Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, p. 1

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:";'<l WILKINSON'S iron Choioo Froali Groceries, Provisions, Teas, Ootfoeft and Bpioon. Spooiul UnoH in Orookorv. VOL XL No SO. ESSEX, ONT FRIDAY,'JULY 26, 18957 F.A.&Co 01 Our Summer Clearing Sale is in full swing, For one month we will sacrifice profits to the main object of turning all seasonable goods into cash and room. Our fall importa tions are coming forward early and we want empty shelves to receive them. All summer Dry goods, Furnishings, Mil linery, Clothing and Shoes . will suffer in price to hurry them out during the nest month. It will pay you to investigate-this. No trouble to show goods. !UT PRICE SUMMER ! '-^..\Ve will not be undersold. We are able to compete with any and all in the matter of selling goods cheap, and only ask a fair comparison of val ties. Some special values in h grocery department at present Our 25c Japan Tea is the gen- juine uneolored article and ihould not be compared with lg cheaper, colored Japans bre selling at that price. KiV Produce taken as Gash. Goods marked in plain Figures. i; viESSEX ONT. OLINDA. AIox. ttyall in boring u woll on h'xn farm, Tho wliialilo of tho utoam throHhor in hoard daily, Clruely Fox iti pending bin holidayn at homo. .. SorviceN wero hold in Umvaruuliiituhurcih on Sunday evening iant ly Hov. E. Yaten, A. utnall oyclouo of auaudul ban utruok and dintnrbod tho nooial element hero dur* 'Vng tho ptuit w*ck. Olinda ia unique in ono particular, namoly that i5 In not tho wouk- v* uox|who indulge m goHaiping, hub tho lordti of creation whi) ooiigrtigatn together and wag thoir tongucH with a venom that would tit ame tho moat garrulouu old wo- .man iu c-xintonco. Two of thoiio worth iofj hint wock, accompanied by a lad, trailed an armful of looiio barley through tiovoral uoighboro' hokbi depoaitiug it iu thoipig pan of no towards' whom thoy had ho vory kindly fooling. Two of tho trio thou kop t watch ovor tho harloy ntraw, 'Ja tho road whoro it wan takou from tho field, whilo tho third run for tho owuor to inform him of tho tlioft perpetrated. For a few dayn tho utory ran riot at a tumble paco, grow ing liku Jouah'a gourd, iu tho night, until it was a load of barley that had beon fltol- an. Tho only tnimung link m tb talo be ing the puzzle aa to how tho unfortunate man took tlio-barley horao, an ho kept nu homo. Itjwan finally suggested ho had iumieuuetLhiB-Qow. Ttn lad'in" tho uaso dually gavo tho matter, away tolling that thoy know all about how tho barley oamo thero before notifying tho owner and now tliMio practical jokers havo tho laugh turn ed on UlOIBHolVOH. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. GESTO. J. A. Coultor haa diapoaod of hia farm whoro ho liver, to Henry P.oundiwg, of Sandwich South, c*nsidration 83,000.00. Ho will either build on hia other property in Gftuto or remove to Dotroit and take ckargo of n, coal and wood yard that he hftH an intermit in thoro. J no. lioiidhonHO has ntartcd well-boring and no doubt any peraon that ia fortunate enough to uccuro hia iiorvicos will havo lotii of water, for Jno. iH a hustler. At Gunto on Thuradn.y, 18to inHt., tho wifeof llr, I\ Cunuingham, of a daughtor. COXTAiM. Mr. J. Selkirk, of Blythoswood i mak ing repairs in tho naw mill horo. Tho flottam cheeno factory continues to make about ton cheono pur day. Tho qual ity haw boon good. ' liuv. Mr. Klltott, Aufjlican Minintor of Combor, prcachod in tho town hull luut Sunday. Tho yield of fall wheat ho far ban Iweu f^ood. Mr. W. McCuit'H" yielded about twenty-five bushelu per aoro. KL'ihh Minnio Ta^kaborry ia visiting friendH in Jviutfuvillo. One of our efltoamed citizena who han hitherto tukon an uctivo part in politicp, doolurefl thut ho will not support cither political party. Gishto Jimv lij ]8fJfi Council latt nu pur adioiii-iiinont, IVoh- out lleoyo Ilnrrott und ConncillnrH Gaya, Itodd und TlioinaH, minutim ot provioim meotinu roud and on motion adopted. On motion Clerk to notify Canada Kouthcrn Rail Road Co. to lower aulvort on their lino on eaiit Hide of townlino at MeOioyor. On mofciou H. Tico Htatnto labor commuted for 1 BUG tLtid lH'JV, Cleric to notify J wo, Curry to havo tliiutloN out uu lot '21, oon. 0, alo Jno. Muuuull, to havo thiatloH cub in his Divinioti. Mr. Kounedy ontorod and took liiu hunt. On motion roova auth- onicod to \hh\is Wm. MoCaffery ohook for work douo on Footttr drain iraprovomont on order of Com. Laird. Ou naotiou chockfi woro laiiued for tho following: J. W. \Viddin, for uupplion an per account rend.' dared, 9-Jo; Wm. Vincout, for clearing on north aido of 7th conceuniou road, SU.OO; Thoy. Way burn, removing timber out of Hnydcr branch drain, 81.00; Robt. Garlic, removing timber from 7thoonconion drain chargud to lot 13, concuHHion 7, ftl.OO. Tboi. Ko(jor, romovinj; timber out of !Hh coucaiiHion road, Sl.fiO; T. Cayu, for Hrti. LafrumboiB, charity, S*"'.C0; \V. Trimble, for J. Gourlay <1- Bonn, for ropairin^ road ucrapor, $i).R5; Wm. McCaffery, ohtck for work douo on Footer drain i*nprovoraout, 810.00; M. Drouillard, two-third value of two flheop killed by do^i, S52.33; A. Paro, for work done on Footer drain improve ment pur ordor of commianionor, 980.00J Jno. Hlford, per work rtono on 9th aonooii- iiion drain per ordor oommiHoionor, $'J0.00; TIioh. Wuyburn, for work dono on Bth aon- coiiaiou drain, 820.00; SIra. Lair, charity, 8-1,00; J. S. Laird, part com. on Foster drain incprovoiuoni;, 812.00, for plan and refiinteriuc of namo of Goato viilaj^a, 825.00. On motion eonnoil adjoamed toAu^. 10th. J. A. Coultkb, Clerk. ' Town Hjlll, Cottait, June 2Uth. 1895. Court of Hoviuion on tho AsuoHumeut Kail mot pursuant io adjournment..' All thu memhera proaout. Tho ojinutoti ot tbo previona hohuiou of May 2uth were veuduud wero' on motion adopted and signed, Aftor diijeuauin^ tho uppoalu of which notioohad boon received they woro decided an followe.: The attaonamonfc of K. HawkoH on o i lot 18, con 0, vra'H lowered ?100, The uHHOQHmont of A. Kobiunon on u o ptlot 17, con 11, waa loworoil S25. The n o t\ lot 'J and tho uwpl lot 10, con 0 woro trunaferrod from the non-roHidcnt to tho rcaident roll and au^eaoed to Joiioph on July 27th, and the by-lawn to ho pub. Jiflhud in-tho \%imv Kunr, Piikhm. Tho following orduivi on the Trcauuror woro pasuod: x S3, J,' Campboll, charity far .#.ulv. 8", J. Buokherroiudi ami wife, C)'"-rity for July. Vv ft'J, T.JUuvift, qlnirity fur Julv. > ^20, Thou. Carder, m'-adin^ on 7th con roud, M0 contu. Goo, Smith, filling holoa on north town lino. -i.2C>, .Ian. Ila^iiiH, bridfjo over Hth con. road at north roar road. (JO contu, Itoburt IIaiinn, covorinj; brid^o ovor T U UtJ,, II. Hpocohloy, grading Hth con, SSfi, Chasi. Turnnr, yravollinjj; on 11th con road woht. Sii.,13, John Aloo, tj valuo iihoop killed by dotfti. S2.83, W. Il.Souloy, |i value of ulioup killed by doRii. . . $2,1'otor llodoll, valuing nheep killed ly dogu. 9211.2!), Jim, Bain.quartor'n trnlary, pay. infj dobonturou, trip to Sandwich, poatujjo, etc. $5, Jus. liennctt, quurter'n ualary for caro of Imll. $'2'.l.SC), Iuaac Jacliaon, quartor'n fialary and foofj on Itoini drain. 810, A. Baird, foon ou Chaao drain award. Sll, JiiH. H. Laird, feoH on Itofin drain award. - 81, H. G. Broolcor, iitampH. 8G.02, II. W. McCreery, bridgo plank. Council thon sidjourrrod to .luly 27th at ono o'clook, p. m. Stark'H I'owdorH, ouch package of which cQutaiiiH two proparationu, one in a round woodon box, tho covor of which forma a measure for one done, an immediate relief for coHtivouosa, Biok JJoadacho und Stom ach, alHo Noural^ia and all kindu of nerv- ona paino, and unotlior in bapnulau, (from J" to .J of ono in an ordinary doiio) wliich aotn on tho bowels, liver and stomach forming a never failing perfect treatment for all head and Htomach cqmpIaiiitOi .-Xhoy- do riot, an mont pillH audno many othor medi- oinon do, lone thoir effoot, or produco aftor conHtipf>.t<ion, they aro nine to tako. '2!>n a box at all medicine dealers. knowthum. To a reporter who recently Vinitod their home Mm. Fournior jjavo a plain uuturninhod utatamont of liar illnoHii and euro. "It in now about eight yearn," film iin.K.1, "Hinoo T ho^an to yrov/ ill with a pain in my baok, iitomaoli arid tiido, and tho amount of mifforirif! which it canned wo oau Hcarcoly ho rnalixod. Ah tho davu mid monthii punned by I bo^an to grow wehn'ti/iTi and I waH Heldom froo from tho intamio p^'.H, At hint 1 criw ho woak that I waHohliKVjtal(o ray. bed, and even thoriBuflforodfrW^" I"li,lM which woro malcmg my lifo uo miserable. My appetito fuiUd mo and I feared ^4^'^ doomod to bo. an invalid. During thcHoYAfty'11 wllu under tho qaro of a iikilful phyHician7v'3U hiu medioinow did me no jjood. ilo iiuu that my trouble wamiuuralgia or rheum- atiurn of the utomaoh. It wan during'thoHo dark dayo, an I lay nti ulmnit holploHO in valid, thut a friund ntronfjly urRed ma to try Dr. Williiunn1 Pink I'llhi. Although I had littlo faith in thoir offioacy at -tho timo, I couEsontoil to try thorn. Aftor lining a fow boxen 1 bOfjan to fool mynolf (,'rowinj^ fitron^or and tho pama loayinj^ mo. I con tinued uninjj thorn until I had uued a dozon hoxua, and now you can uoo for youruolf whether Hook liko a tuck portion or not. Tho painu in my Htomach, nido and back, kavneoaund to troubl* mo and I havo not boon un wolt in oj'aht yearn au I fsol now. My appotit* which wan ho poor at one tirua ia now fully rontored. und I am cou- fidont that not only have Pink Pillu cured me but that. thoy havo ouvod mo from mioory and pain I would havo otherwise still boou onduriuy.1' Mr. Fournior, who wm prcflont at tho interview, fully eu- drrHod all hid wifo hud paid.. Dr. Williams' PinkPiIln "malco pura. rich blood, thiiH roach in tho root of dirtaauu and driving it out of the uyatem, curiug whon othor modicinos fail. Most of ilia illfi addicting mankind aro duo to au im- povonwhod condition of tho blood, or weak ot uhattored norvon, and Jor all tli8no Pink Pillu are a Hpeoillo which apoedily roHtoro tho miffaror to houlth, Thono pilla aro nevor aold in any form except in tho com- pauj'u boxes, the wrapper round which benrn the-fWl-mvrnti "Dr. WilliaiLH1 Pink PillH for Palo Pooplo." AU othorH arn countorfwitH and ahould always be refused. Cat the (,'ouuinu and do made well. Christian. Endeavor Society Bt. Paul'H Church, TUE3DAY fiVfl., JTJLT 30th 1 liyorytody Como. __________ - - - WHOLE No. 651 JUNIOR SMILES, " Kind Oh! 1-Jidy Aim youa^oodboy a vorv ^nod bov ? ."Thfiii, Ikji-d'h a ponny for you." "Make; it a nickol, and 'J^ll bo bet ter." . NORTH RIDGE, Mias Doll Lounnhury, of Cottam Pl.iiuci, wa'fl tho 'nuoHt of M>n. Petor Gill)oo last woek. Miiio Louiua Thompaon, of Kbhoi, waa tho Cfueat of MrH. Fitter Gilboe lat Sunday. Alonzo W. Bridgen, wifo and family wont to Camp Pulmer latit llcmday. Samuel Baltzor and wifo wout to Kin^o- villo. last Friday and called on relativtu and ucquaintau oea. Tho many friends of John Sqniro will bo 14lad to learn that ho is abl to bo up and around oocq moro aftor n. lon/j niok Bpell. Btitphon McCombu, Mian Sarah Mo- Combs aun MiuH Jane Manloy, went to South Gosfleld last Saturday and wore tho tfuoots of David MicCrecry and wifo for a dllVfi. Jaaioo Cumraiford, Knq., wont to South Gosfleld last Wodnoaday and eolobratod tho Hovouty-sevonth nnHivaraary of hie birthday, July 25th, with his youngoat danchter, Emma, Mrs. David MoCroory, aud her good man and son. Unolo Jimmy iu not yory well. Ho had a torriblo doBo of ki'urippo last winter from which ho hftfl nnver fully reeovored. Wo extend our hearty contfratulationoto our friend Jacob Meyerg, (a- notice of whose mari-id^e appoarod iu latit wook'a Fnicu PnicaB) for takiuc to himaelf a life partner; We hops the,ir troubles may bo fow and joy_, many. LoU 1-1 and lo, oon 7, were trannferrod from th nou-rooident to the ruaidout roll and uKseaaed to Robert Hobson as owner. LotB 'J3 and 2-1, Fox Etroet and lota (J, 7 and H, B It road, Cottam, were translcrrud from th uou-residout to tho renidenfe roll and aaHOawd to Waltor Jamoa. Lot 25, Fox fit, Cottam, wan struck off tho afmoRnioont of Dr. Druke and UHHORsed to Walter Jumoa and th assoBamont lowor- ed from 100 to 825. Tho a o pt lot 1, oon C>, asuenscd to O. Cj, Barrio, wuh trauaforrod to tho non-resident roll an the name of tho owner is unknown. A dog wan struck off tho assessment of Uobort Milieu. The uppoalu of John J. Wifilo, W. II. Pulford and .James Dring wore diomiflHod. and Court of Revision on tho aosoasmont for 18!)5 adjonrnod aino die. Tho Augnat number of tho Delineator is callod the midnunimor number and con- taiuu a largo variety of in to treating mattor suitable for tha hqhoou. Liidtoa who havo deferred completing their suramor ward- robos will bo particularly ploaHod with this number, for tho atyleu wore n6vor moro dainty and appropriate. A special . ,, , ... it - 14 t,,-, articlo ia devoted to dresaini* for stout aad Sydney Wyatt as owimuH aud to Wil- ,. , ... ' , ,r ,. u Joilios, and another to bathing and Swim- lam Wyatt and Martin ReiDuer as tenantyr+*' ,, . H . L . ^ , .. . ipr im<:, witli illui-t rations of tho latent faahioua butamouatofaaHeHbmontiBunchanfia^ iuh'bttthmf, CUdtum0H. MrB, Ko{,or A< many A Vounir mh. When from over-work, ponolbly auaiutod by aw inVioritti'l wuaknosa, the Wealth fail* and'reet or'medical troatmont mtmt bo renorteJ to, then no madiatfio can bo em ployed with tho'uamo bonoticial rosult* ai Bcokt'B Etuuleiou. Town Hall, Cottam, June 29th, 1805. Council mot pureuant to adjournment, all tha members preuont. Tho roinutea of tho hint neflHinn of May *^uth wero read and wore on motion, adopt ed and signed. Thoa. Wopdbridgo appliod ou bohalf of tho Ontario Natural Gas Co. for pormiHflion to lay pipes along or across tho highways of this township. A by-law wan produced paoned in 1889 granting tho oamo permis sion to Hiram Walker it Sona, and Mr. Woodbrid(jo withdrew hia application. A petition wau proenioa signed by Jan. Shoppard aud others uniting for aid iu gravelling tho west si30 road, granted on tho nana! terms, tho Reeve to bo commis- nioner,. Tho Reovo reported having received notice of two awurds unlor tho D. & W. Act, one for the Chaao Drain, aud no for tho Kass Drain, in both of which the town- nhip iu intereated. A letter from Mr. John Thompaon was read complaining of tho Chaao Draiu award aud asking tho council to appeal againot it. Laid ovor for the present. A notico, Higiied by Q. W. Patterson and othors, asking tho council to clean out tho north ond of tha draiu on tho wont town- lino wan, roacFand laid ovor for tho Rcove to mako emiuinos. _By-law No. 811 to raiao tbo amount aaaeflu- od aga'iuat Gosliold North for the repair of tho Snyder Branoli Drain and By-law No. Bl to raise amount aoaoQaod .against this townahip for repair of the Puoe Drain were ho^h road the flwfc timo and proviaioually adopted, the Courts of Kuviuion to bo hold Pryor's article ou (ho etiquette of letter writing hears tho utamp of authority, and will bo helpful to every ono "who roads it; and tho papor on art needlework in the Employmont. series will diroct tho atten tion of many women to this occupation an a uncaua of livelihood, TIib Ontario Ladies Collage, Whitby, Out., is intoroat- ingly dcBcribad by an ex-gruduate, tho popular Kindergarten Sorioa ia continuod by Mrs. Sara Miller Kirby, and Harriot Kyibh Fobes contrihuteii an artistic paper in tho series ou'burut TKTork. Thoro is a very praotical paper on olaaning and re novating lacaa, foathors and cloves, and a variety of useful information io given in tho monthlytalk around tho tea table. Tho houookoopor will find aomo now rocciptfi in Hoauonable cookery, aud muuli that will help to make houaework oaaior in things tho honsowifo should know. There ia alao D K. PllOUfili, M. V. Unlvoralty of Toronto, M. It., Trinity Uuivor lilty M. C. V. S. O., lutrj of fit. Ilartliotoinow'H Honpital and MoorlloltTu ltoyiU OphthiLlniic riOHpltu), IjODiion, t'junland. Hpocial atr.uutinn piveu toUlauaRon of thofiyf.oar, nniio and throat. Oilloo houru 11 to \2 ti. m., 1 to !i and 7 to H p. ni. OJIinoand ronidonco, Ofi (>uolh)ttoav"-i WindKor, oppoiiito Kt, Maiy'H Aemlamy. Tol. liifi. PEDIGREED BULL FOR SALE. Tho Podiurood Biiorthorn Bull, "Champion n Cicsllulti," re({iHtorea in tlio Dominion Hko r horn Herd iiook na No. 1012HI, culvod JunoOOIili, lfjOl, 1h ojloreil for huIo on ruaiionublis term a For furthor particulars apply to tho awnor, ALl-'RED J. VOX, Olinda, Cut. FOR SALE. 1"UBEE FltAME IlOUBKS; IN THK UEBT part of tlio Town of Eaaox, will bo told uhonp. Apply to W. D. HUCMLK, London. or to J. It. MoEWAN, :t il-ll TaxCollootor, Etmox. BUSINESS CHANCE, A Partner with Capital and Horvicoo wanted in tbo mont central insurance olfioe in Detroit. No otlisr busiuesa alTords bo auro, permanent aud largo au income on the amount invented. If this interests you come to Detroit at onoo for confidential in- Babbv wan told that duiicondantfl woro Uiositi who coin after tin;- and promptly applied th" -uamo to bin alu- tcr'H beau, who c-annj to tako her for a drivo, Tho only way -Kiiidly'Dinpofuul Gon- tlcinan \Vhv "do you cry in that way, my littln man '* '1 In: I/iUlo man C-o- coti It'rt tin; only w;iy I know h-h how to .c-ji-cry. -Vhiit IU Thought of Church Pupa w ^L'Toimnv, and how did you llkn it? a'- ^Xtaiivlm Iium In'cn taken to church /"Vn'V^S4iin0~Vt'.ry much, indeed, for tho hrKtTlfc^n uu,;., Vory quiet, but I^vory.oiiubuil^jii^,!!^^ tlm wbolo ono imin ^ot up aiWBfctim(1 to Rot xip timo and at last wis al~ and sin^1 to koop him quloT? "Father, is your.s a Lou^ tfurmon, to day !'* "No, Jimmy, not very." ' JJut how loiifj? Phmso toll me," "Wi-ll, aliout twenty minutoi) I should say. Hut why uro you so jinxioira to know :*" "Butnuso, fathor, tho hoys say thoy will iln'asli mu awfully if you aro moro than lull J' nn hour." OU' IV.i . iiruHdii. Goodbye old town. Your dusty brown I'm lenvintr far ixdilnd mo ; Thon-'l! bo no trn.ll, And o'en tho mail Of Canada won't llnd mc. ----------I~ltTTOVp rt-rrr>ok. Hard by a brook, .With farmhouse cloiwj bcsldo It, Of mih-H n, neon?, Or loKfl or morti, Due not to/j far too rldo It., Tho bird, .tho boo, The brook ah mo ! Tho shade, the ilsli, the honey; i Tho denp FrraHH-Hlllc, Tho buttormillc, And no'er a thought of money. Old town, good-bye;' ,- ; *TIh conif July, What can- I now for dollars? . Good-bye to h'.-at. To n<iiiit; and Htrt^t'-t, Good-bye to llnon collars. And so we i\y. My "biluV" and I", , ' To haunts we wull n-member ; I!y lonff, l"n;< track ,-, . We'll not 1 e bark Till Mom; about S pt'-mbor. The (l.H-c-i The Quoi-n or ^Laile.^.iH ar Ik known fi9 Kanavnloun fil, She ], i cxciod'nfj- ly liuly-liUe liroklii.^ per: on, \)l year;- of .'i^c, with L'-attires, a (ireun- 11 ki! manrit'i- <>. 1 :. r\v.K he ire I:', n" :i. clear way of e.^'ri^s'iii: h^r eb' when- ^he i-iiniOH to lb" rv.v;.i kalciiy m a pit); n inln, aiM1. : h :- on her .^old ,i throne ninlu her tliirty ladies e ad in .0: liH'.tnt- hi:*-d silks, trimmed with ^,,Id find sll-- ver. larg'e straw hats and his-!i.-h '*;Ied,, p itent-le-i ther l*oo'H. 'I he Queon on. ^in.di oeoaj-ious Is addicted to a rich white silk di'^s, bordered with sold, Her mantli* is of ruby velvet, and her bonn-L o!' the same color Is trimmed with white ostrich feathers, whilo her lingers and arms inv covvrod with jew eled rin??s and rrtaf-alvc- sold bracelets' of native workmanship. She ItV very popular among her subjects*" ......____ ....,_...______ _____, ._____ torview. Apply 2i West Fort at., Detroit, auoxcollont article on tho nowogt books and othoroon floral work for Angnut and* tho relatione of mother and aon. Now do. aigus are illuatratod and described in knitt- iug, tatting, laoo making eto. Subaoription price of the Delineator frl-00 par yoar, 15c per oinglo copy. AddroaH, Tho Dohneator Publifllncg Co., of Toronto, Ltd 33 Rich- moud Bt. WoBt, Toronto, Out. STOMACH NEURALGIA. LOANS. Money loaned on farnao iu Booex on eauy ternau. Apply peraoually 129 Griowold Ht.. (opposito Oitv Hall) Detroit, Mich. Wheat rod per bnahel .,..8 Wheat, white .... Corn OatB t Timothy Seed .... Clover Seed .... \Inike 70 to INTKKEKT1SG FACTS A^ BOUT THIS PKCUUtAR TKOUBLE. A I^pmbroUc Lady WIio Huileretl lov Klirht Vonru Give* tlio I'nrtleulnr* of Ilfnr lUiioiiw, nkid Tellu How Kho Obtained Ilollof. From Fomhrolco Btantturtl. Xho gratoful thnalu of'thougande in all pfirta of the Dominion who have boon mado well iu the bent ovldoueo of tha ntorling merit of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. Wo QnppoHo thoro io nob a city, town or village in Canada in which the ood record of this hoaltb giving tried- ioino ia not known, und Pombroko in no exception to the rulo. Among thoeo who Bpbakjof Dr. WilUams1 Pink Pills in term of praiso io Mra. Foormer, wifo of JMr. Petor Founder, both ol! whom uro holL iu high, esteem by thoae whoj bod8 WaUwrTilU.,Ont. 70 G5 45 30 2 50 0 75 to 5 75 5 50 30 to .. Hay per ton............, 7 99to 29 Beof per cwt......; Pork ....... Mutton ....... Hides .'..... Ohickona per lb..... Butter...... Lard ...... Egga, per doz...... Potatoea, por buahol Omono Apploa Turuiffl Carrotfl Boots Paronipo Turkey a por lb...... Ducks .... Coleryporuoz ...... Cabbage ..... Jjtlmm WnllierA: SosiwlriTurk-tMlevoW No.l RyOi por bnahel .... ij> . *3 Oatu .... * z*> The abpvo pricoa are paid by* H,- Walker t 00 to 5 50 5 50 to 5 50 5 00 to 550 i 60 8 8 13 13 12 12 10 1 20 to 1 20 1 20tol 20 50 to GO 10 to ' 50 10 50 40 -o s 00 2 MaHdillue Vniitty. They woro lunching- nt nn ico-croam parlor, andthog-irl in blue fiaid to tho girl in wray : "Have you noticed that whon tho voting- men inmst us nowadays thoy not oidy lilt thoir hats oil' their bends, but hold them in thoir hand* whilo pass- * burr"' "Yea; isn't it dear of thorn. Shows . sueh (ino mannoi'M. don't you think P" "Wait a bit. You imagine, as I did,-.' that they wont through all that per- fonriunco out of dcierunco to our superior attrnctfouH. My dear,. I havo found them out it ia themselves they worship." "What do you moan ?" "Thoy carry Hmall mirrors In the ctowiiH of thoir hats, and every timo a g'irl hows to them.they tako tho onpor- lunity to hog their own 'faultless features. ' **. "Tlio sweet things!" ejaculated tho g'irl in grray, "and yot they nccuso ua of being; vain .'" Detroit Free Pross. J.ii OUInliuiuu ouk-(blp. bfco Miss GladvsMork HowdidyoucorflO to accent Alkali lice? Mifls Birdio Slado Beeauso Iw wad bo bravo and fearless. Whv, when I ask ed him to do something' fioroic, to provo liiH love for mo> ho-whooped- and yworo and kicked tho chairs ovor till Paw got out of bod and came downstairs, as mad = as a hornet,'to quiet tho: uproar. And then Ike jumped on to him aud licked him in less than three minutes. And you know that Paw has alwavs boon considered ono of the Hardest" men In tbo county to handle. ,.', '.,l ii i.i

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