J""\' 'f'-l 111 '-< ^[ ;;;W*WW^--^' ".:M >.- WILKINSON'S ron Ohoioo Fresh Grooorios, Provisions, Toad, Ooffoos and BpiQOH. Special linoB in Crockery. VOL XI. No '31. BSSEX^ONT., FRIDAY. AUGUST 2. 1895. F.A.&Co ta Our Summer Clearing Sale is fa full swing, For one nimRh wo will sacrifice profits toVho main object of turning all seasQrmble goods into cash and room. Our fall importa tions are coming forward early and we want empty shelves to receive them. All summer Dry goodsj Furnishings, Mil linery, Clothing and Shoes will suffer in price to hurry them out during the next month. It will pay you to investigate this. No trouble to show goods. m^m^ . SOUTH GOSFlELD. A. fow days atfo your oorrepoudorit ranrlit a circuit of k part of thin towuhhip, and not land that tho marih Iaadii wore aw a ponarul .rule, tho must ' produotiv*. M. Warner on the ilrdoonoftusion hud a ton acre floU! of wheat whioh would bo hard to bout, find Jamas Grainier undoubtedly loadn in onttt, whilst Jti'moa fihoppard, on tlio townlino, certainly hua tho bout crop of hurley; and while oorn in j;ont*rully f-ood, John Graingor, on tho -1th concession, has unquofltionably tha bout Aold in thin part of the township. In yogatablGfi 'and rooti Mr, Wra.Sheppn.rcl oortainly oarrin tho pdm. LIg has ono aud a hull acres of potu- tocu that look woll, not ovou a bu(^ iu to bo noon oh uny of tho vinos, In carrots and mangold*, ovnry kiud tiro locking nplondid, au4 all whowmg tho euro and attention whioh haR boon (;ivon to thorn. Fracticul- ly Kjmakiut; Mr. BUoppard &s Sonn aro sua- ooHoful farmers, but in tho culturo of raotH and vo/jctablos tho old fioutlomau KQonm to bo a fipocialitit. Tho path of tho correspondent in not a bid of ration. Too of ton ho onoountoru bramble* and thorn-buches in his oudoavor to tiot nowti. Although it haw boon tho writer's ^ood lnolc to havo steered clear of obatrnctiono, yot it would nfcom that cer tain items in our corrospondonco f 18th pixly, ban raised tho iro and indignation of uorno people. In tho pant wo havo tried to bo complimentary, without resorting to flattery, to mention and suggest improve ments, and. wo havo always written in a praiseworthy manner of tho denorviDK; also to writo amusing hues of young pooplo'u movomoiHn, without boing poroonttl or of fensive. Iu all these thinqn wo havo been Rpjsrooiatod. But lately norao of those very parties, wh'o at various tirqon roccivo com- plimontary notices aro now tho worwt IticlcT" era. Tlioro was nothing personal in the items, but thoy aoous to havo givau great offunso. Now thoy should not feol so irato they uhould romembor tho old adage that "the bitter kooh with tho tuveot." Wo deep ly regrot and. feci norry, if we havo Unrt the fec-lingb of any oT ' on*--, follow-lIuTihga, but thoy should net diecreotly. Wli *re criticism applios generally, uo ono Hb^iti give it personal recognition but tnko the lOHHon quiutly to hart, and respond in tho cclumiiH of the press, criticism)* what thoy think wrong. In conclusion wo will viudi- oate our uotfl, hv <iiiotLn from tli'u pool, Pope: - Men ha to Uu-ir faults a little blind, Ami to thuir virtuoa always kind. , SANDWICH. Mr. ami Mrs. 0. W. Mason havo ona on % trip up tho ItikoH. OoMpUmb has benu laid nguiuut Hiuh- ard MoGo* for looping hia meat marltet Oftmw on. Sunday till 10 a. ui. Goo. DupitfH liuw fulh'U in lin at laHt. Ho has boui;ht a bike whioh ho ridow rathor (jracofull f despitn bin whort le(;u. Ilonry 11, Hotafori has boon appointed a conductor on tho Detroit Strcat Railway. Tho townuhip of Sandwigh West having rofmitul to pay him for fcoi'viooy rendfired to Alexander OiKimc, of Pntite Goto who wan cruolly beaten a yoar u(^o bv nx-fjon- utablo Sam Wiltton, Dr. L. T. Pare has ontcrod an action ii|;amt.t tho County til Umax. laraol Ouollotto iian soourod the oonbrtiot of ro-sliin((lin^ No. 1 School. County 'rraamirnr Moraud, pautfod Sun. day with his mother who in acrioualy. ill at Teoumneh. The Minnral Bpringa Ilotol nnd Grova havo ohangoii -hands Tlaml oonoerta ara hold tbor tlireu times a welt. Oth*r at tractions will Moon follow. Mrs. Lewis Malotto, of Hay City, Mich. ' visiting with hor uou-in-law, .7. U. Mot- ros. Mnj. Malotto, who in S'2 yoars of ago bows with tho aid of glasses and hours very distinctly. She is especially foud of hard broad crusti* whioh hor woll-presnrved tooth permit hor to run nob with delight, and to cap it all hIui Btill ainokus hor clay pipe. Foreign 111 cycle Tour. i. unx'uij coiiBi-iai'ONDnK'i' ni'.TAir.tt nin hximsu. II'.NCIS TO-niKK VUHSH UKAPICIU. [Mr. Van Tyno, of tlo Univorsity at Ann Arbor, in nponding his vacation iu Fraboo, Bwitzorhmd, Spain, Italy and othor Kiiro- |ani oountriL'H, und will writt n. tiorivu of Uttora oupocmlly for tho Fitm; 1jiu;hh. Mr. Van Tym; will travul over thano contincntH on hiwbicyolo, and the various point b of intorost will bo yinited und dsBoribod. Thin is tho fWofc lottor of(th huriau of fit. teen and thoy bUquH not bo missed by our raaduru.J Mid OoBan.July fj, 18!)5. 0 LINDA' Vogptablcu-areJookingjipmu what creou-^ or since tho last beautiful rainfall. Now ih tho time when wo hoar tho hnm of tho threnhGr, the yield is an average. Miss Am'io Rimpnon, Mis* Mag^io Grant and Mr. Davo Itarr, of Chatham accom panied by Miss Mary- liarr, of Niagara Palln aro viniting thoir frioud Miss Ilortha Fox of thin place. . MAIDSTONK. Mjhh Lillio Klillcr, nf Kaex, is tho giic^t of tho Misaow. IJarnoH. Mr. Len Oluminson, of Windwor, is rus. ticating for a fow woclis at JConilworth. Mrs. IIu*jh Kerr, of Ohfithain, inviHiting relatiyffi here. Mrs. Harry Wiglo andMi.i^' LonaHickn,' of Jilssex, aro upending a tow dayti with Mrs, Jaa. LawHon. Mr. arid Mr. Jnhu Korr iV rod, of Chat ham, aro tliognefatc of Mi's. II. G. Arnold Dear Mr. Editor : A bicycle trip in DuropQ,-lik charity, begins at homo. At two o'clock, on the afternoon of Jnnu lfitli, anyiiolf and friend, Harry McClue, loft Teoumsoh with an escorc of whaohnaui Tho osoort diminish ed ono by ono. A patch of doop mind swallowed several ; a convenient towu fur nished a rostinLI 'i"d stopplug placa for others, but tho standfast fow rod a lu milss to Sahuo and thou left uh totlstlior with Leon Ilouagrauo, a Woy of 15 yours, who was to accompany uu to Niagara FalU. Thou wo rolled alonn inorrily to Detroit, panned the night there; oro.iuod to Wiad- Hor. hi Canada, and ran hard aground at tho cUHtom hoUHQ, I don't liko to dwoll npon what buppoHod to un thoro. Hcr linrrcicipo for panning tlio cnutotii houna with bicycles. Get a day off, and if you smoke, tako nevoral pouudu of tobaoco and your pipo. 11 a tor tho omitora houso, Thoro you will bo told to go baok to De troit and got ttomu letters from tho Ij. a. W. cannul. Go and roturn. Yon will bo told that instruotiona have just bou ria- ccivad from- tho qauon or govornor not to accept uuch papers. Now look diBcenno- lato and diacovor that you^ have, u .frioad in Windsor who nmy aid you. Mount your wheel, and toar mudly up und down the utrouta until yon iiud the friend. Got the friend to ask hin or her unolo to en- TerrykowM und tho PaliHadoli whose aontlu* uowti rowd of perpsudicuUr rooks border tbo broad, hoik, (lowing rivor; and tho rakifih looking oottRgn n.t Nowbut'Kh, whioh wan ut ono time Waiihingtou'H headquar- tom. At New York wo crated our wheals and woi'u amwtotl to mm thorn takou to tho pior in a hack while wa wnlkod. 0*w on hoard th "Vond**i" wo wituwHtd tho umukI parting houc; board volUys cif "lunackn" in various diuW,u, undaaw tho crowd Biiro oft tho boat at tho hint mo- naout. Out i Now York hay thu kodak Hand flrwd a last uhot at Now York und w went billow to dmn*r.. Wo ar on a Diituh bou.t and tbo pansoii^rn *,ro of ovory nationality, with Dntoliand^ijnr^an preilominaut. But tho diunor. FirnV comae was soup, com))osed of uovou differ ent yygotablen and moltod greatio. Then with great pomp the soup pluto* vara re moved and moat of homo nondonoript ohms aoLflr and abominably oookod was bruughl on, accompanied by potatoon cooked in Ma wator, und aomo cooked aou-wond whitdi thoy oallod groons. N^xt ourse wan tho name, only roveruod. Tlion denert cam* in tlia shapo of mora uoa-weed, hweoton^d, and a new ftlian, viz.: pio-plant hiluoo. Of course wo had eofiso anJ milk but wo decided that H had beun coiidonsod ami than oxpandod to tho utmost tension or porhapii was tho milk of a (icapo-gaat. And thu Hu^ar. I had suppowad it impouui- bloto spoil that, but it lookn and tauten like pulverinjd idinglarn. Harry and I tried onocourso after another, fearfully yot firmly,'and then wont on dcek wmur but hungrior men. Boon'tho dread iingol of HQn-uioknooi] put his hand on my friond's stomach and so suddenly that Harry put the ship's menu on the front of his coat, iustoad of thoughtfully feeding tho fishon, as many a Iqhh hurried man ivau doin. I I want to toll about tho fat man whoso legs would uot.go thruj;h batweuu tho diniug tabid and tho Boating bonoh, and tho bello of tho ship, who walked tlio deck untij 1 a, in., to avoid seasickness- of course tho huly had an enoort. And tho throe fat in on who uib all day and tell stories while they shako all over with laughter, or thu Cliristiah Endeavor Society Bl. Pattl'a Church, TUESDAY EVQ,, AUa. 6b ffiyorybody Como. WHOLJKL No, J>^ apparently notbhig left to do but wait tho dread fcumraona that comoi hut 6noo to all, the eaoo HHimmon an us|ioot of oxtrtme ad- iitinB. In s"oh a condition as tliU did Mr. Gorn Little, of lUo towiuhip of Oolcheai- or North, hud 'hims-U, Kr.d wcantlv the Fimii Pin:m bearing incidantly that he had recoverud hoalth and str.ugth, a reporUr WaB aont to invrttlgatn. When -im, Mr Littla oxpreuHod a wiltingnomi to Htnte tho natura of his iw, "-"d hi* utn^ H aH fo1' low*, ^ M. "HAH TO HIT WITH VI!1!T IM A HOT OVKM." Reino four yearn a^o Mr. Little suffered from a ovora attack of hi urippo whioh laft hiR lower limbu -parriajly paralyzed. He called in one of tbo bst known ph'y* sieianu of Kanax oounty, who appeared to . do all that lay inhispoucr for tho rolled of Mr. Iiitilo, but t<-> .,j avail. J'or two and a half yoarii ho bUtlVirod the most in tense pain nn-J wan confined to bis bed for the graatar pnrt of the time. The doctor waa puztflud with bin on on und us he Boom ed to obtain no relief, ho changod doctoru for a poriod, Tho second doctor did no btttor than thu oilwr, and Mr. Little re turned to the oou ho bad Hirst calkd in. Finally, desparing of evor obtaining relief, ho told the phyiiioian thit ho did nut see any further ujio of taking his modioinod, and believed ho okould die it he did not obtain rohef in a short time. He had wastud away to little mors thau "a mora nkolctoii, and win un ohjL'ot of pity by hia noifchborn, and felt humiolf a hurdon to his family. Ilia wift and family hu*J givon motanoholy fellow who said this boat wuh U1, iinp^^n.Uu^ioiM-hhoy-u-^l-thoughtr-iti^--- u, regular atomach pump; and how Harry Bworo ho would wat that soup this timo if it killed him, so that ho would not get it and thu Dutchman who '"can't treat Ins friend to u.k tho collator to uk. | J^^;^-^^ ,ln heHtI or UuU of doe. We will not be undersold, We are able to compete with any and all in the matter of selling goods cheap, and only ask a fair comparison of val ues, Some special value** in grocery department at present Our 25c Japan Tea is the gen^ uine uncolored article and should not be compared with the cheaper, colored Japans some are Helling at that price. Produce ten as Cash. Goods marked in plain Figures. i ' BSSJSX' p QNT.. in . Sis' . KLF01U). On Wednesday, .Inly tilth, Mr. Thos, Weyburn, wliilo anMntiu{4 Mr, J uo. Thomas ou a framo building, hud tho minfortuno to f,ot Iiih left hand badly injured by a pout falling on it, ii confltjijuenoo of which ho had tn have hi-i thumb urnputatod, MihH Wiylo of Jintiox ytivo an ir.toieutin^ an 1 n, fur^wsll k-clurc at tho Melhodiwt churoh ou thu evmmtfj of July 'Jith. Shu wan ravort:d with-n uood iiudienoi) and liur locttiro wan highly apprtjciatud. Tho (jiiiittiu'im of Mr. W^. Klrord'fi rein, denuo was ph:a-iuiLly dihturbtd on thu uvl-ij- iug of ThnttjduY, July 2"'th, liy ihonoi^h- hor.-i who turuud out omnanH to puy thoir rcHpectn to Mr. John Caution (father of Mm. Win. 1'jliurd) who wiiHuhorlly toluayo f Iiih liomo near Oodorich, aftor viwitin^ wif.h bin dauyhtor for sotuc; t(vui- mouthu, during which time hit* oo.i puny and lu ll ciic>! havo biit-n much priztd by tho poo plo of Kiford, about ITjO of whom wore pruftunt. Tho ovuinn^ paused very ploaa- anily, there was a abort pru^riiminu and tin) pustor, Mr. Kouiuidy, occupiud tho oh air. Oomphmentary Hpoocheu woio in ide by MosnrtJ. ilejioth, W. II. tiweotuum VVi^-. liltoid, and tho paitor, Mr. Kennedy, to whioh Mr. Caution pracofully replied, A hhort addreusi wan prctiMiii:d and read by Mrs. Hubert G.trlic. Tho youuu people iiidult;ud in nutiiyn and ainusemwnta, uftfcr which too ladiou sorvoil a humptuoiiH ro- past, for which tho ladioa of Klford are r.iott;d, Tlio party broke up at a lata Hour, fouling they had spout on'o moro ploanat evening in thu Htttlomont of Elford. Fob lowuitj in the AIUJllKHH. Wt*. ;ii frn.-mU ipid uni^lihori oi'^Ir.and 'Mra. Klfurd, hnvu uaUiored to hIiow our ro- spijutioour worthy friend, Mr. .Cuntlon, who in about lo take his departure for his home in tho L(lBt. Wfl lnivu foqud- bin company hoth pkijubaut-and profitable dur- hi{j bin stay anions ua. Wiahinji him a pleasant journey, und hoping hu may ii#du return at Binne future date not far diaiaiu. but if not, w ail hope to meet with him around our;b\ithor' throne uhoro parting will bo no more. . Hitfncd m behalf of "oar. KettloruuiH, Kuv.,0. W.- Kkhhui.y, I'astor W. II. SWBK'WUK. . . ' Mu. andMiim. H. Gahuc. Mh. ant> iMiih. MoBr.Tii. MihANi) Mn,\v?M.LIUn.Y. . KANDWICJl -.SOUTH. BIr. Jaruou Clo^'i*, of L injabhiro, Kup land, recently ajrivod hero and is paying. an. oxtonded vinit to Councillor John Groave?. of Sandwich Sontb, and othor friends. Mr. Clo^ la ho favorably improao- od with th appoaranco of Canada in gen eral, and Kaoox county m particular, no that ho may duoido to malto tiio home m this country. Mr. and Mrs. Hunry Pollock, of Adrian, Miob., aro visiting Mr. John Greavon and family. NOUTIJ UIDGW. A. G. Bedell thrtmhud ono loud of oatn lanlTiiQHtlay, which yioldod well, thoro was eighteen "rhockn" in tlio load, of twolvo nhoavoa uach, nod ho throshod thirty-four hnshols of ftrnt-clasR oatH. What wo ardently hoped for, carau Irus Saturday. Wo refer to tin wolonrna rain, It ponrrd down in good shapo for a while. Tho poor old patvjhod earth, with wide open ponJH, drunk tha drops yreudily aa taH,t us thoy foM. It citino rathtr lato, but it will do a world of ^ood to late potation and all root erop.^. Kvcrytluufj.haa t alt an a now luanu of lifu rtinco tlio Miowor. ." (if, Wheat red per bushel \Vln;at, whito Guru Oats Timothy Seed Glover Hoed Ala Ike Hay per ton,....... Biiof per cwt....... Pork flliiUou .....,. Illd'S ....... Ghiclrens per lb..... Jiutter ..... Lard ...... i'j^HB, per do/. ..... PotatotB, per buphel On 10 no Apples Turirijfc Carrot a Reetrt PurbiiipB ' ' Turkeyh per lb,.... Bucks ..... Celery per do/, ..... (jsbbatfo , ..... mritiM Witlltflf A: SojiMMarUev Import No. 1 Kyo, por bnshol .... -ifi " . AT) Oats , '.... 2(1 Tho above priyw aro paid by/ D", Walker Boub, Walkervilte. Ont. bTi to hi) 15 so to :to a en 5 73 to o 75 7 00 ro 8 00 & oo to fi no 5 GO to 50 5 00 to .150 . I oO1 fi B M U n 1:1 10 ISOtol. '20 1 20 to 1 20 80 to 80 Oto 8 to 50 -10 30 10 (J 6 1 00 9fi -J his t^uarantao that tho r/tiiiolu will tfo out. at Niagara. Thou not dinner and l&ul ruh'jvod. Al'tor rlinnor, learn that tho oolloctoi* has nono to a funorul. Sot your wheel and cIiilhu thu fun und li miloH, and fiet frowned at when you jjoaticulato wildly what you want. Go baclc mid waii oalm- ly until 5.SO p, m.; then tlio collector will appear, ni^u your papern and you may qo on rejoicin**, after louiuy U houru. That wan our experience. Wo ro:Jo thirty mileb that ' and put np a,!: tho nicycle Hidi i'n Fann floutie vvboru thoy charge nothing a day and (*ivo you the oompuny bedroom, and all tho bread and milk you can eat in the morning. All tho next day, vra rode in ni^ht of LaKo lino, blue and rippling iu the guuuhiuo. So in tho morning, but in tho afternoon wo rode in a drizzling rain. Oocaaiouly wo bathod onr rhoumatintn ' with a coucootion of witch-hazel and arnica, and then utru^lod ( o*pti not on. Canadian roadB tiro of tho finoat or ' wo could not havo riddon. Wu looked bo bfdraye,lo that ovon tho noose biased at Us when wo parted. I havo not space to doa- oribo tho in ujj in fluent view whiuh wo had of London; nor to linger npou praiuou of tho boautifnl aconory m Dundaa valley an w* noared IlamiUon; Lofty hilln our round it, forrain" a van: umphithtatro which contains [,'reon grovt-f, brown tilled Holds, wavinjj ^rainf, and cloud shaclowa Ini.o.Mcatud with evory variety of cliorrioK, wo wheeled or reeled into tho U, 8. a^ain acruhb Nui^ara'ri new sudjJonsion' 'bnd^e. Tuou, bunday in Uuifaloand a spin over u few of ity 200 milti.a of aHphalt, Iloru T\a bade ^'ood-bye to our boy companion who had ridden nobly tho iiiiO miien ao tar. Monday on tlio road atfuin, ai.d . wo noon Haw tho blue outline ol tho Appalachian raugua ot Mts. Thd hospitality in this region in delightful to bieyclo ridorn nt luum. Wo even took breakfrnit with a crazy women who mumbled und oroncd whilo wo devoured ur ttoal id hute* Thau day wo paanod tho north ' end of In lias Gauandnitfuit, Bouecn, Cnyu^a. Iloru wo toiled Up ono bill only to pluu^o precipitately down another. Harry dis played hia toval doprayity by anupliuj; to a load of hay and coasting up oiu of tho lonijunt hills. Wo passoit through Syra- onao and Uiica and atartod down tho Mo hawk, riding tho tow-path. When wo mot tho stubborn mules which drew' tho canal boiUn wb'had to dismount and stand aside respectfully. Wo noon tired of tho monotony of the canal and took to tho highway where WQ paauod, now hotwoou gray rooky walls, now through Iowuh with rownof houpon built in old colonial fltylo, and here a talkative farmer's wifo poiuted out Gouoral Horkiiner'a historic mnnsion. At Ali-iauy. wo woro compelled by hoayy rains to takft " day boat down tho ttudnon to New York. This trip was n panorama cif historic buildinii with line* au ktriot aa Quf-ker bonnotH; rocky, "wooded inlands; tho lofty ibiil culled tho Htorm-King; mountains aud highlands whot/Q grooh HiduH vied; with tuvy horyolf; tho blue KnUUilld. eut<a*etivo of Kip ,Van Winkle; ofiieorn." I would unj*y deiicribin^ tbeao He, too, iii Dutch, and wo cull him, tho Ly in j Dutchman. His Faau is no honent and hio molaucboly in oppressive, but Iiih ohoorful power of lyius is collonhal. On the day beforo the -1th of (> uly hu oninu un deoit looking no woo-be-youti that ovoryone pitied him. Tho ladiiM aokod his tromblo, and hu ben^od them not to talk about it, II uuid tliat hu had junt luuruod that tho Hliip \?as to Htop ritjht iu rnid-ocoau till day and eolebrato tho -ltb. Thoy novo to have tub rubes, and orationu, and tb mati were to awim on one side of the boat and tho hidioB on tbo other, and uhould l'nh, "and for da_t all you bays one dollar." Ilm in dignation wuxad strong, "You diuL I ittaya und pays, no, I coos to my statu room and hah du window throo,'1 Thon ho bogged tlio ladios to go nil toother and be^ the to Atop Three of tho most credulous actually did. Noxt day ho q^- gBPted that if thoro wtr o lira-works wo miyht havo water-worka "for doro iBt youat water ouou^h." In the ovoiiiug hu tnvent- od vocal firo-worliii. Wo all at a wi^nal hiBnod a long '*sb" utid.thoH ojacnlated a "baiuV1 when onr imarjimiry Hhy-rcinkut burut, and this was followed by a prolonged groan. Noxt day our Lying Dutchmuu earno t)ii d&cli much perturhud by ti plot which lio had uiucovorod amon^ the ototr- ago (maseu^nrH to throw all ,tho steamer chains over boad. "And dn wo stand nup all do'tunc." He had juarnud tl.do from hiH threw months old hou whom ho was*1 briufiiuR iu tbo ntoorajje because it was "Bhoapur." This is til now, but I aball Wfiio yon again from Parlu. 0. 11. Vam Tvnk. Evcrywlierc Wc Go \Vo liud Honiii one wlio has been curol by Hood's Sarbaparilhi, und people on al linuus are praiBin^ thin urtiat modicino for what it has done for them aud their f rionda, Takuu iu tune ilood'o SurnapariUo, pro- ventB Horionn illncua by keeping the blood puro and all tho organs in a healthy con dition. It in tbo groat blood puriflor. Hood's Pillu buoomo tho favorito oath- artio with ovory ono who trios thorn. 35o, per box. ------------------------4*---------------------- IS PARALYSIS CURABLE? MR, GEO. IAITTIjE, OFESSjKX COUNTY, SAYS IT IS. Ilo alveu 1I1 Own Vorrlbl* Waepcvl" ouco to H'rove tlin Triuii of SX1 Ai- unrilou -^'Hutt'orod for ov.or Wwo' Vrur^lotli XKimutflf uiwl -Vuuilly 'X'liouclit Hint omy Doath Could Ud KI(UtlH<rerlus-A'isutu Uujoyiwu; to ItlcuMluixu of Souial1 IickKIi- From tbo Hubi:^ Vnun riucan, jjtto U truly k burdou no tiiaae, not bieBS- Ad \nth a full moauro- of..boalth and utrtMigUU, but whoru a nfccoug mau ia brouKbt to tha Vurgo of almost uttet help- OBinoBB, whciu doptora fall, and thera is wan merely a question of tiiuo whou ' Mr, LittlflVdeatli would relievo bin auiforimja,. ' Whih: hirt liinbH were partially paralyzed, ho could un<; them Hiiffioiunt to bobble about tha houaa and door yard, but if ho - undortooK to walk to tin.- irjibln ha would bo contlnsd t;i bin bad fur ti w*ck after. Iliu limba j,rtw numb and cold. During tlio hottest immmcr days ho was obliged to Hit with bin free and le^s in a liot oyon, wrapped in tUnnt>lH und hot ohuko nntit thu kkin vroiilu corns off in hchIoh.. Mr, Little boliovL'd Unit his physician was do* lUf; all thnt could lie douw, aud hin nothing but kindly lf-flm/r-i for tho troutmone ha received at his bunds but he ia certain. t]ia. tho.doiiiqr had no hope of liiu rocovery,. Ilo had triod an advortioed minoral water,, taking in all seven gallons of it, but failed to obtain relief. Aitor uufferuif* for two and a hidf yc.a.s, ^lr. Lutlr, in the Hum mer uf lrf'JB, reud of a ciiho wiinilur. to, hia own, that had beou cured by tb uso of Dr Williamii' Tink Pills. Grasping at this Ian hopo, ho iitnt for a few boxtn and he-. gairtukiD" thoin, M&fore tho second box wua al! uaiid, Mr. Little wuh aatiuflod that he had found a r.-mody that would cure lmo of liii. 'xetediiifjly painful and myo teriuus ailineut. Mr. Littlo continued iho ubo of thu Pink Pilly for several months and was ablo to ^oc out and do li^ht work about hm farm, which ho hud not beori able to do for over two yoaro, Ho contin ued taking Pink 1'ills a while longer, when he was lully recovered and was ablo to do any of tbo bardost woik on his furm, and iu tho winter timo worked ahcoiit steadily at oaw-logiiun and wood-chopping, Dur- in tho paHb fall, ho naya, ha wan frequent ly caught out in heavy rain storms, whon away from home, but lit* had so far ro* covered that hi u.xpoaurco have uot bromdit any bad reBiilta. Duriufj tho yery cold weathor of tbo past wintor, b was hauling wooa to Windsor, a distunoo ot '^ tiftcen miles, Uo looks at present tin it he had hardly seen a nick "day in hi* lifo time. Mr. Littlo fewh deeply tfmtoful to Br, Williams' Fink Fill* and claims that hiu completo recovery is entuoly duo to the uso of the pills. Ho nives hia toatimony for thu benefit of others' who,may bo turn- ilarly Ql'diofed. Mr. Little's wife who ws.s preuont tit the 'inlorvioiv, corroboratt'il,';;~ Mr. Little's testimony and bolievea ho ' owes bin entire recdvory to tbo uao Fink' Pills. Tho ou tiro family look upon. th : husband and fathor as ono rescued from, tho firavo by tho timely uso of PlokPilla/; On inquiry amony \Ir. iJittl*'H nuiiih- born, we find that ho ieaman of tin oubt-'_ od voracity. Ho has lived iliUsbhx bounty' .all bis lifetime, and ou Ink praneufc farm in Colchester North, about four years* 'r Ho is tho- duprintoudeut of tho Edgw M m Mills Buuday sahool, aud hia oauo ii too woll known iii that dittribt to ba dieputed. ;.i HIueiiihboralooked upon his euro a a ;'v4 moit cuiruoulouu oue, his death hnvtnc;:: , " boen oxpected (.montf the,m -JfoV. maxfy;.,'^'^ months before he bo^an tbo use 61 .Pink, ' Fiiii. '" Haveydu. aeeu hoa6 iiew private poaft cards. Tim Fuee I^uesb keepa them. . . ]