Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, p. 4

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M- * ' >-' <PHLK ESSECi^ FREE PRESS Scarff's Scarff's Scarfs DON'T FORGET THAT We want your ftade, And in order to secure it we purpose giving you tho boat value that can be bad for your money, Our goods arc tho best that cim be bought in the .market, and wo-intond to keep the standard up. We have just received a fresh supply of Japan Toaa which we arc able to soil at 25e 35c and 50c lb. Our Teas are the very Best Brands in Canada and a Iry/lwill number you among our regular customers. / Highest price paid IW^produce, fssex Free Press, IWttlilAMENT JUlOttOOUED. PHIDA.Y, JULY 20, 18!)-".. JShscx County Crops. During tho pubt few wclIui, vury doleful wpotta of tho proupockH of farmer* in EttHtorn aud Northern Ontario hcivo ap- *oavd in tho puporfi of the province. In somo iiIhoqo the buy and (jrinn oropa havo been totally dried up by the lou^contiuueci drouth, and hot HeaBOii. and m other lo- oalitioH, wo uro informed tho fiuraoru have henn Qompollod to cat down treen to afford gr/en feed, orfuod of any kind in faat, for thoir" atock. A %oi> poor out look, unload, for tho coraing wtittt-r. XIiobo stutmneutu appear in yivid con trast to tho proapucln iu Ehqox juufc now. Although tlio weather hua boon vory dvy, it hua pormittod of tho gathering of tho hiirvoet iu Bplemhd iihiipo. GrRhhhoppora aro not nearly no had un in fortnor oeoaona, . and the oat crop, tho oupocial point of attaolt of thotio puHto. looUp buttor in thin diBtriat than for yearn pant. ThroFihorn report tho wheat orop m turumy ont hot ter than an avorn.Ro yield, gonoially thm year about 2o buHhcln per ucro. Timothy bay, while abort ui tho Btock, wy cloun, and as a rulo.qmto tbiok, and will not be far bolow tho avoratfo. Tho com oiop, while varying according to localities and timo at which plautud, in in Rome diatnctB, looking oi.coptiomtlly fjLe, and will, unions early irostH cihonld uppcur, yield about an avoraRO. Speaking of thio particular crop, reuiiudfl uh of a huu ciop tho Furs Plans wua tihown the other day on tho farm ot Mr. Ilowoli, in Maidstone towunhip on tlio towulino, junt uubt of JShbbv. Mr. Howoll put m hia corn crop, in the apring, in drill rowo, about two lout apart, tho (Haiku coin ing up about an linh apart in the rowa, \Vhon the dry time bogftu" to come on, Mr. Howell commenced thiuuuiR out hia todder crop by cutting it for Ihh catcle, leaving otalliw about eiRhtuen iuohea apart Tbtso ttro now coming up, and are hhowiuR fioo oars. Somo of it iu not yet thinned out, but "Will bo loft to malcQ afiuo crop of corn fod der for fall and wmtor feed. Mr. IIowoII'h plan appearu to bo a fjood one, an tlio tbioli oorn will tond lo lioop down tho woedB, ^bile tho rowo yivo room for cultivation one way. Tho btalku are not uhort citbor -standiug on an avpiaRo of eight or nino loot all over tho field. Mr. Howell waa Until a few yours uro, a yery HiiccoHnful brick ud Htono raaaou, but evidently Imowa a thing or two about farrauiR, an all bis crops aro lookinR finely. (Some especially lino turm ciopH can bo Boon just now all about thm section of tho ooanty of Ennox, and furmori will alio bava tho choennR proupectH of better prioosfor alraont all kindo of produce thm fall. Ah tho small towuu in the count) depend almuafc wholly upon tho pronponty of tho agricultural clauseM for their uxih tonoe, a bettor future looka up for nil olaoHon of tnercautilo bimincfiH thm fti.ll. Taking into consideration the proHpentu of farmord in filmoHt all other parte of the Dominion aa well tin tho neighboring dtatofl, EaHoi couuty cuay conaidni lurhUf in a vory flonritihiuc condition jiiht now Building and Loan Association MomborH of tho local hoaid of tho Ont ario Permanent BuildinR and Loan Aa- flooiation mot at Lawyer Winmer'ti olhce on Monday Gvomnj; lant, for tho pucpnno of ro-olooting oftloerH, and for tho tianyaction of ^enoral hnmneaH. Tho following officorH cliuHtm . - Proaidont, C. E. Nay lor. Vioo-Profliflont, Dr. Geo. Mc-Kon/.io. Solicitor, B. A. Wiomor. _ "Valuator, Alox. Laing. Soo.-TroRH. Wm, Churoh. Boardof Dirootors, J. B. LairJ, E. J- Lavolaco, Wm. Naylor, Mr, Jan Oliver, gauoral agent of tho Aauouiation wao pi en. # ont, and spoke of tho qucoosh of the in- BtltUtiou and of tho rapid growth iu biihi- noBQ, etch year. Ladies wbito Oxford BhoeH roducod to Slt20 pot pair, at Bnaith'w. Ladies' blouso HottH^bolta aud bolt piua, bfc Park's. Tlio HiiiI of tlio NokmIoii Weaclieil at IVorojjation of the Dominion Purhamont wan on Monday afternoon roachod at lant. ProciouHfew of eithnr tlio wiombornor Hon- atom reiuainud m Ottawa to linko pait. Tho duciHiou o\i*r tho lludion Kay Hail- way Bill wub continued iu tho Sonata Mon day morning. Tno LiboralH had a clamio xtondin^ tho timo Tor tho completion of tho hue struck oat, on the name greundg that in tho Cornmoiia tho clause changing tlio routo wub niruck out, vU.t that uuch a provision could bo introduced ocly in a pnyuto bill, ami not, an in tUiricauo. in u Govornmont moaunro. Thm loft tho meanurosimply a roarianuument of tho ubaidy long ag" voted to tho scheme, making tho monoy pajablo in two purts ouu half on the completion of the connu'Uc- tion of tho first half of tho load, and the othor hidf on tho completion of tho ro mniiidoi of the road. Tlio woaouro wan Rivon its third reading, after a motion bj Senator Bcott, to tho offect that tho suboitly should not bo pay- ablo-unlouu.tliprpjid \ft\v operated, waa do fcatcd by a vote of 11 to li. The Uouho of Commons Biot at 10 o'clock but Gimply adjourned until 3 o'clock to concur iu tho aaaondmont made to the Hudson Bay Bill by thoSenato^- Ah soon as it wuh clearly ovidont that tho end of tlio dihcuABiou had come, ar* rauRoment for tho prorogation was prompt ly made Th Govonor-Oeuoiarn Foot GuardH aupphed tho Ruard of honor at tho buiIdiuRU. Promptly at four o'clock His Lictlloncy arrivod from llideau Hall, oa- oorted by a troop from the Princoan Louiao Dragoon Guart\^. Aa has been tho custom iu pant vuurB a dotachmeut from tho Ot tawa Field liatioiy fired a Baluto from tho Nepoaii Point. Owiur to tho doubt aa to what timo prorogation would take place the attendance in the Seuuto Chamber and on tho Rroundu was by uo meanu au luiRe aH in former yoarw. After tho faith ful GomtnonH hud boeu aummouod to tho bouuto, Ills Kxcolloncy dohverod the fol- lowinR Bpefoh from tlie throne : Illi' BI'EfCH lion, uoutleinen of tho Souato, Rontlo- miii ot the IIouuu <Jf Gommouu, [n brin(i- iuR thiH iioaHiou of Parliament to a con clusion, I liiivi* tj coii^rainlato you on (ho iuduntryand zeal which havo maikodyour laborH. Tho ucoisiisury legislation huvniR boon paoHod, the trwaty of commoroo with Franco, from which favorable commercial roaulta may bo expected, will, an noon au ratified, bo put into fort-e by proclamation. The negotiations with Newfoundland, to wlucli reference was mado at tho opouniR of tho HOHuiou, have not, I roRrot to bay roNultbd m any R#rc*iuont for tho prouont, Tho reply of the Provincial Logislaturo of Manitoba to the remedial ordor lusuod by my Govornments of tho 21nt of March was eouHidorcd of uuch a character ua to justify postponement oi further action un til Hj.\t (jOBUIOU, I uin ploauod to obnorvo tho giant ot Parliament iu aid of the fund contributed b^ tho Ciiuadian peoplu for tho hennfit of thu family of thu KiRht Hon. Sir John Tiiompaun. I he ameudmLiit-, which havo been inado to tho law relatniR to oiyil sorvico uill, it is ULlu*v(}d. lokult m incrcuBod oflicioucy and economy. Legislation of tho session will, I trust, oontiibuta to mi lujprovod admiumtration of Lriminul law, tho advancement of com- morto and tho extension of railway and tulegiapliio communication. Ooutlomeii of thu Uouno of Comiuons__ I thank you lor tho liberal prevision which you have inado for tho Boryico of the enr- lont year. Hon. KQutleraem of tha Bouato, jjontl*. men of tho Houbo of Oommonn, In reliev ing you from your duties, I venture to ex- piotm the hope that you will find among tho people you represent a continuanoo of that prosperity which ranrkod-tliojopon. lug year. ' After proroRation on Monday ^aftorunoft thoir oxoolhinoiofi hold a roee^tiou iu tho Banuto Chambdrfor M. P.s and Sonatca's and their familiee. Dmipito Mio lar^o u'x'- odws of pitrliawiGntarinuH that has takon place during tho paot fiw days tuero wan a lurRo attendnnoo. oc:an steamship profits Mitiull (miliiiinu on <.iint I iivt'MliiK'iil . I'lOl. ' ii HiilliM* l'li\OIlllllu ( iNnhlln i- A i'l ment of tho dlvlilcmlM made In th 1.' tlvc ycnni on Hi) Htuclci \> ^ uti un ' ('i)iiip.uilcii h cumpllt (I by the T 1 in l^L'nnuinl.'it, OmlUltiK "n nf Hi' iiiuitilu^, whh'li wii'i oi^ml/'d itllly l------Vc.Uil tljju, tlHTj-^JU t' I [| (Jt.llf- in ill li h ni.iy In- o m \\<\> v *\ (if tin ( . >iihl no (Uvlili'iHl'i ut nil, (it \> ild 1' mi 1 . " pi'i ci'tit , 17 [>u|i| "j oi 5 urd a If. n, II pah! U ni d 'Mid ,i I'll* tlou .liuI i ild 7 r,('( ' ' "t. ni <i\ i i ()L I li luu i 'i tint \ S tit N< u Vol U tin ,,[- tl'in.i .Lid 1 1-1 p"i * cut. on II \ i mil- num ni'k in IS'ni mil nolhiii),-- Inc1 tllt'Il, ml S p< r r' Ml IVK) anrl I Ml I mi 11 J H ] v i nl pi i liM i n< i h.n < -<, lui t nolli 11iK mIik m tin n Thi' Ciin ml p ihl I p*'i <: r ut. In 1VJ0, ; pi r i i rit in ISlil, ' j) r ('lit In IS'.iJ iirnl Uk Miinii In ISM, .i nl nothing la1 t v'ii Tin- l'< nln nl.u .mil Ml lent 11 t'Minp.iny, the .lu until" 4li ii mship ("ninp. nj', tin* A In iih-i n, Li u I :il!l ih iu ill \ fi Icin, thi* A in. i /mi lie .mi N.uhC itlmi and thi- Ihlli h liull.i I'mu- [CLnlcs, with I lit- I'niin ul Ni u 'A< a- l.irnl. li tve i>.lid Mil I" f'"" 1 'li\ 1 .. ii ' but l< u ol thi- (jlbft'i . Ii.lvi iUhi v\ 1 k inniuli t'i iiUi.u L in\i (tm.nt bj II il- isli t .ipitullstM It, ton, hi stated thm tli<* tin, id< ikI.i ix*inrtt d ai'i not <,al< libit 1 >n Inll.itMl c.ipitil On thu (ont'iir-, tin iiipllal docM not <i"<i.l thi' Kjinal in\ iinn'iil. I*'"r Inst nn *-, tlu1 tlci t-^ at ti I n* ( < mi pan it'-i ha\ >' m-i ?".*? Olu nil, w liili i In n-Kt K itc of tin \r sh in1 tin I hon i i .' 1. imly ^l",(ii"i,iiui). So it unukl fi|ipi ar tin n* Im not mm li In tin ur tan cur>injr hiisin* :h <\f tho III It Mi | nr \mri 1' .in i it)/ lis lu be V n- [iiis ol ('ninini ntlriK "ii tiic fill t^ tii' X'-w Vol It Ji'in iid 1 ui' **< niriit r< t* sa\ vi it is onI> umb'i l.ivoiablft- tlnum-iluix s that tin" uawKtUnn of lib- dttian i, i \ < jy pmlUahb bii- Inc^ 'J'lific .ir<' al- wajH 1'iiK.iiTtd In It r.iplt ilHtn and m irl- ni'iH w In j ha\ imw hi i r < Isc to loolc fur piolit' \\ it;i 'v, and th"ift'ioii 'iro tout, nt with 1 's thin th nun is ind 1 il'nis i>! tuunt rift"-. lct.H I" i\ m Lbly ;,it- untnd Ami'ik-Jn v< ti*-* 1 nun complain i>t* the tumpt'titlon of I0np;Und, find-the Kiif/lish vtH'ii'l men ctimplain of th-1 t'oiniictitlnn or Norway, All the mai!- tlrni1 n'ltions of history won" tin hq wliii-Ji" i>' oplt havi- In on dilvon to th" hi a Tar their living hy tho pirk of land or by mountain ran^'-H whloh .shut thorn off 1'iom tho land PM-opUmr .i n.urow htilp .Uonjf tho witor. Tho i'hoontol un, th^-iirr-Hr-lTthtndoiH, tho VfmiaianH anl. tho (iono"ho, tlio Dutoh, tin' So.indlna- vhins and tho hlnj^llsh, h.iv* in th'ir tin n i nl< d th* wavt a boo uisc th- lr I md w i' so.inty or b in on, <>i both. Anfl fill** * niin noo m tin* si a was K'-'nod when out countr> was ,i nmow strip nloii;; the and for want of th'* means ol inti'ilui tiunspoi tntlnit wo - ould makr* hut llttk' of auoli of that in- toilor ih \ro hnv*' posst'ssi d "Many tilings h i"VO tontributod to drive Amor- It .in --hipplntf fioni the Heas -but tho < liii f mo N tlio Ki- iitei jiioilt that could JjL.^ot on land." 1 i l*i 'limit War. If It 19 possible to .solidify lho Kne;- lish-'p< tlcin^ pecjplo, tbo tlnal qui stion i!. Whit would be tin gain to them and to mankind 7 'I o all int< nts nnd purpo^ps war would 1>> ill Ki'Mfi die out li'um tin fat u of tin i.nth it would hoi omo impoHHsiblo '1 in . nihil crimp, which bunions tho nation.-,, nn<\ Impi d* s profit h9, would disapixMi* If you had tlio AtikIo- fcj.ixon ia> o aotmo; on a common pro urn!, it Louhl dt ti i min tlu b.iianoo of pow or tor .l tuilj | i ipb-il oaith Such a moial foito would bo intsKtiblo and ar^u- ni' nt w on id take tho place of war In the t> ttl rin nt of Intt l national dHput -s. Why, it liii io w.ts a rate tfroat onouj^n b> a sIhkIo woitl to puvi lit it, *-houl 1 .tn\ two nitiftiiih thiow tlio woiltl into diioidii. hv IiKliLin1" with oaoii nih r? II tlu nrlJLiiimont ol uai, It will at ont bi -< i n what a nt w and nob o u ni id is inn ' ih d. hulisi.Liitl ill\ tlu* fl^htin/; m loliim ly ut thi old uo M the aiM-n il.s and tlio battalions h a ** in** n lu-pt ont of tho n* w ilut iniitti i inj,' sonn times tlnea- t- n, w hit h * m ito the > o in,, natlinii ,,f th n w world to think I hoy nm t pi P ir* nil iin.s 1 oi th*. fi on n dou nto ,n ,ih,st si,mo of tin* nations of tho oM. rhiioiup, unlc-H AiiLjlo-Siixnn union la usib/ft. il tin doubt aiists wh* tbor war i an loiiK' hi k* pt out ut tho in w w oi I ]; so, ji.ii s ., unlt> nialu a foi th pro- \< ntioii ot war In the old and olnlatoi* inv prnbaldo ( auscs of war in the now. An t'li-nii-Tit not fully drtamod of, which is In in hilt otliiLi d will t Immon^oly -tii iiKt-ln n tbo iodoiatlon U\cil, The in- (lui in o of woman, now coming to bo m r * .ii f.t' tni in tho woi Id, w IH tond, ptob- i bl\ ,'s much as any othor canst*, to make f i 11 i in*- Unwilling' to plun^o into fio ol blond.-,h< d and li.s Ii tts tl *- stuiotlon of lite and piopoity. 'I'hit will Xm a bit ssod a*-siHtanot* toward tno P'at *!' tli** um'il in this time of o\- ( lb ment, .md so a bulwark for federi- tion, wliioh is tho ciuator of pouco. No Ap|>i-t|f<-. Tho Kori .in mfnd .soonis to talto tjruat jUlrli* In tin quantuy of iaod that tlio dK' stive oik.ins will boar. Notlii ig i:iw;i mote Ha tisi action to a Kon an I !i in I j be abb to pit Ills tltfhtly sti- ti h d toimu li and w 1th a tloop hIkii nt nlloi sai,'Uh, how rniift h I have oat en ' l*n.u(.ht up In this fa-shlon, it n not Hti iivi- that their copatlty for food N 11 alii it in i/ in,' Mr 'iinry S.tva-^o L.ui lor tt M of (lie deli t * listing of a Kins whom ho bad aski U. to mnuli- eim dm ln;r his f-tay In Si'oul, tho ca|l- tal ni tbo ooui'Ltj : i wiitihoil th** Korean as ii fas In- itid w hilt ho divouiiil a Hint hoon or a k'e tli 11 would satisfy thiee n\oiago 1'hiinpi ans Vet alter that, when I wan anxlouMy r \pt r t irj, to st o him 1 niist, he It II upon a l.u'K* di-^h of pe: sininions, Uic l.o.iV- 1o-,l and mo it indltfe:- tlblo things in exhti noo, "They bolt very koocI," .said: he, an r-c tni c'(i.\ hwallnwod ouo, an 1 with bin Hiijipk IIiij- is undid the biautUul b )\v of hks nlrdh and Ioonened It, Lhus pro- \idlntf for moie space ln*-itli "I hIi ill oat one or two," ho minmujed ;is h ' wu.s swallowing thu .second, n id in 1*-h thm no time_tho who'o of tie in it had panned from the tlhsh Into h! digestive niKfl-UH, and ho was int'"tW t,a h-jinglip, with tho tipj of his ioi;- ed ilii^LUH, tho few r.iinH ot tiu^a 'oft it il e bottom of tho dish "T waa unwell and had no pp ft' to-day," ho thort lnuocont'y lomarlcd *i iio lifted hlH hoad, TOh, I hopo you will comctifvaln whcui you aro quUo well." in hi J l.ol'toly;. But Imvnrdly I prayed thai ho ndtvh't fparo tho tahlo, for that did not oolong to \w\ _ the Front L Our huyor Inuf jtuit roturnotl from tho oimlorn marlcctn arid n a vobuU ot Inn vimt, in a faw ^fayn our Hloi'o will bo /illoil with Hoa.iomihlo NEW DRY GOODS at pi'icca that Will /,'huldon tho hoartH and opon tbo puvaofj of thoue l|1 qnosfcof G-eniiine Bargains. Wo liftvo also iuEit luceivetl a largo roiirnnmout of now "May Klon'ef CJhop" Japan Tea, ((his Titson'H Krowtli),A\hich will comparo favorably with' tho most of tho Toafi which aro being sold at <10 conta. Our price 25c pound. Lovovh of Rood Tea will do well to lay in a good bupply of this nrLiclc. Yours for Bargains, DrrivrB^^Lj^r teXjOCtt* esses:. CIVIC HOLIDAY, 1895. PETITION. To P. A. DnwAii, Khq., Maioii or thi: To\\s or Ksoi x: Vr.xn Sin :~Wo tho nudernigned rccu- dontH of the Town of Kkhcx, humbly ardt yon to appoint the Hth day of Au[iimt,lH95, tin uqivic holiday for aaid Town ; Si(jned Wm. Laiiif,', Jno. Thoruo, T. H. MoKlIigot, J.E.fitouo, J. II. Wide, R. Buok, F. rrauc;, A., II. Hcarft & Go, G. A. Shemu, Forsythe, AndorooniL' Co, S. Wtllunfion, tT. A. Francm, Jan. DoiifilaH, K. Pluramor, G.E Smith &tiot IS. E. Tarlc, Diebel it' BncUor, J. II. AIIihd, Jub. MiLy, W. .1. Dowar. M. J. "VVij^Io tt Co, J. Gourlay & Sona, E. J. Lovolaco, Barrett S: Co, J. M. Hialra. PROGUMATIOr. In compliauoo with tho ahovo nttition, I horaby appoint Thursday, tho th day ol August, Iblt.i, a civic holiday for the Town of EflHOX. r. A. DEWAU, Mayor EHsex, .July 10, 18(J5. Great Sale OF -* Rummer Qoods Jkt Wxo Poopl^ Stove. We .are Selling==. WOOD'fl PIIOHrilODINE. The Gycui KhatIInIi Itcmedy. Sir I'ncKagi i (iitaranti'fil to promjitly and pf rmmionlly (. un* nil form t of bervoui nVaJlnr is, 1 i/isf(>nfl,Sj'i<"i,i- at(>}~r/n,<i, Iintiottnvyantl all I'j/i'c'ni/ Abuso or txiraiet, Mental Worry, exaaiha vir t, j. , . r.. of Tobacco, Opium or htimu- B'forr (Md After Jantj.uhi.hwonhadtoln. flrmity, Jnianitu, Con-mmi'tlon awl an cm ly gi air. ifru hi .'ii pr< ot11ik1ov(p J'* j cars In thott'inndi of rnstH; Im tho only Jteliabla and JIuncat Mtdioinn Inoit n. Aylcilrilgnlltfor Wond'n PhouphoJIni'i If ho ofivrn iinni') wQrtlilian mt'dlLlno In plm-o of tliti, Inclo'io prlcoln Iottor.wul wo will iitsnd by returL iiulII Pi In1, ono pnolcugo, 91, t.ix, fB. One* till plmit., oin will oure. rimiplilotji fr to any ntltlrm' The Wo oil CompmiVt WlinJjur, Out. CamiU'i French ull-wcol Serge, regular 40 cent goods, at 25 cents. " Henrietta, regular Y5c goods at 50c Zephyrw, regular 15c goods at lie Linen, regular ISc goods at 12oC urinklc, regular 2Hc goods at 18c Liadien' Lac Milta at all prices Ladies' Lace" Gloves worth 20c for 15c Ladies' VestP at 5c each Straw Aats at coat, all new goods. No old 'fifchions, CLOTHING We lead the "trifle in ^%. made or Ordered Clothing. Our prices arc below them all. Gall and see for yourselves, GROCERIES; We have all freBh goods. Our 25c Tea is the best in the west, and we aro pole agents for the Salada Teas, best in the market. Call and see tho Low Prices. 1. FMICI Vance's Old Stand, Essex. Record for WE SOLD MORE P mxn . #2 CQpd ~gp%**~ ,, - - -<t*--M-Wrt,-ftS?^ w fcd O W BTJC3-C3-iBis -AJsro -\Ar^.oo3srs than any other maker or dealer in the Oonnty of Essex. That means that our Goods and Prices are Rlffht. The celebrated Gray & Sons' Jiuggy, Chatham wagons, Plows, Culia vators, Mowers, Binders tmd Agricultural Implements of every kind, wo are headquarters. A Sliecial.__I navo 'n 3toc,c one ^ tne wagons that was awarded Gold Medal and Di . plomaat Vorld's Fair.- This wagon was specially constntcfcpd of'best material available and will be sold at a reasonablo figure. : > J. E. STONE, TALBOT STREET' {, ,.- Jffl^Vi\.<^ wL

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