Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, p. 8

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RSHT ' .' . ' ^ It ' Vr' I /v. t:***' ? ) 'PW " ^ i> ( THb tJWi^-X F^RHM* FRR4 That New Store... fj BARRETT & CO. Have opened up a new store in the Dun- stan Block, next door to Mr. Dewar's tailor ing establishment, with, the combined bankrupt stocks of J. E. Moore, of Ruthven, and Gr. McGuire, Til- sonbiirg,botight at$?fc and 53c onthe^^both stocks coim^^tiyely new, anjj^^nting to abcr J > wt' Respectfully yours, OO.OO! We have started the greatest Sale of the age in Dress G-oods, Prints, Cottons, Table Linens, Ginghams, Cottonades, Shirtings Men's and Boys'ready to-wear Clothing,hats Oftps and Gents' Fur nishings. The confidence wo have in oar cjtook and prices wurronts iid in asking you to find out ^4tttt~-y^wcaa_iiu^L goodn foi thon come to us, wiion you will be in a .position to- judge wiiu will "ivc you the most \alno lor your hard-earned $ JAS. D.f ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, TNoxt to Aberdeen Hoteli Essex M Monoy to loan on Farmorn' NotuH, Noteii bought orColluotod, Honey to lonu cm MortgaguH ut owoflt ratofi ami boat torina, & ra ^ Drafts ibmhkI payable at par at till| principal poUitu. riro Insurance Agents, etc. ERSOtiAL MiBfl B. PerltiiiH m apending it few weeks at Morpeth Harbor. Miflo Smith, Ormond, Fla., ih spending a montli with Mm. <T. A. Roao. Mr. A, G. Baker, of Laammgton, ac companied by Mm, Bailor, visitod old- time friuudu m Ebbox, on TuoBday. Arthur talluof luuvic^ Loamington, MibD A. B. Stone, wh liaH boon teaching at the Combor schoolo aince Now Year holidays Huh ro&ieuwl her poaition to ac* oept another at Uor homo in Highuata, Miua Stouo formerly taught lit Easex, Mr. Blaiuo Gavett, Geu'l PnoBongor Auent of D. h. & N. R P.., and Mr. Ed. Howard, of Detroit upont two or throo daya of tho presaut week at Codar Beach, the KUBHtof Mr. Will 0. Chnrok. MiftuMay Wilt iu viBitinu frionda in JSingaville. Mr. and Mm E. A. Winmer are viHitinfc ,ihoir rolativQH and fnonds in London. Mr. Forentor, of the Imperial Bunk horo, io viHiHntrolativaB in Welland. MiBBOfl FarthinRH and Walnh, of Aylrnor, nvo thn naonto af Mina Ada Paacoo, town. Df Crydorman, of Dutroit Hpout Sunday with Mr. and Mra, Churoh at Cedar Beoob, Mr. Jan Dorbyiihiro, of Chicago, formerly of Erniex, iponfc Sunday with Mr. and Mru. J. A. Hobo. Mr. J. T. Straehan, of Port Huron, Mioh. 5 vHitittfi hia awnt and uuclo. Mr. awd Mn. Bfraehan, Irwin Ave. .T. H. Oliver and family have gone to b Cnntro whfirothcy will in futuro re. ,-aiflo. WoodHtock Sentinel Reviaw Mr, D. R. Eootbam, after upending a cook's vacation with friendn in Ehuox, ro- twrntd to N tat'ara Fallu, N. Y on Monday^ Mr. Enon McOauuland, has Rone on n liolilay trip to hia home in PiQkonnj;, Gncta Ehoh hao heen ft bnchalor long Hovure Lane, who wan thin week ap pointed duv clo'rk at the Crawford House, " Vlnflsor, flmil<?tl on Euex friondo yontef- Vlay.' * Mr. Q. n.Bnokor'B Codar BWh cottage 'JiftH brnn eompletod, and Mr. ad Mrs. BTioker and family arfl how in ponHeomon ^or thn uumnnor monthn. Tn. Clorlt M.Monuch.of WoodHlco.wan in town ou Vonday. Mr. MoHubJi baa junt pnmplfitod a nppciftl audit of the troftfl- -Oj-or'a hooka for the towimhip of Rqcliogter. Mr, Stanley Cft*npbflU, bob of Rev. M. P. L jC&'WpbQW here, camo homo on T\fonday *r>m Cornwall, Ont,, \vhre ho ban beon toa^biu^ Hcbool amoo Now Ypara. fit* au)t "lore than ftvo hundred inilea of the ^ibUd^o on bin whaol, and roportw aa en- t^joyable time. Hint* to Ehscx Wheelmen If a, FiiKB Pmsflu reportar ualis you lor the loan of your whaol, lut him have it, ai this in the aim plant way to t!t rid of him and yonr whoel. Doa't oomply with the rwjuAat of yoaif best i;irl to take the top bar out of the trarne le that nho oan ntlo your wheel. Tho maobino isn't built that way. Better boy a pair of bloomers for tho girl. Don't think that everybody Iu looking at yon wkon "upoortiug" for there are othen. Don't speud timo in an argument with the atroet sprinUlor for tho ritflifi of way. It iaoxcoading bad foriu, and will only ro- fcalt iu a victory for Jiio.^MoClintie. After kuooking a mau off hit \e^,u don't come baok and apok.^ize. Yoa will find hitn vary unroaionablo, and, pnrhapa, im- pertineut. Some men,' aftor thoy have beau rollud over tho atreet by a bioyolo, act hafltily, and arc ofttiraort very violent and porveroe. Ayoid thorn uiyou would a peatilonce. When you run against a wemau or a dog, on tho Hidowulk, don't aoewl or wear at thorn. Your place is on tho road. Don't ride at a 15 mile tfait on tho aide. walic, and yoll at people to uot owt of tlio way Yob have no buoineoa thoro. A town by law probibita tbat, and you rido there meroly beoauoo Contttablo Hiosoit la gaod naturod. Whon on a club run, don't scorch und attompt co loavo the real of'the olub away boluud,on approaching a village. You may meet yonr oqual nomo day. CONETOTIIE COUNTRY Tho British Campaign Now on In Earnest, THE FORMAL DISSOLUTION TO-DAY\ oi 4avuti I'rolfuis i^itiuul tin- Ac- lion of ihf lp|H- Mioti-t*' 1 i <J HulU- l)lll> lEl'ltllfh ti> ICosflMTl Iki f<'ll4l- Inu ' he ft'vi m ti iifl Outlining llii-I iiIoiiIhI Vvout iini r-'irul'm, .Tub (i.~'l hf Hi in'* nf (\iNimuiif* np'i ;o in .'to (.'I'i ' Sji tut flu y. iui'1 | ji " d Hit" u rli it-* tIni I n I'linj' a hill d< \ t n r iiti-uiM t*> tl, in uiiti'iiitiKi' i>i tin* i it ' hi public k ivietw uu'.il Lin1 iH'^i I1 l I I /till lit ]||( CtH Mi. i; 1, V. )\w>x, nut -Pnim llitc mnm ti r !<! C.1UM1 \> 'i'mi ntlv iMt'Mt"d :.i ii I Hjt. ,,,-t on -.f tli If iit of I.indi ti in yj.i.ut.r | , jr , ; n to (/iinniitti'C nn fie lv'> I* AIllllKlpll Pi II MClil-JC ll'll. .ifti'l* ii ^ n nn i nn- tlii uvh it" h c nd i.- I II x M . A .1 |; til in nt ti upt'd Mr. Kn<^ I hat thin u iu< u t I- ill >('II-Hlltl< tin- IIOIIMI1 tlw lir fl ilr ii th i l' i 'Hi I id- M. Kii\ cijili' norcd to runt nil' t 'ill an I t .S| i'ji .,iM* \\ i h in pi n p Hi'db f> i inl li in t-j f-i lei M'. K imi\ 1 inlb i nh-'uli 11, nftri ll nil' iu t i lutfi/lry ami tn'aclicrj '-I tl t (J -\i I llllll'lll. Mi. It (J Clnrk and Mr. Lnli ih'Iu-i ' piotiHLcd ,1^,'l nut the insaili Kiiipft tn n of (rli-nt Ilntam with t nc <>tl t i pmn-i iu building wiinilnjHi uiid fun intiiiiiiiiK a C( ^tti, Mfiny. 1 In1 1 Ions* of LohIh nu't nt tionii. Luid 8 11 ninny mud tin4' u .ih Lin1 lat tim L. t 11 njs would nii'i't bi'lun1 the <l hsiuii t hi <A Cu -hi scut l'.ii luiuii'iit toon p1 uc, .mil lie u lil-l L li pi) li till' n c nt hi in m of I,oiil lUiHi'bfi \, in uluuli h' hud nit iclvcd tin* l.'-xiHlatiM! pir J11 i d i uk t* ol U c Jfon-ic t)i Lonlfi. i-itnl Sal idmi> |>iiKiulul to Hiy that ti** Upper Iloust.' tocjL no shnrc u hat- l,i 'I* tl'1' voLi'H tnirmi^h w li t li tio\l'in 111 ijtH Ul'If llliplliil'd HI lIlllll^UULtl'd , n liii-1 did Hi y liiivc an) fitu t in tlu' piii\iM.;u of hind', lor the public hl-ivicl- \n n-gndi ot In i uiattfiH, ItowtMi, tin IIo^Nf of I^oi (In p i v t -Hi'd Jin-* im-ly tin H llll* JiuU CIH .IH tit' II HUM* Of CliIlllllOIIH, hut lu* aw- iu cil Ijdid Ii/.^t'h i.> that il th' fiituif (.iicit of Uiu-L'uiiiiuniin hhmilil he ill .i Kfd Ij*, hik'Ii hills as wrn* uitio diHU'd in tl.i' l*,iiIi.irui-iit just ucaiiiiK iU end thej miKht depi'inl iijton ieu imiij: (itiojifr oppoHitiun fiom the Ibuine of r>or 14 I."id'sbmy, continuing, fiiud th*1 Jh/lMe of Lnul hail Ik'i'U uoilvlli1? to :t Hist tlH- lll.llltrill litlOll (if ClKlMKI't W llll ll ui'ri1 not hU|ijHii icil by a uiajunt) of tlu1 ii t on. ^ icgardu Iloinc Huh* foi [idniid, EnK I.nn'. In* mild, was ct i tii.iilj hr.stili' to it Iff jiUto liplii'vtil that a innjcritv of til' h.itl01l" WOllId fllfl to HUpp n-t nil lit- t ij'K upon tin' ctn hlwiuMl chili t'h, ftiul til it. an tar Hi Iloiiit' II'ilc foi S otliuiil and Wale** w i" c coiicei nrd, ik'itbcr could i>c Curbed iMthont C \Citni(jf ilic ino-t |ias flion.iti- rouihtaneo of the people' of Hug hind. 1'hc, polioj of thn UuioniHti*, IFi" I^)id n|ii]> declared, wan il positive, nut n. ne gative one, for tliev iutended.t li jrinlittc with a view of d< civmnng the fiiljrj Liik nf the pooier clauses. They would 11 ,to revive the agiKulturc nf the country, and would u|ho (ZlVt* their attintioii to tlie matter of uige of iirmliici to the ni,i i lv< tft by railway, the tieatioii of (tinall holdingH for tenanti, tin* revision of the poor lawn, aud would cumuli r meaiiiirefl for the amelioration of the "o cm I condition of the people, and do tin' utmewt in their power to initipatc tho iniHeiy whii:!: :ttt :.;!":! the vu-iHsitmlcH nf thvfio changeful tuned and h im n the Borrows that attend the lot of so many will ions of their fellow creaturcH. Loid Salifbury'H remarkn wrc greeted with cheers. Lord KoHeln-ry, m lepb to the new Prune Minniter, juntified hi pievioiiH Htnte incuts. J it* a.ud one Bide of the Uoiifle of LordH was ho nverwhelni- ingly ntrong it win iui[K>'>H[h)u for a Lib eral Governnient ti) carry any measure!*] lilti oduccd, however beneficent. The House* of Lnrd#* and the IToiihe of Coinmoiin rea/iwmhled at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Parliament waa thou formally pioiogucd Until July 2t. A decree of diHHolution will be made on Munday, Jul"\ 8, immediately after which wiita for avuew eLection will bo issued. PERSONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED. -Hovoral faithful eentlomou aud bulled to travel for oatablmhed houiio. Salary S780fO0 and C)cpensosH Pnmtion pormannnt if unitodj ulao In- d'eiiHo. Stuto rotoronno and onoloHo **olf- addrHHed HtauiPHd uuvolopo. THE NATIONAL. 816 M7.B18 Omaha B.ld^.v OIucpko, III. f lluniitoni 'h wii M'ti awai, mui tin- panj mi i in i unci' iii'.i'lri unll.Nl aniJ nihii'I- l L I'lii i| f i'l of the llhih Miinle-lp li P'larn hlne bill by tho f,oi iln bj, |h< * olid v< in ill I hi 'i nl V Ol 1 I'H M \ i on i'l r en II V Ml " I ut' lo.i'laii'H- 'I'b' I'iil p ii(ioil mn H'lil' > oi Connriom tbl 'mm ii In (13 in ijoi Ih , w hen tin- (Jovt i nmi ntN pai ty i iiijoi ii \ wan below 10. L l;ilvi to the 11 I'di mnnl( ip ilith n ox- '*, \ li it t' e K K' I* i Hill 1 ipilll le > . bid J'oi' Mi \oiri llu oIlK P"* HI hh . I l'HIKli "it .il" "I1M " I 11 I'll I I 1 111 I- I 'IU0 r> ( lt^ lot. i <! i lor It i!< l- 11 t- t \1 I !lj 11 'it I .('!< il ill i ii .uk i-mi'ii tl i <> ll ' Il I'l t"'ll ill I in i, 1 i.' i 'I In II ' *) I I II . ' 1 II I' ' tl 111. til 'III tl fl [I III lllllllll p I "ll Ip I il)' 11 t f I, 1 ll' . l\\ It II I it p ] ii,- nn t i . i' il 1 \ thi nt . UM i i, i i,- i b obi I . ol I L j 'i ' j. .i i i> I In iii l i i n i ni till (11 Ml ihoh hi . \ i I 1 o I 'ill *1 III' In Iv iiitloii'l' 11 \ w hi i -, i i^.i.nsi I'i "I* 11 p m th' onlj nniiin Ip 11 ii ( hi b r tli i h i ,l * i m i * ni' mi Loj 11 c ol -i' i 'i Up in \^ Vli i rnv foi In haul I' '1 in tin .itt.x K tip ti tin bill, nd tbu- i \\ if] mil noth i of '\ In p\pei t fiiiin Stlli'*. i y'- rul " " n\\\ il .Mi (Mnmibi Main In t'i< 'I Mi't' ni Co mn hi h.i*- hIk nlv h> _'iiit il" fl/'ht with Mi Uall'our foi the ImkI dilp by' hit'i \ nin-< In eviv 'I"1' " i in i h 11 h,i i' iM- ii in * orisplciimi'. I Kr y 1111 oj ip.11iu, w lib li li .i v* h to the bailer of th IToiru th' sob- ih*;lu ! ihfinb'e l|i i'iou inmi'iit m pollcv 'I'Ih riiioiiKt lo.illlion th.n ..I'outlv liow^ a"1-, of spoi'dy dlMiiti Kiat Ion, M th Lib i il li. ,nlt|i! litis tie- oil]- i.iK 'i iv t"-iib lit t b it tlvv .in* ,ini.i/."'i t tin 11 Inmph i nt toni r.t ihe r< jim tn h \ ar now ic(tl\lni< fi oin tin coun- \ p il t v man. t-'i i s 11 1 a i-in'<iif- and lnt"re^tlnK fud to Am* ile.'in^ that from th moment I Mrllanient chwiivpil nh jMonduy, and the Ki' ehitliin trehniea'ly n kiiii, the had-ih oi thi two pai ll. s Lo( d UoM'beiv and f.o d S ili*-bur\ will b" ibsnlotelv di-lj.ini-d fmm taltlntf am init in the omit. st. tlthcr by Hi.eetb. wiltinr oi woiK They miff, r this dln- '|ii Llinp.i tlon In e mmori with all peers limit i .i Mt ui'llne; order Pft*H' 'd many S'.'irt .u*;o by the T'niise of romnifini, det'l.trine; It to he tineonstltutinnal ami i Im .u h oi thf pi Ivlle^-cs of the TToiim'1 >t ('oniinon'i f r r anv pmr to jmi tleipate in the work of n K' cleetlfjn. At .h tlnn r It im m solution win adopo <1 the Int. rforeme of the poern. In th-ir iinlloi tl cip,iflt>, with the l'ailla- " ntary electlo-g hnd rescind u sc.m- l.ilom pltnh, and the 'onduet of tnjno >f them bad hi rorne o Ind^fenmble that the Tfnii*-! of Lords wan comp"ll'*l bj tin foicL* of public opinion to aceept 'he d'-rrrr of tho Commons, nlthouph t reulh h i no force In law, Tn spite 'if till-- Sl I loll' J|"*,H flf til" Ksilntt, al- i- uli h mu humoia of the campal*<i .hav* ailfai n, i luiiiihc-iniii **o\* tUt for iinnlor. London, July S.~The Tilpht Tlon. Joseph Oh irnt erl.Hn mult a spoi r-li Saturduv nlfrht at Ij-nnbi th in mippoit oi Mr. Iftiny M Stnnle>, wlio Is oon- U-pkAjUtf tin J'ui li.noi ntaiy h. ,it?Nt tlu- XToith nivhlon of F> inibeth Mi Chjim- berlain dilated upon the ho<.LiI refoim* that are d( .Hired by the f!ov( rnment, his description of them bein^ .simlhu to that of Thf PhronIHe, wheh reeeit ly save a forecast of tflie cjovernment's policy. in- Him I'UOll 1 IIIOIIIA K1IIM.M. II Of (I til lilt l^*ii(Iuii ^urriiiiili* to Injuries Ivondou, Out., July (h Dr. Frnnnn L lioyd, a hiotlur o Cliantellor Ho^d,dn<3 in tlie hospital from uijuiu-h canned h} a colliHion with a trolley. Dr. lio\ d v. i\t* 7(1 yeaiH of a^e, and waa well to do Hefudca Climici'Iloi llojd he leavt'H anoth-i brother in Toiunto, a lawyer, ami mn- in rorent, a doctor. A neighbor, Mr. J. Koutltidge, who waa driving with Mi lioyd at the time of the acudeut, w ai, alao. injured, and iu in a huiioiiu comb tioiu i,uii:itAi4 i\ oood kiEAitr. Tliry I.ven iu-llev Tlwy Will Carry llir loanlry. New York, July 7. Ballard Smith cable 4 from London to Tho World : It 1b well within bounda to Bay that the piofound lack of Xalth in their chances at tin fi neral election, which, within my knowledge, waa felt by most of the Liberal leaders at the time of their defeat In Parliament and, in- det d, foi months before ban Riven pbiLe to-day to a really confident be lief that they will return with a ma jority, perhaps even a conj-lderable one. * Loi d Salisbury never waa a tactful politician, but he has crowded ho many political blunders into theae ten days that nn unprejudiced outalde observer can only recall one chapter in history equal to them the latuous com ho of Loui.s XVI., before the revolution. He h.s ahe-ady committed the Conserva tive party to a moat reactionary policy. While angering his stiff-neckea Tory supporter** by an undue surrender to Mr. Chamberlain's demands for place, he has antagonized the Knglish love for fair play by a wholly gratuitous Insult to Mi. Campbfcll-Baniiermun, and distrusted the JCnensh regard for truthfulness by a very equivocal ex cuse for the ungentlemanly ant. Wlrh brutal frankness, he practically ha* declared himself against any effort to refoim the present liquor lleenne laws, .jjrainut which the whole moral force of the nation fs aroused. And, together .i h other hardly Ic-a cru lal and eynl- e.'il avowals of disregard for obvious 1 opular sentUnont, he has finally mado lilH.lTo'use of Lol-ds throw out a bilL passed in the Commons, the entire* Jus- "ce of which cannot possibly be de- nii d. He haa thus consolidated Irlfih' m ntlment and the English sentiment which favois justice to Ireland, and s given an object lesson than vhlch twining could he stiongei to tho Llb- inl crusade against the LordH. Lord nosebery, fcjr William Hiireourt ind John Morloy, within theno last lb i uiis. have prenched V>oldIy and ox- ltantly tho extrcmint Radical program or the abolition of tho veto powor Of he LordH, for local voto of the liquor .raffle and for Home Rule for Ireland. Tho Tfjlboral loaders have again th*-* 'ourofte of their convictions, which huts oeen rather to bo doubted since Mr Flvtr Injured in nn K\plton Jersey City, July ti. Eighteen steam condoiweru in the Xinc Woik1* of Muunmii & Squires, on the Newark meadown, blew up thin morning, injuring Uvp men. VUllcil b> ik itli)rllat Lort-fiviJlo, Kj., July C Dr. Edwanl Palmer, one of the mrmt popular ph>H dans ia tlu* South, wan run omm- bj .< Wcyele last night, and uiistuiuud injuin from winch ho died. Fin Pafalltlo* lUir lo <yrlone. Baxter SpniiK*S KJ. Ju*y "~A .y" clone nt rut k Baxter HpriugH lust mglil and killed five peraoius outnght and in juied two bo badly that they art' not ejjfcti'd to live. A doi/eu persons we i wrioUHly uijuii'd Many rtonH, re* i drnce and barns were totally wricLud **4i Drown Yonrafir*- liul Ilr Hid Buffalo, July 7 Fred Meister, 2H yeaih old, waa told by a jocular naltM>uUj"-'l'*" this monmiiff to "Go and drown him Bi'If," and forthwith proceeded to curr.*. out the iuntriK-tious, piling liia Karmeii" on the dock and leaving; a letter sta. m that he was ohnervine; tho orders ol tht aalooukceptir in taking hm hfo, (OIOMAI. TI'AUH AT H1HEXV. All ArmusflmentH Hade for the Oprulnc llll TlH"4l|!IV London, July 8. The BIsley rifle mhet- lng operih on Tuesday. All the urrange- ments have been completed. The en tries for the St. George's pi Ize Incluue teams from Canada, Australia, Now Zealand and Africa, Mat hes have been arranged to test the moiH iec<ni- ly invented smokeless and other pow ders.' DIEBEL & BRICKER'S Annual Summer Sale Commences on Friday^ July 5lh, for Thirty Days. The most extraordinary values we have ever offered..... In Jjro^Ooods, Prints, PonffrBHf Duel: Suiluiga, Bpot Miifllinn, Bwibh Han* Stnpoi, oto. Also rjOOyiiwls of Summer CoaturaoH reduced to iUc a ym d. worth double J jiiWOy^lifs' VastH at oc oarli; 50 dny UiIipb' black IIufl0 foiTioTpr g SjBakM of y\iu] \vido;Gia> Cottou for i'c a \md. - .-^ *r,Q Wobs of regular 7c GrayCottoii for 5c a yaid milounckcciiorH, horc ih an opportunity to purcliaso tabic Linona, of modium and fine qualities at prices far below what you have gener ally paid for similar ynods. Every Department Partakes of the Price Reductions Clothing for men, nice Tweed Suits, S3.7.". and upwards. Mori's extra fjood TwoihI Pants for $1. ro^ular price 1.50. J-ioys' Nobby Tweed Suits (or 1.25, rogular price $2, Carpets, in all wool, Tapestry, Brussels and Ingrain, Oil Cloths and Curtains, Holier Blinds and Curtain Poles. Boots and Shoes in great variety at the old"~prTr*oii. f>00 yards of Wool Tweeds at 80c yard.~~ The Grreat Corner Store, &BRICKER Ank to sec tire Onk Folding Furniture we are giving away with every $30 purchase. Hiffh School Itotfiilatioiis. Borao pomto Lbuut tho now ro/^ulutiona nn royurd to certificates are worthy of note. Hereafter Phyaicu and Botany will bo com pulsory for thePrunaiy exununuticn, but theae takmtt & lfioKIlftK Qonrae id addition will be allowed to oount tho uaiirkn i,u a l)Quui towardu tho Jreqmrod fiO per cent. For Jnnior Loavin-,' ftt leant two lan(jHU't;tjH will be icqaired- throe if no Hcienoo Rub- ject ib tulton, und onoof thorn moot be Lut in. For BeniorLouviugPhyuica laoowpul- cory, and in addition two luugnu^oH Lat in toeing one' or chruo lau^vn^oa with Chommtry Biology. The old Comraorcml exumination indono away with und in pluoo of it ib a. Firat Form uxnminali m ooneintinn of Drawiac, Commorciul Work, Geography, Botaay, Ituadin^. TIioro idroudj holding a oom- meroial cortitlcato aro oxcrapt from bliii. A. Comraoruial oouruo for thoio waning a oomnioroial tiuiuuifi will cover a groat deal morn ground and will load to aConoraoraial Diploma, but it will bo entirely optional. Thohe whoVaftor tbo oxamiuations of Ibm yoar, aroflqualifiud to write for a Junior ar Senior Leaving cortitionto may do bo in 18'Jfl or 1BU7 on tbu Lubjectu[*f tbo old onr- ricnlum, but ae doflned by tho new. ft]orT-Tra<ti>Wx>'14'v 'lull ami prison ikhii- hirti. Vltli HirnlKjit rullivii 'iiiut^d .it ^4.26 to $jJjJJQ, 'foronto fivifflitii. Mnillt'ibft "liatt'iitii $4.fe0, und utionjr hulcoru' $*1 b> JJi-iLiir-Titi* li'D'.i*1 1 ror bruii Ih j>nnt| nn i nrluhH firmer ut $13.50 ta $14, Toront" ifiWrfliti. fihortB $17. \\ lit Lit Tim imitlci>t In vor\ (pilot, wltli bu)OiH und aolloru upurt. Whlto und ro<l art* quntotl nt 03c tu Q1o out"i<lt> wait und Not 1 Manitoba, hard Ih iiimtml ut Otw at 07c M<ufclwm Toronti) fr^ifflit, (und fit-lglita. . . rttim Trftdo (lull and ut 60'; to 09o wont. prloM ulioliattrfo'1 HiiiHvy "no biulnon-i doing1 *d pil<( aro puroly nomhntl. . nrll'1: O.itii-ThU murko't Ih nih* >>1 >ru j mu-haiiffcd. anion of whlto, U tho wont nt Mo, ami mUl nt 33o to 32 l;^-fi. . Corn-i'r|c uomlnal t- 62o to bAo, out- "'iVNo bu.lnw <loln'luM pricw pur*. qomUial at *4 to *4.10 on truck CIVIC HOLIDAY, 1895. PETITION. XoTTa. Di:waii, Eto-. Mayou or the Town or Ehdi,x : Dkaii But : Wo the uuderDijjned roai- dento of tbo Town of Ehhox, humbly auk yon to uyuuoiut tho 8th day of Augunt, 1805, im ucivic holiday for haid Town . Siguod: Wra. Lainfi, Jno. Tliorue, T. II. MoElligot,, J. n. WirIo, B. Buolt, F. Franoiu. A. H- Bonrft A Oo, G A SborriD, Forflytbo, AndofflonA Co, B. WilkmHon, -1* A Franow, G.E Smith * Co, B.Ii. Park. Dhb^Bnck.r.^n.Al^ , M j. Wwl* C. J. Gourlay & Bonn, PROCLAMATION. Iu compUar-on with the above petition, I bort'by appoint TlinrHdny, thn fith day o! AuiiUBt. 1095, a civio holiday tor tho Town 0fE"U<,3C' P. A. DEW A It. Mayor- Ebbloc, July 10, 16H0. "In voplyjtoyourquofltinn do cr,y child- roh object to taking BoottV EutiuUjiou, I day, Nol on the contrary, 'hry aro fond of it and it keepa thtitu pidtur* b of health." PAN-AIVIKKICAN CONGBEHS Ol HtM^loii and li.luriilloii nt Tofon- loom., on July lScli <o 2Ctli. Iiatt'uforabovo oociiBiou from Eflsox, via St. TbomiiH and C, P, R, or nagorflvillG and G. T. II., 97.C0, via. Ni .^ara-on-thc- Lalco and Hteumor, 68.25. Tiokota 3old July 17th, ]H-h and 10th limited to coutinuoiiH panHuyo in each di rection. Good jjoiiitf on ditto utamped on back by pulling tifjwit, and ftood returning on tlute Btampod on back by apout at To ronto, but will uot bu (rood for rotaming aftor July BlHt. Not ^uod ou limited trainw. For further particulara apply to O. W. RuooLi'fl, G P A T. Ajjt., Chicago, John G. Lavj.n, P. Agt., St. Thomn.a, or L" O. Stimbrq, Atjont, Ehhox. To Smokers To moot tho wihIich ot thoir ountomora, The Geo. E. Tuokott & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont , have pluuucl upon tbo markot A Combination Plujf^of ~ " ' 3 J "T & B. , SMOKING TOBA CCO Tins supplies i long folt want, giv ing tbo consumer ono l20 confc plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a 5 cent piece of tbo famous """T & .E3** brand of puro Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. CALL AT "" May's Bazaar, FOH ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down . Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, ' Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, ' ' _, Berlin Wools and Fin'geripg Yarns; :, ' Wall Paper from 2 cents op. 'J m - :i4 1 It, -'I , *tt jv( k r i M&&W-kjl jiiftsn .*. vr .'4. v > >*

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