Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, p. 8

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<r *r ;' Vrw <PJH,- -iSSSfe^C "FRBSr-PRKS^ Look out for Next Week's Advt. / 2 Busy 2 write 1 this week. M JflS/D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKERS, Woxt to Aberdeen Hotel Essex. Monoy to loon on Fftnnorn' N'otni; Nott-n bought Or Collected; Money to louu ou Mort[jii[jou at owoot rat on and bout torum. Drafto ioBuod payable- ut par at all| principal jiointu. Fire Insurance Agents, otc. .OeiAI^PljRSOHAL Dr. 3?roano, of Windsor, wan in town on Monday. E. Xj, Park aud wife, opent Sundny in jConmington. Mr. B. Wilkinson, Bpont a few day last week in Detroit. Mrs. IT. McCharloH, Hathvou, ib viHitui Mra. E. Flumraar. MtB. W. Kindroe, of Toronto, in viaiting 3Vlrs. Jno, Gourlay. Mr. J. M. Short ia holidaying with fnouilu in, Drfttitford and Elora. Mi98 Flo Button in npondiuf; hor holiduyu jat her homo in Loudou. Mitm TiiUio Millar in upending hor va- tiiiUon with (riantlH in ElniHtoud. Am. Hobt. Sinalloy, of Detroit, m vinit- int! hor aiatflr, Mra, W. Koown, hero. Mrs, (Dr.) Brieo and ftlra. A. E. Miluo iiro visiting frienda in Ilidgetown thin wook. MttOtor' E. Young, Amhorbtburfj, Iiuh boon, opeudiug a low duyn at A. J. Wiloox'u. \ Miaa Macfjio E. Armutrontf, of Stratbroy. iu tho fin out of Mr, and Mra. Jno, Uopgood. Mr. and Mra. C. E. Naylor spout Sunday jin town, returning to Codar Baaoh on Mon Hay. Mr. C, E. Hood, formerly of Eaaox, waa -ahaking Imndu with friends horo on Bat- rrduy. Mikk StraohttU, millmor for Diobel & JJricker, iH holidaying at her homo, South- li&mptom. Mr. N anl Aliaa Violot Mclatloo, Amor' epout Tucaday aud Wodnonday with rol- tLtlven here. Mr. JaraoB Martin, of Detroit, wuh vioit- Ju^ liio Jrlond Allan Alinuiu Eaton for a tow dtiVH this weok. Mrn. ljindeay and children, of ^orth- villo, Mich, la vwitlna her mother Mtu. (Eaton, of town. Mian Cecilia Bquiro and Mautora Ernio ud Eaiclo, of Itutbveu, woro Kuefits of tbfl ibsob Kobiufna Sunday. Mr. and Mro. 'X', II. White, and children of Chicago, uro viuittauthe fiiiailos of tbo ^-Messrs. Gardner Brother^ bore, Mian Louio Gahan. of London, is visiting Mra. Dr. Dowar aud Mra. Dr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Barth aud Mr, Jno. Barth, of Ann Arbor, aro viuitintf their parents m town. Mr. and Mrp. A. J. Wilcox bavo returned from their holiday visit with frioude in Amlicratbnrf* und Detroit, Mr. W. Jan. JohuHon id attending tho Grand Encampment, I. O. 0,IT.,iii Hessian at Picton, Out,, thin wook. Principal CraimwellGr, of tho High School has takon a trip-up the Groat Laltoa, and will visit hia brothor iu Duluth. MissoH Bertha Eox, Amio Simpson, and MufKio Gratit, of C. B. C., Chatham, called on friondH in town on Taouday. Mius Margaret Fox and Miaa Carrio Ayors, of Detroit were, the cuosta of Mioo Kiln Burdiok a couple of daye this wook. Mr. N.'K. NeabiLt and wife, of Kortoh, Ont., are vmiting their dnci;htorn, Men* daniea Dr. Dowar aud Dr.-Martin, town. Dr. Dowar and wifo, of Grand Itapido, are vicitinc at Wavorley, tho reaidoiiao of thoir brother, tho Mayor aud Mm. Dowar. Moadamci Dra. Dowar and MoKenzlo, and E. A.Winmor, havo boon Bummorim; at Cadar Beaoh, und th yeutlomon havo or ganized a Grass Widoworu' Club MiflH Maggie Wallaco, of Trinity Collogo, Toronto, and her cousin, MiBsMacX-'arlano, of Brautford, art) visiting tho formor'e mother, Mrn. II. G. Wallaco, town. UiiiB Maud Howard, who hail boon in Cheboygan, Mich., for tho puet fow yoara, rotnrned httuo Tuesday ovoniutf. accom panied by hor friead Mian Laura Eborhardk. Mr. Hutchinson, principal of tho Olaro, Mich. High School, aoconapauicd by Mr. Fred Harris, spent a fow daye lant wook with thoir coumnu, Meidumea J. A. Ilouo and A. Wallace. Thoy uro out on a bioyolo tour to Now Yoru, una mado thin ouo of their hultinq placoii. NORTH GOSFIELD. Tho Buptintq held their annual Sunday Schoul picnic at Kinnovillo, in Paradiao Grove, on Tuondav- Dr. Hillier aud family, of Louralnfjton, called on hid mothor laat-Bunduy. Tho family romuincd thin week with bin mother and brother. Mra. Arthur Parker, of Stonuy Crock ia viBiting hor unoloFi, tho Momira. Millan, PERSONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED. Several faithful tfONtlomon aud ladioe to travel for eatablinhod bouno. Salary S780fOO and Exponsos- Ponition pormanont if muted; afro in- orpaae. Stato rororonoe and ondoHo olff addresuod otamped anvolopc. THE NATIONAL. 316.817-318 Omaha Bldf., ChicMgo, IU. Mn'WUMIOiKKS' Mra. Pltozol Idontirioa Hor __Children. HER STORY TOLD TO THE CORONFR At the Bankrupt Stock Store. VI'Iimi Klio^Jt Oio ToyWIilrliWMWoUttillii IIki HI, VImc***"^** < '<** tiU,~ iioe* ittitt UyuUtirtt ami ( * i:\uiulrititloii Un* to It<> Toronto, July 20. - Mr*. i'n-:' Pitcitfl, \vU\t>*/ of Itenjiwuiii ' Pitcwl, wlio wim niiideri'd in CalhAV f/lll-ntn'ct IMiUiuhdphiii, mul mntln'r "f IHIil Alice and Nrllie I'iti>wl, \\U^v limiii-H wure takiMi from the celln i l' tin* Xiiilrl cotliiffu in frit- ViiicenHitm t, viiti il tlm Morgue yeUrdny, mid idintj- ficd tin- ri'inainn jift tluvu of 1i*t tworhild- ifii. Hli did not nee Ni'JHo'h htidy, Imt tin* liuir ut ^I'llii' mid tho teeth of Alier bIic jmnitivWy jd<'utifii;d. QniMM'hiff wifli fearful expectancy, Mi"<. PitcKi-l wiui almoHt curried into tlie rimin. Ah id-o entered the door, und ilm u vivA ficciio nwt her K?ir.r, mIui idiiuhluri'd iuid fltarted iMucJiwnjd. "Oh," he hmIcI. In a moment ulio wtu\ iierieLf njr,iun, and Bteppi'd tr> tins foot of tli** tfl.'ih u hi're tin- body of Alictt Iny umicenlcd beneii.tli the I'ovi'^H. Ai( h!i c.xu^ht i>i(;ht nf the MituiiKliMl hair or hor rhlldnMi l.\nt^ "t tli.'feet of Alieo licr tea, flowed fm-ly. Tlie Hyinpiilhetic officers ntooil sih'iU at the flint outburst, but when tho u'i'.ep- inj; had milwided Detective Geyer picked Up the plait of hair wlrirh fell from N'el- lic'H head when tihe wan removed from tbi' ivrave in tho Nudel eellar. "Oh, my Givf, that in my Nollie'rj hair!" aid Mnfl. I'itezol. "Yen, that in AUee'n liair, too," hIid naid (i Uetf^'tivo Cuddy jjjeked up the entangled jmm/i. Thif* wnjt all that wan wanted licre.,lnit the moot tryuie; urdisal wa yet t^) vxnnc, Mni. Pitexel waa conducted lo tins head of tins rilah whoro a eottou uliroud had bi'ou placed ovor the head of Alien. Then followwl a reprodiictifm of that act in thin drama of death which wuh enacted in tho Philadelphia cemetery on a Snp- temhor afternoon, when Alice- Pi to/el wan led, trembling and fejtrful, to Hie covered corpae, ntifl looking throu^;li tho rent in the newflpapc'r, paid "V<m*, thoiio are my papa'n trt'tli," wordo wlAch piovcd to be her death warrant. While Detective h Geyer and Cuddy mi|- portivt Mm. Pite^el, Dr. Kiugham careful ly diow n/iide the nhroml Hufficiently tu ex|uw;e the teiith. At first Klancn tike .re cognition wtui cmnpleto iuid thenlriek- cu woman uttered a nhrick, na the Juiit proof of the awful fato of bur children w/ih jireuente/I to her. Tho fice-ne win; pairu*ul in tin) extreme. A no one Juul auy dcfdre to prolong- it, tho nhroud wtui drawn back before tho iioimd of the Khriek had died away, and the heart broken mother wan led from tho place. As (the turned away, her eyeii wandered enquiringly toward/* Jim nlnh urlinn* \>>|. lie'n form lny, hut (tho wan not [permitted to wee it. She wan escorted .to tliecar- ringe and driv-eu rapidly awny to the hotel. i Pixwtt the lijiH of Mm. Pitezel, the mother or the two mnnlored liaben, the corcjiM'r'e jni*y luard hmt night the utory of how Holmes muimtl lior hu.Hhand and three of her little ones in thidr (Io^ktu The bereaved woman, who Iim.m bocatHiih- ' jecled to a hufforing worue than ileath, by the Philadelphia moiiKler, at for an hour anil a half by the Hide of Coroner JoluiHou, and told her fitory in tho lint- fefl.i ncceiitfi of one liall dead with ancruiHlL She wn Tieatly _ drennt'd in black, and waa .veiled djiring nuwt ff the ordeal. She l)ore up" well until the mot imjiortn.ilt ,jiart of lu>r teHtiniouy wan divulged. When hl.o eomnii'itced to tell of how Hhe had identified the bodies of her chijilreu at the morgue, and wpokti of t]ieie little childiuh iK'longingH, h!io broke dowii _nn_dJjincMto h" homo fnuu the court rtKwu The fiPH.ii-oii of the in- quent drew to a eloau amjd the cricfl of a mother weejmig for lii'r children. William Macdonald, 17 ItimneU-Htrent, the l*i-year-old won of Mm. Macdonald, who wiui tlie first to occupy tho Nudel cottage after the murder had lieen com- initti-il, told of the iinding of the wocKleu toy which will form tio important a link iu tlie chain of \ ideuof. He naid ho found it iu a natehel in the ninall cujilward in the noi'thweflt corner of un ujmlaini bed- rofim. llin people were living in tho bonne, and ouo day in December, on looking into tho cupboard he imu' a nat ehel. In addition, lie uaw noun- pircen of women'H or girl'o clothing. The natehel wao u black ono about eight inchcH long and about nino inchca deep, and had a metal top withanprrnff fastening. Tlie only mark he noticed upon it won nuuiall rent in one nido near tho fastening. It had a louinl leather handle fail toned to the metal bar by two ringw. The natehel contained mune Hiiall square jaecoB o' colorud niiku, Hiuiilar to tboitc lined for crazy work, Home jneeeu ot ji/iepr and tlu; toy egg. Un took theHe out and put the satchel hack into tho little cupboard,but did not know what finally became of it. When the witnenn and hi father and mother moved into the houne fuuno child- ren'e bootH were found in the kitchen aud upiUaiif], The witucHrt a]sc aaw tho hed- Rtead aud mattrefl'i. No pet:uliar odor wan detected about their bonne during tluir tenancy of it. When the lioy Htepped down from the witnenjj box, the old door leading from the main hall into the court room creak ed on itn liingi'u, and im it Hlowlyoneuecl Mm. Pitezel ajijieared leaning up>n the arm of th Puiice Matron. A hiwhed flilencc fell over the luuieiubly as tlie tall figure, attired in deep uioiiriiing, enter ed the room and cajit her eye ahont her on though half expecting a repetition oi the terrible nceije of the afternoon. She hurriedly ucanued the two-acore of per- bojw wjio were in the room, aud walked with a nervous, unateady ntep to a chair at Coroner Johimou'w right liand. Ah t&ui heated heruelf a heavy fell from her hpM. Lying directly iiefore her vnw tho wooden toy which ^lle Iuid pocked ai\ ay with other cinldUh playthings in the trunk when Nellie ami Eownnl Irft St. Dlvju* ou Sept. as. I| wa.s tlu3 firHt ohJL'jt to meet her gaz-, and with the teaivi welling lrum her eyas alio whi.speivd to f^nai r .1 diiison, "Oh, take that away, it \\a, Nellio't* toy; I can't l.eur to look at t!" In a few inorne:itn the paroxy.uu of grief had jia-^t'd, und idio .sat waiting to begin licr tentim-eiy. Sterna rnj>hor Iintelier took up a position wlnne he could lufiar hoi* whiapored wind:, iuid an tOie to^jl her wtory, p;ine;ua,teil wuh team and dienvy aigh^ Ci-amim* Joliu*n repeated Jt thurt tho juryuuui might hoar, Hor name, lio aid, vim Carrio A PitcjlMwidow of tho late Ilenjamhi .F. Pitenel of Philadelphia. Tin- fir>it tltnn nho mt IfoInieH, w'hcv.e photo wai linnd- cd to licr by Hio coroiu'r, wwi in IMM. the oxfti-t (fato who dhl aat romtfnilwr- Sho mot him m C'hiongo undor the name of1 Ilolmcyi. ftlw and her burtbund were l:i a rjoataiiraut ih a building in Card and Wnitcrntreot, Her uiLubaud went out. uitiii" < .i urn i Aii'imort "oiiv iij uiv mux. of IIov\ ii rd In rit, Lrfmin, Mi,.** "It was Monie time titiur Umt \vlmii I nuw him again," nn\i\ Mm. I'ltuanL. Uolnuui iuid my huxhiiiid wortt to Toxu'i, I tliink, in' January IH'M. Aftr that Ifctliuai called mien or tw leo at our 'Iwui-mi In Chi* go, and tall(e*l to my htuv- lmnd, bit f wiLM iw>t |ire*4-ai't any time. I diil not iwn him ugaJm until .Tin.....r .Inl.V, IH!M. at Ht. T^nlu. Ka nn 1 my htiiiltaud had been Hmilh, aud T iijiw Id in when they entmi ImuL. iKi iviiL away again, ou_ot*_ i.U ut H*pt. (I, after the trouble in PhUa- t\< Ip'iie, he mme rhnvn to Ht. I-oula, \vlu>nn f Wll.t. 1 naw tho aeciiuivl: In the paper of my I im!)..iid\< death, but I got a letter, ii.jii.ed u itj'i' my huidinnd'H inune, aaying h* w.-uild rone'1 home. Jlut, luntead of hit mmiirr, Ifolm'a earn*. I cuid : "Oh, ieii, my hiL'ihiind nul lie v.-nuld come, hnbv It vt-ry aiek, Nellie )imi faint.'d in i.elioo] and Jtad to. b'i hivmgiit audi T u'nit to nee Mm." Holmea lepli-d: "If you don't want to get into liouhl", you had hettur ki'oji quiet." f put il into thin handa *if a lawyer, JeptJiii 0. Howe, who gave nut onu <l Ida itirdi. 1 went to Mr. irolmea' of- fi*-'1, ami Ifrdin.jj or Ifownr*! wjli there, tin he always wiih when I wenL Jfe (uiLed me for my iinmnince f-olicy aijrj any ji/ip-i-a I liiLfl, and I gav1*) it to hini. Tin' Fidelity Immrajico Com pany U'lit a ih'Hpaleh, Haying I irnwfc foul,', hut I waa nick and could not gvn. Hlhey aa'.ed for tlm iTui-rltii on my hiw- band'-t h.dy, and I gave tlie in to tliem. ,Iept iia I). Howe nnd llolmea went to Pailadelphia Un' me, und tlu-y t<>k with thi-m little Alii -f to identify the lwdy. Tin1 tlifMight (A the hud. jiartiug with hereuld eoiiiph'tel.v ove|-c;umo the ntrllg- gliug woman, and lor a lew moiu'iitn hho Hi-pL bitterly. Regaining her tom- \ur me ulie {oiitinued : ' Alie ideiiiiiieil -tne body, the money WUn ]l i ill U) Howe, \V Ul g'LVU it to III** ill] hllL 111' fee of $2,100. I \v:i. fr\\ 'ii ^ISOI) to jiay tlie e^jieiij'ei oi my ti i|i, and 1 folmen got $5000 to i pplj <>n a -.Mil aote deal, \\~hi*>h he h-'il li' i.i. 1 m.\ hiiihaud were iiiti'iented in at ! '<"L Uorlh, jfe gave me ainin- I jiou- lo.- u.o balance, but when I i-a .ued note to a lawyer he told i.i' it uih worthlen. I never got any nu/t'e oi ' a money. JI'daie't eaiii- buck to ftt. I>oui'*f aud bn-n;;iil Alice /ih far oa Indiiinajjoliit. II tohf ma I had better go to u:y p'nvnta in Gah*a, I1L., and ha woohl t .].. N' and Howard to IndiaiiajioliK, .d wad the three oi thorn, to Hchooh Ih- t/o!v tin1 children away, Utiid I luft .o C.iJva ou Uct. G- Dciiaio and my Inby went with mix Wo (itaywl tliftw until Ot. i;i, tur-n went toObicTLRCv tlicn l" Detmit. Wo got ruto Detroit about m ,'.\t i>'cioclfc~oirtliii~Tiwft'uliw *d Oct. Ii; iol l*Ov us to Gubtf Kuroncnu IIotelt \\ Htityejl thero until Uiu J4lth, loor* hi: on the 12..'10 train for Toromta, ar-^ in Toronto tho name cveufn#. ^Vo it.i.l to wait about an hour und'a half i f thi- di pot. Then Ifolmea cjvuhj and tod, un to tlie Union Hotel. Wo fitayl tln-:e miUi the night of tho Kth, wlri'n W' took" the train for PrcHcott, and e,r.'<-iMl over to Ogdciudmrg. 1 fiaW Un -.lea iiemly every day while in To ol, t ii. On Saturday nlternoori 1h> enrne -: L_M'jiiL_lie and Ida wife wre poipg to .Ni.tgaia Fallar He aiiked mo Wliy I did not go out, aad I flxid I did not ft el like it. Hett-alwnvB told me tliat nt then' iilaee(T"l wjmld*raot my hud);md, but I liever did nee him. He told iue the rhildivu were at ..Indian- upo'hi, and while at Oalva 1 got two letters troiu the girla, wliu jiaid they were houienick und wanted to hco me. On Mouduy attenuion ho told me he w;lh going to furnlHh a homo here, that my huwbaud waa in Montreal, a,nd wlieu the bullae waa lwuly I would eo him. He caniu again aud naid I could not nee, my hiiaboiid hero, luvi I would have to go to Ogdciiflburg. Oa t)ct. 25, I waa making Home j>urcha,iea in. a Htore In Youge-fitreet, and I met Ilolmcn fucu to face. He told mo ho had expected to see mo and aaid ho was going to. buy flomethiug for me. Ho went into tho fltore, telling mo not to wait too loug ail ho wanted mo to go to Ogdenohurg that night, I waited for a time until on-by got troubleoomo. An hotir alter- wardii ho coma to tlio hotel aud got me to park up my trunk to otart cimt. The. nefact I oaw or him, was noxt( after noon i-n Ogdenuburg^N.Y. lloirtaycd ther^ autfl Nov. 1. He naid ho w-an going to rent a hou/io there but it vrjta tfio nmaJl a ;p]aco. no than told mo lie hail got a nouiie in Durjington, Vt^ whero ho oaid f ivnnld eco Boa. When I got to Bur- uirgtou Holmeo vroa tluiro, but won very mad. Ho took me* In a cab over ta tho noune at 12G Winooali5->avenue. llolmen left un. Deusa and I Wifl a little Buppcr and retired. IlDlraeo cutac next day or the day after, and oaid ho would nond for Ben, whom ho naid was in Toronto, When I wn/ilu Toronto bo toild mo ho warn in Moutrca]. Ho wan always uomo place elna. When I atdiid why I (did not hisor from my huuband he ontd ho tnutrt ho-ek;k or drinking. I wanted to ben,* from tbo t.'bildren,but IIolmc naid ho did not tear from them. I aajd I "Would like to hear fiom them, as I v-au anxioas about them, ftolmcjj brought mo a letter in Toronto, which ho naid tho children wrote me. It aaid Hfrward was a bad boy in bcIioqI, and would got dirty, that thoy had lota to cat, that theiT teacher wnji good to them, nnd they wanted to no a mo. I gVjt a lettur in Burlington, which Holmeo aaid waa from Bon. I coidd not read it, and when ILoJrnea cama I no Iced him about it. Ho onid it was his writing,that ho eop- ied it for my hufibaud,who had been drink ing. I ntnyod in Buriinfftou uutil a de tective took mo to Ronton, whore they nad Holmtyi under arrout. Coroner Johiuion then read to Mm. I'itezel tho hlatory o! tho cofie, as writ ten and roiul by Detective Geyortotho jury Wednesday evening. Tho vritueea followed tho imrrativo cloacly, and at tho close flnld'fui far a hor knowledgo of tho caiio wontf, it was correct in every detail. Continuing, Mra. Pitezel Raid uho hoav Holmca about ten thiya before hU itr- irciit, und on thia occosioiv Ilolmcu told hor tho children were in Toronto. I obIuhI to bo allowed to bco thcmr but-ho said I iniint not aeo them until I had Been Don. "Did you over hear anything of any nKtro-glyccrino while at Burlington, Vt? " "I received a letter from Holme*, in which lie naid to look under'tho utnir- way find got a bottle of dynllmito aud take it to the attic and put it up thorn. I flaw tho bottle, hut did not remove, it, iw I would have had to carry it up three flightu of ntnlr.i. Ho min if I did not tako it up there, to put It under the houae. Ho nid ho wu taking caro of it for Homo tit. Ijoujh purtion. Aftor leaving Philadxdplila, I wont to Qalvn, then to Chicago, then to 'Toron to, arriving bore yentcrelay eveulug.'J Slu) Raid (tins hud not twou Ho-Uneit troni Sept, 23 tili RlLO met 1dm In Dotrolt, HolmcH said IiIh wifo was with him, but Mri. I'ltCKol nover eaw her until kIi*1 reached BoKton, and nevor'cuuver^'d with her. , At Detroit bBio told Holniefl- *h*i *x- jx!ctcd to hoar from her children. A day or two after Mho nua'.hod Toronto ho handed hor a llttlo uotc wrltteji in citfhor. liio clphor wad that' which <uul Iwiftn arranirod bntWiwn >'*** h"** HAVE SOME Cracked Ice and a Fan ? Or.COURSE! ifyoucan. All can't, all the tune. But you can make play or tho Hammer shopping by coming direct to the Great Corner Store. More ceilings are high, cool hIiuucb, lota oi* light and picking out as easy an taking huckle berries from a woll filled basket, often and often at not more, Dress Goods Depi. Ladiua kindly call oarly and boo bbGuo lovely goods. There'a no cloquenco Itko their own to win you their way. At Gfic I'ricfltloy's Clack Dross Goods in Plain and Fig ured, tho regular Hoc lino. Wide Black Alpaca, high lua- tro, l'ogular prico 65c for -lOc a yard. At L'Oc all wool tyin norgna tho regular 2Co Quality. At 25c finolmporial all wool Serges, lr> diU'ercnt ehudes to select from. Summer Wash Dress Fabrics- Cfl- pieces He prints reduced to 5c yard. Tho gonumo Crumb's Prints Bold ovory\ylioro at l^c yard, our prioo 10c yard. Commercial Cablo Cords, rog ular prico 15c yard, reduced to 10c yard. 2C pieces all silk Voihngare- duocd to 10c yard'. Men's, Boys" & Youths' Suits. Continuation of our mid-tmm- nier nale of clothing. Jjoys* 2-pieco Tweed tmit9 at $1,115, regular prico #2.2^. Uoya'a-pieco Tweed $'^0, regular ])rico $3.7r, 150 pairs of Mori's Tweed Trousers for 1.25, worU $1,7* At $*l.!)8 wo offor the choice of 50 all wool Tweed Suits mado up in tho newest stylo. S00 Itomuants of Tweeds and Drcsn Goods at exactly half price. Boots and Shoes Should bo Btrong and sightly. Wo soil fcbo celebrated J. I). King lino Boots and Shoos, also McPhorson's Coots and Shoes, notwithstanding tho sharp ad vance, wo aro selling at popular prices. Ladies' Oxfordd75c pan* Ladies' Kid button Shoes SI Millinery Dept. ]- oH on all Trimmed and Untrimmcd Hats. The Great Corner Store, BRICKER band and lio tup IT "with iieutc* i rupNi- ^<MLt Jcttcro, Sho tliougbt nt the timo it wan in lu*r dan^liLei'.. lut.nt writing- Ho tol'l lujr tho note \uui roiii-' in a letter U> him. It v/im lULsi^iM'd iiiul uu- dutod. Tho Coroner nt tliio btugf jMiluti'd out tt> tin' jury that poaiibly tin1 papers in the witchnL, wliich younp M.ii'iloua.Ul conUI not rend, worn in ctpl.^r Wittuitm tewtiTied tluit h1h> a\ ciit to the morgue and Identified tin' Iwlien hbou n her fix tliorao of ^ltec ami Nt'llio 1'itt'BiM. TIiphi waft no ilouht iu her inind <->i tltifl. She idnntilied on** by Ihm- teeth ninl lutir and tlia other Minply by tlie hair. Tlu'pc* wan ii little Hn^j'iirl in tho ' i 'irk wTiit'h h\ia wnt awn.y with Nfl- *' wliori (iho wont with Holmis* to Tu Ijjuuipo!^;. It wets yellow in coln-r, !:,it m.UimI po tliJit it appi'arecl ilnrkt'r. t*i\.t- u-sorl 'it to kcop Utile trinlvfts und pliiythiiipi in. She idtMitifie<l tht* little ' 4 kJiouti to her oft one whicli Nollio ilwayH kept in tlu> natehel. Durum- th'H part of 1ier totitiiiinny Mm. I'itfZ'l |jf|^an to bi-o-al; down. Her woiilii u r- alnKrfiL imLiidiblo, even to tlie eoitt- tfr, uj1k> Hat by her Hide. Slu1 Hoeniert to be brooding tr h^rflelf over the death oi Imt little omH; Shu uahbod quietly to henu'ir, and the flniellinp: naltn, which D'U cti^v Geyc-r hnd ready, failed to ierive her. Firvilly the dotectivo tolc Uur away to tin' utatroa'o room for a brief rent. In n few laomeiibt nho wno Hei&'d with li_v.4terieH, and bur ohriolin ;md cries could lie heard all over tho buildinfif. ,# I want my clilUlrcn, I want my children," (die cried in heart-fiiicr^iinj loiu'fl, aud it wn.s poine time beforo who H*;io pacified. D.-. John Caven wao then put in the Imv, nnd :-eaiI a dejiojiition to tlu* elfoct tait ho had inli.Jj a jjeHt-nioi-tem esurai- iu;1>u ot tlu; body oi Alice Pitewd. It .. i-h badly di'Comp*>*ied, and no tn-prim of vl<*ruiil violence could be dintiiijrnirtued. In* hair won abimtlant and dark brown i i l'o'o;- ; tlu: teeth were ajl in position. II' wii.T present and Haw Mm. Pitezol i .- ntify tlu* lHdy, Tho Htomnclw lint] o. yet been /i.nalyzed, Thflru were noma ii .hi of pol^oa tracefl of wliich would i.tirel.y disappoar after a Kliort time had lajwud, SibjIi a jwtaou an arHanlc, how- mt, would always rfiniain- Dr. llarriivpjton, wJio ninriat^d Dr. Caven in tho pnot-mortftra, Mibwcribed to the former wit liens' utatoniiiiit. Ti\a coroner thou adjourned tlio in- uu.'Ht until Wodliewday next at 8 j>. m., tuJ'O'ruiiujr Uu) jury tliat tlie ovideuco had iPiiched a moot eatlfifnctory BtiiKo, owJuff to the positive idoiitilficjitioiv of tho hodfrfl by Itfrfl. Pfcfeezel. D-^tectivo Geyor will leave to-dn-y for l).amiL, where _bo will prwoauto a M^os-otrs eaicJi for tlie body of the boy, Howard Pitey.el. Ho will remain thero .or a few duyH. Mrhan ho will niwcod to I'.iiladelnhia and mako a dotuilcil io- I-ort of Ida work and itn roatdta. lie will t'tuea to Toronto iiffuln xvJion UOlmefl It [Jneodion trial tor tho nmrdor or the Pitezel cBiildren. Kinciv lun arrival in Toronto Detective Oeyoi- linn won many u'arju jMirtonttl friend.i, wlio rOHpcet and I'Htceni Win tor litrt clever work and jrynial diflpoaitlou. To comply with certain formalitiefl In connection with tho Crown's cane agalimt II. II. Holmefl, Coroner On* opened an in- quent ou tho body of Nellie Pitonol at the iloi'fcue liiwt ni|?bt. Tho jury comilfitod iti Arthur Cntu*, Thonian Calhoun, N.ltoy, \V!llinm Macdonald, It. McNabb, L. Mit- vliell, George Ilinvoll, A. Croahy, I3d ICnvnnneh, II. Kenuavd, J* Copley, 1^, Jieu'iiHoii, \V. Dunlop, A. Trevor, 32<1 .::iiuu,ftH, J, H. Clii])pr It. Audenjoli l'U-' Jury viewed the n'nmhiB und then >' L.. iCd ott, ouo of'Undertaker Humph plumule t'oiiHtable 'Wniiainii tefltlJIocl TO the briup'inji ot tin* reinaiim t<> the Mor gue. Tlie jury wuh then dumiicned until called for. The curoner explained that the inqucHt w.ih merely a formal one.iii eonjuiiction with U.l- main iuQiieot which in beuitf b'dil on tin; reuiuinu of JitUi Alice I'itezel \ty Coroner Johnnon. * It IIiiHoceiit nn ii \e-,v IHorn BEnHe." Philadelphia, July 1.). TTolme"~wnii iw**u in hiri cell ut Mo;.,imeowing by it World lx'iireHeututive to- lay, aud con- tmry to liih uatial deni.'.uior lie muni- fentcd an eaj^eruecii to t ilk. \Vhou aide- ed ii he- would o^plain "Jie Hiiddcu and niydterioiiH iliHappea.riin>--' of tho three IMtivel children, How.. .1, Alice and Nel lie, In- tniid. "I am i.ti innocent an tliu ucw-Imji-u bubo of thr charge of nnuder- iug the Pitezel children. 1 don't believe they were ever murdered, and if thoy vveic I it in not guilty. Why, tho loot tijno I naw tin* 1m>v, Howard Pitezel,wiui iu Iwliann[iolirt. Jlius Kllliainu wuh then iu Detroit, and we hud arranged that one tu he Howard et. ' "So one alternoon I Kent tho boy to her in Detroit, imending to follow eo>on after wurd. lie fore I reached Detroit, however, Minnie WillianiH had taken How ard eoHt and ntopped iu liiitffalo. I then came emit with the two girlo, and final ly wound up in Toronto. Wc had been there a ithort time when my wife arriv ed. Site knew nothing ol the exiHtonco at. the Pitezel children. Mr. Pite/el, Densie and tho baby came to Toronto Hhortly after. Neiiher Mm. Pitciwl nor my wijo nor Alice" aand Nellio Pltcxel knew of ench other'n [ireiieuco in that City. **i had good ren^ouH for net lotting Mm. Pitezel know of tlie proximity o. hor two children, for nho was then In very delicate health. Wo firni tliouglit or wudi'iig Mr;i. Pitcuel along with Minnie William* and the threu child- ryu to England, but hur delicato hculth precluded that idea The man Untch was iu Toronto at that time.. Finally,- it wan decided to wmi Alice and NelUe I1 t"z'd on to Niagara Falls, whore MJn- u William.) nnd Ilouaid woro. Every* t'ting uas gotten in renditions for their departure, and I lad qnito a liard timo ki't'ping the cltilxlrou'H prcfienco hidden from Urn. Pitceol. "I ebcorted tiro childroa to iho rail way ututiou. Uatth wai thoro by iiro- tiffreeineiit, Tho four of uu got ojk the train, and I rode probably a lew miles out or tbfl city with tho children Wluin t wan about to get off tlw train Hatch augmented that ho accompany tho girlH a few Btatioa** further, no that there wo-.ild not bo any mifrtako .about thoir tickets. "Nellie und Alice, wcro traveling on half fares, an! I wanted to ho mire that they got aloug on tho whole tickot,wh!cb the conductor had not takon up when I left the traiu, ho ho went with the children, and ho can toll whoro ihry are to he fo,i:il if anybody nan " Thi4 talk of Ilolmeu ubuut the Totreito inurdern belu;{ dpii-'^by a man jiiiiu*-i Ilatcli i/i the veriest nonoons'%" hji.'mI Dlfltiict Attorney Gruhaia. "Hatch iu n myth. Ilnlmcii cannot produce a nlri^lr peiflon who has evor ween liitu. Th.'it ox- piauation lit to oflimfly by far. a*a,oiMj,ouo 4'uunl r.if uunr K,Jt- il,v. Buluth, Minn., July ^0. Work will Ui begun in a ohou upan t|ie J12.O0V. 000 canal which la to fufiiUh punt, water for Duluth and the north ern portion of the fit-te. Cnlcigo t-nd Mlaiittuota capitalists are back ag the', scheme. Tho canal. In addition to 'lu*>- L i' ">ii .MiuuU, doiM>d , that tho body nlshIiiK u^e vatcr, will proyW. won- tt., >jN*' &&W^ \VWh bud bu, vicw.hI waa tubou.from ***tni watejr- uoWex. . , ...V,

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