Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, p. 5

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^yT% .-..** 1 l , t THE ESSEX E1PEE PRESS t m MM " The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL - $1,000,000 Monoy to Lend oh!Mortgagos pfproduutlvn roul ciitulo. tfiirinorM-wiuithiK to iiorrow monoy at Imut niton, Inaut uvpomioutnl no delay nhouM u)i|]y poyHonully to Tho OhiU- liimi J^oau and Having (Jo., Chatham. ....-----Hrj,, OAKDNKU Manner, bo m_____ . tfltlDAY, JULY 12, IH05, T9 P T^ L K OF THE TOWN ' ----------^:?^ss^^ Thursday, Aufiuut Htli, liftv boon pro- claimed hh Windsor's oivia holiday. Walkurvillo wheelmen will have thoir, Htmuul roau rauu ot tho 27th of July. For froah oaken and confectionery of nil kinds yo to Shooimiltor, tlio bailor. A-load of pupils from tho IIif^H nohuol piouiood litCedar Beaoh on Tuesday. . Mayo*. Do^ar, aotinrjou a petition nitfii od by tbo Visiuosu rooii, ban proolaimod Thursday, Aug. Bth aa a civic holiday for Largoat'bixud bed upreadii regular 8*2,00 lino for $1.15,at Smith's. Three da-ye only, On July 1'2 tbo Orangemen bold solo brations at Tluunenville, London and Bt, Catborinoit, and tho M. G. tt. will tun live up*oial trains. Under an amendment to tbo Criminal Code made at Ottawa thin session, two Justices of tbo Feaoo may huamttor try all cases of theft under 10- Bi(i Bnr^aiuii in'boaoand tflovua at M. J.Wiulo&Co.'B. A number of pnpiln of tbo town pablio Kobooln are anxiously awaiting publication of tbo result ot tbo promotion oxama. Tbo jFiikk Pmkihib informed that tbo report will not be roady .untiljL.ftoi:July *2i3th. Parasols at about half price, at Smith'o Mian DooliHtader, having j^vou up her clans in muoio, Mrs. Wm. Lain[.j haw de cided to continuu tbo iiauio and will ha , ploiLBod to moot any d^iring instruction!! ou piano or organ* Et. W. Allan, Ksq, M. P.. ban loaned tVa roHidenco lately occupied by Dr. HoycraTt, and expeotH to tako up hie abodo'hore with biB family, after thopreHout bcnuioa ot tho Commons iu conoluded. ParuHpIu ut half pneu at M. J. Wialo k Co.'u, The ISnHux touuw club will j^o to Kings- Vlllo on XuoQday uoat, to try coiioIuhiouh With tho Lultobidu TcmiiH Club, of tbo MattawuK town. Tbo Ehhqx players will Ids Mohuih. K. A. Winnmr and Chaa. VVMito, G, K- Hondartion and K. Lain^, Dr. J. W. Briou and G. K. Furaythu. Ltidiou' bluuHO HottH, boUn and belt pint), at Park'u. Loaminjiton people are ci'owing boouuno their baiiebull teum boat tlao luvincibleii, of Ruthveu, alter that team had an un broken record of five yoaiV- playing, with out a ninglo defeat. Loanjiugton muat not olai'ixi the ahumpiun touin of tho oounty ' until Kyuex ban bad a aay. Wlien cau you give ua a ^aiuo, boya/? A mco ahuortmunt of ladia'H and boy'a ahirfc waiutu at Muy'tt Baisar. Tho burdock ih a biennial plaut whioh Bawdw the uecoud year and then dioii. if tho soodiiJi; ia prevouiud by outtmy the plant now or any Umo buforu tbo aeodn are formed, there will bo an end of it. The qtjickont way to manage wuodo ot thiukiud, inaiudintJ otbtn-H liko tlm wild carrot, mua- bard, dookw, otc, iu to mow thum early in tho nummer, and tbu provont hooding, or to cut each two iuohen below the ground vitb a apud. i j A nice larjju-aiKed ot'iico safe for rnUo at i bargain. Apply at the Faisii PiiKHHoflico. I Atroady many fannora in thiH section ;havo coinmunced to out thoir wheat cro,j, and during the probom and next .weok tlio fwboat will all be about harvoHted. Roporta I from all aoiionu of tbo country are to the f offoot that tbo crop will be aV>out the av- i orafia. The average planted io Iohq than UhquI, but|thn yield per aore will, it in mtid I bo lartjor than laut \ear and eopooially ^ood in clay liincia. Though tho ntraw ih abort tbo wheat hun hsadud out well and tho berry in a fiiHt-ola^a aainplo. The bftyorop will, it U thoaKht, bo about half a orop, uvoruKing about a ton to tho ooro. OatB aifldotbor KiainHarwaJl ood yiolda, hay and fruita bein^ tbo only orope in which thoro will be a uhurtaiju in Kuuex countyJ Call aud noouro one of ft'2, 75 Trump watohoa at Park's, Stam wind and eett; 'ully warranted and unit cIuuh timoru. Grain report from Manitoba " Ml over fchiabiu country 1 ho. oropn ara coruin^ up ktiajiniuooutly. A bi(^ harvoat, bigger than anything wo ha\o ovr bad before ih pruc tioalfy aaourod. No other oriuutry iu the world oan way tbo namo thing. All otborH havu oautio for complmut. Wo horo are all rifiht." Tbo wheat wan put iL early, will bo cut-early and wo have nothing t^ fear. Prioun are oertain to bo very much Iii^hor thin year; tho ^roatant boar op- oratom in tbo world admit .that. WUont priooa will ntart off about 70 oonU in Man Uolm ami thiu^H will juhh hurtj. Noxt year yoS wont bo abltt to k6p Bottlova out of thiu oonntrv if you build a high wall. around it." The road to roatnBH nppearn to moHtly ooi'duroy. Take udvuritufEO of the tbrea Jny aalu *.t Bmith'a, Htartu Uouday, rX'on alippp"r, and walking iIiooh 50 "in. pof pair at Htuitb'H. No woman ought to ibid It diffloult to laujdi in her ulovo tbexo (tayn, M. J. Witflo A Co. are tho clothier* of K hit ox. Popularity aomutiiniot* malunriffollow b#. liuvo wlmt liu known iuu't ue. Tho ProHbytury of Chatham liold a met- ma, at VViudHor, on Xutiaday lant, 0th iuot. M. J. Wiiile it- Co. want 10,000 d/ oKpi*. Wm. HhoemaUcr in now piuparod to do- livor frOHh brud to any part of tho town, givo him a oall. Bnoondhand hioyclo iu flood oouditiOn puuMinatic tiren, for aulo at a bar^aih. J. W. Oiiihom. If yon want Hereon doom and windowit that will lant for yuiim to cuinu, fo to Lainu, liron., Ktmex. Fancy atraw hatH, at Smith'h. A Joraoy City preaobor aayii tho biayolc ua nubytituUi for uiii>1uk>" wingn. That idua muut have Bei/,od hnu vjnou .watohiujj tho [iood-lookiut! ^irla on thoir hikon. 75 acre farm for Halo, G. K. Smith it Co, Tho Khhojl Lod^eH of Orawcomou and Oratino Youn^ ilritouu, to thci number of about 00, attended divino Rorvice at Ihu B&ptiHt Ol'iurch lant Sunday Gveniutf. Tho proceiuiiow wm lioadod by tho I. O. O. IBaud. Bov. M. P. Cimipboll delivorod a vory iu atructivo aormon to tbo brutbrn, Boyn' buitu clothcH, H at ftnulh'u. FUUND. A Duclc Gall. Ownor may have tiiimo on applying to Fuki: Prkqii of- lioe and paying coiito. A 15 jcwollod Wultham or Jil^in move ment, in a i>,o\d filled cane warranted for 15 yeara for ^1.1.00 at Park'u; uhntip, Good Hhirtin^'iJ cents, Tablo liuon 17j, at Smith'o. A apocial aalo Monday, Tuouday and Wedpawday, wo offer '2ft cent linofl for lfictH. o[ tha followitifj.-^ Fancy chumbrau, mut- tinjjB, ^cphora, ducks, opot wuflbn, and other Hummer liuuu, for 25 cento par yd. regular ;"0 ctu^HUminor-poodu, G. E. Hmith A Co. Throe daya only. All uuiumar ^ood about half prion at Smith'u. 3 oz allvor oiiho nicklo lined, with 15 jowellod Klgin or Waltham Htem wind saovemunt for 911.50 cunh, at Park'u. Flue blioon, half prico', ut Smith & Co.'s. Tho trial of tho man Moyoni, who m charged with burglarizing tho hardware utnrc of Mr. W. fl. Bicharduon, of thiH town, Home mouths a^o, wa huld in Wind" hor yoHtorduy before Mauifttrato Bartlit, Meyaru, who waa capturod in Detroit, fought extradition and bonaoquontly fjavo tho autboritioH Homo dslay in brin^tut; him over. Mr. Kioharduon (tud Conatahlo Bibhou went up to Wiuduor yeatorday, to ittona tbo trial. After hia hearing the ma^intrato refunod to tako any bull, and lie was oommitod to Sandwich tfaol to await bin trial at the fall anainoH, held in Seplember. Contain <:Ji<;ghc> Factory. Thy North GciBueld Chceao and Butter Co., which iu compOHed principally of farm- oru of tho towimbip of North GoHfiold made ito Hocoud ubipmoiit of chatiHo, of tho out put of the~Cottaiji fuotory, for thitt oeanon, on Saturday lant, Tho factory began operation oarly in May and l)foro tbo end of tho month had made up homethmt* over 18,000 poutida of ohooao, which wan Hbippud tho laat woek iu June. 1'ho iirat thirteen daya in June aiuountiuy to a little over 1-1,000 pouuda, hoiiif* the Rlnipmout of lawt Saturday. They also bairo (/u hand about 15,000 pounc'a, boiuii the balauce of Juno raauu- faoturu. Tin; biyhfHt pr;ot-?i have boon ro- alizt-d for the pro luot of thu Cottam vic tory, and thua far, tho uyndicate of owuors are lu^UJy pleaHt'd with tho rodult of their venture. Tho prehout dry weather will toud to deoroaoa tho product to a oli^bt oxteut for July. Mr. Thorn an Milieu io aotint* as manager for the owncra, whilo G. V. Deliong, form erly of Harrow, nuiorviaen tbo obaouo-mak- A SERIOUS GIlAROJlS. Win.KoWi,ii rravellMlook 4cemf In *rrubl. On Saturday laufc laaao KKord, pout mualer at KUord pniitoffloo.and a woll-to- do farnu.r at tbo Elford ^oltloinent in Col- oboHtorKortuVHWoro out a wurrant buforo Mumntrato Baiimuii, ahiUU"i| Wm. J. liowo withlmvhiK oariml knowlfldfjn of hhi' daUKbtur, Baid toboumlor fourtoon youm of a(fu. Tim warrant wan pluood in tbo lunula of Conutablo SiMiion who (juiotly oagod hiu bird mid Undud bim, iu the look-up horo land Saturday night, wlmra Ii Hwoltorod until Monday, wbon ho wan brought bo- foro tha magiHtrato for a preliminary hoarintj. The witnaiiucH oxaminnd were tho pr>- uaoutor, a mini named John OancoYno, and tho uirl, who louku nob Micro tliati about ton y<mva of aj;o, altbouuh wlio in naid to bo 13. After hearing the ovidonon tho mauiu- tiato decided to commit Kowo to tbo toiidor muroioH of the county attornoy for furtbo'r invotiti^ation, and coniifiquontly b wan ugain placed in char^o of Conatahlo Bibiiou and taken to Sandwich gaol Bowo ban boon anuvntiuiHg the commu nity for tho ualo of a book bntitlod "Dark- uohh and Daylight," or life in Now York oity and ban bona umkini! tho Elford homvatoad bin hoadquurtora. All Horta of UOHBip lniH boon f^oin^ on amonj; tho noigbbora, rolativo to Rowo'ii aotiomt with tho foiualo moiyiborn of the family.' Tho now criminal coilo prcooriboH a life impriHonmont, together with tho lanb for thiu offoiioa. NEW /ADVERTISEMENTS. PEDIGREED. BULL FOR SA LE. rplm lNnllurofid Hliorthorn Hull, *'aiiiimploii or J.- floaftiilil," roKiHtriUnthui)oiiihil(itiHliorL bom Hord jiook ilh No, WIMi, itidvixl Jtnm ii'jth, IHflij In otrttrtiil tor nalu on yuduoiiaUhi torinu, Kor turthor jianlouliLtii apply to tho owimr,- ATjPlllflll J, vox, . Olhiik, Out. FOP SALE. ISlItTimAY ANJNlVKRWAltY Of ytru. imumi Avmor wlio wuh illovu Juno a7Hi 1707. Tho OUth birthday of tit in well known lady wan colobratod at tbo ploamnt and Hpaoiomi rouidenco of Mr. Frank Fox in the Ilor Sottluraout, Colchcator South, on Thumday of laut weok, Juno 27th. Tho attendance wau muoh Kieator than at any of tho procodmj: annivorflariiift hold to honor her. No Iohb than ono bun- dred carria^oa oontaiiiinn porHona from various parta of tho oounty with thoir woll tilled bankata. leuttloa, cana, jugu and pans, appoarod early on tbo scene. Tbo fuufcivaj was truly raajriiifloatit. Aftor tbo mon, womou and ohihlron, numbonua in all about 500 had oatiafiod tho ot&viim of thoir appotitc muoh victuals rOmaiuod ou tbo tablet), Porspnu liviiin iu difforout lo- calitiou who bad.not ation ono auothor for fiomo years wore exoaodiutiljiuplHaaod^ to ufloet on tho intoroatin^ ooaauiou. "Ah iron aharpGunth iron, bq a man tdiarpouoth tho oounteuancQ of bio frlouds." Such partion have a ro fining aa well an an ouliy- oniu(* intluonco. Granny Amor waa qtiito ehoorful and HQomad plfliuod to boo ao matiy of hor friends. Iu one reapeot (ibo ib" "ronowmj; hor yauth lilto the gnylos." Bho rouds without t^hiHfifiB whiob uhu could not do Homo yeara afio; hor memory io really won derful, hor hearing, however, ia very de- feotivo. Tbo ontortuinmont olouod with .uinuinc by tho Ehsdx Baptist choir, prayor by Rev, J. Ilor. Cottam, reading of a chap ter by Hev. Mr, Sherman, and appropriate Ituyo, Shormau Campboll and Ilor. rlourty thunka wore tendered to Mr. s,ud Mru. Fox (who in u. aieoo of Slra. Ar- uor') for thoir kiud iittontion to tho wunta of tbo party. Rov. Mr. Campbell, of Eaaox, pronounood tho bouodioliou. Com. Chatliam Presbytery, Comity Jsowb. Mrs. Mary Gauthier, of tho Minora) tJpriiiijB Ilotol, and D. Cluttorbaok , of Au- derdou, wore uauh flood 20 and ooata iu the Polioo Court Monday for a violation of mo liquor law. Tko work of reclaiming the Peloe Point maran land, about 5,000 aorea, ban boon eoruplotod. The aohemo wan firnt started two yeara ago, but- it met with Htrouuoun nppoHition from tbo Ruu alub, which had 'the maroh and knew that tho draining would kill the aport. At laat, an agree ment waa uritared into with tho guu club' hy thb~p"Urohaso of thoir property and AJ- liater McKay, of CTntrtrum, waa givon tho eontract at 16,0QO. Tho canaht aro 113 foot wide, 8$ miloii long, and have a depth of from 0 to S foot. The ditch ia built on the throw Midot of tho tnarih and tho pump- iiir ia duno with two maohinoa with a ca pacity of 32,000 gailomi a minute. . Tho diaohargo ia lifted ten foot and tbeongh a flumo la oarriod to tbo lako. The laud ih oouhidurod to iiave no auperlor and an offort will bo mado to got tho govorumonti to hayo 4,000 uoreH to tbo youth reclaimed by tho eamn ptoooaa. Tho Chatham PreBbytery held ito reg ular quarterly moetiny; Tuotulay forenoon in tho old lecture room of St. Andrewa churoh, Windsor. . Tbo attohdaiioo wan araall and tho docket Hhort._> Out of nineteon roprenqnt- ati'vo oldern in tbo dintnot only tbreo woro preaoiit and out of twouty-two minmtora o*jly nix put in an appoarauco. TheHo boiny Rqvb. Floming, of Ehhox ; Nuttraau, of Ainbumtburg ; Gilohriot, of lilythoawobd; Muatard, of Botany , Patteraon, of Leam- mgtou and Tolmio of Wmdaor. Mr. Tol- mio waa oulled to tho ohair in tbo ubaenco f Uoderalior Davidaou. Mr. Sutherland with Mr. Tolmio ropreuoutod Ht. Audrowu. Rv, Air, Nattraas gavo notice that, he would move at next moating that an over ture bo Hunt to tho Goneral Asoombly re commending that lu'ruaftar all qualified men proaouting thomiiolvoa for foreign mia- aiouary work bo approvud without regard to tho financial aspect of tho oatta, Horo- toforo it haa boon customary to royulato tbo number aout by tho wtato of the fund de voted to the proHouutloi: of foreign miH- oioiia. Rovh. Tolmio, Larkiu and Smith woro olootod a oommittoe on young peopled' ao- Cietiea of tbo diatriot, Tnia with norao routine and other minor mattoraaonatitutod thobuRiuerm tranaacted. The Proabytory wan ontortained by members of St. AndrowB, ihu aoaommodat- ion boiDg vory far in oxooim ol tbo de mand. A amilo waa raised by tli.e atate- meut of Mr. Tolmio that in roitponao to., a roquout for billots, ho had received auHweru from about thirty fumilion, aome in poetry and aomo in proH<5, rf*HItWM l-'UA-MI'I HOIJRMB, IN THH TIWHl 1 ran of tlm Town of ftiiiiux, will bo bcjlcl' ohoap. Apply to W. D. UUfilCr.K, Loii'lon, or tn J. It MnKWAN, nil. II TiDtCJollontnr, I'hiniix, nUKETJ Wheat rod por buabel.,,,8 75 to 75 Wheat, whito .... 70 Corn .... 50 Oatii ___ M0 to HO Timothy Seed .... 2 50 Clover Heed .... fl 75 to 5 75 Abiiku .... 5 50 Hay per ton............ 7 00 to a 00 lioof per cwt............ 5 00 to 5 50 Pork - . ............ 5 y.r)to 5 a5 Mutton............ 5 01)to 550 Midori ............ -I 00 CbicltotiH per lb.......... H H JJuttur .......... - l'i 12 Lard .......... B 10 l"UUn, per do/. .......... 10 Potataea, per buahol .... I!i0tol 20 Oiuoiin .... 75 to HO Applim .... 00 to 00 Turnipa .... 50 Carrotn .... -10 Beetn .... 50 FamnipH .... 10 TurkeyH por lb.......... bto !*' Duoka .......... H Cohry per dms.......... 1 00 Cabhugo .......... 25 KITIi-aiii XVuMki-r.V Houu .tlai-ltel Ilfport No. 1 Uyo, per buahol .... '15 1 Corn .... -10 ' OatH ___ 20 Tho above prinoH aro paid by, II, Walker Sonti, Walkurvillo, Out, Uiilvnrnalliit Convention Olmdiu________ at Promotion KviimiiiationH , The following pnpila of Minn Edgar'a and Mian Shaw's rooma huve hoo promoted to tbo lntsrmudiata iiflooud elans. Th:'iitc'mu are givon in ordor of merit *,- Ktbel Laird, Herbert Bftnizhruati, iTtv^ai* IJuWHok, Do "Witt KllswortU, Gordoa Robinhoh, Maude Bobiuaou. Tjawi'a DibbUy, ArabolXlobinson, Cnrdie W'tfle, Berth* Goll, Alfrotta Coiy, Louisa Tgowbh, l^rank Irwiu. it, . Purmiant to notice the Ontario Univor- naliiit Convention convened iu tha Ohnda ohurob on Thursday, June 14th, and con tinued till Sunday ovuning-10th. Proaidont Mai lory of IJloottitloldpreaideil while noorotary Johnuon, of Pictou waa on hand to fulfill his dmiea. Tho huameaa aenaiou occupiod Friday and Saturday. Ou Saturday ovuniug Rev. nTWr~Brn1tti pTeueblja to an attentive audioneo upon the thomo, "Rouonoratiuu" ohooaing aa his text "Yo, muat bo born agaih," Tho purpose of tho oloquoat dio- conrso was to ahow that regonoration in a. natiral and inevitable cxporienco uf ovory aoul that each acul muat exporiouoo many birthu of life, and tbor,aforo aalviition in an acaumulativo rnault, moaning forever aa approaching unity with tho lifo of God, Sunday morning Mr. Bmith again faced a targe and attontivo audience. After tho obHorvauoo of the aacraraent tho spoalcor announood aa his thomo.'Vital oKpreHsion.' To attempt an outline of tbia lotirnod diH- courno would oeoupy too kqucIi Hpaoo. It ocoupiod over an hour iu its dolivery, and held tbo undivided atttntitiou of the con gregation. Tho aim of tho dincouruo waa to illuutrato that righteous lifo has its oouroo in God immediately. That the lifo of God radiateu into tbo recoptivo uoul, giving to it imuaoaaurablo power. At tho Sunday evening oomco many were unable to gain admiaaion to tho churoh. The lar(.*o turnout ot tho ovoniug is uharaotoriatio of tho place. Tho proach- or'a thorns wis "Character and Croed." This was a woll roanonod disoourao, and practical. It showed coucluHivoly that an individual might hare a magnificent crood, and at tbo o&mo time podsoas a bad obar< aructor, and vioo-vorsa. This was amply illustrated. It iu expeeted that Rov. Mr. Smith will spondaomo six or soven weeks horo during his vaoation, Rov. Mr, Rob- liu of Doaton will oootiby Mr. Smith's pul- pit during tho aumo time, at Pioton and Bloomfiold. Mr. Robbu'a colleague, Rov. Dr. Miner died at hia homo in Boston, vory suddenly en-the 14th of .(nno, tho aamo day on whioh our convention unaembled. Thin may interfere with Rov. Mr, Roblin'H plans aa to taking up Rov, Mr. Smith's work at Pioton, and hence loud to tho in ability of Mr, Smith to come to Olinda u.u arranged. Wo truntr however, that our arrau^'omontH may mature hiitiafactorily, ao that Mr. Smith may delight Oliudiana for u, few weeks with bis loaruod, and elo quent, aa woll au vorv praotioal diacoursoa. The mieutes of tha buaincoa portion of tho oonvoiatiou may bo pubhshod later, as our correspondent at present ban no copy of thorn- Tho bcquorit of thirtoon thouaund dollars to tho Ontario"convention by tho late Geo. II. Lloyd, of Elgin oounty, was au oxamplo worthy of gratitudo and emulation. Wo might explain horo that, owing to aomo little neglect tho Rov. Dr. Muusori, of Buffalo, Rev. L. S, MoCoIlestor of Do- troit, and Hev. W. B. Goodoll of Portland wore not preHont, owing to thono troutlomon noli havinc reooiving aufllcioiitly early notice, tbty woro obliged to atav at thoir renpootivo oburoboa, the short notion not permitting them tim to obtain tt supply for the day. Wo rogrot that nucli||wan tho, oauo. are r commgrJ We Must Have Roo: X "V Summer goods muwt we don't look lor profit now. liSV^jV Humtner gonclH Hold at cont and uril balunce of July. We will not quote for you muHt come and see tlie great vaT" ' ues to bo convinced tbn.t we are the cheap est, and remember that we have no shoddy or shop-worn gooda. Everything new and seasonable and at lower priced than goods of inferior quality. Don't think beciniHe you can't see just what you want that wo haven't got it. Afik for what you don't see. No-use being bashful or timid. We invite you to call, whether purchasing or not, it is a pleasure to show our goods. CO WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX Binder Twine, Harvest Tools* Farm Imple ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices this month.. -.rt.Vwa ca.L3itp34 W.H. RICHARDSO Hardware, Essex* IIOUN. Nowwe, At North Ridjjo, July 7th, the wife of Adotpbus NobU of a daughter. Loses all its charms if you do not have a 'bright, .ne\rvvi.{ turn-out. Give, us your order for a ft icq Plueton or/ai^j Buggy while the roads are good. Good Hand-made work a specialty. Prices away do/m-,'KJ. Bate, Carriage Works, Talbot st, east. 70

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