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 8al, G-raoo Cow^n. Lju^a 1'hlllipw, Miuiuo Fito, Eveiotfc Cowan, Jno. UcLcool, M17 Mt'Leod. Jr. 2ud to Br. 'iud, Ooor^a IIohb. Sr. lat to Jr 2nd, Minnie Queen, Chap, Graham, Kdua Cownti. no. it cui,( iii:hti;h Non'iii Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3, Annie Huj^ard, Geo Waito, Etbul Wdnon, Win, Suttou, Sr. lat to Jr. 2nJ, Flosuio Allen, JjIiii Sutton. no. 1'2 ooai iKi.n Nimni, Sr. Jrd to Jr. Hh, L'l uibo McGorman, Jr. 3rd to Hr. 3rd, May Malottu, Rom- olda, MoGorraun, L. MoFarlano, U, Uurk. Br. 3nd to Jr. 3rd, Beuio Alleu. no. H t.oaKii:r.D Nonrii. Br. 2nd to Jr. 3rd Anuiu McCrourv, Lottif* RloCrsory, Arthur BillinR, Bamutl Ash, WilUn HcCrofry, Floronco Billing, Roy Barlow, Go Slirumni, Win, Oraybill, Orvillej Nobla. Sr. lnt to Jr. 2nJ, Andrew Urigdun, Moroy A, DrtgUen, James BauHOritnr, Wm. Mynra, Ella Whitmoro, 10 ram a Cowell, Emory Clcndonmiif', Dewar T'iylor. no, '2 coii0Ui:u'rt:R nojith. Sr, 3rd to Jr. lth, Aliaa Swout, Myron Barrett, Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd, Barbara iloGae, Uattio Harrio, Beatricu Blight, Archio Campbell, Forof-c Bwoot. Sr. lat to Jr. 2ud, Frauoni Hamilton, Maude Campboll. no. 1 coi,onHBTnn noutu. Jr. 3rd to 3r. 3rd, Ub*\i. Jonea, Myrtle Turner, Lizsio Croxiar, Emini Touraii- goau, Joaio LanoaQtor. Ada Looter. Sr, 2nd to Jr. 3rd, Robert Winning, Peter Oluon. Sr. 1 at to Jr, 2iid,~r-Levi .Tariott, Goo. Koeley, Olof Olaon, Don TouraH^oau. G. Hart. NO. 11 OOBFIBLO JIOHTll. Sr. 3rl to Jr. -4th, Willta Ro^ora, Jaaoph Juiukaon, Fred Smith, Burton Bpoaohly. Sr, 2ud to Jr. yrd, MaSKio Vanoe, Oil. bert MoClOHkoy, Louia MoAfoo. Br, lot to Jr. Sod,- L 1h Wintara, Rac- aom Buohnor. HO. 0 COLClTKiTICH HOHTII. Br. 3rd to Jr. 4th, Ida M. Batteu, Sr. 2nd to Jr. !ird, Bdward Batton, Minnie Oolenatt. Sr. lHt to Jr. 2nd, Alma Colenutt, Wallace Better}, Luwia, Edith Battan. TOR BALE ClIBAt\-Team of biR horaoe, 2, pair bob.Hloiflhe, pair trncka, uumesn, ono-horuo aliiRb, chaine, oanb hooka, etc, E. GmnUttu, Ehucix, 7C aero farm for aalc 3mit-W. Chlcttfto, July 27. Should Qu!nlan,th0 former Janitor of the ITolmea building, who hi held for complicity In the many crimen with which Ilolmeii la charged, c;icape punishment, hen, he will be filt- en to Texan, where he hi wanted for Rwindllng. William Cappii ,an attorney of Fnrt Worth, han arrived In Chicago with a warrant for Qulnlan, who is charged with aiding Ilolrnea In the many ^ la dling Hchemon he perpetrated In th it place. "The deeds which Ilolmen v\^d to Minnie Williams' $50,000 property wore undoubtedly forged," jiald Mr. Cajipq to-day, "and wo am ready to W ive It. Holmca, Qulnlan and V\twwent down there tugcthei, and, after rocordlng these doedn, thoy work' d people right and loft. Tho three wrt- confidential with each othor, kn"w .111 about this swindle, and I think. w n* all eonfedenites In the niurdem." llnlmt-n in at leant gulHlontJ of tlir- murder of little Cora Qulnlan, To-day the following telegram wast received by Inspector Eltzpatrlck : " Lahota, Mlk-h. Cora Qulnlan la at Johnson', and haa boon for about two weeks past. (Signed) N. S. Taylor, Justice of the p'-aco.", ' '______ Thr- Johnsona referred to are the giandparentji of the little" girl. MrH. Qujn-lan, who has alKalong main tained an air of reserve, waa forced to admit to-day that sho li'id lied to the oMcera on at If irMt orfe^-iiolnt, nn-1 thia had the effort of weakening her considerably. Ilt-r husband l.a . aHo ^peiu a largo part of the day li. the "sweat-box," and aa a result 01 tr.-ilay*M developments Ohief Radennch dot ided to formally hold them b th for trial on the charge of being impli- eat.-d in various Im-urance swindle, IIv also believes they are guilty of He nlme of ;ushlbting Ilolmen, at least In directly, In making away with some or his victims. The charge of fraud U- hi 1 indent to hold them, and no other will be made at pr< ai nt. The missing girl whose, nam" the polh e have been keeping from the press Is Mias Wild, a Chicago girl, who has not been set n 01 d heard from for two years. She was em ploy id hh a clerk for Holmes about two month*) before h- v dt^appr arnci' In ihe spring" Of ISA'!. Sh- was l(i years old then. She loi't In r home to go to Wuik, aa usual, and n ver returned., . Mia. ' Qulnlan was forced to admit dii in;r th*1 < xumln-itlon that Hhe had 11 }i . a.inated a d** ul woman, reprc- f-' 1 1 ng hi rself as the biiieflclary df a 1 1 Insurance poll v, In order to Kaln I money which went Into Holme s' P t. '_ ' nergha or tin police, who .11 II tlgatmg the Ilolm-'s case, wen' d*' \ it. d this rnortuii" to an inquiiy b te the r.Lte of Miss Km line Cigiand of I-'i- 11\\ Ui\ hiil , w ho hi stijipit-cd to be Hi.- 1 it ht \ictlm. Irj. i(. J and P. J. Clgrand, seeuin! en i-i.i.i uf tin* g li, were elosoted wi li C'.iti l' I'.idenaeh and Inspector FItzp 11- li'kiall this fon noon. The/ told h \v th. !r (oimin went to work tor Hi/lmcM a a an rio^rapher, anrl how she was af- tei \\ ,11 ila ljelle\ ed to h iVi- nvw r ed < man named Kobeit H. Phelps, who wi"" ii I- k sted In a lake copying bu in ^ down town, of whlvh Holmtu was th brains. A can-ful soareh of the marriage r*-i ords made by Clerk Salmomon fa ' io show any ei ord of such a marri g In Cook County. It is the belief of the Clgrand brother, that .Visa Clgrand wns murdeiel 1 Hi linf s, and that Robert 1^. EJhelps \.i no otln-r than the swindler un h r .*n alla^. Inspector FItzpatrick a^ild h' won.' not examine Mrs. TTnlme-', the Wilin. t! wif^ of the murd*ror, to-day, but wi probably put her thiuugh a sev course of questioning to-morrow morn big William Cappsof the firm of Ca"n- , Cantee of Fort Worth, Texaa, 1-s in cli cago in tho interest of helm of the v" Hams sisters. He has obtained cop 1 of deeds? by which they tram'f r- thelr property, and he claims that ih : names were forged. Rvidence ha hi n collected, he saya, which will pr - ' conclusively that the ;TiPls were m r dored before July lt?( the r'ate nppe- .. ed to the docdn. Tl0 thinks they w put out of the way about July 1. I has been Inveatigatlng the pmp-r at WHmetto, and pnyH that it Is it! In the name of Minnie Wllhamt. Thomas Freeman, agent of th** C cago DemonBtratorn' Associathm, . ; last night that In hlo opinion the 1 o - of Holmes' "caitle" m F.ngleu- were thoso of pcrtiomi made awey " on'tho premJiutH, or ehio thrn-* or l> * that hud been shlpp d to ChLiiRo. Mit-Ul thut all tho hodlea of tumni r.,.. I .lerneypli. In the Hloiuronm Whore thy alleiteWj Idoody iop* wib found last Hun<lny\lt wan discovered that the blft boneli trtvgrc is covered with whnt hi nil])powt(d-t>i1lJ)f,_ blond. The bench had baen seen Ir^^the police hi f< r**, hut no purtlcular sigidtleance win attached to U. To-day It Vt'a.s xtwt ul iudj*-i'vaiu- hied, jhhI It Is \tv9ln t he MMn thnt thu lop of the l, n li i i^Liunc I villi v '1, It In premiiiK d tl at rbl\di'c I latlon was caui-ed by hi, nd und tl\,it Holmes iLiiar- lei ed hi i four vleilin:. nn'the a naue. 11 rnluilui l* lphla, July 27. The Fatjt oon- [( renco between lloluu-u and District ALtonny (Iraham in tlio litlr-i's olllce tennin.iteti In a very dr initio ner, 'Holmes wan apparently dmeomlUecl, physically and mentally, \di"ii the ecn- TeKiiM' was open'd, but heioic he was taken 1'ioni the room li's spirits rone to an abnormal degr"e, and he gave an < > hlhitlon of his ti no temper to the district attorney and hh colleagues. The examination into ih> correctness a( Holmes' niirn'ruus ab.tements \im about being flnlihed wh n Mr. Graham 111 mlfested his dtuapjyi ntment at thi [allure of the combined e"fort of Mr. Il.trlnw and himself to extract any thing imp irtnnt from Holm h. Finally Mr. (lialwm exclaimed : "Well, Holmes, utt you still peralat In refusing to tell the whereabouts of howard i'ltozel, or thh al eged Indi vidual Hatch, 1 will be ub I ;ed to put you on trial for the murder of lienja- man I'itexe] in tho Calluwhill-Htr* ut house." Holmes did not wilt under thin ter rific tin eat, hut rather calmly answer ed : "do ahead ; that't. right In my line," " Yui, I will K" ahead," aald Mr. CJia- ham, " and hang you far tho murder of Plteiel." Holmes Jumped to his feet, and fairly yelled with excitement: "1 defy you to hang mo for tho murder of pitczui. He may have been murdered, and ho may not, but you know a*i well as I do that you cannot fix the crime on me, and I defy you to convict rrie of It. You think there la an absolute cer tainty'of my conviction on the_charj;e of murdering Nellie and, Alice Pltczel In Toronto. Well, you arc at liberty to send me there, ami I am anxious to go. I can easily establish my Inno- c* nee of tho charge of murder there, nn well as in Philadelphia. Hint send me It T ron'.o, and see how tpccdtly.I will be set free." With this last defiance, Holmes was led from the ofllee by tho two court cIlleerB who.hud brought him up from MoymnehMlngr In- t-luu-mpr-nOng. Another dramatic incident of the con ference was the j-heddlng of tearfl by Holmes. It -was wlu n the kllstrlct attorney was picturing his bloodl-hhr.c*y~ crime of murdering the Pltezel chll-- dr n in Tornnto. The chief concern of Holmes now is whether bis latest wile remains true to him aftei all the horrible chan-ns that have been brought against him. It la a well-known fact that Holm.-s was passionately in love with the wo man at one time and Is apprehensive that sho has turned aglnst him. Mr. Sho maker, counsel for Holmes', said y> ' t' rday that Mrs. Howard was never a woman of a demonstrative disposi tion, and that she never cures to dis play any evidence ol! affection when anybody h present It was stated that th're will be no I' gal dlflh ultles In the way of Mrs. ; olmes testify Inir against tho man hh- once b< Moved to b.> h'-r husband. D'strlct Attorney Orah im ' aid that 'he marriage hetween Holnu s and Mrs. Mow nd Is not binding, for she Is not his legal wife, as he had other* living; when they wi re mairlcd. To olTiet this Mr. Shoemaker said that Holme1- cl dins lie w\*s never married to any other wo man but his present wife, and that even bigamy eaimo't be pmved a^a'nst lilm. Monday, Aug*. 5 WE START BUSINESS BY G1VINQ 1,4 OFF ALL LINES Of Wool DresH Goods, Fancy Trimmings, Silk Gloves and Mitta, Prints, Ginghams, Table Linens and Napkins, OrotoneM, Muslins, Laco Curtains, Curtain Poles, Roller Blinds^ and other articles. j *Y Wo hnvo a few anmmer goodn loft of good quality and brotty, worth from 25fl to Sl.L'6 por yard, your choice at 15c p* yd. Thia iflthc snap of tho Boaaon. Paraaola at about half price. Wo hftvo too'ttiany lino ahoon and slippor^. f oil moans thafc you got thoin nt Io*h thun coat prico. aoo our job lot of fino ahoos worth fiom $11 Lo $1.50. Yout tshoico for $1.00 pair. Having had a BncceHaful Boaaon in ' Ordered & Readymade Glathini halauco of hfcoclc gooa at}- off rogular pricey. Wo quote Boya' suits from 81 up. Men's $3.50, all now and boat makes. 1-4 Off Felt Hats and Caps Choice of 75c, SI .00, $1.25 straw hats for 30c caoh. Ladies' and Gents Circulars and Waterproof Coats. 1-<1 off. Wo malco those thoso gooda to order. Over 100 samplos to cliooflofrom GontB* ianey top shirts about hall price. GROCERIES Proah stock on liand all tho timo. EJxtra choica Cannod Goods for campers. Try our sardines, 8 cans for 25c *ictureH, given froo aftor pur Chairs, Tables, Boole Oasos campers. Got ono of those beautiful Framed Pictu chasing goods to tlio amount of $20. etcjvjth-S30-purchasos. THIS SALE ON FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. G & WHITEEY BEOCK, ESSEX - i.rJ _^-r-vrBS-T- 1(H OllC Ol'IlM lmclt, Mrs. Homer Dear me, I must torn inuncu housicclcamn'r to inoriow, yml I luun it! Mi. Homer -Why, how in that? Mrs. Homer It iliitieu everything1 up bO. HAVEXOrBt HAH i MTAttTfOV Ulfo AlyHtrrlmiHl} lilllrd, IfinnliniKl (im Hirninrrly lilttipprnr^ Ilavelock, Ont James IIol- brook, who llvod nn a fur in ntnr hoie with lii9 aauyhter. Jlrs. Iltnry West*, lian mysteriously dlfaappoaied. Ili>l- hrook Is tho husband of the woman who >me years ago disappeared, and whone lifeless body \vn:i round later in a t-wnmp. llolbrook hag l er-n a man of erratie. notions, and IUh daughter claims that ho was not sane. At ono time ihe Board of Health of tho muntc'pi ity had to ro In a body and open the jk rt of the house he occupli d In ord t to have it renovated and cleaned to pie- vent disease. Holbroolt had the win dows boarded up, anrl the door loading from tho portion where IiIh Qnu^h i r llvod waM fantoned with a pondon uw logging chain. He guarded ht'J ea^tle ho closely that no ono ovor riaw Into it, and It was in the interests of hoaHli that the Board of Health took action. Ilolbroolc had another freak of mln-l 'that led him to hide things. He would take artiolefi out of tho house and d - a holo in tho garden and buiy thorn* Bind,er Twine Harvest Tools, Farm Imple ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices this montli. 4i*SZXLH. CaL3VB->H W. H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Essex JF YOU WANT A ~First - ss o** ftlUMV MAVB WfTIIKIlH CONftKMT Attitlu 111- Miijorlty - Itrforfl 15 f I1U Miijorlty - Mntt'flp'4. Montreal, July 27. Some time apo Olivier Leveille, who hi under ai,e, brought an action against "his fa/.h'-T to forco the latter to consent to h 6 fiuj'a marrlttgo with a Bllsa Major ol thia city. Tlio young man allogod that he was dotormlnod to morry and that lila fathor'B oppoHltlon urono from tlio tart that ho -wanted his boy'a salary. Jurtpv Do Ixirlmlor decided against Iho l o th to-day, and advised him to await hiu majority. Place your order ^vith me. You can then yon are getting. I am always pleased to customerH the raw material from which the made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwor for the Tops, Cushions, etc., all of which wi first class iu every particular. It pays to huPrices are made to Suit You, Special Offer- We are well equipped and thoroughly understand the Tire'setting Business, and during thia month and-August will set Buggy and Wagon tires at $1.50 per set for all 0 A.SH customers. General Repairing: Promptly Executed'. Hi .ftft J. Bate, Carriage Works, Talbot at^east. ;;&frfol^^

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