Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, p. 8

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>::;V:v:-;^ TjBE, fcSSEX. FREE PRE}t;. L'.i '): r k'. JAS/D. fiMDERSOfl & Go,. BANKERS. Next to Abordoon Hotel, Essex. Monoy tp man on'-ViinuoiV NoU.'.; Ntn hownhfc or CollActiwi; Mrm.ty to limn on Mortrt"H M> uwowt tuDoii ttinl I'ont trtn. J>raU laiuHul payable at \mt at ul1| inincipul pollllS. Firo Insurance Agonts, etc- THE GRAYS-ARRESTED ';.ir tho Murdor of David Scolllo at Potorboro. ^^V>-^- ^_ ^pU^t*^*r* Minn Md^iiin Btruuliu in fipuudini; a fuw luYnut Ooiur Iloaoh. Mir* X\ S. Ada ran was in IX'tu^tftrfHurii- f i - clay on bnuinomi. Mm, Wright, of R^iff0it -ia viHitind hor mother, Mr*-Jirtfttoi\ui town. MrTTf. H. DoOtWi-attoudotl tl>o Baptist JUaooiatluu u,t LuouHViUo Uul waolc. Dr. KitoUan, ol Detroit, wuatho.KUOHt ol Mis Ella Burdiolt a few diiyu lant wok. Mi^h Clara Iiiiuo, of Die hoi & Brioksr's, is vinitintf Miiwt Ouollotto, Amhurslburg. Mrs. J. B. Neloon, of Wmdnor, in upend ing a Tow dayw with hio oonaiu, Mr. ,T. A. Jtomj. Mr. Henry Wil'liama, of Detroit, lmn l)*un viyiting frioudtt in town anil vicinity tblHWOfelt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sum Ritchie, of Dtroit, unont Sunday with thoir mothar. Mm Jttitahio of town. Mr. and Mm Stirfnton, of Toronto, uro vinitiuK tbn Jattcr'a parents, Mr. and film. *Wim. Hutob. Mr. Groenflold, M. G. R. ftg*nt, it* upend- Jug Inn vaontiou at Urn homo in Miohitfuu. Mr. Arnor, of St. Thoman. iu rulievhifE him. Mr. MoGniro, of tho Imparl*] Ba.nk.bura, ia Hpondin/; hiu holidays at 1ii home in. tTxb'riflgn, and aluo with fri*ndu in Barrio. Mian MalolLiiiutfuud Mini Sibyl Cnn- jpiDghum took part in the rocital tfivon by Jp-f/vf-^Thnniytfipn in Loatninetnu on Friday 4f hint wock. ' " --*.%. Mr. Juo. II. Canlor, of Boutoii Mills, Ont., io in town this week, tho tftioat of iiim .fiiatcr'iti-law, Mm. Wra. CUurch and fam ily. Dr. MoKonaiQ ipuiit a few dayn in Lon don thin woek. IIo returud on Wednoi- day accompanied by bio wife and family, wild huvG boon visiting h-r pur'UiDtt for tho pant-month. Handy M. BrigKS Well, I've last g&t my samp- Irg party all arranged. GHrbs Ara you golmj to camp out thin year If Brlgea Yea, olr, I am. Not every c.UipluK party la a, euccesa. The fact i4 It depends entlrty upon the people nvho male it up. They've got to be iust the right kind. This* one la golne tu bo a ouooesfl. , Grlggfl Who Is GTOlng ? Brings Well, flrat, thM*s Bplderty. Tou know, ho la a. oplendid cook* and ho will attend to oar meals. Griggs Yea, tic's & Good man. Who else ? - Brlprgo Birable. Ho's a oort of jaclc- at-aU-trodc*L Ktwwvfl bow to put up a tent ; bi fact, oan do anything. GriRBH ood man. Who else T Brl (res Shot well He la prreat with a cun, and a. i^ood fellow, too. Grlggfl Pimt-rato. Anyone elco * Ba-lijRO Wllter iu the last man. Ho*h #ood company, yo*i know, and will keep things lively, I tell you, campingr under theso conditions Is pretty nice, isn't It ? Origin but It won't be a Bucceog if that's all the fellows you are going to hH"C. Brlp-ffs Why t Who cIm ougiit thcr to be t Gr'.ffKB Thero'B Doc Poulter. He la one of the best men for pneumonia that 3f know of. Bajiar, " i-otly Kostod. 'Mind at Eoho " 'J hut m what it id wbon travelling on tho rfuct tr^iuB of tho Chicago, Milwankoo ik St. 3Puul Railway; homde thero iri no chanoo to."kick," for the aocotnmoilationo aro up to d itc, the trainti koep moving riylit alouu 111 o got thirtj on time. Theoo linto thor. if nt;hly covrr rhf territory botw^un Chiouyo, l.i llroaae,-rit. Paul. MinueapoJio, Abor- di'i'ii, M-i'-ohuli, Bioux l?iilln. Bioux City. Tf'unkton. Council Bluffn, Omulm ind Nor- -thom Miohigau. All tho prinoipal cition ainii towns in that territory are readied by ibu "Bt- Paul" liutit), ooupootiuK at St. Paul, Gounei! UIuITq and Omaha with all liti^>- it poiiiru ;in tho far weut. Write to A. !. i tylor, Canadian Pabw'r A^out, 87 Yd- k StiK-t Toronto. Ont, for huh of tlmir map timo tahlwi and a|bronhtiro, giving (b'fiunptiun Of tlioCompuitmi'ut Bleeping i3uiH, T'ickotki .t'tirniuhod by uuy coupon Tel m :ii.'ont in th" IJuituil rttatou and Can- , vJa. liio flncBt dinuit. i;arh in the world fun od the oolid ventitmlcd, oleutric- ightoil and nU'Rui-hcuitud traiutiof the Clii- JI4U", Milwaukoo A St. I' ituilway. Bomo people ura constantly troubled with jiirnpltiB and boila, especially about th* iaouand tmok. The ooifc ramody in a thoroutili rfoutBo of Avr'i Barnaparilly, -which expaltf all buraors throa^b the prop' ^y clmmneln, mud so makes tho hkfn baoomi ,oft, haalihy, and fair. ' '^lE HEAD" CUT OFF.NOT- BURNED Off >)Hn nittrovtik'y Xmbi by tUv Hut-ifri>nit Wb <'iiiiiliint't< tttr lko4tnittt'l<iii H'rUoiivik-u io Hi- Ilvtkfud lt'l al 0:mm> - li^iknul- tinnu of \\ Ituvukvu Kt Itc Vor- war^li'd In Mtislihiutoki. uirontn, Juih 7. Thnriwm Orny :'ll . Itiit wids lleiuiie Gray, ' : 'I with tin* inunlfi- of David fcicnl- i'i Otonahi'.i'. Tnwimliip. Omrity "f :'. n.)i-t}, mi Ft'li. 2,1, lSDIi, wit (ir- <! at Oc-yIm, Kltit-ida, on Satitrdny !')Vi'ciniiiMit Dr'ti'ctive Alurrny will lit tn 'i'i .[; h.ick Ihn iu:;ii/(imI. "iii* jH'iHowtrfl e*(jndi:>:trd a 10 l-2ncrc rs n.^'- tirovo in M:.rion County, mljnin- 4 i.u: V'iwn of Otala, and it wmh tlune .. hIhtKI to^iU tlir'iu into <:nnt(wly. Wii. ihiir or mt tlu* Uniyn will return i !nmt fijrhthitf ejclradition 1 I i,n; iiiiknovvii, hut it id .thought thi'y i viiliintjirily UK"1" to a*:conipaiiy 'nl'ficor to Canada. Wh.'tlu-r they do not, tlierc|piff littli' donbt >>t their tmr- i'.-. oh the (>rfie-:r will take With him .- d.'potiitioiiH of the varioiw witncntu't.* :.amined by Comity Mafrifitrntn Kdnii- .;n.i'at lVtorlwini, Hiipplt-mfuted by that who ..ill- a fwintinurti'in examination of tli' adlcHM trmilt of tin; alh'tfed viutim of . i.* Cii-nynV and who iti natitilitul from hid \.nni!iation that the head of Scolllu wiui : off' by a Hliurp Uuiti'iitiiciit and not it-niMl off in the fins whiidi ileutr-nyi-il the id thu Grays .; :. . The dfpnHLLi.ut o! Dr. Cnvau will n.' tiikcn beJoro County Mm gin t rate Eil- iiiiiwMt at the Attoiuoy-GiMioj'al'fi office tliiti inoruinff. Ii the Crow'n'H theory an to tho death 0 Stij'li in correct, the crime of the ' G.a.VH wiui one of the mnut inK*'iiioun, _niu- u ^ the name timo one <a' the moot appall- in^. ever eommittod in Ganadiu The i;-.oii! upna which the Wiujhinp;ton au- ;i,.j:'itie-H wi;i l>e (uiked to nurrendcr the ut-ciuied hit briefly tlieae: L. The Grayii wunt to live with Scollie iliimior an agi^i'munt that they wore to keep the old man an lonR on ho livod. ~lir-foaHidera-tion uf thia dcollio duelled to them bin farm. 2, Mro. Gray told lier aister, Mra. W-I. ilcGrujjor, that uh* intended to pet rid of the old man, that uho purposed hav- ini? Tom (intjaniup; hor hmiband) away truia home at the time, and by uaiup; fire mi ]u-ruoii woukl utujpLi.t her. a. The wight tho dwotiinift of tba Gray* wiifi burned, Gt-rfiy Wt* abitont iuwl Mmi. Gray pjoutua a aurahor of 1k>o*m twifore i-'iviiiK tho a.!ai*m at hor aiater'tt. JJjwl i.lie nejiror naighljors been notified, tho lire could hn-vo boon extinguished. 4. Wlion- tlie body af-ScoULe, .who *dopt }Tn-ji>bfiilroonl upstair*, woh found hi tho ruiiui tlio liead waa miiwingj and b etilL 'Die body w-mj lying, oa it* back, with nrinfl folded In front, wliilo tlie quilUi Hcemed, to bo tu*kod in around tho body, and tho straw of the mattraau remained underneath.. Neither the quiltfl no* the underclothes of Stollio wore lwmied. Am tho body was found on tho ground, it u* claimed ho could not have fallen with the collapaed flooring without the pom- Lion of the body thuncinp;. 5. A day or two after the fire, when nuHjiicioun had lHlcoine arouwd, Mrs. Gray viHitod lior nintor and ojiked hor not to -uiy anything reopecting tlu> threats oho had made. (1 Ar oon as pofisiiblo after Scollio'i death Gray aod Ids wife collected the in surance sold the farm and left quietly for Florida. 7. An examination of tho spinal verte brae of the dead man leadn tho nurgconfl to the belief that the head was not burned off, hut cut off with a sharp inwtrument. Shortly after tho fire a' younff ton of Ciruy'u wiib riding to town with a far mer named Nurtift. The l>oy luul a jaw bone in hia hand, and Nurao imkod him what it wan and lie replied, " A piece 01 Itrfxl D:ivie' jawbono.** Tho ghawtly object wflu afterwarda turned over to the coroner. Tho coroner's contention i tlutt Mra. Gray irtupeficd the old man Vith nornc ih'coctimi, cut off hio head "with on ox and then not'firo to tho hoaso. Tho Grays have flvo children, Wltftt dlft- poHition will be made of these ia not known, but It is. po*mblo they may hi brought back with their paroirta. i>i'MHiiMi:\T i-'ou ivcnuiui:^ OrnHtln Slrnnnre lutro<lnr<Ml Into tho Iw- jiCfIII! dritiiiiiiMiH. New York ,Juno 17. Tho Sun'n upc- don cable saym Tho Government hail Introduced Into tho House of fjordn the promised bill il-allng with Inebriate^ and the provlsiorm of thia measure are DUlllciently drnatlc to make olnnera tremble. Power hi given, nut omy to tho Ilitfh Court of Justice, but to the County Courts, to commit a perHon to an Inebriate Llcen.sed Retreat ror a tepfT'ot r!x monthfl to two years ur^n the appllro-tlon of a relative or friend, supported by evld"nf,e, and thy ex- ;jr< Hslon, "habitual drunkjird" la ex- ti-nd"'d to include any perpon who la rend'red dnn^oroua to'f or (.them or Incapable of nianayinp; himself or his alTalrn through habitual use of opi um ur any other dru(j. Even these powers are not nufllcient for extreme temperanco reformer* who urga that ihe baelcnlMor should' be dealt with earlier In )\lx downward course. They [.ropoHo, th.r f-re, to extend tho defin ition of "hahituul drunl-ard" bo as to ineliule any man convicted of drunK- onnt-ss thrice in two years. Am thU' would hit hard a pood many otherwise reputable people. It will bo ntrcmiously opposed,- but the Government bill Itself annoarn to receive general arproval.and will almost certainly become a law at this Qeaaion (ihuuld time permit I'M* or.lBoxIcJiu \-Bro to1oiiIhU, Now York Juno 15.-A Reeordor ipo- Cittl from .Map:me, Me.deo, Ray0: tho bodleo of it3 nog row have been found oh the plnlnn north of here. The bodio. are tlioao of co'-oQlHta who were brought hern from Alabama several monthu iiko They oocnjied from tho colony,, and in their attempt to ranch the Unitod Stalei lecamo loat I.n the denert ami are aup- jiofwd to have porishod for lack of food and. water. K'llt IMmi*I"u:a rnainl(*ff**ttn Fin'IU'Ii OoIhu Paris, Juno 15. advice*i from flan Do- mingo report tluLt freak difflculti&a hav broken out in tlie republic in coaBonuonc* of tl' Govermuont haviup; coined and Ih- ued nickel money of varioiw diMiominn- tlonn lie-arinfi oji offi*-y the exact counter part of that boruo by Himilar <diia of th* rrcucli ropublic. K^iiiH't* X^ti'-'r Kim.-. Mo/lrld, June* 10. Ulngf A .'himj and Ida BUter, the Prl ic uh of tli: ^"turlau, mro both tuflurluif with a^aala*,. ,... . . A REMEDIAL LAW Will Bo ProBsod For In tho Ottawa Houso. FRENCH-CANADIAN M. P.'S A UNIT. ArclibUlKtp V.nnuovhi on <Jr*mwny'ii i>- riHleu -|.'AH ii llcy'urlhV IkhiIjC* tllti I^ownir uf I'uk-lliiiiictil in IKVfnipl (.nlhellcM trom I'.jMli- Kclinol Tuxallou- Ottawa, June in. Not many memhcru of the limine venture to eicprouM thern- Helvoii imblhly In rejrurd to the ManHo- ha nehool . (|iicnilon, although Hi re Heemu to ho no d.iil)t that mnue hard Mllnk lii(? h:in iH'.h done to-day. An wan naturally .to \v- exported, tho Krenrh-Cnnadlan pr'^isi are a, unit in demanding Hemedliil LetrlHlntlon thin seiinlnii. It would not, however, be a malter of HUrpr'ne if the f!ov mment, mi HUKKPHted l',Ht v:nlnffi apriohited a ?oniinlii(don to . nqulnr Into the condi tion of the Manltoha Hehooki. Mr. D'Alton MeCarthy Iuih been hnard- Ini,' up a numlii-r ol' petitions a^alnnt inbrforoiice with tho Manitoba noh-jol Hyidum, and to-day, the find opportun ity afforded him nine e th" decision of (he Manitoba Ouver.imont waa an nounced, he presentinl th in to the- Mom-'o, Tl;ey ar iu. p nod to be sin1 i- ed ly about 10,1)00 people. In.the coiinie of Ciinvernailon to-da.>, I\Tr. McCarthy npolce an foil own: "Th" action of the Manitoba Clove nment i-i exactly on the Mnen It ban pursued all through. T wan anked to oppose the qUi'stlun of a remedial order on Un mer lin before the Privy , Council, on the ground that the. pieaont syntem worked well." "It In a fact that the Uemedlal Order w.'iR parsed without u knowledge of the elrrUmntancoH which led to the ahob tirm of Separate Scho'.b;,'" " I*r ml't (Ire nw; y ."hows by what' h" nayn a,n to a commission, that tliere ban b en noopiresnloii or bproroa nctlon on tho part of the Government, ft'id thott he was only aetuat* d by mo tives of ce.nfdd*rat!on fnr the pro-dnee'n welfare. .lie thus clia lorn' the fidl est InvoHtlKUtlon." "Cin the Kod'Tnl I*nrllament exempt the Roman Catholi n from ta a'Ion fur I'uhlle School purposes In ManttobaV That Is a'grave* and' doubtful ques tion," naid Mr. McCarthy, "no Federal action can be effective unlenn It la nup- pl-nrunV-d by local lechdatlon. I co:i- Hider there In no poHiilblllty of the Do mtnlon Government nuliHidiz"nn: Catho lic schools. The .ion 11 men t of the peo ple of Ontario on thin Issue la more pro nounced ' than on the trade question.. T ennnot Imagine any circumstance wht h would JURtl'fy, on the p^oundu of puldl" policy, any r me Id lnterfernno1 with the Manitoba Rchools." Montrfbn], June 14. The fo lowl'g de- npatoh was. received to-day from th Archbishop of Bt, Boniface: I am porry for the local Oovernment'u bad will. Rather fltranjre that after nve yenrs of public dln:'uadon U-Clr memorial should blandly charge tho Ottawa Government with tenor nee, and claim for them- pelven the monopoly of knowledge. I trust the Government nnd Parliament of Canada will suntaln the Judgment of tip; Privy Council of England, and stand by the constitution of the coun try, (filfrncd) Archblahop Luncevin. Winnipeg, Juno 14, 181)5. From ^Tho Wt-ontpoff Froo Pr*i. The Winnipep; Free Pronfl Haya oon- eerniriff Ui'o Manitoba Qovornment'a re ply to the UemediRl Onlor r " Wo W- licpo tho reply will meet with" tho -ap- - [iroval of the people of thifl province, and of thinking men throughout the Dominion. With sufficient delicacy, but jilainly enough. Sir MacJtenzio Ilowell aud . hi colleapuefl ara told they do not undor- fitnnd tlio condition of publio education in Manitoba* with the necoBBary Infor- euco that thoy would not havo, ifinuod the onlor had thoy boon more' fully in formed, and that if thoy donirc know- lotfe tlio Pnovincial Oovornment will Rive all the anuiHtnucu in lta power towartki enlijfhteuinK thoio. Tlio onnwor is dig nified, logical and convlncitng, and in effect nhowfi that* whilo the present L((gifdature of Mnnitoba ia lu no wifie obatinato, but willing to prove ita au- Hertiona and support itn poaitlou, any cliane;o that may bo found pofloihlo can only bo. made after the disappearance ol the exiotintf Itemcdial Onlor, and in ro- BIK>mie to a mom reowouablo uud friend ly propoflal," (^uuol C<w<i-<v -HnitHolMi. Hamilton Spectator. It iu nnito clear that Manitoba meauo to dofond hor school lawn from at tack and interference, and it now ro- raaiuu to be neon wliothor Quebec can force tho Dominion Government into further blunder. Tho Itemcdial Order wiui a grave mifitake ; to attempt to enforce that ordor woufd be imicidnl. Manitoba cannot lie' coerced, and L in better to acknowledge that fact now than ajtur futile attumptu at coorcioo. IIhi B't-nHu Will <u) Vonv Owliiff to t**e l->OKt, Toronto, Ont., Juno IB. Crop r> porL received t'rom all parts of in Ontario y otorday shiw :ha. ki*'.j. on the whole In w II advanced, and wa:; net materi lly affected by the from. The want of ra-n has greatly affect d the hay crop, which will be Hfjht, ex cept on low-lylnpr land. Th:- pastures ar dr.< d up. hall wheat .iu heading out well and promtaen an average crop. Spring grains are sufferl ir: from want of rcolntur ;, a d straw will bo uhort.and unKHB rain eo.neu eoon crops will not be up to the avorapre. Rye Is generally Kood, oats better than tho average, corn lookp promising, except In a t'ow oiK-tlonn, and barley will bo barely an nvor;Jpf-t crop. Fr m all r oln'.fl oomea tli Bt t-.m(!n<: "Fruito badly damngod by front-." The crjp of early applep v.111 b ' Hijht. Plums are hilled . in many scctlonn, wh lo grapes and amall fruits will amount to practically noth ing, oxept In odd so tf^ne; loua or m Jay TttvpMa Bar. Pan Frahclfl:o, Juno 14. -A private letter given th2 Intolllsonco of tho wrock of torpedo boat No. 18 of tho Japanese Navy off Hung Island, In tho, Peacadprva All of tlio veaaolg crew but one man woro drowned. Among tho lost were two Kn^Uai* and two American Bftaman. ,. . ...._. Vnblhr Hcliool Koport X'ublio Bohnnl Wdflkly K^amination- , Mii'D OruMuwoilcr'si room,, onlor. .purl tujuond; murloi pouwiblo (10.. Obtained by hiijbotft tou in olan:-lt. B. Hill, C0J 0, M. Oox, -18; V. rimkn", -IHrcirljapoint, 46; J. Brown, 41; W. fUovonwon, 9; W. Noblo, mi; A. Htuouy, 3fi! M. llobiimon, W, E. Lowia, 115. MIC3IHOAN It'y.. ChoapUGxeurulouu to iiniiiillaii North-' \ve(||;vluNorli lluy. Frond Khiiox to ; Dolorainci..........................%'2b ltoHton.............................. 2H Kutovau........;................... 2U BiuHKiirth........................... 2H ATooHomin..........................2H IUldnu..............................110 lUoOURJlLW..........................HO York' Prinofl Albert........................ 3fi Oalijiirv .,".......................... Mfi Edmonton.......................... 40 Rod Dcor............................ 40 IMTHH OK 11/1 It \>JD MMITri, Tiaketu to bo nold Juno 25; limited to ro- turn nntil Aujjunt '2\, 1805. TiokotH to bo uold July 9; limited to to- turn until Bcptambwr 9, lBii5. Tickets to ho uold July 2!}, limited to fo- turn until Soptorubor 22, 1805. For furtbor apply to A. 0. Htimkiih, A Kent at hiuiiox. Several IlerdM of HufTuloe,H And tliouHaudu of elkn, door, otc, aro to bo found in .tho Yollowotono Park. It it) the only place whore ilio hnffalo can bo found to-duy, no moroilonnly have thoy bosn fdan^htorod, Thoy aro (jono from tho pluiuti and pruinefi.aud the romuiint uow loft can thank tho United Htatos Govornmont for tlio privdogo of living. Tho YolIowBtono Park ib their homo and thero thoy aronafo, Tho Park in patrollod by aoldiorn both fiumraor and' winter to ou.pture poacho aud offondom and uovore puniBhmont in m(itod out to iHtrudoro. In fiummor tho buffalo ran^o in tho hie,hlandn, noar Yollowatone Lake. In wiutor.tb.Gy work ovor into Hay den Valloy and Hurroundiuti.oonatry, whors tho hot aprinjjij and wateru koop "tho anow moltod away. Door and elk rango over the ontire Yollowfltouo Park. Thun boni'doB tho ^roat murvoln.of nuturo mot with in thia won dor- land,thero are alno tho finoot opcoimono of our lar^o game Tamo and . dooilo, they four not nmn. Skutohoa of Wonderland, an illustrated book publinhod by tho Northern Paoiilo Railroad douoribefi thio wondorland. It will bo nunt by Ciua. 8. Feis, tho Gon'I Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn., upon reooipt of six cents in stampa. To Smokers To moot tho wmhofl of thoir onotomoro, The Goo. E. Tuokott A Bon Co., Ltd., tlamilton, Ont., have placod upon the inarkot A Oombination Plupr of "T & B jj SMOKING TOBACCO Thia supplies long folt want, giv ing tho conaumor ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a 5 cunt pioce of iho famous ""l* 8& 3yi brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Tlio tin tag "T & B" is on every pioco. CALL AT May's Bazaar, FOB ALL KINDS OF Window BlindB away dowri (Jhinaware, Bric-a-Brac,., , Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplier Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. WOODSLEE WILJj NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Tho boat of Lonthor and flrat-o!an Work munuhip. All bnud work. Every Hnrn'^Btt wold hy me mndo in Wood leo. My S'ook of ti^ht and Heavy . HomoiM ii now complatoi and a uplon- . did utak ti all Horee Goodfl. -., iUpairihu doue prf roplly Bnd aheap, ' > . . WRIGHT C. SMITH, South WoodslM. jm&msm&mmtzmv' wix*,?Vrn^T'nvr- -mr'*i'i'n OF NEW ftfnanrnTmuarrmram Last week we filled our store to overflowing witli Special' Lo\v Prices on Dress Goods, and our efforts were appreciated. This week we have opened 5 cases of new Drciss Goods. The lot ooraprineHSilk Dress Costumes, Blouse Silks^ Wool Dress Good and wash Dres Costumes- newest creations in Dimities, Chambrays and Sateons, Very special, 60 pieces of pure Wool double-fold Dress Goods, regular 35c goods reduced to 20c yard 15 pieces finest A.rmure Wool DreSB Gooda, regular 75c goods reduced to 40c yard 50 pieces Simpson's best Challies, regular price 20c, re duced to 10c yard All our regular 12c Prints, including Orumm's best English Prints, reduced to 10c yard 50 pieces of regular 8c Prints reduced to 5c yard 15 doz i_,adies' fast black Hose reduced to 10c pair 4 doz Corsets odd lines regular price $1 for 50c. 15 pieces Veiling worth 20c to 40c yd reduced to 10c 10 doz Ladies' Summer Vests reduced to 5c each -l-Sr-tEdie^-Capes at^abourlialf the regular price Our Grey and White Cottons are proving a wonder ful drawing card. We offer 33-J yds for $1 and a reg ular lie Bleached Cotton for 9cyard Extra good bargains in Boots and, Shoes Wanted, 25,000 lbs Wool. We pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. DIEBEL&BRIGKER" WOOL ! I 'WOOL Wanted 60,000 Pounds FOR THE COMING S'KASON, AT THE Kingsvillo Wootton Milk ! For which we will pay the^Highost Price, either- in Gash or trade. Something Hew this Year in Dress Groodsj^ Flanneln, Flannel Skirts, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's Sheetings,Blankets,Yarns, Etc., all our own manufacture. J- 'hi CT" BROWN &WIGLE KING3VIUX Important. Having boen much annoyed by paifcioa in this county selling spurious goods he our manufac- . turo, wo biivo adopted t'ne annoxod trade mark wliioh will horcafter appear on all our blanket tickets*'and every ekoin of our yum will bear our label. Any gooda not having onr trade mark will not bo our Boanufaotnro. ..Nl. J. WIGLE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. 1 "if' 1 ...', \j- ^4 Our Peddlers will be out on their?upii<ilfrouteP this summer. Wait until they call on you nnd how you our Goods and give;y| you our price. Only our authorized agents handle our goods. ^ Don't he deceived by false reports. See that our name ia .on';';$ all our. goods. . ,; w BKOWN & WIOLE rf.| ttj|^^|k >,-^.:.; >:i^iX^-^.A KmcsviUe WooUen"Mills, ... " 't|,H It

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