Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, p. 7

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VHB KSSKX x*"&&K Jr*RJ3SSi, * he U< Holrrios H,ih Mndt Thly Ono AcJmlyalon. MRS. PITEZEL NOV/ IN TORONTO- ft To-lMyHIm Wit* VilrkKiiy (he kEfWlletf Of Irr 4hlllron Bl 1m \w S.1I1I Holmes, is Vol KJUfly To He Itrou^ht to Cjiititdit I'm- lilitt. Tnitnitn, Tuly 10 Mru. V lend, mother t>F the victims of Urn St. Vincent .it n nt LnifcH^, Jiiu\iit 111 Toronto Iiiht urn- In;; l>\ the s :(.> c.l* \l. L.umi. Tin* nu- tliontii'fi w.-m- ujiimI that he hud left Oliiinjio in n \cri> nrivoiu and t'nfit I j t d condition. The wwh of Inn i'\[HTtiilni- rival hud iipn-ud tliroiitfli tho city and a cinwl it( 1 iiiinin iif;lt t ! 1 nniri' 11 no - Idd tlinn con .nlrnitr t hii>iiti'd t lie pin L- ftH 111 uf till' LllHMi J>< |>ut %V 111- II t III t I .1 Ml ttiiii h brm- tli. hiMi'L-bi nken wmini n 111*1 ived, Uii'.'titi'il cut iii'l,\ in bint U(h ilh t-'iu-i'wnni and pn maturely a^ed (eatun'i hidden hehmd a heavy \ il, the wooion Htepit'd f 10111 tlic tiiuii vith .*ui uiuli'iidmovement wlmh hrtrnyul tin- temhli' lie 1 \oiiit titviiui In- h id unil'T^oiH'. 'Hj inline ft. wean run d b\ the ium\h d thi1 di!'C*v\t']-y of t In1 IkhIu'h of her 1 hild- rx'ilt follow* d b,\ ti.e loiitf join n iy unat tended unci th< n (< pt.011 ii< eonh d Ik r lit tin* TJiron depot, hu\e completely mi nerved Mm. lMr;,i-l, .Mid >t \\ .1 > not thought jud cioiH to nllov ln*r to lie nr ti}f\rV\\fitl lent cu 11 ill j^. .Should the lii^Ut'ii rout Htri'ii^theii her Hullicienth bIu* wUl undergo t> dv the temhle 01. (leal o[ vimtin^ t;ie -il iij^ue to idtiitilv the tfliimtly forms U]m tin- marble id.ib'i nu thoio of her d.un^litei n 1'tta Alice 11 nd Nlellie, whom h\u> ihiit win .dive in St Loiiim, Mo., in Si-pti'inhi 1 h st. vim ki> to ti.-i.i Him. riiiliulolphia, I'.l., July l^.-Slowly tlic wch id liciuj; \\o\in whu'h will bme-c t hi ertrdid, (leci-L-tive II. 11. JItiliii* h, now ml' tine; m hiii lonoly cell 111 Moyitiuumi 11^ .Tail, lwdorc the ol jiiHticc, wh-re I. \\'\\i have to fnoe tin' cliar^i* <>i iniinlu, whet lie r in Pluladi Iphiu, for killing J. !" Piteisel or in Toionto f >r hlujmi; the t\vt littlu djiughli'iM uf Pitey.d llihinn tfinct* hm one otitbieak on Tuenila^, h.iH re i..^ed t'i talk to any i's.teat, a ihcidi'l eli.ihtfi' 111 di uiivmorr-n(HeIiHv din- co\ery of tin* IjuiIich hi 'lonnito In- hh 011I3 too williiiff to (ni^Kt,'Ht Mhcni'M i'.i the recovery 01 the iiut^nuy children. Hin aUoiney Mill nticks to 'tho irUtti ni'-nl th:iL II the iKidu'ji ioimd in 'loionio im* ronlly thcwie of tliu XJitexel clnldrL-n, it miMt linvi' lnM-n tin- man Jtntch who 1 dh-d tin 111. 1''n body.wa burii'd in lhn cjt^,but ceilaui purlKui/i ol it lmve Iji-en taken fioni th*i giave and 11 re now 111 the poei.eHtion of the officers of the in-tn - /li.(!i" company victimuml by tlu1 an-li-eun dpi 1 .itoi* Jlolnu'ri. "JIulnu'H w'na all alone in tins Inirnbh "eiudi'T" of Sjieenl .\n- (iiotant ll.ii low, '.11111 that to m^ oninl, i one of tho most rcin.u-k- nble tlnngi ahoyt thin j4rc.1t m\* ti i\. Bwtj' hit tr oudtneo points to tla1 i.nit that lie worked alone, c-\ccpt U> 11 v otlif 1 s when anl w a.i nt'eded to liuoi'- wiuL i-oriichody. Jiis only .-leeiunpln c ua> I*itizel, anl lie u as ni.uli' away with Theie. is in doubt about it being 1'ite- col \\ lio wn killed ia tlic Callow" 11111 - irtrect lioiirc, and it w a-i ln-s body ilmt wns foun I t htre Wc liavc cvidenoe ti> prow that w hit h will HittiHty the mind of inn reasonable man T n 11 Ibdiai.t Uoh conferi-ed that the lx><Jy w hicli w at found incneratotl at the Iioum- Ni 1210 Callow JIill-Mieet imlh that ol Uenja miu XMeFO1 " "A job liad been armiii;i'tl to bruac hero the holy 01 a college Milijt'ot," i-aul IIoImen, '* but Pi tore I bi-canie Man'il, fearing the mmiranee people \\ onld (h - tret hira in the ciimc lie \\Tiit on a ffprco, niid while drunk committed fili cide by taking ehh>n.f<mn." At tliifl ini[w>rt.uit point Holmes quit, and failed to tell how the fne ncruind that partially coiummeil the body lit ban all nlonff contonilcil that lie nnild produce PiteRol, but now adiuitH that the man in dead and that ho Kuowh ln-w the d^ath occurred. It him-mh as if the pi h- onor ifl bocomiiif? rattled, and Inn macule wrxuld not be nurpriHine; fhoro in every iiiiKiiraiice bit b> the aiwtrict attorney that IIoIuh-h can In convicted of Pitezel'o murder. No indlei- mont lian yet been framed rh.irfin^r Holmeit with the uiurtler of PitezH, bui H i expected th it tli dt.uiniit will bo drawn up ni a few dayn. The latent and p< rlwi]<n om- of iln jmist fmportont dc\fdopineiitH in tho cne to day in tho fact that the criminal a alli ed wife io exptoted to rrach the rity m- eide of 12 houra. Hhe ban been Hiimnnnied !ie*-n by Dmtrict AttoriH'y Graham GcorKi'uina Ynke wmh the woman'd nanie liefore ohe allied henwlf with Holm-* The lntter'd ali.ui n-t that time wan JIow- fud. Slit-H Yoke tunk the name Haw aid after the nibbed m i.riajr," .-a Franklin, Tud., the home ol M'ihh Yokii'n p.-irentn. Huh wan hhoitly ufter Jlolm.-s' dwindling opeiatiuim in Chicago and cjhewheitt. '1 he pair opeiit their honeymoon 111 Denver, where ITolmeH ia Mtid to have made $27,- 000 tlnougli flunked metbodn. Vti.rlilii;: I n utt Mihi. The principal de\ ek.pnn nt in the Pite- 1 enm to-day wan the appearance nu tin- neoni' of a witin-,4 who ii to pro/c- an alibi lor Holmes ol the clr|?cH o! mnr- deil.ij; thu clnhiiui 111 Toronto. TIhmvi!- neiw luusid ty jraiJ din nanit) t;r wher he natayne; ln L|u. city. TJiIh alt-rnom a wan of medium h. ,Kht, with remark ably Hem gn-j imir anf| nnidtach, and olini uhiiK. lh lL'lt0 h(ii. (kt.,j %vHh fficj. went mtt, Hi. tll ,,f jjav-v., bluxiinil.iT, coins, 1 f(11,,^ 'hi- man u.i.l the apilf u (>1 a forticiHT mid it \wi1 HiibbLMii.entlj 1,^,,,,^ thllt )l(. tt'ini a I ji-m-li-Caimdum. Mi. SIhv- J*1'1.....i:id ti . Htianjrvr W4rp w. tbei /or niiW tune. When tlu- latter hft the ofi'ice hu vviui aienHted by tho wn.itni" l-eporttTrt. In repl.Miie; t(j the qu.Htioiw pilt to him be H]h ke with htruujr Fi cut h ni'COiit and decjiinwl to j^ive hm nnnie or nddicaa. Tfe ntatid, however, that lie had come fioni Toronto to Ilolinon' as- Kiatnueo. lie uiid that la' w<mbl be able to prove that lie (taw Ilolmeo d- rt'vor the two Pit'/el children to tliceaic of inyHteuoiin JJatc'i, and that he alio Aaw Holmes at I'm c Worth, Texan. Thin \Y piaeticaly all that could be estrnet- ttd from the man and bin iitory MaHBiib- iwquently confirmed by Air. Shoemaker. Mr. tmid that he would not toil the rain'H www until he bad rou.uilt- *d with Holmes and thiit U would not thu bitter t<y-day. l!li-r. WIIuom (-omdiT. ,___J London, July 18 Sir rhnrloi Rivern- WM'-on, Pre.sld. nt of tho , leave 1 toi Can -da on \ufr. rji Uud Mr Pi lee the vh'f-iJ "-ident, on An-. U. The!, visit lu to In Liijruuitc* ro.oim In that survlc", S..1T10 icCorma h i^o a rejnly boon Indtl utu] by lnstiu tl.m fiom the iww bomd. * . 7(l ,'RIW JTtttHSM JTA XfiohoUort. CANCER ON THE LIP OUItED BY AVER'S m " T consulted dnetnn who pre'ierlbod fop nu , bin to no pmpo>e. I sulimedIn iinony si MMi loin,' year>i. Tin.illy, I lidf*aii lalclnj; Ajei'f S.ii.sapulll.t. In a we.ok or two I notlci il a rlcclded lmpiovcment. Kimour- su'i'l by tlm 11 Milt, 1 per.soverotl, until lu a miititb or mo the hore bei(.m to heal, and, fiei uslmj the N'lrHiipartll.L for h!x month i, w Let ti ice of the eiiwordisappeared." till' 1.1"! 11 M ' I'l im> Jami s K. Mi iioruoN, Florencuv 11 Io, N. II. flp^SoSSarsaOtirilla Admittod at the WorlcPo ^air. ,W I I.....^M AVJJJ&'V J'-lJ'f'i* duaulato tho Jiowcla, THEY SAW THE DIRECTORY. Anil in) Out' !>lrte f.ot 11 I.noU itt Yt Toy Hm 11 I hiiM jut Hour. kndi was piovlded with a lltlte mem orandum, book, nuil win 11 th' y tMit'MLd the tliu;,' '-t.Ji. lb< > wi 11L stialfdit to the (lin-etrn >, iinrnlndiul ol the cleiK win li.irl iiiini' 101 w .'i tl td wait upon ni. 11 eill olf the names," H.tld tho in liKt In- j 1 1 y flii's * and I* 1 look Up the add i t"-M'-M." The < on in Mm ,ifi ' d, 1 nd ealllnj nit n nnes a1.1l .tdd' , wbieli the otln 1 h'lik. d up in the tlliettoiy. h'or t.u iiiiimlis the (1 11- \aulied Lluiii,-lii-.i_-vw^nlt-i Im; -oil oi w.iv, and lino UK peculations wtf IW r mj'ti d by a man w ho t .imc in hurt h * il v "(ilmnit ,l ^ouil P n-e nt (Ih'H'.' '-aid the man, 1 nd then, looking unund: "\\ bel'f 'h y< illr elifc toi i " 'I Wo pilr-. ni 1 VCJ fleeted lillll With a "-tonj *)iiic us lie linally h" aI'-d It ' liirf |i,ii(l >t\ ' ' b .^u i Milt ivly. "I didn't noin e anyone was us iilc It. I Juit w mied t ' K* t an ,nl<ln -s." He lb In- i l, u and w.iUtd li\( mln- utcs im i . Ji.un^ to ( '< l the U I'fi'tory. Th-n h- b 11 ' I'll l!> 'Uil* w In " td-e," lie *-ald, ai be went iIiiiiUk'i tin door, "What m impcrlim nt man," ex claim' '1 Hi- ine in Rray. 'A bmtt " said the one m blue. A lew mlniUt." later a lady entend and ord-i.d a KkihM ol Sf il.i water. "Maj I .'<( 1 yiitir din cto. > a mo rn 1 nt .' Mk- .iskt'tl, an hln* paid lor tho L(jda writer. Two pair of ryes sihot indignant glances :it her* and slie ex I da I nod to the elei it thnt it was of no 1 onM-riuonc' iind nt out Sin < \ bb ntly knew too mm h to wait fine oi* two oilier^ c line in and went out, uftt r notlcine; thai the two wo men hid appropriated a couple of HoatH anil a laiv 1 ^-'i tiun of th rounlet In front of the sod 1 fountain, and tTien a boj eut* red, "Say," In- said, "you didn't rU'o me th* rltfht address for th'* (,'im '/.r-r that w mtt d tin- quinine " "Uldn't I ," ahked the r'oilc. "Naw, yt>u didn't," rejdb'U the boy. "Uetter Ret out \011r tlliet toi y and look It up, or -you'll lose tho old skate'n ti ade." One woman r> *u. d a hi ornful j^l nee on the hoy and tin other budod it tho clerk The (bik wilted, but the boy was mink- uf sti rin r --tul"f. ' iKln I see that book a minute '*" he a.sked They merely j^avc him a wltln-rhiff Im k 'Tin ft Ikiw's w Dltln' to ^et this tnlf " he ]) r*-lst< d "vie\ jr,,t u \i and walked haughtily out. I shall iH'vt r l;o to that place apraln," . dil one, \s ith ileterminat ion \'oi I, * irpll d th * other. "Win re shall w. f,'tt to thd ,h vrill'jinK that ln- \ Nation list .' ' And the cleilc, who wan looking at the I'lof k and mul t-i inr, "H'ld It fIx- t>-elKbt niiniil'.H, and now iln \ '\ j/oug n-waj in.iil ' Chicago TlrneM-H. ra'd. Stt riur^itlu-Ooinit' r JLolH. DBAINAGB BY-LAW NO. 84. A P Vd'iMV tn provhlu for drithutfjo work in tho 'J'owuidiipof Muulntona, in tho County ol Huuax, fttid for borrowing on thu ciruriit of tlio muniolpality of OoHilohl Nmih, tho tnmi of "X'liroo Itundrtid and Nlnoty-throo dollarH and tilnu ooiitu, tho proportion to he oontributod by iiald muuiolpulity for coinplotiti^ thu iiamo. l-rovnuoiiully adoptotl tho m\\ day of Juno, Iflilfi. Win man, Honry Howell, owniirofldt 2!), in tho tlth onoenloii of Iho 't'owimbiu or Mitld- nlono, norve 1 upon tho nimdoipal oouuollolf tlm mtltl towniihln, a vrittun uotlnn that thu I'iuki ot No, pi Tup Urulii, orlchnilly uoiintrur toil utulai tlio piovhiloiui of Lho Onturlo |)mlmi|'<i Aot, wmi trnifib out nt ropulr mul rarimuitud thnt It bo yopuiroil luiinudliituly and 110 provont uainiiifo to bin Iiinilii by auovortlow of water rram tno imld thiUn, Ani> Wiinm am thomupon tho iiiitd couuoll hiui prooiirod an oxiimiiuLtlmi to bo niiulu by .fun. H. Tiiiii'l, llHfj., 1*.Tj,H a poriion oompodml, for hiiuIi pin poxo, of ilio n d-l a von pcopoii il to bo tlralkiod ami lho lnrnuiii iiufinoiitoit for lho ura!iiiio tlnnoof.iiu'l of othm bni'lii and loiulu liable to iiuiiuutiniout imdor tlilu Ant, tinil luui ubio niocuvo I plauu, npinulirii.liimn it.ntl i)Btlinat,on of tlm dndimi'iv work tr> bo nuulu oy tho wild Jan. H. hulrd, ainl an lujintuinnonl to Im uiado I'y bliu nf tho laiulii and loadii to bo buitofUtod by iiuohdmliunjo work and of oliior landii and loiidn llabbi for ooulWhuLlmi thui'oto, utatbij^ ay uoarlv an ho uan tho proportion or tnniolU, ontlot llabllitv and liijtirlnif llnbllity, wldoh, lu bin opinion, will ho ilmlvod or laoiirrnd lu coniieipiinioo of iiuuh di al- lli;o worlt by itvoiy roud or lot, or pott Ion of lot, tlio iudd iuhhihhuhiiiL ita nun to bnln'[ tlm imuouii inont horiilnaftnr by thin by-law ouiiotoil to bo niiHouiiod and lovlod upon tlio winds and lots, m liavtri of Join, hnnilnaftorln thnt lioliidr onpneliilly not forth idwI donnrihud, uml tlio report of tlm i.idd Jan. H. laihil in roiipeot thmeof, and of thiMlraltiai'u work, bolny iui rollowii To tlm Ittiovo. Dopiity-Hiiovo and Municipal (jQimuilloni, of thu Towiuihlp of JMaidutrmn, in ooun- nil niiiiomblflil: biAfM in w, lu iiecoidanei) with liiiitrut'tlonii from your honoialdo body, J hu,vo talmn the until o HlfUind by Homy tin well ami Inivo otiunintnl No. Ill Tap bruin, knovrn an tlni J'uen Diiliii, from tho townlliio botwuon fjonfluhl Noilh and Maidntono noitli idoui; tho coutro of Lho Mh < mi, of Maldinoun to tlio Malilmi road, and bnj( to ronoi L thoroou ait followii f hud thnt- tho iiald drum wiuicoiuitruotud iibont 10 yearn arjo, ami that thoi-o ban boon noth- iuh ilono to il uiiii'o, oKou))f, u row lneii talmii out ol it ovnry fow vi an,. I ulr> find that tlio naht drain hu'really Idled up and much In uimd nMnipi ovomonL, 1 Mud that then in only about :r>i' aoiim m tho i,idd Townnhtp of Abddntontt that can mm fluid drain, and iioiuo of that, to i. \<iy iillllht nxtout. Tboro in 7ii() acreti In tho Towimhln of (loan old NoitUund i'l i in tlio Town or i;hMi\, (lint will ino tlm mild drain an an outlet tbroui'liout It it out Im InnijUi, I I1 ml that It will iuhI, all oxpimnoii inrludud, ~?7>17 la put Hold di alu in n i;ood iitaLn uf rnjiah Of 1,11in uuiounL I iiave taxed tlio liuidii in Maidntono for Luinoilt wltli ^'tJ.lO, and foi ontlot with si i/, in, thu lanihi in floriMnld NoiLh for ou tint with "IJ^'J 0i), and tor benoMt with v|, and tlio laml i in tho To-i i of J .nun* with -d.i'i,05 for outlet. Aeroiuimujini! yon will Mm! plaint, prollbm. n[nn ill* .itioiin, u.o-e einiontu, o ,ti- maton and nil othnr papniu nnoitniiu-y for in tlio oloauluK oiitof naid drain. Tli In drain nliiill bo kept In ropulr by a tax ou tho lunch: nnd roadii now aimoimud, mul m the imnin inoporLiou o\cnpt the onj;lnoor hi ehaii;o of tho oloatilii)' out, in of Lho opinion t'mt tho propoiLiou ounliL to Ijo obftti|(od. I have tho honor to ho, nmitlinnim, \our obodlont noivtuit, (rfii.iiod) JAMJ1HB. bAMlIJ.O.h. I- Khiiox, Oct.l.KiDI.> WiM.ui'Afi tho count il of mud niunfoipidity of Mahhitouo ilid nnr\n Lho bead of tho inuu- iclnality of (ionllidd North witli a oopy ur tlm nhc\o lopoit and ol thu ubovo niciitionod plaiui, npoeiMoatiniin nnd oiitimateil for tho romur or tho No Hi or I'uco diain. Amd Win it bah tlio mild eoiuidl ol Gunlleld North nroof thu opinion Unit tho diauiaj.'o of tlio area doiiuribod indeiiliabbi. 1'borofnro tlm iniiil uuniicipal council 01 tlm Fialil Townilnp ol (loauall Noith, puramnt to tho provinlonn of tho pruitianu Act, 18') 1, onactii ai follouir tot. Tho naid roport, plauu, iipooittcutlausi and amiijuianontii, tio far nu thoy roliLtn to tho Toun- iildp of Ooufloltl North, aro horoby udoptud tunl tlio dralunfjo woik an Lhuieiu iudn tod and m t forth, iduiliboniiido and omniti ntitiid iu aooordimco theiowith. l!nd. Tho lltovo of tho naid Towimliip may boirow on Lho crodlt of tho Cnipoiatlon or tho naid Townnblp af (tonlloItlNoith tho iiuin of -r 1(JI DO IjoIiih naid uiuiiieiiudltv'n pioportioti ot tho fundi) noouiitiary for tho work, and may iumiu doboutuion of tho Coiporabiou to thnt amount, in iiunm of not lomi tbuu'rSl) oaoh, and payable within Mvu joarn fiom tlio ditto tluuoot, with intoront at tho rato of .1 pui cont.pur aiiuuiu, that ui In miy, in Uvn o'lual aiiiutnl iuiittduiontK, Hiich dobonturcn to bo payable at tho imperial iiiiuk at tho Town oi J'.hhox and to havo attachod to thorn couponn for tho payment ot lutonuit. Urd. For puyinr; tho mini uf ^1 OH, thu amount chur^nd ac.aiu'it tho mild landn and foiulu foi bouotlt, and tho inim of 5370Of, tho amount churned iiKahuit tlio t,aid landn and roadn foi outlet liability, apai t from tho landn aud roadn bolonj-intj to or controlled by tlm nmuieipallty, and lor covering intoront thoroou for live yoarn at thu rato of ilvo por cont.pur anmini. tho following total npccial ratoa, ovuriuitl abovo allpthor ratuii uhall bo annunttuil7luvind ami oollnctod (In tho ihuho miinnor and at tlio namo tlmo mi othor taxon aro lovioil and collected) upon aud from tho undur- moiitlonod lotii or parLnof lotu, aud roado, and tho amount ol tho naid total tipouial rut mi ami intoront aciumjtoach lot or part of lot loiipootivt lly, nliall bo divided into tho on mil purtti, and ono ouch jmrt iiliall ho iinhomiod, loviod ami eollei tod an aforoiuild, in uacli yoal for lUc yourn aftor tho tlnal piuminu ol thin by-law, during which tho uaul doboiiturcu baye to run. Solitidolo of lands Aaaonuod m Oo.sflold North for tho lTioo Uraiu Itupiuriiin MuidHtonu c o O 11 o 1-1 kJ a -a Ol Out ility AX h- "i Ml ^3 S 2 <0 0i O 53 B a a ~ in N T 11 :i d w pt 1 o pt 'J7H a e pt w hf 17H n w pt a71) o pt U7'J h o pt 27H nhf w hf . UVJ w hf w hf 2H0 h w pt 280 o e pt 1280 u hf ] 2H1 n pt h qr 281 ij pt n e ear 281 u hf b lit 2H1 u hf u hf 281 n hi u hf 282 n w pt 2H2 a o pt < Hi 114 5."i 2."> 7o DO 10 fiO o0 10 no .00 13 1 CO 50 50 ft 21 1 50 1 CO 1 .10 II 20 :i so i;i 50 10 50 in no 5 40 27 00 27 00 2i no 27 00 51 00 7 00 51 27 00 27 00 27 00 1 HO 11 ,11 a! k o H o K* a' 1 20 7D 2') 2 10 4^0- 7 51 H,"> 1 1") 1 1". .i :i5 1 15 -s ;io l 10 n i r. 1 15 4 15 7') 1 7li S 1)0 5 20 1 75 15 (JO -lb Ku_. 511 15 0 25 M 15 :U 15 21 05 dl 15 b2 ;io 10 05 HI 15 31 15 ' il 15 5 05 13 10 Total for bouefit " outlet " lujunng IlottdH of Municipality Total 1 00 371) 01 TO 0 1 10 05 ;iiJ3 00 50 2li 112 :io i r};> u (o 88 CO 81 153 90 22 1)0 78 lth. Tor (myitis tho buhi of S10.05, tho amount iinfiouBGd againut tbo naid roadn (aud lauds) o' tho municipality, and for covoimg intoront thoroou lor llvo yoaruut tbo rate uf llvo par cunt, per autmin, a upucial ruto on tho dollar, immciout to produce the roquirod yoarly amount thorotor, uhall, over and ubovo all othor niton,bo loviod and collected (in tho uumo manner and at tho namo tlmo an taxon aro loviort and collected,) upon and from tbo wholo rateable property in tho naid Towmibip of Qoflflold North in oaoh year for tho poi iod of live yoiira alter tho dual punning of thm by law, during which tho naid dobonturcn havo to run. 0th. Tbattiiln bydaw idiall bo pubUshodonuo in ovoiy wook, for four coiifioQUtlvo wooku. in tho llniiuv I-'iu i; Prldh, nownpaiior.pubhflluHl in tho Town of KhhoxjukI that tldu by law uhall come aftu tho liual paonu-K thoioof, and may bo citud and referred to an tho "No. into forco upon aud M or Puco Dndu Hopaha Jiydaw." (Siguodl JOI3N T. liltOWN, Itcovo. IbAAC JACKSON, (Jlork. I lli:iti uyCi hi iv y that tbo fort oiiiR in atruo copy of a liy-hw provisionally adopted on tho 2'JtU duy of Juuu, Jb:t5, by tbo mumcipal couuod of thu naid Towniihip of (iohibdd North. ISAAC JACKSON, Towunhip Glorlt. isro-noDEs. Notlco hi horobv given that tbo Court of Ilovloion will bo hold at tho Town Hull, Cottam. on Saturday, tho 27th day of July, A. D. IKLi, a; jo o'clock in Lho loronoou, foi tho hearing and trial ol appoalo niudo agalmit tho aboyo uaHOHHinont, or any part tboroof, in tho miumor piovidod by LhoTDrainauu Aut, IbSJl, aud that any poifion lutoudiiiR to appoal ugainot tbo ubovo iiouoaaiunnt, or any part thereof, must, not later than thudawi boforo tbo tlmo lUed for the holding of naid court, fiorvo on tho clerk of tho municipality a written uotico of Blich appual or otboi'wbto ho will bo too lato to bo hoard ia that bobalf. And fin thor notlco in heroby uivon that uny pornon intending to inalto application to have flucu by-law, or auy part thoroof, rmaahod, munt, not later than ton days aftor tbo llual jumtuiiK thoroof, norvo Biictico in wrltini! upon tho Hoove or othor bond ofllcor, and upon tho clerk of tho Municipality ol GOHllold North of hm nitimtiau to make upplioatton for that purpoiio to tho tllGh Court a* Toronto, ilurlua tbo nix wooku next euuuinc tho Anal panning of tint* by-law. 1HAA0 JACKhON, Towniihip (Jloik. Uatod at GoGflotd North tho 20th day of Juno, 1803. ..... - - "If ^vp po to Euiopo, Cynthia, 1 don't want you to mnn*y any of thorn Counts or Dukea. You jufit wait until we lun across nome King in reduced clrcum- utancea." PERSONS TO TRAVEL WANTED. SpveiRl faithful ^ontloraon and ladioti to travel for oatiiblmhed houno. Salary $780,00 and Expenses. PnnUion neroinnent if Hiutodj ulao fn- or-uano, State reference* and onoloiio nolf. adtlroiiHod iitampid ouvclopo, THfe NATIONAL, 0l6.817.3ra Omaha Bldtf., "Chiopgo, IN. Several Herein of IJufljiloeH Aud thouHaudb of cl&a, door, otc, aro to bo found in tho Yellowotoiio Park. It ia the ouly pluco whoro lho buffalo can bo found ta-duy, no ruoroilonaly havo tlioy boon Hlaaghtered. Thoy tiro fjono from tbo plaiun and pruineu.and therorauant now loft can thank tho United Ktateo Govommont for tbo privilege of hvinfi The Yallowvtonu Park ib thoir homo find thoro thoy aronnfo. The Park in patrolled by Boldiera both iiummor and wintor to capttiro poncho and offondorn and oevor/a puninhmohi; m mated out to intrudora. In Hummer tho buffalo rau^o iu tbo hifihlandD, near Yollowatono Luko. In winter thoy work ovor into U ay don Valley and Hurronnding oountry, whoro tho hot aprinjjii and wateru keep thu nnow melted away. Door and oik raufjo ovor the ontiro Ycllowutono Faik, Thu booidoH tho groat marvole of nrituro mot with in thin woudor- land,there aro uUo tho finoat Rpcoimono of our hirtfo pjarao, Tiwxxo and docile, thoy four not man. Skotohod of Wondoiland, au ilhiBtratud book published by'tho Northern Pnoiflo Railroad deaorihru thin vmndoiiaud. It will bo aont by Oiiah. S. Vwt, tho Gcu'I Aont, fcifc. Pauli Minn., upon rccttipfc of nIxooutH iri Htimnii. "Body RcBted. Mlnci: at Kase," That in whafc it ib wbou travollingon tho flint truinn of tbo Chioano, Milwankoo Ar tat. Paul Builway, bcHidoa tboro ih no chanoo to "kick," for tho ucoorutuodationo aro up to date, tho trainu Itpop moving ri/^lit uJou^ and got there on time. Thoou hneo thor. ou^hly.covor tlio territory betwoou Oluouj'o, La CJroOHO, tit, Paul. Miunoapolta, Aber deen, TilitohoM, Sioux Falls. Hiowx City. Yankton, Counuil Bluffn, Omaha and Nor thern Miohigau. All the principal citioH and townn in that territory aro reached by thti "St. Paul" ljnou, Gonnootinj; at Sb. Paul, Council Bluffo and Omaha with all linen for points Jin tlio fur wont. Write to -A". J. Taylor, Canadian Paun'r r A^eut, 87 York Stroet, Toronto, Out., for ono of their ibap timotabloH and albrochiiro.Kivint,' d-ricription of tho Compartment Sleopmt! JaiH. Ticket!) fiirninliad hy ttny coupon doltot u^ont ni tho XTuitod States unci Can* Ja, lho ftneat dimnt* earn iu tho world rnu ou tlio solid vontibulod, oloctrio- i}htod and ofcuam-boatod trainuof the Chi- jigo, MilwAtikeo & Bt. Paul flailway. "Havo tried othorH, but like Ayor'a boHt" in tho etafcomenb made' ovor und over again bythoHO who teattfy to tho Vionoflt derived from the hho of A^er'H Birnapirilla, Dis. oiiho imvor had a lorAuter enomy than this powerful hlaatl-piarijuor. Ih tnakoH tho weak etrong, ' ' ' J. GOTJRI.AY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT V - *-/ *. . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLERIB, - . fJ'liiH Machine cUfifjiiit) ol a horizontal caul cylinder, with wrought iron, bnrH, with stool tooth'bolted to tlio cylinder so ai to bo rovormblo wlioi^tba toolh liocomo worn on tbo front Bidojiinning in a performed concavo iron hholl, which tho Hhollod oiud p.iKdgJflLiugli into a nhcofc iron cbo, with a Inn or cluimor .ill iclii d lir low, whioT^^ku all tho dust from tho gr.iin. Tho ohoiUKat, hosi, moat mimlo and durablo^^Tr <!Qni Shellcr in uso; ahollfl corn porluftiy oloun in any (-ondition rthourl^SGJI? lcanino u'om ono to 'wo thousand biif-boh of oars per day, aooordinn* to jiirol DmussioNs. Lon^th, ,i ft. J) ir^sl"11^:10 in< t]l^" otor, 0 in. lace; Moiion, uOfi to H(Kt revolutions per mmnto^BigiKufc cc0 *"s< EVERY SHEtLER WARRANTED. ____ J. COURLAY & SONS. ft ^JOWaMIIBU^UAMrtW 000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. K&^GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ADC Vll 110 NrvonH anddonriondont; wak or debilitated; tirortmomlnpni noaui- AnL lUU i bitlon-llfoleiu; memory noor; easily futi(;uod: oxcitnblo andhrfUbloi i'jih nunkon, red und blurred, pimploH on race; drrnratf nnd rlujkb loHPf'H, rcitb-Ht, liii|*Kiird looklnif, weak luiclc; bone pain*; Imir Ioobo; ulcornj eotothtoixi varicoi (jU>, di pobir in urine and ilniinw at atnnl, dihtrutitfal; want of contidonc'oj luokoi Guuri.yandnunnth WE" CAN CURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY ORS, K* & K* JOHN \. -M VNMN. JOHN A. MANMN. CHAH. T'OWr.HS. CnAfl. POWEJ1S. ASS* IlICS'OKL Ilti-A'lMlfNr. \1 II II lltr^TMUM'. IiJ-luiO. llttt USH.N i' U i'l-It TnKATUlCUT. ' NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Mimltn imj h: "I wan ono of tho countlond vlft* tiniHof carlj uinonincn enmiiiunred at 15 joaroofufto. I (ned seven ini'dicnl firniH and nnent $000 without avail. I Kiivn np in di ipnir. The dralnn ou my nyBtein wow wnakeninw m\ intellci t uh well nu my iioaual and phyolcnl life. My brother advined mo nu a lnot rotiort to connult Urn. Konncdj & Kurgan. I commenced tholr Now MotboA Treatment and in a fow wieltH wiih n now man, with now life and amjjittori. Thin wan four joitm iiko. and now I I recommend thono rollablo VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AMb IMPOTENCY CURED. am mnrriud and happy, opociuliabi to all my afflicted followmon/' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONF1DENTAL. "Tho vlcoa of early boyhood laid tho foundation of my ruin. JLntor on a "&\y llfo" ami nipoimro to blood di- BoaBtwi completed tho wreck. I hud all the iiymptomo of Norvoafl Debility annlcon eyea, ominfilonn, drain in urine, norvoinmofui, weak buck, otc. Hyphilln canwrd my hair to fall out, bono painn, nlcera in month and on ton^'io, _____ blotchoii ou body, etc. I thank God I triod Dm. Kennedy it Korjmn. Thoy refitorod rno to health, viuer and happinosB." Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured, CIIA8. POWERS. ^StTWe treat and-surt Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal JVeakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. _^________ !7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. READER! Aro yon a victim? Have jou lout liopo? Aro yon rontemplating mnr- rlOHO? llatiyour Blood bicn diHonmsd;' Have jon any \mui1cuhhh? Our Now Mothod Troatmnnt will euro yon. What it him dono for otliorn it will do for voit. CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who haw treated yon, write- for an honr>nt opinion Vroa ofCbarfio. ("haron reaflonahlo. Q00KS FREE "Tbo Goldon Monitor" (HhiHtratod), ou DIoDnnoji of Mon, Iriclono poiitHRo, 2 centn. Hralod. tt3TNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No mndlolno ont C. O. D No namoo on boxes or on vol- opoo. Evorythlner confidential. Question Mat and cost of Treat* mont, FREE. ____________ DBS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Mo. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH. King of ell Bicycles. 'O'O'O Llghl Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma clilnefully warranted W. Absolutely the Best Superior material and Scientific Work manship. S Styles ^ Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Sand twos-ccat stamp for our a.(-poc Cataloguo A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, afia Wabash Ava. Lflko and HoUted SU*t CHICAGO* ILt. '11ml XIrod Pooling Ib a common coroplamk and it id ft danger ous Hyniptom. It ttioatiB thai- tlio ayHtem ia debihtatod boouiiflo (impure blood, ana lit tliio condition it in oapaoially Hablo to attain of diHoaBO. Ilood'a BuMApftvllU ih the i omctfy for this ooadition, aud also for that wsakuofl wliidU prevail? at the ohaw^e ot bcanoD^lloittte or life- XVenit uml Nefvouw DoHoriboathu condition oC VuOUBand o pooplo at this sottsou. Thoy havo no ap-r potito, eanuofc Hloop, and complain' ot tlio prostrating otfoot o( warm weathor. Thja condition may bo remedied bv Hood'i Bar tiapanl'a, wbioh oroatea an appotito an4 tones np all the or^aue. It uiyes" kcjcoV health bv ma Hinti1 tho blood pure. Hood's til's are tho best aftor-d'nncc pills, aBaibtdigesliot), oure beadaahe. ,r ml ' 1'} ,*Vma,.<j. Iv C2D 80

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