Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, p. 6

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iH&t M*/-- rf.tA- m*J.v j .-.t.? <...' PWfli^ . 1 r H K. li ^y rfWRH, RTKRSH 60 CENTS! BEST OFFER _EVER MADE.___ MHaaa. THE ESSEX 'or tlie balance of 1895 for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Sliow this to your neighbors. ADBRES E. J, LOVELACE, Proprietor, EHsex, Ont, wiife^ Jfo -jjiz peep. SV OHIO. l^j^N-VILjI-iEl I^HJISflSr 'to hi: continukd ) with spirit. *Tmafr*id he hia done iomo thinff wrong tail time." "Indeed t" said Edio, with hwr cyan twinkling. "I mean, men do." 'Oh !" "I havo, lots of timB." Elie \ivow a. littla mnri hard tank, for alio wu too petit* to look dignifi ed.. "I don't moon anything bad," naid Qust htutily; "and if old Mai thtnki ha iu going to got rid of mo he's miaukon I'm not a woman, to throw a fellow over bocauno he'd liad some troublo 1m tho paat. I forgive him whatever it in." .t, wicked noplo find it oasy to i"L">i: uilior giimem *r amd Ediodemurulv. ' ('i umirui'.. Poor old lad !" said ii-M'tt thoughtfully; "I wonder what ho did do" MM iM<hor not diacuin euuh niftituro, if yo- , .m,,u, Mr. Guoot," in id Edit coldly. "On, vury woll, Mum Porrm. I thought 1 could conjo to you for help und coutmel *s a. vory dear friend, if ns nothing uleo, wind, now I want your hulp, yua hack out." "No. I don't Parcy." "Ah!" O dy Ulot interjection, but it mount bo Mil oh in wotd(. und nets, ono of whiuh ru- jHuUod in tho fair young girl pointing tn tl.o chair from which Uuoit had rinun, aiul Buying, with a littlu flush in hior uilfolca; "tSuppoao aomobody bad come into th -room. Sit down, ploaao, Mr. Guoat." ' II'* oboyod. '**Now coinu ;, hoip mo," ho nuid. "Wo must, forgivu poor old Malcolm, whatever it in ; and ono ol thutc duya, porhapa, (luiitco'i'i olan will." "No, nov^r; that in impoamblo," *'li il what cjin ho have dono r" "1 don't know, unions ho has been mar- rim! before, nnd Uillod hin wifo oo aa to get muriied ugn-in." Client loUt'd at her iu horror, and she tuiifd ocarlot 4*i- -I bog your pardon," alio it am mo red. **I tiul not moan mat. "Xo," wid Guoat dryly. "I should ^hinlc not." Further convDraation waa stayed by tho ULi iini-ri of Myra, l'okino tapt and strung*), an if in a dream. She did uot aoom to uo> tiau them, hut walked aarow^ to tho win dow, aid, us aIi* wotu,'Guest waa ohooUod l>y tho alteration in hr nxpect: It was aa if uho Imd Utoly rimn from a tk)d o( in'ck* -m^,' whilu tl^it which utruuk him most \vo tlwovcurv, plieoiio impoub of hur oyoa. An sh tun'iad tliom upon him at lut il vtt\u in u oiioa^oiiitiK way, which, h intor pii-ud to mean, "I am dying .for neva of liiin, Imt It ltt impossible for tn to ask"; mid u otirloua fflolinp; of rionlment rose Vithio him against Htruitoo For h felt that In erery Ivmoi'L, hut ull in vain. Still ha hoard of him ii^iiiu and u^dii, *"" f his calling ut thit iimtUntioii, \Vhro h had & frazil itdunun from duty ^laniud him for a month : mid ftidihu; thut h xvm hound to run a^uinm hm ft Und wooii^rjtir Uter^(IuiiHt rolaiti'd ln rll'nrti, and the vury mud" day CHIIkIu hip; 1 it' nf Htt-ttioil in l "th, frdlow<id it till It tiiniiHl down omi of tint .Strum! otits-difMao, WW him lilinht wt n tji-cut lumen nviM looking th" iivnruiid pay ihn fihman { "and ihdirfolloy tid linn iiJ, und up ji_,gn ut winding itnmi' Hlalioii"! |n a ih^.r "H t tin upper Hour *',Slm IlV'/U there," llioii((Ml Duvht with u mid I UK of m:.'i' m lit hn-ii'it, und, mnniMK ll['lilt\ 11)' ll>" ipihi feu* .lf|M, llll Crept .ill" ol. ii rw'il h< 111iiil St r in nii, u.d llti'I u haiwl U|)'M. Iiiu"hlmilhli i JiilL ii'l hi) wuh iliriiiiiiu^ ii l.iirlikfiv in'ii t h*i hn'l;. S'iu Uili (^a\ is ,t UDidH Hturt, hut did not tun.....uid. Ih- only unfrcd 4 low ni^h. "\"i ly wi-11, ' he Maid. tlI luv* hcnu i>x- pud nif* you fn( ucidtu." "Str.ittun?" crii'd f'iii.-nt rfpt'oiflifiiliy, and liii fnond turned u.nuly rouu I no Imp;- g'vid and ufji'd a coiuitoimnco thut Otiuul wan startled. "Vou ?" ii lid Himtton, with a cunoim, du/i'd look ground, iih it for bono one vUu whom liu hud tiKjirctftil thuro. "I thought r" If" puuuod, anil Lhoii after itn imtnrvnl : "Wull, V"u liavu found mo. What do you wjuit V Oiiuh; tlid not reply for ix. moinunt, hut looked nharply fnun hui frumd to the door and b>vclc, 'Thero in BiMneonc in there!'* he nuid to bimiodi; ".uid for Myra'n aulto 1 will know th- tiuth." Thmi ul.iitd : "Taho mo into your room; wo can't talk here " Btravton mado a quick mnverriuafc befors th door as if to keep him back. Mo had literally wrecked tho life of as trUi>>. Moinun a f'Vfi bronthud, A f.iMit riiniln [Uwnnd upon her Upu, and he tjltiiic. d iron) him to Kdie and back a look uhuli tn.idfe tho crinison on Kdic'u <:hce|;a grow deopar, as tliv girl uaid quick- ly : "Mi. (iucHt camii lo toll mo how hurd ho is n\ nip; to ((oi *omo iiewn, and what he has <1oim." "X. wa !" cnud Myra nxcuodly, and ber hand, wi rp i .Luted toward ihcir visitor, hut she t i hem drop Ut hor atdua au her briWfl coi'i mi cd ",ll.- Ii.ti) bjun telling mo that he has------" "When' la pa[jti ban he como hack ?" wii I My in, cotdly ignoring Iut cousiu'h pr-<iU-ii.d mrurinuUun, und a fow miuutvu ,u' ci Giiotrt uliimk tiimdu a'ld wunt uuray. "'II. i pride kuupu hur itlent," ho laid thoughtfully "No womb-r, hut uhe'd give ihn uuiid lo bt-'ur lnh 1ul.iI bit of nown, I'nTgiil ! Sho'd foi^ivti htm almoHt any .nnig I tnupt, und will, find it all out IjlIoio I've dguo " iiut t ho i lay ft grisw ir.lo wt'fltB, and tlufnt'u \iuits to liourne Sijnani u'r<salwayi li.rten of ui-wh, m*v*- Mini lio wan abhi to announce ihai Hi iulIoii certuinlv did goto i'hi chatnb.rB now and thuu. Th a hu found ;i'y [)u:ii ^ie (.orlur'a wife, who hitijuly li'utuiLit thu BtrtiS into wTuoh Ibey wuro '.I log. "Vou may nfiuku your head at me, Mr, (taint/ hIiu Hjjn", ".md ^'- our Bocrct, for uoi a uoid ahull > viu icu'v., my ltpu, hut lot rii'j ai,k you, iu u in tliu hudiavior of ^ goutlo- noiu a- ban K"t all his elungo------" (Jul vll hm------ Oh, I noo, you moiiii hlu Hfi.ueil. " "Wny, of couruu, air, to kop h(u rooms hIiiiv uc iih In- do a. *ud never a dufiler or a In nidi ['til inside ilio diiot." 'Mle. ! ! ufrail of his Hpooinidlie being dla- rurhed, MV Bradu." "Oh, diiaa, no, oir. It uovur was his way. I'd got uitod to his mannorn and ouHtnma wo undnmtood unch other, and if I hlUtd jp a hoido or a apuoimnn, whethor it wuu a> bud or ouly a bone, down it woot in tho tiauio plac* again, bo oxaot that you oouldn't toll it hud been movsd." "But Mr. Brettiioa ioaM tho same, Mrs. Brado w "Hun. sir f" ni t ' hv woman, oonieiri" mounly; "iha*,,H difffiront, Ono huowu ln-'y a littlu bit quonr. It'u nothing imw for him io tn- nuay months logothor, and thon aoin** Imck 1'iud.d with ruhbirlgu." "Wlion did you nay Mr. Stiatton cuini* hero luaiT" "F'tir day's ago, mr, and I woot aftor litui. an(i beggod und piayod nf him. with a pad and broom in my liud, Lo lot ine do him up, but ho only nyn d downward like a man in u play; und thmVs bin pluoo going to niek and ruin." "Ncrt timo bu ooinos, Mro. Brado," suid Gtu-flt, alippinr- u HovoiuigD into her baud, "send your liuabaml on to mo dir. ctly im 1 try and keep Mr, Stratum till ho <juiiiu buok." "That I will, uii," she cried eagerly; und alio kept bor word over and over again, lint to Quest's intonse chagrin alwuys toa late, "Juul oumoa In quickly, sir, runs up to hin ronmi and gota bib letters, and goes on I the othor way." This occurrod till Guoat flrew damped, thou augiy, then damped again ; but, , in spito of his diuheartotu-d-stato, hi manfully rfHtimod his uearoh, for wheuovcr li" was iliji.oaed to (five It up as what' bo culled u- l.t-ii job, lis was forced on by Ediu with tha greatest sageraosy "to savo hor life," Tbera was a tints when Ouest'tbou^ht of Sottins; brofa'saioual help, but a s.traiigo road of aoaiething UrtibU hiding wrong kept him back from this* und bo ^nt vsry spar* kour Ih aaeklntf for his frioml CIIAPTKR XXIX. AlKllt I'LOTTKIW. BtraUou opened i ho door without a word. Gtitat followed htm in, to Und biumolf in a plainly fiit-otiihod iiiLtiug room, hoyond which uocmed to b* tha bedroom, while the two windows looked out wuatward ovar the Thaineil. 1'tifre wiiq a sign of fominiuo occupation, and GuflHt 'd1 utaggorod. "Well," uaid Stratton bitterly, "you do not unawor mo. What do you want?" "You to ho the name fellow I always knew. Why havu you come here?" "You artt inquisitorial, but I'll answer t liccauno it nulla inn. My ronmi yonder are dark and'dpicMning. I am ill, and want to uit bore and hroattie Ha; froub air and think. la thuro wonderful in that*'1- --------------- "No ; but yon not'd not play hldo-aud-Rouk with your fru'iido." **I have no fnouda," Ha id Stratton coldly, "I am not tho Gittt man wiio over took* to a oolitary life. It nulls my whim. Now. ploiiHo go and loave mo to myuiilf." "Veiy well," said Guoat, after a momeu- tury luHiiiiion j and ho rono. "You havo no friendH ?" hi said. "None." "Well, I have," naid Ouont, "You are one oi tlum, and you'll toll me I'm rifilit uomo day." . , Stratton did not take tho hand extended to him, and'Gunit went out hy no im-uiis diaconcurtad, but contented and plaaned witu biu day's work. "Something to toll Edio/' ho said to him- o<df joyouuty ; and he burned up to the admiral's to communicate his news, "That's a stop forward," tho yir! cried oagnrly ; "now you must go on. Perse vere," "I will," her aaid, catching hor enthusi asm. "Don't lot him drive you awny." "Indeed I will uot," cried Quest, "only you might let, me hold your hauds." "Stuff ; they are quite Hafo." "For mo!" ho whmperod pusionatoly. "Puicy Gut'at, do V"U know the moaning of thu word taboo! Yes, I see yoa do by your nour look." "Not sour, Kdie disappoiutod." "liecftuue you uro sulfiub, sir. All wq havu to do iu thin hfn in to study otbors." "Oh I In it!" h protested. "Yon. and I now vow, ewoar, and de clare that I will never even, think of being happy myself till I can use Myra henell again ; so now you know what to expect." "Oh, very well," ho uaid with a dunatiB- fid look. "But look hero, Edio, if I don't turn up somo day you'll know what it moans." "That you will ho found at your chains' bora with a piatol in your baud!" aaid Edio contemptuously. "Do you think I should -bo sucb an idiot?" ho cried indignantly. Tho look uhc gave him made paace, and at laal GuchI rose to go, looking vary thohghtfuL. "Yob 1" cried Edie, watching him mer rily. "I didn't know I spoko,M he said, "but I was thinking that thu way to put tartabWrs traiaht aaaiu Would be to bring them to- geiner lomeiiuw, "Oh, indeed 1" said Edie sarcastieally | bat Guost was too intent upon his thoughts to notice' ber manner, and ho went on dreamily : "Of course, Stratton could not soma hers now." "I should not advlso hirn to do so while unclo's about." "No, of course not/' continued Guonfc, "But I was thinking whether it would be ponaibla fqr Myra to ko, of courao with you, and catch him at his almmbers. Ho would oxplaia everything; to her, I'm sure, and you aaa porbaps after all It may uot be aa bad." luHTCO.'S. USUI. Ono Clause That Gavo Thohi Every Soo Contract* Xl A QUEER BRIDGE VENTURE. "Oh, no, perhaps not," said Edis, with a sneering lntountfou which escaped Gueut in hta infatuation over hin now Mo* of uoiving two people whom tto catoomed. Thim, tin- sho to control tieruolf, alto but at out with : "Oh, how can people be so stupid 1 Au if ft wuro poasiblo that Myra oould ever speak to atioh u muti again."' . It gradually dawnud upon Guest thai hu had mado a terrible blunder, and lw vfcnt batik to bin ohamhors snubbed und fully determined nevermore to.rule his pnmtiiui with Edie by'trying-' tfl'lltfiit-'hin fiimnl's battle and pieoo together .:"*" hrokn ilhr-a *f a suddenly d'uiup-ijfd nU-iu. . Ha Wat*no littlu surp'tui'it, ilmo, sntiis wc^ks later, after dloiuu a' 'h- uduilrgl'r and HatJiii.g tAwurat A Lj".^ -,[<i lln* IV. Merledin I(rllur.Hr^lHlut Otily JfllHt OpniliiLV M p *il^(ironH ("rolegtn .ll'hd^ AixnltiHi the llxreunlvn I'tmerul i;\|ieli>.eu I'wn lOlvHloilU In lle IKoine. ^ j OMi.u,,, Out., JutK' IK. ~Tn the Puhlif, \rr utiit'i (Vtininil ti'i* ^Hi'tenhiy innni- 11K n mimt intercHlniK dinrnvery wim nni^lit rmt in eoimertinn uith tho .^iiilt "If .M.'irn- C/iu/il. 'J'Le inoi iiiiiK'f' revi l;i t I'liut Were muih . h I-' Dejiiiij -Mniintcr Hi'hi'cihcr whh nn lei i'\;i mm 11 un Mr. (jibnon \wi qiii'H- tiuniiif; l.iin tin- t'Miitnict lor the id the uevelal nhlit ion il rout inctn \UlL'h Il,\.iri i^ (' !) i ece! \ ed on t'lji of the coat nti't tor the .ii'iin \\ in k T'Midi i'ii weti' e,tiled for, Mr. -'( liieiln r ti.nd, i l ii > 1 thtee were red-ivd I he IJldd^e II lid Klltfl life ri 11^ *"" , I'elril mo, F I'J.ddil, Jlobert \\i-ddetl. 1'rmitoii, ,S5I,00U, K.u.n .^ Co, ^."r,lil)0; Hid ft< ly, I'liniiilo, .si.r)7,(nn) Then when the Co ii' fact (Mine tn he aw an led n "linn' lu-t in tlii Hpeeiiiral i'UH wan in cited i tl.H I'onlr ii-t"r lau-it he le poii'dhl" Ujr .111; i!7i'\ aterin^ of the | i\. h'C'i Nlif-^llt lie ni'i'ciei irj Tlli'1 hrared ..11 till' teMih'rer-4 "if fM'ept R\lill ^ Co Mr Helip ilier admitted that bv re-i'i-.n m the elui.e in their l^MM c-utrnft m . on could have gTMie upon the ground to put in the pnw it pi Ji 'H I.'epl.uiitf to Mr IIufK-irt tin1 l>e[iuty Mniihtci- e\plniin'd that w 1 en the l^s oiitrart iviiH uinile it wuh with the c\- pei'tiition that McsHm U\ an A: Co. would have completed their count ruction before the coiuractH for thene nddittniuil pai'tn nfi the I'miul Hhould he leL. ft wan -there- lore the hurrying on of the work to an fii 1 lier completion w liich pivc Ityan k. Ci,. their "cinch." Then, in to the contract for the link DjatcH, tiMidem were mmUimI for and again three vim the number received: ltyau V Co, $(',7,000; Hamilton I'.ridgc Cm, $ril,- (K)f> and Toiiih $.r.;t,tiO(. The 51,01)0 ten der wan accepted, but again the clniinc about urnwi tering which had been left out of the npei'if'C:itioiin wan iimerted .nto tlie contract mid tho tenderer bni:k- ed out, pivinj that oh tlie reoiion. New *vndern ucre called Tor nnd Rvmm & On 1 ii'l Tf.niH hi 111 ply repented their former olforn In reply to Mr. Davieu, Hr. iS<1 li re i lie r explicitly reiH'Jitid that "no <me ruild havo p;onP upon the ground to build the p;uteH except he in.itlu uu arrange ment with Kyan & f>)" The i'\nrniiiatiim of Mr. Hujrdi Ryan u HI l>e ludd at tliO next meotiliK <d tlie eoniniitte^i When the eoiuinittee met, .^'crt-tary Van Wart of FiM'dericton Jtridp;i; C-o. U'iih called to Htate the cii cuinata ncea of the formation and conduct of that corpora tion and the jmHition that it ut prencat | occupies. Mr. Van Wart, who waa ijik'h- tioned by Hir Uichui-d CartwriKht, Hiiid t hat tin"- capital Htoek ainount*'il to .-; ^00,000, di\idetl into 2000 yharcn <>l ^KiO each: that Mr. Thuinna Tcmph', ((iiimni. ith5 iihiueH, and Mr. A!*'\iiu<iei' M.J*., hflil itHS Hliaren, Mr. Alexander CiiljKon, jr., Mr. KowUjy and Mi*. F. B. Ilillyard 10 hIiiuch each. N'o Rtock or triui'ij'i'r 1k>oI;h wen* kept, and tho nhurcH remained an they hud orip;iiia]ly api>or- tiniicd. No cnjlri had lieii rrmdo on the ntfK-k, though !i*llO,()00 hud ln-en paid by tne Hhait'liolderH in cnah. A contract was ' rite red into hy the IJridgo Ojmpany for t lie contiti action of the foundation phTH ml KteeJ Hiipenitructtire for JfitfiO.OOO, of whk'h nmount the company received !?^S7,0(>0 by way of a loan from the (fovernrnent. Ilemden the loan thero wan an inline of $50,000 iii lK>udn, jutyablf in -i\ yejivfi, with interent at tux ]K*rcent., heai iug a perttoiml jruanmtf u oi Alt'\i- mdei Uibwin and TIioiiulh 'iuinjrie. TIichc ' uiidK were paid iu Anoint, 180,1, nix cancelled. In addition to the umi^int m.-iitioaed, $lli),l)l>0 hxul bceu paid fo: tiaeU at either end of the bridge, lam' dainage and ripnipphitf tJ crilm. 0 thin amount the company got $1C,0(H fiom the tioverninout by way of nub- ni"y. The total mfhnidy whh $.'10.000,1m'. !;'15,000 wan retaiae 1 by the Govenir ni'nt for nnvarn of intercnt on the loai of .V.'IOO.OOO. Tin- bridge had cont nlto- r, 'ther aliout $ll'J,(XJt>. The preHcnt uilulity of the company eoiiHiHteil of tie ihiMM'iimout 'oan ol $.'(00,000, n floatn j ' eht of #111,000 and the unpaid iiitert'H of ^72.000. Mr. McMullen called the attention i Lhis w-itneiiH U> tho fact tli. t the returiH Hhowed the oiiriiingH of th' Uridtfe Clomp my to have heeu $17,000 nnd the o[MTatine; o\i>en*eH $| l,00o W'h it won done with balance of 'profit V. n Wai-t* could not nay. In fact M- V ui \\ art tliHplayesl an extin/>rdin:irl .en r nice of tin* uffairM of the coinpan; ti'in;< nn ible to tell what men were cm ployed on the bridge, what toll* wen ll'-i'C"d by the I'oiiipnny fnmi tlji* Can da Ivmtern and Canadian Pnci! i !i .ilua^ Oi uipuiiieH for tie' of th h i(!( :<'. The e\'idenee <>f tie- witu \ .h thi uu-atiiifnctory ba- . me of M V a Wn-rt'e nHtr,ui ditirr 1 oi in : 'i-V tli't Mi. Muioe*. .iw.-'l lo" the [i iiL-ti.'-a of the company o boo .n. IS TUi-: HolUli. In the IIoiihc th'iv w.ui not a mcriib o: the ()p|Mjitioii Imt who felt h-l,'-..- ml tlie ui'C 'HHit.V wh.cli the (iove'iim i. : t niv ifA nice inipvw 11 upon it of uh ] i*tiiiK to the payment of S2S.()dO I. fray the fii'ierul e.\j>"ns >n of the la'i 'ii dohn Thompson. Th Li be rain folia i> fault with tli' (ioverniiH'iit for hnv 'C I miois'd the memory of th;* dep-o- d H-iitohuinn by a public funeral, bu . .it th'ie ahould have l>*o:i kucIi ii rio*. of extraviitfunco wiui a int-tter tha; t iey could uot allow to \h\hh without . cot -nt. Three eoiinidei-utiona weighed htiuiigly with the I/ihenilH iu th"Coiiri -Litt ili y purmiml. In th firnt pbCe :ae finuM-al -of th'd aJto Sir George C.r- ii, the neeond place only Jfltl'IO.) wmi ex- 'lfleil upon the fnn M*al of the lute Sir nlm Mncdoniild, and In Ut* third pluce ' In* MiiiirHtor of Public Wo-rlm had *-tnt- <'d lunt night that th" ti**id 'amen who nad mippHed wareii for th occasion had 'mt'gcd tho GoviMMiiti'Mii from iiO to 7fi , cent, more thiiu the tn*ii'lcet prlc.-B or luich thliign. Col. Tyr.vhitt aii:i Mr. McCarthy, vot^d with the OpjKi.Hltio-i u[K)ii an amendiiuMit cutting down tin- appropriation to $10,000. It avnu ri- i ctud by a.votn of OH to 4tt, Mi*. Dnvitfl, who moved th umend- mcut, did not obj..vct to the piddle fun- era I which tho liove-nim nt hud given the lato Premier, but he escpvoanod the tpl'iioa that grotw oxtravi^an"^ had umrki^l tho exjwndliuro'. lie could not oi'Himt to njlvu it Hllent vote for an ^la-ndlturo of $2fir(MM), and he there- ore moved that thu amount bo reduced '..v $1B,0Q0. ; Mr. LnitWer cmld'tlutt .tlilB \v:w a tao- tlou that ^ught to b adopted \% this tuinwe.^Tiii-n' "wonin no nn m-Hm* Find fault with th" (loveinment for hnv* i"g gW.'M a nfitte hui'ii'-l to -tho hit'* Kir dolm 'J'hoinismii, but Iu view of Mm Ktiir'mtf iMiul !ry the Mini 11<m of I\/b- |i<' WocI.m be roup! not i:oiiC"ive hiw II vim [wmnibk- not tocitt down the expendi ture. U had tteou ntati d yirfti'iday thut, though a n[- <-\n\ wa-rriLirt hiul Imhmi obtainwl from tlui Oovi rnor 0"Ji**rnl to rover tlu* o\|h.rwlituro, th' warrant had reiri'ijiicd In iklwyn nre and no i'spend! ture hiul Ixh'ii made. Mr. Ouimet had uaid biat night, "ff thnio haji 1k- n ex tortIon and fmud, It In altogether on the part oj the tradont n,nil pur\i'."i orn, I dm Tiot nay that' in iiome v i. vn they have iw>t Ulkou Uilyailtllge nf the oeca- HMill t/i extort to the i itent of HO pi r cent, and often Tfi jm'i cent, more than the ordinary j>i*1<u^i they idionld have a^ked, but tho (lovonimi'iit could not be Idamod for tlie f.iot that huiii" t rndei h 'lave tal.eii iidvanLtLgo and h.iVe en deavored to obtain iuo|c than tic mar ket prje-en for their wareii.".. Mr. LauriiT lndd that the Government tihould Ik' blnrued if it had allowed trad- erri tti take iiKne than tlie market pnnu for the go/win tln-y bud uupplied. lie did not klMiW whctlior the;e Won -.oiind or n/it, but under tlje cireimi/.t.Liice i the nmendiuant of Mr. Davit a waji quite proper. Mr. Foster M'iLd thut if the Opposition winhed U> muko an uttiu-k ii|ui the (toverument it nlioulil do it, but nn at- tiu It ahoiild iwit Ih! made U|wm the trad- e.rri and iimrehantH who had uupplied their gooibi and who evjiected to lie paid for them. They had Htijiplied them on the nrdi'i- of the Government and the Ifouite and the Government were nyipon- nible. The tppo*.|tioii might hold tho Government refl'wmHJhl'i, but .it should not repuiliJite honeut dehtu for honeat goo/ln iuid honcat HcirviccH rendered. Mr. IPMullen held that the IfonHft wna Jiiwlifled in adopting th" con rue iuiggent- ed by Mr. Davieii' reaoLution. If fraudrf" had iK-eii cjunmitled to the extent mmt- tkwied by tho Miniutur of Public Vv'orU fc 10,000 would Ixi fltiffieicnt to mejst the honest debt Incurred. Mr. Ouimet uaid that the ncmurrtH orl- glimlly n mounted to about $.'12,000, but they had been rodiwed to about $2:(000, of which $01*00 wius due the Inteicolonial Railway, ao that only nlut $17,000 would Iwi ny^iinyl to pay tlie eULiiiw of trader rnon. Mr. Qiuuy had no (injection to tho pntv- lic funeral, but he thought the provision VhU'h it waa "propood to niaLo waa ox- ciuiiiivn. ,i Mr. Cumpholl aw no n'owon wny the Hoiwio lihouM Ixi naked to voto (tuch a Inrge um oJ money to bury tho latft Premier. It \ra an outrngi-ouH eluirge, Mr. Flint blamed tho Minister or Pun- He Worloi for having given hin deputy carto blnncho uiutn ho uent hiui to Hali fax. Every caiKu ol gowl tJiflte had Immmi violated by tho ertrvngant dinplay that had l>ej>ri randa. **Chn followed another divdwlon nn t)u> rViropottid to contribute $2fit000 to the fund for tho benefit nf Lady Thorn noon and hn family. Dr. Macdonabl moved to utriko out thr. ItUnn and tlie vote whh tnlm nwlthout dlncmwiou. The grant whh iiiHtahiml by a vote o! 7(1 Ui '(0, Mr. Brodurnr ironihido tithe bmder of the lloimo of Mm promiao tluit tlH' pnHt-officn Ijmpoictor'ii kijioH^ wbicli_ rea^mjauudiul-j the dtmnirtunl of Porttmnntifir LoiBolhrof St. Angola do "Momiorr would lie brought dowri In flpl*u> of th declaration of the Porfttmiortor-GeneTaL, that it would not bo brought down. Mr. Foator i X profrnhied that it would bo brought down. I will *awi to it. Mr. Itrodotif t Whon may we vx- pact ft ? May wo exjwet it on Mon day 7 Mr. Fofltorf Ye*, or later. Mr. Laurier; Rather hvter tlian uoooor. Consumption. Tig; incessant wast in j*; of a con sumptive can only be overcome by a powerful concentrated .nourish-' ment like* Scott's Emulsion. If tliis wasting is clieckwl and tho s\.,Lum is srippiicrl with strength lo~ rnrnhat the disease tiiere is hopo nt recovery. Scott's Emulsion (f Cotl-livcr Oil, with Ilypophos- p'tites, does more to cure Con- i.uiiiption than any other known r/'inedy. It is for- all Affoctlons of Throat nnd Lun-vg, Coufjhs, Colds, Bron- ch tU and Wasting. Vni>Mtifrtt, ..u.t u Uowne, Qelluvillu. All Dru^jhls. uOc. & Jt TJhi itojiky MountnlviH. Alonijtho hoc of tha Nortboni PauiQ* Railroad ,diown<J in largo J"n- Mooing door, lienr, clh, mountain lioiiV,-^Ut-Cii,,clL-* yot bo found tliero, Tho true |DOtt*tKm1t** ii willing to (jo ilmrn for tbuni. A little hook culled "Nitvintl Oainu PrXHHrveu," publiHlu'd hy tb Nortboni Puoilis Hailrafttl. will Vie nont upon receipt of four contn in tatnpn by Ohih. S.Fni:, Ggn'1 Puhh. A('Dt, Bt. Paul, Minu.' ^cAW-r nucT oar uAiaa^-J RiiUflw, It'COWX retail' ' F. S. ADAMS Harness Emporium, TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all-nevv-goods and Itttest Novoltios. I take no hack acat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, bought at bottom pricos, nnd can beat thorn all for price and quality. Cull and seo thorn. '( a ii ) i\ Vou n;* "fin r . Win i tr..n. i < rwrirlc, po-iiltdy utiHiatc-d b\ iiii ii'bi'iind -\-- Kaen-i ijip 1) nlth failH und ri^' . r t- i c;.| T'-'i' iiifit mu-t be re HCH't'-'l t'i Ih .i 11 i- l ,ol e .tin be cm plo\ i d \' io ' i . - HiiL oentiti .'i-il r'-bultH iih Scot" 'h Kinnl1-!' '.< - ON - Farm Harness, Track Harness AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A lams stock and it must go. Call and hgo mo beforo buying elsowhero Evsryfhing in the Horse Furnishing Line. I\ S. Adams, wo doom oiifit or Iiftto'ii Oarrinco Worlar, EofWJt. uuiL LEADING tho trado in all kinds of iJuiUhiiz Material, Woodwork for houses^ (pluiu and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. \\ o are Solo A^opty iu tbo County for Of Chtcijio, which took IItenant AwurdH at tho World'n lour. C.i\n furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written ejuurantoo with ovory Outfit, Bros. ONEY For the benefit of every one'who wishes ' to invest in a few shares of..... Ontario Permanent Building* and Loan Stock, J. R; Oliver, genernl agent, will hr in town for a few weeks and will bf pleased to explain the workings of this A- sociation. A post card or letter mailed to Essex P. 0, will receive prompt attention. ^ 'v J. R. OlIVER, Agent Mfe*& ,'f U t ; ai k*i%!^^ > I ",

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