Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 5, 1895, p. 4

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fit1 ' ' ** v fy >u ' *u-**f.>' nvr' I H ,W tr ,| TWR FifiRT^ JPRFCte T?RHiSJ^ \ A. H. SCARFF & GO. Having purfchnHcd the atook of Groceries ami Orockory from Wm, Goimoll, wo are now in a position temoefc the wanfcfl of the public. Tho stock in now and well assort ed, and a fow minutes with us will convince you that our Prices are Right! Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town Highest prices Paid for Produce. Eomembor tho place, next Medical Hall. A. EC. Sk>axi & Do. THE WATERLOO MEET Success of the C.W.A. Domin ion Day Moot. CRL1T RAGING, NO NEW RECORDS Great Clearing- Sale! E Essex Free Press, Illtrli kcliool Notes. FRIDAY, JULY ", 190r> A, Brutitford duHpatch sujh: Tho To ronto World imbhuhoti a import from Ot tawa giving an account of a diiicuHHion in tho. Oornmona ronardmti Inndui twino. In th ooutao of tba dmoutiuiou tho Htatonient is tniul* that tho Fanneru' BnUer Twino Company ot Britntford approached tlio Government with a /iow to induce thorn to value thd priooof bmdor twine manu- taoturod at Kingston Penitentiary and to vator into a. oornWmo to keep up tho price. Tho pTtoHidtnt of tho FariuoiQ1 Biudor TwlueGd., Mr .ToHopli Stratford, utated tomphatioally tliat no combine or undor- Htiiudnj(*'to lna U'wludtio oxiatod or wau ooutanaplatGtl, domrod or routined. Uo hau no houitancy, liowovor, in tunltin^ a HuttUor Htatoment that ho kind protuHtod that aonviot labor twino wan af'tji'ouuiva an afiaiuut tho oxiutin^ ammiFuoturorn, aa it waa boiu^ opunly advortiaod ua butter m quality to hin and other eumpauies, bettor btandn, whioh u positively not bo, aud that all hiH company wau tod at the haudu of Government was a fair liold and no iavorn, as tho Farmers' Biudor Twiuo To had its hniiout dobU to pay. Mr Stratford further otatod that hqiuo time ajjo ho ru- ptOGOutod to tho Government that old Atnorioau twino wan' bioujjht-frooly into tho maiRt to tho detriment of Canadian niauufactururu, and dcuirud that tho ouh to ma appraisal on thin twiuo in entering it should bo niado aa lar^o an possible, an no good would oomo of its bonm allowed iu competition to tho Hploudid now twine* mada by tho Canadian munntacuururu, aud that tho faotory that ho Htoud at tlioi huad of, oonaiutiuu ait it did ot thoummda of larmora no otookholdeiH, who umthor polit ical uor u^f;ronmvQ againut any Govern- mont. CAXADA'SFAVOttirE FA IK. 'Aha Oldout lu tlio Dominion. Wo aru in rcooipt of tho Wentum Fair Pri/o Libt, loiniuding lh ot tuo dates, to '.Hut, and hIiowiu^ tlio Loudon luana^oiuuut are utill alivo to tlio country'a intotoau. Sotnu peoplo havo u very wi*ouj* coucoption of Faira and their objootu, thinking tUut tho Direotom of thuBo uuHociatioim ruu them for poroonal gain, Una m not thu faot bowovor. Fuiru boloim to thu puoplu, mil wliatovor nood there is in thoiu or uooiuuh from thorn a< for the lounofit ot tho coiumuuity a a wholo. The WeBtom L<'mr Iiuh marched Btoiuiily forwu-rd bihou itn lucLpuon in IhOS ttutil the prouout, and beurn tho stump of intolliRonoB, indautry, invention, wealth and fauhiou, and largely mdicateii the ii- Manoial proHpority of tho Province. It ban progrimued and will utill become tnoro and moro popular (an it ]UHtly merUo) ho long an tho DireotorH oontinuu to tuaku u a live, progruuQiYC Exhibition. Every ouo ohould aid in BQino way, Oithor by t>oiny an exhibitor or ab a vim- tor, for tho creator tho huccohs of the Fair tho greater tho bauefit to tho pour/le. \Vu Mtrou^ly advnie helping it along. Many important ohangja have boon made iu tho Priao List, which addo to itn uaofulnoBH, and w.U bo appreciated by the exhibitor. By roquoHt we nay that u oopy will he Bout any applicant by uddruauiu^ Mr, Thomas A. Browne, tho Soorotary, Lou don. ,^----------------- Stark'fl Powdors, oaoh package of which contaiuo two preparatiouu, ouo in a round woodon box, tho cover of whioh farruo it caoaHuro foir ono-doao, an immediate relief lor coHtlvonoua, 0iok Headache mid Stom ach, also Neuralgia and all Uiudii of nurv< oua paiild, Hnd another m oapHuleu, (from j- to i of ouo in an .ordinary duao) which uotn on tho bowola, livor and atomaoh forming iLiioyer failiuc perfect troatmont for all hoad and utomaoh complaintu, Thoyr do not, an moftt pillu and do many other modi- ciuoa do, louo thoir offoot, or produce after conetipation, they are moo to take. 25o a box at all modioino dealers. Tlio lollmwni: mo tho promotiond from Form T to Form II. Promoted wllh liouom; M. H. Jaukiioii, F. Arnold. J. Batton, H. Wiglitwan. Promotod: S. RuqhoII, K. Irwiu, ft Cuti- uiuham. M. Mcttao, 8 Wortloy," II. M Cooko, 11. Trimble, L. HuhsoII, H. Wij;1o, Jj. Uopqood, N. DmIjoii". Promoted conditionally, C. 13 ItUHHolI. A. E. Luinij. L Ivuno. K FIowo, L. Millar, U. Coll. ljiitiaiioeo\amm'Ltionn olosod S iturday latit. At Kuho\ ll'i wioto for outrange and u for publicHchool having. Meatirii Graa- riwollor and Jluudurnnu promdo 1. Ttio Iliijh School Ju'uor Liiavinti Iixamuiation oomtiienood ou Tu-nday mi \ tho primary on TburHday, IiiHpootor Ma^woll pramdui^. Tho many friondn of \Ii. A T. Cuahint* wUl ho ploauod tu In-ar of Iuh nuuceiatat ttio SDinor Matnoulation Kxaminatiou at To ronto Gnivuraity Thm nuucoaB iuoapoaial- ly orodicablo iu view of tho faotu that Mr, GuhIuu(,'b term at tno IIi;'h School waH au unusually nhort ouo, and that of tho var ious candidates tho 1 tr^o majority wore atat'rod in one or tnoru Hubjeota while Air. Cnihiug wkh Hucccditul iu all. Uo ban shown liimnelt a Htudeut of exceptional ability aud industry. iAKIwWBLJj TO 1IIBH lknnox. Tlio ro^rot felt by tho Dtudontu at tho resignation of Mian Lanuox fouud oxproB- uiou an Tuesday 0veiling laat whou at Jthe Uivitation of Mm. Wiamor, a lar^o uumbor of thum mut Mihh Lunnox at her huimo and proneuted hor with tho following addroHB acoompaniod by a handaomo gold watoh. Khort Bpooohofl wore made by MoHBra. Cianawollor, Wmmor, Gushing, Mihh Lon- uox makinp a mutable reply. A vory on- joyable evening wan Hpe-ut Following la the Mihb L. F. Li:nnox, The ntudonta of Ehsmx Ui^h School and their fnoadu havo heard with tho vory deopent rojjrot of your mtontion to Httvor your conntjotioa with tho Hchool. Dunnj* tho four years that you hav ocoapiod ;ho (iositioii of Soionce teacher hoio you have ondoarod vournoU to all and your lomoval will leave a KllP that oaanet easily be tilUd. By yoar oon- ntant and mnarviufj patience, your akill !u Lcachinj; unU youi ln^li jiorHonal char acter you liayo won for youmolf a repata tion wbioli fallH to tho lot of fow, aud wo auimro you that in loading Ehhox you will take with you tho j>ood will aud rospoat of all with whom yon havo come in oontaot. A* a amall token of thm we ilh\i you to ac cept thm watch, and truHt that it may often rumind ypn of the many and warm fnendu you have won for youfHolf among tho trim- teea.teachorB and atudeuta, and ox-BtudoetH ofEnuox Uii.'h Schoit. Pinned ou behalf of the hoIiooI, Lillian Milx-aii, Annus C Walikus Kijihon, IIakuy Coll, Krvfrnl JVw Vnut Uu Coma to the V*r+- suk-tila i)ni}lti**d two tlmuiL>lau~ fall-1h live klllo Utooa |Wdu Uj Ma-uu Ttiuta Ali luch. Waterloo, July 1. The l.'ttb luinual inert iff tho CW.A., which lit heinj? In'ld lu'ie, in, tlio oincciB nay, without doubt the amit *nii.< (HHful hi the hmtoiy of tho (Uftociatiou. Tliuie am nearly 21SDU wlieil- nion 111 town, clubd fioiu all pnrU of tl*o iJoiuinioii in-ill^ well mpi'i'iteiitiHl, whilo theie nie UioiiHund* of viHltorH iu town I'lOIlt Jll'IKbliOllllK placcH. 'llio Water lot* club have more than ro- dccnii'd all llii' inomwii'H made to tin* Ufuuidiuu W'boolnji'ii'ii Ahhw lation, and havii fully jimtiflod their chunui to tlio moot. CycliHtu hiiMi hi imi arnviiiJ5 hero con- tniuoiuiiy innnj Fndny nu:ht, nml tho Ihlb'thiK loiniiuttet} "J taxed to ilfl ut- nioftt idtortu to find room for vmltorri, iniiiiy uf whom aie putting up tlireo and foui 111 a IkmI in puvato lioiwcH 'lbt' cyolmtH n\vii tin' Urn 11 and hIho tlie iiiMRh- boi ixijx Town 01 Jii-ilm. Tliey are doinK whate\i-i they plciuit', but 110 one him >*t had fiiuia* to comp' 1111 of their behavioi. Then- u an a puxiHuiou to-day of the win i nicji J10111 Hi'ihn to Waterloo, a limtatiui' of two nn.i'd, nil the dubs par ticipating. WlH'n tlm Icadeiil <>I the pio- ceui|oii n'fichul Uatenoo llic tail end- eia had not idt thmi stalling jdaci'. All of the 'loiouto tlulw ha\e lai^c turn- outo, that of tin' Wamlt win Ih-uik pir- ticulaily iiotix alile, their br.mii baud aud the JiiihcioiiH attne ot nuine of it ineui- heifl In mj; veiy rouopii tioiiH The inuH \\> n -iU ol nn exciting n.b- tinu, but wen titifuitiinately nun r d by wiveral act;idi ntH, Colui Ihubottlu being uinoDw the unlm-ky ouch, he falling in th*' mile clam H clianipioiiMhip and car- iled off tin' tr itk untoiirtLioin. He wax ludly cut about the Knei 11 and arnw. Other unfew tunatCH u ie Mi uh- W of Montreal, Smith of Campliellluid and 1. ubei of Uueipli, who fell in the novice, ali of tin in miHtainiiiK naily cuih. In (lie two-mile Wattiloo Handicap, Wilnoii of Gait w nt uv.M the li ink. In tin Hint lap of the wcond mile 111 the 5-m h iLham- pi< imlnp ra. Lilian, Wolln ami (iibhnnrt \M-ut ovei tin hank into the eiowd at the (inine npot. Two *r thn-o ot the B|M'(*tntoiri were iiijiii.d by the ridors miHhap, hut the lv\(IisU caum out of it null uiued, excepting ncnttdien and hriilM-H. , N-> records weic nmairlii'u, luul th I me nil iMiind \um rutin r fllow. It win Sam r'h day. tiny winning two of the tbpen cliaiiipioiiHliipa. Mcl.eod took tlie in 1', cIinh II and l>oUL'lieed the half in le, ci.LSfl A. 'Hie ir\e unk-uluim - p<urilup ^ut t< Mtlut. rfh of the deiers, win* beat out llailey U ludson by halt an mm li l'h inn ice went l lo\ M Her 01 tin* l\mrirtls H C, II nil I- l 1 He In .it J jiiumlII, whom all ex- 1 ^ted to wm, by a foot. Uiulter, thu fant rider from leledo, who hit the American circuit purely to win the iplOOO lioitu put up by Mi fte.L- Ki-tm aa the fnt prize 111 the mile .m- t inatunal clahrt Ji, uceoinplnh d the Lr.Ck 111 '2 O'l t^iinmiaiKrt Parasols at Half Price. Hose and Gloves away Down. - ( We want 10,000 dozen Eggs at once. Yours for Bargains, r)trxTS*rAisr Broc^. bsbes- Dry Goods, Groceries! Clothing*, JdLEtXiS i-Gommittoo Promotion UxmmiiatioaM. Junior part 2nd to Senior part 2nd: Freddie Laing, .loo MoIYIurray, Harry CraHuvvellor, Nollio Leo, Elma Davio, Myrtlo Con^don, Mildred RiohardHon, John McCatfroy, DoEtt Ellsworth, Lilho Muma, Urullia Daviu, Arnold Ed^ar, Mary Roddick. J amor part 2nd to Intormodiato part 2nd: Lena Wortloy, Gordon Parkor, Raymond Dewar. LilhoRhyndraHH, Walter Bate, Martha Muma. Olara Hal), Lily P. llormon, Ada Hioku, Florouoo Doan, Hairy lloClmtio, IIorbi Gardner, Howard Coll. Tho following pupilum Mimi Buokloy'a room havo bourt pauued from Bouior tpart 1st to Junior part 2nd, in Mihh Granu- wellor'n rootn: May Wyman, Howard La- Marub Maud Willohor, G, Laird, Forroiit Clarko, Beatrice Elford, Kdwin Beaman lfiddw Irwin, Stella May, Bella Klingbiln, Fordio HioltH, Jay Hinuon, Garrio Robin son, Roy Ilaunun, Frani Youuj,', L/aa Boattio.Tom 01 ay. ,--------------------------------.< 11.......* A Wallwjiy miaiiii^oi- tiuyu i Mlli< imviif, <\ ub K, tliHt lioit liunr^o 11. 1J-1imi>. Joimiti) KtJ, 1, C tl. K< ui 1> k, W uii ht . K d, XI i b< it MiXluti ln>uii duo pli, ^. Hiiim A.\i i', C. faun tu, C impliiilll'ti il, \V. U -MhiulUt, Mount 1'uroat. W 0 JUr- b'.r, (jiiolpli, a. A. Amoii, kintfotua, j-Iqo tarttMl. faiXAJiuI lu t~Ito> IJ. Millar. ItuniiU' n, 1, T. It, J'tluuKin- '1 MniiLo \iC, 2. h. II. llDiin- .ill Italic, ^. Tliu. 2 3L ^5 1 Inal liny I J. MUW<r, 'loiirlHtu, llamll- ti> 1,~L. TT. Tliiuiinull, ItOHl', INn i.atu, 2, I. A. L.itui TitU, 'I'm out i, A. Tjiuu 2 32 --6. T. It Ji'h LIlttMl (IniHfTO il liuuboi t) , Hoi Ui11 MlOIiuoiohh, alio nt 11 toil On*, mto. i li.unpiuiiNlilp, olunii li, Hint li <ut~Ai t'ii Mi l. ud Sin nla, 1, \\ 1 Ilium M- luti.ah, U 1.0 Tun ntu, 2, T. It. .MtOnth\ ACO, r.iont. , i. Tluio 2.211-5. ti. ii i.iiih.iui. i,i;i,c, 'iui nu, t. v* \ u11! g \\ 1.0, 'lui llLu \\ alti-T HnW , To- )[ltU 1,1* 1. 1' lvllWU>, liMlilull, U Uu- y i i. ACC, '1 oi onto, alau nt n tx-il, his oiid heat llurlov l>u\idn<[i KU11C, To- nuittj, 1. C. C. U.luultlo, 1 ISC 2, U V ImbditHiH A CXI, 'luiulltu, Z. 'linn* 2.23 1 huil Vn^UH Mi]j4-4jd, ha nun, 1, W. Mo- IntuHli \\ I,*' luiiJitu, ', T. li Mi ( irtli%, ACli '1 tiiont* , if. '1 Inn* 2,52. Hal Ijottn , liailcj DuvIlUii.l mill Jj, I). Rbuuitmiii ulm Mt ll t*"l. IiaU->iuilu>, t'liuuiplu ih!iI[), A, flint h>Lt I'. hou^li'iul, -ami i,l, 1[ IUiIho, To- rinitii 110 2 J> liu A. Ilarl'-i, l'< ti ulU, 3. 'linn* 1.1b. Ij 1. Ituwun, Watotlou-, A. l'L 'ttlo, Hit iila, I \\ iIIIh, \\ ItO, Tuiontu, 1. U Ij.liiio, ll.unLluu, .\. U. ltubliu-n, Kli ({ston. iilin ntuiU'd. h*x out! licat 0 I^.llutt, RiHiililin*, Turon- tu, 1, J. A. hid 11 fiiiw, huini.t, <J, II li M'lvcHu, WHO, I'ttiunto, 3. I mm llfi 1-5 U. 1". 11-hii. i, THC, If H Oiowluv, NIK,, Tuiuiit- , li U., ruiuiiLu, I' Al<- NuiiyiiLuii (,^u< Inn , C U. I'aikor, Toruatu LO, j.lo utuitt'il I linil V. I,imyh<iKl, Sainla, 1, II. Huh u, I-Miiuut UG. Ji il M.K.'llai, WliC, Tui^u- tw, i, TIiik- 1 0/ 1-j O. nilLutt. J. H. "> iinincmw, faulil.i, .lutiu A^ Uui ]*- >, alio utai Unl. Twu mlk. WiUiiloo Cminty handicap, Lluau A, ono Ihji t it. IJ. Mooit>, WnLeiluo, IjO \ ii nhi. 1 11. V. Cottioll, unatt.u laid, lu jiinlrt 2; \\ . h. Mikaj, CJ.iJt, uoiaUh5. 'i'luio 5.10 1-5. Mvu nillo. i hiiinj li)imhlp, qIuih U, ono ii .U W. AMntush, \S 1.0, l'ui.ntn, Ijllur- It y DuvIiIhoil UCllO, lui'iati ^ A if u n Alf- L hiU, h. uii, j, 11 inn id fo Ii I .uilw Lad- Wilj, l^j thm 1 t\\. \ ', \\ l.O, 'luiua- t h. 11 ulhhu^ii, HOiiC, M.uunall V\oiht, \i 110, ah i m ti ti>vl. Tivu mil.-. 5.10 ljIubii A, tint lieat J U. hliilh f iv,. baiuiu, 1, 11. IIulno, '11 JO, <> Ci. A i-ivor, IijLT, i. 1'liiKi L. ,0. J. haik> J'tvt. uiou, H. II. Cult), .Nunf.iiu J alii, N. .-3, .vllt ii* 11 Mo^tiuul, ilIho utai tud. Httuiul hont Jnlni WUU, \\1!0, l, 1.01. i. Ooiinitj, rise, i, v it. ciuwioi, who, a 'Ilino 5.-1 t-b. TlUid li it-1. 11 Pin Kor, TUG, 1, 1, [| liouiih ill. ItuliC, *i, \\. i', M< (-loll mil, il.i , 0 'lime o At. 1 liiiil-Ju >n Wllln, WHO, 1. II. iliiln , '1 JO 2, Juiin II ii/U-y, 1'utiuloa, 3, riiao 5 '2 Jt-6. (.ixauu H. IJolittiLi, Tl'.O, L. il 1 .11 kor, TliU, 1- 11. IJuuiiHiil, KUIC; ). 11 S il llniflaw, Wtirnla, W. 1.. M' 01. Jlaud, '1U0, L. A. LiVin. '1110, ulflt* tin t. il. Ono aillo, ho>, 16 yuam old, rl.i.a A, 0.10 hoat Umajfi H. Hliuppai il, WHO, T.- junto, 1, Nuruian Sf'ii^iain, Watunuo, 2, It. li. Mouio, Watuilou, o. Tlini> 2.3/ 2-5 One> mllo, iiiteiiuodlatu, claim U, ilr< 1 lii'iit-r-O. It Coulter, Tolaijo O., 1, It \\ . \cniiiff, WHO, Toinnto, 2, Alaridiall WvlU, WiiC, Torontu, pat-ft, 3, TlinO 2.24 11uim>) Davidson, CarnulluiiH, Uuiry Tlltun, Uult, u.uo Htm tod. hi cuud luat A.ngui MoLood, Barilla, 1, \\. AlLlntoHli, AVliO, Torautu, 2; AH Youmf, WHO, Toionto, 3. Time* 2.30 2-0. -' I Inal-C. It. Coultor, Toledo, I; If. Vt, \ uui.g, Wl O, 2; AjitfUi M^Lood, Uiirtil.^ Ttnoo mllo, taiulom, claim U, ouo lioat ]tol)f.rton mid MiOartliy, C*not touni- 1, When you need Clothing and Dry G-oods, Hats aim Caps, we handle the best makes and at the lowest prices. Onr G-rocery Department is always stocked with Fresh Goods, Don't fail to call on us when you need Tea and Coffee. You will find that its Money Saved for You ! $1.00 - 20 Pounds Tea for - $1.00. / I Vance's Old Stand, Essex. AO&B WE SOLD MORE P mm . mrfi "In reply to your quantion do iry ohild- ron objoot to talcing Boott'n Emuloion, T Kay, Not on tho contrary, Mioy aro fond of [it and it keopn thorn jaioturnu ol health." w H u fad O U iluty and U. U. Cummlhtfu. IlyNlop tuim. 2,'lJiowii and Ifrnmffi WHO tttJiw Toronto, X* TPliiio* V.5U 3-5. Tbroo mil"- toum tmo, tbrw mon, olau A on* lwiit-Toronto lH.yolo Club 24 i.iliiU.* l; Biwnift HQ, 2 polnti, 2, Qiuwin Olty lJC. Toionto, LB point*, S. VltdA Q.QS V-fc lUiC. 'loiontoo IM nturtftd- 8 than any other maker or dealer in the County of Ba^ex. That means that our Goods and Pi-iffle fll-fl Ritvhl Tho celebrated,Gray & Son*' Huggy, Chatham wagons, Plows, Culfa vJtora, Mower? Bindera and Agricultural Implements of every-kind, we are headquartery A <innrial __I have in atook pne of the wagons that was awarded CJold Medal and Dl ploma at world's Fair. This wagon was specially constructed of best material available aiwi will be sold at a reasonable 'figure. J. B. STQNB, TALBOT STUEET <kW^^^ ^fesja^ik^ te/XA& Stfj :^^\-^

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