Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, p. 3

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'} ' \i\','" THb bJfcS!**^ t^RBfc PRE8 BOUND IN HIS BED. An Old Man Near Palwlov Brut ally llltreatod- MASKED BURGLARS TORTURE HIM After Tylnif Him Hand -< <* Voot llir> 0rniuii<IcTl $300 Tlir-M(*iuldtf t K't Fir.- to MU t\rt tultiM Oifi Motley wu "1<I raldloy, Ont., July <J. Ono of the tnont during robbr-rloH ovor pei-riotrutoa in UilH nHirhborhood w-m committed thin morning about 1 uVlnok. Threo miiHki'd men cntcrc-d tho rful- dence of Mr. David Work, nn old un- knurrlod man living a uhort dhitanoe from town. Air. Black wan awakened by the rota- bvrH, who were in the act of tylnj- hia haridH, and, jUthuii|,'h lie MtruKrrlod hard, whii f-oon bound, handn and feet, and bin ln-ud coveicd with a quilt. Five hundred tlollrmi wiih all tho tiurtflurn wanted, and on bMnp- told It ^.uui* not In tlio hmiw threatened to pour coal oil on thi' vlctlm'H fret and not tire to thorn unh'Hu he told where the money wan, After Hcaroblim tin homu- and micklne; lilfi paper;1, they cill^htly lucm- enr-tl tho cord on one of hia wrlats and mad'1 tfnnd their e^ctpe. All tho reward they received for their trouble wuh HOiru'thlnK over j;i and -tiU.o palra of wearing- hciot'i, the monoy they were ofter having been t uafely banked the day pn vIouh. .IIIJQOIUI lk lllh J 4>ll1 M1TU OAH fe-'k-rdokrlrlk Uilliutm <l 4iil4-Mtr4> JO,ilHn'r*t# ly r*Uv* iih* iiv<%urnu \>n* iinkI I'our 4'Iil I | r<* iu Chicago, July U Frederick Hfllimin, wonon contractor, IIG juara old, lot nif^hi munlerod bin wife and four child ren by n^jiliyxiation, and died with them. Tho vi'ctiaia of liiu crime wen--Ida Hell* man, III yearn old; Frit* Ilelliaan, 13 yoara; Ida Ileilumu, 11 ye.u; Willio Uullimii), B >i'ai; IIodwi llcllmaa, 4 yerirw, Thfl place of tho tragedy wtw at the IJelluuui CottiiKO, (J01 L'ui iiidm-ntrcet. That tho mui dor wiih deliberately plan- nod by tin* father of the family during tho punt few workci, Kcenm hejund doubt. I3vor Hiuce Ilellaian limit hu* iiotuic it lian been aupjilied with gnu pipet,, but there tiHH Iweu no fnuiirctinii "uitii the ica/unam and there were in> li-ctiin-n la tin Jimme. Bovural weel.H uno he Imd bin pipes eon- WCtud and iLvtuien put in the innnly IwmJ- room only, the entire laniily tdiejun^ in oim Hinitll room It 1A thoujilit that Jlelluian had the nun put in for the e.sprt.-'H ji .11 ftt> -. n| ti-in^ it in the lain der ol Ijih l.uuil.v. When ill dead hodnn wen mumi Ihih amrai.nit.^he '* gi'iH wiih turned "on t'he i'odj n. Jli'li- man Khowed I'Vidmce ui a otni^jrle, Jle firat filial th" ih>oi .md uinduui, then turned on the J^iio and hud ilow a to die with the family, llellni.ui w.i^ |uc'l).ihliiiHaae. He in mi id in haw Ix-en Jaii l,v well oj off and tu Im \*e h.uj no family dih- ' fOHHioiiH, Jle *\;ib aatina||y o! a iun|oMe dih Twuation. lie lelt a ,iuti lot' IjIh i)|Otiier, in \\ hieli lie ^a \ e inritnictHHiH regarding the dihp' hit it hi iij Iiih ji] (ijii'i ty. Jle said tliat lie wtriild nut lie In in*; when the note wii iit-i i\i'J, hat aaid untliing ui the jiu-ui mi tilted d' alii ol the i dl of the i!ir. iM.m.i:** ui ici>i i: < l.c:, IJk1 Kit a.aid I in., r Irrrxi ^i-hul) tu a ,inU lte i iatllua nT ,i IE . Wv ..Olii'l Afoni r .Inl;, ."> "i\,<- st am. i Mei- rimack ol in- i * Iu < r ii- mp-,1.. i , im Ltondoin i*n iiMit-i i th.' iiuLniu^' itii I^de Jto.'ide, n,ipii p.- rf. jim). . l,uk. Tho (ini)i w..*i uulu.inl l.'ininl, irnl liad 6-it oaitiO, t*S7i IiJk-l-,' aial 1 1 Ii i-i-i in board. J_.ittle in im >l.i.u v v. ill be done to th* ht -, but it w i > i n rnanif' at that ti. mkIi wuiih1 u \ < n> be ]i{jhtyue*i bt-t'oM .sle m il || attain. Tin* M< rlniatd*. will hi ;-.jL ill Tho in(|iiof-t i'i the ht H ui i m -er case ia at an end, and tin hn ' a.I o. tho victim, Napideon Lm-mh-i s, p ,- h i a placed under arrest, ch.i j k ' unli ie-- infi: the author of tin 'iini'-. Tb ;m ' n of the coroner'w jui\ \\a- ih t > .,:- i lent evidence bi*<n i , j.i .1 ti warrant Bending the biei.n; up j . tiial. pemerH talc, h id hi f-ji.iugti, and was diivon on t. | turnsyuut that a pr.ii' i 1h"jK \, s in^rt'lio woodshed in u . i ..i lb In which Mrs. Dem*-iH Io>-r n i ,, tho leavea wore tunn-d dnun prayer for tho dyin^ Tii"- K d o tho caae at pr s< nt ..;,a n t 11 Mr. J. S. I')UM|Ui t, l"i ni im canhler of tho Jiank iju J * f i * J rOHik'ned. The Kil.iry ->t\- n-<i St:. qiict Was $7000. but hi In-, a \<-> financier be belit ved h-- < nai tor in other vent in s. 'r(1. cashier lom.iins, Iiowi\.i i,n n ,vlaor to the Hoard ot [)ue( toi ;, POINTERS FOR BICYCLISTS. >Vn <'.>i1|lnu,.li,i..11l*. th| will l -Ol1H,.rv-l 1 II1 ' in . i.. bii.-n. 1 A tf""<1 hi yoliiit iu eaiuful of hi*- roadH. therefore wln-n Ukiiitf a licad -r lie ru.o.u! nbt to hi- .ho urn I loo hai ! with > ,ui lu<';uo<|. Wiu nilKnt tnal" . d ni .a file paV) menl. - In tallliitr on* your hool do not fab m 'mjLh -.ii,., at onii I'.iduie to c> - uorvo tlily rule will leault in dlvldti K /oa ..'>..nut yoin ;to)f .'b-Alw.iyn be eouitenmi. If a trope ar ha.1. t>ie rl'jlit of way over Die irn< i' not fliaptite with it. A b.>y in M i .sacluuH Lt1. wlio broke thb- Mile ln-o] hia rlj'.ht arrn and hlu e>cloniot<r at tl e <. im tb..i-. ; c iiniioMM. In ildlnfr frujn Ni i York to iirnoklyn kei^ to tie drivow.iv I'Or, i ii y to wbi'id (iver the MispeiiMi i. eajih'. Vou inlj-iht i lip and tall into th fi'rry-boat. '-i\'i'" vnur lamp lit v. lien ildiii*.' . t H'kIh. 'I'i'" boy who thought lie w. : in lii'ciuni' he' had *- pailnr TTiateh In In- ii i i ( i line Innno with a spuke in lil'i \\ >>, ' didn't belong then-. ti [i i in it be rough with ire-' at ta and ''n.f t u ](m. If you mint inn into mil ni them do it mi gently and ten J- rlj <.u A It \ ere n bahy-can lag-,. 7 A inenilnl rider lb mereifvil to bin wheel, * l> j a.d the point (if itc onduranof, unIo*-iM you want to wilk liaek with your wheel irii \oiii al'iouldern. ,*, <(> coul. ff In thecourae of a ride you llnd yourself in a tight phi'O, with a skitiMi hoiHe to the 1-lt and a hti'ep ravlin- to the light, and a bull-dog di rectly to the foie. take the ravine. You'll go anyhow, and if you take it alone without dragging tho dog or the hoi hi- a! tor you, your < hanec*-' will bo Improvf d. 0 Never use Hpni'H on the pneumatic tiros of your wheel. The u*-o of spurn in thia manner is likely to leave your bicycle In a minded condition. Spur arc now comfortable, cither, in ctLBC of a throw. 10 .Do not bo Htul>born with a bulky whe( 1. If tho front wheel got a In a rut going oast and the hind wheel In an other geing west, dismount and nigue the matti'i* Htandlug, unlo'-s yrui arc tii-od and want to He down by the road- '-ide uitliont making the effort to do to unn.ssKtod. Tli.. Win lb nf III" ll'oiils. There was one orraMOn wTTeri MrT Forrest received fr^>m one of th*1 Hiiper- numorarles of a theatre nn answer u hieh scorned to satisfy him. It war Lliu man's duty ta *-ay '- imply, "The enemy is upon ns," whhh lie ntten d at i-i In arsal in .1 poor, whining way. "('nn't you smv it bitter than that ?" -h.iUteil Fon est. "Repent it an T do," and ho gave tho word*- with all the j'ntc and t lehne1:;! of hia maghlflcent voice, "If I (mild say it III"- tliat."-|. ph* d tin- man, "I wouldn't tie working- toi 11 ! i n --,'ilIHni's a week." __________\_ Ml," H i-'iii in n. h : i i . I ilDi: nomo\ i;i'.>r. -d ii i h Two of tlm lHAltirlH-r^ irnilu' Oiurgr ul liur -i-r Boston, July G II u-nhl (' I'.iov. n -i l John Itoaa, charged with the bhouinu' and kUHhif of John TV "Wiiia, hi Ha rlots which occuired dining tin- ' I itil.- Rod SchooIliOUHc" parade In.thr JO.^t BoHton district Thur-day, won- ,Lr- ral^nod in the District Ahain Ipal Court charged with murder. Judge Kiminmii continued tho cace until July vi. Tho dofondnntn were not admitted to Six WitnesaoH were released on bail. Aim out rtufTocatcil. Port Dover, Ont, July G._j..m .H Brenn.m ttnd Benjamin Dixon v,*i ,-o nearly.iiuffocated In tho Penman Oom- 'pany'a factory thia morning, wua overcome while painting the in- Bldc of a tank, and Dixon tried to ros- ctio him. Ater several hours' hard work both wore reatoied to con.HcIousnesH. HlnWlx'd lllu Ulle. I lion rut III* Tlirnnt. Brooklyn, N. Y., July C S.imuel Herkowdtz, 2'.\ .>. arn old, a convict late ly ft cm tlv Auburn Stato PrfHon, went to uih wlfo'a apartments thhi iiH.rn'ng [>,n hia wilVs ic ub..I to H\e with b.-.n he stabbed her. II r- lcowJlii then cm his own throat. liotU will die, __________ Xfmt*<if^rri-i\rri>ni \\ n\ilnsctnu toHtuttaart "vVashlnRTton, July 5, Prince Canto- ouscne, the Hu.-suin Minlator to the ttnlted States, will shortly bo re Moved o his ouVlal duti"H h"rc and b tians- ,'lerred aa Minlstor to fJ^ittgart, "Is that *U! ,\ mi gl-t ?" "Yes." "Well, tlnn, say it as you pb-a^o." Tit-Jilts. MiB Mil Hit If IHlri.'HH. "fp'ore-o," '^nd tin1* iioautiful girl, a- Ii.- in si led (/'us., to him, "tho last time J i ill t ! 1 ' d j ii.l pi Oposed." "I did, s\\ el ['lit'." "And 1 ai d pti-d you." "Yiai d d, love" "I pi'( sunie, <* oi'Ko." fdie \v< n i mi In In-i- in m la-j. in tin< inarm ; ' (b \you I> i dc up >n it,i i !> ,i loolish, tliiaifbUi ss giil, but " m v ( an he ln- ten upb d. "Hut," sia W'lit nn in a rnor biM- ne^'di're wi\ "1 ii.ive h.hi t'> *ip- oi i'i- bin- n t,L In1-1 .n* r a t he n .\ \ n i n no-, n' d .iid I l i '1 b i v> l i . . \ up to r pe.i t tli p m o al g. it b i 'i t The 1 p t time \ on alp d it was S nda\. ami i nn ti .n i- hum] I li'.iiri, .i re not !- al'y bind ng." < 'al e igu 1 'V' nil jv I' ist. A I-ii Mm li-l Hiaisc, 'I' >-\ I ff -1 I ' i, / j, \l.-if\ \! - \ y '- /7v:v-v ) ;/ I,' 'v\^ : i v-.\ La * .*. j? . >ii>. J, ,/ Nell D eft you thmk Mi a Red hud b i .i I'm ' ol n o b *(i ni \ " M 1 J tlimlc it bi ra h r wi 11 dm inib If. Out' M'ltiiuin *i,m tlir .I'tla*. A half d i/,en young lawji-.s li.ippon-'d to.v tlier .it tin- coin t iiou-e n p-w days , , and uiie ol' t lie ni In Id bin wifi- a vi i y J uony tory dn- never cracke ' a ,*.niiie, so be pinpoud that the utile li 11 it to tli' ir w iv s and t i'-j \\ uuhi ni* et togotlu f and repuil tlio iihiill. J le st t v was thi . : A \\ iduw dcsuuig to hold common lea tlnn \\ itil h"J* dead hush iad. wish) if, e.ipi-'iaily to find out win tlier lo wa'. happy In the other wm id, went to a Bplr.tuu list and asked that thf 1 ib btiM'-.iiid be cilled up. In n little wli U w.ih announced that he was at hen . Tlie w . ping -widTiw *iaid ' "IT iud\. John lb j,ald "Uowdy Sa ?" Sh tne-i, ..\ JUi a \uic- mil ol in .ii. limine*^ nd-d d In- was haj*)iy In m pic-e s'at .'I'be spirit yawni'd .in i -iiswen-i "ViuiH, 'bout ah happy a' I w. << i ai ui. Don't a c much chain, ' " h ;! uhe *.a'd : "When- are you .it, J*j m ." I.e said : "I'm In hell." \\ lic'i the lawyers mot again they all upuitid that their v'.v. h couldn't ar- nnjt ilng funny In th story, exe-' " on.-, and th<\v called on him for a jvpu, - alter the laugh wont around. "W-a-n-' ' he mild, "I think I get the wnrst of H T told hn* tho Htoi-y in a very ulgnlflcan> wr.y, just like it was she and I, noit*i hnrc'iHtlc illy and funny t-o, and t ,cn I waa right full of laugh tmd chipkled, and ah" turned around and wait! ; "If thai bad been your (.lrU, Jim, that said that to mo, 1 would have taild you were light where you ougdrt to be." JUlrm- Inr :am Arre-^Icrald, THE I MilY A ::CCIAt CLNI ' ^' nil ui, 'I In II " Yi-M.i i , ^ VUild I ll|i('>'>>>Hli< 1 l|'l' r . "I do not know why members hnidi j in .11 i ]e i I all Ink of .1 alo e, 11 out f i I! , \. ii u \ : tl I > 1 i M ' I. ' dm II ,,i .. aftaiuliy ti pa- ,'* iiaj*. Mr. Wool . i vr$, n "'! lie (0 r mt N11 oolng," and tM* r , . d r \\'i. In .. h -a tii m ! -It .<! ai 111 fn e oy Is t i r anlve ltsi If 1 to a b**dy, a oom- o. ., . in . nn n i o a i i'V cii'lv i ommlMee. Ii In ul In a iar- I alano tli 11 the ,aip numal, o t dd' rs liia w uhl 1 ii . a d onli'til h co \- i iia t o o.' u b d |c d nan el t i.e i mi y < "ir ' i *- a.. on, ml y t u uh re Is tli git', a. c.n\ *r.'. il in m \ I aid' as w-n a th f m.l is a.mi \.( rake it for g anted, ' v n lietwei* mothi ra . nd dniiglit ar. and f itli in aj'd suns, that Hi bud of bio d r 1 1 n mala a \ ha ntp n of eoiir n-sy, aj pio\ .1. ncfiiirageme t and mn rrum nt re t nldig.L my. 'i'lie famllj in h almul rn-vi r b a stauo for .he dbpl v 'd liiui II elite I ,s l! n "p< illli! 1 ii s -1. eon'r 1. < n\ o el inn a le ar I ' ai i that It hi the du j f i ho m tin r . e.'at- tlii.1- am os* her .f ociabllUv n the hi nn*. It is a common d ty. Famil.v life is u cm ghiniera e, a ma.y- Id d c-jiaai. :1111j to b* pc. f t it a. t*d i tl (.outrlhu bio mi'j nod b rn *r, viuid m ni ne s, nn . ' I'ip'ilhy I'lom th n.omb ra in th fr rt la i > a tow idn eaci, ot m an i t ward th fa lly a- n wh 1 Watch an' fam I\ w li r t hei I I'lanineii l.i i II c n 1 i n r nt -i am ly d'olf n id as a uiushal lam ly, Pa* in Htiuie n . m <* liow i he rn tu I i la Holm diff i Ir >: f.unll wdi re each momli. i liaa op rat nd Individual l*r>re t< . pa t fiom he nt nc| H. ('liieiii'lf - oiU..iaildM is all h ie*-p el from ill- ludl\ aluiLl iiu-nib r ol a family as it "iln s trom tin- woi I ' at large. Wh it we n > d la th hurry a d ru^h of to-day mure than a lything i lse 1 lnrnlly bl< n ils pi rfeetii n, uid that we < n liat" onl\ when eacli memh r of a f'iidly c mt! Unites his or her -diaro towards itM beauty, pi ace and int(d]e-i- ii 11 U velpnpm' nt. Family lin- ah utd be Ihc'Soeial cojitre tor eneb memh r i*t that f mi lv, the place wtv-re < ach can bring hlu fi*ienda with i'n edom, and the placi win re bis frl'-nd will rece ve a ready welcome from all b cans of the friendship oxi-tinK b tween him and a niLinbiruf thit f imllyT W'hlle all may not h> abK to find the nam bond of sympa Iiy ui tin same common interest b(<MUH' th sira:ir'er is the friend nf (jo'*, h" should be r ceived sympathet ic ally b> all. Idle Is more than meat, .iiul thi body is more than raiment, but too uf'i a the la.nlly l.le aeem(( to aecept t)i twn fa tii cif food and ral- me t itid ex Iudi- all others, and where tlili Is dmie one alw iy finds the ele ments ef unrest, diss t lisfactl m, orti- cisiu and lack of aympathy. The (Out look. S.l\ Ilie;ri (tl* I'r'll*. JllW. * ! t. Jleie is a collection of Joweitt's ftay- irgs, rejiorted by Mr. Tollemache in tin* I i-ndi.ii Jouriuil of Kducation ; "(tate win n I came back from holi day and told Jowett I had bc-un read ing Jlegel, In* said, 'It's a good thing to have rend Ile^e], but now that you've lead him, I advitie you to foiget 1dm again.' " Hut the cjuaintest thing that In said wau U a pupil who had bet n i oading hi in an essay w ith a strong metaphysical flavour . ' Jt Is remnili able what a fascination inetapii>sici iwcmfl to pobsc.-is for tliu human mind. It la like Jailing in dove Ibit jnu tan get over it after a time.' "lb- wished to keep Up the lloll'-e of Lords, and cu-n wished the bb bnpa to retain their scats in it. ' it kei ps them out ul aiinlii-.i,' lie said, witli a laugh, Jowett ^eeired to me to Ije in it wholly destitute uf sympathy unit C'atholicbm. I once expnssud tu him btiong inrligiiiititiii a I the < '.i Had It. pi act ice of withholding the l.ihh liom the people. Jowett rt plh-d that lie re garded that practice as a mistake, hn; not an an uniui.\*.d e\ II , iu midid, It pl'eVI Ills lilt p> Uph fltUll piljitevlll, tin ir minds wiih die Coleiisu ditlu-ul- tlth.' " Jcuvett tobl a ktui y of a rarisbion i who, iWa n bis m w vicar brought peli tics uiio ins sei mons, exclaimed. ' i-i l in ni si lck to doct line Tl at can do iiu liftr in.' i i ciin ml t r telling hi in that 1 had been assurt tl that Ahss MartiiK'.iu, who was then living, in t mi i ily disbelieved In Immortality, hut glcrli il in Hie dbbi-lkf. 'It seems to me,' he said, 'veiy htrangu and un oat Mid, lint sbt may be a good wo- ninn toi all tli.i i ' '(ne oi two LA.uiipIes may la* sub- Joint u t,i iiu sort ol ad\h'<* w !)! Ii JnWtlt suuiitiniis Mnvt, oral which ob- tnioed i.t libri Ih. ci.dJt or tit <i .fu id woi Idly w isdi in [ li ice i cet-l\ i d 11 ma him i In It llnu lug conn- I ' NTe\ ei IN11 ii to <t man u In u hi abu. a 1 is ri latloi.s f|l ,vdl meki it t.o Willi ih. in. and lb. a II mil bati > uii l'oi kin-whig Lbal 1 .Jo\\ ell N m a st i ii , ai fi !-- I'Mi is bki It il'" h I Ol sn .Hill .e,| d t. K t bohi li i i bua i lain h iiui Ui i 1 > P ' li '.'I tie in IlilM' et a ol' a sal pi. "I tOl (,, SU P U}J, l(N y( (j ; [K '. 11 H II \ 111, Lo It.' I ii I.e * ei' i' B 'UU Sto. Mai ie Kn ,me* r G'i nn I. bt i s Lake .S; ii \ \, Willi 1 t pu ' s Llalni ,'i\ e : 1 u '. on r I- .k u i ; or. 'i 1. \ i 't i t ' ! 1 .1 i. . . l ] in-Ill pi.l !l<". lun '0 - Asfd-tant i! 1 li C ih l i.,t <i \,_ n 11- u n d thi" ap ' t i -so' ted w ii n 1 '' .ii i I .: '. T 1 fjifi* POWDERS fur.. SfCX HEiXOAGHKS and Neural (-Ir. ' ra MiNuYt:&t (iboCoat-d 'lonuin-, Lity/i- iu'i :, baioiiuiitie.t.. P.ila in tho bide, Coiibtipaticni, " Ji|'id biM^i, ti af I'n,itli. to buy clntJil .dt.u rt'uliitu (iu bowulii, \)BHY NIOB TO YAHlt. ^fKivit .?c; GBiV/c at arrua stores/ T . i ' 'l AUCTIONEER HKNIiV UVMUl K, Auutleiid-ir. HuIob pt-iaiiptly itttenip d to. liiclroHM Houth Woo'Ihhiii, Out. J'linioiin (ifiiiirieff to ta enifl mi xany Iuilvu word itttlio X-'iu.r; I'nr.itii otilon. it U. 11KIMU0K 91 DKINCbAIH, MOl-'.NBKl) AUCTfONlCKIl for tliiiOoutity orKuh'ix. Puillifnf Kiulith hlvlidoii Court. All Idndu ol l-'avm ittnt othnr WubiH conduDtiiil iirainpUy. lint tin nnivoimblij uinl fiirnlHiiuii on iiDplloutfon Ihitpiirnni mny upply at W. 1) Hi.iimun'HOfibsii, nrnt rim nnlcS ol Plviblon Ooiifb ClurU, Mv. Joiiu Mlhio. No Other iedicme SO THOROUCH AS AYE R'S s Siatomoiit of u Well ICuo>ivii Doctor " No other blood nu-dleiiie t|i it I liuvn i-vi'i* used, and I have tiled tln-m all, Is so thuroiiidi In ill action, and eiieef- ^n tnauy jii'rniaiient euics in Ayer'n K.irsaparili.i." pr. II. F. Mi.Hiiir.b, Aiii'iimIii, Ale. Ayer'siS&Sarsaparilla Admlttod at tho World's Pair, Awr'ft I'illsyor tlver amt hoirnU, CAU'T BUEt luirtitau kjjudw F. S. ADAMS Harness Emporium, TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo utock, all now gooclB and latent Novelties. I take no back Hoafc on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, J Imvo a largo Htock, bought at bottom pricoH, nirl can boat thorn all for price and quality, (aill and hco them. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness :of:every description. A lumc stock and it uiuBt go. Cull mill hop me boforo buying elfiowiioi'c Everything in the Horse ^Furnishing Line. I\ S. Aclajtiis;, wo (loom omit ol lbilo'fi CiiniiiL'o W'orJtfi, Kimy.\. | OHN flOHMljEY, rl L.IUWNHKP AUCTIONB1IH for tlm County of Kimox. All luuilii or fin-in idfx.U iiabiH, etu , unnduottMl nfinniitlv and on iihort notion. lUiUm i-oiiiioi'ablo t'nrnonii iloHli-ubln tourriuiKo waIoh mny Jo iio iiycidllnjj ut tho 1-itiiU I'uuhh ofilon w by upjilyiiiK to 4 , J. G0HMW1V, V. O. POX in") KiHH'tX, Out. McObOBlCl^V, Muhliitontt, thlrty- OHUROH DIRECTORY. .. ^^j MV.ivuutH'V. Ur. 1'aHcoL', i-astor! Service " very UuiKhiy ut il u. in. ttial 7. p. rn, Biibbr&tt jC of f.jhiad. Kpwoith Laagne prayer meetinj 71 Cu'-mirty nvoidu(i utH ot'oltiok.* Oono.'al piayer \1 Ciwuou ov Kno^awd ltv. A.L,7!overly,lft< ititnliniit, Hi. I'lLulu, Ifiunt-X. DrviDeeeniM _6Vorj/*biunlu.y nt 7 o'clock, p ra Snndi HohOol nt IU a. m. I'rlnltv Church, NortU Jtldttft -Plvlnu mil-vie ok ovury Hunday at 8 y. m.l Btm lay Huhool at l,4in. tu, Tho yubHa are cov-. ell ally hivltud. K " tin v*n yoarti' fOcpoyfi'Mat- mi im mint I mm fir tho County f Viuuox. Hu1H'6'mrtuotoil proau'tly, mid on ruiiKoniiblu tnrmH. T't/rtliui doultrliiit to fix tho (Into for* a mdo oau imvto tbtimiKilvn* a dHVo by culling at tlio Kinm Pui'hh olticn. Wo Imvo nrriuiijiiil with Mr. MoOIonlioy ttnd will tix. tho datoii formdetiby tubtKra)di,oUtlvoly froo nf uU ohiirfio *o tlio viovi.on holding tlnVH'tlo. Ad- ilvodfi l")riiiil(^uCloiikov,M'ali1iitunoCML[|>Out, I'lnciiiiYiKiiiAN. "W, M.Vbnidng, Pantor Bm-(vIottHon Habhatb nt 11 u.h), and 7 .30 p. ra, SatM] oath Hohool at U:!it) p. ni. Vmyor intAtlngMulw fiihtor'nbiblo oIuhh mi 'L'uouday at7.30 p. mi' ' Hoolul Union ou Woduoudnv at U.15p, " - mi-TinT Ciiuaorr. liov.M. I'. Campbell, P-afX-J tor. Bnrvlooii oaoh Huhluith at 11 a, in. and'T p. ta. Pray (a* mooting ou WodiutHduy evonlxuj, at Uo'olooki oomod. BuatH fro"). All uro ( onllitlly wt ItoUAN CATHOLIO. I'-c. i). V, Mc.Monamin I'niitor. Bor/ioL cvflry othor Hunday at a.30 Hunday School at it p. in. 01. UNDERTAKING- \J nt-TiUMKKn, UndortiiUoi and Kurntn* D*ndor. CoflltiM, home- iind factorymrilt) otii &'lto*:i" Moflrouor Cut 0-i One Hundred NKWbY WANTED To buy riarniture at prioeii that aro riirht down to biirdpuii, unci proparmt to furuith every tlimc m tho Hhapo of Furnituro tlmt a food lioipokoopor ncodn, Alao it line lino of Baby CarriuKoa at pncoa that are rifuiit clone, ICindly call and inapoct tlio f^oodH, it will pity you tu do ho hoforo I uy- mtf olaowhore. It costa you nothing to ^ot priced. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A. apcicialty. Kverythint" done up m yood Hliape. Ail Tiuuch-mry r-arritigoH lurniHtud. BuHinoHH promptly attonddd to at all bourn, Vvtll com par u pricua with uny undertakor of uny town. Have two tinu licurHUh m good I'oudition, and will not Uj underHold in the lltioi* I reprt-auiit. J.A,HlcKbSX Halvatiom Aioav. T. H. McLoort, Cuptali. Hiilvatlon inoctitiKH !>n Woibuuidity, Tlniroday and Biaiday nvoninaii, I'rua nnd Ku,uv, Haturiloy ovoiiinu and Hji in. Hiiinluy; Jlolbniim lfioetlu^s for clirliitianii I riday ovimuiR and Jl ii. in. Kuv day; Kiioo Drill 7 a ;m, ".ovcry Hunday, All aro WiilcOIIlO. J. l-ubiio LEGAL. I-UtH Harrtutur. Holioitor, NotaJ/ nioy to Loan, Ouloo otC Strutliorn' Dunk. j<* UuuiK**- Ji A. WIBMlSIt, JJarr-E Fj. Public &o. Mwioyfl Btiin blOClf, lip-Htllb'S, KlIHIIX.1 c LARKK, KAKTLKT torn, oto. Oftlcm, Modbury mocl*] , IiarrJi Wiudea. I'rivatii ftintlii to loan, A. II, CLjIIlKl!, Ii. h. lb N. A. JUUTL'OT, a. It. lUrt'iravr, lb A, nKNIlY C. WATjTKIlB.UL.It , Attornovftini Counnoloy at law; with AtUiniion itllal^Uf* Coticrouii nt. wont, Detroit, Mioh. (Canadian olahmi iiifinnut porHons lu U United Htiiton colluctod.) ICoforoiioorii -Imperial Buna, Knnox, Ont, I b. I'otorn, Kfin., UarrftiUir, rto,, Kswx, Oi IbA. Wlamor, Jjiki.. Uurriutor. otc., Kbhox, Ol MEDICAL. |"\HH. liltlEN & J1HIKN. Jim Prion. M. D., I.. II , C. I1. B., qruduato of Quooti'ii Urdvondty, Klujiuton, rnomuor of CoU lufiu of riiyiiicliLiio and Hiirjjoouo.Outitrto. Gttuh nuto of Now York Pout Graduate Modfoul Col* .f. W. Ib-lon, M. P C. M., F. T. Id*. C. Honor (jruduato of Trinltv Modfoal Collofjn. Honor aradnrito of Trinity JJiiiui-j-alty^ Mombrtrof tlio Collonoof 1'nyiacii rih uiul SurriooiiH, Out. ClmA' mito ot *-t'W York. Tout Graduato ModiUiri Collono. OUUo ovor Kiiiiok Modlonl Hall druft store. Comiiiltation roouin. hotli on (jround lloOr and Hi Mt tint uIjovu. Tolophono in both olllcn and loiddouco. All onlln nttiuidod to from ofiloo, ilii]f{ htnro, or rtuidouflo. Jtoiihlcuioo. Talbot utroot, front of f-tn uroundu. MS. Dl'JWAH (fc McKKNZIK. Qeosrgo &- Josae, NUKKKUYJIAN, WUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY D P, A, Dr.wAii, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. fl. ltd Trinity Univurufty. . Momliuv f'olloffo Pliyl ioit.nh and Biir^oonu, Out. Itonido'ncc, Taluo it. Kant. _______ _________,___. -th-M-clCnKisiK. M". D: U. MTTollow TrlnJtj Medical Ggllo({o. Grudimto Trliiity University ItoHulniicu'Talbot Htroot, wont of M.O, It, Ollkoliointi H to!) a. m., 1 to:J and Oto tip. ta ")Hio(! hi bnpoi-bil IJanlt hlooli. ip-ound iJooi;, noxt to Thornn'H dnif* (.toro. Toloiilionoin coiinootion with ofllco and lotil- don co, Ordom loft at Ihorno'o drnp; ntoro will bo promptly atr.ondod to. "The Niagara Falls Jiouie/' rt*^^ aoiNO 11AHT Taking -.if-.i't .Mu> iruh , lh'JG, .Hull li\y. Km.. AiTom U II). a ni II, 111. p in Dotroit. i r. 0 JO '11(1 l in Windhtn .. . 7 ni li ! !) 1U.1U fi i r> I'olton . ri.ta Mauttitoi>uc - fi.a-i -- - r, -,") Ib'HCX . . - 11 ? .a 1U.1I 5.'Jti Wood*)li)()... H.ii :, :>o ItlHcnmb . ft -^ r> sa Combur h:i7 hUl HiilHctowu . a ii H 17 11 r.(J 7 Hi Iloibin>. 10,17 7 III) Kt. Tiiouim 11..lit OOINO lu.oo v, i:ht. i <y> -i JI Punch, Pear, Plum, Applo and Qiiiuco Treea, Kohch, Jivor^roonH, Horry BuhIh-h, Utmphi'rry, Blackberry and Currant Btiahori. All iirnt-clnuh Kavo af-uiitH" Big Profits ! and wrifcu for pncoa. Wo will olioor- fuliy uriHWor you by return mail. tylwndid Apple Trees, A l"iu tivory roHPout, $12 PER 100 - SI2, On ood productive Farm Property ut 5, & V) por oont, Htraijdit. No Valnaabtion Fees, X5f OonyayancmK Dono up iu Neat Stylo \. Firo and Lif nsurance. 4. - LOVELACE, tisaxx, out ca-Oninii: Wbifcuoy Block, upbtaire (i i London . **t, T) imiin,. Hodiii y . Hi'l^otou ti. ('oinlicr Kmicoiuli Woudidou. . Kimox iMtlKbitOIHl Pfdton Wnuii-oi Uoiroit Ur p.m. 11 HI 1 U) :i it) 1 1**7 1 ,{(J :> ii ti ().j ti 11 <i i*j 7. ill 11 HI. .(1 1(1.11 II I.! IV. 10 li l.-> ii in . IT) l> 1 7 it h It) i .in <) .Ih !) |ri ': > i lit IM 1(1 1'J U' 'JU 111 j.rJ DENTAL. HP. AtAHTIN, D. n, H., L. D. t^ GrmtViat* in Bnnthitry, Royal Collofje of Dontal 8uronn, Ontario, arid Univoridty of Toronto. 0harf*rf>,modorato. Oflico, ovor Brion A Co a drue iitoro, lB-Iy w VETERINARY- r li. KfciiAUPSON, Vi*torlnary Sirr- ,'i'on, fjjiLdiiato of tho Ontario Vetor- nmry L'oll'-do, 'i'uruutu, ti oittn all dtuoniioH o*f domoht on Led iininmbi Tclophouu in oonnoc- tion liutitliitry il Hi'tjcitdt*). pouidotioo, four doorii waitli of Grlnt .Mill. Oflico in pofltolllco hiiildiii',', liidriuorv dirui'tl) op))OHit:o. BAKER. i1IK oltbiht biiHbiotin iu town. t'hitaDIiuto 1 lH7fi KirBt-cIiiiii broad and calrou Ot ol Icbuln. Woddnifj oiiKciia tipopiality. GrocoriOB proviuionK, tlonr, food, unit arid porlt, Oonpio- tionor*,, croclcorv.Klnnhwiirc Cuiiuoil frultn and vtRotiibloH of all kindf Good*, protaptly ao livorod toall pnrLH of rhi) town. J. M. UICKH. nil If Imtu'rHihurtj; Local 1'rnliiN. W I '.'1 1 AHT p ui. a.m. u.lii a.m. a.m. \\ ui li.lll 11.50 H.lfi KtiHiix 7 1.1 'l.'ilt r .S'l IJ.-J.l \u:\ H iHt Ihljairii 7 Ul) 1)10 .1 10 IJ (> l'J.10 u ai b K ^ U K Xlni* 0 5U U 'AS I fil >> 'w u jo n;ir> MuG'oKor '.no i flu GO .ILViU B..*i"i Aniliorhtburf; li.Ufl !l J I) t.dti All trauiM aro tun on uontrtil utiuulard time, ubi-'li in hixty mhiutoH nlowor than lOhHox thnr Por lufoiiuaLlon and rato!) to oolou- ii.t moving wont apjily to John G. bavou, Pah- hOIll'Ol AflOIlt, Ht. TIlOIlItlB, O. W. ltURfllOH, Gon- oral PiiHHoiiffor nnd Tiukot Ajjont, Chicn^o, 111 or A. O Ktmioro, Auont, Ilrffiox. L- E. *& D, R- Ry. TIMKTAULK NO. 18, ta'dnrj otfoot Saturday ,7uuu JO, lHD.I. Trfiiufi run by Kuiitorn Stand ard Tunc. Dally oxcopt fliimlay v." K =* ci*^ M . *-* A fJ.'27 (i.,lli ll.ilO rtTA'iiova, ^.'**3 d "A A M A M 11 lit]lr.M)0 t).!7 1-JJIt) 11.55 Vi JO t)G'l)l'2.-Lr> 10.0fl|12.n:i li 17! 1.10 fit)I 10,1b, 1.23 ()CJ 3.40 7.07 2 dO 7,11 2.b'l 7.21 J.60, 7,111 a 00 7 13 a.45|7fia l.lOiH" 10 ii.V 10 121 10 w' 111,5^ 11) 51) 11 10 u:m 11.31! u aal U.ll U.0'21 'a "m a m T)op Walln-rv'lo Ar a b'| u.oo WiiUcorvllht Juno.I*i 01 ,*i.l .....Poltoa ... H 57 fi,)4 .....I OhlcitKtlo <H SI 5.17 1 Pi.qilotto jh -17| 5(fi .. McGroi'or . .. |H <1J 6.00 i Now Ciuiaan..,'h 1(1) -i.1'1 i Miirhlillold ...\b -2\i l.:ia ,. Htmow .. IH *22, 4 '25 8.17 H.IJ a.-iij BT7T o tWJ, .....t Amor........[8 11! Kinnavillo......'ft CI '7 51 7-1D 7 21 7 lfi 7 10 7 m Itii tli von botmiiuutoii Wlu'iitloy ..... I ItonnioK ..... toatuwoith .. I GUmwood..... , ..Morliu ....'.... , Bandison ..... Oo.lar Sprint:"- ia.t8i f.lift| n 67jiJienlinlin Mimot'n 13.1, O.l3i0,12 IC.?li (LMtOUO I'J.tO 7.10| ODl X*. M, P. M, V.U .....UloDliolm .......tWiUdo........ Ar WiiJutown Dor H.eo -ai 11.10 JflO 10.101 -J.-io 10.00 lilO i*. rtr.'r.M ' t KhiK Btaiions. "Tralnn atop only when thoro uro pufii-onftora at or for thoo Btatloim. Mixed trairia aro at al timoH aubjoot to bo canoollod WM WGOIjtiAT-t. Goiioral BupoHit<Hid*Ht t.oo 3.4S it.lfi ii.-lO 1.5-i 1.SH 1.10 l'J -ill Il 6J, 13,211 5.22 o is ia.:-M bi*5 II 40J1U.05 0.10 fl 8l'll.2H| 0 01 tl 21 li W 0 it) V M 7.10 7.HI 7 27 7.',") 7.17 7.12 7.00 tl.Si) li 52 0.-11 (l..'il D21 I WO C.51 5 4& ft -10 5,!t0 (1 00 A.M. Blood'puriilorfi, though ffi'ttdual, aro rad- loal in thuir ffeot. AyerV Sarnupurilla ih lutoiultidttn a modloiwo only and not ti stimulant, exoitant, ot beverae. Itomed- iato t-eaulta may not always follow Us uao'; but titter a reaeonabls time, permanept bonclit is certain to be re&lizod. ' SOCIETIES T (> O I . 1 NTKK^lUbK Xiodgo No VW ' nimithovory Tlmrhdny, ovmnny at 7.H0 lb )ildfuliowi. Hall, in third ntoroy PmiHtft*o Illock /imtiiif-moinboi-K uf othor lodf-oowill roooivo.D .rntonml wolcornt'. .T. JOIINRTON, N, G. CMNTKAL I'.NOAMrilKNT, No. (JO, moots In Odilfflloffb'nall, DuriBtan'n Hlook, ou tho flvt vtiit third TuoHday inoucb month. ViyitorB dor lially rocnivod Moiiibi-rn of iiubordinnto lodfjoe Ui Git, juriiidicl Ion, invited to join. 0. IIINJUN. 0. V.. <i.V. nibb, G 3 ESSI--X OUNTHR LODGI.. No. 10, A. O. U.W abiutn bucond and fom th Alondtwu in oaob -mouth, in tho Oddfullnw'w Hall, at 8 P. m. v*init(iiK hrtithron will bo pivon a fratornal v?cl- coino. JOHN liMKCt, Sriuitor Worlcwum 0. 11. -'ULbKU. Itoconlor. ]7SBIt*X l-'IUM IlRIGADK MEETS KVKBY lJ Frldnj ovtniui; Da/ul Watnor, Captain; Andiow I'.trkei, bioutonant; I'almor Piltfo, Ht-omlury, I^icduriclc Hvatt, Troasui'or. ClUUKT ltOY\L, NO. 21J, J. O. F. / Muot-. Hconinl and fom tli Tuuudav'H hi mioU month in i. O. O. I*\ Hall at H o'clock p, m. Vihitiiif; brother!) will ho f'ivcu a frattrual wol- comt*. 10 McGaiiidand. C. It., W. C. Shaw, fiooy. M.J. Wiijlo.C.l). lb U.K. ^AfJ^AMii LOAN AGENTS G330KG13 J. THOMAH, Convoyanoor, Com- inlfiuionor, iu Hi?,h fJouri ol Jntjcioofdoalor ti ltoal fcjfa-iito and Moitcitftufi. Monoy to loan attho lowimt rata of Intorout, t-'arimi bouiiht anil uobl. Inourauco taken in tlio montroliublo jompiuifofl. Drnwinf* ur dooda, ittortfjiiffuft and loatioii a niiooialti. Cha."on modovato and nil imiduoBH nroinptly uttoudod to. Call at the' Quutral Tolonhono olllco. KusoxCriutro. 60-ly ___MARR^AC^ICEJMSJES^___ MAItniAGE Jdooiuiouor Woddiun Uimui cm bo procuriul nt K. b. I'tirlt'd, tho old * - Hoblo jmv'jltor, Khiio^, Out. ry *- BEAMAN, i Iimuor of Marriafto"'Lioonia,fl. Innuranoa u Bpbo* MBbtomooatl3welllW(f. TAUK-'J blltri.T.KSSBX M BAKHKTT. iHiianr of MuhiXgo IjloonBua, . Coimnlnnlotaorir 0.iT.,oto. Goato, O-at, -___________^ -------------------------.-----o------- JAMES H. IjAIHD, rrovlnoial Land Hurveyo* itud Coauty KaWuot% Kaaox Gontro, On*, Oilhjo, Duimtan Bloojt, uv-atalra. AjrCHjTECTS. "tohn-a. maycook, ^ AltomXBOT, &., Hooni 10 and li;FIorqiug BO'ldlng,1 Wiutfiior Cto1 Fbono 210- \. ,i* ' iltf 91

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