Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, p. 5

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fe.vif*- *,.'t--.v.">n,i:,1;/,'"- THE ESSEX PRE 1 . TA,LK f^ OrTH_E TOWN r JUUDAY, JULY 20, 180C. 5 I M. J.WlEloAOo/nHtoi-eirt full of bar* gains. A groat iwatiy loonl nportu r*o fittondiufj tho Jlluo Itibbon racoK at Dotroit thin weok. Lonmincton Hpottn huvo arranged u SBriou of hotum taoaa tot Wednesday noxt July Slat, and promiuo a goad ilavH iitmuo- UQftMt f0K VlBitoM, Mr. ll&lford, lata of Wmrtnor, liuif pur. obaned tho'IWox BodaWator'Workn.t'ucont. ly operated by Webb it Beam, mid pro* poses goihtf wore oxtewiivoly itito tlio biuii- UVBH. 1*i(omoiioso, Tho folio wind pupila in our publio ticliool liavo pained into tho ncuior fourth olaaii: Minnie Millur Jounio Dewtir, Edith Naylor, ICatio Laiug, fcerfc Ellison, Harold Muuroo. Mr, 35\ 8. A-damH, ImmoHfi doalor, hnsi ^f*4&6v6(i bin Btoro from tho old Htund to his lot adjoining the Toraporanoo Hall Mtoro, and in getting tbincu in nhapo again. Tho new Htnud will bo a rauoh hotter ono for biuiinoHii, Walior Malono, at ono timo proprietor of tho Araorioan-, and at anothor of tho lloyal, Jiotolu, in thiu town, in hero thia "woolc. Mr. Mulone in arraiifin{ to build a Jar^o four-Btoroy ({rain olovator, at tho rivortwlo, iu Windaor* Too olippfirH and OxforSu, fancy, fcloontn por fair, at Smith'a. M. J. Wiglo & Co 'a now upidordetf toa a extra fluo, A mco anHortmont of ladio'fi and boy'a nhirfc waiatn-r-warm weather 'goods at May'n Bazar. Boy'H nnituclothen S-1 and up, Smith's. 3 oz Hilvor oaHO nicklo lined, with 15 jowcllod Elgin or Waltham atom wind aiovomont for 911.CO caah, at Park'n. Tho Lttkeoido TflnniH Club arc expectod in JGhhdx to-day, to play a return match With tho ISuflcxtnatu. A tjood tirao in ex pected. Tho gam en will be played on tho gronudn at Mr. MUiio'h Maplo Villa resi dence thiu afternoon. Attention ia dircutcd to tho profouaional card oEX>r. Prpuno iu another column. Tho Dr. i making a flpecialty of diiioasoa of tho .eyo, ear, noeo and throat, having talion__a Special ooiirio at London, l$tn*,t for that ^KlrpOHO, and in mooting' with gratifying auccoao, of which hit Emiox frlonda will bo ploaaed to hoar. Ehh'ox paronta will regret to Iwarn that Mian Edgar ha tondorod her rooignation HB toaoher of the third form of tho public school. Mish Edcjar has beon a Hucoermful toachar, even in tho abort poriod nho ban illl'od that position. -Sho intondB'taking a coureo at the'Normal School, Toronto, and' fitting herflolf for High Bohool work. Barguino ! bargtuna ! bargaiua I, M. J. Wiglo & Co. Gonto immmeriihoef) reduced from 91,50 to &,05, at Smith's. Call "ond~"Bccure one of -tbctiQ 2. 75 Trump watchoa at Piirlt'H. Stem wind and ,.',Bott; fully warrauted and iirat elaau tiraora. FOR SALE CHEA1\ Team of big hor&on, 'J pair bob-Hleigbe, pair trucks, harnoHB, ono-horso nleigh, chaina, caut booke, olo. Mas. 1C. Gaiidnku. Esoex. The Kingevillo corroapondout of tho Wiudoor-RocordnoemB to contradict the Hoporter'a voraiou of tho tounia tiamo played by the Eaoex and KiDgavillo clubH rtcontly. Horo ia tho corretipondont'a-ver sion aegiyon in Wodneaday'G Kooonl: "Our lawn Urmia olub aro praotising hard and acpoot to redeem theraaelvos whon they play Eaaex: next Friday. The Fiusn PniiHB hao received an inter- eating budfiol of Cedar Beach happoniuga which it would bo plo.aucd to pnbliab, but the writer thorecf haa ovidoutly forgotten to oonfido to tho oditor hio naino. It iq a ' rulo that cannot bo violated, aevorto pub lish anonvmoun oorroapondonoo. Wflhopo to bo favored with tho corruflpondent'a namo in conuJonc* of couruo, and will bo pleased to publish this and futuro correu- ^qncieuoe. Sotn* kind of buainoBa aro booming to . auob an oxtoiit in Easox that it cttnnot all b crowded into tho oixdaya on which or dinary raortalfl aro uppoaod to work. A horso trad* took place in town on Sunday laHC, tho Eukk -fQKfla ia informed, betwoou B. couple of looal doalora. Shortly after tba deal ono of the ownor miHutd hia nw- ly acquired property from tho utablo, and oould not liiud tho animal. Ho wan in a ' quandary for a few bourn, aud fearful of bejng unable to uut)ply the Cottatn oheooo laotory on tho morrow, but th home turned up with Old Sol in tho morning. ' 7fi aoro farm for aftlo will ooll in 2G aero Ibtu, G. E. Smith &Co. M.u. Wiglo A Co.'a now goada have ar . rivod, and tho atom ih full of bargainu. . LOST. On Suturday I&bt, ailver- hcadod oano, nonbhorn wood, botwou J. S, JBnrdiok'n rtnidonco and toll guto. Iteward . for return to Fhek Phkbu afiico. Why buy plated flat ware whon you oun , .'.purcbaBo tho ntorlinjj ailver tea upooua at park'o from 88.00 to ^10,00 por dozau. Tabb forku *r npoont at S1.26por dozen. Largo aiiaorthiont of dreaa goodn 15 cento Vper vard, compriaing goods worth from '25 to 8i,^0 Vot y'u'1^ a" Kod f<^ 11> conta at r gmith'B,'Monday, Tuoaday and Wodnoa- IChxqx Public School TIuh Time, Ah oor.nidorahlo iutoroofc controa in tho roHUltnof the Entrauoo oxaminatioiia wo hayo taken tho troublti to tnalco a few oom- putlHonB on lh work doa by i\)o various towbii and villaj^a in South Euaex. In tho riding '2.17 wrote, and Uu\l*^r- In looking over tho yxaminora' report "it will-lio tiaou that -11 DnTididatoa"mHdd"ovur COO marka. Of thoau Eaaox aupplioa 12, or nearly oue-tliivd. Among tho towns and villiigfin tho boat marku wore tukon by Eh- ox, Kuigayillo and Kutbycn. Thoir rtgurau aro a followa : Placo No. No. writing putting Eaaox........l/...... Kingavillo..*. 11........ 9 Ituthvou......12........ 0 .. It will bo noon that Ehhox loada not only in tho porcontatio of auoooaafuloaudidatmi, hut alao in tho avorag* markn obtained, VViioti wo romowbor that it in a diftloult matter to hooui-b a high average with a large clauil, tho huocghh of Eauox Public Sohool bocomoa moro manifoat. Thia re- huU opoaUn volumoa for Prmoiplo Hon. dorson'B aix montba' work in our iiohool. For tho last uix yearn, tho Kiu^avillo flchool, under hia prinoipalahip, hoadod tho lint, an Essex baa dono thia yoar. Ho ia to bo congratulated on hia nuccouu in on- tranco work. Av. mark a ......iHli ..... r.aa .... fi^'J FOll SALE, Now Bugcy, made to order, uplulutorcd in morocco leather. A Bargain, Enquiro at tho FuiiK Prkhu; Everything iu onmmor goodi at loos than cout, at Bmith'a, Wra. Shoemaker in now proparod to de liver freflh broad to any part of tho town, givo him a call. A 15 jowollod Wnltbnm nr Elgin movo- mont, iu a gold iillod cano warranted for 15 yearo for $15.00 at Park's; a (map. Go to M. J. Wiglo A Co for bargains X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X o o o o o o o o o o o o G-ALLEBYr- Esse3t - Out. TJiidnr/'ninu oxtniv idtemtionH; Will bo oloHod on JULY 29, (895, OPEN AGAIN AUG. L X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X o o o o o o o o o o o o RESS, M FURNISH NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, Tl For Agricultural NrtdotioH, CuNsitfrtiiAM, At Goato. oa ThurHday, duly IB, the wife of P. Cunningham, of a daugbtor. Gawi.kv,- Ai North Ridge. July 24th, tho wifojof Jooeph J; Gauloy, of a son. Extra largo bed nproad worth 82,00 for 4X45 nt Bm'itaia,-. . Mon and onildron'a fancy atraw ohoico at half price, at Smith'a. hata, iiirorecl for Ovor SO Yea^u Trlecl KlvvryilkiHiz mill Xm|i)oye<l Two or Tlireo octor. A well known farmor fiayu: Lot 282, Thorold Township, Wolland P. O., "For over 30 years my wifo had beou a ouffon-r from moat dreadful headachba ; at timea thoy woro ho bad Hhe could noitbor ait or lie down but her head atemod an if it would aplit. Sho tnod everything alio could bear of and was attondod by two or thrco doctora, but could not find relief until wo got Btark'n Powdera for hoadacboi biliouuueHa, coatiyoneflB, neuralgia and Hit liver. Since thon aho haa boon free from Buffering, and uny tondancy to pain Stark'a I2owdora remove immodiatoly. Thov are tho only modioino hho ever uot that haa boon of benefit." Jonathan Page. Price '25o a box, h boxea 1, at all medi- cino dealora. Nice, iiuinediato and [ter- manont. July a(J, Tho AfirionlLuro and Aria Aot wuh oon- iiolulated aiid amtindnd at tho recont hbh- dion of tho Leginlaturo. Attention'in di- the following principal changed; 1. All new ftncietinn,' diatrici, townuhip and horticultuiul, run-it licarnftor bo or* 'ganizfjd in tlio iiiimu way, with tho appro, vul of tho Departiuont, and only iu tho .mouth of January (neo aoctieu 7). *1. AM aocietiiiu proviounly organivod aro now bodioa corporate. ;i. Ilorotofort) the diroctora tnado by- lawa, etc.; horoaftor tho making of by-lawa and re^ulutionu in in I ho lianda of tho mnrnbera (auction 18). i. All townuhip and horticultural ao* cictiof) mtiht Bond thoir reporta dirootly to tho Uupartmout (Hoction Pi), aud applica tion for granta munt bo mado to tho De partment before September tat (section 10) 5. Tho diviuiou of granta will bo mado lioroafter by tho Department, and cluquoa will ha forwarded diroctlydrom Toronto. (i. Attention ia directed to the following. Sou. 28. (l)Tlio oflicera of any audi rb- aociationa or aooiety may by thoir ruloa and rogulationu prohibit and prevent all. kindu of theatrical or circua or acroloatio per formance, exhibition!! or nhowa, and aluo. ru^uluto or prevent tho huclintoring or trafficking iu frnita, goodn, wnroa or mor- obandiHo on tho exhibition grounda, or within 3100 yarda thereof ; and any person who, altar d"ue_notico' of Hiich ruloa aud rog- uhitiouH, violatcn the aarso ahall bo liable to be romoved by tho ofiiooi'H, polioomou or conatablt'H of hiiid unnooiatinu or nocioty, and bo mibject to the penalty proacribnd by tho noxtpreoodiug auction, 11. 8. O., 1887, o, 30,h. 81. (2) Tho officera of any Hiioh^aanociation or ocoioty ahall provdut all Iciuda of gamb ling and all garnet] of clianco ab tho place Of holding tho exhibition or fair, or .with in 300 yards fchoroofv-and any aujtociation oh Hocioty permitting tho aamo shall for feit all claim to any legislative grant duriug tho yoar noxt onaning. Sec. 20. (1) It iihn.ll not bo lawful to carry on any hortio-racing othor than trialh of apuod under the control and regulation of tho officers of tho Hociety during tho daya appointed for holding any exhibition by any district ortowiiBhip aocioty, at the place cf holding tho oxhibitiou or within ltyo miles thoreof. Iu ordor to participate in tho Logialativo grant tho'regulationa of tho Act must bo ourofnlly obgorvod. Copiea of tho Act have been mailed to all tho aocrotarioa aud prenidenta of Hoeietica. in ltu4lii'Hw U1V4 <ji'owti to <Jr-mi; l'ro- , \u>ttl(tuu\n N-tivVork. Thore Ik a pouulliVr Industry In Oo- tlntiu whh-h bun ^rnVvm "to iVuVonhihlnjf proportions. Thin hi th\> bualno^ii at CiirnlHlilnfr nnwimiipor cll^nlngn to In- dlvldunlH, firm:' ami coriMirwHoiui. Th^rn urn half a_doami of t\ww. 'ci^ucermi In Niw York, whleli supply onut Vmi-rii not only In tho U.dti-d Htatf-i, hul In all pnrtn of Ihi; wo;]i|, One nt Ih miyiiiwn- pnp'T clipping liir.:u:i i" oh'cili n n order tin- otl'.cr day fr .in tin; Ila'.vnvlian Gnvfirninoiit to himi*1 \'v> i'ldciit Do'/> jlII Ihf nnthrcM, ((I t rl.Ll", < afi o; tt /and otli'-r piiblb'liml v fsunttn.K llla- wnii.iln GoviTmncnt find 11 h nffali'M, 'I'llIh 1m on': of lh" Inrjrn.'it ord(;r:i ovr j'ccoiv.'d by 11 clip] in(v buivau, and It will r<M|iilr' tlio labor of h;ik a dov.o.n bright yfjiirur v/onii-n to rull Mnr cUp- pliiKM from iKW.-papi'is to (ill thin niypM*. lOviry pt'omiir ;it autli >r, inHnt', iioll- clan iiiid pi'i-ffsslonal nnm la now a anb- ncrllj"!' to oiii- of inoi'-- 'i|* the tllpplnjf hun-n.UK, nnil n^hiiny iran finds t.ln- nyn- ti'in v ry L'uiiv iii- nt, fm- he ia onahloil nt! It wi'iv, t-i r ad lii:i now. p.-iporn by proxy. 'I'lHf n:;tnai;< r of a N<-'- York clipping burrau, In Hpe;ilc!ntr '-f tin.' pt.-cultnrltlon nl' hfn bindn'-HH, iciid yi-Mt relay : "Many of our eustonn-1'M aro . f'-Uca with f.'ula and hol)bh-!', A man noi.t un an onlor riMctitly for n.11 lt-mti about tWo-lnaid'-d calvc-H, tlir -i-l' twin] cbU'lcona and other m"HMtrofdtI"". A loadlnir p lltiolan or dered bjo Mi niorlal day a Mivj-wh, rrom which h; rrnitld oumpll- a Fourth of July oration \shl.!i hu had * n-;a;<' d to doltror. Hm^iHy b V.rn nr; b -^lnnlnir to makr fi"i,ij) boolvM of 111; 11* ncwjipap'T notlcoH, .and tlio (UHfom v, 1.1 doubllo:iH lu'como a r'^nlai- hocI:I fad in time, Tlio wives of public men are amnni; tho b1 at patrons of tho cliriplnpf buroau. About tin; stran^i'si or.Ji>r wo. linvo la that of n. di-a.-irr In tointiH ones and mon- iinif'THa. lie tiles nil ih- 1- atli no tices." Now York Commercial Adver tiser. A ^ { Goods are coming*. We MusfeiHave Room. Grain hago 1,75 per dozon, at Smith'o. For fresh cukeaand confectionery of all kinda no to Shoemaker, tho bahor. Pamblfl at about half price at Smith's. llavo you aeon tboao qow privato poot carda. Tin: Fiua; Phijhh heepo them. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS- Following ia a hat of tho candidates who wrote at Eauex. Aa tho report from the innpoctordid not roach ua until the day of going to proao, the Fhl.k Pnnaa was unable to publish tho remainder of the report aa complcto, for South Iaacx; r r>*lfliiKi>. "I Pbnll need rpjlto a pood many clothes this fall," said the young- man, who seoiiifMJ to havo sauntered in casu ally. "I needed a f-TOori many last fall; in fiiPt," h1; contlouod, "I am not surd but the onofi I shall nood this fall aro t!io samo oiior T tienth.'cl last fall." "Ah, ha !" said tho naUuman, aa po litely uh he ( ould. "Yos, I earno In to look around. You can buy an overcoat pretty cheap now, can't you ?" "Oh, yen." "T thought llkn enough you could, bring1 i'I|-:ht in th" bu.slnr>ss us you aro. You'ro lucky. Hay! 1 want'to ask------ S^ems to me I smoll nmoko," "I think not." "SomMhiiiir k mole J m? In here, guro.- "I don't Lhlnlc so."- s "WI1.1L are H10H0 thhi^a on that coun ter over there ?" ",Smokln<: janlcets." "Ah ! T xvan about to nsk you a ques tion. If I ;-hoiibl nrdiM- a suit of clothe?) to be at my house tills d iy week, would ll ot'oy onlera ?" "Deliver ;i suit any tlmo you nay," nald the salesman, glnnehif? involun tarily at' the "Strictly C. O. D." placard "Would you send it up quietly and without nstonnatlon of any kind ?" "Of" "I asl; benaiiHO the last time T order ed a. hat hero you <-ent a band up to tin- house with It. By the way, a hat In ono of the things T need. I've bo -n waiting, ff-r my ship to come In until lay yacht In.:,- cap Is- a liU'o unseason able. Think of my bolnjr .redueed to one hat ! T Ren-.-Tally wear a-.ven or .seven and an e'lirht. TTt>t. ain't It ?" "Die; days' weather," s:il(] the sales man, stifling a yawn with his hand, "How do your ^landing collars stand this weather ?" 'If you'll ext'UNp mo for about two hours," said the salesman, "I'll iro and wait mii .some of thosi* people." "All rlKht. ropllocl tho atran^er, rhoerlly: "I'll po and wait on the side walk," Puck. Summer goods miiBt bo disposecTV^ wo don't look for profit now. Everything"! summer goods sold at cost and under, for balance of July. We will not quoto pricoa for you must corne and see the great val- uea to bo convinced that we are the cheap est, and remember that we have no shoddy or shop-worn goods. Everything new and seasonable and at lower prices than goods of inferior quality. Don't think because you can't see just what you want that .we haven't got it. Ask for what you don't see. No use being bashful or timid. We invite you to call, whether purchasing or not, it is a pleasure our goods. G. E. CO. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Farm Imple* ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices tliis month. Name 1L O CI *~*^ O c ai 'w ^ ol a t-i al *j -c t; Q & *~ - 4 d 0 n w 1- > 3 CO 23 3E 3i CM O c &4 u 11 3 id 3i 0 rJ 2 a 3 " Za . HL rt u . m O Hj c 1* ti t! t* H Q. O' Qj Hi ol Qj Ol ~ L>4 n H a ^ C QJ ' M H u t. di < w w -xl O t-1 -4 O O 0 m H H CO 25 us 25 25 US 10:. 105 I OS 8(1 105 m 80 ms Section Maximum Marks I10TT8. AUiBon, Wm......13 30 21' 5 19 21 21 32 -U S3 33 20 -11 27 357 <t. Maidatono Bitufihman, 0.....15 30 21 12 20 10 25 01 ol 50 10 ol 40 CO fl0-l Ehhox Jlhur, Walter.....M 26 20 31(i 15, Goa&oia N. Bonnetb, Loroy....l0 40 20 11 17.20 21 70 CO 57 37 74 -14 (iO-555 15, Goaaold N. Crozior, John.....15 25 18 5 17 18 20 -Iti 57 13 20 52 30 2d 389 1, Colohtnitoi-N. Ed^ur, Jay......15 28 20 0 10 17-18 02 81 70 34 53 40 5l> 528 ISaaGX MoAioo, Fred____10 28 22 12 22 22 2fl'Gl 83 -18 45 38 50 4 1-408 11, Go.suold N MoBoth, JaraoH ..12 Sfi 21 0 20 17 28 53 71 0(j 28 45 6tt (12-511 3, Cololieoior N Orton,Aylmer....l5 34 21 8 17 20 22 85 5f 35 3C 47 47 52-430 15, Gonfield N Sbrurara. W H .,10 30 21 14 17 17 8 48 58 50 85 01 27 3C 422 8, Stone. Coail......13 2Q 17 5 17 14 21 GO 50 firt 2!) 35 35'48 428 ISasex Thurlby, Joasph.,10 30 10 11 1G 15 10 45 50 48 21 48 flf> -10 407 10, GoHilolcl N Wurtor, AG ....12 32 20 S 15 15 20 30 38 38 20 35 27 37 341 15, Woldon, G......14 32 10 0 10 10 20 20 71 38 32 23 30 34 300 2, Colcliooter N 01w.11 ' Ali, Lottio......15 40 21 Barlow, Lnolla .. 14 30 21 Batten, Eliza.... 14 30 18 ttrowu, Rnruh,...10 25 30 Alfci- Wim rni)(*r. "Alice, donr, will you marry rne ?" said a IMttHburp young man to his best "lrl. a "No, Chnrlle, but------" "Oh, spare mo from aaylnp tbnt you will bo a, Hlntor to 'me, I can't stind that cho.stnut." "I wasn't prolng- to say that, Charlin." "What woro'you poinpr to ,sny ?" "I was erolng- to say that I couldn't marry you, but we could j*et a ch.-i'fi'y- mrni to marry both of ua," A < nntmi. filing fur ;in instant to lips quivered, my hor with 1111s- with A tear curving lush. Ilor "1 have quarrollfii bund," hIio falt'.'rod. *'I thought you wm two houIs hut a sing-Jo tlu.urht." *'TluU w;ih jiwt'thu tr'ouhlr. I wnnt- il to it for Hpri]i<>' uiiUinery, whild lio wiiliod to devote it ro the now has.1- hall rail's." All of which 0Q8 to further ilKisirnte how foolish it is 10 p-t innrrii'd withotit a Hocond rhnu'Wit. Detroit Tribune. i,;; (i 20 20 20 5o 44 02 15 52 52 42 158 15,GonfioldN 7 21 20 20 43 35 20 10 20 15 33-310 8. " 7 18 38 30 AC 80 02 35 00 50 36 513 0, Golohoator N 7 .17 10 23 55 74 04 41 30 51 54 483 Ehhqx Campboli, Maud..14 32 22 10 20 18 31 Gfl 57 04 30 43 50 55 513 2, CololwMer N OhriHtie, Jeuino..l3 25 22 5 10 10 25 38 31 45 27 Hi) 34 32 358 4, Muidfitono Oookg.CB ...4.. 13 25 10 10 17 10 20 (JO 08 00 48 35 28 33 430 0, Colohoattu- N Colton, Nelho____17 20 22 ti 53.18 30 45 11 07 10 Gfl -J3 44 417 J5hbox fi 20 20 23 75 40 02 14. 91 40 48 184 5, Golohoflfior N 9 23 20 28 01 70 00 53 77 02 70-508 Ehqox 416 '20 17 50 4.0 57 32 40 47 33-422 arCoioliOHtor N 0 18 30 22 71 50 70 34 07 08 04-542 Ebhox 8 18 20 24 51 02 30 40 72 04 (10^505 9 21 21 21 46 20 45 37 08 30 40 434 1G, GoHlioid N LiLhur, Graoo ....17 23 in 12 10 20 27 71 70 04 30.58 45 50 D20 Kwaox Liiiuc, Ethel ....14 35 10 5 10.15 22 80 05 80 40 00 03 55-570 " Linoh, Lilliu ....15. 25 u 21 25 53 20 53 37-10 30 69 380 5, Maidntono Noioc, Mattio..,.10 35 22 11 17 10 31 02 fiO 53 47 fill 57 00 505 5, Golohogtor N Noblo, Annio ....14 30 21 7 21 20 21 47 50 40 30 30 30 37 108 10, Gonflold N 0 21 22 20 77' 77 43 48 52 50 51 530 15, 5 20 18 25 08 83 82 28 01 64 88-538 Kaoex a 10 17 30 81 40 04 54 78 53 55 588? " 7 21 21 18 80 35 54 37 04 88 54-476 11, Go'tillold N 5 21 21 27 01 <H 41-27 52 27 48 442 5, ColobouUr N 4 19 15 15 28 20 25 '27 10 fi 41 250 8. GoatloiuW Thomim,Bortha..l4 30 17 13 20 18 30.50 Hfi 81 40 75 44 50 520 Ehqox Wiftio, IjIIIig 35 20 6 2119 30 3 K0'82 35 80 03 B7 58/S , . WiUon, fluMo....l-i 28 24 8 21 20 22 '57 72 72 34 57 50 <U- 532 " .. Gudmoro,Jonuio..ll 28 19 Dolmoro,Jonnio..l5 28 22 Humilton, Lizziol3 '22 20 Hillier, Libbio ..14 28 18 Irwiw, Uortio .. 30 21 Jiunoa, H B......15 40' 20 Fulford, Ertua ,.15 40 20 RainoH, Eronin ..14 HO 23 lliohardoHtEdnul4 30 20 Smith, Lottio....15 25 21 Sutton, JouniQ..10 28 20 Taylor,.Louiao ..14 17 21 li'mlotvitooil. She whh wocipiiij^ snftly. "If J had only dreamed," bIio inonii- en1, "that you married 'me far ^iI I. Why was 1 left to dimrovor it.nulv wh.'ii it was too Into i*" Her liUHhaml lurnod unon her with a snoer. "Vou oiiffht to know," ho retorted, "lhat n eoiitriict always nieiinn frnld unlesH other money is Hpeeiliod." Do- troft Ti'ihiuio. W. H. RICHAEDSON Hardware, Essex. |F YOTTWANTAv. . r#First -Class TIlO Worul Thut Could IErHill, The following; in n siory of mi incident 'that actually toolc place at tlie marine harraclta fl,t tho . Chiirlostown Niivy- Ynrd: A soldier was ono morning; liroufflit before the. commanrtlnp ollicov, Qhar^ul with tho offence of tolling a liuv to" ono of the other officem. After the ninjor had heard tho ovldoneo ho said to th.i culprit: ,(Do'you know what may bo- como of you if you toll lies to your olTI- COl'H?" Tho floldiero qulcklv replied : "Yoa. BlrsI-BliaUffoto-'liftlP' "Worno than Unit,; air ; worao than that," Hiiid tho commnndlnff .oiHUser. "You will bo tried by a naval court- .a!." F Place your order with me. You can chea see what you are getting, I nm always pleased to nhow my customerfl the raw material from which their rig is made,-including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods, for the Tops, Cushions, etc., all of which will be found. first-class in every particular, tt pays to buy the best. My Prices are itiatie to Suit You, :$ Special: Of chew We are well equipped and thoroughly understand'the Tire'setting Busineaa, and during this month and' August will set Buggy and Wagon tires at $1.60 per set for all 0 A.SBC ,, customers. Gen^ai Repairing; Promptly Executed. v;. J. Bate Carriage WorkfcJj Talb'otB -"" #1 ,^.^

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