Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, p. 7

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I m-v;W rFtE> KSSfcDX i^Stfe i-J*Jb;afci PM mm his wife. Supor^tltiou-; M.-'.hmnn Con- . v.lcLucI of M.tnalu.ughtor. II- < l) >;.-. l-l'il'ti ...1.1 to i'l'y, IIV- .. ,IH ; m - THOUGHT T11EW MAM CSWiTCHED. 3lU'luil Cli'iir.r mill I'uuilly ,l--i C'lcJfJ 01 4.'tnittH'Htu Villi) j Co\<-ji'U I I'M* Willi (Hi U<m->M'<I filler (it IXorH.o (hi- spii-jts Dublin, July 0. .Mlftuiui ci illK In ill' II.r T(.lV:n ill' i;i'>i|;l.'-., viaiul Lu-il.iy >> uj^lit r i:. n v Ini; hill-nod hl:i ullu, llrldn>-t Oary, *. j di.uili lust Miireh. The- conn clfi'i-i i-'m; N *f*nifii"M_ i.'Uary bodev.l ,,,,, W|,-0 wuu bow I tidied, ;hk1 upon tin; advice ui' D'.'hiiii! Gamy, thu " niiiily Ut.ctj." unci in tho jw^viitv of Iht father and t number of other n!;it ivi-ii, held inn- uvr a 11 n.', and ai'li-rwanh-j hli Ij.pud her and poured p.tratlln over the body and,net ili'O tu [L. Tin- wiiinmi w;im hurn<-ii in death without tht* fdl^bt'-st effort on the port of tho Hpuciaturs to extinguish tbo llanwt; which wm-c i-on-uiniuiv her. Cleary claimed that it wuh nut his wire but ii wlti'h that. w;ih burned. Tin- prini'lpul Crown whiiess testified: On the nttfht of March 11. aecmnpuulei! by my who, I went, to tin.' house of J'utrlck llolnnd, nerupU'd liy hlin ami by Michael deary and Bridget Ck-ary, his wire. When we arrived close to th-1 house wo met Mm. Johanna, luirki.*, ana Inquired how Mi*h. Cleary wan. . f4ii. Bald tlicy were Klvlnr her some herbs jut then which they jjot from Dennis Gnney, over the mountain, and that n/> .person'would be let in for Niune time. We then proceeded to tin- window or the house. , In one of tin- front roo.n.i I heard voices shouting, " Take it, you- old tntZKot, or wo will kill y< u." The Mhutters of the window were closed and the door loek<-d. After a abort time the door wjih opened. I Haw there John Dunne, p. Kennedy, M. Kennedy nml William Kennedy, holding' Mrs. Clenry on the bed. She was on her back. Iter hUHband wnft.'stnndlnR' by her bedside. I.heard for paraffin- oil, an) be said, "Throw It on." It was Drought by Mary Kennedy. Michael Cleary bad a saucepan In his hand at the time. It would appear an IP they threw the liquid on the woman. I h;lw Mis. Cleary stru^llmr on tho bed, and say- In^, " Leave me alone." I then saw her husband tflvo her Hom liquid In a spoon, juid heard someone Hay U wan herbs. She' was held d wn at the time by foree, and-one of those, present had his hand across her mouth und others held her down for ten min utes after Hie- fcot the herb.-*. .. A, man at .a-.h side of the bod kept the body swlnfflnjr about the whole time. She sereamod horribly, and they cried out, "Come home, Pridtfot p >i- and " (Mrs. deary's maiden rvam >/ from which T'cnulr] learn they thought Mrs. Cl< ary was a "witch," and en- . deavorod to send' her out of the house by torturing her body.' Some t me af- rl saw them take her out nf the bed and carry her to tho kitchen lire and hold her over It. In a short time, X could nee her raised on the b:>rs of the .prate over the fire. One of thOM* pre sent said he had to use a red poker on her to make her take medicine,' I saw Rome marks on her neck. Her husband put some questions to her at the fire, asking if she was his wife, and aft^r Bho had answered the questions they put nor back on the bed. A woman named Burke, who alleges that she was a prisoner In the house nf the Clearys while the murder Was being committed, prave a circum stantial account of the barbarous, treatment to whWh the unfortunate victim was subjected by her husband mid some of the men who assisted him. She related a conversation which sh<* heard beLwi en th.- numl.-n-d win r nnd her hunt ami, in wh eh h ci'iis.'d h-r of h ivhtK kept omiNiny with fiilrioa, which sin- *.|. ni >d. H- pm cer tain", tests to her. -lslvln'M name of God was sh I'.rld his wife. Up rerjuired he: t nnd jam three t ine-s n ,, '.. whether sh" was a Inn; l,.-i fairy, and on son iit ,. on th. thi-d tiim l .- - ., :, C'.rn*' con\ I eej tVm -h-- w t.s tal. wheieu;ion ;.( k d jumped on h -r c-li--1 v.-hi . Hh the' ll'ior. ri h id h" n pv.c-d ovej i , nP. ;,. ; [,, _ fi'.df and the other n-n. they made'.n'ii or ef:'.,-. t t- driv.- oir tie- 'falrle-- d- dreM*.-lTi^ her from Ih,.,. t Mine. :ind r. - peatinn the qn>.s;i.n wh.-ih-r she \v s Ida wife. He then thr. w par. ffi,, ...I over her, ami, assisted by her faiher, h- placed her on the lire, which w t on the hearth, and wltm-Hs became sick and escaped to an upper room In ter ror. "Witness' brother fainted, and tlv-y poured holy water over him to revive him. Looking down Into the kitchen witness could see that tho place was wmoke and that the deceased's body, was lying 6n its face, with the loflfa drawn up in ajjony. On looking a UK & p$M A LIFE SAVED 'III ^M^^M^ BY TAKING ?n CHERRY O PECTORAL "SuvenU venvi ;i(;n, 1 ea'adit a sevvcoM UllCllilud with fl 1 iri'il li that itl.tiv.. .1 i;ie im vest, eilhci' ihiv *-v iii'.-'ht. Tin- doc- turn proixiiuienii niy i"> ,i' hiipi-l-s-i. A f lie ml, l.viniintf in" my I n'tnl-le.' :;-ia me Jl buttle uf ,\;.vi":, Cherry I'eeioi'id. liy lie- time I had used i.h'i. v. hole l"'!Ile, I v. ;m eeinpli>t'dv t'tn-il. anil I believe il .saved lav Me." W. II. YVAim, H ',tiilnit-y .We., bowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 2.:<iahri.ij, Awardn at; World'tt Fair. ' iltti 'Jlf-nt Vamllu 1'hyuic. DRAINAGE BY-LAW NO. 84. pality for oomplottu^ tho namn. iHionally adopted tho UJHh <Uy of Juno, lflOK. t UA, in lha'Kth eonorwlon of tho Towuhhl oj Mulrt- )f thn llald towimhlpi a wrltUm ktollou Mint Out IMma or ElIIUS HT'O A UIIMIrW. Two lieu i'liiiinilcii ;1 lor '.IxlnrMnn uT t% 1V4IIIIIIN III l.lkllllll'l . London, July fi. I'lJ-nest (,'rane and Ji'inn'H Uu'ok were to-d..y .ully eninmit- ted for trial on the cdiai^e t)f havlio; kidnapped Mrs. (Joi don. widow nf Mie late lion. Saokvlll" fJonlon, a few weeks ami. Tin* aldiutlon "f the wo man, It Is claimed, was d ne at the in stance of an vVmeriean n:im>'il Clamp, with whom Mrs. Gordon had lived, in order to obtain the bond;-, money. Jew elry, etc., which she was possessed of. KiihN.uki*t:ik iitoif stmmi,. A BY IjAW t provldu for drainu^o work lu the TowuHhipof Maidutono, in th County oMJhhox; und tor borrowing on tho credit of the municipality of CloHih.Id Nonh, tbu Bam of ThNiu HuiKlrod and Nimtty-throo dolbuu and kilnu oenfcM, tho proportion to- b ooutributod by inuuiolpalily foroomjilotin^thMmn. l*rovi "' " " '...... Wiikuwah, lloin-y Ilnwull, owuur of lot No. Hi Tap Drulii, orlhwlly ooimtriiotod un.lor tint i>rovlMlonM bf tho Onturlo UraimiU Aot. Wi u nnioh-oiifc f--* li.nuBillaUly and no pruvvnt damutin to-iu liiiid by an tWHlow of wutur from Uto mdd (Iruhi, ,, " ,' . ANii Wiikhicam tlioruttitoti th Maid tioiiuoll hail pmaiifflil an ozitmliiallou to ho niadii by jku. H. Ijulrd, Knfi.. 1'. bhi a Piwhou oompolont tor mmh imriiomt, of dm iiald arou iiropo'i'-Mi to lai dralkud and tbo moatm MH|!Unntil tar tho driilintUo thalrtiof ,atid of otlior ladn and ttnuU ualUo to UHllOHUmiiilfc inidor thin Al, and him alao pi'oauro:! ithniH, Miioolthuttlonii ami tiiitlmatn nf n (liulnai.'(* worlc to lm nuulo ny tbo muUI ,1m, H. Ijithd, ami an aHiiiiMHnmnt to b muilu by lilm of mo IuikIh and rdudn to bo btumlHtod by mioti dralnaKu Avork ami of otlioi" laudii and road" liublo (or aoiitrllmtlon thoroto, utntliiuau nearly ax lui oau thu proportion of ixmollt, oatbit, ItiLblltty utid lnjuriiiu liai>iliLy, lilu opltdnn, will bo durlvnd of-lnunrrod in onI'auujannuo of mioh dndn- uj(i) wora by ovry roml or lot, or portion of Int. thu mdd iiHHoHnnioiit 10 niiidn hoinu thn uiaiiiuii- iiiont broliui.rtor by thin by-law nnaotod to bo uiihonmid and lovlod upon thu roadn and tutu, or partH nf lotit, lioroluuftor in that behalf impnolally not forth and ilnnoribod, and tho roport of tho iialil .Tan. H. laiird in ronfioot tlmveof, and of tint drahiaf( work, boiiiu an lollowir. To tho Houvo. Uoputy-UDOvo and Mimiulpal CouuolllorH, ot tho Townuhlp of Mubbitono, in ooun- oll iiHiumibloi!: GnNTMwiKN.-'In acoordanofl with huitrtiotionii from your honoi-abln body. I hiivn taliou tho I oUco.siljmid by Uonry Ilomdl and liavo oxauilnoil No, 1(1 Tap i>mhi, liiiown an tho puou Uralti, from tlio lownlino botwnon Mnntinlil North and MiLldiitono, north aloiijf tho ountro of tho tith uon. ot Maldutoiui to tho Mulrlon road, and htm to roport thoroon as follows: I tlnd that tho unid ilrabi wan eonutriiutoil aliout Its yoarti nuo, and that thoru ban boon notli- iliK dono to it idnoo, oioupt il fow Iojjh talom nut of It (ivory fow yoavii. I alHO I\nd that tho naid drain in greatly 111 led up and muoh in noud of hnprovumont. I ihid that thoru In oidy about Iir.i) aoroH In tho naid TownaVilp ( MaidHtono thut can utio miid drain, ami noaio of that to a vorv nliuht ox tout. Thoro in 71!(l ncnut In tbo Towiuihlii oT Clonllold North and iil:t in tbo Town of Kmiox, that will uno tho itald drain an an outlet LlrroiKflamt itu onMro lotifjth. I find that it will cont, all oxpoimcn inclnilod, *7&7 tu pub uald drain in n ood stuto of ropair. Of thin amount I havo tuxo'l tin: landii in Muidutono tor tionoilt with ^O'i.-ll), and fnroutlot with .91117.ill; tho Iambi in duiiHidd North for ontkH with tfllM) tW, and for lumolll with 81; and tho Iambi in tho Town ot Khuoji with ^prJ.US for outlet. Accinnuiiiiylni; you will (hid plann, p^oftlnii, iniooinoatioim, nuiioHuinontu, (infcl- niaton und all othor jiaiioni iiooniiiiary for ^ufdancii in tno ubianluH out of naid drain. Thin drain iilndl bo kopt in ropair uy ii tax on tbo Inndri and roiulH now annoHimd, and lu tho minio j>roportlon oxcopt tho onfdnoor in uliariio uf tho cloauiujc out in of tho opinion that tbo proportion ouidiL to bo uhaUK'od. I luwu tbo honor to bo, i;nntloiniin, your obodiont Horvant, (Sliiuod) JAMKH H. liAlUU, O. L. . ISJniiox, Oot.l, 1H01. Ano Wimui'.Aii tbo counoll uf naid munlolpality of^In-ldiitono did norvo tbu lioad of- tho muii- icinabty of Goiitlold North with a copy or tlio ubovo ronort and of tho ubovo montlouod pliuui, Hpooiflcatlonn nnd ontiimitun for tlio roimlr or tlio No. lrt or l'uco drain. And'.Aii tho uald counoll of GoiiJlold North aroof tho opinion Hint tbo dmimwio of, tho artia doacriljod. in duitirabln. Thoroforo tho mild muulnipnl counoll of tho uald '1'owuobip of UonfloM North, punntant to tho i)rovinionii of tbo Dmiimco Act, HJtH, omiotii as fallown: lilt. Tlio unid roport, pliuui, iipocitlcatluiiH and ahiioiinaionts, rjo Tar an thoy lolato to tho Town- iildp of Goiiflobl North, aro horoby adoptoil and tlio drahmijo work an thoroin indiuiuod and not forth, iihallboiniulo and comitruotod in aoonrdanoo thornwlth. Und. Tlio Itoovo of tho "aid Towruihip may borrow on tho credit of tho Corporation of tho naid Towufihip of Gonllobl North tho mim of ^:i'J;l.(H) lining naid munlcipallty'ri proportion of thu futulii nocounary for tlio work, and may Ihhuj dobunturou of tlm Corporation to that amount, in union ol not luim than $50 oaoh, nnd payaiilo within five youni from tho data thoioof, with iutoroiit at tho rato of & pin- cont.iior atiuuni, that in to nay, in livo oijual annual Inntnlmontu, J. GOiratLAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT I amount, in union ol not luim than $50 oaoh, nnd payahlo within five youni from tho with intoront at tho rato of 6 por cont.iior annum, that in to nay, in fiiioli dobontitron to bo payalilo at thu Imperial jiaulcat thu Town o[ Kuhdx ami to havo uttuohod ' In tb Ho v , t Mead ' a ..,,,, , - ,,.. 1 V () "It lll'T- h r ' Pd I y .,M lHarluic Aliiluctlnii at ilic Vlriorlu Indin* trial Toronto, July G. It. hart leak ed out that on, Dominion Day lufft a carefully planned abduction whh fiiu-'Cfthnfully jM'rputrated on the au thorities of Victoria* Industrial School. Tho polico are looking for a harbor nanv- od Joliufitoi), Huppo^ud to bo in Buffalo, wliojiidnappod Kddie Hay ward, tho aou of hid paramour, and npiritod him away. The lad I lay ward lu about lil year old_and wan nout down hoiiio montliH aj?o for potty larceny. Ilia lather, Ueorjyo Jlivy^vard in a teanwtor living in Toronto. Alwwit a. year n-ffo Mrs. Ilayward decid ed that life would havo more allurement* for !KHf-41.tfJi apnat it with abarlier ac- quaintanoe of hor uuitea<r~oTTinmiii]iTTK~ at hor hiiflbaad'H nido. So thu pair elojMaji and wont ti> Ituffalo. But although oho had cut homo If off from her Inwband who did not forget, her Little Hon out at Minil- co. She wrote Lottora to him r^'CnMionaUy and on Thurwlay ol' Int week naid that (die vrtut coming ovor to hcq him on Do minion Day. Public holidays are red-Iettor dayci out at tlio School, for on them1 dayn tho piiroirtf) of the young hicorrigibh'U who are lifting reformed are allowed to viwit them. Mm. Hayward did not conio -to- school - on Monday but her paramour did. Ho did not report at the offico aa parent* or guardians are required to do, but took, advantage of the Tact that there woro 70 or 80 other Vinitora prenont to (icok out young Hayward in tho yard and Hpeak to him. Thoro ifl no oyntem of imprinonmeut at Sfimicov Tho Ixjya arc in tho opun with every chanco to eacapo, but they do not do fto b*?cauflo nuch a. delinquency receive aovorc puniBhmeut. A fow guardw minglo amoup; tlio 200 lioyn and keep thoir oyea open, but tluit ifl the only precaution taken. Tho guard who noticed Ilayward talking to tho stranger thought nothing erf tins matter until half an hour aftor- tho lad won found to Imj mioHing. to thorn coupoun for tho payment of luturont Hrd. Kor pavlnif tho iinm of $1.00, thu amount charKd ar]atnnt tho uald landu and rondii fo bonoflt, and tho nmn of ?H7i).01, tho amount ohar|{ud ajjalunt tlio uald lnudii and roadii for outlot liability, apart from tho landii audroadn boloni;ln|[ to or oontrollod by tlm municipality, ami for oovtrinit intoron: thoroon for livo yoarn at tho rato of llvu por ount. nor annum, tho following total iipocial ratou, ovor und abovo all.othor ruton nhitll bo unauiinod, lovfod and colloutod (lu tho inuno mannor and attbo n,uno timo an othor tajenu aro lovioil and collootod) upon and from tho UHdor- montlouod lotn or piirtn of lotfi, and roadn, and tlio amount of tho mud total Hpooial ratuH ami intoront aniiinutoaoh lot or part of lot ronpootlvclly, nliall ho dividod into livo onual piirtn, and oiio nuch part Khali ho iiiiiitiimod, loviod ami collootod an aforoiiaid, lu mioh yoai for tlvo yoiu-u nftor tho llnal pamihn; of thin by-law, duriuj; which tho naid dohontnreii havo to run. A NOIILK l.ll'^ a vorii; i>i:nm. of IIin All- of I.oril Usebry on llm Work niln titration tondon, July 5. Speaking at Albort Hall thla evening, ex-Prime Mlnl.stcr Rosebery anid that the late Government had lived a noble life and-died-a noble- death. It left behind it a mighty .sur plus. BuslneHii was reviving, and wan prosperous, and the peoplo wore con tented. The new Government would Incur a serious responsibility If it re versed the Iato Government'H policy In regard to Armenia. Lord Uo.subc-ry again denounced the Houso of Lords. Mr. Atkinson has been'appointed At torney-General for Ireland. Right Hon. Henry Matthews, Con servative M.P. for the I3aat Division of Birmingham, has been raised to the peerage. He was Secretary of State for Homo Affairs from August, 1880, to August, 1892. Hobodu lo of lundfi AiiHOHuod iu Goitfiold North for tho Puoo Drain lit paira in Muidutono , Q *i ^ *J u 4-i A a u a 31 a cj _o 4-1 '-a *j 3 . OJ IQ i i an a o <u U a o u 31 Cl. o o a tt Is 3i alue of lu; Liability To Cover In for 5 yeary at cent otal Special Ol It u> ~i rt " fj_i a, ol ^ *3 to U a : g'C q 3 o h-< < t> > H -tJ-3 11 :i iij loO (1 '20 120 H 00 1 7H 1 W pt *'l 1 00 3 50 70 fi *20 1 04 1 o pt ft." 1 50 " 25 1 75 35 N T 11 J7B a o pt w hi 2o 1.1 50 '2 10 15 b'O 3 12 178 u w pt 7o 10 50 1) 30 iii yo 9 .lo 270 o pt UO IK-flO 7 5ii . 50 15 ll 2.1 ___ _JJ\> h e pt 10 5 40 85 0 25 " I '25 M7U o hf w lif 50 '27 00 i lo :u io " 0 23 ___ 27i> w lit' w hf SO '27 00 -1 15 31 15 Ii 23 'JH0 H w pt 10 21 DO ;i -Ao 24 05 4 99 '280 ii e pt 50 27 00 4 15 31 15 (1 23 jyo n hf 100 54 00 H 30 6'J 30 12 40 281 n pt ii qr 13 7 00 1 10 8 10 1 0'2 '281 ij pt oo cor 1 54 11 05 13 '281 hf a Ut fiO 27 00 i 15 31 15 0 23 281 a hf u bf 50 '27 00 4 15 31 15 0 23 H81 n hf u hf SO '27 00 4 15 SI 15 G23 282 n w pt U I HO 70 5 05 1 13 28*2 o o pt al for benefit 21 100 11 ill 1 7G 'fiU an 13 10 2 02 To 37U 04 112 30 88 40 " outlot 37!) 0-4 " injuring Hoi idtt of alumoipality Total 10 05 393 01) I 55 11 no 2 82 (10 81 153 90 90 78 , - THE TRIUMPH COftN SHELLERiS- - - r>EsoR.iETioisrw Thin Maclimn coTufiafca of n. horizontal ctifitcylindor, with, wrought iroa barn, with sidol'toalh boltorl to the cylindor so na to ho rovorSiblo whon^tho tooth Iiocomo worn on tho front uitlo, running in a porfo.rutcd concavo_ iron ulioll, which tho Bliollotl com.]iaR.soB through into a ahoct iron ohho, with a fun or clonnor attached bolow, wliich talistj all tlio duHfc.from tho grain. Tho choapoBfc, boNfc, moRt flimplo and dnrublo Po^Wff Corn Sliellor in u^o; aholla corn porfootiy clean in any condition Hhollin^IHld cleaning from ono to two thousand busholfi of oars per day, according to |>ow__ DiMBNaioNs. Longth, 5 ft, 3 inSjulloy,10 in> a^11'd- oter, fi in. "face; Motion, SOO to 800 revolution*) por minuto>iVoi^nt' cr>013. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. l^coUQ :S^ ABaiS IN YOUTH!' LATER EXCESSES IM MANHOOD W MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN rJtUC U?iiV T"r'^n"m:icn Ild folly in youth, ovoroxortion of mind and body Jnduo.|# n* IIL nLoULI oil byluHbandoxiioHuroarit cnnHhuitly wrookin tho Hvoiumd fntnroft ta-viupliinoHHCif! MifuiMindiof promiMinwyonmr mon. Homofauo and wlthnr at an oarly uwo.j; M'^n thn (iN.jiii'f. i of umiilinnJ, whilnotlioni urn forcod to draff out a wonry, IrnttloH* anil** ini'iimoiioij nviMoiiro. Oi.h:r:i ronoh nuitrimony but find no noluco or comfort thoro. Xliull .-viotinuu .'m (n'.iml iunll nliitionn of lifo: Tlio farm, tho oilier, tho woriciihop, tho pulpit.g Htl'.o trudo:) nnd iho profuHHionn. . ______-_ . f RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DBS. K. & X* S * Wm. A. WAJViCKll* Wm. A. W.VLKKU. MHH.CIIA.S. FEUHY, CHAB. FERBX* jiDEPoio: tiiEai.meht Avrv-ii TiiKATMKHT Divorcod hat united ngala . f -?-N0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED'WITHOUT WRITTEN C0NSENT.-ai Wm. A. WnllcoroFTnth^tn'^rTTayflt ^^JWiavo muTorod iftcront whoa I contrnctnd Itb. For payliiR tbo uum of $10.05, tho amount auoonnod aRalnnt the. naid roadn (nnd lamln) ol tbo munlolpality, and for covorini: intoront thoroon lor flvo yoaro at tho rato of tlvo por cont, por annum, a miocial ruto on tho dollar, iiulhoiont to produco tlio roqulrod yearly amount therefor, Hindi, ovor and abovo all othor loviod and collootod tin tho name mannor and at tho iiamo timo aa tuxuti aro lovind and collected,) upon und horn tbo wholo ratoablo proporty lu.tho naid Towniihip of Gonfiold North in oaoh year for tho ported of livo yearo after tho final puuntufi of thin by-law, durinc wblob tho unid dobontnros havo to mn. 5th, Thattbiu by-law uliall bo pabllsbodoitoo in ovory woolt, for fflurconuooutlvo woolen. In tho Khhex Fniiis Pukuh, nowniimior, publisbod In tho Town of Hanoi, and that thin by-law ann.ll oomo iftor tho final pausing tboroof, and may bo cltod'iind rolurrod to an tho "No. into force upon and after Hi or Puco Urnln Itopiiira Ily-lnw." (Signed) JOHN T. WtOWN, Iteovo. IfUAC JACKSON, Clerk. SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CUFteD H nntoldnwoniog for my "fjny life." I wnn indinoront who&lij yonnjr and ignorant. An 'Ono of tho lioyfl" I contmetiwl** byphilii nnd othor Privato dinonnoH. Ihadnlcorn in tliof'T month and thrnnl, lionu nalnti, hair looi>o, pimplca on* fiinn, ihih'or iniilo cninoofl; oiuisiftionH, hociimo thin andiiS (lu*iiiondfuit Kovon doutoni troatod nio with Moroury, Potash, ore. ..Tboy;h'nlp((l mo but coilld not euro mo. ___________________________ Flniillvafriondindncodnifttotry Ilrn.Knnnfldy A; Korfffflit; loirNow MnthodTrcatnumt cored mo la a fow wookn. Their trnatmeut in wonUon'ol. I havo novor heard of thoir failini: to enro in aohiffli Von fool yournolf flaininir ovory day cam;." 157-CURES QUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED S KCopt. (*lmii. Forrynnya: "lowomy Hfo to Drn. K. & K. At 111 lnarnod n bud hnbit. At 21 linid nil tho nymptomi] &(if Hominid Wonunoim and Hponnatorrha'ii, L -'...... worn drnimnp nnd weuknninir.,niy vitality. .1 in: K21 undt-r odvico of my fiimily doctor, "but it wiw a iindexporiinco Inoitfhtot.n montlin wo wore divnrol. I tlion conmiltod Drn. K. & K., who rntorotl mo to mnnliood DbytJieir New Method Treatment. 1 foltn now lifo thrill throimh my intrvofl. \Vo wnro uiutnd nRoin and urn happy. Thin wan nix yearn uro R 7-* lll( IMPOTE1SICY VARIGOGELE EMISSIONS CURED DrH. k, tt K. nro uciontifio apiiciiuiata anill heartily recommond thorn." f^T* IVt' treat and curt Varicocele, JZtniwons, Nervous Debility, St. "tinall* # K D R Weakness^ Ghet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Sttif Abusi Kidney and Bladdet Diseases,____________ ^ K 17VEARSIN DETROIT." 200.006 CURED. NO RISK K 17 YEARS "IN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK I HKimiiYCr.uTirv tlmt tbo forfolnc In otruo copy of a Hy-law proviaionaUy adopted on tho li3th day of Juno, 1HU5, by tho munlolpal council of tho naid Towniihip of Goanold N(Jrt'b. Hon. T. T. Ultolil*- itn-Klcrfnl London, July 5. Tho Right Hon. Charles T. Ritchie waa re-eb>cu*d t.j Notice in horobv civon that tbo Court of ltovlulon will bo held at tho Town Hall, Cott'atn, on Saturday, tho '27th day of July, A. D. 1*1)5, at 30 o'cloolt in tho forouoon, for tho hoarinR and trial oi appoain mado uRiilnnt tho abovo uimoHiinioiit, or any part thoroof, In tlio manuor providud by tho DralnaL'O Act; KiOI. anil that any iiomon intoudiiiK to appoal aflalnnt tho abovo aiiuounmont, or any part thoroof, muHt.not later than tho dayn holoio tho timo ttxod for tho boldinn of naid court, norvo on tho clorlt of tho municipality a written notico of uuoh appual or othovwluo bo will ho too Into to bo hoard In thutbohalf. . ' ,, ... , And further notico in hereby civon that any poraon batoudinc to make application to have nuch by-luw, or any part tlioruof, ouuhIioiI, munt, not lator than ton dayn aftor tbo final puouiurt thoroof, norvo auctlce In'writiuB upon tho Hoovo or othor hoa.d offloor, aud upon tho oierlc of tbo Muolcipality of Gonfiold North of bin intention to raalto application for thut purpoao to tho Uiuh Court a*- Toronto, durine tbo nix wuoka noxt oimuiuc tho Hnal panniun of thin uydaw. w -. .... I8AA0 JACKHON, Towmdiip Clerk. bated at Gonfiold North tho UOth day of Juno, 1603, Several Jlordu ol" liullnloeH riicbllmr Hie niinui,. hi ?iliwljt-toM-HV GeuJ Duclicano telojfmphtf that ono-toath or tho Proneh forcwi in Mddagoacur, iucludiuj; Coollca, aro [u- Vttlldod. on hla appointment to tho ofTlco of prns- Idi-nt of tho Hoard of Trado. H--.wna not uccond tlmonhe anw tlio body trotche4 Parliament for Croydon yowterday, up on Its back, ana It was then deBperate- ly dlHilgured and burned. Bho "screech ed horribly " while thoy were torturinc ht-r. .. Tho himband Kot Hacks, and with an- ristanoo-took away the body, the party , tnklner a wpade and a Hhovcl With them , Thla occurred in the mUhllo of tho nlffht, and next day tho husband com- pelled witness to swi-ar on hor Iciiogh that the doceaned had vanished through the door, anfi no ono know what had become of her. I-To alno told witnotis that it wan not his wife he wan burning, but a fairy, and that hIp- would nee the fairy dlanppcarlnK up the chimney. When the body wa.i burned he gathered up the a.ahOH th-t remained and burled th m In front of tho houBft. He also made the father o the -doceascd nwear thut he would . cay ho knew nothing about the occur rence, Clonry.was ncntenced to 20 years' im prisonment' ins accomplices- were al so convicted. Patrick Kennedy w h condemned to five and John Dunns to , throe yearH' Imprisonment. tWlMlnm and James Kearney to 18 montha' each, una IJatrlck Boleii and Michnol Kennedy to , alx monthH' each. See My lew Dress! It usud to he my mamma's old cashmere, which she took to piixeg and dyod with 05a- tviond Dyca nnd made mc "two new dresses, a blue and n brown. Brother's got a new suit too ; it's mado from Uncle Jack's okl coat dyed over j mamma said 'twas easy to dye with Diamond DyCS, that anybody can use them, " Diamond "Byes aro mado for Uorao use. Absolutely reliable, lay color. Roluflverywliero. lOctn- * pnekajrft. ptr* Direc tion book and -ID uumplua of colored cloth freti. Wkixb Jk IticuAnu&Oh Jo. Motttreal, 1*.Q. Aud thouHaudB of olita, door, otc,, aro to bo found in tho Yollowntoue Park. It ia tho only placo whoro tho buITulo can bo found to-day, ho raorcileHHly have thoy boon niaugbtored. Tboy aro (^ouo from tho plains and pruiricH(aud tho rotnnunt now loft can thank tho United Htutou .Government for tho privilege of living. Tho Yollowutono Park ih their homo and thoro thoy uroHufo. The Park ih patrolled by soldiers both auramor aud winter to capture poaoho and offondora and aovoro imnishmont in motod out to intruders Ih Buramor tho buffalo ruugo iu the hi^blando, near Yollowntone Lalto. In' wintorthoy work ovor into Mayden Valloy aud nurroundiuK oouutry, whoro tho hot flpringH aud watcrn keop tho quow molted away. Doer and oik run go over Mm entire Yollowutono Park. Tlmn booidon tho (^roat rnarvolo of nature mot with iu thin woudor- land.thero are uluo tho Unost iipeoimonq of our larfio ftarae. Tamo and doodo, thoy four not man. SMohoH of Wondorland, an dluotratod hook publinhod by the Northern Paoirto Kailroud Ucsorihftfl tltia wondorland, iit will bo Ciufl, S. Fisk, tho Gon'l .Ationt, Bfc. Paul, Miuu:, upou receipt of wixoontu in Hfcamub. ; ,Ni. "Body Kcsted, TSUnO.1 at Ease." That ia what it ih whou travollin^ on tbo fant trains of tboChioauo, Milwaukee it St. Paul Railway; babidos thoro is no chanco to "Uiok," tor the aooommodutiona aro up to duto. tho trainH koop moving rijjht alonR aud Rot thoro on timo. Thoou Hnea ihor- oufihly cover tbo territory betwoou Gbicafio, La OroflHo, fcH. Paul, Miuuuupolio, A.bor- doon, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Bioux City. Yankton, Gounod Bluffs, Omaha and Nor thern Miohigau. All tho principal oitioo und towns in that torritory aro reached by tho "St. Paul" liuoo, oounootiuj; ut St* Paul, Council Bluffs and Omaha with all lineo for points tiu tho far went. Writo to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Puns'r Agent, 87 York Street, Toronto, Out., for ono of thoir map timo tables and ajbro'nhuro, Riving d**boription of tho Compattmotit Sleeping Jarn, Tickets furnishod by any ooupon icliob a^ont in tho United FUlatoa.and Can> la. Tho flneot dining cam in tWo* world run on tho nolid ventibulod( oleotrio- njhtod and otoara-hoatod traiun of'tlio Chi- )i(jo, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway. mnr Ouri iVofi' & ttDCAnf D 9 Aroyonn victim? llavoyouinHt bono? Aroyon Rontomplntlnrr K^nl-rtL/Cri l riUKO? Hunyoiir'niood boon dinoiuiod? Havoyon any woaknonn? . Now Motliodl'roatmoiit will euro vou. What it ban dono for oUVrn it will do for y< CONSULTAtlON FREE. Noranttor wliohun troatod you.wriro for ur lionoHt opinion tVo SfoCOhnrae. Charfim rounonublo. BOOKS FREE-- Tho Goldou Monitor" (lllnatrutod), out* |]I)iuc(UJoaoMon. Inolouo pantano, Sconto. Seulod. |J K ETNO NAMEO USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-D KVATK- No modiclmo sent C O. D. .No names on bojc*3 or onvol-5 Sopos. Everything: confidential. Question list anj coat of TVeutrO ament*FREE:-------------- \ SI kDRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN)ND0EV4girTELMB,vcSi Fow modiciuon havo hold thoir ground ao Hucoooafully afl Ayor'o Chorry Pootorinl. During the past fifty your, it has beon th* mpBt popular of all oough-ouroa and bho'demand for it to-day-is greater than oyr hifore. Prompt to aot and nuro to \ Thoruo, OruwKlat, oure, . l'-:'^l A Boon to Horfioruon. Ono bottlo of English Spovin Linimout oomplotoly ro movod a ourb from my horse. I tako ploasiiro in rooommbudinf; tbn romody, as it aots with inyfltorioua promptnoBfi in tho removal from horsoH of bard, boW or aal- louHod lumpf). Wood spavin, epHufcn, ourba, Bwe'onyi HtifloH and upruinoH. Goo, Dobb farmer, Markham, ^Out. Sold |jby Jqjm -" 'T 1^: Kt you Ktt'rTlinik: . That you cannot ha woll uuieun yon have pure, rioh blood ? If you aro wakt tireA^ lunRuid and alt run down, it is bopiq^ your blood is impovurinhod auu "Uok tt:' fcality. Thoao troubles may be oyeroom^: by Ilood'n Sarnunurilla buouuse loo4*% SarBapitrillrt makoa p^ta, rioh b|*od. 3tHV )S is. in truth thn groat blood purifier, '.\::;';/\^ Homl'u PillH euro livar UU,, obnutipatien^ -, ^ bdioiuiiciB, jaundioo, Hick hoadu,obo.'itw, ,._/. difjMtlpn. ,:"v^^ i.^y i., i^iii^iii^^

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