Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, p. 6

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^Ri^^WPW^^^^PP^^^^WPi^P^ . vf, ' TUB. ItSSKJi KKEh WESit iV 0 CENTS! BEST OFFER EVER MADE HE ESSEX FREE PRESS h \s nali For th^"balance of 1895 for 50 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBER S Show this to yourSneighbors. ^ ^> ADDRES E. J, LOVELACE, Propriotcrf, Essex, Oat, WrffejS TO 1 jlJlft DEED. BY OHO. I^A^TVIT-jLiEI JTEOSfX-T 'to in: t'OMiNuiri) ) my father** tad hi* wish; do not blamo m* lor that.". Ho turned from her as if to avoid hor yen, and hjr voico gtuw more pitoouB he crept clone to him and ntood with Iter hand ruined to lay it upon bin arm, but dreading to touch liim agrim uftor hio cold JobufT. *'I tell you, dear, I did not know then- I boliovod you cured for Edtu." he criud, turniup to hor "Wny d<> yau revivu all "I! Nover!" for tint momutit, lii.-r,!'* "pj'M'mmo you aro no cru--l to mo ho ..1. Malcolm, I murtfc n-.t:,ik now. You l>.j,v matin urn rcckiufi^ i-aiy tn bt.ivo tin- w|i do woilil'n coilt<-iti|H, rnv f.vtln'i'a iirwj-r. lor tlin H-'ko *>1 him ivho firnt Liuplit HI" wh it it ivru to luvr. X I'll win I nniHt . p il: now, urn! I count to you humble mid r,u'p|>!ilLllt--tho womail you would liuveniado your wif. It wtin too cruel, hut I furtive vou dear. Lot all (hut bo an if it had never il*pjpouod." Jio groaned, and oovoreil bin face withhui handn. "SpoiiU to ino, donn^t," bIio murmured; and, pmholdunoil by hia sorrowful manner, (ih clan|)*;d otin of bin arnui with both lier band", and laid hor choult alumni it an tttm ftpoko. "Kpuak to me and tidl mo, too, that*you foryivo mo alt that Had tinm of my Jlfu. I tell you a^niii I nover loved him. Our warriiiRo wan the morent form, and I catno hick from the chuicli \\ billing that my Inat hour bad como. I know now; yon tieod not toll mt'.diMr you Hhranlc from me nt th UiHt; but yon did not know my heart, Malcolm you could not hoo how u nvory pulaaiinu wan for yn, I lay il bin* before you now, Malcolm hiwhand. I claim you, <|onr. I cannot; livo on lilio thie. my own, III v uwn," Sf*c had crept donor and cloucr iih Mm polct(, hor luiiia bud nii to hia shoulder, Mid. ufit*r trembling then* torn f-w mo- muur*., ibey ciiiBpcd Ilia nock, iitidjdju buried hrr fa en ui Ins bream, mAibiiitt Va if ho* he ii t> ivuiild bmatt. Then hor trfirtt-seeinod to froezu in thir onrco, and hIib nhrunk away horrified and clttlk'd by IiIh manner; for he thrust hor j from him with nn nngry tfoutnre, and Ina iacc w h convulHod iifl bo made an if to rmh | from tlio room. I liut ho tnm.d h-ck tn her. and she gank : p<ui bur ItiuM-Ji hoforo him. * "Malcolm," ho a: 1 '>ntly, "am I ho loalbhomo in your <-iyh' V < "No^ikj," ho.grn.innd, and h tore vX liiw [ throat as if- KoinwhinL' cbedtod him. "For ; liavc t'ild m all that. .Ild drip InllH Wlill, i)uih<- tml ' I'tiiloi tor ! inc a^.i in. My tathf-r Yon havo been ill wh'i hhoiild bo your Malc'din comn to will li.iti'ii to my IHiivi-'ii. ami all tlio pant aliall l)u fotgatton. '!* kf in*- wuli you away aonniwlifro till you arc wi-ll afi.itn. Only lull mo now that you have fMijfiven mo tbt I am to be your wifo, M ileolm inv own." A Hijc-m of hurror cnnmlitjd lut fco n u' o, ;t"-l It r> shrunk f mm h-r wlum nhe "otii'l hive otico iiioi o laid her bead upon Iih lire.ibt. "N't. ; yrni do iiot know; ymi cannot ki,ow,:' he wln.Hpeicd honrHfly. '*Myni, r ifit: i a L'ulf lu'lwi't.'ii us il .it can novtir imif bf ernum-d ().>, d.Mi'i-Ht, fur Ileavc.n'a - - U* , and ny and for^i't I vor naiil ^ or A'* ot lui'"'.1' Sli" lonki d .it him in wniidrr more than \r- 1^,1, but iln-pi inii' ohj.'d of iiur tniMHlon . .nn.' iirnv to muni "No," -h>' mini ; "v"in it11nt! ii dincrder* fd u lib :'i i'f. [ <* * utMit b-.t vi- y<>u like ill ih. T II ii'n', 1 in f^. M-i'c lui: yon dn rt-pol mo li-'f.-ii1- r-t idv* |iasl. '" ".N" imi,'Ii,- wildly. "For that? (il'.M I HiMV'll-, uo !" "'I ii'ii V"-i musi von wiiall tell me." " !' ' i vnii '.' ' -if iTii'd, "\ M.iai, you h'Ti: kept buck from \ 'II II ' ill' -t t I M'l'll Tl 'Mil* I lit) hnllli: Iff- / iliir.' M..H"l<: hi'iu ^'mt Htj-my of Hpliit I, u -.'loiil-l in hint* \ on n r.ufio yniir lmnd -i^.iiii ,i ymii *ih n .'b"'I'llfy inlil Jim l:ial!" b<- KHld hlttorlv '^'- 1 Uut tlio reii- rtuir, ? Dm phi ii'O 'i;|1 me I ilumld \ i:i .....;r Kfl:" \I ilfi'in, r 11 nin. I 1 e il, ' ' Ii'- LU-o'^lil hei h/tmln ticro'dy, and bfld i. i ul hi in li'ii^i 1: "T"l vou V )u- h tid ; "thai yon may liiiit tie ai \m-i I ii-, n in*. M v/rn, in i he luirrnr nf tin- Iuijl' imii k ulLjIjtH Hiiiee | haw you I st I htiv* n liny "i lui' linpe that, Home I'jiif in t iii- fui n it*, r.-|i(iiitiiiiof, .surroiv fn: . j1.11. hhi ttii n.u ii[n> i ni<', (nielli bn fuif. iifiiMii pi'ii.Micc i'di ti." n.irii ; but it js all iiip' black e'liiul "f dt--|) iir bi'foi h trie, 'nief" n nn iifipi'. Ymi .inif I mil***, ip vr meet ngiiil tin, u'lul" i can spi'nk 'Ii*' U'ord of a Mine ui;iii, li.-fm*" i bat winch l bi'V havo tlium-hi of nif 1pc 'iii>-i inii*. Vor lionviuui h iki*. LT'i H"d Ii t v.- tn**i i:v; my [miiiMlnn-Mit is L'l'i'iil IT tli.ili I cull Ijclt, ' lie nadfil, iiinl \ntulil h ivt* full.mi licuvilv, bin Myr.i litild on to the hand-, winch elm i-lii'd hera no (i'-i'i-cly; -md, hi u wild ,t|.. pi- d Iit hel|i Hi-aiM-d I).t lip., h|ic i-aved in-* lit a-l viuloiitly iih he the fl-.or. "Wlinl ih ii?" cried (Jin-Hi oxeiiedly. She told liiin in a fow woitb;, and ho into t ho nxt iiioui for wiUor, but Stiattun w.m already ronmiK roi il"d afler drinking with iividhy fimn tic j^ia.^s finest held to hiu 1'pa, he riiH Hiuiddertng and piilo. "Talc" hei leime," lie said III a hu^lij wliinner an b- rmv. "(4tuiok. Ii in [Il(, bnndbhi. Weak mid faint, I cannot heir Ho inutiimed toward tlio do<r, ni\t\ (Jnnr, turned u look full of purpb-XHy toward Myra. "No,"-ntio mud fnnily. ' i,Edio(, Ht-iy with me. Mr. fiuuut, go to my finh'T ui. (KKMt and t<dl hiin I ntn here wtiii him wii<> :.s to ho my dar huHhaml, who in nil k nut" dentil. Tdl him to como at unco wit-i a dnctur utid a nurHe." . Ah hby siioko u Ionic of jpy uhwl acroMi ,Si iiitti-n'u faco, urid bo took a stop toward ItfcJr with outBtrfltcbcd luindu, wlimn )tii Ho ran across, and flung opsri both lunar and oatur doors. "Tako 'ihni,M ho whispor<l fieroaly "tain, them huok, man. or it will bo ' too Ut<. You will mak. ma'what you think," Myra would hav stayed flV*n |hon In sp|t ofKdlB'ahanda trying to flf'-K or away [ hut, as sh lunwd yaniogly lo Btratton, ha shrank away with such, a ' ds- spalrinR look of horror that sho jlaltUd hiraitlf to OuDst'a strong arm. and mu(Tared him to lead hr hank, half iiiMyuBibu, It) thouarilaffS iu t" c<,r,,or 0* which Hh.t sank with s low moan, whi! all thu way homn ih" boat n1 ih horaea foet and thu rattln of th wheels upon tho paVomont semund to form tbmim-lvas" W(th trrlhl lluratioti into tlio words she hud lieard fall from Stratum's llpn, and aha uhuddurr-d an now, for the fimt tim, shu yavo thum with a tnrrtblu Miifiiifiuiuieo! "My pnniuhmuiit is p;raatuif. than I can boar.1' .She firow mora and nioto proatrato as they nenrod homo, and Wuti so wak that sbo would hurdly walk up tlio stops inia thu hall, but whu rwn"Vor(itl a little, and, hold ing tightly by (iui'ul'u uuil Kdio'n armi, as- eoiidoii wlowly lo tho drawing-room, to find that tho butler had htirrltd up bforo thorn, and that Kir Mark had rvttirnod, and wuu coming to tiieoi the.m on tlio landing, stur- tlml by th" inun'H wordu: "Misu Myia hd coins homu, air, vory tn." Tho admiral would havo uont oh" for tiU'dWl halp, hot Myra Inniutrd that who was bettor; and hn ho began tn recovor Imrsftlf tho (dd man iiHkud eagurly ; "Whoro was it at a thealro ?" A dead Mileuci! full upon ihn group, and flu est gave Rilm a look o| agony au tho th'iHgbt nccurri'd to htm j "Ho will forbid mo hm houmi now." "Well," criod Sir Mark tontily, for hs had reached homo farly ooiiHequent upon a few monitory twinges, which ho not slight, "are you all dnaf V . '1 will full you, d- iir," said Myra, taking hur father'u hand and preening it boiibath hor cheek. "Don't bo ungry with anybody but mo, and try and remember that I am no lopgor a uirl, but a suffering woman, full of grUf and pain." "My poor darling!" ho whispered, bond ing down to kiss her. "Hut tell mo woro you taken til at tho thostral Why, what does it moan >" "I could boar tt no I on go r, lather," said Myra slowly. "I havo boon to sue Malcolm Htratton." "What?" "To auk him to explain." "Vou you have boon to see that acoun- drol Unit------" "Hindi, dear I lie waH to havo boon my -flUiihaiid. --------~ "And you you uctually wont to eo him at bia roomn?" "Yum." Kir Mirk wipod hiu forohoad, and look ed ficici'ly from unu to th other, as if hardly belu'vuig hin child'a avowal to bo true, "I could not goon like this. It waa ktll- itig me, doai'." "And and you united him to explain bin mi mod conduct T" "I asked him to explain." "And what I" panted tho old man funr.unly,_____^____^__ _ "No; he did not explain dear," Baid Myra, drawing her father's arma about hor ncr:k, uiid raiHiiig hiTHclf a littie from, the couch ho iih to noHtlo on hia hrcaHt. "It in fate, dear, I am never to leave you now. Keep inn, dear, and protect mo. It ia not hia fault. {Something tonihlo Imh happened to him aninuihing ho could not own to, even to mo who wait to havo been hiu wite." "Kdi holp!" panlcd thu ad- mi rid. "Myra, inv darling I .She's dying !'* "Ko, no, dear," aho Haul, with a low moan, iln nhe clung to him more ti^iit'y, "a litth; faint that'll nil. Ah! hold run to you, dear," alio iiighed almost in a, whtoper. ' Safe with you." And then to hcrHolf: "lie Haul ti in piiuin.uient wan pre /nan ho cuuld boar. Midcolm, my own ownl" HANGED W A LOVER. His Death a Test of Faithful- fulness* STRUNG UP BY HIS FIAKCEE- CHAPTKH, NXXIII. A IIOIUUUI.K .srinJI.-iTK'N1. Only n f'MV frownii fuim tin: admiral and nover uhako of thu boud <>vor their wiiu u m 1' .........I......*"' him it mil m i dung Manic in .end I ill lo Jteiivou'i) nuko go. /Myra, I iim^iiot tmnjtor of my iioiiojiH, If ymiMiay IhIiuII forget nil I Binod between him nml tho door bonide thi ' here.'^ ^ I firaplUqo. Then, all ^..nuiio, hia fiinol _clmtted, and tboy.lh*mvgW:lWiii load, . ,' "No("'ho aried fiuiooly j "it ia Impos sible." ' .,v' but'thut. you are (', She "inrU'd lf, lier foot in horror and ysdanM nt iu woiiIh. and bm looka^eeuu'd to iiido vi- *."e < if t-jilin mnilo iu imii tLtlmilH tt.H,|'ii',li1t(,*.wd s.; Hyia . I HsBsi^^ViiiiislBWlV'----- ' -1 /-' i ' '"' 'N..Ti/'i day or lw*(j Liter, an, in obedionco to a num- inohH more t linn an invitation, Oiu-fii dini'd with hnn iHid niiHii-iur, M<liH having her dinner with h>T coiihui in Myru't nmui, "1 fell a* if I oii^hi to miv a good di'al to yon, yuiutg man," growled the- admiral j "but poor My i a ha-s givt n ill" my oidurn, and I niiiit bo iniim. Taku h<miio mure wine." (liiei! look Hotno more claret, with pluns- llie, mid ilionglll that the uubject wuh -to be eh.ui.'eii, but ii waa not, tor Sir Mark Hii ifit.' I\ luriied to Inm : 'I hiy: look here, my lad," ho said. 'Thi- S i .it i on : ih he in id?" "N't)," mud (in-Hi, iihaiplv; "certainly no". "Then tlio deiicu ifl the matter with him?" "Tliat'H what I m going lo find out, Sir Mark." Hut tho days went liy, and (.nest appear ed to l'i-i. no further, wive ilna Steal ion, in a ih ip.urinL' way, eeiJn<d to rcaent Ida trioinl'tt delerminaimn tn lie with him, Ilo oven went ho far, oiio evening in hiu room, in Ha urn Si-reot, oh t. iihow aomo return of bia old coulidenco, for ho lOuaud a lottor ucruiiH tbn table. "Read that," ho mud. fiiii si iind; ii, ami kilw that it was from tho governors of tin1 gient ininiution, uug- gcaung thai Strait on dliould rui ipri hia post. b*f a twelvoiuonth, and go away -in half Hiilnrv lo recoup hm health. "]fuii|-li ! U;m't tuy I in fiurprioed," uaid Gueit. "Hiivt" \ou written?" "Yen, and resig ied I'liiindy." Whero'p the lottor !" uaid Ouont oagorly. "(June?" "No ; it 111 hero. ' ' "Lot'a' lnnlt." . Sliutton banded him tho loiter, and Guest tor.- ti up. "Wiittt that you ae.eept choir emmidorate propohd.*' "1 cnniuii." Bui \ on Hindi.'" ' It 1 WlOUl no, 1 leave town " "Vory g-itel. I'll go with ' you to the Smith I'nie if you like." *'I mIi *' 1 iiuvor luavo Lunilon," -Huid Hl.i'at- tou gr ivoly. . '" *'Thun Blop liero and ki<\v(j]1. "Write." Tho weaker will obeyed the *.tmr gei, nml, with a High of Matiafaai'lou, fluitat ponkutud the lttor US post.' ( ^Rjt.the way," be.iaid, "I cu'mr thru'il; iliould fcnl bound to llrr I'nrinl. h'olsourd llr .lllnd-lle-.l I*u( Ihr Upt ^tniut IIIk Nerli, lltif' fullier' .ll>l)rri-*I, uliil lli Klroan full of liotli klifl tbo Ittimlroim, TfX Yontordny, on the witnomi titiind, uftor a moHt r-U'd exunilnittkm by the coroner, MImh Jltitt- fdo HurrlH, tho prutty (liiiiubtor 0/ h, wctilthy fanner, brnko duwn urul ruii- u-HHCd ilutt nlio luinK"d Albert JJ tii )c- umn, u jmltnr, of whum Hhu vvnu itniune- \y Ji-uhuiu, liluckiniin 11 body wait found hanging to a tree In n lomdy npot a'tdiori di- I'lih'i* from the town, and the u-'iiorai linpreiiHion wnu that he liaij committed nulclde, but tlieie were novoritl who d.a not accept theory, and tliey HUg- g-'Hted lo tin* coroner that In- aubjfct llarrin to a neverc i-x.imlnatlon, iih It \v;ih known that tn'- dead man wan bint men in her company. She w .h put upon the nuind to-d.iy, and rc- iinenU'd to tell all Hlie kn<\v about tne case. She uaid that Idackman, who a well-to-do you rip; farmer, hail been courting her for some time, in opp > 1- tion to the wi.'ihefi nf hor parentH. ll'-r father and mother did not object to the young man on acciiunt of any o. hiu hfibllM, for he wan induutiiou^, Holier and abundantly abb: to provide a com- fortahle home for their daughter, Tb'-y maintained that Hh*wan too-youriK, ha- hit; Hcareoly IH yearH old, and tlioy had hoped Hho would tnke si fancy to a relative living In another state, whose name she Bteud fa fitly refused to div- uIf,"'. Finding that they could not banj^e her affection for Hlnelcman by threats, tliey adopted a mure certain method, and bej.jan a syj-teiriiiUc at tack uion her Jealous nature. They told her that It lack man was dimply umkfhK her rldlculoua,_mid that he waa "iiK'ti^ed to another Klrl, The poison thus idnnted spread and took n iHKen- Hion of the young- woman, until she de termined to kill itlackman. She ^uvo him no chance to explain away the re- PortH her ]>arentH had furnished of him, and did not even mention that she nua- pectod him of Infidelity. At hor father's RUKtfeHtlnn, i]Ilft r,., riuefited of niaclcman that he (jive hep a test of bis love by letting her ham; him, promlslnpr to cut him down In time to save his life. Itlackman was so de- . perately In love with the j;lr! that h * readily submitted to the test. On the' nlKht of the murder she t ole a long walk with him, and lured him to a lotn-ly spot, when; her father was in hidhiK with a rope. Kxcuslrw,' hers.-.!! for a moment, she procured the rope, and. returning, placed it about Hlaci;- man's neck. She Miys he exjn e* si-d little fear of the result, as he felt sum* she did not have strength enough to pull him from the ground. After the rnpe had been pull-d over the limb and drawn taut, her father appeared, and he and the x\r\ pulled IMai;kman I'mm Lhe ground and tied th-- rope. The poor fellow striiKKled ter ribly, and she would have cut him down, hut her -father mentioned the mythical other young1 woman, and her heart hardened toward the lover who was slowly stran^lln^ to death. After l lie body beenmo rigid she untied the cope and lowered tin* form to the ground, Even then she felt no panpa of re- more ; but, with the asHlstnnco of her father, arrsiiK"d the body and the rop-- -'it lliat it would appear to have be n a c 1 no of suicide. 1 liM' coiili'Hsion can Si"1 a pmnouneort n-itinn, and there was talk id* lynch ing ih* p.nen'ts of the Lfirl. 'This was ivei-t<d hy th*- proinpines of > fllcinN. who, imii'i-flia t<-l\ after hei en en Ion, ppiecd t'.ii in under ai vi st and sjilriteil ibeui ;iwi"-. The Klrl has also been ar rest'ti on a charge of murd'-r. MIi'K'i! lo he T\in i'tr-iiltve^ S'ron Ten nto, T, Ji^.'l 1, nr-.1 :i . -uiu-j by H'l Oil It rrall, in .v I n' m iier- 111 111 .lu*.l't-e ,Ii-!y 5 - Albert Kn'H- riii," and Paul K'i-i - , |ii.- ion, wen* nrre-'teil [,, ,t btteciivi'H Davis and Ihir- wnrnuii imticd b.V -ludir i1'-^- a nsw.'i* to a cablegram tv- hy l lie Acting (iennanCnnsnl, a '!;- ti. dr i.rr at for ,-ni ot'ii-uee <, i -t e ii.uii. 1 ii|ite V uf.v.. (,! th- (;,.iud J): ;, ,;i;lit, tic. 1:1 1 ny. Th I'iil.l K"am ; for tiieir ail'iHt w.,.-i i-*-.*i'i\rid ye ,1 y from tin* a iiLlinri 11 'H of i.'v i" ere t h" oil' 'u>:e ,u a lc^eJ to Ii a rc,nmit-t"d1 nid at 7 p.m. the '.t wuc ell'cet I, : .,,-y h ul real, -il a at 11 '-"< '-I ... eel eaat lro:u Mr, < ',ni.!i. When the deteeti vi-h en .It d i ! , ' with Mi*. Aureus! ,l*-,!i;: \ found tli.1 11 nuns I'unii.di -tJ 1.. , 1 . in- ly. I' 1 intlier coiibt not Hjiea"!-: or uine'iH'.; wiird ol Kimli'ili, and the .-mi 1;; ui little 01 llit* 1 n^iiiiK'. "' " : ' ' inn- uell ;, tiled ill holiM Uecpi n^, . , :e nppu.iMitly I'l-stin*; in 11 ti-eli- (*; . -.uitv l.tim the Lwv of th ' full, -rla .. :-en told by *M'\ Schneider th t.t i . ud t'j'ir eicdi'.'t.'i in Ijeian *.v they K'm*. ,ii'" -. r .<<d 1 -w 'ad oi d. '.V IX d little :.urp i-e, hut expo- H il their I- '!'( th.i t the', were not the 111 n win tin tin* (Jeinnui .1 i.tlniritica wen* hceliMiir, For 20 Years the formula for making Scott's Emulsion lias been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. No secret about it. This is one ol its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital strength it gives. S mulsion Me*? Toronto Hnrlirts. Toronto, Jit;,v e,~-Flour w ,.Ic, .iitU i,t.*;dfjlit l'it!l <i'ii mint, il nt tu .f1.-l0, To.roiit.i t\\ hr!itn. M mit .on. 7:tn $4,ho,' nml Htriliifj hulcern' $-1rti.j. lirun with eurn at .^1^.50 mi ti'iielc In to, tunl uliortii timtod ut % VI. Wnuit Tho nmikot in dull uud prb uii ui.iluuig^d; wbltti and i-*m1 xnld outtddo ut C5e, mill No, 1 Muiiltolia hard at doo, To- 1 until in Ijilit.nnd at OrcM.intronl frol(;)) reiiB-rTrudo dull and prlcou unohniitfiid at 5Uo to 6D0, wojic. ;' Hurley Thort> In no bun 1 noun uolutf mid pideeH ur ptiriily iwnmlniil. UntH Thtv murket tn-iluy Ih lowor. On 'Oliiingoi two oiirn Of white old nt &3o oiit-- ldOi mid one our of nilxoil nt 32a uutnl in. Two eiurn of nilxoil nold outldo ut 32o. July dt'Uvory. Corn A ca.r offwod outnlde at 53 I-2u, .- luitluiiu frolffht, with 590 hid.) Hy<v-No bulnoii dola* oad prluM puro ly nominal, Otttaiwil-Market Is1 dull, *Ub prloofl uomLaui at 4 to' 14.It) on triiefc. nourishes. It does more for weak Babiesand Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment, It Strengthens Weak Mothers and re stores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility, For Coughs, Colds, Sore Thront, Bron- chills, Weak Lunga, Consumption, Blood Diseases and Loss of Flesh. Soot! Ii Downs, Bellovlllo. All Druauliti 60c. & tl, M1CIIIOAN CENTifcALR'Y. <;he.uii ICxeiiifrwIoiiw lo C'limiulliui North* Hi-Hi, vlnNortli Ituy, l^rotn Eum'X to : Doloruino..........................S'Jh KqhIou..............................' 'IH Kittoviin............................ 2H ninwearth..........................28 MooHonnn.......................... i*M HoKina....................,........!10 tVlooHtjaw..........................'10 Yorkton............................ 30 Prinou Albert........................ 3,* Calyurv...........................,'15 Edmontop............;............. 10 Hod Deor............................ 40 Ji.UKM Of HA1.I' ANI) I.IMITrt. Titdtetn to be ho hi Juno 2o; limited to re turn until Anfjiiut 'li, 1BIM. TichetH to bo uold duly 0; hnutod to ro turn until September 8, 1H05. TicUutH to bo Hold Jnly 2'.i, hinitod to re turn until September 23, 1BU5. For further pfuticularn apply to A. 0. S'iiMj'llH, At-entut Khhox. WOOOSUEE Harness Emporium. W. G. SMITH, WILL NOT BK UNDKHHOLD. The bent of Lfiiilmr and llrfit-obmn Work- tniLiithip, All bund work. Kvery Jliirn*imnold by mn mudVhJn Wod- Hlto. My fltook of Liiiht and Heavy UituicHJi in now complete, and u uplon. did Htoult of all Homo Goodn. U"painn(- done promptly and ohonp. -iw>o WRIGHT C- SMITH, South Woodsloo. WWK>O<KKKKKKKK>OO<>0<>( I. Webster's international Di<5tionary XnvttlttnhleinOffice^iihaol.tnHUIoxite, 2Voh- from Covor to Covvr .SuniHHtirt'/lhi- ' UntthrIi1t*e<l. " Ktiiiiiliird 'if t ho V, H. *lnv't I'ruit- Jn^tHlteejticr.H. HitjireiiieO'iiri anil of nearly nil tin- Hi IiOnlliii'iA-. IViirmly Miin- limtMled liy Htatd Kilperiiiii ndutiu Of BflHifil*!, anil other I'tlnuitor.t ;il- moKt without mine ber. The One Oront Stimtlurtl Authority, So wrtb'q Klon. 1>. ,J. IlrfWer, .lufltlto U. H.Hupri'mi! Court. A CoIJi'iru I'venhlent xvrltoHj 'Toe *<-uHo with ivli!eh tho oyo Jlmla tho ** word nought, for urninicy of di-Hid. X "thui, for l)'eollvo imithndu In indl- }, "ejitlnp: )ironmiclutlon, for frwo yH ^> nniirehemd\o wtutemeiitH of furtH, a ".- id f n- prnrtli'nl 11 ho iih 11 Morltlnir "tlh-lbiiiai-y, 'Wiihwh'r'H International' ""\ci'h liny other lii(jlo volnmo.'1 C. tt> C. MEnntAMCO., PnhllfthetH,. SprttijJfiaJfl, Jlf/fMif., C.&.A. jr- flpml to ttio piiiilhtii'i'i for free r.imiOikt. otf- Ji> nciliii*/ (.-iiu.ifi n-pi-iiit4 nt .ui'*n nt fiil'lonit. ARE STILl the trade in all kindo ot '$$j0 Building Material, Woodwork fur houses, (plain and braarnental), Barn -fatmvbciy _ Shinglew of nil grades, Door<-j, Sasli, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. . ' \\ ti nif fiole A^ontH in the ('ounty for Of Chicago, wbieb took IIi<ihcrtt Awurdh at the World'h V ,:r. Can furnish either Pumningor Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written ^u-tran'ee wi'h every Outfit. 1. .1 1 . CHA3. CLUTHE ^fe NEIGHBORHOOD Our BVIKI- CHAS- C-l-UTOE, the Expert in designing and fitting TRUSSES and APPLI ANCES to RUPTURED and DEFORMED people- will visit personally, TBL-BSJ^'V CENTRE, Marchand Hotel, Monday; July 8th. L.ISABVBBNGTTOff^s, Huffman's Hotel. Tuesday, July 9th. IEG35EM, American Hotel, Wednesday, July 10th. ' Ai^HEISfigaTlBSUIKGsLakeview House, Thursday, Julyllth WBE^OGOE&s, Crawford House, Saturday, July 13th. Any norson RUP'TURTlECl r.houln como and suj tho nuw dovico to not alono HOLD , slcopm.'j, ate,without G. you liy simply; ic price Is ro.ison- o invontor, who m'ly , V_P< tho FUJtP-TUJRE under any circumst.i'icufl, ineludinp; liathin;^, ri.l nj;, sloopinn;, etc.,without any bolts, wol[-;hinn; but two ounror. In .dl, hut F"0,SD"ITJ VEUV* OURTUMG you liy oimpl* wearinn day nml nljilit and followlntT ot'ln'r Instructions t'dr din-o montt)3. 1 he prico la ro.ison ahlo, and to obtain ihia euro, havo this duvico flttud to your psrsoii by th bo consulted aa nbovo. Boru OXub Pool Matlo Natural by Patented &*<pXin.ncou. Oi.n, Ont. IIkarSiu, I uiiuvrely thank vou li>r tlu1 mir- acoktu*. cure you liave pLTformi-'d on my h'L-t. I cin nniv walk periucd1, stiai<;lil, vviilmut diu did uf n crutoli nr c.inti. I wai horn with club fVi-t, which Witu so ticvtrc that. I I'niihl ncer i.iiul aleiiL', my IVlI beiinr likt two round balU and my tecs all dricil up Tins Hlroii)^- iL-i't-'rafr-j of yotirin'ttruuiL'iH ha*, mailuiuy feet perfectly natural. I am noiv , doiuj; tho housework of family ami can walk an well ;tti an).oiu:, 'i'lui other parties near hy usintf your iriMtnimelUs the same lime nn 1 (liil are as natural a mine, Wo .ill than1- you uincecely. MAGG1J2 JANK YOUNG. ANCAsrtcii, Ont. CiiAK Ci.uthh. Kiiq, Tlio iiihtrument you tmp- plietl ttiruu(-;li me for my p.itiuit, a hoy 6 monthn olil, double horn elnli feet, and a very bad cam; at that, ban maJe the chilil'H feet and limlm natural from hip', to nolc. I believe it iw tho niotit practical uyalcm id existence. Voun. truly, GEO. DEVKY FARMER, M.D. V'J A Prl^htfal Oaso.Oarod. ', Pirfi,iT.UimoN, Mich, TlnTScienttfic Trmm ft\;wtl by you, :itter a n yearn trouhlo)( Miiadu mn u ijcw ipan. And now; (!.V-.. ^ _ ^^ A Iituly ot Tvi'Qnty Yoata lmcl totooKollod to tho Tablt; for Tlivuo Voara ; waa Pc-fcotly J.*)l;ploya, Chas. Ci.UTiiii. Ki,|, IM-'AK Sin, I UiDiiuht I would write >ou tn lut you know how I am jiettini; along. I am itpl^iulid ^W- now. I cm walk any ilistauci'. fi\ the house, and on the third d'iy V I w.dktd nut to meet my $ brother, Oh, Mr. Clntliu. 1 'Hk'Ali> ^ct" ,n;it * cannei-orthanlt you Wan in a terribtu ntnte before you fittpd mo with one of your trOKiien, hut am now without the iminc for Huveral montlm, boinn enlirely cured, Several of my Iriondu, whom I iieiit to you, havuaUo been mcufi pleased. My cane wan Much, that you lnok n pjiotoiranli of tt, and you ;ir<* permitted to sliow il to ariylni'uy iiittsrouted. Yourti truly, IVicHvuxit.-Oarr. UOBBUT OMVKH. V . Au tlio tauocoHB iu ovoroomtatf attptnvo and l)oformiti-aLrdopeuaH. on ih* i j^rBonul eyaaiination of the oattti, ibia ia u.n opportunity of'ooh- ^^XUuai;,'tilM> JuoBt cperinoA uui f in *hltfllrt In tho oountry I ., - -, ^. or uay eiiomrh {or what you , ij,<"\JS- Vn'y have iloia- loriue, uheii I think \ 'v. w ^ M-\^4 t,i:U f*or tlirc0 ll,,l)r >'c';irH' "'" , *" " -^KK'ikijl^Vj a poor In-lpIi'Mtirirl, htuiietiincB in bed for four months at a liine and ifoitinor worM) every day until I jjot the inhtrumunt fnm yon. Any one withini? for fiirt|iurj)arti'cularH coiccrnioif my case reh-r tliem to me. Thanking you onco more for what you have done, I remain your true friend, Putiiuhoiio-joii, Ont. ilATTIE GUAHAM. Rivku Huhiikt, Nova Scotia.. ClIAK. Cumin, KfcO.. Toronto. With irrcat pltumire I fo.ivard yon thu foliow- ing teHtiinony t When throe yuan* old iny r*on hurt tSJiD^tiii-*^ ldkneo. 11 [;rew worm-and wortto, ^ -htvomlni: weak, the cord* contract- l| Ittiw, the imn-clou hriilkiny. k\\at 1 havinir iipplied one ol' your white bwullmif hiLtrtinientH to h{* kneo the lui; irrw iiat'iial in two yean, anj now one \cff ih aw lon^r t,u t\w other, Ihecurewroiinht for inv uimfi*c blteL-n yiMirn i-unerlni; ia of mora viiUie to Inm than, thousand* of' dollars. SS5, Uimolicitod, hK\Vji t^ Buujwjnt, dC^ leaviiij/ out inany important partlo- uhir*., in yratitudo to. you, and ior the Wnofit of ntllktcd hmnaaity, I remain, yoom respectfully, ' ^ V ' J. M. PACKER. A Pastor of the Rivw Hebert Baptuit CnurslL TH^ CHAS. CLUTHE CO., TORONTO, Canadi -I . 83

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